Selecting the black outline of a picture in Photoshop. Creating an outline of an object (shape) from a selection in Photoshop of various versions

Making collages has become very popular way creativity. For this, graphic editors are used, with which you can cut out the background and use various plugins to create effects. One such program is Photoshop. Let's sort it out detailed methods removing the background in this editor.

Photoshop is a graphics editor developed by Adobe. Has raster and vector support graphics. It integrates with many media processing programs. Users can apply this tool For non-linear editing video, animation and special effects creation.

The format that Photoshop works with has the extension “PSD” is supported a large number software. Thus, users can import files into many programs for subsequent post-processing.

All tools are the same for all versions of Photoshop, including the latest ones, starting with CS6.

How to cut out an object in Photoshop

Using the Lasso Tool

Lasso is a tool for selecting an element in a photograph by creating an outline. The lasso allows you to cut out any object along its contour.

First, you need to understand what this tool is and describe its types in detail:

  • « Lasso" The usual "Lasso" is one of the most simple ways select the desired object in the picture. It is quite simple to work with it, you just need to press left button mouse and move the cursor along the contour from the start to the end point;
  • « Straight-line lasso" A tool that allows you to quickly create contours consisting of straight lines. Best suited for highlighting geometric shapes. It’s easy to use, click “LMB” and set the starting point, release the mouse button and move the course further along the contour adding a new mark. In this way, we select the element until the cursor reaches the starting point again;
  • « Magnetic lasso». This function, allows you to quickly and accurately create a contour. Most precise definition Magnetic lasso is a tool for automatic edge recognition. The algorithm of its work is that it tries to recognize the edges of an object by finding differences in brightness, saturation, and contrast.

How to cut an image:

The tool will allow you to quickly and accurately cut out an element from an image or part of a picture. It is worth noting that the user himself controls all the features of object selection, adjusting the necessary mask parameters.

Quick selection

This tool allows you to quickly select an object in a photo. It should be noted that the method cannot guarantee 100% results, because in the best possible way works only on contrasting elements.

How to cut:

Erase the background with the Eraser

The method involves removing the background without creating a selection outline. The disadvantage of the eraser is the fact that the user practically cannot set any parameters. Edge refinement (smoothing or sharpening) cannot be performed.

The process is quite simple:

The effect of using a magic wand is observed only in those photographs that have a neutral background in relation to the cut out object. It is best if the background is white or gray.

Cutting out complex objects

For cutting complex elements the best option will use the tool " Levels" With its help, you can select edges and cut out those objects that have a non-uniform structure, for example, animal fur, hair, the crown of trees, a person, a face, etc.


Pen tool

Using the stylus, you can select quite complex objects that have large number details. Professional graphic designers prefer this particular instrument. With its help you can achieve quick results in a small amount of time.


Select Subject Tool

The tool is new development Adobe company. It uses artificial intelligence to quickly highlight an object. Next, we will consider in detail how to use it. It is important to know that Select Subject is used exclusively in versions PhotoshopCC 2016 and later builds.


  • open the photo and create a duplicate layer;
  • Select the Quick Selection tool and click " Select Subject»;
  • The object will be automatically selected, then click “ Selectand Mask»;
  • The settings panel will open on the right side. Adjust each slider to your liking and click “OK.”

Color range

This method involves selecting elements by color and pattern.

How to copy an object

There are several ways to copy a selected object, we will consider them below.

First way:

  • select the object using one of the methods presented above;
  • then click the key combination “ CTRL+C»;
  • after that, create new layer and press the key combination “ CTRL+V" The element will be placed on a new layer.

Second way.

This option is the simplest; a layer with the selected area will be created automatically. Just select the object and press the key combination " CTRL+J" and it will be placed on a new layer.

Third method.

After required element will be highlighted in the photo, it is necessary press successively key combination “CTRL+C”, “CTRL+N” “CTRL+V”. The first command is responsible for copying the area to the clipboard. Using the second keyboard shortcut, it will be created new document. The third one inserts an element into a new document.

How to insert a background

  • open required photo and use one of the background removal methods above;
  • invert: “Select” and “Invert”, click “OK”;
  • delete old background using the “Delete” key;
  • open the picture with the background, click “CTRL+C” on the keyboard and paste the image over the cut out element “CTRL+V”;
  • after that drag the background under the layer with the cut out object by holding down the left mouse button.

How to enlarge or reduce a cut object

In order to enlarge or reduce the cut out element, you will need to use the “ Transformation»:

Cutting out geometric shapes

To cut out geometric shapes we will use the “ Color range»:

  • open the image with geometric shapes and make a duplicate;
  • then select the tab " Selection" and in it open the item "Color range";
  • We configure the parameters: in the “Select” item we use the command “ By samples»;
  • After that, click on the “ Pipette+” and add shade samples. If you are satisfied with the preliminary result, click “Ok”.

Photoshop is one of the best tools to work with raster graphics. The program has rich capabilities that allow the user to change the image as desired. When processing graphics, one of the most common tasks is to extract the outline of an image element.


  • There are several ways to select a contour in Photoshop. The simplest one involves using the “Magic Wand” - Magic Wand. In the Components palette, its icon looks like a stick with a star at the end. To correctly highlight contours, the Magic Wand must be configured correctly. Set the Tolerance parameter in the tool properties to 30. This value will allow you to confidently separate the contour of the desired image from the background.
  • Working with the Magic Wand is very simple. Bring it to the edge of the object whose outline you want to select and left-click. The outline of part of the image will be highlighted. Now press Shift and, while holding the key, left-click again near the part of the image that has not yet been outlined. Pressing Shift allows you to drag the already selected path further. Continue in the same way to create the outline. If you make a mistake, switch to English layout and press Ctrl + Z - the last action will be undone.
  • When the outline is closed, proceed to editing the selection. It may be needed if in some areas of the image the contouring was performed incorrectly, and the contour cut off part of the image. Reduce the tolerance value a little, then move the Magic Wand to the part of the image captured by the outline. While holding down Alt key, click the mouse on the erroneously selected area. The outline will be corrected. Now press Del, the existing background around the image will be removed and filled with the background selected in the Components palette.
  • To select more complex paths, especially ones that blend into the background, use the Lasso Tool. Select it, press the left mouse button and drag the tool along the perimeter of the selected image until the contour is closed. The disadvantage of this tool is that the selection is done manually and its quality is determined by how accurately you move the mouse.
  • In many cases Magic capabilities Wand and Lasso are not enough for precise selection contours of a complex object. For example, you need to cut out an image of a cat from a photograph so that the whiskers and fur are preserved. It is impossible to select every hair with a “Magic Wand” or “Lasso”, and there is no need to do so - there are more for this purpose. handy tool"Feather".
  • Select the Pen Tool - Paths. Now, using successive mouse clicks, select the outline of the image element you need. Creating a complex contour is quite labor-intensive, but the result is worth all the time spent. At the same time, do not try to highlight the smallest elements of the contour (like whiskers and fur of a cat), but at this stage you need to highlight the general outline. Close it by clicking the mouse one last time on the first point. You can now more accurately define the boundaries of a path using the Refine Edge tool. Considering that working with this tool is quite complicated, read about it in specialized articles.
  • Tip added on November 26, 2011 Tip 2: How to make the outline of a design For satin stitch embroidery, appliqué or homemade stained glass you need contour drawing. Craft kits usually contain a certain number of drawings. However, if you want to do something original, draw the outline yourself. Program Adobe Photoshop allows this to be done even by those who are not confident in their artistic abilities.

    You will need

    • - computer with Adobe Photoshop program;
    • - Internet access;
    • - scanner;
    • - printer;
    • - mascara;
    • - aluminum or bronze powder;
    • - glue for glass;
    • - tracing paper.


  • Choose a suitable drawing. Scan your postcard or photo at 300 dpi. You can also find a suitable image on the Internet. The plot can be anything, but try to find a picture with not too many small details. Extra lines you will still remove it later, but at the same time the image of what you are going to embroider or draw on glass should be preserved.
  • (skip)
  • In the small rectangular panels, find the one with brushes on it. Activate it. Drag it to the top panel or leave it where it is. But in any case, fill in the parameters. Select a round hard brush and set its size. If you didn't drag anything anywhere, there is an arrow to the right of the panel name. Click on it and a window will open in front of you where you need to enter the size. If the outline lines are thin, select 2 or 3. There you will also find the Opacity box. Set to 100%.
  • Remove unnecessary black spots from the image. This can be done in different ways. The most understandable for the uninitiated is to find a selection in the left menu, where the tools are indicated. Usually this is the upper left square. Find the 2 squares below that represent colors. In your case it is black and white. White should be at the bottom. Use your mouse to highlight the area you want to clean and press the "Delete" key. Remove smaller specks using the eraser, which you will also find on the side panel.
  • Draw in the missing lines using a brush. The outline of the drawing must be continuous. Apply if necessary additional lines- flower stamens, house stones, etc.
  • Determine what size you need the picture to be. In the "File" menu, set the options for printing. If you need a very large drawing, and the printer only allows you to print in A4 format, divide your sketch into several parts. Print each part separately, forgetting to mark the places for gluing.
  • Useful advice Transfer the embroidery design onto the fabric using carbon paper, crushed chalk or stylus. In the first case, it is simply outlined. Place the carbon paper as a layer of paint on the fabric. To transfer a drawing using chalk or stylus, prick it along the contour with a needle. Make punctures at a distance of 3-5 mm from each other. If you want to make a homemade stained glass window, place the design on a horizontal surface and cover it with glass. To 5 parts of glass glue, add 2 parts of black ink and 5 parts of aluminum or bronze powder. It is better to take glue in a jar and one that does not set very quickly. This could be, for example, PVA. Sealant will not work, but you can try experimenting with liquid glass. Mix the ingredients. Apply the resulting paint along the contour with a soft artistic brush. The line should be convex so that the liquid varnish with which you fill the details of the design does not flow from one part of the stained glass window to another.
    • how to make an outline on an image
    How to make a drawing outline - printable version

    Outlining and highlighting the outline of an image or drawing: how to correctly outline, cut, highlight, make or trim.

    To create collages and other multi-layered images, you may need outlines of certain objects. Outlining a person or other object along its contour will also help to attract the viewer's attention. Creating an outline is not the easiest operation. Not every beginner is capable of these actions. This lesson will focus specifically on working with contours and silhouettes. If you repeat our steps, you will easily learn a new operation.

    Outline in Photoshop

    You can create an outline (or silhouette) in Photoshop without much difficulty. You just need to be able to select an object and know what to do next. This lesson will help you understand what needs to be clicked so that a silhouette of the selected object appears in the graphic editor.

    First you need to open a photo in Photoshop that depicts this or that object. In our case it will be a heart. It is its outline that we will try to transfer to another photo. There is nothing complicated about this, as you will soon see.

    Now you need to select the object. If it were a person, you would have to use the Magnetic Lasso tool. But with a person this operation we'll do it later. Now we have a simple image of a heart. It's much easier to isolate. Just use the Quick Selection tool. Adjust the brush size and then start clicking on the shape. And so on until a dotted line runs along the contour of the object. If you accidentally selected extra area, then click on it while holding down the Alt key.

    How to create an outline of an image in Photoshop?

    But we previously wondered how to create an outline of an image in Photoshop, and so far, instead of an outline, we only have a selection. In the case of a person, it will also not be very clear. You should already know how to refine the edges of a selection from our previous lessons. If you don’t have such knowledge, then a little later we’ll tell you about this Photoshop function. In this case, the selection should work fine; there is no need to work with the edges.

    With the object selected, go to the Layers panel. There is now only one layer created here, called “Background”. Create a new layer; for this, use the corresponding button at the bottom of this panel. The new layer will instantly become active. But note: the selection is preserved!

    Now pay attention to the left side of the Adobe Photoshop working window. Almost at the very bottom there are two squares colored different colors. You should be interested in the left square. Click on it with the left mouse button. You will be provided with a color palette. If you are going for a standard black silhouette, then choose black as the color. If you want to paint the silhouette a different color, now is the time to choose it. But don't forget that you can change the color at any time.

    In our case, the color red was chosen. Next, you need to go to the Fill tool. After this, all that remains is to click on the selected area with the left mouse button. This entire area will immediately turn into the selected color. Now you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C to copy this outline. Please note that this particular layer will be copied, the background will remain untouched.

    Open another photo. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V. The silhouette you created will immediately appear in the photo. To position it, use the Move tool. To resize, you need to switch to free transform mode. This is done by selecting the tool from the “Selection” group and clicking on the silhouette right click mice. IN context menu you will quickly notice desired item. Change the dimensions while holding down the Shift key, this will allow you to maintain the proportions of the image. To change the color of the silhouette, use the Fill tool again.

    Outline of a drawing in Photoshop

    But the outline of a drawing in Photoshop can be created in another way. Let's go back to the moment when we highlighted the heart. The new layer has not yet been created. Let us remind you that we did this in the “Layers” panel. Now a separate menu will be used to create a layer.

    When the item is selected, go to “Layers>New Fill Layer>Color”. Next you will be given a familiar palette of colors. Select one color or another, after which the entire selected area will be filled with it. The fill will appear on a new layer. We repeated the previously discussed operation, but in a different way. Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop themes and the good thing is that it allows you to achieve the same result using different actions.

    If you repeated the steps after us, then you already guessed that the silhouette can be painted not only in any color. Go to “Layers>New Fill Layer” again. The context menu that pops up contains the “Gradient” and “Pattern” items. They work in the same way, only now you have gradients and patterns to choose from. You can even create a gradient from scratch.

    How to select a path in Photoshop?

    Creating silhouettes of simple objects does not cause any difficulties. Another thing is creating a human outline. Some novice users even wonder more a simple question: how to select a contour in Photoshop if it is a person? The Quick Selection tool will no longer cope with this task. Or you will suffer with it for a very long time.

    Open a photo of a person. It is advisable that it be photographed almost at full height, so you can definitely recognize a man or a woman in the silhouette. You also need to remember that for proper selection you need a clear photograph. If it was obtained using a DSLR camera, then this is an ideal option. Photos taken with a point-and-shoot camera or smartphone are also suitable. But in this case, you will spend a lot of time selecting a person.

    But enough words, it’s time to start solving our problem. Zoom in to 100 percent. Select the Magnetic Lasso tool. Now move the cursor along the outline of the person, click by click. Gradually you will connect the last marker with the first, after which a dotted line will run along the contour of the person. To move around the enlarged image, hold down the Spacebar.

    There may be places on a person that do not need to be highlighted. For example, in our case, this is the space between the left arm and the chest, as well as the area between the fingers on the right hand. To deselect these spaces, you need to hold down the Alt key. Then these areas are highlighted in the same way along their contour.

    How to cut out a contour in Photoshop?

    The selection is almost complete. All that remains is to refine the edges of the selection. After all, no matter how hard you try, there will be blots. Automation will help eliminate them. Or more precisely, the “Refine Edge” button. Click it, after which a rather small dialog box will pop up. If you have read our previous lessons, then the essence of this window is already familiar to you.

    This feature allows you to achieve perfect highlighting. First, check the box next to “Smart Radius” in the window. Below is a slider with which you adjust the radius of the automation. And even lower you can find sliders responsible for adjusting the edges. With their help, you can refine the selection even better. In our case special work not required in this dialog box. After all, in the future the person will be painted over, so there is no need to fight to preserve detail.

    All that remains is to go to “Layers>New Fill Layer>Color”. Click on the black color and click OK.

    It's time to ask yourself how to cut out a contour in Photoshop. And this is done using the method simple drag and drop. First, open a new image where you want to add the silhouette you just created. Go back to the picture with the black outline. Go to the Layers panel. Now grab the mouse top layer and drag him to new picture. The silhouette will appear on the image, after which all you have to do is move it to the desired part of the picture. How this is done is described above.

    How to make an outline in Photoshop?

    Now you understand how to make a contour in Photoshop and now we have completed the simplest operations. Graphic Adobe editor Photoshop can do more. Contour selection is necessary to implement the most different tasks. Let's go back to the moment when we singled out the person. What can be done after this selection?

    IN at the moment you can change a person beyond recognition. It is he who is selected, so this will not affect the background in any way. The easiest way to change a picture is with a filter. The graphic editor has a large number of them. The latter is especially rich in all kinds of filters Adobe version Photoshop. With their help you can even turn a person into pencil drawing. Third-party filters are also capable of similar actions. They are also called plugins.

    But not only humans can be distorted in this way. Its outline is currently selected. If you follow the path “Select>Invert”, the picture will change. Now you can make any changes to the background. Try going to “Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur”. Next, all that remains is to select the degree of blur. After this only blurred outline around a person will not allow you to say that the frame was obtained using a strong aperture opening. How to get rid of this contour is the topic of a separate lesson, which is already available on the site.

    Stroke a path in Photoshop

    At the very beginning of our lesson it was said that we'll talk not just about creating a silhouette. Sometimes outlining a path in Photoshop helps improve an image - this is done in much the same way as creating a silhouette.

    Once again we return to the moment when a person is singled out. However, you can train on simpler objects, it doesn’t matter anymore. Once selected, go to the Layers panel. Here you need to create a new layer, which will immediately become active. Next, go to “Edit>Stroke”. A small dialog box will pop up. In it you need to select the stroke color and its thickness. Unfortunately, the thickness has to be chosen at random, since the preview does not work in this case.

    Why do you need a contour stroke? This is very interesting question. Perhaps the ability to perform this operation will be useful when creating a personalized postcard. Outlining is also regularly used to create a drawing effect. This creates the impression that the outline of a person is outlined in ink (black is used). You can also try to create a ghost. Already used for this white and strong transparency. Then the layer with this outline is transferred to the new picture. After this, all that remains is to change the size of this outline and change its location. If necessary, the bottom part of the path can be erased with the Eraser tool. And if you also apply the “Blur” filter to this layer...

    How to trace a path in Photoshop?

    Perhaps you have received the answer to the question of how to trace a path in Photoshop - but in fact, the topic can be continued. At the moment, our person is outlined in standard white. But sometimes a more interesting stroke may be required. For example, in the form of a gradient. How to do this?

    When creating a stroke, we are offered a standard color palette. We are not offered any gradients. Therefore, you will initially have to outline the outline with white. Or any other, it doesn’t matter at all. Then go to "Select>Deselect". Now the dotted line will not interfere with us. Then take a look at the Layers panel. The top layer should be active; it is the one that contains our outline. Click the "Fx" button and select "Gradient Overlay" from the context menu provided. A dialog box will open in which you can select the desired gradient. It is also suggested to select its direction, scale and other parameters. If your graphic editor has few gradients, then no one can stop you from creating a new one. Consider in detail this process we won’t, as a separate lesson will be devoted to this one day.

    There is no need to use other tabs. Don’t forget that at the moment you are working only with the outline; changes occur with it. That is, it is the outline that will cast the shadow, not the person. But even after creating a simple gradient stroke, the effect turned out to be quite interesting.

    Selecting a path in Photoshop

    Next, we invite you to experiment on your own. Believe me, you will be able to perform various unique operations with the material at hand without any help. Also try repeating the previous steps without any prompts.

    Selecting a path in Photoshop is one of the simplest operations. Only at first it seems very difficult. If you learn all this, you will be able to create very interesting collages in the future. For example, let's finally try to create unique picture. Let our man be outlined. The stroke will be colored in gradient colors. Behind the man there will be the inscription “Kotelnich”. In this case, the person must obscure one of the letters with his head. Can you create such an image yourself? If not, then read the instructions.

    How to crop along a contour in Photoshop?

    Take the photo. Select the person using the Magnetic Lasso tool. Now go to “Edit>Copy” or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C. This way you can crop a person along the contour in Photoshop, then go to “Edit>Paste”. Or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V. Repeat the last step. There will be no visual changes. But in fact there are now three layers with the man posing.

    In the Layers panel, select the second layer. Next, go to “Edit>Stroke”. Choose the width, the color is not important. Select "Outside" for the location. Go back to the Layers panel and click the Fx button at the bottom of the panel. Click on "Gradient Overlay". Choose your favorite gradient or create a new one. When finished, click the “OK” button.

    Most of the work is done. Now all that remains is to use the Horizontal Text tool. Write the word “Kotelnich” or any other inscription. Then select it, and then change the font size and type. Next, you can color the inscription in a different color or even use a different style. When you are happy with the result, return to the Layers panel. You need to make the text layer second from the bottom. That is, it should be located above the “Background” layer. That's it, the picture is ready!

    Lesson summary

    That's it, our lesson is over. You should now be able to work with outlines and silhouettes. From now on you know what you can do with contours various operations. And all these actions are quite easy; you don’t need to be a Photoshop master to perform them. Stay with us, then you will learn a lot more!

    Clipping the outline with a pen. Lesson for beginners in Photoshop.

    In my opinion, the pen is the most convenient, understandable and easy to use tool. Let's start together with the simplest thing. Let's start clipping the outline.
    To be honest, this lesson was given to me with great difficulty, because after switching to Illustrator I draw without Alt, and it’s very difficult for me to figure out where to put the point if Alt can still be used. But working with using Alt, is very simple, and will relieve us of all fears of the pen. Next, we can fearlessly learn to work with a pen without Alt on smooth points. So let's begin.
    Let's cut out the flower. I took this picture. The picture is enlarged by clicking on the preview.

    We will cut this flower out of it:

    In full detail :-) Click on the preview of the first picture, download it and open this picture in Photoshop.
    Press the key combination Ctrl+0 (zero), or like this:

    Take the "Pen" - "Pen" tool and press the "P" key (English keyboard layout). Or like this:

    The pen settings are:

    Let's put the first point:

    Now pay close attention :-). First we read, then we do, because this is the only thing that needs to be understood, the rest is simple. :-)
    Place the second point (red arrow), do not release the left mouse button, move the pen slightly (without releasing the mouse button) to the side - two arrows will appear near the point (guides - blue arrow), pull the guide (blue arrow), turn it, bending it contour (green arrow) so that it fits clearly along the contour of the flower. DON'T LET GO OF THE MOUSE!

    Now we hold down the Alt key (we don’t release the mouse!) and drive the guide (blue arrow) back to our second point, like this (red arrow):

    They drove us. Let's release the mouse button! :-)

    Have you read it? Now you can do it. :-))))
    In order to trim the entire flower, we only have to carry out this operation several times. The Alt button and the guide pad help to fix the pen, so that with each new point the contour bent where we needed it. In fact, even without Alt, the contour bends in a strictly defined direction, and not randomly. But here you need to practice, understand Per’s logic. Therefore, we will begin to understand this logic by working using Alt :-)
    You noticed - while we pull the guides - the pen takes on the appearance of something like a triangle:

    Place the third point (red arrow), do not release the mouse button, bend the outline (green arrow), hold down Alt and drive the guide to this very third point (black arrow):

    Let's release the mouse.

    We put the fourth point, etc. Here are all my points - all that remains is to close the contour, i.e. put last point to the first (strictly to it! :-)):

    By the way, I thought.... You can download exactly this picture and, to begin with, put the dots exactly where I put them. Because if my outline is bent, it means yours will be bent too :-)

    We place the last point strictly at the first, do not release the mouse and bend the outline. Alt will no longer work for us at this last stage (if we definitely hit the first point). Therefore, after bending the outline, we simply release the mouse button. All. The contour clipping is complete. :-)
    Like this:

    We're still on Pen tool- Feather. :-) Right-click on the file at any point and select “Make Selection” in the window that pops up:

    In the window that opens, set Feather Radius - Feather radius, feather radius. I put 2 px (because our picture is not too small, and this shading will not hurt the eye. The larger the picture, the more shading you can put, and, accordingly, the smaller, the smaller). So I have 2 px, and click OK:

    Our flower has been highlighted - instead of an outline (a simple line), there is a selection around it - an iridescent dotted line:

    Now press the key combination Ctrl+C or like this:

    Press Ctrl+N or so (open new file, Briefly speaking:-)))):

    Smart Photoshop immediately sets required parameters open file to paste what you copied. All we have to do is click OK. But, just in case..., (trust, but verify) we check that everything is as on the screen. Green arrow- background is transparent. If you have a different one, choose transparent. Blue arrow - we can change the name. Well, click OK:

    The file opened:

    Press the key combination Ctrl + V, or like this:

    That's it, we've done all the work. We have a cut out flower on a transparent background:

    Save the file as Png. So:

    Before saving the file, you can check if everything is fine. Open the layers palette (press F7) or like this:

    In the layers palette, with the Ctrl key held down, click here (hold the Ctrl key so that we have a new layer UNDER the layer with the flower):

    Here we have a new layer:

    We stand on this new empty layer (see - it's highlighted in blue?), Press the key combination Shift + F5 or like this:

    In the window that opens, click on the check mark (red arrow) and select Black from the drop-down list (blue arrow):

    Our empty bottom layer is filled with black and we can clearly see how the flower will look against the background:

    In general, everything is tolerable. But if we don’t like something, how can we fix it?
    We look at what we don’t like and, in order not to do unnecessary work, we return to our source file from which we cut out a flower. Open the history palette like this:

    In the open history palette, go to the Close Path item (red arrow). And ours we return to the moment where we closed the path (blue arrow):

    Take the pen tool again and hold down the key Ctrl!!! We poke (we do everything with the Ctrl key held down!!!) at any point of the contour and we see that we now have all the anchor points with guides):

    This way we can move any point and bend the path differently. We do everything with the Ctrl key held down and the pen turned on. Then, when we are satisfied with everything, we repeat the entire procedure with selection and copying to a new file.

    Actually, that's all for now. This method has the advantage of simplicity. But there are disadvantages - we are left with one guide, which reduces editing possibilities. And, if you have little experience working with a pen, the outline may not be very smooth. But let's start with this to learn how to bend a contour :-)
    Using the same method you can draw pictures
    Lesson. Here specifically - drawing the contour. Whole lesson
    This is the lesson I learned from :-)

    P.s. After we checked the clipping of the image, placing it on a black background, we delete this layer with the background and save it as png.


    Select outline in Photoshop possible in several ways. The simplest one involves using the “Magic Wand” - Magic Wand. In the Components palette, its icon looks like a stick with a star at the end. To correctly highlight contours, the Magic Wand must be configured correctly. Set the Tolerance parameter in the tool properties to 30. This value will allow you to confidently separate the contour of the desired image from the background.

    Working with the Magic Wand is very simple. Bring it to the edge of the object whose outline you want to select and left-click. The outline of part of the image will be highlighted. Now press Shift and, while holding the key, left-click again near the part of the image that has not yet been outlined. Pressing Shift allows you to drag the already selected path further. Continue in the same way to create the outline. If you make a mistake, switch the layout and press Ctrl + Z - the last action will be undone.

    When the outline is closed, proceed to editing the selection. It may be needed if in some areas of the image the contouring was performed incorrectly, and the contour cut off part of the image. Reduce the tolerance value a little, then move the Magic Wand to the part of the image captured by the outline. While holding down the Alt key, click the erroneously selected area with the mouse. The outline will be corrected. Now press Del, the existing background around the image will be removed and filled with the background selected in the Components palette.

    To select more complex paths, especially ones that blend into the background, use the Lasso Tool. Select it, press the left mouse button and drag the tool along the perimeter of the selected image until the contour is closed. The disadvantage of this tool is that the selection is done manually and its quality is determined by how accurately you move the mouse.

    In many cases, the Magic Wand and Lasso capabilities are not sufficient to accurately outline the contours of a complex object. For example, you need to cut out an image of a cat from a photograph, so that the mustache and... It is impossible to select every hair with the Magic Wand or Lasso, and there is no need to do so - for this there is a more convenient Pen tool.

    Select the Pen Tool - Paths. Now, using successive mouse clicks, select the outline of the image element you need. Making it complex contour It’s quite labor-intensive, but the result is worth all the time spent. At the same time, do not try to highlight the smallest elements contour(like a cat's whiskers and fur), at this stage you need to highlight the general outline. Close it by clicking the mouse one last time on the first point. You can now more accurately define boundaries with the Refine Edge tool contour. Considering that working with this tool is quite complicated, read about it in specialized articles.

    Video on the topic


    • Working with the Refine Edge tool
    • how to select a path in photoshop

    For satin stitch embroidery, appliqué or homemade stained glass you need contour drawing. Craft kits usually contain a certain number of drawings. However, if you want to do something original, draw the outline yourself. Adobe program Photoshop allows you to do this even for those who are not confident in their artistic abilities.

    You will need

    • - computer with Adobe Photoshop program;
    • - Internet access;
    • - scanner;
    • - printer;
    • - mascara;
    • - aluminum or bronze powder;
    • - glue for glass;
    • - tracing paper.


    Choose a suitable drawing. Scan your postcard or photo at 300 dpi. You can also find a suitable image on the Internet. The plot can be anything, but try to find a picture with not too many small details. You will still remove the extra lines later, but at the same time the image of what you are going to embroider or draw should be preserved.

    In the small rectangular panels, find the one with brushes on it. Activate it. Drag it to the top panel or leave it where it is. But in any case, fill in the parameters. Select a round hard brush and set its size. If you didn't drag anything anywhere, there is an arrow to the right of the panel name. Click on it and a window will open in front of you where you need to enter the size. If the outline lines are thin, select 2 or 3. There you will also find the Opacity box. Set to 100%.

    Remove unnecessary black spots from the image. This can be done in different ways. The most understandable for the uninitiated is to find a selection in the left menu, where the tools are indicated. Usually this is the upper left square. Find the 2 squares below that represent colors. In your case it is black and white. White should be at the bottom. Use your mouse to highlight the area you want to clean and press the "Delete" key. Remove smaller specks using the eraser, which you will also find on the side panel.

    Draw in the missing lines using a brush. Circuit drawing must be solid. Draw, if necessary, additional lines - flower stamens, house stones, etc.

    Determine what size you need drawing. In the "File" menu, set the options for printing. If you need a very large drawing, and the printer only allows you to print in A4 format, divide your sketch into several parts. Print each part separately, forgetting to mark the places for gluing.

    Video on the topic

    Useful advice

    Transfer the embroidery design onto the fabric using carbon paper, crushed chalk or stylus. In the first case, it is simply outlined. Place the carbon paper as a layer of paint on the fabric. To transfer a drawing using chalk or stylus, prick it along the contour with a needle. Make punctures at a distance of 3-5 mm from each other.

    If you want to make a homemade stained glass window, place the design on a horizontal surface and cover it with glass. To 5 parts of glass glue, add 2 parts of black ink and 5 parts of aluminum or bronze powder. It is better to take glue in a jar and one that does not set very quickly. This could be, for example, PVA. Sealant will not work, but you can try experimenting with liquid glass. Mix the ingredients. Apply the resulting paint along the contour with a soft artistic brush. The line should be convex so that the liquid varnish with which you fill the details of the design does not flow from one part of the stained glass window to another.


    • how to make an outline on an image in 2019

    Selecting a part of the image is required whenever you need to limit region using graphic editor tools. Photoshop offers wide selection ways to perform this operation.

    You will need

    • - Photoshop program;
    • - image.


    The most obvious ways to highlight a fragment of a picture clearly given form includes the use of tools such as Rectangular Marquee, Elliptical Marquee, Single Row Marquee and Single Column Marquee. Using Rectangular Marquee you can mark out a rectangular area of ​​any size. To do this, turn on the tool, hold down the left mouse button and drag out the frame that limits the selection. If you need to select a square region, while applying Rectangular Marquee, hold down the Shift key.

    Suitable for selecting an elliptical fragment Elliptical tool Marquee. Holding the Shift key while working will make it possible to select a circular area of ​​the image.

    The Single Row Marquee and Single Column Marquee tools are useful when you need to select a vertical or horizontal row one pixel wide.

    While working with an image in Photoshop, you may need to select region free form. Lasso group tools are suitable for this purpose. To use the Lasso Tool, hold down the left mouse button, circle the desired fragment of the image and close the selection by moving the cursor to its beginning.

    Polygonal Lasso should be used when you need to select a polygon. Turn on the tool and, left-clicking, place anchor points in the corners of the fragment one by one. To close the selection, click on the first anchor point.

    The Magnetic Lasso tool is used to quickly select areas with contrasting edges. Before you begin, set the value in the Edge Contrast field. With a small value of this parameter, the tool will respond to slight changes in contrast. Click on the edge of the selected object and, releasing the mouse button, circle the fragment. Magnetic Lasso will place anchor points on the edges of the area. If the last anchor point is not in place, delete it with the Backspace key. If necessary, place a point manually by clicking on the outline in in the right place.

    IN Photoshop program can be distinguished region image, taking its color as a basis, using Magic Wand. To use this tool, click on the area of ​​the image containing the color based on which you are creating a selection. If the Contiguous checkbox is checked, only adjacent pixels will be affected by the Magic Wand. By deselecting this option, you will select all image fragments that fit the selected range.

    When processing images, you often have to separately process shadows, midtones and bright areas of the image. To highlight them, you can use the Color Range option from the Select menu. By selecting the Highlights item from the Select list, you will select the bright fragments of the picture, the Midtones item will be needed for midtones, and Shadows – for shadows. Using Color Range you can highlight region, painted in an arbitrary shade. To do this, select Sampled Colors and specify a color in the image on the basis of which the selection will be created.

    Video on the topic


    • 5 secrets of selection tools in Photoshop
    • how to select an area in photoshop

    When working with images in the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor, it is impossible to do without selecting the entire image or its individual fragments. To implement this operation, the program has a whole set of tools, divided into several groups. Using them is not particularly difficult, but requires some practice.

    You will need

    • Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop.


    If you want to select everything in a layer image to the height and width of the document, then first click on the line of this layer in the layers panel. The panel can be disabled by pressing F7 or selecting Layers from the Window menu to display this item in the Photoshop interface. Having selected the desired line, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A or the “All” item in the “Selection” menu section. An animated dotted frame will appear along the edges of the image, showing the boundaries of the selected fragment. If you then move to another line in the Layers panel, the contents of the other layer will be selected.

    The first step describes the only way, which doesn't require you to select anything in the toolbar. And to select, for example, a rectangular fragment of an image, you first need to click the second icon on this panel - “Rectangular area” - or press the key with the letter M. Then, using the mouse pointer, specify the desired rectangular area in the image.

    The mouse is also used to specify an oval or perfectly round selection on the image. To switch a tool from a rectangular format to an oval one, left-click its icon on the toolbar and hold until a four-line menu appears. Select "Marquee Tool" and then proceed as in the previous step.

    To select a fragment of an image of any shape, use the Lasso tool - this is the next (third) icon on the panel. Instead of clicking on it, you can press the L key. Draw the desired closed selection area with the mouse pointer. This tool has two variations, one of which, “Rectilinear Lasso,” allows you to select complex polygons, and the other, “Magnetic Lasso,” is very useful for selecting similarly colored areas of an image. You can select one of these options in the same way as in the previous step - when you press and hold the left button on the tool icon, a menu with a list appears.

    Tools of the fourth button - " Wand" and "Quick selection" - are intended for working with image fragments that have the same color and color saturation. They are similar in action to the “magnetic lasso”, but when using these tools you only need to specify one sample point by clicking on it with the mouse pointer. After this, Photoshop will, at its discretion, select the entire area of ​​points similar to the sample. Use the W key to enable this tool.

    Video on the topic

    When working with images in " Photoshop» you may need to cancel the previous action and return to the original picture. To return to the previous result, you need to perform several steps.

    You will need

    • - computer;
    • - any version of Photoshop.


    Working with images is a fascinating activity that requires certain knowledge and skills from the photographer. But even experienced user In Photoshop, situations often arise when, while working on creating a new masterpiece, you need to go back a few steps.

    You can make changes to the processed photo at any stage of editing. True, before starting work, you naturally need to open the image. To do this, just simultaneously press the keyboard keys Alt+Shift+Ctr+O or in the “File” menu, which on working panel, select the “Open as” option, then specify the location of the image and its format.

    Next, proceed to the actual processing. And if you need to make changes and go back, look at the “Editing” section on the work panel. Here you can perform the necessary operations by selecting the appropriate option: “Undo”, “Step Back” and “Step Back”.

    For convenience, you can use hotkeys: Ctrl+Z – to cancel last action, Shift+Ctrl+Z - to take a step forward and Alt+Ctrl+Z – to take a step back.

    View the entire history of image changes in " Photoshop"You can also select the appropriate operation from the Window menu. top panel. Check the "History" box in this section, and a table will appear in the working window showing all the actions performed on the picture.

    To cancel changes made at any stage of image processing, just find the desired operation on the “History” screen and return to it by left-clicking on it. In this case, you will end up at exactly the editing step you indicate.

    If you need to save all previously performed actions in the photo, leave a draft version of the image for yourself. After all, you may still need it. And in order not to get confused, when saving, come up with a name for it, by which you can easily navigate all your photographs, completed and still at the processing stage.

    Adobe Photoshop is deservedly popular among users who work with graphics. Using this program you can create very complex graphic works. One of the most common operations when working with an image is cutting out an element.


    Cut part of the image into Photoshop possible in several ways. If you just need a picture, run the program, open through the “File” menu item desired image. There is a toolbar on the left side of the program window; select the “Crop” tool on it. Move the cursor to the area of ​​the image where one of the corners of the cropped picture will be located and press the left mouse button.

    Without releasing the button, move the cursor to the diagonally opposite corner; the frames will show the outline of the cropped part of the image. Don’t be afraid to set inaccurate dimensions; you can correct them by dragging the markers on the corners and sides of the selected area with the mouse. Then select any tool from the panel. A prompt will appear with three options: “Crop”, “Cancel”, “Do not crop”. To trim drawing, select the first one. If you want to change the cropping boundaries, click Cancel. Pressing the third button cancels the cropping operation completely.

    If you need to quickly cut out a rectangular element, use the Rectangular Selection tool. Select the desired area for them, then copy it: “Edit” - “Copy”. Now you can paste the copied element into the same or another image. To insert accurately, first select the desired area with the same tool, then click: “Edit” - “Paste”.

    If you need to cut out a fragment of an image with a complex shape, you can use several tools. The simplest of them is “Quick Selection”. For example, you need to select round element. Select the Quick Selection tool and click on the edge of the circle. Then, without releasing the button, move the cursor to the opposite edge of the selected element. An uneven selection area will follow the cursor. Release the button. Now you can use your mouse to refine the selected area by dragging the outline in the desired directions.

    The most complex objects are best cut out using the Pen tool. Select this tool, at the top of the window click on the Paths tool option. Now, using successive mouse clicks, create the outline of the element to be cut. Having closed the outline, right-click it and select “Create selected area” from the context menu. Now you can copy the selected element and paste it into another image.

    The Pen tool has rich capabilities; it can be used to cut out even very complex image elements - for example, a fluffy cat. In this case, the program, following your commands, will automatically refine the edges of the image, highlighting the animal's fur and whiskers. It is better to read in detail about the use of “Pen” in specialized literature.


    If you were unable to spend the summer in a sunny country, but want to look tanned and rested in photographs, "" provides convenient opportunity to fulfill this desire.

    You will need

    • Computer with Photoshop installed, photography.


    Open the photo you want to edit in Photoshop. First of all, you need to highlight the skin. You can do this in several ways, choose one that is convenient and familiar to you. For example, using the Pen tool or through channels. If you are using the first method, select desired area, closing the circuit. Right-click on the selected fragment and select “Create selected area” from the drop-down menu.

    Create a new layer by clicking the corresponding button in the layers panel on the right. You will see that a new layer will appear above the main one.

    Decide how strong you want to make the photo. The best way is to look at photos of tanned people on the Internet, save the one that suits you, open it in the editor window and use the Eyedropper tool (in the left panel) to select the color you like.

    Go back to your photo to make a fill on a new layer. This action can be called using the keyboard shortcut Shift+F5 or through the program menu: “Edit” – “Fill” (“Edit” – “Fill”). In the window that opens, select “Foreground Color” and confirm the action. No other parameters need to be changed or specified. You can also simply select the desired icon on the toolbar and click the mouse in the desired area. As a result of the filling, the area of ​​skin you have chosen will be completely painted in the desired color. Don't be alarmed when you see that it doesn't look like a tan yet.

    Change the blending mode to “Soft Light” and reduce the layer opacity so that the image takes on a natural look. This can be done in the layers panel in the top drop-down settings. Choose the transparency level yourself, depending on your preferences and the original skin color in the photo. Try it different settings, move the slider, change the transparency and color of the tan to achieve the desired result.

    If at the initial stage you only highlighted the skin, then you can already enjoy the resulting virtual tan. If you wear clothes along with your tan, you will have to complete one more step. For the new layer you created, create a mask to hide the clothing parts. This can be done by clicking on the corresponding button on the layers panel below. Then paint over the unwanted parts with black using the Brush tool. After this, fill brown will not apply to clothing.

    Photoshop - very powerful program. With its help, you can not only edit photos, but also do graphics, create and draw various shapes.

    You will need

    • Photoshop


    Open the image. Go to the menu “Filter -> Blur -> Smart Blur"(Filter -> Blur -> Smart Blur). Select Edges Only mode. Next, invert the colors. “Edit -> Correction -> Invert colors” (Edit -> correction -> inventirovat color). Or press Ctrl + I.

    Create a new document: “File -> Create” (file -> new). Move the drawing there. Select the layer containing the drawing. To do this, go to the layers palette. Turn off the visibility of the background layer, that is, click on the eye opposite.

    Right-click on the selected layer and select Blending Options. In the main panel, under the Blend If option, drag the white slider until all the white in the image disappears. Click OK.

    Create a new layer so that it is on top of the others. Go to “Layers -> new layer” (layer -> new layer). Click Ctrl keys+ E. Or from the menu select “Layers -> Link layers” (layer -> link layer). This action will completely displace the white color. Next you need to select figure. Press Ctrl and simultaneously click on the first layer window.