How to install offline in contact. Invisibility in the official VK application

Good day everyone, my dear friends. Dmitry Kostin is with you as usual. Please tell me, are you? If yes, then you probably know that when you are on this site, the words “Online” will appear next to your name. This icon notifies other users that you are in at the moment in contact and ready to communicate.

But there are times when you need to log into a site without anyone knowing about your presence there. This may be by various reasons: maybe you don’t want an annoying girl to see you, or an annoying boss doesn’t see that you are on social networks instead of working, etc. What then should be done in such cases? Nothing. Just accept it... Okay, just kidding. Would I write a separate article to put you at ease? Of course not.

But before we move on to the main thing, I would like to briefly tell everyone who needs to promote their VKontakte groups about a wonderful and truly working online PR service. The service has been providing promotion services for VKontakte groups for several years now and is doing it very successfully. Soclike - will help attract targeted subscribers to your groups, friends to your personal pages, likes for posts and much more. Let's use it friends.

Well, now let's get back to the article. I'll tell you one way to make contact invisible. The method is good and time-tested, so you can try it. Are you ready? Then let's go!

If in doubt, try logging in through any other browser, just make sure you are not in your account mode in that browser. Let me show you. I entered Firefox browser and typed your id in the address bar (for you these could be numbers or the name you set in the settings).

Please note that no online mode is lit, but on the contrary it is shown when I logged in last time. Although at the same time I am in contact through apidog and calmly do what I need.

Why is this method better than others?

  • You don't need to configure anything, tinker with anything, or wait to log into the network
  • You can climb any pages, while other methods say that you are not allowed to access yours. own page or the page of other users, otherwise everything will be reset (you can only look at photos, videos, news, browse groups, etc.).

ADVICE! When you are done climbing in incognito mode, go to the site in normal mode through a regular browser and change the password to be safe. After all, this is a third-party site. So far there have been no complaints, but it’s still better to be on the safe side.

Well, in general, this is a simple way anonymous login I wanted to offer you. Perhaps you have some other method that is even easier and better than the one described here. Please share your thoughts in the comments.

By the way, if you like to be on social networks, you can try your hand at making money by administering VKontakte groups. You can learn this at special training, thanks to which you can learn an excellent Internet profession in 2 months. In addition to VKontakte, you can master many other Internet professions. Take a look at this wide selection for yourself.

Well, this concludes my lesson. I hope that my materials are useful to you, so subscribe to updates on my blog articles to always be aware of new ones useful articles, selected according to your taste. I won't spam. I promise).

Well, I say goodbye to you. You might be interested in seeing other articles on my blog, so don’t be shy. Good luck in mastering contact. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

However, sometimes it happens that for some reason a person does not want to communicate, but he needs to. It's easy to do, but there are a few tricks to keep in mind. So, today I will tell you how to be offline on VKontakte from a computer.

Third party programs

This issue can be easily resolved if you get help third party utilities for VK, which literally flooded the Internet! Here are a few popular applications that can help you:

Browser capabilities

In addition to the various programs available for download, you can try to use the capabilities of your browser. For example, if you use Google Chrome, I suggest this: from this web browser, go to the Google Chrome online store. Now install the application on your computer through it and log into your account. Well, you are offline, even though you are active participant VKontakte.

As you can see, nothing is impossible for someone who strives for something! I am sure that you have managed to fully master the art of being offline VK from a computer.

Today, such a social network as “” is wildly popular among residents of Ukraine and Russia. Many people cannot imagine their life without visiting the site at least once a day, chatting with friends there, listening to their favorite music collected on their page and watching some video.

The very mention of this social network. Networks in conversation have long been overgrown with jokes, special terms and catchphrases. However, today we will talk about how to become invisible on VKontakte and at the same time engage in social media. networks with their own affairs. In this case, we are not talking about receiving SMS. And about how to log in in stealth mode from the main, personal page, without anyone knowing that you are online.

How to sit quietly in VKontakte so that no one sees you.

Several ways to remain invisible to friends on VKontakte.

There are situations when you go to your favorite site with absolutely no intention of communicating with friends or other VKontakte users, then we are at your service the following recommendations, how to stay on the site and at the same time be offline:

  • you do not need to go to the VKontakte website, but you must add to bookmarks or favorites the address of some VKontakte page, but in no case yours or another user’s page, but, for example, the page, and in in the future you will use it to access the site;
  • Remember, you cannot go to “My Page,” as well as the pages of your friends and other users, otherwise you will immediately be exposed. You can wander around the site, using the invisibility of VK, looking in and viewing your “News”, “Audio recordings”, “Bookmarks”, the main thing is not to view your home page and other users.

If you fulfill these conditions, then you will be viewed only as an invisible VK, while remaining online. Make it a rule to log into a social network using bookmarks, going to any address, but without ending up on user pages.

If you ask a similar question on the Internet, you may be advised to change certain settings browser, which in itself is a risky business: suddenly you do something wrong, and you don’t know how it might turn out. The method described above is much easier and safer, since it does not involve any questionable operations.

Many people use programs such as VK-AVision, IceIM to become VKontakte offline, but their effectiveness and safety are not 100% proven or tested.

Quite often situations arise when we absolutely need to get in touch, but do it in such a way that no one on the network notices us. That is, to be offline in contact. In the same social network Odnoklassniki has no problems with this. Yes, you need to pay a certain amount to turn on the invisibility mode, but still.

As for how to be offline in contact, everything is more problematic here. The fact is that the usual functionality of VKontakte does not provide such an opportunity. However, there are some workarounds that allow us to achieve what we want.

The first way to be offline is achieved using a browser Mozilla Firefox. First of all in address bar of this browser we need to enter the following “about:config” (without quotes, of course) and press “Enter”. After performing these operations, a window should open

In this window there will be a field called "Filter". There again you need to enter a specific command. This time it is “network.http.redirection-limit” (again, without quotes). The value of the parameter that appears needs to be changed to 0. In in this case 0 means that the browser is prohibited from processing any redirects. By the way, you should not close the settings window yet.

Now you can go to the main page of VKontakte and enter your username and password. But that's not all. We return to the network.http.redirection-limit parameter and set what was previously. By the way, when you enter the site you will receive an error - but this is not a problem, this is how it should be. And one more restriction - you cannot go to user pages, including your own page.

The next way is how to be offline anywhere and everywhere. The only catch is that it takes too long, but it doesn't require you to change anything in your settings. So, you need to go to the site in the “My Messages” section and do not touch anything for about 15 minutes. During this time, the connection to the site will time out. But you cannot go to the main pages of users in this case either.

The third way to be in contact offline is intended exclusively for Opera browser. First, we need to tweak the settings a little again. In principle, the essence here is the same as in Firefox, but it is done in a completely different way. To begin, open the “Tools” tab, select “Settings”, the next menu “Advanced”, and then click on “Network”. Here you need to uncheck the “Enable automatic redirection” checkbox. And after that, we do everything as in the first option - go to the main page, enter your data, and so on.

Well, answering the question of how to be offline in contact, it’s worth remembering the existing fourth method. Like all others, it is simple - but there are no restrictions. It is enough to install the “VKontakte Agent” program on your computer, and then use it to select required function. As stated above, there are no restrictions; you can not only listen to music and visit communities, but also view the pages of your friends. But most often it happens that we go to social networks precisely for this - to find out what’s new with our friends.

Most likely, this has happened to most users when they just went to a VKontakte page, turned on background music in order to do something, and then messages began to arrive, distracting them. All this happens because friends from a social network see that a person is online. You have to answer or sometimes even ignore your friend if there is practically no time. Alternatively, you can simply be in Offline mode, being on your page and listening to your audio recordings. This mode is called “invisible”. In this small instructions You will be able to find out how to enable invisible VKontakte on your PC.

All the methods listed below have been personally tested by me and work 100%, so you don’t even have to doubt it. I will not suggest you download viruses or potentially unwanted items. software. We will use standard means browsers, special extensions, as well as an application for mobile devices. All the options considered will help you remain invisible on the VKontakte social network. I’ll say right away that if you want to use the social network in full and are at the same time offline, then I’ll tell you right away, alas, this is not realistic. About all the subtleties below.

1st method: VKontakte invisible mode

Most the simplest way in front of you. Let's go to personal page VK and go to the “Messages” section.

In this section we do not perform any actions for about 15 minutes.

After this, you become offline, that is, invisible. Now that you are in “offline” mode, you can easily navigate social pages. networks. To check whether you are really offline, log in from another device (PC or phone) and check whether offline or online is displayed.

This method has one drawback: if you suddenly go to the “My Page” section or go to your friends’ page, then your status will immediately change and you will be in online mode. Therefore, in order be invisible VKontakte , you can only view your news, watch videos and listen to music, nothing more.

In order to become invisible in VK, you don’t have to wait 15-20 minutes, you can do it in a clever way. Save a link to VKontakte in a tab or in the express panel, but only so that it does not lead to your page or to the main page. For example, the link or another section will do. Now when you log into VK through this bookmark, no one will know that you are online, since you will remain invisible to everyone, that is, offline.

Method 2: become invisible in VK in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers

For Chrome browsers and Firefox there is a special plugin called Vkfox. It will allow you to follow news and personal messages while remaining offline. Using the Chrome browser as an example, I will show you how to install it. Follow the link or go to the official website

Click “Install extension”.

Now we will be asked to activate this application by clicking on the corresponding icon. Let's do it.

Afterwards, a window will pop up asking for permission to use VK. Here we just click “Allow”.

Now let's click on new icon mouse and see the settings window. We go to the settings of this plugin and set a cross next to the “Always be online” item, as can be seen in the image.

After all these actions you will always be in Offline mode, use your page for your health.

Important! You can browse the social network, but you will be invisible to other users. However, you just have to write a message to someone, comment on a post or someone’s photo, and the mode will immediately change to Online. Accordingly, all your friends and others will see that you are online. So be careful when viewing all kinds of information.

3rd method: invisible VKontakte - use third-party programs

You can be on a social network not only through a browser, but also through special applications. One of the popular ones for Windows today is VKlife. Convenient utility, which will greatly simplify the use of the social network. You can remain in stealth mode while listening to your music and chatting with friends.

In addition to the offline function, there are many different interesting features. I think every user will find something for himself cool features, thanks to which the contact can be used more conveniently than ever. Alternatively, you can use programs such as QIP and ICQ. I think few people don’t know about them. The developers of these applications have introduced an authorization function via VK. So, these messengers also have an invisibility function. I advise you to download programs not from any exchangers, but from official websites.

You can download VKlife here
You can download QIP here

Method 4: Invisibility on an Android mobile device

If you have a gadget with operating Android system and you want to become invisible, that is alternative solution. There is no official client social network VKontakte called KateVK. It has a stealth mode feature. To activate it, go to the application settings and activate the “Be offline if possible” item.

KateVK is very easy to use and many users have already changed standard client VK for this. According to the developers, it is not only convenient, but also fast and reliable. In general, if you want, you can try it by downloading it from the official website

This method is the best to be in stealth mode on android device.

There is another way that will help enable VKontakte invisibility on a PC: use anonymizers or, in other words, mirrors. They are usually used to bypass the blocking of a particular resource. Such sites will encrypt current connections, so you can remain invisible on VK for a long time. However, immediately after leaving the social network, I recommend changing your password when using the mirror.

Invisible VKontakte– this is a very good feature, thanks to which you can stay offline while viewing your news and listening to music. I hope that from all the methods you will choose the one that suits you! That's all! Thank you for your attention!