Useful functions of automatic washing machines. Necessary and completely unnecessary modes and functions of the washing machine

Read on to find out which washing machine features are essential and which are just a marketing ploy. We understand in detail all the possibilities of washing machines.

On modern television there are constantly advertisements talking about the benefits of washing machines. It may well seem to some housewife that the functions described in the advertisement will certainly be useful, and therefore there is a desire to buy a brand new model. But aren't they lying to us? Do you need all those washing machine skills that are talked about in advertising and press releases? Let's find out. This article will let you understand which features are necessary and which ones you definitely shouldn’t overpay for.

Number of washing programs

If you remember the functions of a washing machine, the operating modes come to mind first. Or so-called programs. Washing machines produced in the USSR had only two modes - basic and delicate. Later, automatic washing machines appeared, which already offered five or six programs. Well, now their number can reach several dozen. But do they make much sense?

Practice shows that most often the owner of a washing machine uses four to five modes. Additionally, one or another spin speed is selected, and in some cases, pressing a special button allows you to use the “No creasing” function. That's it! Why these 20-30 programs?

In fact, building in additional modes does not cost the manufacturer much money. In fact, this is simple programming, during which the electronic “brains” of the device receive new combinations of water temperature, wash time and drum speed. However, sometimes the cost of technically identical washing machines with different numbers of programs differs greatly. It is in this case that we recommend that you do not chase additional modes, overpaying a lot of money for them.

By the way, in the future we will have washing machines that can download new programs from the Internet. Why not? Of course, this will completely eliminate mechanical controls, but this possibility will make the device as versatile as possible. But this will make washing machines from different manufacturers even more similar to each other, complicating the buyer’s choice.

Washing machine quality classes

Surely you have at least once looked at the characteristics of a washing machine. They often mention a quality class, denoted by Latin letters: from E to A with several pluses. Let's look at what exactly a particular class is talking about.

  • Energy consumption class is important for those people who do not want to overpay for electricity. However, washing machines with a low energy consumption class are becoming less and less common on sale. Most often, modern devices have classes A and B, and the difference between them is only 20-40 kilowatts per year - that is, one and a half to two hundred rubles. There are washing machines with energy consumption class A++, but there the difference is even less significant. We can only be glad that electricity in our country is not too expensive.
  • Washing class - indicates how well the machine copes with its main task. Do not under any circumstances buy a device with washing class C, unless it is a compact model for the garden. As for classes A and B, the difference between them is no longer so noticeable. And it should be noted that the washing result depends not only on exactly how the drum rotates. It is affected by the correctly or incorrectly selected program, as well as the washing powder used. After all, there are some stains that no washing machine can handle at all unless you use a stain remover.
  • Spin class - indicates how dry the laundry will be after washing. Class C indicates that up to 55% water will remain in the laundry. With Class A you should expect no more than 40% water. However, please note that spinning at a speed of 1600-2000 rpm is only suitable for items made of thick fabric. Some lace panties could be torn into shreds at such a speed. It turns out that such a high-speed spin will not be used too often. Also, a high-speed spin will not be needed if the washing machine is standing in a Khrushchev building, in the kitchen, on a wooden floor - in such a place the device will begin to shake and make noise very much.

Intuitive interface

It is perhaps important that the functions of the washing machine are activated by the user without any problems. A device like this is not a smartphone, and you wouldn’t mind spending time studying it. The washing machine must have an easy-to-use control panel. The ideal option would be electronic-mechanical control. This means that all modes will be activated electronically, but all sorts of buttons and controls are used to activate and select them. Even older people who are accustomed exclusively to mechanical controls can understand such controls.

It is very easy to check the clarity of the controls. Stand in front of a machine in a store and imagine that you need to wash some specific items. Do you understand which buttons to press and which knob to turn? Do you understand how to change the wash time? Do you understand how to lower or increase the water temperature? Do you understand how to change the spin speed? If the answer to all these questions is positive, then the controls are very easy to learn. If you answered no to at least some of the questions, then it is better to choose another washing machine. Our lives are too busy to spend time studying the operating instructions in detail.

By the way, if the main functions of an automatic washing machine are selected using some kind of touch screen, then this not only complicates control, but also impairs maintainability. The fact is that the control panel can break one day. But a mechanical regulator that has flown off can be replaced on the spot, this also applies to all kinds of buttons. If the touch display fails, repairing it will be more difficult and expensive. And without any of the buttons, the machine can be used quite well, whereas a failed touch screen will render the entire device malfunctioning.

Steam function

It is perhaps difficult to argue with the fact that hot moisture really penetrates the fabric very deeply. It’s not for nothing that we regularly use this function when ironing clothes. But the iron is located close to the fabric, while there may be at least a few centimeters between the laundry and the holes on the drum. And this is not to mention the fact that it is often wrinkled, forming several layers of fabric. It turns out that the steam function of the washing machine is not used very effectively. However, this is not to say that it does not help with washing at all. But it makes no sense to overpay a lot of money for it, you should remember this.


Once upon a time, dryers existed only as separate devices. Only residents of large houses could place them in their homes. In our country, many people still live in small apartments. Fortunately, you can now find washing machines with built-in dryers in stores. The problem is that such a washing machine will belong to the elite class - it will cost two to three times more than an ordinary model. Is it worth it?

In fact, it all depends on the area of ​​the room where the washing machine is placed. If a dryer could fit nearby, it would be better to get one. The fact is that the washing machine will not cope with drying perfectly in any case. Let's look at the two most commonly used technologies for drying clothes in such devices:

  • Timer - drying time is determined either manually or according to the selected washing program. Rest assured, the result in the vast majority of cases will be disastrous - the laundry will either have to be dried on a line, or it will be too dry.
  • Determining residual moisture - this is what the most expensive washing machines can do. The risk of overdrying will be minimal. However, there will be regular occasions when some of the laundry will still be damp.

In short, spending money on a washer and dryer is not recommended. You will be using a clothesline anyway. Then why overpay?

Self-cleaning function

The most difficult thing to talk about is the cleaning function of the washing machine drum. More and more devices are receiving it. Essentially, this is just another program that is designed to be used without a load of laundry. That is, it is not difficult for a washing machine manufacturer to add it to the device’s arsenal of skills. That is why devices with a self-cleaning function are almost no different in cost from those that are not equipped with it. If this is the case, then it is unlikely that you will overpay at least some money for this function.

Please note that the self-cleaning function of a washing machine is often activated in a special way. For example, in LG products, to do this you need to hold down two buttons marked with an asterisk for three seconds. It is possible that you will quickly forget about this feature if self-cleaning does not have a separate button. Therefore, if you regularly wash things stained with sand and other poorly soluble types of dirt, then it is better to get a device where drum cleaning is activated as easily as possible.

Bio wash

One of the really useful features. It is not necessarily called that way. Its essence lies in a more thorough washing, which eliminates absolutely all powder residues. Of course, the process becomes longer, but, for example, the child’s skin will definitely not feel unpleasant allergens. However, not all parents use this function. Some of them prefer to use special laundry detergent for children's clothes instead. And here it’s up to you to choose whether to spend extra money on a more expensive powder, or splurge on an additional amount by buying a washing machine with a bio-washing function.

Of course, if you don’t have children and don’t plan to have them in the future, then this function is completely unnecessary.

Delayed launch

Another useful feature of a washing machine, which is not for everyone. In large cities, special tariffs for electricity have been introduced for a long time. In the evening, a kilowatt costs some money, at night - another, in the morning and during the day - yet another. It is these users who benefit most from washing at night. And it is these users who need the delayed start function so that the wash automatically starts at the moment when the kilowatt becomes cheaper.

One delayed launch will not be enough. Please note that a washing machine with this function must be quiet. And certainly it should have support for turning off the signal about the completed wash. Otherwise, you risk waking up late at night, although this was not planned.

Other useful functions of the washing machine

  • Automatic detection of washing parameters- sometimes it is allocated to a so-called function, while in other washing machines this program may be called “Mixed fabrics”. When activated, the device independently weighs the laundry and “thinks” about how long to wash it and how much water to spend.
  • Drum parking- relevant for top-loading machines. This makes taking out and loading laundry much easier.
  • Leak protection system- almost completely eliminates the outflow of water from the drum in the event of any breakdown. Almost any expensive device now has this system.
  • Soak and/or pre-wash- a useful function that comes in handy if you have very heavily soiled laundry. However, no one forbids simply washing this linen twice - the effect will be approximately the same.
  • Anti-crease- an indispensable function for those people who do not want to use an iron regularly. However, even in expensive washing machines it does not work perfectly.
  • Accelerated wash- available even in fairly inexpensive devices. This function is used for washing lightly soiled laundry. Allows you to complete the process as quickly as possible, and at the same time save water and electricity.
  • Drum balancing control- the microprocessor constantly weighs the laundry, rotating the drum for a while so that it is placed as evenly as possible. During spinning, this reduces vibrations and eliminates the possibility of device breakdown.
  • Specialized programs- you will find special washing modes designed for pillows, shoes, down jackets and other similar items quite useful. However, you can select the appropriate parameters for them manually. But for this you will have to go to the Internet, because it is unlikely that you know exactly how to wash the same down jacket. In short, it all depends on whether you want to save your time.
  • Self-diagnosis of faults- a feature that all washing machine buyers hope will not come in handy. However, it will be better if the device is equipped with it. Otherwise, any malfunction will force you to call a technician, since you simply will not know its cause.

Perhaps these are all functions that are useful in one way or another. Almost all modern washing machines have some of them. Others are available only for high- and mid-budget models. You can find out about their presence or absence by reading technical specifications, reviews and reviews.


Now you know almost everything about washing machines. From now on, you should understand exactly what characteristics you should pay attention to when choosing them. We hope that now you will definitely not overpay for those functions that you absolutely do not need.

How do you use your washing machine? Are you satisfied with the model you purchased? Tell us about it in the comments.

Krasnikov Sergey Sergeevich 5712

Modern automatic washing machines have so many functions that when choosing in a store, the buyer gets lost and does not always buy what he really needs. Therefore, before going to the store, you simply need to choose an automatic machine at home, decide which functions it must have, which ones are desirable, and which ones you can do without.

All washing programs are divided into basic ones, which are available in any automatic machine, and additional ones. The main programs include natural fabrics at 95°C, synthetic fabrics at 60°C, delicates at 40°C and wool at 40°C.

TO additional functions of automatic washing machines The following functions include:

1. BIO wash. Available in the best washing machines. Designed for washing organic stains with special washing powders with enzymes;

2. Hand wash. This mode is also called gentle. The machine washes clothes more gently than you can do by hand;

3. Accelerated wash. Suitable for lightly soiled laundry. Saves water, electricity and washing time up to 30%;

4. Drying clothes. The laundry is dried directly in the machine using a stream of hot air. The air temperature can be selected depending on the type of laundry;

5. Delayed launch. Using the timer, you can set the start time for washing;

6. Drum balancing control. If the laundry is unevenly distributed in the drum, the machine will stop working to avoid increased vibration and possible breakdown;

7. Leak protection system. If there is an outflow of water from the machine (a leak in the housing or valve), it will turn off until the cause is eliminated;

8. Drum parking(for top-loading machines). When the drum stops rotating, its cover will be at the top;

9. Automatic detection of washing parameters. Washing is controlled by a microprocessor during the entire operating period of the machine. A person’s task is to choose a washing mode. The processor itself will configure other parameters, and also save water and electricity;

10. Soak. Used for heavily soiled laundry;

11. Foam control. This function is necessary for cases when too much washing powder is poured into the machine. Additional rinsing is used to remove excess;

12. Adjusting the water level. In this mode, washing is performed in the optimal amount of water, which depends on the load and the speed at which the laundry gets wet. As a result, water consumption, heating time and total washing time are reduced;

13. Protection against wrinkles after washing. After washing the laundry in this mode, the laundry is easier to iron as it is less wrinkled;

14. Intensive wash. Used to remove old stains at elevated temperatures;

15. Programs for washing shoes, pillows, baby clothes etc.

Prices in online stores:
Tehnokon RUB 18,379
MOL RUB 24,230

The more useful functions a machine has, the more expensive it is. We should not forget that even if you have many functions, your machine may break down faster. When washed intensively, laundry wears out faster.

Prices in online stores:

Literally “overgrown” with a huge number of different service functions. The abundance of bright stickers with the names of many tempting opportunities literally dazzles your eyes. How to make sense of all this? We will try to help you.

First of all, it should be understood that washing technology has remained the same; humanity has not yet invented anything fundamentally new. They do exactly what laundresses have always done - they soak and wash, rinse and wring.

All this is true, but times have changed, and today we try to cherish every minute. No one needs a machine that you need to constantly stand near in order to monitor the wash and manually control it. People strive to make the washing process as convenient as possible and, as far as possible, to automate it. We will try to talk about the most common ones.
Foam control. Let's assume you miscalculated and added too much powder. In this case, too much foam forms inside the machine, which can damage the electronics. A unit equipped with this function drains the foamy water itself and then refills with clean water. In addition, the presence of foam is controlled before each spin in order to improve the quality of rinsing the laundry.
Makes ironing easier. (may be referred to as imbalance control). This function periodically pauses the wash, then makes several smooth reverse movements of the drum and then continues to wash. This ensures a more even distribution of the laundry before spinning. As a result, when spinning at high speed, the machine shakes less and the laundry does not twist.
Additional rinse. It is used when it is important to ensure the removal of possible detergent residues. In this case, the machine performs another additional rinse before spinning.

Half load mode. One of the most useful features. Most often you need to wash a relatively small amount of items. In this case, this function allows you to significantly save water and electricity consumption, as well as reduce the overall washing time.

Additional soaking. Used for washing heavily soiled items. In this mode, the machine rinses the laundry once before starting the main program. When the powder hits a thoroughly wet item, it penetrates deeper into the fibers of the fabric and can cope with more severe stains.
Leakage protection system (aka Aqua-Stop). This system allows you to avoid leaks not only inside the machine itself, but also in the inlet hose. When the Aqua-Stop system is activated, the pump in the working chamber automatically turns on to pump out the leaked water.

Cooling water after washing. In the event that a specific washing program involves heating the water above 60 degrees Celsius, the water in the tank will be pre-cooled before the first rinse. This is achieved by pumping in some cold water. This function is necessary in order to reduce the concentration of detergents in the water before rinsing and minimize creasing of fabrics.

Hand wash. Among the large number of different washing programs provided by the manufacturer, there are only a few that are truly useful, and the “hand wash” program is one of them. It is intended for washing expensive and “delicate” items made of wool and silk, which are not intended for machine washing at all. This mode uses a large amount of water, allowing the detergent to dissolve better for a more gentle effect on the fabric. Washing is carried out with smooth movements of the drum, the rotation speed of which is much lower than in conventional modes. The pause between rotations increases to 1 minute, while the drum accelerates very slowly. As a result, we get a unique opportunity to carefully care for even items labeled “hand wash only.”

Delicate wash. This function is generally similar to the previous one. Spinning in a centrifuge in this mode is most often not provided.

Quick wash. Another very useful program that allows you to quickly “drive away” lightly soiled laundry. This washing time is only about 30 minutes. This is very convenient, for example for training clothes. The author of this article uses such a program to “refresh” his kimono after a daily workout.

Adjustable spin. Many machines have the ability to smoothly or stepwise change the spin speed within a fairly wide range. This can be useful, for example, if the laundry is too wet or, conversely, the machine shakes a lot at high spin speed.

Child protection. The purpose of this function is clear. When turned on, the ability to open the door and press all buttons on the control panel is blocked. This will help protect both the child and the car itself. However, it should be taken into account that modern children from 2-2.5 years old will be able to turn off the protection.

Delayed start timer. This is a very convenient feature that allows you to program the start of washing within the next 24 hours. You need to turn on the machine, open the filling valve (if any), load it with laundry and add powder. At a time convenient for you, it will turn on and do all the work independently. Useful if you want to save on electricity (the nightly tariff for electricity is lower than the daytime) or you want your laundry to be washed when you arrive and not get “sour” in the washing machine. Or you just don't want to listen to the sound of her work right now.

Self-diagnosis. Machines equipped with a display can show not only various information about washing, but also a fault code. In some cases, this makes it possible to fix the problem yourself, then you will save time and nerves.

A sound signal promptly informs you about the end of the wash. It's a small thing, but convenient.

Turbo drying. In machine models equipped with a dryer, a system can be used that provides quick and effective drying of washed clothes using heated dry air. The process of such drying ends with a separate phase of cooling and loosening the dried items, so that the laundry does not turn out too com crumpled.

Washing machines with ceramic heater. This means that an additional protective coating on the heating element (heating element) will protect it from scale formation. We believe that most likely we are talking about a slowdown in the process. Because if a thin film of scale appears on the surface of the heating element, then the process of its growth will be just as fast.

If you live in an area with hard water or think that the water in your home does not meet generally accepted European standards, to which all washing machines are designed, the presence of a ceramic heating element in the washing machine will be an important advantage, which you should definitely pay attention to when purchasing .

If you have already purchased a machine or you like a model without “ceramics”, we recommend installing the Hydroflow anti-scale device. It will protect the washing machine from the harsh domestic reality and you will not have to spend a lot of money again on expensive repairs or purchasing a new unit.

Modern washing machines are multifunctional, but in reality there are not so many main functions that determine the washing mode. In fact, there are only 4 programs that determine the water temperature, the spin speed of the drum, and the number of rinses. Also, the user usually has the opportunity to specify the type of fabric that he loaded.

The “smart” control of the washing machine, if it sees any discrepancies, notifies the user so that he can make adjustments regarding the washing mode.

In fact, there are only 4 classic programs (that is, the main ones):

  1. Washing woolen items at 40 C;
  2. Wash delicate items at 40 C;
  3. Washing cotton items at 95 C;
  4. Wash synthetics at 60 C.

All other programs and modes allow you to adjust these basic programs and select the desired washing mode based on the degree of soiling of the laundry, for example. There are also functions to prevent things from creasing and minimize detergent consumption. However, all additional functions are expensive for the consumer: the more of them, the more expensive the machine becomes.

For example, expensive “cool” models automatically calculate wash time, water temperature, number of rinses and drum speed. The user only needs to set the type of fabric of the items he loaded into the drum and press the start button.

Functions of washing machines

Most models have the following features:

  1. Delay switching on. If the user sits at home and does not want to hear how noisy the machine is or wants things to be washed by the time he arrives, he can use this function. The system simply delays the start for the specified period of time.
  2. We have already discussed this function, but washing machines also have it. It is used when there is not enough laundry loaded into the drum. For example, many washing machines are designed to load 5 kg of laundry. If the user loads 2-3 kg, then it is appropriate to use this mode.
  3. Water control. This function is mainly designed to save electricity, a significant part of which is spent on heating. The “smart” machine determines the volume of water required to wet things and the optimal load, without pouring in too much
  4. Control of water transparency. A very interesting feature that also saves resources, but in this case, water. A special sensor after rinsing determines the transparency of the water, and if it is below normal, the mode is repeated. If, for example, transparency is satisfactory after two rinsing stages, the system will cancel the third and thus save resources.
  5. Spin balancing. Spinning involves large dynamic loads on the unit and noise. Balancing is a function that dampens vibrations, as a result of which these loads are significantly reduced, as well as the noise level. The function works like this: the drum rotates slowly until all the laundry is distributed evenly over the surface. Only after this does the spinning begin.
  6. Spin speed adjustment. A smart washing machine chooses the spin speed itself, but in other machines this can be done by the user. If the fabric is rough, it can be wrung out at the highest spin speeds. If not, you should choose a speed of about 400-600 rpm.
  7. Timer. The function displays the time after which the washing process will be completed.
  8. Stop spinning. If light items are washed with coarse fabrics in the drum, the user can remove them, leaving only the coarse ones.
  9. Diagnosis of problems. If something in the machine does not work “right” or does not work at all, this function usually indicates this. It displays the fault code of the washing machine on the display, and then the user can prevent it.

Machine modes

As for the modes, there are 15 of them (more or less depending on the model and manufacturer):

  1. Hand wash. In this mode there is no spin, the drum rotates weakly, and the main idea of ​​the mode is to reduce the physical impact on the tissue. It is called manual because you could wash things this way (carefully) by hand.
  2. Preliminary. Used for very, very dirty things. Before using this mode, it is recommended to leave the laundry in soapy water (in water with detergent) for 2 hours.
  3. Economy mode The very name of the mode already says a lot. In particular, we are talking about reducing water and electricity consumption. This will lengthen the washing time.
  4. Quick wash. Like the previous mode, this also involves saving water, detergent, and electricity. But, on top of everything else, time is saved, because... the cycle is shortened.
  5. Strong heating (up to 90 degrees). If things are very dirty, then this mode is optimal. Dirt can be easily removed at high water temperatures, but you need to remember that not all items can be washed in this mode, because some may simply get damaged. Usually, clothing tags indicate at what maximum temperature it can be washed.
  6. Daily wash. The mode involves partial loading of the washing machine drum. In this case, the cycle lasts about 40 minutes and the water temperature in the drum is up to 30 C. It is usually used to refresh underwear and light clothing.
  7. Intensive mode. As the name suggests, it is used for washing heavily soiled clothes. This heats the water to a high temperature. The duration of the process also increases.
  8. Eco-program. This mode involves the user using enzyme agents. The mode is famous for its ability to scrub very dirty things at high water temperatures.
  9. Biophase. Involves the use of powders containing bioenzymes.
  10. Wool. The mode washes woolen items, and in this mode the drum will spin at a speed of 36 rpm.
  11. Additional rinse. This mode provides an additional rinsing process, which will completely remove any remaining soapy water.
  12. Removing stains. This mode is said to be able to remove tough stains from clothes that cannot be removed in other washing modes.
  13. Lots of water. When rinsing, a lot of water will flow into the drum, which will also help to completely remove any remaining powder.
  14. Anti-crease protection. When this mode is activated, the drum spins the laundry at a very low speed for a short time. As a result, after the user takes things out of the drum, it will be much easier to iron them.
  15. Repeated rinsing. Like some other modes, this one is also aimed exclusively at removing residual powder and soapy water.
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It's time to decide on the functions you need.

In automatic washing machines there are 4 main washing programs:

1. Washing program for cotton and linen items at temperatures up to 95°С;
2. Program for washing synthetics, water up to 60°С;
3. Delicate wash program, water until 40°С;
4. Program for washing wool, water until 40°С;

Each of the main washing programs may include subprograms. The following additional functions are also possible:

"Bio-wash"- this function is available in most modern washing machines and uses modern “biological” detergents containing enzymes.

Enzymes- these are special biologically active substances contained in washing powders that decompose organic compounds (blood stains, sauces, coffee, vegetable stains, sweat, fats, etc.), penetrating the structure of this difficult-to-wash stain and breaking it down into substances that the washing powder can already wash.

There are four types of enzymes:

- protease breaks down protein contaminants;
-amylase breaks down carbohydrate contaminants;
- lipase breaks down fats;
- cellulose prevents the formation of pellets.

You should carefully consider the choice of washing powder, because... Not all powders may contain all four types of enzymes.

To carry out their task, enzymes require a temperature of 40 degrees C and 12-15 minutes of time. The heating element of the washing machine, having brought the temperature of the washing solution to 40 degrees, stops working, and the enzymes in the washing solution begin to act (at temperatures above 50 degrees they die).

"Bio-phase" washing machine is present in most modern washing machines.

"Hand wash" wool- this function provides gentle washing of wool with a very precise dosage of water (that is, with an increased water level), selection and adjustment of the optimal number of drum revolutions during spinning (reduced), strict temperature control and a special algorithm for drum movement.
Thanks to this function, you can wash items that are indicated for hand wash only. The presence of a “hand wash” for a particular model is usually indicated by a special icon on the control panel as well as an indication in the operating instructions.
Some manufacturers, in order to emphasize the high level of washing technology, have special names for this program:

  • ""Sweet Wave"; (Electrolux)
  • "Golden cashmere"(Ariston),
  • "Caress Plus"(Zanussi) .
  • "Weiche Welle"(Kaiser).

"Stain removal" (stain removal). As a rule, this function means intensive washing of cotton for heavily soiled laundry using stain removers, which allows you to remove any, even the most stubborn stains.

Please note. The possibility of using stain removing or bleaching agents must be stated in the operating instructions for the washing machine.

"Drying"- a special function designed for drying clothes after washing.

The principle of the drying function is that the internal heating element generates heat, and the fan converts it into a warm air stream that wraps around the fabric and dries it. Each type of fabric has its own drying level.

“Start delay” (start timer). A function that allows you to program the start of washing with a delay of 1 - 24 hours after loading laundry.

Surely you often have a situation when you come home after work, start the wash and have to wait for it to finish, or you go to bed, leaving the washed clothes in the drum of the machine until the morning.

Using this function, you can program the machine so that it finishes washing in the morning when you get up. Or you need to go somewhere for a long time - you program the machine so that it finishes washing when you arrive.

In addition, delaying the start is useful in the presence of double electricity tariffs (when electricity is cheaper at night). By running the wash at night you will save on energy bills

"Accelerated wash" When using accelerated washing, the washing machine reduces the number of rinses, plus the washing time itself is reduced by 10-30%. However, we must remember that “Accelerated Wash” is most effective when the load is incomplete and when washing lightly soiled items.

"Mini-program"- "Daily wash 30". This program is used for short washes for laundry that is not dirty or items that need to be “freshened up”. Including different colors. Its duration is only 30 minutes, during which you can wash up to 3 kg of laundry at a temperature of 30 ° C.

"Imbalance Control" or "Balance control system". This is a system for determining the uniform distribution of laundry in the drum of a washing machine.

Imbalance control is available in all washing machines with a spin speed of more than 800 rpm, but it can be implemented differently from different manufacturers. When an imbalance is detected, the machine motor stops and then starts rotating in reverse to optimize the distribution of the laundry.

If optimal distribution cannot be achieved, the engine resumes operation, but at a reduced speed. The balancing system reduces noise and vibration levels and increases reliability. Different brands call this function differently. For example, from AEG - FUCS (Fast Unbalance Control System).

"Foam control". Foam control ensures high-quality rinsing if excess foam has formed (for example, due to an overdose of washing powder).

To get good results when rinsing using a small amount of water and electricity, you need to rinse as much detergent out of your laundry as possible. This is achieved by spinning the laundry between rinses.

As a result of spinning, foam is formed, which worsens the rinsing result. The foam sensor monitors the foam formation process. Draining the water after each rinse takes longer because the washing machine pump, having pumped out all the water, continues to work to pump out excess foam as well. In some machines, if there is too much foam, the machine may also “prescribe” an additional rinse.

"Easy ironing". This function is designed to protect linen from excessive creasing, in order to facilitate the ironing process in the future. When you press the EASY IRON button, the electronic function determines the optimal washing conditions, reducing the formation of wrinkles to a minimum.

"Child lock" or "child lock". The function is to lock the control panel. It is this control panel with buttons and screens that attracts the unbridled curiosity of children! To prevent a child from interfering with the washing process, stopping the wash or changing the washing program, this function is used.

"Protection against voltage surges (Volt control)" The desire to ensure constant voltage control, even if surges in one direction or another deviate by 25%. Other manufacturers of washing machines also set themselves this task. What to hide, the quality of electricity supply service in our country leaves much to be desired

"AQUASTOP"- leakage protection system. Protection is achieved through a safety valve on the water tap and an inlet hose with automatic pressure relief.

Aqua Control(Electrolux, ZANUSSI) - This system protects against leaks only if the water filling hose is damaged.

Waterproof-System(MIELE) - the system consists of a float in the bottom of the machine and automatic control (similar to the Aqua-Control system)

Waterproof-Metal(MIELE) - the difference between this system and the Waterproof-System is the use of a high-strength reinforced hose

"FUZZY CONTROL"- an electronic system that controls the washing process and individually adjusts the program depending on the type and amount of laundry.

In Whirlpool appliances this function is called "6th sense" 6th sense.

In addition, the system Fuzzy Control regulates the water flow during rinsing in accordance with the load. If excessive foam occurs during rinsing, the system starts an additional rinse cycle and, if necessary, changes the rhythm of the drum rotation.

And finally, the Fuzzy Control system controls the spin process, recognizing the degree of imbalance, that is, the formation of lumps of laundry in the drum, and selects a mode so that the laundry is constantly spun at the highest possible speed.

"Automatic water level control" or "auto weighing". Most washing machines have the ability to determine the amount of water added depending on the load.

However, they don't actually weigh the laundry. The amount of water required for a particular wash depends on the absorbency of the laundry.

Washing machines with electronic control, depending on the amount of water poured in and the load on the drum, automatically determine the washing time. Moreover, the time can be adjusted already during the washing process, depending on the conditions (temperature of the water poured, time spent pouring water, etc.). Ultimately, the electronics adjust the time depending on the load.

"Automatic water level control" allows you to use exactly as much water and electricity as is necessary to wash a given amount of laundry. On the one hand, this is a significant saving, on the other hand, it is very convenient.

used in some washing machines, a sure sign of which is the presence of the 1/2 key on the control panel.

When using this function, it simply pours half as much water and, accordingly, uses less electricity to heat it, regardless of how much laundry you wash - one napkin or half a full load.

With all the shortcomings of this system, it is still better than the complete lack of control of water and energy consumption in the washing machine based on the load - this is still found in some models of compact washing machines.


"Soak" for heavily soiled laundry;

"Super rinse", " additional rinse" - for people suffering from allergies;

"Stopping with water in the drum"- for linen that will not be immediately hung out to dry;

"Half Loaded"- to limit the amount of water when loading is incomplete;

"Economy wash"- washing at a lower temperature to save energy;

"Drainage"- a system for removing water from the machine without rotating the drum.

"Self-cleaning pump"- the presence of this option eliminates the need to frequently check the cleanliness of the filter, this makes it possible to extend the life of the washing machine and improves its consumer properties.

"Shower wash"- a washing system that provides special holes in the drum through which jets of water containing thousands of air bubbles pass. The bubbles penetrate the fibers of the laundry and wash away dirt particles from them.


In addition to software methods for ensuring the quality of washing, one can also distinguish, so to speak, “constructive” ones.

This refers to special devices that increase the efficiency of moistening laundry with a detergent solution.

To do this, some manufacturers use special grips on the drum that pick up the cleaning solution at the bottom of the tank and deliver it to the top - creating a rain effect (