With what thermal conductivity to choose thermal paste for a laptop. Average price range

The thermal interface in cooling PC components and other electronics plays no less, and sometimes even a greater role, than the type, size and design features of the cooling system itself. The use of a low-quality thermal interface can negate all efforts to reduce temperatures (a typical and striking example is central processors, in which the thermal paste is located not only ON the heat spreader cover, but also directly UNDER it).

But the opposite is also true: an effective thermal interface can “bring down” the temperature of the cooled element, winning back from one or two to a good ten degrees, which will extend the life of the device, eliminate possible failures due to overheating and reduce the noise emitted by the cooling system.

That is why it is not worth saving on a thermal interface, as well as approaching its selection according to the principle of “taking the first thing I come across.” Thermal paste is far from the most expensive product, but the viability of much more important components depends on it.

What should you pay attention to when choosing?

Thermal interface type

The DNS catalog, in addition to traditional plastic thermal interfaces, also presents other varieties that have their own purpose and specific application. Before choosing a specific composition, you should decide what exactly you are going to cool and in what way.

Liquid metal. It can be presented either in direct liquid form or in the form of gaskets, which must be heated and melted between the cooling system and the cooled element before use. In both cases, this type of thermal interface has the best thermal conductivity and also feels great at near-zero and sub-zero temperatures, making it an excellent option for extreme overclocking.

The disadvantages of liquid metal are not only its high cost. First of all, this is an extremely aggressive composition - for example, ZhM cannot be used with aluminum coolers , since aluminum dissolves under its influence in the most natural way. For the same reason, the ZhM can easily render the processor cover unusable, which will deprive the CPU owner of the warranty. In addition, liquid metal is conductive, and its use on crystals without a heat distribution cover - for example, on graphics chips of video cards - is not recommended.

Thermal pads. A flexible and versatile thermal interface designed for cooling those components where extremely high efficiency is not required. Unlike liquid metal, it is an electrical insulator, which allows you to cover both the cooled element and the surrounding area of ​​the board with a gasket without unnecessary meticulousness. A typical example is the cooling of VRM video cards and motherboards equipped with an appropriate radiator.

The main advantage of thermal pads is its elasticity and ability to fill any voids while maintaining the ability to conduct heat. This property is extremely important if the cooled elements are at different heights - for example, video card memory chips relative to the graphics chip - or have a complex terrain.
But you cannot use thermal pads on a CPU or GPU - their efficiency is too low to provide these components with proper cooling.

Thermal paste As it is, the composition is almost universal. It does not conduct heat as efficiently as liquid metal, and for effective heat transfer it requires a minimum gap between the cooled element and the cooling system. But at the same time, it does not conduct current (the exception here is pastes with metal particles) and is many times more efficient than thermal pads.

Accordingly, thermal paste in its traditional sense can be used almost anywhere. The only question remains is choosing an interface with suitable characteristics.

Hot melt adhesive differs from thermal paste in that it retains plasticity only for a limited time after application to the surface. Subsequently, the glue sets and forms an extremely strong connection that can support the weight of a radiator or other element without additional fixation. As a result, hot-melt adhesive is ideal, for example, for fixing VRM radiators on motherboards and video cards, where screw fastening of the corresponding elements is not initially provided.
The disadvantage of hot-melt adhesive is quite obvious: the strength of the fixation does not allow easy removal of the radiator from the cooled element. Moreover: during the removal process there is a considerable risk of tearing the element off the board. Therefore, using hot melt adhesive for CPUs and GPUs is also not recommended.


Unfortunately, the most important parameter of the thermal interface cannot be found either in store catalogs or on the websites of manufacturing companies. Some, of course, tend to associate the efficiency of the thermal interface with such a parameter as thermal conductivity- this is exactly what all manufacturers indicate.

However, in reality this is not entirely true. As tests on real iron show, a paste with a higher thermal conductivity rating is not always more effective than a paste with a lower thermal conductivity. Often, a one and a half or even twofold difference in the passport parameters ultimately results in almost identical temperature results.

You need to choose thermal paste based on one criterion: the results it demonstrates in professional reviews from reputable publications. As a rule, they ensure uniformity of testing conditions and a competent test methodology, which makes it possible to call the results obtained reliable.

Having in hand a database of results demonstrated by different pastes on the same hardware under the same conditions, it will be possible to make a reasoned and rational choice. For example, if a certain central processor, when using paste A, warmed up only to 84 degrees, and with paste B - to as much as 96 degrees, it is immediately clear who is better here. If, when using pastes A, B and C, the temperature is the same, but the price and volume of pastes sold differ significantly, choose the most profitable option.


Paradoxical as it may seem, yes - this is also a very important point. As a rule, thermal paste (and other interfaces) are sold in larger quantities than needed for one-time use. This is convenient if you don’t want to go to the store every time you change the processor cooler or clean your laptop, but the issue of storing the thermal interface automatically arises.

IN bags We offer either thermal paste in small volumes (1 gram) or thermal pads. In both cases, this is not the most convenient option - the remaining thermal paste “in the fresh air” will quickly dry out, and the impregnation will evaporate from the thermal pads. Therefore, when purchasing such packaging, you should immediately calculate the amount of thermal interface you need, or take care of its storage.

Cans, bottles and tubes- a more reliable option, thermal paste in such packages can retain its properties for literally years without drying out or decomposing into its components. The only disadvantage of this packaging is that the dosage and application are not very convenient.

Syringe- ideal, and therefore the most common option. It is sealed, but in addition, it is extremely convenient when dosing and applying the paste to a cooled surface.

Volume of thermal paste and number of thermal pads

It is also an important factor, since the final purchase price and issues of further storage of the thermal interface depend on it. So, if you just need to carry out a one-time maintenance of your PC, laptop or other device - 1-2 grams thermal paste and one A thermal pad is quite enough for this. It would be better to even purchase a smaller amount of thermal interface, but choose a composition that has the best characteristics.

And you shouldn’t convince yourself that you are taking the thermal interface “in reserve.” Firstly, when you need this “reserve”, the paste purchased ahead of time may already dry out from improper storage. Secondly, it is not at all a fact that by that time you will not have replaced the hardware with new one, which, due to its newness, simply does not need maintenance.

The opposite situation: if you have a home electronics repair service, or you service devices that are very different in size and number of heating elements from laptops and PCs, it is better to purchase large quantities at once. An extra trip to the store in the midst of repairs can throw off all the deadlines, and if the thermal interface runs out in the midst of maintenance at a remote site, where there are no stores in principle, the consequences will be much more striking and impressive.

Minimum and maximum operating temperature

Owners of ordinary “home” hardware, of course, should not worry about these parameters. With a 99% probability, an ordinary home PC or laptop will not see sub-zero temperatures, and prolonged heating above 100 degrees usually means that you will not have to go to the store for new thermal paste.

But fans of extreme overclocking should pay attention to minimum temperature, at which the thermal interface retains its properties. Most thermal pastes freeze through at temperatures below zero and stop performing their tasks, which threatens, at a minimum, with the loss of the planned record. So the passport values ​​-80 or -100 for freon-based cooling systems, and -200 degrees for liquid nitrogen are simply required.

However, engineers servicing various electronics operating “in the fresh air” should also pay attention to the minimum operating temperature of the thermal interface. After all, we live in a northern country, and -40 in winter is not uncommon even for the middle zone, let alone for the Arctic. Of course, you can save on the thermal interface, but then someone will have to do unscheduled preventive repairs in not the best weather conditions...

Maximum operating temperature- a parameter that is important if the paste is applied to an element that is not related to a PC and similar electronics. For example, the temperature of a powerful LED cooled by a radiator can easily go beyond 150 degrees, and for a well-loaded transistor - even beyond 200 degrees. And it’s not bad at all to have thermal paste that, under such conditions, will not dry out and turn into stone during the entire passport service life.

Criteria and selection options

Thermal interfaces offered in stores of the DNS/Technopoint network can be sorted as follows:

Liquid metals and pastes with a high content of metals are suitable for fans of extreme overclocking, fighting for every degree and megahertz. These interfaces must be used with great care, but when used correctly they produce excellent results.

Thermal pads (except for metal options! ) are necessary for cooling such PC elements as power supply circuits for video cards and motherboards, memory chips (both on video cards and on RAM modules equipped with radiators) and hard drives. In addition, they will find their application wherever it is necessary to cool elements of complex shape and relief, but too high cooling efficiency is not required.

Hot melt adhesive useful if you plan to install a radiator on an element for which there is no common radiator, and the board does not have mounting holes that allow screw fastening. The strength of the hot-melt adhesive is sufficient to hold the radiator (or vice versa, the cooled element on the radiator) without additional fixation.

The range of thermal pastes in DNS includes thermally conductive compounds of various types and types: from budget thermal pastes, not very effective, but supplied in large volumes, up to top lineups, demonstrating ultra-high efficiency and capable of operating in low temperature conditions. There are, of course, also "universal" options, at the same time affordable and showing, if not record-breaking, but very good results.

Nowadays, having a computer in the house will no longer surprise anyone. Moreover, almost every home already uses a PC, portable or stationary, and one would be surprised, on the contrary, if it is not there. The use of computer equipment in the home has made many users experts in the field of IT technology: many independently upgrade and maintain their PCs at home, saving significant money on visiting service centers. Replacing thermal paste is one type of PC maintenance that almost any computer user can do with their own hands. We will look at what thermal paste is, its purpose and application in this article.

Purpose and application

Thermoplastic paste is a viscous creamy substance with high thermal conductivity, used as a thermal bridge between the processor case and the radiator of the cooling system.

Don't think that it is only used between the CPU and the computer's heatsink. It is used as a layer in the cooling system of bridges (north, south), in video adapters, to remove heat from powerful transistors, etc.

The thermal interface is replaced when cleaning the computer, and this procedure is usually performed once a year. But most experts recommend replacing it at least 2 times a year, since at high processor temperatures it dries out very quickly and the efficiency of heat removal from processors drops to 80%.

Selection rules

Depending on the composition, the paste can have different consistency, structure and color: from snow-white to golden. Its composition affects thermal conductivity, thermal resistance indicators, ductility, resistance to temperature changes, application method and cost. To find out which thermal paste is best for your computer, you should pay attention to each of the above indicators.

  • Thermal conductivity is probably the most important indicator of any thermal interface. When choosing, you should be guided by: the higher the indicator, the better.
  • Thermal resistance is the reciprocal of thermal conductivity. When choosing: the lower the thermal resistance index, the better.
  • Plastic. Plasticity cannot be considered separately from consistency and method of application. This indicator allows you to apply the substance in an optimal layer on the surface. Moreover, it should be smoothed out well, creating a thin layer between the metals in which there will be no air pockets.
  • Resistant to temperature changes. During operation, the paste is constantly exposed to temperature changes, from which it simply dries out, which significantly reduces its effectiveness. The normal wear resistance is at least 1 year.
  • The cost directly depends on the composition. Cheaper thermal interfaces are made from polydimethylsiloxane liquid and zinc oxide powder, while more expensive brands contain metals with higher thermal conductivity. As a rule, these are silver, copper, gold, tungsten.

Many users ask how to apply thermal paste to the processor. This primarily depends on the plasticity and consistency of the thermal interface. As a rule, application occurs by smoothing the paste in an even layer over the entire surface of the processor case. There is another very common way. Apply a paste no larger than a pea in volume to the center of the processor and, pressing the radiator tightly, make rotational movements until the sound of metal rubbing against metal appears. Excess should be removed with a napkin. The last section of this article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to replace it with your computer's CPU.

Best thermal paste for desktop PC

All modern desktop PCs, as a rule, have a powerful cooling system. This creates conditions where the processor is very hot and the radiator is quite cold. When choosing a specific brand of this product, it is important that the paste has a high thermal conductivity and can withstand frequent changes and fairly high temperatures.

The best results during testing were:

Best thermal paste for laptops

The cooling system in modern laptops works at the limit of its capabilities. The thing is that portable PCs with a compact cooling system are prone to overheating. That is why the quality of thermal paste in these devices plays a vital role. To prevent failure of the CPU, chipset or graphics processor on discrete video cards, the thermal interface must have outstanding thermal conductivity. The best representatives of this family are:

Thermal paste for server processors

Servers, as a rule, operate under constant load conditions. When choosing a specific brand of product, its wear resistance is especially important, which should be as high as possible. According to the manufacturers, the wear resistance of the samples below is within 5 years. In addition, the thermal conductivity of such pastes must also be at a high level.

Instructions for replacing thermal paste in a desktop PC CPU cooling system

In this section, you will learn how to replace the thermal paste on your processor and what tools you will need to do it.

Tools and materials:

  • Pasta, brand of your choice.
  • Screwdriver for disassembling the PC case.
  • Napkin or toilet paper to remove excess material.
  • Alcohol to remove old paste from the processor case and heatsink.
  • Plastic card. You can use a soft plastic spatula.

Stages of work:

The cleaner the surfaces are, the better the paste will adhere, and accordingly, the more efficient heat removal from the processor will be.

Apply a fresh layer of paste. During the replacement process, the most common question that arises among PC users is: “How much thermal paste should I apply to the processor?” Squeeze a pea of ​​paste onto the surface of the processor and spread it in an even layer from the center to the edges.

It is important to understand that when replacing thermal paste, the rule, the more the better, does not apply. The layer should be as shown in the picture below.

After applying the material, install the radiator in its original place, not forgetting to connect the cooler's power to the motherboard.

And lastly: after assembling the system unit, turn on the PC and check the stability of its operation. After running the Spessy utility or a similar one, check the processor temperature readings under load for an hour. If the CPU temperature does not go beyond the permissible limit, the PC does not reboot spontaneously, then all stages of work on replacing the thermal paste have been completed correctly.

Thermal paste is necessary to create a thermal interface. That is, a layer of a special heat-conducting composition located between the cooled element and the device that removes heat. It is believed that without thermal paste, the thermal conductivity of equipment deteriorates by 15-20%. Pastes are produced both in Russia and abroad in the form of bottles and jars with brushes or in the form of syringes.

Advice. Inexperienced users think that the more paste, the better. This is a mistake! Apply thermal paste using a special nozzle on the tube in a thin, even layer. You can also use a telephone SIM card for this.

Thermal paste is necessary to transfer heat from the processor to the heatsink. At first glance it seems that the processor is very smooth, but in reality this is not the case. Even small roughnesses contribute to the creation of an air pocket. It is in this place that heat transfer is difficult and the processor overheats. As a result, the laptop may freeze or turn off completely.

Properties of thermal pastes

Thermal paste contains a homogeneous, plastic, viscous substance. Its consistency should be moderately liquid for uniform distribution and moderately viscous so as not to spread over the surface. In addition, the paste must have the following characteristics:

  • resistance to changes and temperature increases;
  • high level of thermal conductivity;
  • the presence of a non-drying base;
  • special consistency and plasticity;
  • non-flammable and non-toxic.

If a number of pastes have all these properties, then you need to pay attention to their composition.

Types and composition of thermal pastes

The details of its application and cost depend on the composition of the paste mixture:

  1. Silicone pastes. The cheapest, but ineffective option. The paste has a relatively low thermal conductivity and must be replaced more often than other types of pastes.
  2. Thermal pastes based on ceramics and silver. Ceramic mixtures have greater thermal conductivity than silicone. And if silver is added to the composition, then the thermal conductivity increases even more.
  3. Compositions with copper. Such thermal pastes do not lose their properties even over time. Reliable enough, no need to worry about short circuit.
  4. Diamond paste. The most expensive and effective option, created on the basis of synthetic diamonds. Effective in the temperature range from -40% to +300.

Pastes with metallic impurities are usually used by professionals. Ceramic compositions are suitable for novice users.

The most popular models and their comparison

Judging by the reviews, popular thermal mixtures work well: Alsil-3, KPT-8, NS-125, Arctic Cooling-MX-4, Cooler Master (“High Performance”, “Premium”), Fanner, Titan, Geil, Zalman, Gigabyte . But which ones are better in terms of price-quality ratio?

The comparison includes Alsil-3 and KPT-8 - domestically produced thermal pastes of the same price category. Titan Silver Grease, High Performance, Premium and Zalman.
Excellent results in testing for removal and application were shown by: Alsil-3, KPT-8, High Performance and Zalman. The results are worse for Premium (applies poorly) and Titan Silver Grease (applies perfectly, but when you try to remove it it just smudges).

Ceramic thermal paste - the best choice

According to the level of thermal conductivity, the laurels of the winners were awarded to the following pastes: KPT-8, Alsil-3 and Zalman. In second place, with a small gap, is the paste from the manufacturer Cooler Master (High Performance and Premium). Oddly enough, the expensive Titan Silver Grease came in last place.

As a result, experts conclude that domestically produced thermal pastes have the best price-quality ratio.

Before replacing, you need to carefully and carefully disassemble the laptop. Once you get to the processor, you should remove the old paste. If it is very hard, you can use alcohol.

Attention! Thermal paste should be replaced only if you are completely confident in your abilities. If you are in doubt, it is better to entrust the painstaking work to specialists.

Once the processor has been cleaned, you can begin applying. You can't do this with your fingers! Only with a plastic card or SIM card! The layer must be very thin - only a few microns. The last stage is assembling the computer.

The correct thermal paste will ensure smooth operation of your laptop or computer.

How to choose thermal paste - video

When using a laptop Over a few years, owners may notice a decrease in performance and increased fan noise. This may be due to dried out thermal paste, which after two or three years has lost its properties and no longer benefits your laptop or personal computer. This article will help you choose which thermal paste to use for your processor.

Description, characteristics, composition

In order to understand what thermal paste is, its characteristics and differences, let’s look at the composition and what purposes it serves. Thermal paste - plastic semi-fluid with a high thermal conductivity and the ability to transfer generated heat between surfaces that come into contact. Consisting mainly of powders with suitable thermal conductivity:

  • nitride;
  • graphite;
  • various metals (silver, copper);
  • diamonds in atomized form.

Choosing thermal paste for the processor the main stage when purchasing and we advise you to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The highest thermal conductivity with the lowest level of thermal resistance.
  2. Consistency under sudden changes and high temperatures.
  3. Preservation of its properties over time.
  4. Using exclusively non-toxic substances for the safety of you and your equipment.
  5. High plasticity, which will help to apply an even and sealed layer.
  6. Ease of use and application to the processor. Pastes packaged in a syringe or tube are best suited.

Almost like every product on the market, there are many types of thermal pastes and at different prices. Today we will give an example of thermal pastes from different segments: domestic and foreign, cheap, more expensive, with different thermal conductivity, and so on. In this matter it is important not to attach great importance indicators printed on the packaging. Some of them can only be achieved under certain conditions, which, as a rule, not every user has.

Made in China, time-tested company Thermalright makes an excellent budget thermal paste. Thanks to its good thermal conductivity of 3.5 W/mK and thermal resistance of 0.012 C/W, this product has a record low thermal resistance for its modest characteristics.

A special feature is the special thickness of the paste. When applying, it is not necessary to smear it over the entire surface of the processor - one drop in the center is enough.

The composition does not include silicone oil, which is why the paste dries longer than other competitors. Despite its good performance, the manufacturer advises changing this thermal paste annually.

  • low price of the product - 500 rubles per 5 grams
  • excellent thermal resistance
  • rare form of viscosity, makes the application process as simple as possible
  • not flammable
  • does not contain metal materials
  • The kit includes a smudging card which, according to most users, is useless

Producing cooling units for personal computers The Chinese manufacturer also produces budget thermal pastes. According to the manufacturer, this product can withstand temperatures from -40 to an incredible 200 °C.

However, it is worth noting the non-ideal thermal conductivity: 4 W/mK. This means that for users who overclock their chipsets, a fairly large number of fans will be required. The viscosity indicator - 89.16 cP makes it clear that the product is sticky.

  • High-quality and convenient packaging
  • Wide operating temperature range
  • Inexpensive price of the product - 400 rubles per 5 grams
  • The viscosity of the paste is above average, making it difficult to apply
  • Poor thermal conductivity will prevent you from overclocking your PC at extreme temperatures.
  • Inconvenient to use

Domestic thermal paste, made according to the requirements of GOST 19783–74. It was produced in the USSR. The most popular product in production due to its price and availability. Experienced experts advise against purchasing, since this is too old a standard that requires replacement literally every month. Operating temperature from -60 to 180 degrees Celsius. You need to spread it in several layers for stable operation.

  • Incredibly cheap - less than a ruble per gram
  • State 30-year production standard
  • Stable quality thanks to GOST
  • Product composition is too outdated
  • Not suitable for modern devices
  • Frequent replacement
  • The need to apply several layers to work

Korean manufacturer has long won the loyalty of computer geeks with its quality and affordable price of cooling components and PC cases. Continues to delight by expanding its product selection. This model is incredibly popular, due to which it is considered the best thermal paste for processors. The price is slightly higher than its competitors in its price category. Users note a decrease in constant temperature of at least ten degrees.

The paste does not have a stable shape at different temperatures. Reaching its maximum temperature of 150 °C, the consistency changes. For ordinary users this fact does not threaten anything, but for overlockers it limits their capabilities and desires.

ZM-STG2 is a dielectric- a substance that is completely non-conductive of electric current, thereby preventing possible short circuits.

  • Made from environmentally friendly materials
  • For one-time replacement, 1/5 of a syringe is enough
  • Convenient application due to viscosity
  • The best ratio of heat transfer and thermal resistance in its segment
  • Tested by tens of thousands of users. High company rating
  • Recommended for use on weak PCs
  • The price is above average - 500 rubles for 3.5 grams

The result of the work of scientists from Austria involved in increasing heat transfer. It can often be supplied bundled with coolers from this manufacturer. Supplied exclusively in 1.5 ml syringes.

As in the case of Thermalrigth CF 3 paste, there is no need to spread it over the surface of the chipset, just one drop in the center and install a cooling system on top. Operating temperature from -50 to 150 °C. Retains its properties over the years, without noticeable deterioration in thermal conductivity functions.

  • Non-corrosive
  • Stable work for many years
  • Low cost - 500 rubles for a 3.5 gram syringe
  • Relatively low thermal conductivity - 4.5 W/mK
  • Low temperature limit

Coollaboratory Liquid PRO

A birth company from Germany produces the most expensive in this review of thermal pastes. The price is explained by the unique composition and performance. Liquid PRO - uses low-temperature fusion of about ten metals that are normally liquid. In other words - liquid metal.

It looks like a drop of mercury, with low viscosity and a high slip coefficient. The incredible thermal conductivity of 82 W/mK justifies its price.

For people who don't strive get the most out of your PC advise to refrain from purchasing. It will show its benefit only when overclocking components at extreme temperatures.

A significant difference is the aggressiveness of this liquid metal. Excellent current conductivity and reaction with unprotected aluminum. Before application, it is recommended to degrease the surface of the processor.

  • Uniquely high thermal conductivity
  • Retains its shape for a long time
  • Product contents: set for cleaning, removing and cleaning the surface
  • Noticeably reduces CPU temperature
  • Not universal. Reveals its potential only under acceleration and extreme loads
  • Not recommended for use on aluminum surfaces
  • High cost of error due to incorrect application. If liquid metal is spilled, a chemical reaction will occur that will permanently damage it.
  • High price - 1 thousand rubles per 1 gram
  • Low rating due to high price


In conclusion, we can note that we reviewed the ratings of different thermal pastes for different users. You should initially determine what do you want, and then start buying pasta that suits your requirements.

- a viscous substance for application between the radiator of the cooling system and the cooled crystal.

Where is the thermal paste located? Place thermal paste between the two surfaces to eliminate air gaps between them.

What is thermal paste for? Acts as a heat-conducting component between the processor cover or chip and the cooler radiator.

Thermal paste for computer and laptop

Despite the fact that the heat distribution cover of the processor and the radiator of your cooling system (cooling system) look pretty even- this is wrong. If you press them tightly together, there will be microscopic air gaps inside. And air, as you know, practically does not allow heat to pass through. There is thermal paste to remove this very air. Do not apply the paste in a thick layer, this will only worsen heat transfer. A thin, almost transparent layer, especially to eliminate air, is a necessary solution.


The composition determines the consistency of the thermal paste. She might be viscous, liquid, sticky.

This depends on the following elements included:

  • Mineral or synthetic oil, silver, copper or tungsten powders.
  • Oxides and oil of aluminum and zinc
  • Oil and microcrystals

You can't do it yourself. If you don't have it, you need to buy it. But the price range is wide; thermal paste can cost from 1 to 10 dollars.

What happens if you don’t use thermal paste when installing CO?

In the best case scenario, your processor or video card will shut down every 5 minutes due to overheating of the crystal. Each processor or video processor has a temperature threshold, exceeding which the chip will turn itself off so as not to burn out.

At worst, the computer will simply stop working. Only replacing a burnt-out processor or video chip will help, since excess heat will “burn” the crystal.

Why change thermal paste?

As it turned out, this is an indispensable component when assembling a computer or laptop. It is recommended to replace thermal paste every 12-18 months. If you have an office or weak computer, then less often. Up to 3 years.

However, using modern, high-performance hardware, it is necessary to change the thermal interface at least once a year. And if the processor is overclocked or works in a room with elevated temperatures, then more often. Although this already depends on the type of thermal interface used.

Comparison of thermal pastes

Let's compare the most common and popular thermal pastes.

The compounds were tested using standard Intel BOX cooling and a third-generation Intel I7-3770K processor.

The software that loaded the processor was AIDA64. Creating an extreme load, the utility, among other things, displayed the maximum temperatures during the test. Oh yes, if, as stated above, you start the computer without any thermal paste at all, then, as expected, it quickly heats up to the maximum temperature, in our case 105 degrees Celsius, and throttling starts. The processor began to reset the frequency to lower the temperature, then turned off.

The following thermal interfaces shown in the picture below take part in testing.

The diagram shows the test results for testing thermal interfaces. A diagram of processor temperatures when using a specific thermal paste. A lower value is better, indicating less heating. As can be seen from the diagram, the difference in processor temperature at different thermal interfaces is up to 11 degrees, which is a very large indicator.

How are they different from each other? Characteristics

They differ primarily in composition. As well as thermal conductivity, operating temperatures, viscosity. The main characteristic is thermal conductivity. The amount of heat transferred from the crystal to the cooling system depends on it.

Thermal conductivity, if we turn to physics, is the transfer of heat by microparticles of a material to another, less heated one, until the temperature of both bodies is equalized. The thermal conductivity characteristic is measured in V/m*K (watt/meter*Kelvin). The higher the better. The value can range from 0.7 to 82 V/m*K.

Can be divided into 2 types:

The difference may also be in the supplied thermal paste container. The most common is plastic syringe, conveniently squeezed onto the chip or processor cover. Jar with brush applicator. It is also quite convenient to apply the thermal interface to the cooled surface with a brush. A bag with compound inside. Mostly cheap products with no outstanding features. They often come complete with cooling systems. In most cases, the sachet is enough for one or two applications.

Comparison of rating leaders, review of the best thermal pastes on the market

Arctic MX-2

Thermal interface from the Swiss company Arctic Cooling. Supplied in a 4 or 20 gram syringe. Twenty grams is too much for the average user, but rather for service centers. Give preference to a 4 g syringe.

Consistency - thick, viscous. It applies and smears with some difficulty, but without any problems. It can be removed from the surface with some effort.

Thermal conductivity - 5.6 V/m*K

Price: $5 (for 4 grams).

Thermal interface from Thermaltake. Supplied in a syringe. Compound weight - 2g. It has a gray color with a liquid consistency. Effortlessly spreads over the surface of the processor. Applying an even layer is easy.

Thermal conductivity - 1.7 V/m*K

Price – $2.5

OCZ FreezeExtreme

Blister pack with a 3.5 gram syringe inside.

Light gray, thin consistency. Very sticky, has a high degree of adhesion. It is very easy to spread a thin layer over the surface.

Thermal conductivity - 3.9 V/m*K

Blister packaging with a 1.5 gram syringe from a Taiwanese manufacturer. The kit includes a spatula for spreading the compound. It smears well with this very spatula. The heat spreader cover on the processor is easy to remove.

Thermal conductivity - 8.1 V / m*K

The manufacturer decided to move away from classic packaging and provides its product in glass containers with an applicator brush for applying a layer of compound. Weight - 3.5 g.

Thermal conductivity - 4.1 V/m*K

When choosing a high-quality and much-needed thermal interface, you don’t need to save money. A good product will last a long time. During a subsequent replacement, you will not need to choose a new manufacturer again, but simply buy something that has already proven itself to be good. Alternatively, purchase large containers that will last you for several years. How many other friends will you recommend this productive compound to?