How to choose an energy saving lamp? The difference between conventional and energy-saving lamps. What is the difference between LED lamps and energy-saving lamps?

Recently, many technologies in lighting have appeared on the market: classic incandescent lamps, halogen, compact fluorescent, gas discharge and LED.

How do they differ and which ones are better?

Today we are going to compare two popular technologies - light-emitting diode (LED) and halogen lamps (halogen).

Work principles:
In fact, a halogen is the same incandescent lamp. The main elements of the glow are a tungsten filament placed in a flask, to which a gas (iodine or bromine) has been added. This allows the coil temperature and service life to be increased up to 5000 hours. LED technology is radically different.

The principle of operation of the LED lamp is completely built on the principle of p-n junction of a semiconductor diode. The diode, passing an electric current, begins to emit photons, and we observe a glow. It is important to understand here that the quality of the lamp depends on the type of LED used (COB, DIP or SMD), and on the quality of the installed driver. Comparing the principles of work, we can already say about the higher environmental friendliness of LED lighting.

Now let's take a look at the main differences in the characteristics:

  1. Life time. The diode is more durable and can last up to 50 thousand hours, the halogen lamp is only 5 thousand hours.
  2. Light output or luminous flux... It is measured in Lm / W and is one of the most important indicators that tells us how much light we receive with the power expended. The efficiency of the halogen is 50 Lm / W, which is 2 times less than the efficiency of the LED, which now reaches a light output of up to 100 50 Lm / W.
  3. Color temperature... It talks about how we perceive the light of the lamp. Warm yellowish to cold blue tinged. Temperature is measured in Kelvin (K). The warmest light is 3000K, and we usually use it in living rooms and bedrooms. Cold up to 7000 K is needed indoors. Where it is necessary to consider all the details (kitchen, bathroom, industrial and office premises). Neither LED nor halogen in this regard are inferior to each other and have an equal scale of color temperatures.
  4. Ra, CRI or Color Rendering Index... The indicator tells us how well the object, when illuminated, corresponds to natural (sunlight) light. Sunlight is usually taken as a standard, which is equal to 100 Ra
    At this point, the halogen lamp wins. The light transmittance index of the LED is approaching 90Ra, while the halogen is 95Ra.
  5. Normal color rendering index is 85 and above Ra... Such lighting for the home, it is comfortable for the eyes and conveys the colors and shades of all objects. For jewelry stores, museums and salesrooms, a maximum CRI of at least 95 is required.
  6. Ripple factor... This figure varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. It is important because it directly affects our vision and health. Naturally, the lower it is, the safer the lamp to use. Today, LED technology has practically reduced this indicator to 0, the halogen indicators for today are 12-25.
  7. Efficiency or efficiency... The indicator tells us how much energy is converted into light, and how much is spent on heating the room. Ice wins here, too, halogen. The efficiency of the diode reaches 95%, and the halogen is only 15%.
    Let's imagine a house in which 20 halogen lamps with a total power of 1.2 kW are installed: each time, turning on the light, the energy costs will be comparable to turning on the washing machine, and it will be hot in the apartment, like in an incubator. 20 LED bulbs will help to provide the same amount of light and at the same time, energy costs will decrease by 5 times.
  8. Working temperature... A very important indicator that affects the life, durability and scope of the lamp. Halogen cannot be used in objects that contain flammable elements, since the temperature during operation is very high and reaches 150 degrees Celsius.
  9. Working voltage... The service life of the lamps depends on how much it is able to withstand voltage drops in the network, which is very relevant for our region. This is why halogens have a negative reputation for durability. They can withstand an average range of 190 to 230. V LED driver increases these values ​​from 160 to 250 (depending on the manufacturer).


If you are already using halogen lamps, then if they fail, it is better to replace them with LED ones. The replacement will pay off within a year, because you will spend 10 times less on electricity. Another plus is that you will stop running to the store for lamps every 2 months, and forget about replacing for the next 3-4 years.

For several decades, the struggle for improving the energy efficiency of household and industrial electrical appliances has been going on all over the world. In Russia, since January 1, 2014, there is a ban on the production and use of incandescent lamps for lighting. In the European Union, this measure was fixed in 2012.

The consumer is forced to make a decision about the use of energy-efficient light sources. These include:

  • Gas discharge. For street lighting, DNaT - sodium arc tube lamps are used. They are also used to illuminate plants in greenhouses.
example of a HPS lamp
  • Linear fluorescent. Their purpose is to illuminate interiors: offices, schools, administrative buildings. The design of the luminaires is developed for public spaces and is not very suitable for residential ones.

fluorescent linear lamps
  • Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are much smaller in size than linear models. The electronic ballast for the operation of the device fits into a standard E27 cartridge, which allows the installation of CFLs without upgrading the electrical wiring.

compact fluorescent lamps
  • LED. Available in various designs. The power driver can be in the cartridge, in this case, the transition from one type to another will not cause difficulties. Other versions provide power supply from a constant voltage of 12 V, 24 V. In these cases, specialized power supplies - drivers are used. Low power consumption allows for battery backup.

LED lamp

The difference between fluorescent lamps and LED

The main difference between lighting devices for the home lies in the principles of work.

Luminescent light sources are filled with mercury vapor, due to which the bulb begins to glow in the ultraviolet range invisible to the eye under the action of an electric discharge between the electrodes. Ultraviolet, acting on the phosphor, which covers the inner surface of the flask, causes a luminous effect of various shades.

To start and maintain the glow, ballasts are used. Electromagnetic and electronic ballasts are used, made in the form of separate blocks or mounted in lamp holders.

The LED works differently. Under the influence of the flowing current, the semiconductor diode junction begins to emit light, its color is always blue. To obtain the shades of the glow, the emitting crystals are coated with a phosphor layer.

The difference with is that no additional energy conversion occurs in the LED, due to this, the efficiency of such lamps is higher.

comparison table

Lamp types

Fluorescent lamps can differ in several ways:

  • Glow shades: daylight, white, universal.
  • Flask diameter. Standard sizes: 18, 26, 38 mm.
  • Power consumption.
  • The type and number of plinths: they can have one, two or a plinth, in which the control gear is built-in. For linear models, the standard g13 base is used, in table lamps, models with the designation g23 are used.
  • The supply voltage in Russia is everywhere 220 V, but manufacturers also produce models for 127 V.

Important! CFL power is not regulated. It will not light up if the switch has a dimmer switch.

  • Linear models for use in luminaires with electromagnetic ballasts can vary in starting with or without a starter.
  • The shape of the flask is linear, horseshoe-shaped, four-arc, spiral, spherical, with a reflector, in the form of a washer or a tablet.

shape of fluorescent lamp bulbs

LED sources are classified according to several parameters:

  • According to their purpose, lamps are distinguished for street or indoor lighting, for organizing designer lighting.
  • Design: there are linear models for installation in cartridges.
  • Caps of LED light sources are standard with threads, they are designated with the letter E: E27, E14, E40 (for powerful street lighting lamps). Sockets for pin connections are denoted with the letter g. The following index indicates the distance between the pins.
varieties of LED lamp bases

Attention! When buying replacement lamps, you need to know the exact model of the base, they are not interchangeable.

  • Power.
  • Light distribution is an important parameter that determines the advantage of LEDs that emit light in front of them. To focus the light beam, diffusers or, on the contrary, lenses are installed. The ability to obtain an illumination angle from 5 to 180 degrees is an advantage of LEDs. Other types of lighting fixtures illuminate the entire space around them.
  • The ability to adjust the brightness of the glow is a good parameter for LEDs, it is necessarily indicated in the technical specifications. A dimmer is used for setting.

Light flow

Luminous flux is the main indicator that helps to assess the effectiveness of lighting for a comfortable stay and work in rooms.

The unit of measure for luminous flux is lumen. This indicator is indicated in the technical specifications located on the package. Indirectly, he talks about the parameters of energy saving.

The ratio of luminous flux and power

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

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Note! CFLs reduce the luminous flux over time due to the burnout of the phosphor layer, LED bulbs also gradually deplete their resource.

Electricity consumption

For an objective assessment of energy consumption, it is necessary to compare the power of all possible lighting sources: incandescent lamps, fluorescent and LED lamps. The power is indicated on the product packaging. The characteristic is important when designing electrical wiring in an apartment. The cross-section of the wires to be laid and the parameters of the protection devices depend on the current strength.

Working temperature

There are two things to consider when considering operating temperature:

  • The working temperature of the surface of the light bulb.
  • Ambient temperature in which the luminaires are used.

CFL surface temperature does not exceed 75 ˚ C, the surface of the cartridge reaches a temperature of 50 ˚ C. Such heating is sufficiently perceptible to touch, but will not cause serious burns.

LEDs during operation heat up to 65 ˚ C, the cartridge is safer - 40 ˚ WITH.

The ambient temperature is much more important for the long-term performance of the luminaire.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair, maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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Important! Fluorescent lamps are operated at ambient temperatures from +5 to + 35˚С. At low temperatures, starting is difficult, and the operating time is reduced.

On the other hand, high temperatures indoors or outdoors are harmful for LEDs. The absence of overheating is important for long-term trouble-free operation, the high temperature makes it difficult to cool the lamps. They should not be located near heating devices.


The efficiency for light sources is calculated using complex formulas that take into account energy consumption and a finite amount of radiation in the visible range.

Without going into details, the efficiency for incandescent lamps is 5–6%, the rest of the energy is spent on infrared radiation, heating the room.

For energy-saving fluorescent lamps 20-25%. The device is repeatedly converting electricity. First, an electric arc is generated, it is converted into ultraviolet radiation, then part of the energy is spent on heating up and maintaining the glow of the phosphor. The control gear takes its share of the efficiency.

LED lamps are considered energy efficient. Drivers adapted for different capacities are used. As a result, the efficiency of LEDs reaches 99%, and a complete set of luminaires is 90–95%.

Life time

The period of operation is determined by the number of hours of operation of the lamp without loss of basic parameters. It is installed by the manufacturer, indicated in the technical data sheets.

Of great importance for the durability of fluorescent lamps is the number of starts during the day and the stability of the supply voltage. During testing, the manufacturer takes into account 5-6 start-up cycles per day. Installation of the luminaire in places where this quantity significantly exceeds the specified indicator, dramatically reduces the time of use.

Manufacturers guarantee CFL service life of 10,000-15,000 hours. Assuming an operating time of 10 hours a day, the lamp will last 3-4 years of continuous operation. In reality, you can count on 2-3 years, taking into account multiple switching on during the day. Another factor that reduces the time of effective use of an electrical appliance is the loss of luminous flux intensity due to burnout of electrodes and phosphor.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair, maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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Advice! Do not install fluorescent lamps in places where the device is switched on and off frequently, for example, a public bathroom in organizations, a lamp with a motion sensor in walk-through areas.

Given the low power consumption, it is cheaper not to turn off the lamp during the day than to spend money on buying new appliances.

LEDs are not susceptible to failure due to frequent switching on. The service life declared by the manufacturer is 45,000-60,000 hours, which is approximately 7 years of operation. For 220 V lamps, the power driver is integrated in the base. Protection against power surges, overheating, soft start when turned on is mandatory. This allows the lamp to work for the entire period allotted by the manufacturer.

Comparative characteristics

Attention! Dramatically reduces the operating time of LEDs in places with high temperatures and lack of ventilation. ESL should not be installed in luminaires higher than the power recommended by the manufacturer.

Price range

The answer to the question of what is better than an LED or fluorescent lamp cannot be obtained without comparing the operating costs of various types of equipment.

Since 2015, there has been a sharp decline in the cost of LEDs. The difference between fluorescent and LED lighting fixtures is rapidly decreasing. However, this applies to goods belonging to the budget segment.

The price of luminaires from different sellers varies greatly, the main indicator for determining the price is the reputation of the manufacturer.

Fluorescent lamp price table:

Average price of LED lamps:

  • 6 W - 75–150 rubles.
  • 8 W - 80-200 rubles.
  • 15 W - 100-200 rubles.
  • 20 W - 150-450 rubles.

Calculation of payback when replacing lamps with LEDs

When calculating the efficiency of replacing incandescent lamps with energy-saving or LED ones, it is necessary to take into account that in terms of light output relative to power consumption, they correlate: 75:15:10.

Today, three types of energy sources are used to illuminate premises:

  • Incandescent lamps;
  • Fluorescent lamps;
  • LED lamp.

At the same time, incandescent lamps have already outlived their days and have practically given way to fluorescent lamps, which have become popular due to significant energy savings. At the moment there is a dispute about which bulbs are better - fluorescent or LED.

Physical difference

The difference between fluorescent and primarily lies in the following factors. For work on lighting in fluorescent sources, mercury and its vapors are used, in which a plasma filament is used for glowing. In this case, the ultraviolet rays begin to gleam, reflecting from the phosphor coating inside the bulb. This type of light bulb poses some health hazard. The reason for this is the same vaporization of mercury, which is used in them.

At this time, LED bulbs operate on a semiconductor structure and no additional lighting transformations are required. Thus, the LED light bulb is environmentally friendly, since absolutely no harmful substances are used in it.

There is one more important difference between fluorescent lamps and LED lamps. Fluorescent lamps have a very high flicker frequency, which has a negative effect on human vision. Therefore, after spending some time in a room with similar lighting, the person gets tired and his eyes may hurt.

At this time, LED lamps operate exclusively on direct current, so the glow is uniform, without any flicker.

If we consider the glow of these two types of lamps in the same way, then when illuminated by a fluorescent lamp, the light seems cold and "dead", so some colors lose their palette of shades, or even change significantly. At the same time, the LED lamp illuminates the room with light similar to natural daylight, as a result of which the colors remain unchanged.

Comparison of parameters

Fluorescent lamps and LED lamps, the difference between which is not only in physical phenomena, but also in their very parameters. Namely:

  • A fluorescent lamp requires significantly more electricity consumption than LED lamps.
  • There is also a big difference in terms of lamp life. Fluorescent lamps last no more than ten thousand hours, while LED lamps last one hundred thousand working hours.
  • There is also a difference in the power of the lamps. At a time when the power of a fluorescent lamp is 5-7 W for lighting, 2-3 W is enough for an LED one.
  • Using fluorescent lamps, you get a certain beam of light, while the same beam will be scattered from the LED lamp, but at the same time, much less electricity is needed.
  • What is fluorescent and what is LED bulbs have a wide range. Light can be warm, neutral, and cold. In this case, the temperature can vary from 2600 K to 6500 K.
  • It takes a few minutes for the fluorescent lamp to heat up, while the LED lamp lights up in a matter of seconds.
  • Fluorescent lamps cost much less than LED lamps.
  • If the fluorescent lamp breaks for some reason, then mercury or its vapor, which is contained in the glass spirals of the lamp, gets into the environment. The amount of vapors is not dangerous for human life, but at the same time can significantly affect his health. At this time, LED lamps made of plastic are practically not broken. In addition, if the flask is broken, no harmful substances are released.

Difference in cost

To compare the cost between a fluorescent lamp and an LED lamp, consider the following example. A ten-watt LED lamp costs 540 rubles, and an equivalent twenty-one watt luminescent lamp costs 190 rubles. If we consider the cost of lamps based on their service life, then the following situation will turn out. For comparison, take 30 thousand hours of their work.

Since the service life of a fluorescent lamp is 10 thousand hours, then for the period taken for example, you will need to use 3 such bulbs. That will cost the consumer 570 rubles. At this time, one LED lamp will be enough. Thus, the difference between the cost of both lamps will be 325 rubles.

For the same operating time, at a cost of one kilowatt of three and a half rubles, a fluorescent lamp uses electricity for 2,205 rubles, while an LED lamp costs 1,050 rubles.

Summing up the calculations, we will see that for 30 thousand hours of operation of a fluorescent lamp, the consumer will pay 2,775 rubles, while the cost of operating an LED, together with the cost of the lamp itself, will cost only 1,375 rubles. so it turns out that a cheap light bulb will cost you twice as much as buying an expensive LED counterpart.

The rise in electricity prices forces people to save where they did not even think about costs before. For example, the replacement of incandescent lamps has become widespread. There are much more economical light sources - fluorescent and LED. But how do you decide which to install - energy-saving or LED lamps? To make a decision, you need to compare their characteristics. And it's better to do it objectively.

Which are more economical

The name "energy saving" has stuck with us in relation to compact fluorescent lamps (CFL). At the time of their widespread distribution, they were the most economical. Especially when you compare them with the usual incandescent lamps - housekeepers consume 3-4 times less energy. Later they began to "promote" LED light sources. They consume even less electricity, which means they are the most economical.

To see the difference, see the table. It shows the power consumption of LED, fluorescent lamps and the ones we are used to with a tungsten filament. They all have the same (or almost) luminous flux, but, as you can see, the power consumption is very different. A 3W LED lamp is equal in luminous power to an energy-saving 7W or 20W incandescent lamp. A 5 W diode lamp will replace a 12-13 watt "housekeeper" or 40 watt incandescent. This is averaged data, since the indicators vary slightly for different manufacturers, but, in general, the proportions remain the same.

Incandescent lampsLuminescent and energy savingLEDLight flow
20 watts5-7 W2-3 W250 lm
40 watts10-13 watts4-5 watts400 lm
60 watts15-16 watts6-10 watts700 lm
75 watts18-20 watts10-12 watts900 lm
100 watts25-30 watts12-15 watts1200 lm
150 watts40-50 W18-20 watts1800 lm
200 watts60-80 watts25-30W2500 lm

Already from this table alone, it is easy to say that energy-saving or LED lamps are the most economical. But these are not all the advantages of LED technology. Let's talk about them further (as well as the shortcomings, however).

Life time

If we talk about the service life, the average for energy-saving ones is on average 10,000 hours. For LED, this figure is higher: on average - 30,000 hours, but there are applications from manufacturers for 50-60 thousand hours of work.

It seems that the LED lamps are among the leaders here, but there is one caveat. Both technologies have a rather significant drawback: over time, their glow intensity gradually decreases. The so-called "burnout" occurs. In this regard, it is worth focusing not on the declared operating time, but on the warranty period. It more accurately reflects the actual position. After all, if something happens to the lamp at this time, the manufacturer will have to replace the device with a new one. The less often such cases occur, the better. That is why manufacturers tend to underestimate the warranty period, as they bear material responsibility.

And if we compare energy-saving and LED lamps for the warranty period, there is also a difference. For LEDs, the average is 3 years, for housekeepers - 1 year. There are more / less, but this is particular. So here, too, comparing energy-saving or LED lamps is better, the best is the LED technology.

Dimensions and appearance

Everyone knows the type and size of energy-saving lamps. This is a tube with a phosphor twisted into a complex spiral. The most compact ones can fit into a medium-sized plafond, but in most cases they stick out from ordinary lamps, and with built-in ones they look generally "not so hot".

LED bulbs can be very small. A three-wad crystal can be made in the form of a circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm. And this is the equivalent of a 7 W energy saving device, which has a minimum size of 32 * 79 mm. Such miniature sizes of LEDs make it possible to make recessed luminaires of very small thickness - 2 cm or less. And this is with a heatsink to dissipate the heat generated by the LEDs during operation. Such small dimensions allow them to be built into furniture or to lower suspended and stretch ceilings to a very small height.

If we talk about a more familiar format - with a flask, then the shape and size of the flask can be completely different. This part is optional - the LED does not require a vacuum or a specific gas environment. So this is rather a tribute to tradition. There are bulbless lamps called "corn" for their distinctive appearance. Their service life is determined by the quality of the LEDs, and not by the integrity of the shell, which, in fact, does not exist. You can even assemble lighting in general from individual LEDs on a metal heat sink plate or even without it. In general, both the size and appearance of LED lamps can be different. And then, deciding what is better energy-saving or LED lamps, we certainly come to the conclusion that LED lamps are better - they can be almost invisible, can have any shape and size.

Convenience and safety of use

Everyone knows that in fluorescent lamps the tubes are filled with a phosphor, which starts to glow under certain conditions. It takes some time to create these conditions. Sometimes it is almost imperceptible, and sometimes the delay after turning on can be a second or even a little more. This is not the most pleasant thing to put up with. LED lamps light up immediately after energizing. They are certainly better at this.

Today, they are increasingly trying to make lighting with the ability to change the light intensity. This is achieved either by a complex circuit with a large number of switches, or by a small device that allows you to smoothly change the glow level. But the fact is that not all lamps can work together with a dimmer. Energy saving ones can't. They need a certain level of voltage and its shape, and the dimmer just distorts the shape. But some LED lamps can work with this device. Just look for dimmable when choosing LED bulbs. This ability is indicated in the technical specifications. Minus - such light sources with equal characteristics are more expensive.

Another point in favor of LED lamps. Their bulb (if any) is made of impact-resistant plastic. Energy-saving fluorescent - glass. Moreover, the damage to the tube is fatal - the light source stops working. In addition, some (cheap) housekeepers contain mercury vapor, so a damaged glass tube with a phosphor can cause serious health damage. This also implies difficulties with disposal - special enterprises are needed for the processing of such lighting devices.

And the last point about ease of use - neither an incandescent lamp nor a luminescent lamp can be restored after failure. If damaged, they completely lose their functionality. LED lamps usually consist of a number of crystals located on the body. When one or more crystals fail, the luminous flux decreases, but light is still emitted, albeit in a smaller amount. In addition, if desired, burnt elements can be replaced, restoring the previous brightness.

So, deciding energy-saving or LED lamps is better in terms of ease of use, we see that LED lamps are more practical and safe.

Prices and still what is better ...

Everyone knows that LED bulbs are more expensive. This is perhaps the only point on which fluorescent lamps are ahead. But today the difference in price is not as great as it used to be. They are already almost equal. If we take, for example, light sources from the same manufacturer with the same equivalent (or almost the same) in relation to incandescent lamps, then the prices are almost identical.

Here, even the LED price is lower. True, the color temperature is different ...

For example, Camelion lamps. Energy saving lamp - LH15-FS-T2-M / 864 / E14 is the equivalent of a 75 W incandescent lamp, costs 160-225 rubles. LED lamp - Camelion LED8-C35 / 830 / E27 (also equivalent to 75 W incandescent) - 170-230 rubles. Both series are basic, without any special "bells and whistles", and if we take into account the energy savings (8 W versus 15 W) and the service life (10,000 hours and 30,000 hours) and all the other "goodies", then even the question "which is better energy saving or LED lamps ”does not occur. The solution is probably unambiguous - more economical, easy to use and durable LED. They are best installed instead of incandescent lamps.

But a lot of information has recently appeared in the press and on the Internet regarding the fact that LEDs are harmful - they emit a harmful spectrum and flicker. As for the spectrum, there is no confirmed data, but the luminescent ones flicker, flicker. But they always flicker, and there are LEDs without pulsations, they just cost much more. In general, the decision is yours.

As the name suggests, the light source in LED lamps is miniature electronic devices called LEDs. In the usual incandescent lamps, the light is emitted by a red-hot metal spiral. In energy-saving lamps, light is emitted by a phosphor that is applied to the inner surface of a glass tube. In turn, the phosphor glows under the action of a gas discharge.

Before moving on to the actual LED lamps, we will briefly consider the features of each type of lamp.

Incandescent lamp The structure is very simple: a spiral made of refractory metal is fixed inside a transparent glass bulb, from which air is evacuated. Passing through the spiral, the electric current heats it up to a high temperature, at which the metal glows brightly.

The advantage of such lamps is their low price. However, it is compensated by an equally low efficiency: less than 10% of the electricity consumed by a light bulb is converted into visible light. The rest is uselessly dissipated in the form of heat - the light bulb gets very hot during operation. In addition, the service life of the device is very short, approximately 1,000 hours.

Compact fluorescent lamp, or CFL(this is the exact name of an energy-saving lamp), with the same brightness of light, it consumes about five times less electricity than an incandescent lamp. CFLs are more expensive and have several disadvantages that are significant for the consumer:

  • for quite a long time (several minutes) flare up after switching on;
  • the lamp with its curved glass bulb looks unaesthetic;
  • CFL light flickers, which is exhausting for the eyes.

LED lamp consists of several LEDs mounted in the same housing with a power supply. A power supply is indispensable: LEDs require 6 or 12 V DC power to operate, and 220 V AC power in a household power supply.

Photo by the author

The lamp body is most often made in the form of a familiar "pear" with a screw base. Thanks to this, LED lamps can be easily installed in a regular holder.

Depending on the LEDs used, the emitting color of LED lamps can be different. This is one of their advantages.

Incandescent lamp Energy saving LED
Radiation color Yellow Warm, daytime Yellow, warm white, cold white
Power consumption Big Medium: 5 times less than incandescent bulbs Low: 8 times less than incandescent bulbs
Life time 1 thousand hours 3-15 thousand hours 25-30 thousand hours
disadvantages Strong heat Fragile, take a long time to flare up Low maximum power
Advantages Low cost, work in a wide range of conditions Relatively economical and durable Very economical and durable

Advantages of LED lamps:

  • very low power consumption - on average, eight times less than incandescent lamps of the same brightness;
  • very long service life - they work 25-30 times longer than incandescent lamps;
  • almost do not get warm;
  • radiation color - at choice;
  • stable illumination brightness when the supply voltage fluctuates.

The main advantage of LED lamps is economy. It is assumed that due to low power consumption and long service life, LED lamps will significantly reduce lighting costs.

The price of LED lamps at the time of this writing was about three times higher than that of conventional ones. Consequently, in monetary terms, they turn out to be 50-100 times more economical. These savings will, of course, be achieved provided that the lamp reaches its promised life and does not burn out prematurely.

Disadvantages of LED lamps limit their scope:

  • uneven light distribution - a power supply built into the body shades the luminous flux;
  • a matte bulb looks ugly in glass and crystal lamps;
  • the brightness of the glow, as a rule, cannot be changed using a dimmer;
  • unsuitable for use at very low (frost) and high (in steam rooms, saunas) temperatures.

Things to Consider When Choosing an LED Bulb

LED bulbs have many characteristics. This makes the task of doing the right thing more difficult. Let's see what exactly the various characteristics mean.

Photo by the author

Supply voltage

If there is an unstable voltage in your apartment or house, you need to choose lamps that can work in a wide range of voltages. This is always indicated on the packaging. Unlike incandescent lamps, LED lamps at reduced voltage burn as brightly as at normal voltage.

Radiation color

Color is characterized by a color temperature, which is measured in Kelvin: as the color temperature rises, the light changes from yellow to blue. In most cases, the color of the radiation is indicated on the packaging and lamp housing in degrees and in the words:

  • warm (2,700 K) - approximately corresponds to the radiation of an incandescent lamp;
  • warm white (3,000 K) - considered optimal for residential premises;
  • cold white (4000 K) - for industrial premises; close to daylight.

There are lamps with a changeable color: when you switch the mode, the emission spectrum of such a lamp changes.

It should be borne in mind that many people do not perceive the blue part of the spectrum well, so the cold light of the lamps will seem dim to them. So, if you decide to install lamps with a cold spectrum in your home, choose them with a margin of power.


The packaging of LED lamps indicates their luminous flux and power of incandescent lamps of similar brightness. The real power consumption of LED lamps is on average 6–8 times less. For example, a 12W LED bulb glows as brightly as a regular 100W bulb. This ratio can be used when choosing an LED lamp to replace an incandescent lamp.

However, an unpleasant surprise may lie in wait for you here: the declared power may not correspond to the actual one, and the lamp will shine weaker than expected.

In addition, the brightness of the LEDs decreases over time. It is possible that the light bulb will have to be changed long before the expiration of its service life due to the fact that it began to shine too weakly.

Other important points

  • Dimensions. LED lamps are slightly larger in size than similar incandescent lamps. Therefore, in small plafonds they may simply not fit.
  • If your lamp is dimmed, you need appropriate bulbs. The packaging must indicate that the lamp is adjustable.
  • The color rendering index of LED lamps is low, which means that they somewhat distort the visual perception of colors. In some cases, such as when photographing with LED light, this can be important.

LED Switching Strategy

The potential shouldn't make you lose your head. Do not rush to run to the store and buy bulbs for all the lamps in the house at once. It is advisable to be guided by two principles.

  1. Replace only bulbs with high wattage - 60 W or more. The savings from replacing low power bulbs will be small and the cost of a new bulb may not pay off.
  2. Replace lamps in lamps, the burning time of which is the longest during the day: for example, in chandeliers in living rooms. It makes no sense to change a light bulb in some back room, the light in which is lit from time to time and for a short time.

Do not expect that power consumption will decrease significantly.

The main consumers of electricity in everyday life are all kinds of heating devices: an iron, an electric kettle, a washing machine, and especially an electric stove. According to several people interviewed, the electricity bill after switching to LED lamps decreases by about 15-25%.

Another tip: do not buy many lamps of the same brand at once, first take one or two for a sample. The fact is that lamps with the same color temperature from different manufacturers can vary greatly in their emitted light. What if the spectrum of these particular lamps will be unpleasant to you? Better to try it.


LED lamps, compared to traditional incandescent lamps, are a fundamentally new lighting solution.

A few years ago they were a very expensive technical novelty, but today their price is already comparable to the price of other types of lamps. As for the characteristics, the LED lamps are noticeably superior to the previous lighting devices in terms of them. The verdict is unambiguous: the transition to LED lamps is quite justified.