Communication between people on social networks and in real life. Research work on the topic "communication on social networks"

In order to invite a person to a meeting or presentation of your business opportunities, you must first get to know him and start a dialogue. When you talk to a person - find out his interests, hobbies, position at work and other important points for us, it will be much easier for you to invite him to a meeting. Moreover, a well-constructed dialogue in which you not only ask questions, but also answer yourself is half the success. The fact is that a person there must be trust in you, this is one of the main thoughts that I suggest you remember and which I often mention in the BLOG "MLM Online". Most beginning MLM entrepreneurs neglect this point, but meanwhile, it is the gained trust that helps not only invite a person to a meeting, but also increases several times the chances that a potential business partner will become real.

Imagine the situation- A novice MLM entrepreneur wrote to you on a social network. He writes that he is “recruiting a team,” “responsible and serious people are needed,” and promises “high income every week.” Agree, such proposals are already quite boring. Today, 95% of networkers work on social networks in this way. Naturally, this does not inspire confidence among potential candidates, and moreover, it spoils the reputation of network marketing, because people begin to think - “Yeah, I’m being invited to some kind of pyramid again, they need my money...”. Therefore, you will not get the expected result.

This is why I recommend always starting a dialogue with a person by building a relationship. It's best if you talk to the person 2 or 3 times before inviting them to a meeting or presentation. It has been proven that a person needs 5-6 “touches” to make any decision. In other words, he must see or hear some information several times before making a decision.

A simple example - before making a serious purchase - a car, a fur coat, a telephone or something else - we always go to the store several times, inspect this item, read reviews on the Internet. Rarely does anyone buy an expensive item right away. The same thing happens in the MLM business - a few “touches” help build a trusting relationship with a person, after which the success of a meeting or presentation is almost 99% guaranteed.

How to start a dialogue with a person if you start working on social networks?

The 3 best methods that I have tested in practice are as follows:

1. When you find a person in a group on social networks, the most logical thing to do is to start a dialogue by identifying your common membership in this group and asking an open-ended question like “are you interested in business?” or “Do you live in this city?” What this approach gives: firstly, you are “united” with a person by common interests, which means you can find a common language; secondly, you ask a question, which means the person must answer you, therefore, the conversation will continue. Below is an example of how I do this on VKontakte:

2. You can invite people from special communities dedicated to job search and employment. Anyone, even someone who is already working, is ready to listen to interesting proposals. This is why many people do not leave these groups. What if something worthwhile turns up? The main thing here is to build the dialogue in such a way that there is no deception. By inviting people to network marketing, we are not hiring. Accordingly, it is better to let the person understand this so that the meeting goes positively. Below is an example of how you can start such a dialogue:

The goal of this dialogue is not to tell your proposal in correspondence, but to invite a person to a meeting. Therefore, pay attention to giving the person a minimum of information, but at the same time showing the seriousness of your offer. For example, you can say that you first need to talk personally with the candidate, evaluate his knowledge, or you can say that it is impossible to discuss everything here, it is better in person. As a rule, adequate people understand this and agree to a meeting.

3. You can start a dialogue with a person simply by adding him as a friend. An interesting way is that you do not write an accompanying message, but simply add a person. Most people have a question: “Are we familiar?”, which means he is already starting to communicate with you. Next, you can indicate that you are in the same group or live in the same city, that you are looking for like-minded people. Here the strategies may be different. Here is an example from my practice:

Here we ask open-ended questions, and if a person is ready to communicate, he answers them. If you identify common interests, then it will be quite logical to move on to the topic of business.

Any of the above methods work well. You can use what is convenient for you or combine everything together. You can change these wordings, or come up with something of your own. The main thing to remember is that the success of the invitation directly depends on how successfully you build a dialogue with the person and whether you can win his trust. You can find tips on how to build further dialogue in the following entries on the MLM Online BLOG or receive them in my newsletter - be sure to subscribe (form on the right side of the screen) so as not to miss anything important.

Let's summarize:

A well-constructed dialogue is a guarantee that you can invite a person to a meeting, and he will come to it. Communication should begin by identifying common interests, or belonging to the same group, or to the same city. At the same time, depending on the selected target audience, you can write to people from different areas and gradually develop a dialogue on the topic of business or additional income. The best way to build a dialogue is to ask open-ended questions, because a person must answer them.

Several years ago, with the advent of social networks on the RuNet, many users asked the question: “Is it worth making virtual acquaintances? Will they be beneficial, will they be effective? Or maybe virtual communication is actually evil? Today, almost every third inhabitant of the planet has his own account on a social network, a lot of virtual friends and subscribers.

But not everyone can boast of the effectiveness of their communication on social networks. Some choose the wrong network that they need, but sit on the old one out of habit, others are lazy to study the interface’s capabilities, others communicate simply out of boredom, and still others simply do not trust social networks. As a result, time spent in front of monitor screens is wasted. What to do?

How to communicate successfully on Twitter?

1. Brevity is the sister of talent. Thanks to Twitter, you can learn to express your thoughts clearly and concisely, because messages are limited to 140 characters in length.

2. You can follow the news, new projects, track the mood of your friends, publish your news and share it with others.

3. You should always remember about your readers (“followers”). If you don’t know what to write, it’s better not to write anything. Don't clutter your friends feed.

4. You can ask questions to senior comrades, experts in a particular field. Follow celebrity news.

6. Be confident in your tweets. Even if you're new to Twitter but have a good understanding of a particular industry, present yourself to readers with dignity.

How to communicate successfully on Facebook?

Whether you want to grow personally or just connect, you can use Facebook to:

1. Facebook in Russia has a fairly mature and intelligent audience. Here you can find new friends, communicate with a lot of interesting, famous people who have influence on modern media and culture. Here you can easily argue in the comments with an authoritative expert and chat with friends in private messages.

2. You can practice language by making friends with foreigners.

3. Realize yourself in creativity: show your work, get ratings in the form of likes, find like-minded people, present your ideas.

4. Register under your real name. This will make it easier for you to find friends, and easier for friends to find you.

5. Be polite. Rude comments and disrespectful behavior may result in your account being blocked if there are complaints from other users. Do not become friends with those whom you do not at least indirectly know in real life, or if you are not at least united by common friends. In general, value your reputation.

6. Be interesting and helpful. This is not the place for the “Standing in a Traffic Jam” genre. Here, messages with at least some minimal benefit and concern for friends are more appropriate, for example: “I stood in a traffic jam on Yaseneva for an hour. Friends, it’s better to drive around Borisovsky Proezd.”

7. Don't be intrusive or negative. It’s better to add posts and photos every day, but a little at a time, not 10 a day. Posts (messages on your wall) about your sadness and sadness, in general, are not needed by anyone and will not be popular; no one likes whiners. Posts about your victory over the blues, where you have a glass of cider and a bucket of strawberries, will appeal to your friends more. It’s better to share your sadness with friends in person or over the phone, rather than in public.

For those who want to use Facebook for personal gain:

How to communicate successfully on Instagram?

1. Using Instagram, you can show yourself as a connoisseur of beauty and a creative person. You can create interesting and unique photos: edit them, add various special effects, filters, change the background, crop, focus on a specific detail. Try to show the world not a simple image, but an emotion in the “I am here and now, and it’s beautiful here!” mode. Of course, posting photos taken a little earlier is also not prohibited.

2. Do not overuse delayed posts. For example, if you were on vacation and post one photo a day, users will get the impression that your vacation was clearly extended.

3. Do not write long captions under photos, because Instagram is a project of photographs, not prose. Don't use too many hashtags (tags with a # sign) - this will irritate readers. There is no need to list everything you see in the picture.

4. Publish photos that may interest your subscribers, that really touch you personally. Photos taken out of boredom in the “Here I am standing in a traffic jam” genre are bad manners.

5. If you are selling something, do not force your products on people. Instagram is a means for sharing personal photos, but if you advertise, or even worse, push your product, you will be treated as a seller, and not as a full-fledged participant.

6. Always remain sincere. If you want to show the world beauty - do it! If there is no beauty - remain silent.

7. Having a good camera in your smartphone or camera will be very useful.

What's good about VKontakte?

VKontakte is also called a lightweight copy of Facebook, so the rules of social life here are approximately the same as for Facebook. Only the majority of network users are residents of the CIS, and younger than those who use Facebook. Many schoolchildren and students live here. On VKontakte you can also express yourself, create groups, fan pages, acquire subscribers, and monitor your news feed.

The greatest strength of the network is the ability to upload your own music, videos, and use files that have been uploaded by other users. It’s not for nothing that VKontakte is also called the largest media archive on the Runet.

What can you find in Odnoklassniki?

Odnoklassniki is best suited for communication on everyday and personal topics. As practice shows, users communicate less in groups and most often prefer private messages (personal messages, chat). With the help of Odnoklassniki, you can find your friends with whom you were once friends, you can feel nostalgic, meet in reality, or even change your destiny. What if your first love is still dreaming about you?

Unfortunately, it is precisely because of these illusions that Odnoklassniki is considered a social network for flirting and cheating. After all, some who have found their school sweetheart really want to experience some exciting emotions again or at least flirt. On the other hand, this is an ideal social network for those who are lonely, have lost some old connections with friends and want to restore them.

General rules for successful communication on social networks

1. Literacy: “Take all my mistakes as smiles” When filling out your profile, publishing your articles, responding to messages, try to write correctly. If you don’t know how to spell a particular word, check it on the corresponding sites ( or in Word. Illiterate correspondence has never made anyone happy.

2. Politeness. Always and in all situations, do not lose face, be polite and tolerant. Forget about obscene language, do not indulge in all sorts of provocations - “don’t feed the trolls.” If your readers ask you questions, don't forget to answer them.

4. Self-control and acceptance of criticism. Learn to restrain yourself and not get worked up over trifles. If you encounter criticism, be able to accept it, if it is, of course, justified.

5. “No” - unverified information! Do not publish unverified information on your pages or groups. Of course, everyone has the right to make mistakes. But if this is repeated systematically, you will quickly lose the trust of your readers.

6. Use more verbs. It has been found that verbs increase the effectiveness of messages because they make the message more vivid and easier to understand (the study was conducted by the social network Twitter).

7. Don't tell anyone and everything about yourself. If you do not plan to close your profile from strangers, do not write all the ins and outs about yourself, your loved one. If you are planning to find a new job, then publishing your professional data is justified.

If you are looking mainly for friendly communication on the Internet, make sure that your personal life does not become the property of others. Unfortunately, there are a lot of envious people around who do not know how to truly rejoice in the happiness of others; gossips who are bored with their own lives and want to live yours.

If it’s mentally difficult for you, you shouldn’t make it public either. Why? This is of little interest to third-party users; the most they can do is express sympathy. It’s better to turn to your best friends, parents or psychologist. Such assistance will be more effective.

By the way, it is worth noting that the more negative, pessimistic information a user writes on his blog, the faster he loses readers. C'est la vie...

8. Don’t post on social networks compromising photos. Both yours and your friends. Protect yourself and them from unnecessary gossip and other troubles. So that later you don’t have to wonder why you weren’t hired, and for some reason the entire female half of the work team is making fun of your friend.

9. Refrain from being frank with a person you don’t know well. For example, there are known cases when collectors entered into correspondence with users, hiding under a fictitious name. We received a phone number and made an appointment. The outcome of the matter is clear.

Don't forget that we are always happy to communicate with you! Visit the pages at

With the development of technology, our world is becoming more and more virtual. We noticed how quickly we got used to email, Skype and social networks. Less and less time is spent communicating with friends on the phone, because you can write a message and send a photo. More and more often we stay at home in front of the computer in the evenings, instead of going out, and we follow the lives of our friends on the news on social networks.

Social media

The most popular is Facebook. It has 1.3 billion users and was created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. Users share their information, photos, thoughts. It is possible to create interest groups, as well as pages of what you like.
All users from Russia know VKontakte. It is also the most popular Russian-language network. Created by Pavel Durov in 2006. Has 342 million monthly active users. It is probably difficult to find a Russian person who is not registered on VKontakte. This social resource has captured all residents of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Users constantly update statuses, music, photos. A lot of interest groups are being created, these include cinema, music, sports, books and so on. Most registered users take an active part in the life of this Internet resource, and for many this has become a necessity.
Odnoklassniki is the second most popular social network in Russia. Launched in March 2006 by Albert Popkov. The user audience is more than 205 million people. Since July 4, 2013, the project is also available in English.
My world from Mail Ru Group. A small social network that is available to users who have an account on the Mail ru mail service.

There are also many interest networks where everyone can find interlocutors and friends in a certain circle of hobbies. For example, Instagram, where users share their photos, can add friends, and comment on updates. Every user registered on Instagram literally tells his life through photographs: where he was, what he ate, what he wore today. The Myspace portal is mostly populated by musicians and stars. Flics is another photo community.

There are also a lot of dating sites where people meet and communicate. There are specialized sites where people meet for a specific purpose, such as marriage and starting a family. Popular Russian-language sites: LovePlanet, Mamba.

Rules of communication

On the website of any social network you can find rules of conduct on this resource; usually you agree to them when registering. This is a statement of copyright, privacy and legislation of the Russian Federation (for Russian-language sites).

The user must not:

  • Create fake accounts.
  • Insult your interlocutors
  • Spread false information.
  • Distribute advertising information in the form of spam mailings.
  • Distribute malware.
  • Disseminate information containing: propaganda of criminal activity, threats, obscene materials, scenes of violence.
  • It is illegal to post personal materials of third parties without their consent.

The user is obliged:

  • Report any violations to the site administration.
  • Do not provide your account login and password to other persons.
  • Bear full responsibility for the information posted on his page.
  • When registering, provide accurate information.
  • Comply with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation.


The Internet has made our lives much easier. Messages arrive in a second, all the necessary information can be found quite quickly. On the one hand, it is very convenient. But there is also a minus - these are social networks. It is difficult to find people who are not registered on at least one such site. The idea of ​​​​creating a social network was the opportunity to communicate with people and share their information (photos, recordings, videos). Over time, communication on virtual sites began to become an addiction.


You have a constant need to go to your page, check messages, even if you know that no one should write to you.
You spend all your time reading news and looking at the pages of other users, waiting for their information to update.
You feel the need to update your status daily, as well as post photos of how you spend your time.
You spend a lot of time playing apps, trying to level up in the game.
You have alerts on all devices: phone, computer, email, instant messengers.
When you sit down at your computer to check your email, you spend most of your time on a social networking site.

Dealing with this is not that difficult. First, try turning off notifications about new messages and updates. Every time you try to visit a resource site, try to do more useful things: read a book, learn a new foreign language, or at least watch a movie. Next, try not visiting your page for one day. Spend more time with your friends, stop texting, if you want to talk, just call. After some time, you will understand that real life is much better than virtual life. Just imagine how many things you could do without spending time on a social networking site.

The number of profiles on social networks is growing rapidly. Look around at your friends, relatives and colleagues - almost everyone has a page on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook. Communication on social networks can bring pleasure, the joy of meeting those you haven’t seen for a long time or seeing the one you were in love with in the 5th grade.

The popularity of social networks has led to the fact that in order to analyze the qualities of an applicant when applying for a job, many HR managers search for and view profiles on Facebook, Odnoklassniki, and VKontakte. Your manager, colleagues or relatives can also view what you write or what photos or videos you post online. Thus, when registering or filling your page on any social network with various information, you need to remember what impression they can make on your friends, colleagues and other people.

The consequences of communicating and posting on a blog or on your Facebook page can be unpredictable, so filling your own page and all communication on social networks must meet certain rules. By following these rules, you will show respect for other Facebook users, make a good impression on those who are interested in your personality, and ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones.

In general, the rules of communication in networks are similar to the usual rules of communication at work, in a supermarket or on the street. Unfortunately, many users, due to the nature of communication on the Internet, forget about the basic rules of good manners and personal safety. Don’t forget that your profile can be viewed by almost anyone, and with any intentions, so adhere to a certain social network user code, and then communication on Facebook, classmates and other networks will only be beneficial and bring positive emotions.

By the way, positive emotions can be found not only in social networks, but also in playing on game consoles. If you are choosing which model to choose, we can recommend the K-Magic Combo game console. If you buy this gaming device for yourself, it will give you a lot of vivid impressions.

Communication Rule #1 - Your real name.

When registering on a popular social network, follow the rules that are established for users - register under your real name (Facebook, VKontakte and many other networks ask for this).
Naturally, you can play around and register a profile with a completely unreal nickname or a fictitious name. But if you intend to look for friends, colleagues, classmates or communicate with acquaintances from foreign countries, establish business contacts, then you need to register under your real name. This will make it easier and more convenient for everyone. Moreover, social networks and blogs are intended specifically for communicating with acquaintances and friends, and not for trolling and sending spam.

Communication Rule No. 2 - Avatar, personal photos and videos.

Communication Rule #3 - Text messages and similar information.

We all have very different moods and states. Someone has fallen into depression, someone is recovering from yesterday's party, someone has met an interesting girl or two at once. This may be very interesting to your friends or colleagues. But remember that you don’t know who exactly is viewing your profile or who is hiding behind unfamiliar nicknames or even a completely ordinary photograph and the name Vasya Morkovkin. Therefore, you should only open personal records to those in whom you are truly confident.

Sometimes, even when communicating with friends, you need to be extremely correct and careful; be sure to keep in mind that any materials on the Internet can be easily copied and shown to someone who should not see them. Therefore, just as in the case of photos and videos, before you write something, ask yourself - is it worth doing? Out of respect for your readers and friends, try to write positive things, this will attract people to you and lift everyone's spirits.

Communication Rule #4 - Friend Requests.

When sending or accepting a friend request, be polite. If you receive an offer from a stranger, look at his profile; perhaps you have known each other for a long time or have crossed paths through work, study or business. A friend request quite often only means that you and your posts or photos are simply interesting to this user. After reading the profile of someone who sent a friend request, you have the right to accept or not accept the proposal, but in any case, do it as politely as possible and do not ask too many questions - good users (not trolls or spammers) indicate all the necessary information about themselves in their profile.

Communication Rule #5 - Pages and Groups.

You should not add other users to groups without first agreeing with them. Do you like this attitude towards yourself? The golden rule of reality: “Treat others as you treat yourself” also works on the Internet.

Communication Rule No. 6 - No spam!

Communication Rule No. 7 - Communicate on decent topics.

Social networks like Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or all kinds of blogs are not intended for sexual dating. Naturally, you can meet and meet in real life with anyone, but still do not forget about the specifics of social networks - friendly communication. There are special services and websites for finding a sexual partner.

Communication Rule No. 8 - Likes and competition.

It is no secret that many of the difficulties of communication in real life are also reflected in communication online. Many fairly adult people compete with each other on the number of friends, often adding just anyone, including banal brands, stores, and complete strangers. The result of such actions will be a folder full of spam and other nonsense with personal messages and a regular headache due to putting things in order on your profile pages.

The same goes for likes - you shouldn’t write to strangers or people you barely know and ask them to like your messages, photos or videos. Take care of your and other people's time. Offers to purchase any products or invitations to events should not be sent to everyone - send them to those who really need them.

An educational video about what you may encounter when communicating on social networks.

Republic of Sakha


“N E R Y N G R I N S K I R A Y O N”


Municipal budgetary educational institution

Gymnasium No. 2 of the city of Neryungri

678960 RS (Y), Neryungri, street named after Viktor Kravchenko, building 8, building 1, tel./fax (41147) 4 –26 –44,

e-mail: [email protected]

Research work onVIIregional scientific and practical conference of young researchers “Step into the future”.


student9 A

MBOU Gymnasium No. 2

Timur Baybars

Scientific supervisor:

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU Gymnasium No. 2

Balagurova Marina Vyacheslavovna

Neryungri, 2015



4. Study of communication on social networks…………………......12-15

Conclusion……………………………...................................... ..........18-20



The main function of language is communication. Communication for a person is his habitat. Without communication, the formation of a person’s personality, his upbringing, and the development of intelligence are impossible. Communication helps organize joint work, outline and discuss plans, and implement them. But today, communication in the generally accepted meaning of the word has changed somewhat, because network communication has become widespread, i.e. communication via the Internet. Some people welcome it and actively use it in everyday life, while others are opponents, defending live, direct communication.

Our research work is devoted to the topical issue of studying the features of communication in the space of social networks.

The purpose of our work is to study the category of communication in social networks.

To achieve this goal, we put forward the following tasks:

    studying the category of communication, comparing real and online communication;

    research into the language of communication of social networks;

    study of the significance of social networks in the life of a modern person;

    study of the characteristics of communication in social networks.

Subject of research: communication on social networks.

Hypothesis: we believe that in modern world communication is moving from real to virtual format.

Methods of work: theoretical study of this issue, observation, questioning, linguistic experiment.

Communication is a concept that describes the interaction between people and characterizes the basic human need to be included in society and culture.

It is difficult to say when communication began. But we can definitely say that a person cannot live without communication. Thus, communication is a natural human need present at every stage of the development of civilization. Communication can be oral and written, real and online.

The very first thing that arose, of course, was oral and real. People met on the street, visited each other, went to the theater, the opera, met on dance floors, i.e. conveyed their thoughts, requests, impressions through direct personal contact.

Non-verbal language means play a big role in such communication: gestures, facial expressions, since we not only hear the interlocutor, but also see him, and therefore immediately react to his joy, pain, suffering, happiness.

But people were not always nearby, and therefore the need for written communication arose. At first, people used rock paintings as messages. And after the advent of writing, they began to actively write letters to each other.

In the modern world, a world of speed and progress, new types of communication have emerged. The human need for high-speed communication (information transfer) became the basis for the emergence of the Internet. And with the emergence and spread of the Internet, the epistolary genre faded into the background and became no longer so widespread, because no one wants to wait for a letter, much less write it, observing the rules of grammar and spelling. Therefore, many aspects of our lives gradually migrated to the virtual world. And communication was no exception. And if the older generation still does not forget about traditional forms of communication, the younger generation increasingly prefers virtual connections.

What is the Internet? In the modern world, everyone can answer this question. This is one of the ways to communicate or search for information. In addition, it serves as entertainment or is simply used to “go away into yourself” and forget about surrounding problems.

The society of people “surfing” on the Internet: communicating, working, having fun is called Internet society.

The specificity of being in the information environment of the Internet creates new forms of communication, liberates and pushes people to deliberate, and sometimes rash, actions. For example, now when registering on almost all online communication websites it is allowed not to indicate real data, i.e. remain an anonymous user: starting from the date of birth and ending with the first and last name. Also, users often come up with pseudonyms for themselves, or as they say online, “nicknames” (abbreviated as “nicknames”), which translated from English means “nickname.” Most Internet users, when creating a page on any social network, after a while create another one or more. It happens when a page is created where the data, including the photo (avatar), does not correspond to the data of its creator. Such pages are called fakes("fake" translated from English - fake, counterfeit).

Thus, the Internet has its own purpose for each person and everyone uses it for different purposes. But in our work we will talk only about one of the main “abilities” of the Internet, the communicative function of the Internet, i.e. that function by which people communicate at a distance and communicate with each other. Quite a few means have been invented for this - various services (for example, mail or forums) where you can exchange information with each other. All sitesThis type can be called in two simple words: social network (or social network for short).

The emergence of social networks was a consequence of the development and spread of the Internet itself. According to statistics, about 50% of the population of our planet are members of some social network, and some are even in several at once. Their popularity is best demonstrated by data on young people: 96% of young people communicate on social media. networks. And they are really addictive; it’s not for nothing that the Internet is called the World Wide Web.

The term “social network” itself consists of the words “society” and “network”. “Socium” - related to society. But the word “network”, from the point of view of the Russian language, is a polysemantic word and in S. I. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary it has four meanings.

The following values ​​caught our attention:

    A device, a product made of intersecting threads, ropes, wires fixed at different intervals (for catching birds, fish)

    A set of institutions, enterprises and persons located, scattered over a certain territory and connected by one system.

Based on the analysis of lexical meanings, it becomes clear that in the term “social network” the word we are considering is used in the second meaning. However, the first meaning is no less interesting and takes on an ironic sound. What is a social network if not a trap? And falls into this trap large number people who spend all their free time and non-free time on social networks.

The origins of social networks began almost with the birth of the Internet itself back in 1969. Throughout the evolution of social Networks can be distinguished into two main directions of development: purely professional communities and non-specialized networks. Derived from professional communities are networks that unite people with the same interests or hobbies.

Various researchers suggest that the network, created by Randy Conrads in 1995, be considered the very first social networking resource. Classmates translates as classmates. The site provided users with the opportunity to reconnect with former classmates, classmates, colleagues, and friends.

In 1999, an American programmer student opened the service. There, unlike, you could create a fairly detailed profile. Soon the service provided the ability to add contacts (friends). Livejournal became the first Western social service to become popular in Russia.

The second wave of the emergence of social networks occurred in 2001-2004. Social services that appeared in this period of time are characterized by a division into niches, one of which was business. The first web resource focused on maintaining business contacts was in 2001.

Since 2004, all kinds of online communities from a wide variety of niches began to use social tools on their services. networks. In Russia, these include, Networks such as for dog owners, for travelers, for activists and volunteers, for Christians are based on common interests.

In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg (a Harvard student) launched the Facebook portal, which today is the largest social network. But initially registration was only available to Harvard students. Gradually, students from other universities, and then schoolchildren, gained access to Facebook. By 2008, Facebook had become the world's largest social network. a network whose service is available in 40 languages.

In Russia, the first such project was social. VKontakte network. It was founded in 2006 by St. Petersburg programmer Pavel Durov (co-author is his brother Nikolai). Today the VKontakte network is the largest social networking resource in the CIS. It is one of the 30 most visited portals in the world.

Also in 2006, the Russian analogue of the network, Odnoklassniki, was born, authored by Albert Popkov. The social network is used to communicate with past and present classmates, fellow students and just friends. According to the latest data, there are more than 67 million registered users on the social network. For comparison, the social network VKontakte (the main competitor of Odnoklassniki) has more than 100 million members

Social the network is in “great demand” around the world. After all, this is the most relevant form of information exchange at a distance (after the mobile phone). This form of communication has many advantages: it does not require special expenses, it is accessible to everyone, unlike the telephone it cannot be busy, i.e. it can be used simultaneously by an unlimited number of people. People cannot miss the opportunity to use such a convenient method to communicate with each other or send any files in a few seconds, while they are separated by hundreds, thousands or even millions of kilometers.

Today the following social networks are popular in Russia:

    VKontakte- 50 million visitors per month;

    Odnoklassniki - 43 million visitors per month;

    Facebook- 28 million visitors per month;

    Twitter- 10 million visitors per month.

Statistics on the number of letters sent per week also indicate high social traffic. networks:

    Twitter-3 7 .5 million;

    VKontakte-13 million;

    Odnoklassniki - 8.7 million.

As we have established, at the very beginning of the development of the social network, it was intended for business conversations and only then began to enjoy universal popularity. Along with universal popularity, slang appears on the social network - a set of special words or new meanings of existing words used in various human associations (professional, social, age and other groups).

Being on social networks today occupies a leading position in the lives of young people. The consequence was the functioning of special words and stable phrases that are used when communicating in virtual networks. And pFirst of all, this is connected with another form of communication, that is, such as writing. “User” (translated from Internet slang as “a person who uses the Internet”), typing on the keyboard, tries to shorten words to save time. Over time, new examples appear from abbreviated words: disposition (like); thank you, thank you, thank you (thank you); nzch (you're welcome); pzhlst (please); now (now); lan(okay); ahaha (laughter), etc., etc. Lately, English words written in Russian letters have often slipped into slang, examples: pliz or plz (please-pleasea) ; like(like- like); bro (abbreviated frombrother-brother); Senk( thanks-Thank you); lol (short forLotOfLaugh - die laughing); go (from Englishgo- go);ok (from Englishokorokay); kul or kul (from cool).etc.

Foreign borrowings are more popular among slang expressions on social networks. This is due not only to the growing influence of foreign culture, but also to the fact that English is the international language for communication on the Internet:admin – "administrator",user – “user”,internet - "Internet",online – “user on the network”,content – “filling, content”, etc. The slang of social networks uses borrowings that arose precisely in this communication environment, for example,like - “I like the mark”like - “to talk about a preference for something”,comment – “comment”,comment – “leave a comment.”

Consequently, trends in popular culture are of great importance for the slang vocabulary on social networks.

At the present stage, slang words and expressions on social networks tend to create and use various kinds of abbreviations. Abbreviations can be used both in borrowed form (OMG - "ohmygod"LOL – “laughoutloud”,IMHO - “inmyhumbleopinion”), and the tracing version (cf.OMG, LOL, IMHO ), although the abbreviation is not translated into Russian in accordance with the composition. Abbreviation as a way of forming slangisms on social networks is becoming increasingly popular, because... not only “saves” time, but also contains information in encrypted form that may relate to taboo concepts.

In addition, emoticons are actively used to convey emotions in written speech. When communicating on social networks, it is not possible to use one of the powerful means of real communication - intonation. Intonation is directly related to the expression of emotions during a conversation. But it doesn’t exist in virtual communication. Virtual interlocutors partially solved this problem by using emoticons to express emotions.

In order to determine the meanings of emoticons, we conducted observations on the pages of social network users. We compared the emoticons we found with the content of the letter or status. The results were as follows:

1.))) - laughter;

2.) - smile;

3. :-* - kiss;

4. :-D – laughs;

5. ;-) – winking;

6. ;-(- crying;

7. :-P – teases;

8.  - offended;

9. :-@ - angry;

10. :-> - dissatisfied;

11. :-/ - surprised;

12. O_o – scared;

13. (- a little sad.

Basically, it's quite convenient. Each emoticon expresses a specific emotion. Therefore, the text of some of the interlocutors’ remarks or statuses may consist of one emoticon, which will tell the interlocutor that the user is dissatisfied with something, he is not in the mood, or vice versa.

But many linguists believe that this principle of slang formation has a negative impact. It often happens that words we are all familiar with have a completely different meaning on a social network. For example, a word likeaccordion means that any joke, phrase, comic, etc. already “not the first freshness”, i.e. outdated. But if 4-5 years ago Internet slang was only Internet slang, now it has gone beyond the Internet and began to appear not only in forum dialogues, but also in ordinary speech. The virtual language is developing, and there are fears that in the future Internet slang will become part of the classical language.

    Research on communication in social networks.

As part of our research, we conducted a survey to study the features of communication on social networks. For this purpose, a survey was conducted. The respondents who were asked the survey questions were divided into age groups in order to identify the peculiarities of communication in social networks of people of different ages:

    22 respondents (age 12-13 years)

    15 respondents (age 15-17 years)

    8 respondents (age from 25 to 45 years)

During the survey we asked the following questions:

Are you registered on social networks?

If yes, what social networks are you on?

For what purpose are you registered on a social network?

How much time do you spend communicating on social media? networks per day?

What kind of communication do you prefer, virtual or real?

How many friends do you have on your profile?

Do you communicate with everyone in real life?

When was the last time you wrote a handwritten letter?

Do you know what Internet slang is?

Do you use internet slang when communicating on social networks?

If yes, for what purpose?

The results of the study are presented in the table:

Survey question

1 group

2nd group

3 group

1) 19-yes,

2) 3-no

1) 15-yes

1) 8 - yes

If yes, what social networks are you on?Cwhat purpose?

1) “VK” -17; 2) “Odnoklassniki” - 11;

3) "Facebook"- 2;

4) "Twitter"-2. (all respondents are registered in several networks at the same time)

1) 19 - communication, 2) 3 - online games.

1) “VK” -15; 2) “Odnoklassniki” - 15, “Facebook” - 8; “Twitter”-4 (all respondents are registered in several networks at the same time)

1) 15- communication

1) “VK” -4; 2) “Odnoklassniki” - 8; 3) “Facebook” - 6; 4) My World - 5. (all respondents are registered in several networks at the same time)

1) 8 – communication, information transfer

How much time do you spend communicating on social media? networks per day?

1) 3 hours or more - 11;

3) half an hour –2 .

1) 3 hours or more - 15 (since the Internet is on the cell phone).

1) 3 hours or more - 1;

2) from one and a half to two hours – 6;

3) half an hour – 1.

What kind of communication do you prefer, virtual or real?

1) 12 – real;

2) 10 - real and virtual;

3) virtual -0.

1) 15 - real and virtual; 2) virtual -0

1) 3 – real;

2) 5 - real and virtual;

3) virtual -0

How many friends do you have on your profile?

From 13 to 356 people

From 50 to 885

From 30 to 80

Do you communicate with everyone in real life?

7 – yes;

12 - no

7 – yes;

8 - no

6 – yes;

2 - no

Do you know what Internet slang is?

22 - yes

15 - yes

8 - yes

Do you use internet slang when communicating on social media? networks?

17 – yes;

2 - no

15 - yes

6 – yes;

2 - no

If yes, for what purpose?

17 – for convenience and conveying emotions (emoticons)

15 – for convenience and conveying emotions (emoticons)

6 – to convey emotions (emoticons)

Do you use internet slang when communicating in real life?

17 - yes


2 – yes;

6 - no

In addition to the questionnaire, our study included an analysis of the dialogue of adolescents (12-13 years old) from social media. networks. The text of the dialogue preserves the spelling and punctuation of those communicating.

- Great!

- Hello Sanya, what are you doing?

- I’m learning my lessons, my mother made me  (use an emoticon to convey my emotion).

- I'm not lucky, but I'm SaintsRow I'm playing

- My computer died (use of Internet slang: computer - computer, died - broke)

- Because of what?

- I downloaded the game from the Internet, launched it, and the computer turned off (using Internet slang: Internet)

- What are you going to do?

- Wait until the mechanics call the repairman, it looks like the Windows has flown, in order to get it fixed you will have to clean the house all week and bring good grades from school (using Internet slang: Windows– Windows - operating system)

- Well, bye.

- Let's.

From the survey and analysis of the dialogue among teenagers, we made the following conclusions:

Communication in virtual format on social pages. A person begins networks in adolescence, and in some cases earlier;

Despite the fact that in the modern world a person cannot imagine himself without the Internet and virtual communication, most still prefer live, real communication.

A large number of friends on the pages of social users. networks does not mean that this communication with them continues in real life. Most teenagers are fond of “collecting” friends on their personal pages.

Internet slang is actively moving from the virtual world into the real one, especially in the speech of teenagers.

There are certain rules of communication on social networks. They are not difficult to find on the Internet; they can also be presented on the website, and before registering, the user is invited to carefully read them. We analyzed the rules of communication on various sites and came to the conclusion that they boil down to the same points:

1. Be friendly and sociable.

2. Know how to present the necessary information.

4. Listen to the opinions of others.

5. Be honest and sincere.

6. Be open to communication.

7. Do not promote violence, cruelty, or terrorism.

8. Don't insult other users.

9. Do not add messages containing obscene words.

10. Do not post pornographic materials.

11. Do not post photographs and personal information of other persons without their consent.

12. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, write what you think, accept constructive criticism, don’t pay attention to unfounded attacks directed at you.

13. Don't get into conflicts.

To answer this question: do online interlocutors use these rules of communication, we conducted observations in social networks. We analyzed user statuses, information on social media user pages. networks, videos via links, comments on photographs. As a result of observations, the most common violations were identified:

    Posting photographs and videos with scenes of violence.

    Rude expressions in comments to photographs, clearly causing conflict.

    Statuses containing obscene language.


In our work, we raised the problem of the relationship between real and online communication. Nowadays, people are becoming addicted to communication on social networks, and this is a reason for each of us to think about it. Network communication has its advantages and disadvantages.

We included the following advantages:

1. The opportunity to find your acquaintances, friends, co-workers, colleagues.

2. Network communication is a huge opportunity for people with disabilities. People who, due to various circumstances, cannot leave home or make real friends, have a unique opportunity to meet people, communicate, and even unite their destinies and live a full life.

3. Virtual communication will help you relax and cheer up.

And to the disadvantages:

1. Virtual communication will never replace live, emotional and open dialogue.

2. During virtual communication there is no facial expression, movement, eye contact, no real emotions.

3. Virtual communication is gradually replacing real communication and is becoming dominant in human life.

4. Gradually, addiction appears when visiting a personal page becomes a daily ritual.

5. The skill of real communication is lost.

Taking this into account, it is important to follow the rules of online communication, then online communication will be pleasant and useful. But you still need to remember that live real communication cannot be replaced by any website. Also, with the help of our research, we wanted to warn users of social networks from negative consequences: dependence on network communication, use of the data you publish against you.

Therefore, in conclusion, we wanted to offer some recommendations for communicating on social networks:

1. Review your friends’ social media pages. Can everyone be called your friend?

2. Posting excessively detailed and complete information about you, your passport details, address, daily routine and plans, can provoke scammers or even robbers. If you are planning a trip or any other long absence from home, try not to announce it publicly.

3. Be positive, write about a successful vacation, a new job, a promotion, a diploma received, about any of your achievements or joys.

4. Photos have long ceased to be just “memory cards”; they are a modern way to show, tell something, boast or just have fun. And be careful here! It is better to ask permission from family or friends to post pictures if there is even a shadow of doubt that they may not like it or even harm it.

5. Don’t forget about live, real communication.

The Internet is creating a new language environment and influencing thinking. Some believe that linguistic experiments and innovations that are formed in the virtual environment have potential and prospects in the future. They believe that Internet slang is the language of the future. But others, on the contrary, are afraid of such an assumption and are wary of such a rapid development of a virtual language, believing that it negatively affects the development of modern society.

But no matter how different opinions are, and no matter what assumptions are made, one thing is clear - the Internet has changed both us and our attitude to life.


    Aksak V. A. My first book about the Internet. – Moscow “Eksmo”, 2005.

    Leontiev V.P. The latest Internet encyclopedia. - Moscow "Olma Media Group", 2008.

    Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language - Moscow “AZ”, 1995

    Free encyclopedia Wikipedia[Electronic resource]. Access mode:

    Dictionary of youth slang [Electronic resource]. Access mode: