How to make a new password for your computer. Locking the system through BIOS

To limit outsiders' access to information on your computer, use a password when logging into the system. Setting a password is a process that is both easy and difficult at the same time. Execute standard set commands to connect it is not difficult, but coming up with it is not always an easy task, especially if you have already exhausted all possibilities when creating passwords on your social network accounts.

Password requirements

Any password can be hacked. But this does not mean that you do not need to install it. Usage personal information as a password (last name/first name, date of birth, nickname of your favorite crocodile) will greatly facilitate the task of attackers when they want to break into the computer. The common options “Access”, “Windows” and the like are also easily selected. On the other hand, the user himself will not be able to remember too complex abracadabra; he will have to write it down somewhere, which in itself is wrong. It is best to use personal momentary associations or choose random word from any available text. Good password contains both alphabetic characters and numbers, this complicates the decryption task. And since the keyboard layout language is taken into account when entering a password, there are many options.

Setting a password in Windows

1 way. Sequence of commands for entering a password: “ Start» « Control Panel» «» « Creating a Password».

Method 2. IN search bar menu “ Start” enter the phrase “”

Follow the indicated text in the photo below, then follow as in the first method.

To set password has taken effect, you need to restart your computer.

A nice little thing: if you need to leave your workplace for a while, and a pair of curious children’s eyes are already peeking out from behind the table, just lock the computer by pressing Win+L. Returning to work will require you to enter a password.

If you have forgotten your password, you can use special programs (yes, the same ones that hackers love).

Setting a password in BIOS

This method is more reliable, because Without entering the password, the operating system will not turn on. During windows loading you need to press Delete or F2 to get into BIOS settings. There are two options for setting a password on your computer: 1. “Security” “Change User Password”. 2. “BIOS Setting Password” “Save and Exit Setup”.

To reset the password, you need to remove the battery from the motherboard for a few seconds. This resets all settings and you can boot without a password. This technique is used for desktop PCs. To remove the battery from a laptop, you need to almost completely disassemble it, and most importantly, then reassemble it, which is much more difficult.

The price of information is high. Often an order of magnitude higher than the price of its carrier - a personal computer or laptop. And valuable information needs to be protected. How to make sure that another person, especially an attacker, cannot get to her?

The first line of defense is simple but effective: password protection for logging into the operating system. For many this is an obstacle, but there are also those who can easily overcome it. The second line of defense is setting a password on the BIOS and . Only a few people can hack it, and sometimes it is completely impossible. Do you want to turn your PC into a reliable bastion? Today I will tell you how to set a password on your computer so as not to be afraid that someone will violate the confidentiality of your data.

How to set a password on a computer

Setting up password protection for logging into Windows

Windows 7

To block access to the system by strangers, launch the control panel and enter “ Accounts users».

While in the account management section, click " Create your account password».

Write the passphrase and confirmation in the next window. Additionally, we will create a reminder hint that will appear on the screen after a failed login. Let's save the setting and exit. All.

Windows 8.1 and 10

In the "Eight" and "Ten" password protection is established through system application « Options».

To get into it on Windows 8, open the Charms panel and click “ Options».

Let's find the section " Accounts" and go to " Login Options».

In Windows 10 application " Options"launched from the menu " Start».

Further steps in Windows 8.1 and 10 are the same.

Let's go through the section " Accounts" V " Login Options" and click under the word " Password» button « Add».

In the next window, we will set a passphrase, repeat it again and write a hint - everything is like in Windows 7.

In addition to the passphrase, to log into Windows 8 and 10 you can use a PIN code (it is tied not to an account, but to a device instance) and a graphic password-picture.

To set a PIN code, click the button next to it “ Add».

To create a graphical picture password, go to the section of the same name.

Let's select an image - any picture that is stored on the computer.

After loading, click " Use this picture"and draw 3 on it simple figures– something that is easy to remember and definitely will not be forgotten. Repeat the drawing 3 times and click the save button.

We password-protect the hard drive and access to the BIOS

Before proceeding with further operations, write down the pre-created passphrase on your external media(best on paper) and keep it in a safe place. Please note that BitLocker encryption Almost unbreakable!

Almost the same can be said about BIOS passwords, especially if you have a laptop. The majority of laptops, except the most budget ones, store them separately from other settings - in non-volatile EEPROM memory, and (by disconnecting the battery or moving the Clear_CMOS jumper) will not help here. Most often, this data has to be reset by rewriting it on the programmer.

Using BitLocker

First, a few words about what BitLocker is. This system component Windows 7, 8 and 10, which allows you to encrypt information both on the entire drive and in a separate section. After encryption, the disk can be used as usual.

In starting, home and professional editions of Windows 7, on Windows 8 Core and Home Windows versions 10 BitLocker is missing. If this is not your case, move on.

  • Let's go to the folder " Computer"and open context menu partition to be protected. Click " Turn onBitLocker».

  • In the next window, note “ Use a password to unlock the drive", enter the passphrase and click " Next».

  • We will indicate where to save the recovery key, which will be useful if access problems arise.

  • Select the encryption area (the entire disk or just the occupied space).

  • And finally, click " Start encryption».

We password-protect the BIOS

Password protection BIOS will block access to the most BIOS utility Setup and will prevent unauthorized loading of the operating system. It is installed very simply:

  • Let's download BIOS Setup(who doesn’t know, this should be done immediately after turning on the computer). Which key is intended for this is indicated at the bottom of the motherboard splash screen.

  • Moving by pressing the arrow buttons, we will go to the section “ Security" The options we need are called “ Change Supervisor Password" And " Change User Password" The first sets the password for the administrator, who has access to all BIOS settings, the second - for the user, who can only view them and change something minor, like the time and date.
  • Let's enter " EnterNewPassword» invented code (maximum 8 characters).
  • To save and exit, press F10.

If your BIOS version Setup looks a little different - like in the screenshot below, you don’t need to go anywhere. Options « Supervisor Password" And " User Password" are located in the right half of the main window.

IN graphic versions BIOS - UEFI, which recent years equip all desktop motherboards, the option to set a password can be anywhere. For Gigabyte products, for example, it is located in the “ System" Parameter " Set" in my example means that the protection is activated.

Now a few words about how to set a password in the BIOS. This measure provides the maximum degree of protection, but at the same time it is the most dangerous. Forgotten code cannot be restored by any means. It is stored in permanent memory disk controller and on the protected service sector. Since this data is verified, even replacing the controller will not help to remove the blocking.

The option for password-protecting disks is also located in the “ Security" and is called " SetHDDPassword" However, it is not present in all BIOS versions. If you don't have it, it means it's not supported.

Password protection of information is a useful thing, but sometimes excessive. Once again, if you don't want to protect your data from yourself, keep reminder passwords like the apple of your eye, especially when experimenting with BitLocker and BIOS.

People have long used various tricks to protect their personal data. Locks, safes with passwords, safe deposit boxes and, of course, network storage allow you to save all necessary information away from prying eyes. But a computer can also tell a lot about the person interacting with it. Of course, if you are the only PC user, there is no need to worry about the safety of your data. But what to do with a work computer that many employees have access to? The easiest way to solve the problem of “readily accessible” information is to set a password for your account. How to set a password on a computer?

Before you begin solving the problem, create a password that only you can know. Many people use a PIN code as a password. bank card. Should not be included in the password large number letters and numbers. The password should be both short and complex. If you decide to put a password on your computer to limit children’s access to it, then do not indicate the year or date of birth of the child as a pass, since such a password is entered first by them.

In order to set a password on your computer, you will need to open the Control Panel through the Start menu.

After that, in the upper right corner from the drop-down list, select “ Small icons" Click on the “User Accounts” tab.

Your profile name and status will be displayed. Click the "Create a password for your account" link.

Specify twice New Password in the appropriate windows and click “Create password”.

If you are worried about being unconscious, you can set a hint for your password. But keep in mind that the hint will be visible to all users trying to enter the password. For example, you specified your bank card PIN code as your password. Indicate the “PIN code” in the hint and, if you forget it, the entered word will tell you the essence of your password.

At any time, you can change the password set on your computer or remove it altogether. Just click on the “Change your password” or “Delete ...” button, respectively. When you delete your account password, you will be required to enter your current password.

It would seem that the answer to the question of how to set a password to log into a computer is quite simple. But many users have problems both with installing the pass and with its subsequent entry. When entering your password, be sure to take into account the layout. Undoubtedly, it is better to use a digital password, because when entering it, it does not matter which keyboard layout is active. Never write your password down on a piece of paper or leave it near the computer or under the keyboard. In this case, there is no point in password-protecting the system, since the password is in an easily accessible place.

Experienced users know that it is impossible to protect your computer from hacking in this way, since passwords can be easily reset using bootable flash drives within a couple of minutes. Enough to save special program on a flash drive, insert it into the computer and boot the PC. But according to at least By installing a pass, you will protect your computer from “ordinary” users who will spend a long time trying out the password and eventually give up on this idea. We recommend watching the following video on how to install a password on your account:

Set a password to log in to the system, specific application or PC file is very simple. By using standard functionality OS and several third party utilities you can protect any information from outside users. To set a password on a computer or laptop, read all the methods presented.

The first protection option is to install a key when you turn it on. In this case, before the operating system fully loads, you will see a window on the screen asking you to enter a combination of characters. Creating multiple accounts allows you to install on each separate code(useful if the computer has several users). To install such protection, you must do the following (for Windows 10):

  1. First you need to open the Settings window. To do this, right-click on the “Start” icon and select the appropriate item.

  1. Now go to the Accounts section.

  1. In the “Login Options” tab, next to the “Password” item, click on the “Add” button.

  1. Enter your password twice and create a hint. In order not to forget the main combination and not face account blocking, be careful when choosing a hint.

  1. To complete the procedure, click on “Finish”.

Now, when you log in using this account, you are required to provide a password.

Windows 8 and 10 also allow you to set a separate PIN. It does not replace full-fledged protection, but is used as an alternative to avoid wasting time entering a complex and long password.

To set a PIN code, use the instructions provided:

  1. In the same “Login Options” window, click on the “Add” button in the “PIN code” item.

  1. To begin, confirm your account login.
  2. Now set a short PIN and click OK.

Starting with Windows 8, developers have added the ability to enter a graphic key on tablets and laptops with touch screen. On regular computers it can also be entered, but only with the mouse. To enable the feature, use the following guide:

  1. Open Settings again (as in the first instruction) and go to Accounts. In the “Login Options” section, click on the “Add” button in the “Graphic Password” subheading.

  1. Confirm your account login to begin setting up the pattern.

  1. To select a picture, click on the corresponding button.

  1. Select a picture and click “Open”.

  1. Now click on the marked button to confirm your image selection.

  1. On the selected picture, draw three objects with your mouse or finger. The system will record each of them.

  1. After that, confirm the key by drawing the same shapes in the same order. After successful entry, you will see a congratulations message from Windows. Click on “Done”.

After successfully entering the pattern, you will have access to the Windows desktop.

Protection using a regular password is relevant for Windows XP and Windows 7. Graphic key and PIN code are available only for versions 8 and 10 of the operating system.

Microsoft Account

Windows allows you to sign in using a Microsoft account. Thanks to this, you can make purchases in Microsoft Store and use other company services. In addition, you can protect your account with a password. To do this you need:

  1. Open "Options".

  1. Now open Accounts.

  1. In the “Your data” tab, click on the marked button.

  1. Enter your login ( e-mail, phone or Skype).

  1. Enter your password and click “Login”.

Using the command line

If you want to install protection as quickly as possible and have minimal knowledge of the command line, then use the following guide:

  1. Open command line. The fastest way to do this is through Win + R and the “cmd” command.

  1. Enter the command " net user s" to get account information.

  1. Now enter “net user username password”, where instead of username you need to enter the account name, and instead of “password” you need to enter the security key.

  1. Ready! All that remains is to reboot your account and check that the settings are working.

Application protection

It will help you in this matter simple utility Game Protector, which can be downloaded from its official website. To use the application, follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the website and click on the “Download Now” button.

  1. Run the installer and click on “Next”.

  1. Check the box to accept the terms and conditions license agreement and click “Next”.

  1. Specify the installation folder.

  1. Specify the folder name for the menu and click “Next”.

  1. You can also create a shortcut on your desktop.

  1. Now click “Install” and wait for the unpacking to complete.

  1. Despite the name, the utility allows you to protect not only games, but also any other applications. In this way, you can block your child’s access to the browser, Telegram, work programs, and so on. Launch Game Protector and click "Open" to select executive file applications.

  1. Select the exe file and click “Open”.

  1. Now enter the password twice (1). If necessary, you can change the icon and name of the application (2).

  1. After setting all the parameters, click “Protect”. Now, when you start the program, you will have to specify the invented Password.

Unfortunately, Game Protector does not allow you to protect a folder, disk or flash drive. Therefore, let's look at the functionality of another utility.

For folder

To set a password for a folder, we will use the functionality of the program Password Protect Folder (download link). After installation, launch the application and do the following:

  1. Click on the "Lock folders" button.

  1. Select the folder you want to protect and click OK.

  1. Enter your password and click on “Lock Folder”.

  1. You can also install protection on a folder by right-clicking on it and selecting the item marked in the screenshot from the menu.

This way you can restrict access to any browser (Yandex.Browser, Google Chrome etc.) so that children cannot surf the Internet without supervision.


  1. Run BIOS settings by using special button when you start the computer. After that, open the “Security” section and select “Administrator Password”.

  1. Enter the combination twice and click OK. After this, restart your computer.

Disk protection

IN modern Windows provided BitLocker feature, which allows you to protect hard drive. To use it, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Open the “This PC” window and right-click on to the required section Winchester. From the menu, select Enable BitLocker.

  1. This procedure can only be performed as an administrator. In the window that opens, check the box next to the first item and enter the password twice. Then click on the “Next” button.

  1. Select a location to save the recovery key.

  1. Select "Encrypt entire disk".

  1. To start blocking, click on “Start encryption”.

  1. You will now be able to access contents of hard disk only using the given key.

Wi-Fi password

Special programs or standard Windows tools There is no password protection for the Wi-Fi network. To do this you need to use proprietary settings your router. Let's look at the process example ASUS(procedure may vary appearance interface and button layout):

  1. Log in using your login and password to the IP address or

  1. Now open the " Wireless network" Select Authentication Method WPA2-Personal.

  1. Enter the key (1) and apply the changes (2). Wait until the router reboots. Now when connected to Wi-Fi networks you will have to enter the code.

How to protect an archive

If you create an archive with data, you can protect it with standard using WinRAR, not through third party programs. To do this, do the following:

  1. Collect everything necessary files into one folder, right-click on it and select the marked item.

  1. In the window that opens, click on the “Set password” button.

  1. Enter the key and confirm it. To save, click “OK”.

  1. Now configure the archive itself and click “OK”.


Now you know how to use standard Windows utilities to protect your PC, third party applications to install a key, etc. These instructions will help you hide important data, limit access to games or the browser, and completely block access to your computer to unwanted users.


Watch the video to fully understand this topic. After watching, you will not have any problems with blocking data using a password on your PC.

Many users who have a personal computer at their disposal from time to time think about the security of the information stored on it. The greatest danger to a personal computer are viruses and malware. But no antivirus can protect your computer from unauthorized use by other users.

If your PC does not have a password set for logging into the system, then every person who has access to it can use all the information that it contains. It will not be difficult for an outsider to delete or copy important information, change computer settings. You can prevent unauthorized access by setting a password to log into the system.

If you want to secure your personal data stored on personal computer, you need to set up a password. Let's see how we can do this... There is nothing special about the password setting process. IN this review Several options for different OS will be considered. Since the most common operating systems are Windows 8, 7, XP and Mac OS, our article will be devoted to them.

Setting a password on a computer with an operating system Windows system XP

In this operating system, initially all users have the same rights to access PC resources. To change them, you need to make adjustments to the Admin account settings. To do this, find the Start menu bar, then select Control Panel. A menu will appear on the screen from which you can select categories. You need to find the “Accounts” item and click on it. After this, you need to change your account settings. To do this, select the “Change account” task.

As a result, account icons should appear on the screen. By default there will be two of them – “Admin” and “Guest”. You can set up a "Guest" account so that others can use your computer, but this will limit their capabilities. Select the account you need and click on it. A list of operations will appear in front of you. You need to select “Create a password”. Create a password that you can remember. If you forget it, you will not be able to log into your own account. After you enter your password and confirmation, the system will ask you to enter a password hint.

Change password

If you open the list of account transactions, you will also be able to see the “Change Password” item there. This operation can be done at any time.

Setting a password on a computer running Windows 7

To go to the User Accounts category for a PC running on Windows based 7, you need to perform the same sequence of operations as for XP. Go to “Start”, select the “Control Panel” menu item and select “User Accounts” from the list of categories. Windows 7 provides two operations on user accounts.

This is "Installation" parental controls" and "Creating and deleting accounts ...". Using the first operation, you can configure user access to applications and set time limits. How to set a password for your account? Select the administrator icon and click on it. As a result, a window will open with a list of possible operations. Here you can select the “Create a password” option. After this, the system will ask you to enter your password and confirm it. All you have to do is click “Create password”. Just like in XP, there is such an option as a hint. If you doubt yourself, you can use it.

Setting a password on a computer running Windows 8

In this operating system, the process of setting a password looks a little different. Externally, this operating system is very different from more earlier versions. Despite this, setting a password should not cause any particular difficulties. First of all, move your cursor to the top or bottom right corner of the screen. A menu will appear in which you need to select “Options”. A list of operations will appear. Here you need to select “Change computer settings”. After this, the system will prompt you to select computer settings that require configuration. Here you need to select “Users” and click “Create password”. In the window that appears, you must enter a password.

Setting a password on a computer with an operating system Mac system OS

Protection of information stored on a personal computer is also required by those users who prefer products Apple. To set a password in Mac OS, just like in others operating systems, you need to make some changes to your user account settings. In order to find this section, you need to call the main OS menu. To do this you need to click on Apple icon located at the top left of the screen. From the listed categories, select the “System Settings” section.

Next, select “Accounts”. It is located in the "System" section. By default, the Accounts category is closed for editing. This can be identified by the padlock icon. To remove protection, click on this icon and enter the administrator password. After that, select the entry that needs to be edited and change the password using the “Change Password” option. Confirm your changes by clicking the "OK" button.


This review presented detailed instructions on setting and changing passwords on the most common operating systems. Now you know how to correctly change the password on your PC and you can independently protect your data from outside interference.