Everything you need to know about the Tele2 Dating service. "Tele2 dating": all the most important things about the service

Today, such an option as entertainment content is very popular on TV2. You can get a lot here useful information by subscribing to news, facts, weather and so on. Use the dating service and find new like-minded people or even true love. Still, the latter service is especially popular. And you can use it very simply and not be tied to a computer or Internet access. The entire process is carried out using SMS messages.

Before you start using such a service, you must register in the system; to do this, send an SMS to number 684 with a questionnaire. Or we go to the tele2 portal via phone or computer. After checking the information sent, you will receive an activation code to confirm the registration of your account, after which the subscriber receives full access to profiles of other dating users on the portal.

To carry out a quality search, you must indicate more than one in the SMS detailed information about your personality, thus you will become more attractive to many users. It is possible to communicate anonymously or show your profile. If a person wants to open access to his data, then before the text in the SMS, he indicates the code sent during registration - this is an identifier on the portal. If you do not do this, the sending will occur incognito. Messages from the tele2 portal will also arrive from number 684.

Naturally, all future users are interested in the cost of the option. This service does not include subscription fees, registration fees, deletion or editing of profiles, and so on. One SMS costs one ruble - that’s all that will be debited from the user. Due to the fact that the service has such a low tariff, it is in great demand among people of any age.

But there are also situations when the option needs to be disabled. This may be due to several factors. For example, a person has already found his other half and does not want to communicate with other users. Perhaps someone has become very intrusive or unpleasant. Don’t be afraid that your application will indicate valid number phone, all sending goes only through identifier numbers, therefore, as soon as the subscriber decides to disable the option, sending messages will stop.

To disable the option, you must dial the combination * 684 * 1 #, in this case the profile is completely deleted, and if the subscriber wants to communicate again, he will have to go through the entire registration stage again, and he will also receive new number in the system. But to temporarily suspend the option, you can dial * 684 * 0 #. This feature will allow you to save all your account data without temporarily receiving messages.

If a Tele2 subscriber cannot independently disable the option for some reason, then you need to call the company’s support service at 611 and deactivate the function while talking to an operator.

Maybe the phone was forgotten with friends or at work, and the person does not want the contents of the correspondence to become available to third parties. It is possible to call from another operator or company number to disable the option. Also, there is no need to call number 684, it is intended only for sending messages, and the cost of the call can be very high.

Among the row entertainment services provided by the Tele2 operator, it is worth highlighting the dating service separately. It allows subscribers to establish relationships, both friendly and more serious, with other users mobile communications from Tele2 by sending SMS messages to short number 684.

Dating app rating 684 on Google Play.

The essence of the service

The dating app was launched by the operator back in 2013 and has not yet lost its popularity. It allows subscribers to communicate both one-on-one and in chat mode with several users. By sending an SMS message with his data to a short number, the user registers in the system and gains access to the profiles of other participants. Communication with subscribers occurs anonymously, until the interlocutors themselves want to reveal their real name, provide a phone number, or meet in real life.

How to join the program?

Finding friends in the Tele2 dating app is quite simple.

First you need to register in the system. There are several options:

The analysis takes into account the city, age, gender and interests. First, the profiles are analyzed by region and user activity, then, after all suitable profiles have been reviewed, user profile data from other regions is sent.

The user can select an interlocutor from those proposed and send him his message. In the future, all messages will come from a number that has the following format: 684 + profile id. To respond, you must reply to the message received. You can be sure that no one other than those participating in the conversation will be able to see the information sent to the interlocutor.

How to fill out the form?

When filling out the form you must indicate:

  • Desired gender of the interlocutor.

This - prerequisites for registration.

It is very important to indicate in the questionnaire the purpose of meeting you, otherwise the number of people who want to get to know you will be minimal.

It is important to write your brief description, describing yourself in a few words. It is advisable to approach this issue creatively and do not hesitate to show your best side, but at the same time not slide into boasting. Questionnaires can be filled out, for example, as follows: “A 25-year-old girl is looking for a pleasant and well-read companion” or “A lonely, passionate man is looking for his bunny”.

You can additionally attach your photo to the application form.

You should not indicate your education, place of work, or list people with whom you do not want to communicate. Such a profile will not be of interest to other users.

Service cost

The service is provided to subscribers free of charge; funds are withdrawn only when sending SMS to other users.

The cost of a message is 1 ruble. If the message includes multimedia information, then the SMS will cost 5 rubles.

You can also subscribe via SMS, subscription fee for its use will be 5 rubles per day, and sending SMS will be free.

Registration in the system, including uploading your photo, is free.

Requesting a photo of your interlocutor, if it is in the database and attached to the profile, as well as requesting profiles of users located near you will cost 5 rubles.

Ordering VIP status – 10 rubles.

Dating management

There are a number of commands that allow you to manage the service:

  • To remove a profile from the database, you need to send an SMS with the text “Delete” to the short number 684. After deleting your data, you will not be able to continue communicating with other users of the service.
  • You can subscribe, which will provide full access to the profile database, using the USSD request *684*0#.
  • To pause your subscription, just dial *684*0#.
  • To prohibit detection of your location, use the command *684*9#.
  • To learn more about the operation of the application, you can send an SMS with the text “? "at 684.
  • To view profiles without automatically selecting an interlocutor, send the message “MORE” to the same number.
  • To receive profiles of users who are in close proximity to you - “ WHO IS NEAR ".
  • A message with the text VIP will increase your profile rating for 24 hours
  • To place a subscriber on the black list or unblock him, send a text with the sign -/+, respectively, and the subscriber's id to the number.
  • If you have a profile with a photo, you can request a photo of the owner by sending the text “PHOTO” to the profile number of your interlocutor.


First of all, for this service there is age limit. Registration of subscribers under 18 years of age is prohibited. In case of violation, the user's profile will be automatically blocked.

Tele2 dating is the most interesting service from a well-known operator, with the help of which everyone can find many new friends, and perhaps even meet true love! If you like to write and receive messages, and also want to communicate with a lot of people, this is exactly what you need!

Briefly on the topic

Dating on Tele2 gives you the opportunity to find new friends. Subscription cost - 5 rubles/day

  • Connect the service - 684*1
  • Disconnect - *684*0#

Description of the service

Tele2 dating is interesting because you can register with love Tele2.ru by phone, without even going to the site or connecting to the Internet.

In order to become a participant in the project, just send an SMS to Tele2 dating to number 684 .

However, you can add to the dating site 684 on Tele2 both from a computer and from a mobile phone, using the Internet for this as on any similar site. And if you have problems with the Internet, then you can find out how absolutely free using our article on the website.

What is a subscription for and how to connect it?

The whole point of the Tele2 dating site is that by sending an SMS to number 684 you can choose an interesting person from the profiles registered on the site. Of course, you can use the Love Tele2 dating service without a subscription, but then every message you send is 684 or per profile number it will cost 1 ruble. When you activate your subscription, you will be charged 5 rubles daily, but all messages on Love Tele2 dating will be free.

  • By command 684*1# On Tele2 dating you can connect a subscription.
  • Here's how to disable the dating service on Tele2 - using the command *684*0#

How to register in Tele2 Life dating?

Method 1 - Tele2 dating chat via SMS 684

  • Send to number 684 SMS with a short text about yourself and who you would like to find, written in free form.

For example: I am an interesting blonde, 160/58, I'm 22. I love French cinema, books by Ray Bradbury and horseback riding. I am looking for a cheerful, athletic man with whom I will be interested in spending time.

Attention! The use of profanity, as well as advertising messages and links to any third party resources, including on your pages in social networks. Violators will be denied access to the service.

  • If you want, you can also send your photo to 684 via MMS. It will be added to your profile and will make it more interesting and popular.
  • Ready! In order to start viewing the profiles of other project participants, send the word MORE to 684.

Method 2 - Tele2 dating on the site love Tele2 ru

  • Go to love.tele2.ru
  • Enter your number in the window and click “Login”.

  • You will receive a message with a code to confirm your login. Enter it in the special field and click on the confirm button
  • You will have the opportunity to create your own profile on the site. Write a short description of yourself and the person you are looking for,

For example: I am 19 years old, I am a tall, handsome brunette with a good sense of humor. I am interested in mountaineering and water sports, I like to go outdoors. I'm looking for a cheerful girl, preferably blonde, at least 170 tall.

And if you are not yet a user of this mobile operator, we recommend that you enjoy all the possibilities.

  • Add your photo to the site.

Attention! The site is intended only for Tele2 subscribers.

The service is provided only to subscribers over 18 years of age. If you want to find out the number, follow the link.

How to use the service via SMS?

Here are the commands with which you can communicate on Love Tele2 dating and view other people’s profiles.

  • Send the word MORE to 684 via SMS to view new profiles. You can send MORE an unlimited number of times.

  • If you like someone, write him an SMS to the profile number indicated in his profile. If you have a subscription, all messages both to 684 and to profile numbers of other users will be absolutely free for you.
  • If the profile indicates that there is a photo, then you can view it by sending the word PHOTO to the profile number. You will receive an MMS with the specified photo.

Attention! Check if it's possible receiving MMS from your mobile phone.

  • In addition to SMS, you can also send MMS to another person’s number with other photos of yourself that are not on the profile. We warn you that the price of one MMS for another user’s profile is 5 rubles.
  • If any user bothers you, then by sending “-” to the profile number, you can blacklist the person.
  • You can return a person from the blacklist if you sent him there by mistake by sending “+” to his profile number.
  • To transfer your profile to VIP status, send to 684 the word VIP. This will increase your rating and your profile will be shown more people. The price of the service is 10 rubles/day.

  • If you want to find new friends near you, send to 684 WHO IS NEARBY and you will be shown profiles of people located near you.

  • By default, when you connect to the service, your location becomes known to other users. If you want to prevent your location from being determined, dial *684*9# We warn you that in this case the previous WHO IS NEAR option will not be available to you. If necessary, you can.

How to delete your profile?

If you no longer want to use 684 Tele2 dating and decide to delete your profile, then here are three ways to do this:

  • Send to number 684 message with the word DELETE
  • Go to Tele2 dating my page using your number and delete the profile yourself.
  • Dial *684*6#

By the way, when deleting a profile, do not forget to disable the subscription using the USD command *684*0#"]

If you are embarrassed by meeting people on the street, or you don’t have enough time for live communication, use the site fishing tele2. ru. The Tele2 operator offers dating using the short service number 684, where you just need to create your profile.

Connecting the service

The service is activated free of charge. Register for fishing tele2. ru in several ways:

  1. Using a computer. Through personal account go to the official dating site love-tele2.ru and fill out a form;
  2. On your phone, dial an SMS message with necessary information about myself. The text of the SMS can be written in any form and sent to the short number 684. For example: “Fatal heartbreaker, I would like to meet a guy no older than 35 years old to start a family.” In the text of the message you can indicate your age, the city in which you live, and your hobbies for a more detailed picture of you.
  3. You can leave information about yourself via voice message. To do this, call 0770. Also this option can be used to send voice messages to chat.

The selection of interlocutors is carried out using the website. The dating service on Tele2 will allow you to meet candidates whose keywords match your data as closely as possible. First of all, profiles of participants living in your region will be offered. And only then, if the search is unsuccessful, the site will submit the profiles of other participants for consideration. Your profile is business card. A correctly compiled questionnaire increases the chances of finding a soul mate.

After registration, each subscriber is assigned a personal ID code, which must be indicated when corresponding with personal SMS. Using the service, you can communicate anonymously as long as you consider it necessary and do not decide to exchange contacts.

Site Rules

The operator has created a dating service. It doesn’t matter for what purpose subscribers registered: to find a friend, just to communicate or to find love, but everyone is obliged to adhere to basic communication standards. The following is prohibited in chat:

  1. Manifestation of racism in any form;
  2. Distribution of advertising, links to promotional material;
  3. Use of obscene language;
  4. Insulting other users;
  5. Information that contradicts the laws of the Russian Federation or falls under the scope of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is also punishable.

Violating the rules for using the service will result in your profile being blocked. Access to the chat and the service as a whole is blocked forever. The provision of the service is permitted only to subscribers who have reached 18 years of age. Get acquainted, write and remember that a well-chosen first message increases your chances of interesting and long-term communication, which can develop into a serious relationship.

How to manage the service

  1. To receive an SMS with instructions, send a “question” to a short service number 684;
  2. To register, use service number 684;
  1. To connect a subscription, use the combination *684*1#. Messages within the service system are not charged.
  2. To deactivate a subscription, use the combination *684*0#;
  3. A “black list” is also provided. To add a user to it, indicate “-” in the message; to remove from the “black list” - a message with a “+” sign;
  4. How to disable the service? To delete a profile, send a message with the word “DELETE”.

Payment for the service

The cost of a message to service number 684 and for ID number holders is 1 rub. To send messages for free, you can activate a subscription for 5 rubles/day. If it is no longer needed, the subscription can be easily disabled. Entry to the official website for informational purposes is free. To access the questionnaires, you must subscribe under the same conditions - 5 rubles / day. Sending MMS messages with your photo to fill out a form to number 684 - 5 rubles. The cost of activating VIP status is 10 rubles. The command is valid for 24 hours. Connecting VIP status expands the possibilities.

In the section for questions, messages are sent to mobile phone Beeline from number 684 - who knows how to turn them off? V service department Beeline pomo given by the author PapaY The best answer is to call the operator and ask what is connected to you, and if something is connected, then tell them to turn it off (they will help) Bilein operator number 0611.

Reply from Aka Diesel[guru]
You need to leave the news channel.
You can remove yourself from the chat using the DEL command.
CHAT IMYACHATA DEL to number 684.
The name of the chat should be the one you are connected to.
Delete from all 684 chats at once
The ALLDEL team was there.

Reply from Victor Vic[expert]
ALLDEL does not work.

Reply from Victor Shchelkin[newbie]
Disable service 684

Reply from Irina Galkina[newbie]
Victor, how are you???

Reply from Oleg Demichev[newbie]
So, first of all, I’ll tell you what you bought. gray phone, tied to some American or Chinese provider?! So?! Let's say I have a "T" mobile.
Next, here's what I found out:
There is such a thing. By at least The American G1 from T-Mobile (I can’t lie for sure about the others) sends some service SMS to a certain short number. In Russia, they don’t seem to work, and accordingly they are not charged. At least I (also Beeline) had in my printout some fraudulent SMS with a cost of zero. The balance is not being eaten up, especially at this rate.
The service should be running. If you worked with the SDK, there is a program called ddms.bat, you can use it to cut off the service.
Theoretically it should work, but I haven’t tried it because I don’t have this problem.
Apparently, they unlocked it, but not completely... formally only 🙂 But in fact, the connection to T-Mobile remains 😉 In any case, you are not the only one with such a problem, and not only on this device: link. Apparently, for some reason T-Mobile needed their phones to ping some service. But on their network such SMS would probably be free, but here...
I gave directions for the search. Then look for a solution yourself :)