They will answer all your questions. Business correspondence etiquette

  • What types business correspondence differentiate.
  • What rules of business correspondence are important to follow?
  • What are the features of electronic business correspondence?

Maintaining business correspondence according to the rules - one of the important components of success in a career and in business. Ignorance of these rules, or their incorrect application in practice, can lead to the loss of partners and clients. In addition, accurate and competent business correspondence is an important component of a business image.

What are the different types of business correspondence?

Business correspondence - with partners, clients, colleagues, organizations - is one of the most important activities of any enterprise. Managers and employees of various ranks receive and send letters, commercial offers etc. Depending on the form, content and focus, any correspondence is divided into the following types:

  • official;
  • personal;
  • internal;
  • external.

For each of them there are separate drafting and submission requirements. The most common types of formal business letters are:

  • thanksgiving;
  • commercial;
  • letters, demands and requests;
  • refutations;
  • congratulations;
  • condolences, obituaries.

Considering that today most business correspondence is carried out in electronic form, exist ready-made templates and shapes for any type.

The Art of Business Writing

Each text is a mechanism for influencing the addressee. If it doesn't work, it means you violated the assembly rules: you took the wrong parts and arranged them wrong. To get what you want from the recipient, you need to choose the right facts, present them correctly and do it “with the right face” - one that will make the recipient of the letter want to accept your offer. How to do this?

Facts. It happens that rational arguments that can convince the addressee are lost in the chaotic presentation of various, sometimes extraneous, thoughts. But once the structure is built, the letter becomes clear and convincing, even if nothing in it has changed in meaning. The main idea (often a call to action) is placed at the beginning, immediately following the greeting. The following is a list of arguments (each indicated by a red line and in italics) with colorful illustrations (explanations). At the end, the call to action is repeated. A signature follows. A simple editing turns even the pitiful and not very clear message “to the village to grandfather” from Chekhov’s story “Vanka” into a well-reasoned one tempting offer grandfather

Sender image. The response depends on how the sender of the letter appears. In a letter you can be an official, or you can be a person. Sometimes the first is beneficial, and sometimes the second. For example, if you praise the addressee, it is better to use a personal style (write on your own behalf, communicate your attitude to the facts, speak as equals). Thanks to this, the recipient will know not only that he is great, but also that you are talking about him good opinion. On the contrary, it is better to scold in formal phrases, stating bare facts. This advice, in a somewhat exaggerated presentation, looks like this: instead of “You are a fool,” you need to write “no signs of intelligence were found in the reader.”

In modern correspondence, we often get straight to the point, omitting “weather talk” between the greeting and the lead phrase. It would seem that an optional short sentence does not carry much semantic load. But it is this that first appears before the reader’s eyes, therefore it sets the tone of the letter and determines with what eyes the recipient will look at the rest of the text. Here are a few examples of where to start your message to subordinates and partners, pursuing different goals.

  1. To give yourself weight: “Given that project A is under the personal control of the regional governor, we remind you.”
  2. To establish warm relations with an unfamiliar company: “Having learned that your company, like us, is a sponsor of the KVN of Siberia competition, we decided to offer it to you first.”
  3. To get help: “Olya, you spoke so well and, most importantly, professionally at the conference! I think you, as an expert, can help me.”
  4. To mobilize subordinates: “Congratulations - it’s already Friday. All that remains is to submit budget proposals - and you can rest.”

5 Terrible First Phrases That Will Kill Your Writing

The American company HubSpot found out which first sentences do not inspire the reader, but, on the contrary, force them to delete the letter. Find out what these phrases are and never use them at the beginning of a conversation.

General rules for business correspondence

The reputation of your company indirectly depends on how the business letter is designed and written. We can say that in order to form a successful image of the company and build its reputation, it is necessary for employees to comply with the rules of business correspondence for both external and internal communication.

Letter form. It would be correct to use forms drawn up in corporate style, which contain details. Styling refers to the presence of a logo, the use special font, indicating all contact details and full name organizations.

Page layout. When formatting a business correspondence letter, margins are used (left margin - 2 cm, right margin - 1 cm, top and bottom margins - 2 cm each). If the letter includes several sheets, then they must be numbered (put down at the top of the sheet in the middle).

Style. Business letters are written in a formal business style, which implies brief description the essence of the letter, the accuracy of the wording and the use of stamps and standard phrases. In addition, in business correspondence there is a rule: one problem - one letter.

Text structure. Standard letter business correspondence includes three parts:

  1. Addressing the addressee.
  2. Introduction (goals of the letter).
  3. Main part.
  4. Resume.

Rules for business correspondence in English

Preparation of business correspondence for English carried out in accordance with the general requirements:

  1. The text is distributed into paragraphs without using a red line.
  2. Left top corner when executing a letter, it must contain the personal data of the sender ( full name, or the name of the organization and its address).
  3. Below is the name of the opponent, or the name of the recipient's company with the address (in a new line).
  4. The date of compilation of the letter is indicated three lines below, or at the top in the right corner.
  5. The main part of the letter is placed in the center of the sheet.
  6. It is better to start the main idea by indicating the reason for the request: “I am writing...”
  7. A standard letter should end with the expression: “Yours sincerely” if the name of the addressee is known; “Yours faithfully” - if not.
  8. Skip four lines after the thank you and include your name and position.
  9. The signature is placed between the name and the salutation above.

“Language” of business correspondence

There are special requirements for business correspondence. First of all, letters should not contain emotional overtones. They should be as restrained, concise and precise as possible. The logical and consistent construction of the text completely replaces emotionality. Interjections, diminutives, abbreviations that are not on the list of generally accepted ones - all this should be avoided in business correspondence.

One of the important conditions for composing a letter is semantic accuracy, which represents its practical value.

Next important criterion is a logical presentation of the text. Words should not be subject to double interpretation - this can change the meaning of the content in the letter and give it an undesirable tone.

The main goal of any business document is to be convincing in its expression. certain point vision. The main rules in writing and drafting a document, memo or letter are literacy, argumentation, correct appeal, reliability of information and sufficient quantity evidence.

Below are a few rules for writing business letters:

Use of pronouns. Business correspondence should avoid reflecting personal emotions and perceptions. Business information is traditionally communicated using standard forms. As a rule, during such correspondence, the interests of an entire enterprise are expressed, and not of an individual, so the address comes from the plural. And, although this suggests the use of the pronoun “we,” you should avoid using it by using the appropriate verb forms.

Collateral forms. In business correspondence, you should use the passive voice. Such appeals have a softer appearance. For example, if you rearrange the phrase: “You did not complete the repair work on time,” with the words “ Repair work stipulated by the contract have not been fulfilled,” then it is possible to state the very fact of non-fulfillment of work without making direct accusations. That is, the fact of the violation is indicated, but the specific culprits are not indicated, which makes the tone of the letter softer.

The active voice is used when defining in a letter the object that serves as the initiator certain actions. For example, “the legal department provides clarification...”. It should be noted that such sentences use the present tense.

The use of the passive voice also determines the nature of the letter. Such forms allow you to set the focus on a specific event, and not on the performers of the action (proposal sent, report received). The passive voice is also used if the object is obvious (the date of the meeting has been determined).

Verb form. If there is a need to focus attention on a constantly repeating action, verbs in an incomplete form are used to describe them (specialists regularly violate deadlines). If it is necessary to highlight the completeness of the process, the perfect form of verbs is used (the patrolmen have begun their duty).

Introduction of accents. Despite the fact that most business correspondence is neutral in tone, in some cases additional focus on certain points is required. To do this, introductory phrases are used to soften the phrase. (If you rewrite the phrase “we ask you to send the documentation that is in your possession” with the words we ask you to send the documentation that, apparently, is in your possession,” then the degree of tension in it is significantly reduced, and it is more suitable for the requirements of tactful business correspondence).

When writing business letters, you should also pay attention to respecting your opponent. So, if the phrase “we are not interested in your offer” is replaced with “unfortunately, at this time we are not interested in your offer,” it is freed from unnecessary rigidity, which is not appropriate in business correspondence.

Introductory structures are also an important component of a business letter, as they make it less dry. In accordance with the norms of business etiquette, the phrase “please, if possible, provide your expert comments on the quality of our materials” would be appropriate. Introductory structures good tool to reduce categoricalness, show respect and attentiveness, and express a friendly tone. Their use allows you to express a thought without hurting your opponent’s pride.

Business correspondence etiquette: 5 tips on how to make a good impression from afar

1. The response time to the letter demonstrates your interest in communication and cooperation. You need to respond to business letters within the shortest possible time: minutes, hours, maximum a day. If there are objective reasons for delay, send an email and write that you have received the message and will reply soon. In order to correctly prioritize, you should pay attention to the corresponding notes in your opponent’s letter - “importance”, “topic” and so on. The presence of such marks indicates how important your answer is.

A delay in response means a high probability of losing a client. If possible, respond immediately. Leave only letters “for later” that will take time to respond to. The CEO School will help you learn to predict people's behavior and negotiate well.

2. Personal appeal. Personal address is preferable, as it shows respect for the addressee.

The use of personal address is one of the mandatory rules of business correspondence. Personal focus is a demonstration of respect for individuality and goodwill. In addition, this will help you make your letter stand out from the gray mass of template responses.

3. Expressing words of gratitude (for the appeal). Gratitude expressed in a letter is a kind of expression of gratitude for the choice of an opponent or client in favor of your company. A written response that begins with “Thank you for your letter” demonstrates to your opponent that he is valuable to you. This tone of a business letter is correct, as it reflects a constructive position. For example:

Good afternoon


Anatoly Seosyan.

Failed answer

Successful answer

Hello, Anatoly! To issue an invoice, your company details are required. Please send them in response to this letter.

Hello, Anatoly! First of all, we want to thank you for choosing our center. We also want to express our confidence that you will be satisfied with your cooperation with us. To issue an invoice, we need your company details. Please send them in response to this letter.

An expression of gratitude for the trust in your business is made at the beginning of the letter using the following constructions:

  • Thank you for your interest...;
  • Thank you for your letter...;
  • Thank you for contacting us...;
  • Thank you for choosing our company...;
  • We appreciate your interest...

4. Positive ending. Final constructions are guaranteed to come to the opponent’s attention after reading the letter. Therefore, it is advisable to consolidate the positive mood of business correspondence in this form and create a positive mood and desire for the correspondence partner to continue communication. For example;

the last thing that remains in the recipient’s attention when reading your letter. Fix an emotionally positive atmosphere in the last phrases business communication. Create at the addressee good mood- so that he wants to communicate with you again. For example:

Good afternoon

I was interviewed for enrollment in advanced training courses at your center. The tuition fee will be paid from my company account. Please send me the appropriate invoice for payment.


Anatoly Seosyan.

Bad option

Good option

Hello, Anatoly! First of all, we want to thank you for choosing our center. We also want to express our confidence that you will be satisfied with your cooperation with us. To issue an invoice, your company details are required. Please send them in response to this letter.

Hello, Anatoly! First of all, we want to thank you for choosing our center. We also want to express our confidence that you will be satisfied with your cooperation with us. To issue an invoice, your company details are required. Please send them in response to this letter. We are always happy to answer questions related to training at our center.

Always, when finishing a letter, create a positive mood in your opponent to continue communication. For these purposes you can use the following structures:

  • We are glad to cooperate;
  • Ready to answer your questions;
  • If you have any questions, please contact us;
  • We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation;
  • We are glad to help you;
  • With sincere respect.

5. Signature and contact block. An employee who conducts business correspondence needs to have an idea of ​​who is present “on the other side of the monitor.” In other words, information is needed about the opponent’s name, position and contact information:

  1. First name (last name) – provide the opportunity for personal address;
  2. Position – provides the opponent with an understanding of the level of competence
  3. Coordinates – contribute to the appearance additional channels communications.

Good afternoon

I was interviewed for enrollment in advanced training courses at your center. The tuition fee will be paid from my company account. Please send me the appropriate invoice for payment.


Anatoly Seosyan.

Bad option

Good option

Hello, Anatoly! First of all, we want to thank you for choosing our center. We also want to express our confidence that you will be satisfied with your cooperation with us. To issue an invoice, your company details are required. Please send them in response to this letter. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have regarding training at our center.


Anton Antonov

Specialist of the Center for Advanced Studies


Mobile Tel.ХХХХХХ

To optimize work with business correspondence, block with contact information better to put it in standard settings. This block should be present in letters to partners, colleagues and clients as a symbol of a professional attitude to the matter.

Rules for electronic business correspondence

Grigory Sizonenko, general manager CJSC "Information Implementation Company", Moscow

1. Use the “Reply all” button. If several people are involved in the correspondence, everyone needs to respond, not just the sender of the last message.

2. Always indicate the subject of the letter. In most cases, the recipient only sees the header of the new message. Later, the information in the Subject field helps you find and sort messages. You can use tag words in the header - for example, “IMPORTANT!” - but only if they really correspond to the content of the letter (however, it is more convenient to simply click the “Importance” button, which is found in all popular mail programs, – and a mark will appear next to the “Subject” field). Work out uniform style formulations and stick to it constantly. Keep in mind that many people today use automatic filters to sort correspondence. Therefore, the title must be chosen so that a machine can “read” it.

3. The letter should be short and structured. Strive for maximum transparency of meaning and clarity of presentation, separate essential and minor details. It is in your interests that after reading a business letter once, you can easily understand both the essence of the problem and the history of the issue, the meaning of the sentences and the nature of the actions expected from the addressee. Additional materials(documents, tables, photographs) are better sent as attachments so as not to inflate the message text; In this case, the letter must indicate what kind of files you are sending.

4. Be polite. Any letter should have a place for a greeting, address and signature (you can include it automatic addition to any of your messages). You also need to place semantic and emotional accents - avoid telegraphic style. Even if the correspondence concerns a pressing issue or conflict, maintain a respectful tone. After all, in business it is important not to offend, but to find a solution. Restraint and courtesy - good helpers in this.

5. Letters must be answered! And quickly. Failure to understand this elementary truth entails a lot of misunderstandings. The sender should know that the letter has been read and after a while you can expect a meaningful response. However, you should not rely entirely on answering machines and automatic notifications– write a short phrase of your own. On the contrary, some letters do not need to be answered. Firstly, for those where your address is in the “Cc” field: the sender wants you to be aware of his correspondence with another person. Secondly, for those where your address is not there at all: this means that the author of the letter added your coordinates to the “ Bcc“- that is, he intends to acquaint you with the correspondence in secret from the direct addressee of the message.

6. Do not delete the text of the letter you are replying to. It is possible that your answer will be re-read after a while - maybe even after a few years. Many businesses already have email archiving systems in place. By the way, in countries where email from an official of the company is recognized as a legally significant document; long-term storage of correspondence is a legal requirement. We don’t have this yet, but practice is ahead of written regulations. Look at every letter you write through the eyes of the recipient. This is the basic rule of business correspondence. If you follow it, recipients will begin to highlight your messages from the flow.

7. Write correctly. Isolated errors made in a letter are offensive to the addressee, since they are perceived as a sign of haste or negligence. And multiple errors indicate a low cultural level of the sender, and also - since we're talking about about business correspondence – they also portray the company where the sender works in an unfavorable light.

New course at the “General Director School”

Hello friends! Welcome to my channel! Zhanka English is with you. In today's video I will answer all your questions about the UK. Namely: I want to tell you about the official website where you will find the answers. And if you still have questions, you can call the phone numbers that are also given here. All official. You can ask questions, they will definitely answer you.

Look here at home page we have departments that interest you, and, of course, the most important one for beginners is “Visa and Immigration”. Also here is “Work”, here is the pension, as you can see. And then, when you are already in the UK, you can also find all the answers, this is how to get citizenship, here is “Life in the UK”, if you work for yourself, education. Also, here are benefits, taxes, about houses, in general - you will find everything on this site, since this is a government site, everything is very well described here. Usually questions simply don’t arise because everything is clear.

Of course, another one like that important question A frequently asked question is what jobs are in demand in the UK? And how much do they pay? I can't answer anyone for sure, so again, see this site. Before this, I made videos about job search on different sites, but here is a universal job search site. There is a link here, on the right here “Popular on GOV.UK”, that is - popular topics. Here is “Universal Jobmatch job search”. Let's go here right away, because it's very frequently asked question, so I decided to dwell on it in a little more detail.

Here you can register. Without registration, you can simply type in the Job title. I think I’ve already tried to hammer something in here, like “teacher,” for example. Here you can “fill in” the city or the index of the place where you are interested. But you can do it without this, that is, just click “Search”, and it will give you all the positions, you see, all teachers are required. Look how much it costs you here. Date: 2015, everything is new. It’s just that before this I showed you a separate site, the same “Monstr.UK”, but here we have already collected from all job search companies. And it describes, for example, what specialty is in demand, and, naturally, what kingdom - Chester, Cambridge, that is, you can see it all.

In principle, you can “clog” different browse jobs here. Let's see, here you should sign what the salary is, you will find out. And for how long is it required? For example, this is from January 14, very fresh, Birmingham, on permanent job. And the earnings, you see, are somewhere around 110-140 pounds a day. And then you can send an e-mail here, or call by phone. That is, everything is there, everything is fine, you can check everything very quickly. Therefore, here is another site for you where you can see what kind of specialists are required in the UK.

Then we return to payment. Let's take a look at work too. People often ask what the salary is. I don’t know if I’ll find it here quickly or not. Again, you see, here and universal work, and there is also Main center employment, they call it Jobcenter. That is, you can, in principle, contact Jobcenter, these are the documents that need to be filled out. You can search through Jobcenter, but this is mainly when you are already on site, in the UK. That is, you have just arrived and you are looking for a job, you can go, there are plenty of them here, there are such Employment Centers everywhere in England.

And for our work, the minimum wages what, here is the “National Minimum Wage”. Here you go, the question is, what is the salary in the UK? That is, for 2014 and to this day, if you are over 21 years old, then we have 6.50 pounds per hour. If you're aged 18 to 20, it's £5.13. You can work below 18 – 3.79. “Apprentice” is like a student, 2.73. That is, this minimum salary depends on your age. It is clear that qualifications, work experience, etc. come next.

They often ask, for example: “I’m coming to study, can I work?” As far as I know, you won’t be able to on a student visa. Naturally, if you are somewhere like this, you will not work officially. In general, to officially find a job, you will be asked for your National Insurance number, here it is. All employees are always asked for this National Insurance number. When I tried to find a job, naturally, the first thing I was asked was why I was in the UK and whether I had this national insurance number. So I don’t know how or what, but if you have already come to live, if you are already in the UK, then you need to get this National Insurance number before you try to get a job.

Managing Partner AltaIR Capital Igor Ryabenky decided to show what was going on in his mailbox over the last week in order to explain specific examples How not to write letters for investors.

Every week, the AltaIR Capital venture fund, as well as my personal email, receives several dozen letters from aspiring entrepreneurs, a significant part of which is distinguished, first of all, by the complete illiteracy of the authors.

As a business angel, I try to properly invest in projects and founders not only experience and money, but also my own time. Looking again mailbox, I realized that it was worth doing publicly.

I would like to present to you a selection of letters on the topic “how it’s wrong to start meeting a potential investor.”

Subject: Question about your ad “We invest in your projects.”

To whom: [email protected]

Good afternoon.

We will send you a short presentation on the project.

We will be happy to answer all your questions.

Best regards, “project” team.

Comment: But I didn't post any notices.

Advice: Investors really don’t post ads, nor do they watch 30-page “short presentations.”

Topic: Introduction

To whom: [email protected]

Good day! And I'll get straight to the point.

I propose to take part in the development of a new innovative application ( software), this application certainly original and naturally very profitable and pays off very high speed. For example, with 1000 clients, the monthly profitability will be 2 million rubles, of which the profit will be 1.1 million rubles. The amount of investment in the project is 2,000,000 rubles. The whole secret of profit is that the cost of the application will be 1999 rubles...

Comment: And then we will earn 10 million rubles, go to a restaurant and pay with 100 thousand rubles, leave the waitress 20 thousand rubles as a tip...

Advice: Don't praise your projects or ideas. Leave this matter to the investor. If your idea is truly original or even brilliant, the investor will definitely say so.

Subject: Hello. I'm looking for an investor.

To: project@********.com, info@********.com, ask@********.to, [email protected], info@********.com, info@********.com, info@********.com, ********@* *******.com, info@********.com, irr@********.com, info@********.com, russia @********.vc, info@********.com, project@********.com, invest@********.com , info@********.vc, project@********, businessman@********.com, ********@*** *****.ru, plan@********.com, project@********.vc, hello@********.com, info@* *******.ru, info@********.com, ********@********.ru, ******* *, ********, m.ioffe@********.com, info@********, info@*** *****.ru


My name is *****, I'm 26 years old.

I am looking for investment in my project.

The project is in its infancy.

It is registered as an LLC, I am the founder and director.

I am selling a share of 49%.

There is a feasibility study for the project, but of course, email I won't send it.

I can only provide it during a personal meeting.

I don’t promote the site, because I understand what we’re talking about.

You need technical equipment (server), a small modification of the script, and the main thing is advertising the product itself.

The site has been launched throughout Russia, but will soon move to the CIS countries, and perhaps even the world.

Com domain is also registered to the company.

Thank you for your attention.

Comment: Please.

Advice: It's been said by many investors more than once, but I'll say it again: do mass mailings investors are prohibited.

Subject: Need help implementing a project

To whom: [email protected]

Good afternoon

Just the other day, a long-awaited idea came about a project that can bring very good money.

I was faced with the problem of finding initial funding for the project.

The project is a site with a very relevant topic and enormous opportunities for monetization.

I myself have never implemented projects of this scale, so I need both financial and strategic support.

In order for the project to start bringing in money, it is necessary to invest in creating a convenient website and legally formalize some aspects. Website promotion should not require big money, since the referral system will function perfectly.

Now I am actively looking for an investor and I think that the result will not be long in coming.

I understand that there is little information, but it is difficult to describe the idea of ​​the project without losing it. I'm looking for honest people who are willing to invest money in an idea and are able to see the potential.

I would be happy to discuss the possibility of your assistance in my plans.

Comment: A venture capital fund sits every day waiting for a brilliant idea to be stolen and implemented while no one is looking.

Advice: You came to an investor for money. Show him what you are selling, otherwise there is no point in wasting his time.

Topic: Start-up

To whom: [email protected]

Good afternoon

I would like to propose an investment IT business project (start-up) on the topic of sales according to a unique scheme: films, music, e-books, computer programs in compliance with copyright legislation and will be relevant in connection with the government’s fight against Internet piracy. The project will be of interest to both authors and users. There is a project team.

It is difficult to write a business plan, there are many unknown variables, there are various calculations of models for the development of situations, and time will tell which one to use. All models have positive NPV.

If you are interested, please respond to this proposal.

Comment: It's difficult to write an answer.

Advice: Are you starting a business and don't have a business plan? Then you are a bad entrepreneur and most likely you will not succeed. There should always be a business plan.

Topic: Application for investment

To whom: [email protected]

Good afternoon,

We got acquainted with the activities of your company. For rapid development

Our business requires project financing. We have prepared the business

plan for your consideration, see the file attached.

Comment: If you want your project to never be watched, this is the right letter.

Advice: Literacy in correspondence is almost the most important point in communication with investors.

Subject: Proposal

To whom: [email protected]

Good afternoon

My name is *******. I am the developer of the capital show project for television.

An investor is needed to implement it.

The project quickly pays for itself, is new and very interesting.

Comment:"Business plan" in the studio!

Advice: Again, this has been said by many investors more than once, but I will say it again: before you send an application or letter, look at what type of investments the venture capital fund is engaged in.

Topic: Investing in advanced information resource type "Social network"

To whom: [email protected]

It's no secret that virtual space has already become an integral part of our lives, and in the near future it will fill it completely, cash will be taken out of circulation, documents identifying our identity will be consolidated into a single electronic “ticket”, cars and houses will be equipped with various chips, which will play into the hands and bring enormous profits to the owners of virtual portals such as “Social Network”. Currently there are many social networks, the most popular and leading are: Facebook, Twitter, Instagramm, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Badoo, Mamba, etc., as well as quite effective attempts by Google and Yandex to enter the market social business. Along with them, there are also specialized social networks, such as LinkedIn, Branchout, Professionals, 9111 and many other sites, but even taking into account the income, popularity and “stability” of these enterprises today, all this and other aspects still do not give them significant reasons to represent themselves as full-fledged and stable players in this and very profitable line of business (which is presented in analytical tables and graphs). All these networks represent separate business segments. Quite a meager opportunity to earn money, limited interface, as well as a “lazy” development strategy, limit and lead these portals away from control and widespread monopolization of this market niche. My proposal is to create a fundamentally new, easy-to-use and functional social network in which a person can fulfill almost any need. real life, where No. 1 IN THE LIST OF PRIORITY CAPABILITIES OF THE USER IS THE POSSIBILITY OF REAL EARNING MONEY WITH THE HELP OF A FUNDAMENTALLY NEW APPLICATION OF LONG ESTABLISHED WAYS OF PRODUCING MONEY BOTH DIRECT AND REMOTE WORK, WHICH IS CURRENTLY DAY NOT IMPLEMENTED BY ANY SITE (Promotion of groups, clicks, likes, transitions to third-party sites, etc. the earning opportunities are very scarce and do not attract users properly, and interest in them is due only to the lack of an alternative). Communication, the opportunity to give virtual gifts, personify your life through photographs, statuses, comments, joining various groups, pilot customer distribution systems of so-called business social networks, etc. a rather meager prospect for any average person in the Internet community, along with a huge palette of proposals and the evolutionary-psychological component of the personality, a person strives for stability and well-being, which current enterprises cannot provide world wide web, unlike my project. An in-depth analysis of the social media market helped me develop an aggressive and actionable development strategy, as well as a business plan for this startup, which lacks proper investment.

This article is the result of my observations of what aspects create a good impression of a business letter.

It happens like this: you receive an answer to your letter and immediately make an internal decision: I want and will continue to communicate with these guys, but with these guys I want to say goodbye right away. Has this ever happened to you? For me, yes. The last such practice happened to me quite recently: I corresponded with different companies for the selection of language courses.

Below are my summarized conclusions about what you should keep in mind if it is important for you that yours makes a good impression on the recipient and makes him want to continue doing business with you.

1. Letter response time.

  1. Positive ending of the letter

– the last thing that remains in the recipient’s attention when reading your letter. Secure the emotional and positive atmosphere of business communication in the last phrases. Create a good mood for the recipient so that he wants to communicate with you again!


Answer option 1 Answer option 2
Hello, Masha! First of all, thank you for choosing our institute! We are confident that you will be satisfied with our cooperation. In order to send you an invoice, we need to receive from you the details of your employer company. Please send them in response to this letter...... Hello, Masha! First of all, thank you for choosing our institute! We are confident that you will be satisfied with our cooperation. In order to send you an invoice, we need to receive from you the details of your employer company. Please send them in response to this letter. If you have any questions, please contact us!

Tip #4: Set up the recipient to continue the dialogue. Show respect! Create and strengthen the mood of comfortable cooperation! Share with the recipient your positive mood and sincere desire to continue business interaction!

Options for final phrases:

I will be glad to cooperate!

I will be happy to answer your questions.

If you have any questions, please contact us!

With hope for fruitful cooperation,

Always ready to help and answer your questions.

With sincere respect,


With respect to you,

With respect and hope for fruitful cooperation,

5. Signature and contact information block.

It is important for a person conducting business correspondence to understand who is “on the other side of the monitor”: the recipient’s first and last name, position, contact coordinates.

What is this for?

First and last name – allows for personal communication.

Position – gives the recipient an understanding of the boundaries of authority and professional competence in resolving issues.

Coordinates – provide the possibility of additional operational communication if necessary.

Compare: which answer looks more professional and inspires more confidence in the information.

Hello! I passed the preliminary test when registering for Spanish courses at your institute. Based on the test results, I am enrolled in group PS-A2.1. My tuition will be paid for by my employer. Please send me an invoice for tuition fees. Thank you. Best regards, Masha Petrova
Answer option 1 Answer option 2
Hello, Masha! First of all, thank you for choosing our institute! We are confident that you will be satisfied with our cooperation. In order to send you an invoice, we need to receive from you the details of your employer company. Please send them in response to this letter. If you have any questions, please contact us!

In the section to the question I want to get a job with you. I will try to answer all your questions. given by the author First class the best answer is I "d like to get a job in your company. work will not work, this is the amount of work. You want to get workplace, not just tasks to be completed. I"ll try to answer all your questions. I"ll try to answer any questions you are interested in. - if you insist on “questions that interest you.” But I agree that those questions that are NOT of interest to them will not be asked, so this can be safely omitted. The preposition ON after “answer” before “questions” is NOT needed, this is a tracing paper from the Russian language. In English there is no preposition in this phrase. answer questions - to answer the (your, his...) questions.

Reply from Flush[guru]
aim rilly interestin this sis vacancy. aill try tu anse all of e quesshenz I am very interested in this vacancy and I will try to answer all your questions

Reply from Andy_Life is a dream_Gavrilkin[guru]
Not “to get on work”, but “to get work” We don’t say “get to work” To emphasize what exactly “to you”: “in your company, in your firm” I"ll try TO answer (infinitive! ) "on of" - this garden (2 prepositions in a row) is not necessary. "You" -

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