How to fill out a portfolio in Photoshop. We create a simple and clear portfolio layout

Photoshop has a great Image Layout option that is great for creating a design portfolio. This command generates pages with frames dedicated to photographs. Thus, it is very convenient to present your work available or potential clients. It is not for nothing that this command is located in the menu - "File - Automation", since it helps to significantly save time when creating your presentation.

In this Photoshop tutorial we will create one sheet of electronic photo album from start to finish.

Let's go to the settings window for our photo album - "File - Automation - Image Layout".

In the window that opens, we do not change any settings, but simply click on “Edit Layout”.

In the Picture Package Edit Layout window that appears, first of all, click on the Delete All button to delete the previous layout. Then in the Name field, select the name of the future layout, in the Page Size field, select its size, check the Snap to checkbox to In the field of the future layout, a grid has appeared (for the convenience of placing photos) and finally click on Add Zone.

A frame appears in the field located on the right side of the window; by pulling its corner markers, we expand it to cover the entire field.

After this, we again click on the Add Zone button, the frame appears again. Using its markers we set the required size and drag it to the desired location.

To avoid clicking on Add Zone each time, click inside the first frame right click mouse and select Duplicate, a second frame will appear, drag it to a new location, and, if necessary, adjust its size using the handles. If we select Delete in the list, we will delete the frame.

I created six frames and arranged them as shown in the screenshot. Now click on the Save button.

A window appears in which we must name our photo album (by default, the Photoshop - Layouts folder opens). Click on the "Save" button.

The main window that opened at the very beginning appears, where your design is presented - Picture Package. Set the resolution to 300 pixels/inch and uncheck the Flatten All Layers box. Click on the first frame where our photo will be located.

In the window that appears, find a photo on your computer, select it and click “Open”.

Once you have placed all your images, click OK.

The program will work for a while, and then in the Photoshop window you will see an almost finished sheet of your presentation.

Let's give this sheet a more designer look. First, let's write what we depicted on it. Let's select the "Text" tool (T), set approximately the following parameters (you will naturally have your own).

Let's write something appropriate for our event. To make the text look a little better, give it some style. To do this, just open the “Styles” palette and click on any appropriate style.

Secondly, we will apply a suitable gradient to the bottom layer, for which we will make it active.

Select the linear “Gradient” tool (G), click on the arrow to the right of the gradient editing field and in the list that appears, click on the gradient that matches the style.

Let's draw a gradient, for example, from left to right. This is what we got. (You can choose a completely different gradient or simply fill the main color with some texture or color, etc., etc., the field for creativity is very large).

The "Layer Style" window will appear, in which I selected the following tabs and set certain values ​​in them (you, as always, set what you like) - Shadow, Inner shadow, Embossing, Stroke.

Here's what I got.

Let's transfer the resulting layer styles to the rest of the photos. To do this, right-click on a layer that already has an existing layer style and select “Copy layer style” from the list that appears.

Select all other layers that do not yet have a layer style, with the exception of the bottom layer, the text layer, and the layer that already has a layer style. To select them, click on one layer, then hold down the Ctrl key and click on the remaining layers. After selecting them, right-click on the selected layers and select “Paste Layer Style” from the list that appears.

This is what our Layers palette now looks like after transferring the layer styles to the frames.

amp;lt;mce: script type=;">verflow-y: hidden; text-align: justify;">So, while processing the photo in Photoshop, we very quickly got a beautiful presentation of some event or your work. From the first time it will seem to you that we have been creating this presentation for a very long time, but believe me - the second and even more so the third, fourth, etc. You will produce presentations literally in a matter of minutes. Good luck with presenting your work!

IN photoshop there is a great option" Image Layout", which is well suited for creating a design portfolio. This command generates pages with frames reserved for photographs. Thus, it is very convenient to present your work to existing or potential clients. It is not for nothing that this command is located in the menu - " File - automation", as it helps to significantly save time when creating your presentation.

In this lesson on working with photoshop We will create one sheet of electronic photo album from start to finish.

Other automation lessons works in photoshop:

  • "We make it easier to find photos on CDs"
  • Create a Web Gallery in Photoshop
  • "Presentation of photographs in PDF format"
  • "We work with the Photoshop automation team - batch processing"

Let's go to the settings window for our photo album - " File - Automation - Image Layout".

In the window that opens, we do not change any settings, but simply click on " Edit Layout" (Change (edit) layout).

In the window that appears Picture Package Edit Layout (Change the layout of an image batch) first of all press the button Delete All to delete the previous layout, then in the box Name select the name of the future layout in the field Page Size select its size and check the box Snap to so that a grid appears on the field of the future layout (for the convenience of placing photos) and finally click on Add Zone (Add zone).

A frame appears in the field located on the right side of the window; by pulling its corner markers, we stretch it to cover the entire field.

After this we press the button again Add Zone (Add zone), the frame appears again.

Using its markers we set the required size and drag it to the desired location.

So as not to press every time Add Zone (Add zone), right-click inside the first frame and select Duplicate, a second frame will appear, drag it to a new location, and, if necessary, use the handles to adjust its size. If you select from the list Delete, then we will delete the frame.

I created six frames and arranged them as shown in the screenshot. Now click on the button Save.

A window appears in which we must give a name to our photo album (by default the folder opens Photoshop- Layouts). Click on the button " Save".

The main window appears, which opened at the very beginning, where your design is presented - Picture Package (Image Layout). In it we set the resolution to 300 pixels/inch and uncheck the box Flatten All Layers (Merge all layers). Click on the first frame where our photo will be located.

In the window that appears, find the photo we need on the computer, select it and click " Open".

The photo is placed in the selected frame.

Once you have placed all your images, click the button OK.

The program will run for a while, and then in the window photoshop You will see an almost finished sheet of your presentation.

Let's give this sheet a more designer look. First, let's write what we depicted on it. Select the tool " Text" (T), we will set approximately the following parameters (they will naturally be your own).

Let's write something appropriate for our event. To make the text look a little better, give it some style. To do this, just open the palette " Styles" and click on any appropriate style.

Secondly, we will apply a suitable gradient to the bottom layer, for which we will make the layer active.

Let's select the linear tool " Gradient" (G), click on the arrow to the right of the gradient editing field and in the list that appears, click on the gradient that matches the style.

Let's draw a gradient, for example, from left to right. This is what we got. (You can choose a completely different gradient or just fill the main layer with some texture or color, etc., etc., there is a lot of room for creativity!).

Let's make any layer with a frame active and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

The window " Layer Style", in which I selected the following tabs and set certain values ​​in them (you, as always, set what you like) - Shadow, Inner shadow, Embossing, Stroke.

Here's what I got.

Let's transfer the resulting layer styles to the rest of the photos. To do this, right-click on a layer that already has an existing layer style and select " Copy Layer Style".

Select all other layers that do not yet have a layer style, with the exception of the bottom layer, the text layer, and the layer that already has layer styles. To select them, click on one layer, then hold down the key Ctrl and click on the remaining layers. After selecting them, right-click on the selected layers and select " Paste Layer Style".

This is what our palette looks like now" Layers" after transferring the layer styles to the frames.

Like this, during photo processing in photoshop, we very quickly received a beautiful presentation of some event or your work. From the first time it will seem to you that we have been creating this presentation for a very long time, but believe me - the second and even more so the third, fourth, etc. You will produce presentations literally in a matter of minutes. Good luck with presenting your work!

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How to fill out a child's portfolio? A pressing question for many parents of first-graders and preschoolers. It cannot be said that a child’s portfolio is a mandatory component in our education system, but many educational institutions require it. Yes, they literally demand it. And it would seem at first glance that this process is very complicated and difficult, but I will help make it simple and enjoyable.

My name is Alexandra Pavlova, I am a designer. Some of the templates on this site are my works. I am filling out a portfolio for you and will be happy to tell you how I do it.

Today I will tell you how to insert a photo into any page of a portfolio template. We will do this in the program “ Adobe Photoshop" Don’t be afraid right away, thousands of people work in this program and you can definitely handle it. Moreover, I will describe the whole process in detail and simply.

Let's start filling out the portfolio.

Select the desired page in the portfolio folder (how to unzip portfolio files). In the example, this will be the “title” page file, right-click on the file (hereinafter RMB), select the “open with” “Adobe Photoshop” command (Fig. 1). If you have already installed the program (or it was already installed), the program and file will open.


In the same way, open the photo intended to fill the title page.

1. We need to copy the photo to the portfolio file.


On the left is the Layers tab.
Now there is one layer visible, “BACKGROUND”. (Fig.2)

Right-click on it and select the “Create a duplicate layer” command (Fig. 3)


In the window that opens, select the destination file into which the program will create a duplicate.
In our case it will be “Title”. (Fig. 4)


Let's go to the portfolio file, your photo is already there. We can close the photo itself; we won’t need it anymore.

2. Reduce or enlarge the photo.

If the photo is very large and does not fit into the frame on the page, we need to make it smaller. Of course, the photo may be smaller, but I want to warn you that after enlarging it will become blurry and blurry. And a portfolio with such a photo will not be beautiful.

Select the “Move” tool, the first one on the toolbar (circled in yellow in Figure 5). Please note that you must have a check mark in top line opposite the words AUTO SELECTION and SHOW MANAGEMENT. ELEM, (circled in red icons in Figure 5). These functions are responsible for creating a frame with control elements around our photo. With its help we will transform the photo. Click on any square on the frame with control elements (circled in red), and without releasing left button mouse (hereinafter referred to as LMB), drag it to the middle (decreases), outward (increases). (Fig. 5)


ATTENTION! Be sure to press the lock ( yellow circle), it maintains the proportions of the photo and the baby’s face is not deformed. To complete the transformation, click the check mark (blue square). (Fig. 6)


Did it work? Well done! But we see that our photo is above the frame. We need to swap the layers with the portfolio file and the layer with the photo.
Click LMB on the photo layer and drag it down. Our photo should move under the layer with the frame. (Fig. 7)

Having set yourself the goal of creating a portfolio with your own hands, you will be faced with the need to use graphic editors - Photoshop, Gimp and others. Not everyone knows how to work with these programs; this problem prompted me to write this article.

It’s probably not worth mentioning that when working you need to take into account the requirements of the school, and at the same time create documentation that the schoolchild (preschooler) himself would like.

Once you receive a ready-made template, you can design it for your child yourself. To do this, the information I will provide below will be enough for you.

Of course, if this is your first time working with graphic editors, it will take time and patience to complete the work. In addition, the final result may differ slightly from what was originally planned, but you have the opportunity to create a portfolio for your child with your own hands that will reflect his individuality.

Ready-made templates, of course, somewhat limit the individual approach, however, you can make unique work out of them, and besides, it will take you much less time and effort than creating a portfolio from scratch.

Before you begin, be sure to ask your teacher about the contents of the portfolio. After that, select the template you will work with.

So let's find out...

How to make a portfolio with your own hands

For work, take the “Sea Expanses” template here

You can work with any other template in the same way. I’ll use filling out the title page as an example.

1. Open front page in Photoshop program. Open the photo that you are going to place on it. It’s most convenient when you see in front of you both the photo and the sheet you’re working with. In Photoshop, select the “move” tool (highlighted in a red circle), left-click on the photo and, without releasing the mouse button, drag the photo onto the template (see images 1 and 2, click on the photo to enlarge).

It should work for you too. In order for the photo to be inside the frame, we need to move it under it. To do this, left-click on the first layer (highlighted with a red circle), and while holding down the mouse button, drag this layer under the layer with the title page. It should look like this:

The photo under the frame can be moved to achieve its most favorable location.

It may happen that the photo will not fit the frame size. To correct this situation, in graphic editor Photoshop has scaling tools. I use this simple technique:

To enlarge or reduce a photo, make sure its layer is active, and then press the combination Ctrl keys+ T. Or find the Free Transform feature in the Edit menu and select it. Then, while holding down the Shift button on your keyboard, drag a corner of the photo to enlarge or reduce it. Don't forget about "Shift", otherwise the image will be distorted.

2. So we inserted a photo. Now we need to insert text. IN in this case– sign the title page. To do this, in the graphic editor, select the “Text” tool (highlighted in red), place the mouse cursor on the lines of the template and write the student’s last name, first name and patronymic. In this case, I'm using Times New Roman italic font. You can choose any color and font. Follow correct location layers - this is important so that the text is visible; it must be located above the layer with the title page.

Once the sheet is ready, do not forget to save it in jpg format– this is the format needed for printing sheets.

If, when filling out a portfolio, it becomes necessary to set new font in Photoshop, how to do this, read.

This way you can fill out all the sheets. ready-made template portfolio. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments, I will definitely answer.

You can print a finished portfolio for a schoolchild (preschooler) at home on a color printer. It is better to use photo paper for this. However, the most best option- order a print in a photo salon or printing house - it will be both better quality and more profitable at a price.

For those who don’t really want to spend time going to a photo salon, the Netprint service will be useful, where by selecting the appropriate A4 format, you can order a portfolio print and wait for the finished sheets by mail or pick them up at the pick-up point closest to you.

You will not have to check the quality of the templates that you will find on the website, since their resolution and format are ideal for printing on A4 sheets.