Built-in function to automatically hide and show the panel. Hidden taskbar

For those who don’t know the taskbar, this is the panel at the bottom of the monitor screen on which the “Start” button, clock, language bar etc. Some users feel that if they hide this panel, then the desktop will look nicer and more beautiful. I hasten to inform you that it is not possible to completely remove the taskbar in Windows 7. Otherwise, how will you use the same Start button? Therefore, we will simply hide the taskbar, and it will appear only when we move the mouse to the bottom of the screen.

You can remove the taskbar in Windows 7 using: standard means, and with the help special software. It is highly not recommended to use for such things third party programs and load the system or launch viruses onto your computer. Therefore, let's figure out how to do all this using the means that the operating system itself provides us.

Click “Start” and in the drop-down menu, click on an empty space right click, select “Properties”.

In the window that opens, go to the “Taskbar” tab and check the box next to the “Automatically hide the taskbar” item. Click the “Apply” button.

You can check what we did.

If suddenly after the settings the taskbar starts to glitch and is fixed in one place, then you can try restarting the explorer.exe process. To do this, right-click on an empty space on the taskbar and select “Launch task manager”.

Find the explorer.exe process and terminate it. Right-click and select “End Process”.

Thus, you know how to hide the taskbar in Windows 7.

And also watch the thematic video:


How to hide the taskbar in windows 7?

Useful computer tips » Tips » How to hide the taskbar in Windows 7?

Earlier on the site we described the process of moving the taskbar on the screen, and now let's figure out how to hide the taskbar in the Windows 7 operating system. For some users, the taskbar located at the bottom of the screen may seem too intrusive, and they want to get rid of it. It is impossible to completely remove it, but hiding it is quite possible. For this there is special option in the taskbar properties, but let's do everything in order. So, to hide the taskbar you need to:

1. Right-click on the taskbar and in the appeared context menu select Properties.

2. Next, in the taskbar and Start menu properties window that opens, find the “Taskbar Design” section. This section contains only 3 functions that can be turned on or off using checkboxes. In order to hide the taskbar, you need to check the box next to the “Automatically hide the taskbar” command.
3. Next, all that remains is to use the settings by clicking the “Apply” button.

To return the old settings, simply uncheck this command and click the “Apply” button again.

Now the taskbar is on your the computer will disappear, but will only appear if you move your mouse cursor to the bottom of the screen. For some computer users this is really convenient, but I prefer " classic version"and I never hide the taskbar.


How to remove and return the taskbar in Windows 7 and 8

Have a nice time!

Today we continue to tell you about some tricks and secrets operating system windows 7. Let's try to remove it bottom panel tasks and thereby expand the visible space of our desktop.

Removing the taskbar and Start menu

To remove the bottom panel, click on free space panel, right-click and select "Properties".

That's it, now the panel disappears into the bottom plane of the screen. If you move the mouse cursor all the way down, the panel will float out and be active.

How to create additional panel tasks on the screen?

It happens that the desktop contains a lot of different shortcuts and folders. To reduce their number, do the following:

Go to local disk"C" and create a folder that you name, for example " Left panel".

After that, go one step back to the local “C” partition. Now reduce the size of the window by double-clicking on the top colored stripe of the window.

After the cursor with the folder reaches its limit, release the button and you will see sidebar with all the shortcuts that are in this folder.

So that you can see all the shortcuts in the panel, grab the side edge of the panel with the left mouse button and slide it out to the desired size. To automatically remove the panel from the screen, right-click on an empty space on the panel. After that, as in the first option, check the box against automatically hiding the panel. Such panels can be created on the right, left and top of the screen.

If you want to visually familiarize yourself with these instructions, then review detailed video from our channel:


How to remove and restore the taskbar at the bottom of the screen?

The taskbar in Windows is the same strip that you can see at the bottom of the page when you start your computer. This decision can safely be called genius. Why? The fact is that the taskbar contains the following important parameters like time and date icons certain programs or tasks (antivirus, current layout language, network access, etc.) and, of course, the “Start” button. I’ll say even more - you can safely add program icons for quick access. This could be, for example, a browser icon or some program like Word or Excel.

However, not all users think that this panel is convenient, and therefore want to get rid of it in every possible way. Of the simple methods, there is only one possible - this is to use the standard windows option, which allows you to hide the taskbar, but not completely. In other words, the panel disappears, but as soon as you hover your mouse over the place where it should be, the panel immediately appears. Simple and convenient.

To activate the function, move the mouse cursor over the taskbar and right-click, then select “Properties”.

The taskbar and Start menu properties window will appear in front of you. In it, check the box next to “Automatically hide the taskbar.” Then click OK.

And this is what it looks like for me home page Yandex with the panel removed. Not bad, right? By the way, the panel restoration occurs in reverse order.

Are there any disadvantages? Perhaps. If the computer is not very powerful, then when performing some tasks, the panel when hovering the mouse cursor may appear with a delay of a second, or even several. Otherwise, no cons were noticed.

I also found information that there is special program called Hide Tray. The point is that if you add it to the startup folder, it will remove the taskbar by default. To restore it, you need to click on windows key on the keyboard. It will not work when hovering the mouse. The only problem is that I couldn’t find a working program for Windows 7, and, unfortunately, there was no way to check its functionality on XP.


Elegant Windows 7 desktop. Hiding the taskbar with hotkeys.

Microsoft Company, I must admit, I did a good job on the taskbar in Windows 7. It looks great and the functionality is excellent. But some people still wonder how to remove the taskbar in Windows 7. To hide and show the taskbar in Windows 7, there is a very tiny program called TaskBar Hider.

If anyone still doesn’t understand what we’re talking about, the taskbar is a strip with the “Start” button, program shortcuts and the system tray (where the clock is). From it we launch applications, we can hide and expand minimized programs. TaskBar Hide works in a simple but beautiful way. When you press the hot keys, by default “Win ​​+ X”, the panel is hidden, and when pressed again, it is displayed, and without any animation, which means quickly.

At the same time, the “Start” button is always visible! This desktop looks very nice. Beyond choice hotkey the program has only one setting “Load at windows startup" - launch with windows.

TaskBar Hider does not require installation and is absolutely free. Download, unpack and use for your health!

Built-in auto-hide and show panel feature

This panel has a built-in "Automatically hide taskbar" feature. It works like this: the taskbar is not displayed at all, but when you move the mouse to the edge of the desktop, it is displayed. Those who like to hide the taskbar have already noticed that this is not always convenient. If you accidentally move the mouse, the panel pops up, and then may not hide automatically (this is some kind of Windows 7 glitch). And every time you press the “Start” button, the entire panel pops up. You can enable this option by right-clicking on an empty space on the taskbar and checking the appropriate box in the properties.

If the taskbar automatically pops up, but does not want to hide, or, on the contrary, the Windows 7 taskbar has disappeared, then you will have to restart Explorer (end the process). To do this, right-click on an empty space on the taskbar and select “Start task manager.” Go to the “Processes” tab and look for the “explorer.exe” process in the list. Right-click and select “End Process”. It should be fixed.

Now you know how to hide the taskbar in Windows 7 using the TaskBar Hider program or using the built-in function, as well as what to do if you have problems with the taskbar.

Imagine the situation. All family members use your computer. You turn on your computer one day and see how the taskbar appears at the top of the screen or even on the side. Most likely, one of your household members moved the taskbar simply because it is more convenient for him. A reasonable question: how to move it back down?

Don't worry, putting the panel back in place is a matter of minutes.

First way

I'll start with the simplest method.

Everything is very simple here. Let's say that the panel is at the top of the screen. Hover the mouse arrow over it and click on the right mouse button so that a menu appears. In the menu, click “Pin the taskbar” so that the checkmark next to this item disappears.

Please note that if there is no checkmark, you do not need to do anything.

So, you have unpinned the taskbar. Now click on it and, without releasing your finger from the mouse button, move the panel to the part of the screen where you want. For example, down. After that, click on the taskbar, right-click on the menu and select “Pin the taskbar” - so that no one can accidentally move it.

This option works in Windows 7, Windows 8 and, according to unverified data, even in Windows 10.

Second way

If for some reason you cannot move the taskbar using the above method, I suggest using the second option.

Right-click on the taskbar again, only now select “Properties”.

A small window will open in front of you. It has a subsection “Position of the taskbar on the screen”. Click on the button, select the desired position, and then click “Apply”.

Yes, don’t forget to check the “Pin the taskbar” checkbox so that you can’t accidentally move it again.

Today we'll look at how to do transparent panel in Windows 7 all editions, as well as Windows XP. By default, in the seventh edition, Basic and Home, you cannot create a transparency effect; this is available in higher versions, for example, Maximum. The same goes for XP.

They will be presented special applications. If you are ready, then go ahead and consider all the ways.

Transparent taskbar in Windows 7 Ultimate

You must have installed Aero theme if so, then follow these steps:

1. Open the “personalization” window by right-clicking on the desktop (screenshot below).

2. Go to the very bottom of the window and select the “window color” link.

  1. Download and run TBsetup.exe.
  2. Always click “next” during installation. At the last stage, check the “run transbar” checkbox and click “finish” to start the program.

In the TransBar window, immediately check the following options:

  1. Enabled – gives access to moving the transparency slider.
  2. Auto apply – allows you to watch the taskbar transparency change as you move the slider.
  3. Run at windows startup – automatic start when the OS starts. You don't have to turn on the utility and configure it every time.

Adding a transparency effect in Windows XP

The program is only suitable for XP and it is called AlphaXP, to use it do this:

  1. Download the app.
  2. Install and launch AlphaXP Lite through the start menu.

The program has an easy interface and a minimum of settings. In its window there will be the following options that you can check:

  1. Keyboard shortcut – allows you to assign hotkeys that control the degree of transparency.
  2. Taskbar transparency – provides access to the transparency level slider.

Click the minimize window button.

In the tray, right-click on it, point to “options” and check the boxes “start minimized”, “start with windows” so that the taskbar is transparent every time Windows boot XP.

With these actions you can make the taskbar transparent in Windows 7, XP. There are all sorts of incidents with it, so I recommend that you familiarize yourself with it just in case, this lesson will definitely be useful to you.

Imagine a situation: you come to your home or, for example, to work, turn on your PC and see that the usual strip with the start button (called the taskbar), which is usually located at the bottom, has been moved to the left, right, or even to top part screen. The reason for such a “move” could be a joke from friends, colleagues or your household. In addition, you could accidentally move the panel yourself and turn off the computer without noticing it. Be that as it may, you either need to get used to the new design of your desktop, or change everything “as it was.” And if you don’t want to put up with the changes, then the information presented below - how to move the taskbar to the bottom of the screen will be useful for you.

Many users who have installed different versions Windows: 7, 8 and 10. Therefore, in this article we will look at all versions of Windows so that every user can solve this problem. If, when reading, it talks about settings that you do not have, then this means that this paragraph is discussing a different version of Windows. In any case, your situation will be resolved and you don’t have to worry.

Drag the panel with your mouse

You should start from the very beginning simple way return the taskbar to its normal place. Its essence lies in simple drag and drop panels back. That is, in the literal sense - we pressed the left mouse button on an empty space of the panel and dragged it to the right place.

In an amicable way, you should first check whether the panel can be dragged at all? To do this, right-click on the taskbar and pay attention to the “Pin the taskbar” option - in Windows 7 and 8.

If there is a check mark next to it, then dragging the panel will not work. But don't panic! Just uncheck it (click on this item) and that's it. If you have Windows 10, this setting will be called:

So, if the checkbox is unchecked, then do what was written above (drag the taskbar to the desired place, but when you drag you should not release the mouse button), after the panel is in in the right place, click on empty space panel with the right mouse button and this time check the box next to “Pin...”. This is necessary so that you do not inadvertently move the taskbar to another location again.

This method is relevant for everyone Windows versions, so you shouldn't have any problems.

Here is a short video for Windows 7 and 8:

Moving the taskbar through its "Properties"

There is also another way to return the taskbar to its usual place. So, if for some reason you were unable to drag the taskbar, then right-click on it, but this time instead of clicking on “Pin the taskbar”, select “Properties”. This is what it will look like in Windows 7 and 8 (Windows 10 will be discussed below):

In the window that opens, pay attention to the subsection “Position of the taskbar on the screen” and click on it, then click on the taskbar location that is most suitable for you and do not forget to click on the “Apply” button at the end. This is how it looks in Windows 8 (in Windows 7 this setting is located a little to the left):

And of course, don’t forget to pin the panel afterwards so that you don’t accidentally drag it again later (to do this, in the properties at the top there is an item “Lock the taskbar”, next to which you also need to put a checkmark).

If your computer is in at the moment installed Windows system 10, then you will not have the “Properties” item; instead, click on “Options”:

Besides the above methods It is also possible to return the taskbar to its place using the registry. However this method quite complex and incomprehensible to a simple user, and besides, the above methods do their job perfectly.

For Windows 10:

The taskbar is located at the bottom of the screen. That is why this arrangement is traditional. But modern displays have become much wider, so it became possible not to spare space for additional “bars”, and from time to time users have a question: how to position it on the side, that is, on the left or on the right.

Let us list the reasons why such an organization of workspace can sometimes be considered effective:

  • for example, when editing text, it is desirable to see as much as possible on the screen most of it text, and for this the taskbar located below is a hindrance, as a result there is an irresistible desire to eliminate this interference.
  • The same applies to image processing, graphics, photos.
  • Likewise, the taskbar located at the bottom of the screen can be distracting when watching a video.
  • Also some computer games the entire screen is required from top to bottom.

Taskbar on the side - how to do this?

If the picture is fixed on the wall, and it needs to be moved to another place, then the first step is to unfasten the picture from the wall and remove it. It’s the same with the Taskbar - first make sure whether the Taskbar is pinned or not. If yes, it needs to be unpinned.

How to unpin the taskbar - the first method

Video version of how to position the taskbar on the side:

Let's look at a few other questions regarding the Taskbar.

How to hide the taskbar so that it pops up when you hover over it?

First, unpin the taskbar. To do this, right-click on the Taskbar, and in the menu that appears, uncheck the “Pin the Taskbar” option.

Then for Windows 7:

in the “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties” window, check the box next to “Automatically hide the taskbar” (number 2 in Fig. 2),

then click on the “Apply” button (number 6 in Fig. 2), and then click on “OK” (number 7 in Fig. 2).

For Windows XP the same:

in Fig. 3 in the “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties” window, check the box next to “Automatically hide the taskbar”. First, click on the “Apply” button, and then click on “OK”.

After these simple actions The taskbar will not take up any space on the screen at all, and, if necessary, will automatically pop up when you hover the cursor over it.

How to make icons on the taskbar larger or smaller (Windows 7)?

Here everything depends on the checkbox next to the inscription “Use small icons” (number 3 in Fig. 2). If you check it, then click on the “Apply” button (number 6 in Fig. 2), and then click on “OK” (number 7 in Fig. 2), then there will be small icons in the Taskbar.

If you uncheck the box next to “Use small icons” (number 3 in Fig. 2) and click “Apply” and then “OK”, then the icons on the Taskbar will be enlarged.

How to enlarge the Taskbar?

If you have placed a panel on the left or right of the screen, you will be able to stretch it to the center if there is free space. To do this, move the mouse cursor to the top border of the Taskbar. Move the cursor near this border a little up and down so that the cursor takes the form of a double-headed arrow, at this moment click on left button mouse and drag the border to set right size taskbar.

This option is applicable for both Windows XP and Windows 7.

How to make the taskbar smaller?

You can reduce the taskbar in the same way as described above in the question “how to increase the taskbar”.

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