Olympiads of Higher School of Economics. All-Russian Olympiad “Highest Standard”

Penza State University is a co-organizer of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren"Highest standard" , which included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the 2019-2020 academic year. These Olympiads give its winners and prize-winners the right to claim one of the benefits when entering universities in the Russian Federation ( admission without entrance examinations or 100 points in the core subject of the Unified State Examination). The benefit must be confirmed upon admission by passing the Unified State Exam in the Olympiad profile, no less than 75 points. The Olympiad takes place in two rounds (external and full-time).

Olympics« Highest quality » conducted in general education subjects:biology, oriental studies, oriental languages, design, journalism, foreign languages, computer science, history, history of world civilizations, cultural studies, mathematics, social studies, business fundamentals, political science, law, psychology, Russian language, sociology, physics, philology, philosophy, financial literacy , chemistry, economics, electronics and computer technology.

Participation in the Olympiad is free. The Olympics are held in two stages. To take part, schoolchildren must complete the remote registration procedure on the website within the established time frame. The qualifying stage takes place in absentia via online testing. You can take part in it from any computer with Internet access. The final stage is held in person in more than 30 cities of the Russian Federation, CIS and Baltic countries.

In the “Registration for the second stage” section, select the Olympiads in which you will take part (if you have passed several Olympiads) and in the second stage. If you have problems logging into your personal account, please read the instructions for solving technical problems. If you have forgotten your username and password, use the “Change password” procedure on the login page .

After this, you will receive an email confirming your choice, and it will be available for download in your personal account. Front page, which must be printed and taken with you on the day of the competition. The Organizing Committee does not provide participants with the opportunity to print the title page at the location of the Olympiad competitions.

If you have not chosen the city of participation within the specified time frame, it is advisable to arrive at the venue in advance on the day of the competition. The organizers will make sure that you are invited to participate in the second stage and will determine the audience in which you will complete the tasks of the Olympiad.

We also kindly ask check your personal data- last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, information about the educational institution where you study. Any of you can become an Olympiad winner. The diploma indicating your success will include the information that you provided in your personal account. It is in your best interest to be precise so you don't have any problems making changes. In particular, please note that the information about the educational institution matches that which will be indicated in the certificate (commonly used abbreviations are allowed).

Going to the Olympics

You need to arrive at the Olympiad competition in advance (20-30 minutes); you should not expect that you will show up 5 minutes before the start and have time to do everything. Think about the time! If you are late for the start of the Olympiad competition, you will be admitted to it, but the time for completing tasks will not be extended.

The participant must have with him:

  • Identity document (passport, birth certificate)
  • Document certifying student status

For students of general education institutions - a certificate from school
- for college students - a certificate confirming that you continue to master general education programs of secondary (complete) education

Please note that at the end of each competition of the second (final) stage, the participant must submit a certificate from school/college along with the work. If you participate in olympiads in several subjects, then you will need several copies of certificates certifying student status. You are allowed to have the original certificate and the required number of photocopies of the original certificate. In this case, the original certificate is presented to the organizers of the Olympiad competitions, who, after making sure that the certificate is available, accept a photocopy of it.

  • Title page (print)
  • Pen with black or blue ink

You can take drinking water with you.

It is allowed to use simple calculators at Olympiads in physics and electronics.

It is prohibited to take to the Olympic competition:

  • reference materials
  • your paper (the organizers will give you paper for drafts)
  • pocket computers and any other electronic computing devices
  • mobile phones and other means of communication
  • players
  • calculators ( exception: Olympiad in Physics and Electronics)
  • other technical means

The use of these materials and means is not permitted both in the classroom and throughout the building throughout the competition until the end of the time allotted for completing the Olympiad task.

Before you start

When entering the building, you must leave your outerwear in the cloakroom.

Next, you should carefully read the information posted for Olympiad participants. We assure you that you will get answers to most of the questions that are bursting from your chest if you read everything carefully. Find your last name in the list of participants, which are organized by grade and alphabetically. Opposite it is the number of the audience in which you will perform the task. Olympiad participants do not undergo any additional registration, so feel free to go straight to the classroom.

30 minutes before the start of the competition, immediately at the entrance to the classroom, registration of participants who have come to participate in the competition will begin. When entering the classroom, you must present a passport or other document with a photo identifying yourself, a certificate from the school so that the organizers can verify that you have the necessary documents, and give your last name.

If, despite the warning, you came to the competition without documents, it is better to immediately make sure that by the end of the Olympiad competition the necessary documents are delivered to you by your parents or friends. You may be allowed to participate in the competition, but the work completed by you will be accepted for inspection only upon presentation of all necessary documents.

At the suggestion of the organizers, leave your personal belongings in a special place designated in the auditorium for their storage. Beforehand, turn off any devices that may suddenly start making loud noises during the competition (for example, a mobile phone).

At the beginning

Participants take the indicated places, the organizers distribute answer forms.

All blank fields on the title page must be completed.

After completing the preparatory procedures, the organizers will distribute assignment forms face down (so that the text is not visible), which can only be turned over upon a signal from the organizers. This moment is considered the beginning of the Olympic competition. The start and end times of the Olympiad competition will be indicated on the board.

During the competition

Work carefully and focused.

Do not violate the rules of participation in Olympiad competitions. Don't take risks! If you have prohibited items in your workplace, you will be disqualified from participating in the competition, regardless of whether you used them or not.

We recommend that you use the draft for its intended purpose and do not try to complete the work first on the draft and then transfer the results to the final copy - you may not have enough time. Remember that drafts are not graded (but you must turn them in). Drafts are not checked, with the exception of drafts of works of participants in Olympiads mathematics, physics, design, oriental studies and literature, who indicated “view draft” in the answer form. The contents of draft records cannot serve as a basis for an appeal.

It is unacceptable to make any special notes identifying authorship on the answer form, much less write your last name, first name, and patronymic.

During the competition, the participant has the right to contact the organizers with questions about the organization of the competition and the design of the work, enter comments and complaints about the Olympiad tasks into the competition protocol, seek medical help, submit the work ahead of schedule, and receive the text of the Olympiad task at the end of the competition.

If necessary, you can leave the audience for 5-7 minutes with permission and accompanied by the organizers (warning: leaving the audience during the first 60 minutes is possible only in case of emergency; exception: entering and exiting the audience during listening is prohibited), leaving in the classroom there is a form with tasks, answer forms, etc. You cannot leave the classroom less than 15 minutes before the end of the competition so as not to make noise and not interfere with other participants completing the task.

During the competition it is also not allowed:

  • ask questions to other participants and answer questions from other participants
  • get up and change seats
  • cheat and allow other participants to cheat
  • exchange any materials and objects
  • continue completing the work after the time allotted for completing the Olympiad task has expired

Rules for submitting work

    The participant must complete the work on the answer sheet. The first sheet of the answer form is the Protocol of Participation, the second sheet is the Protocol of Checking the Work, then there are sheets for recording solutions and answers to the tasks of the Olympiad, you can make notes on them on both sides. The text of the assignment cannot be used as an answer form.

  1. The participant must fill out the title page, fill out and sign the Protocol of Participation (the first sheet of the answer form), shade the oval corresponding to the class in the Protocol for checking the work (the second sheet of the answer form) and do not write anything else on the first and second sheets of the answer form.
  2. The work must be done with a pen with blue or black ink. It is prohibited to use a pen with red and green ink, or use a pencil to write down solutions and answers.
  3. Paper for drafts and additional sheets for the answer form are issued by the organizers at the request of the participants.
  4. Drafts are not checked, with the exception of drafts of works of participants in olympiads in mathematics, physics, design, oriental studies and literature, who indicated “view draft” in the answer form.
  5. In the answer form and in the drafts submitted for verification, you cannot indicate your full name or make any entries indicating the authorship of the work.
  6. You can make corrections in the answer form, which should be clear and unambiguously interpreted. If corrections need to be made, you should carefully cross out the incorrect answer and write the correct one.
  7. The participant's handwriting must be clear. The jury may refuse to check a participant’s work if the handwriting is “unreadable.”
  8. It is allowed to replace the pen (if there is a corresponding mark on the form), title page, and answer form.
  9. Participants in the Informatics Olympiad perform work on a computer, entering the answer to a task or program code into a testing system, having received a login and password from the organizer.

At the end

15 minutes before the end of the Olympiad competition, the organizers will warn you that the work deadline is coming to an end. Transfer solutions and answers from your draft to your answer sheet if you have not already done so.

At the end of the allotted time, you must stop completing the task and hand over to the organizers:

      • front page
  • answer forms
  • text of the assignment (if the work is submitted early)
  • certificate from school/college
  • consent to the processing of personal data and publication of work
  • drafts for subsequent destruction (drafts of participants in the Olympiad in mathematics, physics, oriental studies and literature can be checked if necessary, drafts in literature and oriental studies are attached to the participant’s work)

When submitting your work, you must present an identification document (passport or birth certificate) to the organizers and provide a certificate from your school/college. We remind you once again that the work completed by you will be accepted for inspection only upon presentation of all necessary documents.

Do not rise from your seat until the organizer in the audience allows you to do so!

You can remain in the audience while the organizers count and pack the participants' works.

We wish you self-confidence, high performance and success in the Olympiad competition!

In 2018-2019, the next interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Test”, established by the Higher School of Economics (HSE), will take place. This popular competition has been running since 1998. It received its modern name in 2012. High school students from Russia and other countries of the “post-Soviet space”, including Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, can participate in it free of charge. Winners and medalists of the Olympiad have the right to significant benefits when entering Russian universities.

Mission of the Olympics

In addition to the general cultural mission of popularizing education among young people, “Highest Test” strives to select the best students for the country’s leading universities. Such competitions have partly replaced the previous entrance exams and are a real alternative to the Unified State Exam. Almost all major Russian universities give priority when enrolling to the winners and prize-winners of their Olympiads (or other similar competitions). “The highest standard” is distinguished by its humanitarian orientation. Among the core disciplines for high school students in 2018-2019 are economics, English, philosophy and other social sciences.

Preparation for participation

To prepare for the “Highest Test” Olympiad, you can use demo versions of tests, as well as assignments and topics from previous years. All of them are available for free on the official website https://olymp.hse.ru/mmo/. "Higher Standard" is a prestigious, highly competitive competition, so participation in it only makes sense if you are truly interested in the chosen subject and have the necessary knowledge. It should be added that such competitions require physical endurance and resistance to stressful situations.

Registration and organizational issues

Tens of thousands of schoolchildren from Russia and foreign countries participate in the “Highest Test” Olympiad. The number of prize places is about two thousand. Registration is carried out electronically on the official website until October 2018. The competition itself is divided into two stages. The first round is planned for November-December 2018. He is a qualifier. The exam takes place in absentia, online from any computer, provided you enter the login and password provided by the organizers. For some subjects, participants will be asked to write a short essay. The dates of the qualifying round are determined in advance, the time for completing tasks is strictly limited. Detailed information about this will be published in September 2018. Last year's "Highest Standard" laureates from non-graduating classes are exempt from qualifying competitions, but are also required to register. Those interested can participate in competitions in several subjects at once, if their schedule allows it.

Participants who successfully pass the first round are admitted to the second, final round. It will be held in January-February 2019 only in person in different cities of Russia or in foreign countries. Organizational and technical support at this stage is provided by local educational institutions selected as HSE partners.

All applicants are required to bring with them a number of documents:

  • A printed “Cover Page” that is sent by email. It confirms the right to participate in the final competition.
  • An identification document (passport, birth certificate) and a certificate from your educational institution.

Schoolchildren can independently choose the place and date of the competition that is convenient for them from the options offered by the organizers. It is prohibited to use any reference materials or any electronic devices during the finals. In some cases, exceptions are allowed for the simplest calculators.

After checking the entries and possible appeals, the jury will announce the winners and runners-up for all subjects. As a rule, this happens in early spring. Later, in Moscow and other cities of Russia where HSE branches are open, a solemn award ceremony will be held with the presentation of commemorative diplomas. These documents can be submitted to the admissions committees of Russian universities.

Winner takes all?

“The highest test” and other similar competitions are often criticized for being “elitistic” and “discriminatory” against students who do not have the opportunity or desire to participate. First of all, this applies to children from low-income families or from remote regions of the Russian Federation. Cases of fraud discovered during these competitions are sometimes mentioned. However, this rarely happens. Evidence shows that laureates of past Olympiads generally do better at universities than students enrolled through the Unified State Exam system.

Most subjects of the “highest standard” are included in the official “List of Olympiads for schoolchildren”, approved by the government of the Russian Federation. Winners and runners-up of this competition are entitled to the following benefits:

  • enrollment in universities without additional tests of knowledge in the core subject of the Olympiad;
  • maximum Unified State Exam score in the relevant subject of the Olympiad;
  • students from non-graduating classes can participate in the final round next year without going through the pre-selection “sieve”.

Every year, more than a thousand laureates of the “Highest Standard” become students of the most prestigious Russian universities.

GOBOU “Center for Support of Gifted Children “Strategy” informs about intellectual competitions held by the National Research University Higher School of Economics in the 2017-2018 academic year.

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Standard”

The Olympiad, in which students in grades 7-11 are invited to participate, is held in 22 profiles. Nine Olympiads within the framework of the “Highest Standard” were assigned level I, eight - level II, three - level III (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2017 No. 866).

The National Research University Higher School of Economics, like other educational organizations of higher education, has already approved the rules for admitting Olympiad participants. As a rule, benefits are provided to diploma holders who will graduate from the 11th grade in 2018, but for some educational programs, preferences also apply to schoolchildren who received a diploma last year, when they were 10th graders. In addition, winners and runners-up from grades 7–10 next year are immediately invited to the final stage, bypassing the qualifying stage.

Registration: from October 2 to November 20 https://olymp.hse.ru/mmo/2017/instr-reg/

Calendar plan for the Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Test”, 2017/18 academic year.

First (qualifying) correspondence stage

Second (final) face-to-face stage

Competition of research and design works of schoolchildren “Aerobatics”

Calendar plan for the competition of research and design works of schoolchildren “Aerobatics”, 2017/18 academic year

Beginning of registration and submission of works by participantsDecember 11, 2017
Completion of registration and submission of worksMarch 12, 2018
Completion of registration and submission of “Design” worksApril 2, 2018
Completion of registration and submission of works "Intel-Avangard"February 5, 2018
Sending invitations to Intel-Avangard participantsuntil February 15, 2018
Posting the results of the Intel-Avangard conferenceMarch 12, 2018
Intel-Vanguard Conference (Voronovo)February 22-25, 2018
Dates for the first stageDecember 11, 2017 – March 12, 2018
Checking workMarch 13-30, 2018
Posting the results of the first stageApril 6, 2018
Date of the second stageApril 21-22, 2018
Posting the results of the competitionApril 30, 2018

HSE Olympiad for students and graduates

The Olympiad is held in a wide range of profiles corresponding to the educational programs of master's training at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Students studying undergraduate or specialist educational programs, as well as graduates of higher education institutions, regardless of citizenship, are invited to participate in the Olympiad. Diploma winners of the Olympiad receive preferences for admission to the National Research University Higher School of Economics for master's programs that correspond to the profile of the Olympiad.

Calendar plan for the HSE Olympiad for students and graduates, 2017/18 academic year

Olympiad "Steps"

Schoolchildren in grades 9-11 from all regions of the Russian Federation who have experience in writing research papers or who know how research activities and scientific work “work” are invited to participate in the Olympiad.

The Olympiad is held in two stages: correspondence and full-time. In the extramural stage, test-type tasks are presented for individual researcher skills: such as the ability to set goals and objectives, formulate a research hypothesis, plan the course and structure of work, etc. At the full-time stage, participants in the Olympiad will be tasked with expert evaluation of research work based on criteria and writing a review for this job.

The winners of the Olympiad will receive a HSE certificate and memorable prizes.

Organizers of the Olympiad: Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics together with the Directorate for Vocational Guidance and Work with Gifted Students.

Details Published 09.29.2016 19:26 Views: 1272

The National Research University Higher School of Economics informs about the holding of the Highest Test Olympiad.

Schoolchildren in grades 7-11 from Russia and neighboring countries are invited to participate in the Olympiad. The “Highest Test” Olympiad is included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren that provide benefits for admission to higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Date: December 2016 - first (qualifying)

Competitions of the first (qualifying) stage of the Olympiads will be held in absentia format (online) at the end of November - beginning of December 2016. Onlyregistered participants. The qualifying stage takes place in the form of correspondence testing strictly at the specified time. You can only participate in each competition once.

February 2017 - second (final) stage

The Olympic competitions of the second (final) stage will be held in person. The list of host cities will be approved after the results of the qualifying stage are determined.We draw the attention of all schoolchildren from the city of Ivanovo, Ivanovo region: based on the results of the children’s participation in the correspondence stage, the city of Ivanovo can claim the right to host the full-time stage of the “Highest Test” Olympiad.

Participation in the Olympiad is free and free.

Olympiad subjects:
7th grade— foreign languages, history, literature, mathematics, Russian;
8th grade— foreign languages, history, literature, mathematics, Russian, social studies, economics;
9-11 grades— oriental studies, oriental languages, design, journalism, foreign languages, computer science, history, history of world civilizations, literature, mathematics, social studies, law, psychology, Russian language, physics, economics, electronics.