Incognito mode in various browsers. Incognito mode in Yandex.Browser: how to enable, disable on a mobile phone in Android, iOS? What does it mean, gives Incognito mode in Yandex.Browser

Description of the "Incognito" mode in "Yandex Browser" for iOS and Android mobile platforms.

Developers of popular browsers are constantly updating their applications in order to make the work of their users on the Internet as comfortable as possible. With each update, browsers get more and more new features. These include: saving passwords and autofill data, saving download history, sites visited by users and their addresses. However, these functions are not always useful, because Recently, most users prefer to hide their presence on the network from prying eyes.

It is for such users that the world-famous search engine " Yandex» developed its own browser for PC and mobile devices « Yandex browser", which has a unique mode " Incognita". Let's consider it in a little more detail.

Overview of the "Incognito" mode in "Yandex Browser"

What is the "Incognito" mode in "Yandex Browser" and what does it give?

  • « Yandex browser”, like most modern applications of this kind, automatically saves the entire history of visiting sites and autofill data. This is done so that the user does not have to remember each time and enter the address of a particular site, password or login from scratch, because. On smartphones and tablets, this is extremely inconvenient. But often this feature is very harmful. Especially when several people in the family use one device or when you need to log into your personal account from a friend's tablet.

  • In order to prevent the history of visiting sites and autofilling forms from being saved, the “ Incognita". Its activation ensures 100% privacy. You can safely visit any sites, enter personal accounts of electronic wallets and banks, without fear that your passwords will fall into the wrong hands. However, while using Yandex.Browser» in the « mode Incognita» you can change settings, make bookmarks and download files that will be saved later.
  • Some users mistakenly believe that the activated mode " Incognita» will hide their presence on the network from the eyes of other Internet users. In other words, it will make them invisible. This opinion is erroneous. Mode " Incognita" is designed to hide visits only on the device on which you use " Yandex browser". If you go to any social network or forum with an activated mode, then the users of these resources will be able to see you on the network.

  • The mode " Incognita There are both pluses and minuses. The disadvantages include the fact that when the mode is activated, the user loses the protection of the Wi-Fi connection and a variety of viruses can penetrate into his device, which can then greatly harm his smartphone or tablet. So, it's up to you to decide whether to use the " Incognita" or not.

Here is a complete list of mobile features " Yandex.Browser", which become unavailable when the "Incognito" mode is activated:

  • Tabs in mode Incognita» not syncing
  • Unable to use Turbo mode
  • The selection of individual recommendations disappears
  • Wi-Fi connections lose security

How to enable Incognito mode in Yandex Browser on iPhone, iPad and Android devices?

The process of activating the mode " Incognita» does not depend on which operating system you use the device. Activation takes place in Yandex.Browser”, which looks and operates the same as on iPhone and iPad, and on devices on the platform Android. To activate the " Incognita" in " Yandex.Browser", do the following:

  • Step 1. Run " Yandex browser» on your device and click on the menu icon (three dots in the lower right corner). If the icon is not displayed, call the menu with the corresponding button on your phone or tablet.

  • Step 2. In the menu, find the item " New incognito tab” and click on it. It is done. The browser background will turn gray and on this tab you can go to any sites and enter your personal accounts without fear that your browsing history and passwords will be saved. Unfortunately, in "Yandex.Browser" you can use only one tab at a time in the " Incognita”, because tab sync is disabled.

  • Step 3. To exit the " Incognita» just open a new tab by clicking on the appropriate menu item, or close the browser and log in again.

VIDEO: Yandex.Browser for Android and iOS

Hello, dear readers of the site site! You have probably heard about incognito mode in various Internet browsers. So, Yandex is no exception and it can also be used here.

Now we will take a closer look at what incognito mode means in a browser, how you can enter the site using it and exit it using a computer, laptop or phone, tablet with Android. Let's talk about the work of add-ons in it.

What does incognito mode mean

First, let's answer the question: What is incognito mode in a browser?

Incognita- this is a special mode, thanks to which the history of requests and the list of visited sites are not saved. This information is taken into account by the browser to display advertising on the sites you visit and to form.

The differences between opening a similar tab and a tab opened in the usual way are as follows:

1. All queries entered in the search bar will not be saved.
2. The browser does not remember the history of the sites you have visited.
If you are interested, read the article by clicking on the link.
3. Passwords that you enter when logging in to websites and social networks, and all data when autofilling, are not saved. That is, if the password for the site is saved in the browser and you usually enter the profile immediately, then in this case you will need to enter the password again.
4. Listened audio recordings or watched videos are not added to the cache.
5. Bookmarks that have been made will be saved.
6. All downloaded files are saved to the computer.
7. The web browser settings that you have changed are saved.
8. All add-ons included in Yandex will not work (necessary add-ons can be enabled manually).
9. After closing such a tab, all cookies will be deleted.

How to open this mode

Now let's look at how to enter the site in Yandex browser in incognito mode.

The page in normal mode for creating a new tab looks like this:

To go to the window we need, click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner and select "Incognito Mode" from the list.

This will open a new browser window. The fact that you are working incognito in it will be clear from the glasses icon, which is located in the upper right corner of the page.

You can open a similar window using hot keys - Ctrl + Shift + N.

If you are on any site, then the page looks like this:

An open page in incognito mode is no different. The only difference is that it will open in a new window and there will be an icon with glasses in the upper right.

If you are browsing the site in normal mode and by clicking on a link you want to go to another page anonymously, then right-click on the link and select "Open Link in Incognito Mode" from the menu.

How to turn off

Exiting it in a web browser is very simple, because it is a separate open window. Accordingly, you just need to close it. To do this, click on the cross in the upper right corner of the page, and the window will be closed.

Yandex browser add-ons in incognito mode

If you have a lot of extensions installed and you often use some of them, then for convenience, you can make them work regardless of how you browse the pages.

First, let's open the add-ons page. Click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner and select "Add-ons" from the list.

Find the desired extension that you want to work with while on the page anonymously, and click on the "Details" button under its description. Then check the "Allow use in Incognito mode" box.

Now, on the Yandex browser page, opened incognito, either the extension icon will appear on the right in the address bar, or an additional item in the context menu.

Incognito mode on an Android phone

You can also visit sites in this way from a mobile phone or tablet with the Android operating system installed.

Go to Yandex and open the additional menu - this is done using the context menu button on your device. Then select "New Incognito Tab" from it.

The background of the opened page will be gray, and a corresponding inscription will appear under the search bar: "You are in an incognito browser." Enter the desired request or open the site of interest.

Here, white ones are sites opened in the browser in the usual way, and incognito tabs are grayed out and are under the corresponding heading. By clicking on the cross, you can close the selected page. To exit it, close all gray tabs.

Use incognito mode in Yandex browser, because it is convenient and not at all difficult. For example, to log into another social network account, you do not need to exit the current profile: just open the second window anonymously and enter your username and password. So the entered data will not be saved, and you will not need to go back to your usual profile.

Incognito mode in chrome is one of the simplest and best ways for us ordinary mortals to surf the Internet without leaving traces of the visited resources on our device.

Still, there are many misunderstandings about what this regime can and cannot protect against. Let's put an end to the e: the incognito mod is perfect for browsing sites or resources that you don't want anyone to know you've been there. Also, it's a great option to search for specific topics that you don't want to tie into your Google search history (Google saves all your searches as usual).

BUT, be careful - this is not absolute privacy! Your ISP or some sites can still track you. Okay, let's see how it all works and how to get the most positive experience.

How does incognito work?

In simple words: incognito mode is when you browse the Internet resources, and the data on visiting these resources is not saved in the history of your smartphone or is not synchronized with your Google account. For the Chrome browser, it sounds like this: "everything that happened in incognito fashion remains there." Contrary to all that has been said, you are not 100% safe from prying eyes. Remember: your ISP, employer (if you're browsing from the web at work), or the site you're visiting can view your activity. Also, files downloaded in incognito mode do not leave a record of their download, but physically exist on your device.

How to open an incognito tab

First, launch the Chrome browser. In the upper right corner you will find three vertical dots. We click on them. In the menu that opens, select the item: "New Incognito Tab". If everything is done correctly, then you will see a page with a gray background and a "spy" icon (as in the screenshot below).

The incognito mode indicator is the same "spy icon" (hat and glasses) in the upper left corner. In the same place, there is an input field for the URL or search query. Enjoy!

A few more words about the management of incognito tabs. For devices with Android OS 5 and above, make sure you have the "Combine tabs and apps" option enabled. If you do this, then when you click on the navigation square at the bottom of the device, a multi-task menu will be launched, where, along with open applications, incognito tabs will be displayed. Otherwise, your incognito tabs will be grouped with regular Chrome tabs. Click on the number (number) in the upper right corner to switch between tabs. Remember: incognito tabs, like normal ones, remain open unless you explicitly close them (to do this, click on the “close” icon in the list of tabs). With the "Combine tabs and applications" option enabled, the fastest way to close incognito pages is to click on the "close all incognito tabs" notification.

Finally, let's say this: the incognito mod is useful, but this is not a stealth mode!

Incognito mode is the security of your data and your computer on the Internet. How to turn it on? Detailed instructions on how to use this tool in all browsers.

Today we will talk about incognito mode in browsers.
Incognito what is it anyway? In a word, it is your safety.
The security of your data on the Internet.
Why do you need to enable incognito mode?
Did you know that no matter what site you visit on the Internet, it all merges?
What exactly?
Yes all! Your location, name, age, interests. Logins and passwords, by the way, too.
Why do you think exactly the ads appear in browsers, what are you interested in?)

Did you know that google works for the FBI and leaks all the information about every Internet user?
In Russia, there is no exact information on this subject, but I think Yandex is doing the same).

What are the advantages of accessing the Internet in this way?
All your views are hidden from prying eyes.
Logins and passwords are not saved.
No need to clear cache and cookies.

Let's start with Yandex.

Incognito mode in Yandex browser

How to enable incognito mode in Yandex browser?
This is done quite simply, by simultaneously pressing three keys on the keyboard
"Ctrl" + "Shift" + "N" If you have a Windows operating system.
If you have Mac OS, then the keyboard shortcut "⌘" + "Shift" + "N"
If you did everything right, you should see a tab like this.

Everybody. You can use without pale

Incognito mode in Google Chrome is enabled in 2 ways.
A combination of 3 keys or through the browser settings - this is how it will be more convenient for you).
1st way
With a key combination.
Simultaneously press "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "N"
2nd way.
Through google settings.
Come in, choose. "New incognito window."
As in the picture below.

If you did everything right, you should get something like this.

Let's move on to less popular browsers in Russia and neighboring countries.
Let's start with the hacker
from the browser "Opera."

Opera incognito mode

How to enable incognito mode in opera?
Opera incognito mode is also enabled in 2 ways.
1st way all the same "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "N"
2nd way. Go to Opera Settings. choose an incognito window.

Mozilla incognito mode

how to open incognito in mozilla?
Also 2 ways.
1st combination with simultaneous pressing of 3 keys.
By the way, here other buttons will be involved, unlike other browsers.
Press "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "P" at the same time
2nd way.
Opera setup, then select "private window."

how to exit incognito mode on any of the browsers

In order to exit incognito, just close the window with the incognito tab.
The instructions are universal, suitable for all browsers.
You can watch a YouTube video on how it's done.

That's all for now!

Recently, the topic of the safety of personal data and privacy on the Internet has been very often discussed. Many users do not want anyone other than them to have access to the history of "surfing" on the network. In this case, the special incognito function available in the Yandex browser will help. This tool is a great solution for providing local anonymity.

What is incognito mode in Yandex browser

In the process of searching for information on the Internet, the main actions are stored in the browser history: downloaded files, visited sites, requests and personal data. This is necessary in order not to remember the site address, login and password for subsequent visits.

Based on information about visited pages and search queries, large PS (Google, Yandex, Mail) study your interests to display contextual advertising. For this reason, users are increasingly interested in what incognito mode is and how it is implemented in Yandex.Browser.

Using the privacy tool, you can visit sites, search for information in search engines anonymously. Records of your actions will not be included in the history.

After running this tool, all extensions are automatically disabled. If necessary, add-ons can be activated manually (for example, AdBlock to block advertising banners).

Open tabs are not synchronized with your Yandex account. Information about watched videos and listened to audio recordings is not stored in the cache.

Also, you will not be able to activate the "Turbo" function, which speeds up page loading. At the same time, you can create bookmarks of sites: they will be saved in the "Bookmarks" section.

However, using this tool does not make you invisible. Search engines will receive reports about your activity, and users of social networks and forums will see you online after authorization on the site.

How to enable incognito mode in Yandex browser

Enabling the privacy feature in Yandex is extremely simple:

  1. Open the application options menu.
  2. Select "Incognito mode" with the mask icon

For Android phones and tablets

To enable incognito mode in Yandex browser on Android, follow these three steps:

  • Launch Yandex.Browser on your mobile device
  • Open the menu by clicking on the three dots icon at the bottom of the interface.

  • In the toolbar that opens, select "New Incognito Tab"

How to enable stealth mode on iPhone?

At this point it is worth dwelling in more detail. Those who tried to enable incognito mode on the iPhone are probably at a loss, because there is simply no such function in the Yandex.Browser menu. I was wondering why? I decided to find out this issue in the Yandex support service. They replied that there is no incognito mode in Yandex.Browser for iPhone, but this feature may appear in the future.

*screenshot of correspondence with Yandex

Well, let's wait for Yandex.Browser updates.

How to open a private link

The functionality of the application allows you to open a separate link in an anonymous tab. To do this, move the mouse over the desired link and click the right mouse button. In the context menu, click on the "New incognito window" item.

After that, a new window will open. The change of the window mode will be indicated by the icon in the form of dark glasses.


In addition to the standard method, incognito mode in Yandex.Browser can be enabled using hotkeys. To do this, just use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N. This combination will allow you to open a private window without going to the browser menu.

How to disable private mode

Since the incognito mode in Yandex.Browser is implemented in a new window, to deactivate it, it is enough to close the window in the usual way. To do this, click on the cross in the upper right corner.

After that, all temporary data and files will be deleted: saved passwords, cookies, download history.

How secure is incognito mode?

Using this feature does not guarantee complete security of personal data. Your ISP and search engines may track your activities, and third party sites may obtain information about your IP address.

However, the tool is simple and easy to use. In my opinion, it is most suitable for a situation if you work on someone else's computer and do not want to leave traces of your “surfing” and personal data.