Spontaneous shutdown of the hard drive. Before closing: a few words on software incompatibilities

Hard drive problems are extremely serious problem associated with the risk of losing important data and information. That is why you should be extremely careful about any of its faults in order to prevent their removal.

The typical problem that users are dealing with is HDD turns off during operation. Most often this is manifested by the disappearance of the folder structure from the "My Computer" section. Let's look at several reasons for these situations and try to eliminate them. in an accessible way.

Poor cable contact

Connector SATA cable does not have special reliability, and therefore it can lose contact even due to small vibrations. This leads to the above-described consequences.

So what should you do to keep your hard drive from shutting down? First of all, to solve this problem, you need to check the connection. Contact may have been lost when connecting to the motherboard or the drive itself. You should also pay attention to the place of connection to the power supply.

Remember that the SATA cable must not be bent more than 90 degrees, so never fold it. If you did this, then it could deteriorate and you will need to replace it with a new one.

It should also be said for poor-quality power supply (PSU) connectors for SATA drives, which are prone to deformation and swelling. This very often leads to poor-quality contact. Winchester, of course, works, but at the same time it will think, as in the case of existing bad sectors... Therefore, make sure that the connectors are in order and that they are properly plugged into the socket.


Another extremely common reason for the most various problems from a PC. If your hard drive is full and reappears after restarting your computer, it may. To check the temperature, you can use special utilities, of which there are many today, for example HDTune, AIDA64 and others. With their help, you can find out the parameters you need for certain components.

The normal operating temperature is 30 degrees, the maximum allowable temperature is no more than 45. If your temperature is higher, that is, the screw overheats, in this case, you should urgently take measures to improve the cooling system:

Power supply unit (PSU)

Its unstable operation or lack of power often leads to problems with drives and to the fact that it periodically turns off. This is usually accompanied by frequent involuntary computer restarts.

If you have this symptom, try changing your power supply. Why is it necessary to do this? It is likely that the whole problem is in him.

Drive failure

If all of the above did not help and the hard drive still periodically disappears, then perhaps the reason is in itself. First, check it for. If they are not found, go to the next item.

Serviceability of the HDD. To test this, connect it to another computer. If nothing changes, then the hard drive is broken and must be replaced. In a situation that arises, the first thing to do is take care of the information that is stored on it. Try copying it to another medium while yours is still running at least a little, otherwise you may lose it. Of course, experienced specialists with the appropriate knowledge will help you restore it in case of anything, but you should not risk it.

If the hard drive fully works on another PC, then the problem may be in some other component. Pay attention to the motherboard, which affects its functioning and in case of malfunction may prevent it. In this case, its repair or replacement will fix everything.

Windows Power Settings

It also often happens that the drive turns off spontaneously when the computer is actively working. To fix this, you need to Windows settings set the value of the switch-off time to the parameter "Never".

Instructions for changing the value on Windows 7/8/10:

Now you know what the problem may be if the drive periodically turns off or disappears, and how to fix it yourself without the help of third-party specialists.

In more detail, this topic is discussed in this video.

More and more users are preferring laptops over stationary computers. Of course, such indisputable qualities as compactness, mobility, as well as power, which is enough to carry out most daily tasks... Unfortunately, a laptop is a rather vulnerable device, and one of the most common problems with it is a sudden shutdown immediately after it is turned on.
Unfortunately, the problem with sudden shutdown a laptop immediately after turning on is one of the most common. It is also frightening that the problem can be caused by more than one reason. Below we will try to cover the main reasons for a sudden computer shutdown, starting with the most common.

Why does my computer suddenly shut down after being turned on?

Reason 1: malfunction of the cooling system

The first most common cause of a problem is a malfunctioning cooling system.

The fact is that the cooling system is the most vulnerable point of a laptop. If the computer long time do not clean, then over time the laptop, namely the radiator grill and the cooler blades will become clogged with dust, interfering with the operation of the cooler and air circulation, which allows you to cool the internal component of your laptop.

As a result of the circulation disturbance, the laptop will initially become noticeably warm. If the temperature indicators have exceeded all allowable norms, in the laptop, a relay will be triggered, which automatically turns off its operation to avoid the combustion of components. If, already at the start-up stage, the laptop is unable to spin up the cooler of the cooling system, the laptop can turn off immediately after it is turned on.

The problem is solved quite trivially: it is necessary to clean the laptop cooler. The problem is that each laptop model has its own disassembly method, and, at times, it is quite difficult to get to the cooling system, because of it it is strongly recommended to contact a service center or to computer wizard which will help you clean your laptop as well as replace outdated thermal grease (which is also highly recommended).

If you suspect that it is the cooling system that is broken in your laptop, for example, previously there were prerequisites in the form of excessive overheating of the laptop, you should not postpone cleaning it - if you continue to turn on the laptop with impaired air circulation, everything may end up with some components will burn out on the laptop, and then the repair of the device will be much more expensive.

Reason 2: incorrect connection of laptop components

This reason, rather, should be considered if the laptop was previously disassembled.

V in this case you need to see if all the cables in the laptop are correctly and surely connected to the end. Carefully recheck all connections, if a problem is found, then after it correct connection the problem should be fixed.

Reason 3: USB device conflict

Quite often, a problem with a sudden shutdown of a laptop can appear due to connected USB devices or memory cards, which for some reason come into conflict with the laptop.

In this case, you should try to disconnect all USB devices from the laptop, and also make sure that the card reader is empty. Then try starting the laptop.

Reason 4: inoperative hard disk, RAM or DVD drive

If any of these devices could become unusable, then the computer may shut down spontaneously. In this case, we recommend that you try to disable one bar first. random access memory and check the error. Then connect the first and disconnect the second and run the check again.
Once you've ruled out a problem with your RAM, try unplugging your hard drive. If the problem persists, plug in the hard drive and then unplug the DVD. Thus, we exclude the possibility of failure of one of these devices. If the problem has been identified, you have no choice but to replace the problem device.

Reason 5: failure of the north and south bridges

Typically, this problem is a consequence of the first reason. And further, if you clean your laptop, the problem with spontaneous shutdown laptop can be saved.

Northern and south bridges is microcircuits motherboard... And if, as a result of overheating, one of these microcircuits burned out, it is necessary to carry out its mandatory replacement.

Reason 6: battery failure

Average shelf life battery laptop 5-6 years old. After this period, as a rule, the laptop starts to work less and less from the battery, and over time it may refuse to work altogether. Moreover, the problem can often be relevant in relation to laptops powered by the network.

The problem can be solved in only one way - by replacing the battery, and if your laptop is a "veteran of labor", this procedure will need to be performed.

Reason 7: faulty power supply

Power Supply - essential device required to supply the laptop with electricity. As a rule, most power supplies have an indicator that indicates it is normal work... If possible, try connecting the laptop to a different power supply to make sure or, conversely, exclude given reason malfunction.

Reason 8: BIOS settings conflict

If you have previously made changes to the BIOS settings, then, most likely, it is because of him that the problem with the sudden shutdown appeared. In this case, you will need to perform a reset BIOS settings to the factory.

Reason 9: viral activity

Viruses can affect many different corners of the operating system, causing various problems in laptop work. Try typing the laptop into safe mode(at the very beginning of the computer boot, press the F8 keys). If your computer turns on normally and continues to run, perform a system scan with free utility Dr.Web CureIt. Finding virus threats, eliminate them, and then restart your computer normally.

In addition, if you suspect that the cause a similar problem became exactly viral activity, you can try using the recovery function, rolling back the computer to the time when there were no problems with its functioning.

In this case, you will also need to enter the computer into safe mode, and then go to the menu "Control Panel" - "Recovery" - "Start System Restore" .

Reason 10: short circuit

This reason applies to laptop users whose premises cannot boast of a stable electrical network.

Jumps and interruptions could scorch or completely burn some components of the laptop, and therefore, diagnostics will be required in relation to which component the problem is observed.

A laptop is a complex device and structurally more complex than a stationary computer. It is also mobile and many users carry a laptop with them, respectively, it is exposed to shocks and possibly impacts. So laptop breakdown is not uncommon. One of the common problems is that the laptop shuts down by itself. In this article, we will analyze the main reasons why this can happen.

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Reason 1 - overheating

Modern powerful laptops emit a lot of heat. But the thin plastic case does not dissipate heat very well. And from time to time the heat-dissipating holes become clogged with debris. The first thing you need to do is check and. These components are most susceptible to overheating.

Reason 5 - hard drive

For laptops they break more often than on stationary computers... They do not tolerate shock and shock. your hard drive with software. If the hard drive starts to fail, it usually turns on and off, this can be determined by the sound. However, in order for the laptop to shutdown itself due to hard disk- unit cases. As a rule, if the hard drive is in poor condition, then the laptop will either slow down hard, or will not turn on at all and be detected even in the BIOS.

To keep your hard drive as long as possible, try to hold your laptop horizontally and on hard surfaces.

(The hard disk is inserted into the laptop)

Reason 6 - other malfunctions

There are other reasons why a laptop might shut down on its own. For example, a microcrack in, which is not easy to diagnose, and the defect will manifest itself from time to time. If you cannot determine the reason for the shutdowns yourself, then you can contact a friend - a computer technician, if there is one, and of course a service center.

Battery malfunction (if the laptop shuts down while running on battery power)

If the laptop works fine from the mains, does not turn off, does not reboot, but while operating on battery power, it suddenly turns off, then most likely these are problems with the battery or the charge level controller.

You can try to check the contacts on the battery, maybe something got there, but in 99% these are problems with the battery and without service center not enough.

HDD problems

If, before turning off, you hear strange sounds under the keyboard, squeaks or clinks, then most likely your hard drive is slowly dying. This is especially common with old laptops that are more than 5 years old.

The laptop is clogged with dust

Another shutdown of the laptop may occur due to the clogging of your laptop. The internal temperature rises and the overheating protection is activated. You need to clean your laptop.

Read how to clean your laptop at home.

What can the sudden shutdown of the laptop lead to?

  1. If the laptop turns off due to problems with the processor, then this can lead to its breakdown, the same applies to the video card.
  2. With any emergency shutdown of the laptop, the HDD suffers, a systematic shutdown can lead to failure of the HDD and subsequent replacement.
  3. If the laptop is clogged with dust, this leads to an increase in the temperature of the processor, video card and the internal temperature of the laptop due to the fact that the cooling system does not work on full power... In turn, due to the increase in temperature, any part of the laptop can fail.
  4. Sudden shutdown of your laptop may cause a black screen or blue screen of death.
  5. If your laptop turns off and does not turn on anymore, the article "Laptop does not turn on: causes and remedies" describes in great detail common situations and provides actions that can help you.
If none of the points helped you, please describe your problem in detail and we will give you an answer to it as soon as possible.

Not every person is in the selection process laptop is able to determine exactly how reliable the model that interested him is in operation is. Someone relies on the "maybe" inherent in many. And some are openly deceived by the "expert opinion" of the sales assistant. In the end, each of us has our own view of how exactly a mobile device should be. Nevertheless, due to our ignorance, and even, as is often the case, filled and driven by a momentary desire "I want - that's it!", We tend to commit rash actions. You may not agree, dear readers, but for the most part, we ourselves are the culprits of an unpleasant situation when the laptop turns off by itself.

However, as they say, there is a silver lining! Therefore, let's cheer up and try to solve the voiced problem, which, for your information, may be far-fetched. To know for sure, you only need a few minutes of your precious time to read the material below. Who knows, maybe an expert will wake up in you, and the experience gained will become the starting point into the fascinating world of electronics.

Instead of an introduction: a little about trade secrets

Rejoice, owners of budget modifications! Since the conventional wisdom that a cheap laptop is an extremely unreliable technique is actually, oh, how far from the truth! And today's market position computing devices big to proof. Competition is a great helper for practical user... Well, the mentioned trick "the laptop turns off by itself" is also inherent in branded electronics. By the way, the last option is the most difficult in terms of repair service.

So, about the secrets of manufacturers ... One way or another, but making reliable laptops is a matter of the future. Unfortunately for some and fortunately for some, this is the case! Budget modifications are often equipped with the same parts as expensive ones, but in a stripped-down version. The cooling system in any version “cannot live without dust”. Well, the "stuffed power", constrained by an ultra-thin case, is still prone to overheating. In addition, the technology of planned aging as a commercial tool is applied to literally everything that surrounds us. Nevertheless, there are still some things that can be done.

The laptop turns itself off: what to do first

Of course, it is necessary to carry out visual inspection"Patient". Dust is the worst enemy of any electronics. Especially when it comes to compactly organized devices.

  • Inspect ventilation holes laptop. Dust build-up may be blocking free air access.
  • Place your ear to the computer and listen if the cooling fan is working. You don't need to have an ear for music to understand the difference between the stable rustling of cooler blades and the sound that strains your membranes with a metallic "hint".
  • Reset the BIOS settings to the default settings.
  • If the laptop turns off by itself, as an option, the hardware conflicts as a result of incorrectly entered program changes... Roll back operating system using a stable restore point.
  • By the way, especially cunning viruses have the ability to influence the hardware components of the system. As you can imagine, without special software here the problem cannot be solved. Download antivirus utility and scan the OS for infection.

So, what to do first, now you know. However, let's touch on another aspect of the problem and understand the question "why the laptop overheats and turns off."

When you can "fry eggs" on a laptop

You cannot "strain" a laptop in a hot room for 6 hours in a row, playing a super-realistic arcade: firstly, it is harmful to the eyes, and secondly, you can burn yourself on the hot case of the device. This example characterizes main source the problem covered, and therefore we will give it a symbolic number - one. Want to laugh? The largest number users who have contacted the burn center are gamers. Of course, this is a joke, but most often the "awful" cause of the problem "the laptop turns off during the game" is precisely the critical moment of overheating. Therefore, taking part in virtual battles or traveling to other worlds, do not forget to sometimes feel reality tactilely. Perhaps the case in the area of ​​the video card has warmed up, which means that it is time to cool off your gaming ardor, otherwise graphics processor will fail.

Operating system "creative crisis"

In principle, the computer resembles a human model. Therefore, the unproductive state so familiar to many people, translated into machine language Is still the same dead end and digital inaction. If a person is overwhelmed or constrained by feelings, then the computer in such situations acts rationally - it reboots. Therefore, if the laptop turns off during the game, it is worth applying the recommendations below:

  • In the "Power supply" section, pay attention to the mode used. V " Additional plans"The" High performance "checkbox should be activated.

  • Second - go to the "System" - " Extra options". In the last block of the "Startup and Restore" service window, using the appropriate button, uncheck the "Perform automatic restart" item.

The problem will most likely go away. However, do not forget that the unstable behavior of the OS can be caused by a hardware failure. With your permission, let's move on!

Energy "misunderstandings": the laptop turns off immediately

Let's consider an option when mobile computer refuses to start at all. As a rule, in such situations the user nevertheless observes some, albeit short-term, "signs of life" at the laptop: the indication lights up, the hard disk starts, you can hear how the cooler blades start to accelerate. However, something prevents the electronics from entering the operating mode. Well, this state of affairs requires a detailed analysis.


  • First of all, you need to check if the power supply is connected correctly.
  • The power connector of the computing device is not damaged.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the integrity of the power supply cable itself.

Most of the portable modifications are equipped with a special indicator that lights up when connected to external source nutrition. If no light activity is observed, it should be measured output voltage with PSU. In principle, a knowingly working power supply unit will help dot the i.

Accumulator battery

  • If the laptop turns off when you turn it on, remove the autonomous power source and try to start the device from the network.
  • It is quite possible that the battery should be replaced, since the controller installed on it, due to its malfunction, can block the energy consumption process.
  • If the laptop has not been used for a long time, then, most likely, the energy supply in the battery has completely dried up. Put the device on charge and in just a few minutes try to turn on the laptop again.

Typical laptop hardware malfunctions

Let's say the laptop turns itself off when it starts up. You already know what to do in such a situation when it comes to incorrect power supply. The hardware is a little more complicated, but you can still figure it out on your own.

  • So, if at the moment of turning on you clearly hear clicks, then try to remove the hard drive and start the computer without it. If the BIOS has started initialization, the "culprit" is found. The drive may need to be replaced if the failure is due to HDD operation not software. Anyway, it's worth replacing the hard drive and turning the laptop back on. Such simple manipulations are often effective.
  • The above "symptom" of a malfunction may be the result of an incorrect upgrade. Installing incompatible RAM is bound to cause a conflict in the system. Remove the RAM module. If there are two of them, remove them one at a time, between each test run.

Unfortunately, the above methods are inapplicable for analyzing the health of the central processor. If the laptop is able to "stay on the run" for some time, then you can try next way diagnostics. Place your hand closer to the middle of the case - can you feel the laptop heating up?

And turns off, and reboots, and hangs? All this can only say about one thing - it is necessary to dismantle the protective cover in order to carry out thorough inspection cooling elements, and most importantly - the state of the thermal paste. By the way, in some cases, to get to the CPU, you need complete disassembly laptop. It is worth noting that the last "procedure" requires skills and a certain amount of experience.

Laptop design features

Why does my laptop screen turn off spontaneously? As we have already mentioned, there can be several reasons, and the most common of them is the display cable is out of order. If you are the owner of a relatively old modification, then there may have been a break connecting element... If you have new laptop- means that the inverter has burned out. In any case, a visit to the workshop cannot be avoided. However, there is another explanation - the video adapter burned out. If the configuration of the computer allows, then you should switch from a discrete graphics mode to integrated. You can easily find a corresponding section in BIOS where you can switch video equipment.

Before closing: a few words on software incompatibilities

Typically, a laptop shuts down during operation due to a system conflict, which usually occurs as a result of using inappropriate software. In other words, the user sets software incompatible with the hardware resources of the computer. As you can imagine, the problem is solved in an elementary way - by uninstallation, that is, by deleting. Sometimes you need to reinstall the OS. Often times, this kind of "shutdown" of a laptop can be eliminated by reinstalling critical drivers. Yet again current version BIOS software can fix problematic laptop state. However, everything needs to be done in stages and deliberately.

For the edification of all those who want to significantly increase the operating life of a laptop

If you previously thought that the laptop turns off by itself, then you probably already realized that your opinion was wrong. After all, there are reasons for everything, and knowing the nature of their occurrence, you can always foresee the moment of their appearance. As you can see, everything is simple! Nevertheless, there is always room for a paradox. In our case, the difficulties lie in the elementary - in the absence of experience. Yes, it is our ignorance that can turn a brand new laptop into a heap of metal. By the way, it is common for a person to give up when he is tired or does not understand what exactly needs to be done. Relax, think or consult with knowledgeable people... In the end, read the service passport of the laptop. In general, do not leave the problem that appears unresolved. Take action!