New features of VK. Leave the field empty

Would you like to learn about some useful functions of the mega-popular social network VKontakte in our latitudes? Then, read about the seven hidden features of VK and use the knowledge you gain now!

Quite recently we wrote about. There, everything was solved by installing a special plugin, which automatically added the functionality we needed, among which, downloading media files is only a small part of the improvements...

However, not always and not everyone has the opportunity to install something on the computer from which they access the Internet... And it turns out that in most cases it is far from necessary to use third party software, - the main thing is to know some secrets and be able to use them;)

Therefore, I bring to your attention a small but useful selection of tips that will allow you to significantly diversify your stay on VKontakte :)

Changing the language

And we’ll start with perhaps the most useless, but fun function - changing the interface language of our account. Previously, there were links in the “footer” (the very bottom of the page) of the social network quick change languages, among which there were two funny variants of Russian: “Pre-revolutionary” and “Soviet”.

Then Contact underwent a redesign and some of the “chips”, among which were the mentioned interface options, disappeared somewhere. But, in fact, everything remained in place, it was just moved :) Soviet and pre-revolutionary Contact can still be turned on. To do this, go to "My Settings" and at the bottom in the "Language" drop-down list two last paragraph and will be our cherished parameters :)

Choose the right option design, click the "Apply" button and get the desired result. The only pity is that your friends will not see or appreciate your new interface, since it is visible only to you. However, in a group you can also laugh, for example, by changing the language of one of your comrades on his computer to a pre-revolutionary one, and calmly observing the reaction :).

By the way, on the same first settings tab (“General”) you can also change the address of your page like “” to a more readable and memorable option like “”. To do this, just enter the desired name of your account in the “Page Address” field, just above the list of languages.

How to add symbols and underscores in messages

If the change in the interface language will be visible only to us, then now I propose to study the question of what can be done in Contact so that everyone can see it :) Specifically, I mean the possibility of formatting text in your messages. After the last redesign (around April-May), many of the text formatting functions were eliminated, but some remained...

The general concept of formatting VKontakte text is as follows: before the letter you need in a certain way highlight, put special code, starting with characters and ending with a specific number with a colon at the end. In practice, it looks something like this (we enter the example without quotes): "͠п͠р͠и͠в͠е͠т":

In addition to the wavy overline, the following codes also work now:

  • ́ - stress (placed before the letter we want to emphasize and works only once in one word);
  • - non-breaking space(replaced with an empty character and allows, for example, to send empty message);
  • ¯ - overlining with a solid, straight line;
  • ̅ - dotted line.

On at the moment formatting is all, however, it is worth mentioning that VKontakte codes partially coincide with popular ALT codes. If anyone doesn’t know yet, the ALT code is special set numbers that are entered with numeric keypad(block of buttons with numbers on the right) with the ALT key. As long as the button is pressed, we can enter certain numbers, which will not be visible, but as soon as we release the key, a certain symbol will appear.

So... By experimenting with the numbers after, you can get interesting results. For example, code © will give us a copyright icon - :)

Wall posts visible only to friends

Since we are talking about messages, it is worth mentioning one far from obvious, but useful function, such as hiding information on the wall from all visitors except friends. If you try to do this during normal editing from “My Page,” then you will not succeed, since the required option is not available anywhere.

Someone may rightly note that in Settings, in the “Privacy” (second) tab, you can configure it so that only friends (or no one at all :)) can view the wall. But it will be global setting. But what if you want to hide only a single post?

It turns out that this is possible and not at all difficult. You just need to know where to look :) And you need to look in the “All entries” section! You can get into it if you click on the inscription on your page that displays the number of posts on the wall (top left above the “What’s new with you?” field). This will open a page displaying only your wall and an expanded news entry field:

Under the news entry field we will have the treasured “only for friends” checkbox. We activate it, publish the news and it will be invisible to everyone who is not on your friends list!

The only caveat is that you will no longer be able to hide previously added news. You can only hide new posts that you publish directly on your wall, which has an address like “”.

How to find out who visits you most often

There are a lot of connections with friends on VKontakte various issues... For example, officially we cannot find out which of our friends visited our page. For this purpose, VKontakte has dozens of applications that, with varying degrees of reliability, show who allegedly visited you. However, in reality, most often such applications do not work.

It turns out that there is quite real way find out who's in lately most often came to see you, even without third party applications of dubious quality. True, it is not known what degree of reliability there is in this method, since you can only check by asking people directly whether they visited you. Although, everything coincided for me, so I’ll tell you about the method, and it’s up to you :)

So, the first thing we need to do is go to “My Settings” and at the very bottom of the page find the inscription “You can delete your page.” Click on the link in this caption and go to the page for deleting your account:

There is no need to delete anything! We are only interested in the item “No one comments on my page.” We select it and in the field with a standard answer, the system will give us the names of two people who have visited your page recently :) If you want to find out who else, besides these two, visited you, repeat the procedure and get the names of another couple of visitors. We can repeat this until we count everyone! I got 7 people in a day - it seems to be true, although who will understand their developers :).

How to delete a friend request

The last situation related to friends, which often arises among VK users, is friend requests from strangers of dubious activity :). Previously, there was a button that allowed you to directly delete any add request. Today we are offered only two options: either add or remain as subscribers...

Subscribers will not be able to write messages to you directly, but will be able to read and comment on your posts on the wall... If you do not want the person to receive information about all your new posts, then you can do the following...

We leave the person as subscribers, and then go to the “My subscribers” section (in the menu under the avatar on your page). A pop-up window will open with a list of people following you. We find the avatar of the person we just added, and in the right top corner Click on the “Block” button with a cross. Everything is ready - you won't be disturbed anymore :)

How to download music and videos

There are a whole bunch of services, plugins and full-fledged ones for downloading music and videos from Contact. However, there is a way to download media files directly without additional devices :). For this we Any will do a browser that allows you to view the code (usually viewing the code is called by pressing the key combination CTRL+U).

To download music, go to the “My audio recordings” section and look for the track that we want to download. For speed, copy its name and call the page code using the context menu (in Chrome this is the “View page code” item) or the above-mentioned combination (works in all popular browsers). Call the search by code (CTRL+F) and paste the copied name of the desired song (if there are several of them, then scroll through the code manually):

To make the search easier, you need to know that all the links we need are in the block with id="audios list". Now we find the name of the desired song, and the link to it will be in the block above in the block with the class class="play_btn fl_l". Copy the link, starting with "http" and ending with ".mp3", create new tab, paste this link into address bar and press Enter.

In some browsers (mostly old ones), after this manipulation the download will start immediately, and in some a player will appear. If you start playing, you need to call context menu and in it activate the “Save As” item. A standard save dialog will appear, in which you can select the location where the file will be downloaded and give it a normal name.

To download a video, we need to add it to “My Videos,” open it for playback and quickly press CTRL+U to access the code. Videos in Contact can be stored in two formats: .mp4 or .flv. We enter both options into the search in turn and look at the result. You should find a link like this:

As you can see, it is not stored in completely working condition. Specifically, its performance is hampered by backslashes, which appear three in front of forward slashes. We need to copy the link, starting with "http" and ending with ".mp4" or ".flv", and then paste it into the address bar and remove the extra groups of slashes. Then the algorithm is the same as for links to music: either the video will immediately start downloading to the default downloads folder, or the player will appear and we can save the video through the context menu.

The only thing worth saying is that we can download a video in this way only if it is uploaded to one of the servers of, or friendly video hosting sites, but not YouTube or RuTube. And one more thing:) For some videos there are several links - they are preceded by the codes url240, url360, url480 or url720. These numbers mean resolution, and therefore video quality;).

Status "Online from a mobile device" on a PC

One more simple trick for a snack :) Recently, VKontakte, in addition to the “Online” status, also began to display the “Online with” status mobile device", displayed if you are surfing the network from a phone or tablet. Some comrades immediately “got the trick” and began to boast that they have cool tablets and smartphones. Naturally, they cite their status as proof :)

But the status, if necessary, can be obtained quite easily if your browser is - or similar (a new one will also do :)).

We need to go to the browser menu and find the “Tools” - “Developer Tools” item there (also called by the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+I). Now in the panel that opens, activate the “Emulation” section and in the “Device” tab, select from the list the device that we want to emulate. I chose Google Nexus 10, because this tablet has quite high resolution screen and with such a resolution it will be comfortable to work on a regular monitor.

Now all that remains is to click the “Emulate” button and reload the Contact page. You will be automatically transferred to mobile version site, and next to your name there will be a status icon in the form of a mobile phone :) Close the “Developer Tools” panel and last step switch to the full version of the site by clicking the button " Full version" in the left menu below. Although, if you are satisfied with the mobile version, you can leave it...


Our mini-excursion to hidden possibilities VKontakte. In fact, there are many more secrets in VK, but it is unrealistic to know them all! And the obsolescence of certain features occurs quite rapidly. While this article was being written, for example, VKontakte returned the function for selecting a language from the site’s footer :) And the article was written in only two days...

In a word, you can’t keep track of everything, so we make the most of today what we can still use, and we’ll see what will happen tomorrow :) Fast surfing and more friends with whom you can communicate on any topic!

P.S. Permission granted to freely copy and quote. this article subject to indicating open active link to the source and preservation of the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny.

There are quite a few interesting features and opportunities that users are not aware of.

With the help of various tricks, you can greatly change the site interface, make the design original, receive votes for free, and much more.

The tricks and secrets of VKontakte that we will talk about in this article can be useful to everyone. Some of them are not so useful, but are intended more for transformation appearance website and profile, but this can also be interesting for active users of social networks.

8 secrets of using VKontakte

1. Empty fields.
If you have not completely filled out the information in your profile, then by default, “No information” will be written next to some lines. You can remove these inscriptions if you add a set of special characters to the lines.

2. VKontakte design.
Anyone can change external design VKontakte website, by using special topics. To do this, use the service, where you can download a special browser plugin and select original design. Everything is free, and after using it, social pages. networks will look unusual:

3. Non-standard menu.
The side menu displays all the items for using VKontakte, and you can change them by changing the language. In the settings you can select the language Soviet or Pre-Revolutionary and you will see the following menu view:

4. Interesting work.
When editing your profile data, on the career tab, you can select any community in which you are a member. This great way so that a link to the group always accompanies your name on social media. networks:

5. Hiding ads.
Everyone is tired of advertising on websites, and annoying blocks always appear under the VKontakte menu. It’s not difficult to remove them, all you have to do is install them free add-on for the browser we talked about in the article on how to remove ads from websites.

6. Free votes.
Periodically, each VKontakte user can receive free votes using shares. Go to settings, go to the “Payments” tab, click on the top up balance button and select special offers. After this, you will see a list of all options for receiving free votes:

7. Downloading media files.
To listen to music or watch videos, you have to constantly log into the social network. IN standard interface VKontakte does not have buttons to download media files, but this can be done using the extension from . Now the video format has changed, so the add-on does not work with videos, use

As you know, you want to gain access to what is hidden or hidden in a contact. If you are just such a person and you are not indifferent to the tricks and secrets of VKontakte.

How to change birthday in contact

Filling out registration form in contact you accidentally made a mistake and entered wrong date of his birth.

Or maybe you want to hide from prying eyes date of your birth by entering the wrong date of your birth. In this case, you need to do the following:

  • required for editing latest version Opera browser. If you do not have it installed, you will need to download it from the official website and install it
  • When you go to your VKontakte page, click on the “edit” button, which is located next to “My Page”
  • Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl keys+ F3
  • Will open source code page, scroll down to the lines like Day:
  • Please indicate your desired birthday. If you want to specify the 88th day of the calendar, then the entry will look like this: 88
  • To edit the year, scroll down to lines like select name=”bday_year” id=”bday_year” and replace “bday_year” with the desired year of birth.
  • Click the “Apply changes” button and go to the editing page, then click on save.

How to remove your last name and first name in contact

If you have a great desire to hide your last name and first name on VKontakte, then there are possibilities. So you will need to re-register on the website:

  • When you register and fill out registration data on VKontakte, insert the following code in the last name and first name field: ̇

How to add VKontakte symbols to your name or status

If you have long wanted to add to your status or name unusual symbol we will help with this. Add special characters VKontakte is actually very simple, like everything ingenious in the world. Select the special VKontakte characters that you like and paste their code where you need it!

How to increase your rating in contact for free

It can be completely free and quickly increased to 100%! To do this, you need to fill out your application form from cover to cover:

  • +25% — add a photo;
  • +20% - write about your hobbies;
  • +5% — indicate the university;
  • +20% — fill in the school field;
  • +10% - write about your career growth.
  • +2% — indicate your gender;
  • +2% — write your marital status;
  • +2% — indicate your date of birth;
  • +2% — indicate the city of birth;
  • +1% — write your political views;
  • +1% — write your attitude towards religion.

By filling out contact information you will receive an additional +10% rating in contact:

  • +4% - write your asya - ICQ;
  • +4% - enter your mobile phone;
  • +2% — write your home phone number.

After reading this information, you can easily fill out your entire application and get a 100% VKontakte rating. It is also possible to raise your rating above 100%, but it is much more difficult.

How to give yourself a negative rating in contact

You can not increase, but lower your rating and even make it negative. To do this, you need to completely design and fill out your VKontakte profile and upload, instead of your photo, a photo of a celebrity with a signature that it is you who is depicted in it.

Then you can safely unsubscribe and hang out where there are moderators. In the near future, after an inscription appears at the top of your page that the information you provided in the application form may not be true, erase your photo on home page profile! So you got a negative rating!

How to marry yourself in contact

For Opera browser users:

  • Open your profile editing page;
  • Open the source code of the page, then find the code for the dropdown list and then add the necessary data. The line should look like this: I
  • Click “Apply changes” by selecting yourself on the editing page.
  • Then you need to click “Save changes”.

Using Firefox browser You need to additionally install the Firebug plugin and do the above.

How to become invisible in contact

Become invisible VKontakte everyone can. All your friends will think and wonder where you disappeared to? In the meantime you will be browsing closed pages VKontakte. Become invisible on VKontakte!

In order to become invisible in contact, you should not go to the “profile.php” page, which means that:

Using the Firefox browser:

Using the Opera browser:

  • Go to the browser menu and select “Tools”, then “Settings”. Click "Advanced" and click "Network"
  • Uncheck "Enable automatic redirection"
  • Next, do the same steps as in the Firefox browser

How to invite all friends to a VKontakte group at once

If you have created your own VKontakte group, you need to invite all your friends to join it! In order to save time, we use a little VKontakte secret:

  • By going to the menu item “Invite to group”
  • Copy the following data into the address bar of your browser, remembering to remove all spaces:
    java script:function addall())(var butt_all=’[>>>We invite you!<<<]‘; j=0; var div_s=document.getElementsByTagName(”div”);for(var i=0;i3)
  • Press the “Enter” key
  • The inscription should change to “I invite you.” Click on it! Then on to any letter on the keyboard!
  • Voila, now all that’s left is to “Send invitations”!

How to delete your profile in contact

  • On the “My Settings” page, select “Privacy”
  • In the “Privacy” item, edit “Who can view the page” - you need to check “Nobody”, delete the page
  • Then proceed to delete your photos, music, notes and other contact information
  • Change your last name, first name, nickname, delete your avatar and erase all personal data so that no one recognizes you!
  • Leave contact. To completely delete your profile from, you should not access the site for a month.

How to insert photos and videos into notes in contact

If some of your friends have learned to insert photos and videos into notes and you also have such a desire or need. We will help you with this.

How to use VKontakte at work and at school

At your work or study, you have access to the worldwide Internet, but evil admins, for some “incomprehensible” reason, are against visiting your favorite site VKontakte. There is a way out of this situation. The VKontakte Agent program has been developed just for such cases! In addition to it, you need a working proxy server.

You can also download the VKontakte anonymizer - there are a great many of them on the Internet!

We draw beautiful graffiti in VKontakte

Your friend's birthday is coming soon and you want to give him a nice gift - beautiful graffiti on the wall! He will be shocked by your artistic abilities!

  • Horizontal and vertical lines can be drawn by simultaneously pressing the Alt + Shift + NumLock key combination. Control has switched from mouse to keyboard - drawing will become much easier and more convenient.
  • If you need to draw small details, increase the scale, it will be much more convenient! You can do this either in your browser (in Opere it’s “+” and “-” on the numeric keypad, in Mozilla Firefox you need to hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel forward and backward, respectively) or using the capabilities of Windows! Go to the Start menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> Accessibility-> Magnifier

How to ban writing on your wall in contact

Is someone writing nasty things on your wall? Or is another admirer or fan pouring out love odes? It's time to decisively end this!

  • Go to “My Settings” and activate the “Friends Folders” function
  • Specify in “Privacy” those who can leave inscriptions on the wall. Go to “Some categories of friends”
  • Now you need to select an empty category and the unpleasant inscriptions will be over

How to recognize an anonymous person who left their opinion in VKontakte

Someone wrote an anonymous opinion about you. Of course I want to know who did it. Try the following. In response, send the linkХХХХХХХ&dec=1, after inserting your ID into the link.

If the anonymous person who left the opinion follows this link, you will immediately set him on fire! This works if you have all applications enabled!

Hello everyone! In today's article we will reveal VKontakte secrets! Despite its apparent simplicity and convenience, the VK social network is full of secrets and tricks.

Over time, all the simplicity of Vk began to acquire more and more functionality, which can be very useful, but, unfortunately, they are sometimes difficult to find. Of course, they are not particularly needed, but in order to unravel some of the confusing things, I suggest you learn the following three tricks:

  1. How to access the version of the website for mobile phones?
  2. Check-ins or let my friends know where I am?
  3. How to subscribe to an unfollowed friend's news feed?

As you can see, there are not many chips, but they are voluminous, and the article was written specifically for those who have a lot of books...

Secrets of the VKontakte site

1) Mobile version of VK

This feature is not even a secret, but an urgent necessity, because all fans of the social network Vk want not only to communicate with family and friends, but also to use cool games and applications, share videos and music. There is nothing easier than using your personal computer or laptop.

But what to do if you don’t have a computer at hand? Just go from your phone to the mobile version of VKontakte at the following address:

Using this mobile client Vk for phones you can make the most of your mobile phone, PDA or tablet. All friend pages, widgets and music are made for comfortable work on mobile phone, however, for a change, you can try logging in from your computer.

2) Check-ins: we inform everyone about our location

Check-ins appeared not so long ago; their essence is the synchronization of the addresses of establishments registered in communities with geotags. Even today, while in a cinema, cafe or visiting, you can easily tell your friends about it in a few clicks!

After you check in, it will appear on your wall. The entry will indicate your current location from exact name and address, and this message will be instantly available to friends in news feed. Here’s a cool secret on VKontakte, and if you click on the name, you can see a map and people who checked in at the address specified in the message:

How to check in? There are two options: send from your page or from a group.

To post a check-in on the wall from the page you need:

An additional option for informing friends about where you are is through communities and events (for public pages the check-in function is not provided):

Attention! In order to be able to enable check-ins in a group, administrators need to go to settings later or later and specify the location:

3) How to receive news from users who are not friends?

News Feed – best option keep abreast of all events social networks, it also provides a chance to follow the most attractive events in life interesting people. But how can you find out the VKontakte subscription secrets? What can you do if not all people want to add you as a friend or, on the contrary, you don’t want to be among their subscribers?

Few people know, but on VK there is a way to receive news not only from friends, but also from completely unauthorized persons. I want to warn you that you will still have to submit a friend request, but after some simple steps you can quickly unsubscribe.

Step by step instructions:

The first step: subscribe to friends or a group that interests you. If you don’t want a person to even know about your existence, find a time when he is not online, because he will definitely receive a message about friendship, but if you do everything clearly and quickly, he won’t even know anything.

Second step: go through left menu in My news (1), click on the plus sign (2) and add a new tab.

Good afternoon, friends. In this article we will look at the capabilities of the social network “VKontakte”. What can this social network do, what set of tools and functionality does it have for users? Let's talk about this in more detail and do a review so that you can clearly see everything that Contact can do.

The capabilities of VKontakte today are truly amazing. Every year something new appears. This is no longer just communication or exchange of news and media files, it is real virtual life. It’s not for nothing that they say that modern doctors have even identified this type of addiction – addiction to social networks. Nowadays, part of our lives has been moved to virtual world online, and it’s hard to do anything about it. So, let's go... Let's see what kind of virtual life this is and what you can do there :)

What capabilities does VKontakte have?

Communication: sending messages, creating news in groups, commenting

On the social network “VKontakte” you can communicate in any way convenient for you. The first, the simplest– this is between two people or a group of users (). This is, so to speak, private communication in a narrow circle of people. For example, you can chat with a friend or create collective conversation according to interests. Any conversation has a wide range of functions - from basic sending messages (by the way, messages can be not only text, but also voice) to attaching media files (photos, videos and audio materials), sending gifts, marking places on maps and expressing emotions using emoticons and stickers.

Second way- this is commenting. You can comment on anything - be it a photo, video, news or. Thus, communication can also take place in the form of discussion. For example, someone posted a video or some news. You left a comment under it, then another person commented, etc. In this way, communication is structured in the form of discussions of any materials or news.

Third way communication – creating news in groups and on public pages. You can convey some information to people using , create a poll and provoke a discussion. This method is directly related to the second method and provides great opportunities to discuss anything.

As we can see, the communication possibilities on VKontakte are almost limitless and are available to any user of the social network :)

Search for new acquaintances

Many people use social networks as a platform for meeting new people. This could be romantic dating, searching for people with similar interests, searching for business partners or services or goods. We will talk about how to search for people on VKontakte in the next article. In the meantime, one thing can be said - the possibilities for meeting and finding old acquaintances and friends in VK are truly endless. You can also find new acquaintances based on interests and hobbies, and maybe even find your soulmate. You can search either simply through search or by various parameters. You can also find new friends with similar interests through thematic groups and public pages.

Create and share media files

The possibilities of social networks are not limited to communication alone. Here you can upload your own photos or videos, upload music or. Please remember that all media files you download will be included in general access, unless you restrict access to them in the page settings. Since the visual part during communication is also very important, most users will have a lot of photo albums reflecting their life. Previously, we went to visit people to look at photographs, now it’s enough to go to the person’s page and go to the “Photo” section. The same can be done with video recordings. Distinctive feature social networks is that all media files can not only be uploaded, but also shared - for example. in news, comments or personal messages. You can also comment on photos and videos, which takes the communication process to a new level.

Using social media content

On VKontakte (and other social networks) you can easily listen to music, watch some videos or even entire films, find the documents or photographs you need. The good thing is that you don't need third-party sites or resources. While communicating on VK, you can simultaneously listen to music or watch a movie here. All this is done to ensure that people’s needs are satisfied within one site, and a person remains on one resource for as long as possible without resorting to the help of others.

Creation of groups, public pages and news. Dissemination of information

“VKontakte” can truly be called huge news portal. Every day, a great variety of different news is created in groups and public pages, as well as on user walls. Thus, a colossal amount of information circulates on the social network. Many active users Contacts now don’t even go to news sites - it’s enough to subscribe to several large news groups to receive the latest news instantly. In addition, any news can be spread through reposting. For example, imagine that a person has gone missing, and a search group is posting information about the missing person. Caring people repost the post to themselves ( in simple words– post it on their wall, in their group, or send the news via private message). Thus, information is constantly disseminated.

Selling goods or services

Many people create mini-shops on social networks or advertise on own groups goods or services. Imagine, for example, that you are a wedding photographer. You can easily create a group where you will post your work, and you can also create a page there with information about prices and working conditions. If you sell products of your own production (for example, home-baked cakes), you can post photographs of your culinary delights, descriptions and prices in the group. By modern means You can even advertise and promote your products and services with your contact. Here we discover another wonderful function of social networks - a wonderful platform for advertising and business.

Games and applications

Are you bored on the road or in queues? VKontakte is full of all sorts of games and applications that will help brighten up your leisure time. Previously, there were “Tetris” and “Well, wait a minute,” but now all you need is one smartphone and registration on a social network, and you will find any game to suit your taste.

The capabilities of VKontakte are impressive!

Isn't that impressive?! From all of the above, we can conclude that the possibilities of VKontakte are truly limitless. Here you can do whatever your heart desires. It’s no wonder that social networks have become so wildly popular these days. And it’s true - it’s only worth it, and on your computer or smartphone powerful tool, with which you can do almost anything. VKontakte has a lot of tools and opportunities, which ones you use is up to you. Perhaps you will limit yourself only to communicating with friends, perhaps you will make VK the main source of news for you or a launching pad for business. It's up to you! Everything is in your hands! Welcome to the huge and virtual world called “VKontakte”! (:good:)

Limitations of VKontakte

There are restrictions on some actions on a social network - for example, a limit on the number of audio and video recordings on your page, a limit on maximum quantity friends or maximum length messages. If you are interested, follow the following link ( you can look full list restrictions on VKontakte. And here we present the most important of them:

  • the maximum number of audio recordings on your page is 6000, you can upload no more than 50 per day;
  • You can upload no more than 5,000 videos to the page, the maximum size of one video is 2GB;
  • the maximum number of communities that a user can subscribe to is 5000, and you can also invite no more than 40 people to your group per day;
  • The maximum number of friends is 10,000 people. You can send no more than 50 friend requests per day;
  • maximum message length is 4096 characters, attachments in a message are no more than 10;
  • You cannot upload more than 200 photos to the site at a time, the maximum weight of one photo is 5MB;
  • the number of hours during which you can edit a post on your wall – 24;

What should you not do on social networks?

Finally, I would like to talk about what you cannot (or should not) do on social networks. Naturally, it is always worth remembering that there are restrictions provided for by law. Russian Federation, and simply ethical standards. So, below is a small list of prohibitions and restrictions for VKontakte users.

  • insult other people;
  • post materials prohibited by Russian law: related to weapons, drugs, pornography, violence, etc.;
  • incite ethnic hatred, disclose state secrets, provoke unrest or hostility, etc.
  • promote extremism and terrorism;
  • openly discuss prohibited topics;
  • post prohibited symbols (for example, Nazi);
  • slander other people;

And if you just think logically, then you can’t do everything on social networks that you can’t do on ordinary life. Social media created for communication and exchange of information, business advertising and product promotion, and not for some “dirty” and unkind deeds.

In the next article we will find out. We wish you pleasant communication! 🙂