LNB converters. Satellite converter - what is it? Selecting a satellite converter

As you probably know, on the dish (satellite dish) there is a satellite converter or converters for different purposes.

No, it’s me, there’s only one goal!

Catch a signal from a satellite and process this signal beautifully. In order for a beautiful picture to appear on the TV.

LNB or satellite head installed on the receiving satellite dish. If you want to watch movies from many satellites, then there will be not one but several satellite converters.

And so we have clarity that converters are designed to convert received signals, namely, to lower the frequency spectrum, linearly transfer it to a lower frequency region.

Why such transformations?

The need for such a conversion arises because the frequencies at which satellites operate are too high to transmit via cable.

The decoding of the abbreviation LNB ambiguously hints at the main characteristic of the converters and this is the noise level, you probably guessed, the lower the noise, the better.

The noise level of modern converters does not play a big role, since it usually ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 decibels and has virtually no effect on the signal quality.

This LNB device or satellite converter is mounted on a special holder called a remote bracket (included in the kit satellite dish) so that the head is in the focus of the antenna mirror.

Satellite converters can be divided into groups according to several criteria.

For broadcasting TV programs from satellite, 2 bands are used. C-band is a frequency band from 3.4 to 4.2 GHz. Ku-band is a frequency band from 10.7 to 12.75 GHz. The Ku-band is too wide, so it is divided into 2 sub-bands: lower (10.7-11.7 GHz) and upper (11.7-12.75 GHz).

The Ku-band converter includes two local oscillators to work with both sub-bands. As a rule, a local oscillator with a frequency of 10.6 GHz is used for the upper subband, and 9.75 GHz for the lower subband.

LNBs come in circular (Circle) and linear (Universal) polarization. Polarization satellite signal There are two types: left-right (circular) and vertical-horizontal (linear).

Various operators satellite television work with different polarizations. The most common ones are presented below:

Telecard - UNIVERSAL

LNBs differ in the number of independent outputs. There are converters with one (SINGLE), two (TWIN), four (QUAD) and eight (OCTO) outputs. If you buy a converter to watch satellite TV on only one TV, then you need a converter with one output.

If you intend to install the kit on 2 TVs, then the converter, accordingly, should have two outputs. Sometimes, in order not to run a lot of wires into the apartment, instead of installing, for example, a converter with four outputs, they use a satellite signal divider.

Outwardly, this really looks more aesthetically pleasing and in some cases much more convenient, but we should not forget that when using a divider you get about 5 decibels of noise into the load, which will negatively affect the quality of the signal.

But in some cases, you can’t do without a divider when the house has already been finished and wired for on-air television. IN in this case It’s just that you can’t do without a divider.


The average converter can last from one to five years depending on factors environment, mainly from the abundance of precipitation and humidity.

There are also cases when, due to a manufacturing defect, the converter fails within a couple of weeks from the moment of installation.

But even in this case, there is no point in searching for the truth, since it is unrealistic to prove that the cause of the breakdown is the quality of the converter’s assembly, and the warranty, as a rule, does not apply to them.

There is an opinion that it is easier to buy a new one than to repair it. But this is also not a panacea for everyone. Since we are already talking about a new converter, we would like to bring to your attention a new product for reliable 4K reception.

Universal converter with linear polarization (2 outputs).

The Inverto Essential converter is perfect solution For satellite reception broadcasting throughout Europe, allowing you to get the most out of your antenna.

The developers of Inverto Essential took care of the 4G/LTE signal filter, so mobile networks new generation, do not interfere with the excellent reception of this converter!

What's relevant low coefficient noise, low level phase noise, DVB-S2 (HDTV) and 4K Ultra HD compatible, low power consumption, high Cross-Pole performance.

Key Features:

Low phase noise, DVB-S2 (HDTV) compatible
Ultra Low Noise technology ULN+
Low power consumption
High cross-polarization characteristics
High frequency stability
Noise figure: 0.3 dB (ULN+) Typ. (0.7dB Max.)
Input Low range: 10.70-11.70 GHz
Input High range: 11.7-12.75 GHz
Output Low range: 950-1950 MHz
Output High range: 1100-2150 MHz
Low local oscillator frequency: 9.75 GHz
High local oscillator frequency: 10.60 GHz
Waterproof housing
Number of outputs: 2

How to determine if the converter is faulty?

There are not many disease syndromes of satellite converters.

And so, with manual search The receiver shows that the signal strength is more than 50 percent, but the quality is 0 percent. But often the same indicators occur when you mistakenly tuned in to another satellite.

Or even like this... sometimes converters “lose polarization”, or only some of the frequencies. At the same time, some channels are not shown. The receiver displays the message “No signal”.

As a rule, the effective treatment under any circumstances is to replace the faulty converter with a new one.
It must be remembered that the new converter must be of the same polarization as the previously failed one.

At self-installation satellite converter Be careful, try not to change the antenna direction angle, this will save you from having to re-align the antenna to the satellite.

Let's sum it up

Converter functions

Converter for converting microwave to more low frequency, called intermediate (900–2150 MHz). The signal at this frequency is transmitted through the cable to the receiver and fed to its antenna input.

To reduce the received frequency spectrum, one or two local oscillators are built into the converter - stabilized sources high frequency. The input frequency is reduced by subtracting the local oscillator frequency from it.

Converter for amplification of the received signal. After all, the signal from the satellite is received with very low power, which is completely unacceptable in the paths of receiving equipment. Therefore, the second, no less important, function of the converter is amplification.

The 13/18 V signal is used in modern universal converters only to switch polarization.

Universal converters differ from other full-range Ku-band converters in the versatility of the signals that control band switching and polarization, and also in the fact that these signals are transmitted over a single cable with an intermediate frequency.

If there is a need to receive broadcasts in both bands (C- and Ku-), you can go in three ways:

Firstly, install two converters on the antenna, each with its own feed and polarizer. But in this case, the feed of at least one converter will not be entirely in the focus of the antenna, which will somewhat reduce the directivity of the antenna;

secondly, purchase a design called a C/Ku rotor, which includes irradiators for the C and Ku bands, dividing the received flow into two parts. C/Ku rotors are produced combined with electromechanical polarizers.

But at the same time, there are significant losses in the power of Ku-band signals and frequent failure of the moving parts of the electromechanical polarizer, especially when low temperatures;

thirdly, install a combined converter for receiving C- and Ku-bands, which is still inferior to separate converters in terms of technical characteristics.

Converters must be sealed. Otherwise, due to daily temperature fluctuations, condensation forms inside the converter, which leads to a deterioration in its parameters and, ultimately, to failure.

In addition to insufficient tightness, there are other variants of design defects, for example, high damage during operation sun rays or temperature changes.

We got to the place about with an offset satellite dish, read it.

Breakdowns do happen, and it is quite difficult to insure against such pitfalls when purchasing. Here's a video that can help with head repair:

In addition, let's look specifically at LNB setup, what and why and most importantly, what I do before the onset of cold weather and also recommend the same in the spring.

Good luck, Friends!

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Satellite converter(eng. low-noise block converter - literally low-noise monoblock converter) - a receiving device that combines an LNA (Low-Noise Amplifier) ​​signal preamplifier received from a satellite and a downconverter (Downconverter), also known as a local oscillator (stabilized source of high frequency, producing a sinusoidal signal), which serves for frequency conversion electromagnetic wave Ku(10700-12750 MHz) or C-band(3400-4200 MHz) in intermediate frequency(950 to 2150 MHz), called L-band, in order to transmit with minimal loss over coaxial cable to the consumer. The converter is installed at the focal center satellite dish(on the remote bracket).

Operating principle

Electromagnetic oscillations of satellite signal frequencies experience very strong attenuation in cable lines. That is why in the converter not only amplification of oscillations occurs, but also frequency conversion. The input frequency is converted by subtracting (or adding) the local oscillator frequency. For each range, the converter uses its own local oscillator.

For C-band(3400-4200 MHz) one local oscillator with a frequency of 5150 MHz or 5750 MHz is used. Since the width of the Ku-band (12750 - 10700 = 2050 MHz) does not allow it to be simultaneously converted to intermediate frequency, since the width L-band significantly less (2150-950 = 1200 MHz), the Ku-band was conditionally divided into sub-bands:

  • Ku-FSS (Fixed Satellite Services, 10.7-11.7 GHz) is usually called “low” - “Low”;
  • Ku-DBS (Direct Broadcast Services, 11.7-12.5 GHz) received the designation “upper” - “High”;
  • Ku-BSS (Broadcast Satellite Services, 12.5-12.75 GHz) - Telecom subband.

Modern, so-called “universal” converters, which allow receiving the entire Ku-band, have two local oscillators 9750 MHz and 10600 MHz. Single-heterodyne converters are also widely used. circular polarization. the local oscillator frequency is 10750. They are used to receive signals from NTV+ and Tricolor TV operators. Switching between local oscillators is carried out using a 22 kHz tone signal coming from the control device (satellite television receiver - receiver) depending on the received subband.

Also, modern converters can work with different signal polarizations. Typically this is: linear (horizontal, vertical) or circular (left, right) polarization. Switching is carried out by changing the converter supply voltage - 13 or 18 Volts.

An important characteristic of the converter is noise factor (measured in dB), since when amplifying the useful signal, the converter introduces its own noise. Noise figure (NR) shows how much the signal-to-noise ratio will deteriorate after amplification and frequency transfer. CN determines the sensitivity of the converter - threshold value minimum level useful signal, below which the converter will no longer be able to register this signal due to its own noise. How less value Ksh, so much the better. Good performance CN for cheap converters is 0.1-0.5 dB. In fact, noise factors indicated by manufacturers are always underestimated, due to marketing tricks. “Honest” noise reduction values ​​are indicated on expensive (from $500) synthesizer (PLL) converters and cannot be better than 3-5 dB.