Wiki markup VKontakte lessons. WIKI markup on VKontakte

Today we will work on a very interesting and important topic - wiki markup on VKontakte, i.e. creating wiki pages and working with them.

Wiki is unique language, with its help they design informational web pages in VK communities. It is a very valuable tool that can be used to create navigation elements, menus, tags, and format text. Wiki markup help to create a mini website inside the VK platform.

Wikis have their own elements (tags) and rules for their use. Today we will look at all the features of this language and how they work to set up VK groups. How can we enable wiki markup in a group?

Go to “Group Management”, to the “Settings” section

We go down and in the “Materials” field select “Limited”, so that only the creators and administrators of the group can make changes here.

We can change the name of the community's main menu. To edit it, you need to return to the group and click on “Latest News”.

Now we can create additional or, as they are called, group Wiki pages. There can be an infinite number of these pages. Keep in mind that a Wiki page cannot be renamed or deleted!

The wiki page is written as follows:


Or with text:

On new wiki pages, images can be placed with a width of no more than 607 px, and the code can be no more than 16,300 characters.

So, we will create several wiki pages.

“Latest news” is immediately changed to “Menu”. And we begin to register future wiki pages. To do this, you need to go to the markup wiki code by clicking on the reverse arrows in the right top corner resource.

And in double square brackets we write the name of our pages:

[[decorative cosmetics]] [[skin care]] [[contacts]]

Save the page. Let's look - we have three pages.

Then, go to the group and update! We open the menu, see our three wiki pages, click on the first one and see that it is empty. We add information to attract our target audience.

The top panel is the buttons of the visual editor, it is very similar to the Word editor. On the right is the transition from wiki markup mode to visual and back.

In the lower left corner we can configure access to the page. In the lower right corner you can save the page.

We insert the prepared text and see that it is not formatted, we begin to edit it.

You can select a title and highlight part of the text in bold. Add a picture, quote. If we click on the picture in visual mode, it will enlarge.

If we click on a picture in visual mode, in the window that opens we can change the name of the picture, its size, and insert a link.

If we don’t need the image to increase, we need to go to wiki markup mode and add the code to the image code, after the size, the code ;nolink

In more detail, step by step, you can watch the video below this article.

P.S. I hope you enjoyed this information!

P.S.S. Use the VKontakte wiki markup and may good luck accompany you!

    Hello my dears!

    Today I will tell you in detail, how to make a menu for a VKontakte group. In my experience menu in the group in contact increases the number of calls and requests by 20%. It is important to take a responsible approach to creating a group menu. Therefore, I have prepared a menu PSD template for you to make your work easier.

    Let me start with the fact that today there are two menu options:

    Option 1: Closed group menu

    Closed menu, opens when you click on the link. In the example below, the menu opens when you click on the “OPEN GROUP MENU!” link.

    Option 2: Open group menu (pinned post)

    An open menu is essentially a pinned post with an active link.

    The second menu option appeared relatively recently, when it became possible to pin posts from the wall to the header of a group or public page. It is now the most effective.

    Both options use wiki markup. Wiki markup makes it easy and quick to process appearance groups, creating graphic tables and spoilers, formatting text and working with images, links and anchors. I will not dwell on the markings in detail, because... VKontakte has a built-in visual editor, which automatically translates your content into wiki markup. Here I will give only the basic codes, without which it is impossible to create a menu.

    How to make an open menu on VKontakte

    We will analyze the process of creating a menu using the example of Option 2, i.e. open menu.

    To make it easier for you to navigate, I have prepared for you PSD template menu: [Attention. The design of VKontakte has changed. New layout and other current information V ]

    Group Menu Template PSD

    To create an external menu, you need 2 pictures: an avatar (on the right) and a central one (action picture).

    Avatar dimensions: 200 x 332 px

    Dimensions of the central image: 395 x 282 px

    Step 1.

    Using the group menu PSD template downloaded above, make two pictures of the required sizes.

    Step 2.

    In your group, go to “Community Management” (on the right under the avatar). Find the “Materials” item (on the “Information” tab) and make them “Restricted”.

    Step 3.

    Now go back to home page of your group and click “Edit” in the “Materials” block that appears (I have already renamed it to Group Menu).

    When editing the page, set the title, you can create sections or any other information using the toolbar. Click "Save Page" and "Return to Page"

    Step 4.

    In my example,

    The first numbers 42211349 are your group id

    The second digits 47355854 are the page id

    Feature: create additional pages can be done manually. To do this, follow the link like:хххххххх&p=pagename
    xxxxxxxxxx – this is your group id
    pagename – the name of your page

    Step 5.

    And publish the post.

    Step 6.

    Now upload the group avatar (picture on the right). A duplicate avatar picture will appear on the wall - delete it.

    Step 7

    Now attention. Click on POST PUBLICATION TIME (lower left corner of the post).

    And click “Pin”. Close this window and refresh your group page (F5).

    Step 8

    We write the group status (use only 1 line) to align the pictures if the drawing on your avatar does not start from the very top (in my avatar template, option 2). And this is what we got:


    The menu is ready! Now, when you click on the central image, your menu opens:

    Here you can edit it, post photos, videos, create new sections, and post links.

    You can also create a graphical menu (submenu) inside the main menu. Its width should not exceed 600 px. The height is unlimited. Which allows you to create excellent VKontakte landing pages.

    But I will talk about this in more detail in the following articles. Subscribe to blog updates to stay updated on new features. Like and share the article with your friends.

    Post your questions or opinions in the comments below.

Hello. Today we’ll talk about wiki publications on VKontakte. After reading this article, you will learn what to use wiki posts for, three ways to create wiki posts, how to edit the name of a wiki page, and what applications are useful when creating wiki posts.

Wiki publications are special pages on VKontakte with which you can expand standard features networks. Format and layout an article, make a button menu with community navigation, make games, make electronic textbook and much more.


Wiki publications allow articles to be formatted using good editorial hygiene to easy reading.

Instead of a sheet of text, you can get an article with illustrations based on the text, with video and sound, the text will have the correct indents and headings. All SMMplanner articles on VKontakte are formatted through wiki publications.

Wiki publications help authors convey content in a form that is convenient for the reader; wiki publications are indexed search networks and wiki publications can be distributed as guest posts and receive traffic to your community.

Links to wiki publications can be posted in other SMM publics as guest postings and receive traffic to your community.

Content articles often appear in the top results of Yandex and Google along with articles from blogs. To promote communities, you can use SEO content optimization.

My article 60 ways sometimes gets into the top search results, but quite rarely.


Wiki publications are often called wiki menus, because using the functionality of wiki publications you can create a community menu and arrange working navigation through community sections.

First we see a post in the community

There are many options for exactly how to create a menu, most described in Wiki community. IN Kairose We made something like a landing page with a navigation bar.


Using wiki publications you can create simple quest games:

We looked at the three most popular reasons for using wiki publications for communities on VKontakte. Let's look at the technical side.

Creating Wiki Posts

By default, communities on VKontakte do not have functionality that will allow you to quickly and easily create wiki publications. I know three options for creating wiki publications. Complex, simple, through the application " Source code"and simple, through Chrome permission.

The hard way consists of manually entering a link in address bar. Needed in the link:

Replace -XXX with your community id and “Page Title” with the correct page name. More details the method is described in SMM specialists. I’m too lazy to remember the link, and I’m also too lazy to constantly return to this article, so I turn to a life hack, create a page, via VkOpt resolution on Chrome.

With permission, a “List of wiki pages” button appears in the pop-up menu in the community settings.

The extension allows you to peek at wiki publications in other people's communities, and create new pages in your own. You can find out the wiki markup that was used for the page and find out the date the page was created.

By clicking on the “add” button, a new wiki page will appear

The layout designer SMMplanner uses Source Code application, it seems to me that pages take a little longer to create through “Source Code”.

You need to go into the application, and opposite the community, select the “New” button. Afterwards you can create new page.

In wiki page editing mode, you have two modes available: visual and code mode. The full capabilities of wiki markup can be found in Wiki community, everything is described there in sufficient detail.

Should I work with clean code more convenient than in a visual editor, but this depends on the degree of knowledge of markup codes.

The most “important” wiki markup codes*

*Which I use most often

First level title. To design the first level heading, the symbols “==” are used on both sides of the heading.

Indentation from the edge of the page. For indentation, use the “:” symbol before a paragraph. The more colons, the more indentation. I use this markup to show examples and separate them from the main text level.

Gray text. To give an example, I'm using markup that makes black text appear grey. This requires markup " " and you need a closing text "" (remove spaces before closing bracket)

Tables. There is a lot to be said and said about tables; I use them regularly.

A table starts with “(|” and ends with “|)”, to indicate a row, use the code “|-”, and to break a row into cells, use “| "

In the table, I often use:
Invisible table borders: noborder;
Expand the table to the width of the page (by default, the table is created at 500 px, and the width of the wiki page is 600 px): nomargin;
Fixed-width columns (by default, the table stretches depending on the content). If you need to make three columns same width, after you have written the code that opens the table, write to next line |~33 33 33.

Quote with embedded table with three columns

How to rename incorrectly named pages

It used to be that if you made a mistake in the name of a page, you would have to create a new page with correct name. But SMMers found a loophole; when you open a wiki page with the wrong name, you need to write /market at the end of the address bar and go to a new page. A button for editing the page title will appear; the method is described in more detail in the material “

In the article we'll talk about what a wiki is and why they are provided by the system. This term was coined by Ward Cunningham in 1995. It was at this time that the first wiki environment appeared. It is worth noting that the word "wiki" is borrowed from the Hawaiians. It means “fast” in translation.

There are several meanings of the term "wiki":

1. A unique look for pages and posts. They can be edited by any site visitor. You can change both texts with pictures and the structure of the portal itself.
2. A constructor designed for creating extensive virtual encyclopedias.
3. Philosophical theory and special technologies.

What is wiki markup?

If you want to know how to make wiki markup in social network VKontakte, before training you need to mandatory familiarize yourself with the presented material, which contains information about the wiki. Today, the most common wiki site is considered to be the huge Wikipedia. In second place is the multi-user project “Wikia”. Following him are small encyclopedias.

What is the organization of such resources?

What components do they contain? This should definitely be sorted out. An electronic encyclopedia can contain many pages, headings, sections, and other things. These components are intertwined in single network, forming a common space. Capable of developing such a huge resource special tool, which is called wiki markup. It allows you not only to create various encyclopedias, but also to create VKontakte communities.

Wiki markup consists of special tags that make it possible to develop an individual design own group. This tool allows you to add various additional pages and links to the community. Thanks to this, it is possible to create a small encyclopedia within a specific community. Thus, a wiki is an analogue of the HTML language, however this markup much lighter and simpler.

What is the connection between the wiki and VKontakte?

The first question to ask is: what are the benefits? this tool for the social network “VKontakte”? This markup allows you to do the following:

Create original menu;
make marks;
develop signs;
add new navigation components.

The user must come up with a beautiful, unique design that can distinguish a certain community from many others. Before changing the design of a group, it is worth learning how to use its constituent elements. This applies to “Video”, “Photos”, “Wall” and others. In addition, you should select interesting and valuable information so that the community can attract and retain new subscribers.

Advantages of a wiki

Surely, most users will want to know how to make a wiki markup for VKontakte. But first of all, it’s worth saying a few words about the advantages of the tool. It should be noted that it is much lighter than the HTML language. This means that anyone can master it without special problems. Another advantage is the ability to save all changes that were previously made on various pages. In addition, at any time you can compare all options and choose the best one.

Wiki secrets

To become a professional wiki markup, you need to spend a lot of time. But first, the user needs to know certain points about this system. For example, images with a size that does not exceed 131 pixels become low-quality. There are certain rules: one page must contain up to 17 tags, and a line must have no more than 8 components. When you set the image width, its height changes automatically in accordance with all proportions.

To develop a new page in the community, you will need to provide a link to the article in the text. It is worth noting that additional pages appear immediately after typing fresh material. To enter links in wiki markup, special brackets are used - []. Inside it is the link itself. If you click on it, you will be taken to a new page. Then it should be filled out and edited. That's it, the new page is ready.

Using the VKontakte wiki markup, you can create many such pages. As a result, you will get a kind of miniature website located inside the group. It is worth noting that beautifully designed text is of particular importance. It is convenient not only for reading, but also for perception. It is recommended to pay due attention to headings, alignment, lettering, etc.

Each type of formatting on a wiki has its own tags. However, it is possible to use some characters from HTML. After all, wiki markup uses not only special tags, but also most of the various characters from the HTML language. This means that you can use double notation for certain functions. It’s also interesting that wikis are quite a smart tool. If elements from HTML markup are found in the text, it is able to independently replace them with characters from its own language.

Creating an Anchor Link

As for links, they may vary. There are not only cute buttons, but also serious anchors. Using the VKontakte wiki markup, it is possible to create both. At the same time, one thing must be remembered important rule: The text should be placed only to the right of the link, and the image to the left. After this, you should learn how to attach an anchor. To do this you need to open square brackets and paste the required link. Then the sign for separating elements is set - ǀ, then we write the text itself. After this, you are allowed to close the brackets. Approximately the following is obtained: [[ ǀ My site]].

First you need to create a button. To add an image, you can use the word “photo” by typing its number in the group album. Then you need to put all the information back in brackets. First you should enter a photo, and then a link. The result should be a button something like this: []. You should pay due attention to the functions that are available for working with this image:

Plain – text link to a photo without a picture;
noborder – remove the border from the image;
box – open the picture in a new window;
nolink – remove a link to a photo;
nopadding – remove spaces between images;
NNNpx – image width;
NNNxYYYpx – photo dimensions.

These functions must be inserted before the link, alternating them with a separation sign. In addition, you can insert a caption to the image, separating it from the rest of the characters.

Creating tables using a wiki This task is quite simple to complete. To insert tables into text, use special characters. First you need to look at what it consists of. You can see the following:

(| — opening the table;
|+ - title, center aligned;
|- — new line;
| — creating transparency;
! — dark cells;
|) - closing the table.

As for the last two symbols, they are variable. For example, if a dark cell is created, you cannot use the Transparency function. You can insert anything into the table. These can be pictures, links or texts.

Menu design

It’s worth seeing how the wiki markup for the VKontakte menu is created. First you need beautiful drawing and some knowledge. Please note that there are several types of menus:

You should prepare a drawing in advance, the width of which should be up to 610 pixels. This is due to the size of the group wall on the social network. It is necessary to cut the picture in Photoshop or any other editor designed to perform similar functions. The result should be the required number of buttons. On each of them you should write the name of a specific menu item. After this, you can go to your group. In it you will need to find the control panel and connect the “Materials” tool.

When you return to the main page, you will see a “Latest News” link above the discussions. Once they are edited, you can use them as a basis when creating beautiful menu. Then you should upload the pictures prepared in advance to the group. You can save images to any community album and insert them into a News article using the built-in visual editor. To start editing “News”, you need to switch from this tool to the “VKontakte Wiki Markup” mode. You can then connect the pictures with links to different elements menu.

Where can I learn how to create wiki markup?

On the social network VKontakte there is official group, which is entirely dedicated to wiki markup. In it you can familiarize yourself with educational materials and also receive valuable advice. Created to use the wiki language various applications, where you are invited to practice designing a community. There are also design samples for groups. They will help you complete fast processing, if there is absolutely no free time. For beginners, templates and advice from experienced users will be excellent helpers.

To the question “how to create a menu for a VKontakte group” there are three main answer options: order from a specialist, create using an online designer, or tinker, delve into some of the intricacies of the issue and do everything yourself.

In this article we will look at all three options one by one. By the way, if you still doubt the need for a menu for your group or public, then be sure to read.

So here are three ways to create a menu:

Each of them, of course, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Below we will talk about the first two in a little more detail. And for those who still decide to take the third path and do everything on their own, we wrote detailed guide(instructions).

By the way, for those who prefer to receive information through videos rather than read long texts, there is a video:

Path #1. Order menu creation from a specialist designer

The advantages of this method are relative speed and minimal participation on your part. Cons - the most high price and a chance to get something beautiful, but wrong menu(we have prepared about the main mistakes when creating a menu). In addition, you still need to find a performer. Here we can recommend looking for it on the service, in the “Design of groups in social networks” section.

Path #2. Using the online constructor

Here, of course, we will recommend our designer, whose website you are currently on. You can try it for free. Payment is made only if the result suits you and you decide to upload the resulting menu to your group. The advantages of this route are that it is the fastest. In addition, if necessary, you can always quickly edit and reload your menu for half the cost of creation. This is more convenient than searching for a designer every time you need, for example, to add or remove an item from a menu. The disadvantages of this method are that you will have to work quite a bit on your own.

Path #3. Do it all yourself

The advantages of this path are obvious: it is free, and you acquire new skills. The disadvantages are: you need some skills and quite a lot of time (for the first time). Here's what you need:

  • Be able to use it confidently graphic editor. For example, PhotoShop. When making a menu, you will need to make an image first correct sizes(down to the pixel, no “about”!), and then cut it correctly (break it into fragments)
  • Be able to understand instructions and read them carefully
  • Don’t give up and don’t despair if something doesn’t work out the first time

If you think you can handle all this, then let's get started.

Step #0. General information about how the VK group menus are structured

The menu for the group is made from wiki pages, the creation of which is supported by VK. Wiki pages are special pages, which can only be created in public pages. They differ from regular posts in that they can use so-called wiki markup. This markup is special code, which is converted into additional formatting objects. To make it clearer, let us explain. For example, in regular posts you can use only plain text, but wiki markup allows you to highlight parts of the text in bold or italics. That is, she enters additional features registration In particular, the ability to post images, when clicked on, the user will be redirected to a link. It is these additional formatting options that are used to create the VK public menu. We will tell you exactly how to do this below.

Step #1. Preparatory stage

If you have an existing group, we recommend creating a new one. For testing and experiments. Otherwise, during the learning process, you risk inundating your subscribers with strange and unnecessary updates.

So you've created new group. Let's now find out the identifier (ID) of your group. Group ID is its unique number VKontakte. Go to your group and click on “Community Posts” (if there are no posts in the group, then “No Posts” will appear instead of “Community Posts”). You will be redirected to a new page with an address like this: XXX?own=1

Instead of XXX you will have a set of numbers (and only numbers!). This is your community ID. For example, in our test group this is 154457305.

Now let's create a new wiki page in the group. To do this, we will create a link like this: group_id&p= Page_name 154457305 &p= Menu

Open the resulting link in your browser (copy it into the address bar of your browser and go to the address). That's it, you have created a wiki page called “Menu” (if, of course, you specified “Menu” as the page name in the link). You should see text like this: “The Menu page is empty. Fill it with content." In the upper right corner there is a pencil icon (). Click on it to go to editing the page.

The VK wiki page editor has two modes: graphic and markup mode. Modes are switched using the button in the upper right part of the editor (). When the button is highlighted in blue, it means that markup mode is enabled. Mode visual editing more convenient, because allows you to do without knowledge of wiki markup syntax, but its functionality is extremely limited: you can only do the simplest things in it. Basically you will have to deal with markup mode.

Notice two things. Firstly, to the left of the button for switching editing modes there is a call button reference information according to wiki markup (). Very useful thing, especially for beginners. The second point you need to pay attention to is the address of the wiki page. You will see something like this in your browser's address bar: _XXX?act=edit§ion=edit

Part of the address before the "?" - this is the address of your wiki page. Write it down somewhere: in VK there is no way to see a list of your wiki pages and links to them. To go to the one you need, you need to know its address or use the link to create a wiki page again. When using last method keep in mind that pages, if they already exist, are not recreated.

Step #2. Making a simple menu for a VKontakte group

So, we have created a wiki page “Menu”. Go to the editor's markup mode and add the following code:

Click on the “Preview” button, which is located at the bottom of the editor. You should see a list of three links. The first two are external and lead to the main pages of Yandex and Google, respectively. The third link is internal. It leads to a public VK with ID “1” (this is the official VK group for developers). If your preview displays your code, and not links (which you can click on) - it means you entered the code in visual editing mode, and not in markup mode. Be careful!

Please note that external links in the VK wiki code are formatted with single brackets, and internal links with double brackets. In this case, internal VK links are indicated not as the usual website address, but as a pointer to a particular VK object. For example, a pointer to a group has the following form:

club group_id

On VKontakte there are pointers not only to groups, but also to individual photographs, posts, wiki pages, user pages, audio recordings, etc. Each index has its own recording form. We'll use some of them later and look at them in more detail.

Be sure to save the page. Basically, we've just created a very basic navigation page. Which is nothing more than the simplest menu for VKontakte group. Of course, this is not a graphical menu yet, but even it can cope with the main task of the menu - quickly direct users to the desired public location. We'll look at how to make a graphical menu a little later.

Now let's figure out how and where you can use wiki pages.

Step #3. Where can I post VKontakte wiki pages?

There are two main places: you can create a post with a link to the wiki page or post it in the “Materials” section of your community.

Let's start with the first option. Start adding new entry on your group wall. First, attach any photo to it. It is better to take a fairly large photo whose width is greater than its height. Then paste into the text the record being created a link to the wiki page you created with a simple menu. This is what we asked you to write down a little earlier. Let us remind you that the link looks like this ( you will have different numbers):

Now delete text links from the input field. The link itself under the photo will not disappear. But if you leave the link address in the text field, it will appear as text in the post. Publish the post, reload the browser page with the main page of your group and pin the created post. Reload the page again. As a result of these manipulations, you should get something like this:

Click on the photo in the pinned post: your wiki page should appear with a simple group menu.

So, we learned that wiki pages can be attached to posts. In particular - to the assigned post. The second place where you can use wiki markup is the “Materials” section.

Go to the community settings and find there managing community sections (services). Mark "Materials" as "Restricted". Now at the top of your community's home page there will be new item. It is located to the right of the “Information” item. When you first turn on materials in a group, this item is called “Latest News” by default. This is what it looks like:

Go to this new item. Click on the “Edit” checkbox. As a result, you will find yourself in the wiki page editor you are already familiar with. The only difference is that there is an input field for the page name. Change it from "Latest News" to "Menu2". IN markup editing mode enter the following code:

"""Menu option for the "Materials" section"""


Make a preview (links already familiar to us should appear) and save the page. Essentially, this page is the main (root) wiki page of your group. True, there is no special practical meaning in this difference from other wiki pages.

Go to your group's main page, reload it and see what happens. We recommend viewing your group from a mobile browser and from the VK application. You will notice that the arrangement of elements and the operating logic are slightly different everywhere. You need to have a good understanding of what belongs to what and where it is shown.

We learned that the menu can be placed in two places. It is preferable to do it in the form pinned post and in the “Materials” section. Remember two things:

  • The pinned post will be seen by 98% of your visitors, and only 25-40% of the most curious will get to the materials section, as well as loyal old users of your group who know that there is something useful there.
  • A pinned entry with a picture to open the menu can be supplemented with text. This way you won't lose this pinned post feature. But you shouldn’t overdo it either: than more text, the lower the link to open your menu will be.

Wiki markup is not the best powerful tool and not the most convenient. Its functionality is very limited. In addition, it was developed at the dawn of the development of VKontakte and exclusively for its browser version on desktop computers and laptops. Therefore, its work in the application and on mobile devices best described by the expression “as God puts it on your soul.” Unfortunately, there is nothing better in VK yet.

By the way. You can link from one wiki page to another. It works something like this: the user opens (for example, using a link image in a post) the first wiki page. And it contains links to other wiki pages. Clicking on these links will open the corresponding wiki page. In this way you can create quite complex and multi-level menus and, for example, instructions. However, we do not advise you to get too carried away with this unnecessarily.

Step #4. How to make a menu in a VKontakte group. Graphic

So, the basic principles have been mastered. Let's move on to design graphic menu. Let’s immediately say that we will create a fairly simple menu: a vertical row of buttons with links. But don’t rush to say “no, I wanted a super complex menu” and close this guide. Now we will explain why.

Firstly, moving from simple to complex is usually the most effective way to master new knowledge. By learning how to make a relatively simple menu, you will learn 90% of the techniques for creating menus for VK groups.

And secondly, as we have already said, VK wiki markup was introduced at a time when mobile applications Few people have even heard of it. Our conditionally “simple” menu will work as correctly and efficiently as possible everywhere: in the browser version of VK, in mobile browsers and finally in the application. Many “complex” menus cannot boast of this. Moreover, in most cases, a “simple” menu will work better than a “complex” one, which “falls apart” when viewed in official application VKontakte. Most often, it is better to focus on this menu option. Yes, there are some pretty ornate menu implementations. You can experiment with them too. But our experience says that they will add virtually no real benefit - conversions, purchases and reputation. But there may well be problems.

Our test menu will look like this:

Just two buttons. The first will lead to the main page of Yandex, and the second will lead to the VK group “VKontakte Team”.

The vertical graphic menu in VK is an image cut into strips. These stripes are placed with markings one below the other on the wiki page. Some of these "lanes" are assigned links. When you click on such a link image, you actually follow this link. One page is one link. Some bands (for example, intermediate ones, which are located between points), on the contrary, are assigned the absence of a link. Such stripes become “unclickable”.

Making a vertical graphic menu for a VK group comes down to the following sequence of actions:

  • The first thing you need to do is draw a menu. The width must be strictly 600px(pixels). We recommend making the menu no more than 900px in height. The result is best saved in PNG format, as a last resort - JPG. Use drawing tools that are familiar and convenient to you (such as Photoshop or GIMP). The result here depends 95% on your creative and technical skills. Even if you don’t know how to use graphic editors at all, don’t despair. The skills that will be sufficient can be acquired in a maximum of a couple of hours. On the Internet there is huge amount reference and training information. In addition, the ability to use a graphic editor at least a little is very, very useful for public administrators. You won't waste your time.
  • Next, the picture with the menu is cut into horizontal stripes. You can do this in any way convenient for you: from the familiar Photoshop to various online services. If you have no idea how to do this, just ask your favorite search engine. We will not describe in detail technical part cutting process: dozens of ways, some are suitable for some users, but not for others. When cutting, you must follow one simple rule: the height of one strip should not be less than 60px. Otherwise, you may have problems with displaying the menu in the application and in mobile browsers: so-called. "white stripes" between images.
  • The cut "strips" are uploaded to the group's album or an album on the group's admin page. We recommend the second option. In any case, an album with cut-out parts of the menu should be V open access . Otherwise, those users for whom album images are not available will not see your menu!
  • Wiki markup code is compiled and inserted into the desired wiki page.
  • The group contains a pinned post with an image link to a wiki page with a menu. We wrote in detail above about how such a post is made. In addition, the code (with minor changes) can be added to the root wiki page (the item to the right of the “Information” item appears when the “Materials” section is enabled. For more details, see above).

Now let’s look at loading parts of the menu and wiki code in more detail. We have prepared for you. It has two directories: “1” and “2”. The first contains parts of the most primitive and simple option cuts for our menu - into two parts. Download the archive, upload images (1.png and 2.png) from directory “1” to new album(on your page or in a group).

We have two “strips”: the top (with the “Yandex” button) and the bottom (with the “VK Team” button). Both will be link images. In the wiki markup this is done with code like this:

"LINK"- this is the target link. For example, In addition to the usual external links can be an indication of a VKontakte object: post, user page or group. For example, so that after clicking a button there is a transition to the “VKontakte Team” community, you can specify both its address ( and a pointer to it (club22822305). In principle, there will be no difference. External links(those that do not lead to VK resources) we we recommend reducing by using