How to save text. Save the text document

When working with Word 2007 (as with many others), saving a document is one of the the most important procedures. After all, incorrectly or carelessly saved documents are lost and fall out of sight of the user, easily disappearing into the mass of files existing on the computer.

The time lost searching for such a document is not comparable to the moments spent on its proper preservation.

How to properly save a Word 2007 document?

1 way:

In the window open document press F12 key or we use keyboard shortcut Shift+F12. This works well the first time you save a document. A dialog box will open Saving a document... The default folder is "My Documents". You can select any other folder to save (see. Rice. 1)

Figure 1. Saving documents in Word 2007

Advice 1 : to change the default folder for saving files, follow the sequence of commands: “Office” button -> Word Options-> Saving -> Default file location. Select the folder you need.

Method 2:

In the open document window in the panel quick access Click on the “Save” button (if it is there) (see. Rice. 2)

Figure 2. Saving documents to the Quick Access Toolbar

3 way:

1. In the upper left corner of the open document window, click on the “Office” button.

2. In the menu of typical commands, select the “Save” button.

Whatever method you choose, the “Saving Document” window will open, in which you need to:

1. In the “File name” column (at the bottom of the window), immediately type the desired name of the document to be saved - the window in this column is automatically highlighted, and the text of the name will be entered here (see. Rice. 1 line File name).

Note . Usually Word program 2007 itself offers the first line of the document as the title, or, if the page is still empty, the conditional name “Doc N” (where N is serial number document from the next start of the program) (see. Rice. 1 lines File name and File type).

Tip 2 : Name your document in a meaningful way. After all, it is precisely according to given name the document will subsequently be searched for to open it. Document name can be size up to 255 characters and must not contain the characters:< > * ? ” / ; : |

2. After creating a name, you need to select a location for placing the document on your computer. At the first saving Word 2007 automatically suggests placing the file in the “My Documents” folder or in the folder that was specified in the program settings as the save folder (read Tip 1 ).

3. If these saving addresses for a given document do not suit you, in the “Folder” line you need to enable the structural tree and select the one you want to save from the list of drives.

Note . You can also use the left pane of the Save Document window and select Desktop, My Documents, or My Computer to save.

4. After selecting the drive in its window, open the folder where the document will be placed. If there is no folder on the disk suitable for saving, click on the “Create folder” button on the panel of the save window.

5. In the “Create Folder” window, enter the desired folder name and click on the “OK” button.

6. In the “File type” column, the default value is “Word Document”. If the document is saved for further work in Word 2007, it is recommended that you save this file format value. All methods for selecting this format are described in the following instructions.

7. After typing the document name and selecting the save location, click on the “Save” button in the lower right part of the window or press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Note . Later, when using the keyboard shortcut Shift+F12 or the “Save” button on the quick access panel all the following entered into this document changes will be automatically saved to the saving address you specified for the first time.

It is necessary to save the document as often as possible - every 5-10 lines from the beginning of work, without particularly relying on autosaving, so as not to lose the work done if the computer malfunctions. Don’t put off saving until the very last moment of working with the document!

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Doc is an obsolete format text files. Previously, it was actively used by all users of the popular text editor Microsoft Word(). However, the developers of this program changed in 2007 this format on docx. Many users have updated their software to the new version, but there are still those who prefer the old version in their work, which new format does not recognize. What should you do if you write text in new program, but will they view it in the old one?


  1. For users Microsoft programs Word 2003 or later old version given software Saving documents in doc format will not cause any difficulties. If the text was typed manually in a new document, then you need to do standard procedure saving: open the “File” menu and click the “Save” or “Save As” command. IN the latter case You will need to indicate the location for the new file and enter its name, and then click the “Save” button. If you opened it using an editor text document in another format, for example, txt, then you need to perform the following steps:
  1. Users who use Microsoft Word 2007 and newer versions can save documents in doc format, but some text formatting may be lost. To save a document in this format, you need to type text in a new editor document or open an existing document and run the following commands:

3. Text Word editor supports huge amount text formats, such as: html, xml, txt, rtf, wps and many others. All these formats can be converted to doc format or docx (in new versions of the editor). To do this, you need to open one of these documents and follow the steps described in the previous paragraphs. In the “File type” field, you must specify the desired format.

Video: Saving in .docx and .doc formats in Word 2007 (28/40)

While working with a document, it is in RAM. For long-term storage, it must be written to disk. When saving a document in the dialog box, you must: Specify the file name, select the File Type, select the folder in which the file attributes are saved, and the disk on which the file will be saved.

1. In the upper left corner of the open document window, click on the button "Office".

2. In the menu of typical commands, select the “Save as – Word Document” button

Rice. 3. Saving the document

1. In the “File name” column (at the bottom of the window), immediately type the desired name of the document to be saved - the window in this column is automatically highlighted, and the text of the name will be entered here (see. Rice. 3 line File name).

Advice : Name your document in a meaningful way. After all, it is by this name that the document will subsequently be searched for its opening. Document name can be size up to 255 characters and must not contain the characters: \< > * ? ” / ; : |

2. After creating a name, you need to select a location for placing the document on your computer. When you save for the first time, Word 2007 automatically prompts you to place the file in the “My Documents” folder or in the folder that was specified in the program settings as the save folder.

3. If these saving addresses for a given document do not suit you, in the “Folder” line you need to enable the structural tree and select the one you want to save from the list of drives.

Note . You can also use the left pane of the Save Document window and select Desktop, My Documents, or My Computer to save.

4. After selecting the drive in its window, open the folder where the document will be placed. If there is no folder on the disk suitable for saving, click on the “Create folder” button on the panel of the save window.

5. In the “Create Folder” window, enter the desired folder name and click on the “OK” button.

6. In the “File type” column, the default value is “Word Document”. If you are saving a document for future use in Word 2007, it is recommended that you save this file format setting.

7. After typing the document name and selecting the save location, click on the “Save” button in the lower right part of the window or press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Task 5. Save the created text document with the nameInterface in the folder with your last name in My Documents.

      1. Multi-window mode in Word

Word processors can work simultaneously with multiple documents in different windows. Entering and editing text is carried out in active window, where you can access menu commands. Commands in the Window menu allow you to arrange document windows, move from one window to another, and divide the work area of ​​a window into two parts.

      1. The main stages of creating a text document:


    text editing


    spell check

    text printing


Each stage consists of performing certain operations. You can enter text by typing it on the keyboard and insert various text fragments from other documents into the document.

Typing starts from the cursor position. It can be changed using the cursor keys or the mouse manipulator only within the typed text. In the editor status line on the display screen you can see the document line number and the position number in it where the cursor is currently located. When typing text, you should follow a number of rules.

Traveling through the vast expanses of the Internet, we find many useful information. Sometimes you want to save instructions or a recipe on your computer so that you can print it out on paper. Many novice users wonder: " How to save a page from the Internet to your computer?"

Saving text information from the site

Let's look at one way to save text information from any website to your computer.

The simplest option:

  1. select the desired piece of text;
  2. copy it;
  3. insert into text editor(for example, or);
  4. save the text document.

Let's look at each point in more detail.

1. Select the desired piece of text

Selection is carried out with the mouse as follows: place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the selected fragment. Click left button mouse and holding it move the cursor over the text. The text will begin to highlight. Release the left mouse button after selecting the desired area. If the selection fails, repeat it again.

2. Copy the selected fragment

To copy you need to click right click mouse on the selected fragment to bring up the context menu. Now from this menu we left-click on the command Copy. You won't notice anything on the screen, but the selected text and pictures will be copied to your computer's memory (clipboard).

3. Paste into a text editor.

To paste into a text editor, you must first launch it. IN Windows system is , which we will use to save a text document. Launch it from the menu Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> WordPad. After launch, a blank white sheet will appear, on which we will paste the copied text. To do this, point with the mouse cursor at the insertion location and right-click. IN context menu select an item Insert and left click.

All text will be inserted; if this does not happen, it means you did step two incorrectly.

4. Save the text document

After all required text has been copied, it needs to be saved on your computer. To do this in the menu File select a team Save. Now we need to specify the name of our document and the location to save it.

Easy way

To save a page from the Internet to your computer and view it offline, in modern browsers available special function. Right-click on the page and select the command from the context menu Save as..

Thus, in the specified folder the page and folder (with the same name) with graphic elements(pictures from the page).

How to save text from a secure site?

On the Internet you can find sites with copy protection and the above method does not work. What to do in this case? If you only need text information, then save the page as a test file with the extension TXT. And then we view it using Notepad. Or rather, let's do it this way. In the browser menu File select a team Save as


At the usual computer mouse two keys. One for the index finger, the other for the middle finger. If you're confused about which key to press when, remember: To tell the computer what to do, use your index finger. To show him that you are smarter and know that he is hiding something from you, use the middle one.

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Best regards, Sergey Fomin.

PS: Interesting facts about printing books in a modern printing house

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In this lesson you will learn how to save Microsoft documents Word, and also learn how you can restore your work using the tool Auto recovery, if an emergency closure of the program occurs, the computer turns off and other unpleasant things happen.

When creating a new document, you first need to know how to save it in order to open and edit it later. As in previous versions programs, Microsoft files Word can be saved on your computer. If desired, the document can be saved in the cloud OneDrive storage, as well as export and share documents directly from Word.

OneDrive was formerly known as SkyDrive. There are no fundamental differences in the operation of these services, just a new name for existing service. In some Microsoft products For some time, the name SkyDrive may still appear.

Save and Save As

There are two ways to save a document in Microsoft Word: Save And Save as. These options work in the same way, with some differences.

  • Save: When creating or editing a document, use the command Save when you need to save changes. This command is used in most cases. The first time you save a document, you must name the file and specify a storage location on your computer. Next, when you press the command Save, the file is saved under the same name and in the same location.
  • Savehow about: This command is used to create a copy of a document when you want to keep the original file. Using the command Save as, you must assign a different name and/or change the storage location of the new file.

How to save a document

Remember to save changes when creating a new document or making changes to existing file. Saving on time often prevents your work from being lost. Be sure to remember where you save your work so that it will be easier to find in the future.

Use Save As to create a copy

If you need to save new version document, while leaving the original, you can create a copy. For example, you have a file called “Sales Report”, you can save it as “Sales Report 2”. Now you can safely edit a copy of the file, while always being able to return to its original version.

How to change the default file save location

If you don't want to use OneDrive, you'll probably be disappointed because it's the default location to save your files. If it is inconvenient for you to select an item every time Computer You can always change the default location to save files.

Automatic recovery

While working on Word documents automatically saves them to a temporary folder. It is possible to restore the file using Automatic recovery , in case you forget to save the changes or a crash occurs.

How to recover a document

By default Word Automatically saves every 10 minutes. If the document has been edited for less than 10 minutes, Word may not have time to autosave.

If you don't see required file, you can view all automatically saved files in Backstage view. Open the tab File, press Version management and then select Recover unsaved documents.