Earnings on YouTube, how many rubles. Collaboration with other bloggers

There are quite a lot of people who have their own channel on YouTube and constantly post new videos. The topics of their videos are different. But the question of how much you can earn on YouTube for views is asked by most. How much income can you really get?

Who makes money on YouTube

Users who create and publish their own videos can be divided into six main categories.

  1. The first category of “YouTubers” are altruists. They work for free. They initially do not strive for any income. Such channels can be called “non-commercial”.
  2. The second category of YouTube users are minimalists. They do not strive for profit, but they will not refuse the opportunity to get at least something. On average, such users receive tens of dollars per month.
  3. The third category is people who purposefully make money on YouTube. They don’t just post videos with some frequency, but try to find some ways to promote them. Their average earnings are hundreds of dollars, that is, it is already comparable to the average salary.
  4. The fourth category is users who receive about a thousand dollars a month. In fact, these are more successful people from the previous category.
  5. The fifth category is represented by top video bloggers. Their salary on YouTube is measured in thousands of dollars. They are professionals in their field. Unique ones constantly appear on their channels quality content. The number of subscribers on such channels starts from one hundred thousand.
  6. And finally, the sixth category is the most successful owners of their own YouTube channels. Their videos have millions of views. These people are incredibly popular in their home country or even in the world. Here the main role is played not even by the videos, but by the names themselves. If an elite, world-famous YouTube user publishes even bad filmed video, it will still get millions of views. The income of such people reaches one hundred thousand dollars.

Earning money on YouTube for views

The Internet age makes people active users global network. There is no such person who has not heard of YouTube. This site is the largest video service, which is visited by millions of users from all over the world every day for free. What is so interesting about the video content that can be seen on YouTube?

Here, each person, at his request, receives a whole selection of videos of different genres and different specifics. Moreover, this video series never ends, and for the user there is an excellent opportunity not only to learn useful information, but also have fun. At this point, the authors of the stories receive a small bonus from the site for the fact that their work was in demand.

If you find out how much they pay for 1000 views on YouTube today, then perhaps the video creators will join the ranks.

The site is becoming more popular every day, and in connection with this the volume of cash which passes there. But for many, the question remains unresolved: how to generate income through views? What exactly do you need to do to make money from YouTube? And what amount of remuneration can you expect using this service?

YouTube Video Features

There are some key points, which determine how much they pay for watching videos on YouTube:

  • theme of the plot;
  • number of impressions per month;
  • popularity of videos;
  • user activity and other indicators.

Basically, the amount of money earned depends on the topic of the video and the number of views. But with a huge number of impressions, the topic does not matter. The site is the source various information and a great place to make money from advertising. Today, more than 100 million channels are open, and more than a billion impressions are registered on the site every day. And he is ready to pay money for good and popular videos. If you are wondering how much 1000 user views on YouTube cost, then we will give some small numbers as an example.

For a thousand views of a YouTube video, on average you can earn $2 - $5.

The amount of payment depends directly on the topic and number of impressions. In general, this is a small figure, but at the same time, if the channel has 100 thousand subscribers or more, the amount per month will be decent.

How much can you earn from YouTube per million impressions?

Reasoning logically and knowing how much YouTube actually pays (about $2 for every 1000 views), we can calculate that they pay $2000 per million. In fact, everything is not so and the exact amount for 1 million impressions cannot be calculated.

Advertising activities, a certain topic and the presence of subscribers are not the entire list of parameters for which YouTube pays. Even taking into account this situation, if the video is shown about a million times, you can get about $1000. And this figure is also approximate.

You can go to the service and track how much some popular foreign blogger receives. His earnings range from $250 to $4,000. With all this, the audience of the channel and their demand for a certain product are very important.

To receive money from views, you need to connect to an affiliate program. Every new user can activate channel monetization.


Thus, we found out how much it pays YouTube service for 1000 views. But it’s worth remembering that working with YouTube is not only an exciting activity, but also an opportunity to be financially independent.

How much can you earn on YouTube for 1000 views in Russia

There is probably no person in Russia who has not visited the above-mentioned resource at least once. You can always find it there interesting video on almost any issue.

But not everyone is ready to say with confidence exactly how much you can earn by creating a channel on Youtube for 1000 views. It is this question that we will try to answer comprehensively in this article.

How to make money on YouTube

Nowadays, many people are actively working on the Internet using special services and affiliate programs. Income is mainly received from user clicks on advertising links from popular pages.

The situation is much the same on YouTube. The more subscribers a certain channel has, the more active advertising is placed there and, accordingly, more often people react to it.

Some bloggers earn hundreds of thousands of rubles from their activities. Moreover, the resource itself pays fees to its bloggers. But there is one nuance - for several dozen or even hundreds of subscribers, a very modest reward accrues.

Only those whose channel is visited by tens of thousands of users or even millions can earn significant money.

How much can you earn from the YouTube affiliate program?

To get started, sign up for the YouTube Partner Program. Only after this the video hosting will start transferring money to you.

Currently, the above program can be used by citizens of 60 countries. But only those who fully meet certain conditions are allowed to become its participants in reality. So, the applicant must:

  • live in one of 60 states;
  • produce exclusively original video high quality;
  • agree to the terms of the resource;
  • confirm that he is aware of the law protecting copyrights.

However, if you have just opened own channel– don’t rush to join the affiliate program. To get started you need:

  • regularly prepare and upload fresh videos;
  • ensure them sufficient popularity among users;
  • collect more subscribers.

People join an affiliate program no earlier than the number of subscribers exceeds several hundred.

How expensive is one view on YouTube?

It is difficult to answer this question precisely. The reason is that in each specific case, the company placing the advertisement sets its own rate. Sometimes they give only 10 cents for one transition, in other cases the price reaches 2 dollars.

Moreover, if the user decides to skip the advertisement, then you, as the channel owner, will receive absolutely nothing. It is this circumstance that prevents those who have few subscribers and views from making good money on YouTube.

How much can you get per thousand views?

As practice shows, out of a thousand people who decide to look at your video, about 15 (in best case scenario) will follow the advertising link and, therefore, bring you real income.

Average cost one such click costs 50 cents, which means that the remuneration amount will be $7.5 per thousand views.

How to make a lot of money on Youtube?

Let's take a closer look at the question of how to make money on Youtube first thousands of rubles! This is one of the most common search queries on Google, so many people want to learn the ins and outs of making money with their videos.

In the West there is huge amount popular video bloggers, but in Russia this segment is still very scarce.. How much can you earn on Youtube?

It all depends on your talent, famous video bloggers earn enough to... comfortable life, we will look at this issue in more detail below.

What are the advantages of such work? Firstly, no investment is required, apart from, of course, talent and good microphone(video cameras if necessary) and additional equipment. Secondly, promoting your own channel is much easier than promoting your own website. So how to make money on Youtube?

Instructions for making money on YouTube

Needs to be removed good video and it is advisable to come up with the main topic for the channel in advance: entertainment, business, education, politics, cartoons, voice acting and much, much more. I’ll say right away: forget about all this nonsense like training people computer literacy and about dull monotonous texts. Youtube users prefer short entertainment videos. Channels on the topic of games, be it live playthroughs or reviews, are extremely popular. But this segment is already firmly established among many people, so you should create a channel on this topic only if you have truly colossal talent, clear diction and a pleasant voice.

So, you’ve decided on the topic of your channel, made your first video, what now? Do you want a million dollars by tonight? Not all at once. It is also necessary to do beautiful design, a memorable nickname and generally try to stand out (I’ll say right away - they don’t like freaks there).

It’s not enough to just upload a video and wait for manna from heaven in the form of views. The video needs to be optimized and configured, how? The answer will come a little later.

After all the shenanigans, it’s time to make money, for this there are two options: connect the channel to Google AdSense or place private advertising in videos. Now you know the basics, it's time to move on to detailed study each item.

Where to start

Channel design is very important part, this is where you need to start. Change your standard name to something truly original. You shouldn’t repeat other people’s names or use your real name; it’s better to come up with something short, easy and memorable. We choose our interests, set an avatar and background.

The process of making money on YouTube

We create playlists in advance for various videos- in general, we take care of appearance channel. Don’t forget to add links to your profile on social networks and create a group on VKontakte and Facebook in advance; it is advisable to start a thematic Twitter.

Basics of making money on YouTube

Remember one rule: the video must be released regularly, it is advisable to create a schedule in advance and place it on the channel. You've shot your video, it's time to add it to the site, but not just add it, but do it correctly. As soon as you click on the “Add video” button, you will be taken to special page, where you upload the video (for a beginner there is a limit of 15 minutes; if it is longer, the video will not load). Now you need to fill in the “Tags” field. Many skip it altogether and it’s in vain, because it is thanks to them that people will be able to find your video and a good start depends on the right words.

Video bloggers

Let's say you teach people how to create websites, what tags would be appropriate for such a video? Quite logical: how to make a website, how to make a website online, creating a website. Don't enter more than 3 phrases - it will get worse. Now choose a category for the video and settings for other users, that is, can they leave comments, can they like each other, will there be a message with the largest number likes, is in first place under the video, and so on.

Most novice video bloggers forget about the “Embedding” item, but we will remind you that you must check the box next to this item. This means that other users can add your video to various sites, blogs, social media- and that’s very good! After all, views from them will also be counted on Youtube. Ready! The video has been uploaded and optimized, now it’s time to think about advertising the channel.

Under no circumstances should you just throw links to videos and shout: “watch it!” - this will not give anything except the first ill-wishers. You need to start with large groups on social networks, for example, your gaming-themed channel - we are looking for a large community and sharing our link (if this does not violate the community rules).

How much can you earn on YouTube? This question today is relevant among Internet users. Next, you will find out what opportunities the famous video hosting YouTube offers for making money via the Internet.

Is it possible to make money on YouTube?

Hello friends! Organize passive income YouTube can be used by a creative person who is not afraid to film himself. Few people read on the Internet now, and by and large watch entertainment content. If you don't have a YouTube channel yet, then you...

Videos on this platform appear almost constantly, and all the people who post them want to earn big money. Don't expect high income right away. Everything will come with time. If you like doing this activity, then there is a possibility of staying in it throughout your life.

It would be nice to sit at home and make money through your videos. But not every user can do this. In this case, you will have to work long and hard in order to subsequently receive passive income. And now we can move on to the most basic question, how much you can earn on YouTube.

The question of how much you can earn on YouTube is quite difficult to answer. The thing is that the statistics provided by bloggers may not show accurate indicators, since the main information is stored in Google.

But, it is possible to provide relative data that is based on the experience of users engaged in similar activities. For example, you can take famous bloggers such as Sasha Spielberg, Ivangay, Katya Klap. They have been earning big money every month for a long time. Their monthly income averages from one million to five million rubles.

If you YouTube newbie, then to start earning money you need to gain at least 1000 subscribers. After this, the road to monetizing your channel will be open. You can work with intermediaries who will help you monetize your channel, for example. Even if you are a beginner, it is quite possible to earn $10-50. As your channel develops, you can earn $100-1000 per month.

These YouTube channel views popular people has no restrictions, since they started their activities at the very beginning YouTube development. Thanks to high income, they have the opportunity to travel the world, buy apartments and enjoy life. In general, it is very important to note that profits will depend on the number of views and the growth of the channel’s popularity.

How to make money on YouTube (YouTube)

If you decide to create a source of income on video hosting, then you need to know what ways to earn money to use. Several main ones should be highlighted:

  1. Profit through advertising. As practice shows, this option is used by the majority of promoted channels. The essence of the work is to place advertising in the video itself. After your subscribers click on advertising banner, in return you receive a reward. An advertising platform called Google AdSense helps to organize profits. If your channel meets the requirements of this system, then you can safely enable monetization.
  2. Affiliate program. Today, almost no product can be sold without a proper review. For example, you can collaborate with a product company and review various types goods. The most important thing is to convince the viewer, and then you will receive commissions from the purchase of certain products. You only need to leave an affiliate link under the video so that the visitor can buy the product from you. Affiliate link preferably converted. If you have a blog (site), then it is better to change it, as shown in the article on the blog.
  3. Channel promotion. In this case, you will need certain knowledge in the field of promoting YouTube channels. All you need to do is find a client who needs such help. In the future, you promote someone else’s video channel and receive stable funding.

The article shows how to make money on YouTube (YouTube) online. Apply the above options, and then you will be able to make money on the Internet.

On Youtube? We will talk about the possibility of earning money for yourself common man, and not some famous video blogger.

1. Earnings on Youtube in numbers.

In three months of working with your channel, it is quite possible to reach the level of earnings or 1500-2400 dollars per month. Below I present a screenshot of the development of one of the channels, which just reached this level.

Stable positive growth dynamics allow you to confidently achieve an income comparable to the salary at a good offline job, where you work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. And on Youtube you have much more freedom - there is no strict work schedule, you don’t have to get up early in the morning and drag yourself through traffic jams to the office, you don’t have to sit at work until 5 pm and listen to your boss’s nonsense. You manage your time and independently build a strategy for developing and increasing the efficiency of your channel.

Of course, this is not suitable for everyone; some are more comfortable working according to a ready-made schedule and fulfilling their duties clearly, from A to Z.

2. What is the maximum earnings on Youtube?

If we don’t consider top video bloggers, then it’s $200 per day or $6,000 per month. Of course, it is difficult to achieve such a level, and even more difficult to maintain it. However, if you take the bar lower, you can earn about $3500-4000 per month on Youtube.

Important: this will be stable, not episodic. Here's a screenshot of the earnings of such a channel.

You see a stable level of over $4,000 per month. Fluctuations in earnings within a month are not significant, there are simply a huge number of factors that affect the profitability of the channel and the total income is determined by the interaction of all these factors.

3. How much do other video bloggers earn?

You see a channel on YouTube and want to know how much the owner of this channel earns? This can be done.

In general, all YouTube channels can be classified according to their earnings level as follows:

  • Channels disabled from monetization, earnings 0.
  • Minimalist channels, formally monetization is included, however.
  • Small video bloggers or channels posting TV videos that violate copyright, income is approximately $1000 per month.
  • Average video bloggers and successful copyright infringers earn approximately $1500-2500 per month.
  • Major video bloggers famous people, reviewers, showmen, they receive $3000-4500 per month.
  • Top YouTubers, these earn more than $10,000 per month and have an audience of millions.

The last two steps require maximum dedication and investment of effort into your channel and your business.

4. How can I start earning money?

Start by choosing a topic and creating your own channel. You should like the topic, be interesting, and not only interesting to you, but also to your viewers. You may not know how to shoot videos and edit them, however

Almost everyone has at least once visited the most visited site on the network - YouTube. This video hosting allows you to share videos with the whole world, run your own channel, or simply watch videos of other users in unlimited quantities. In addition, you can make good money on YouTube if you know how to do it correctly.

How to make money on YouTube

Nowadays, many people want to find additional income on the Internet and are doing it very successfully: numerous social networks are really expanding the boundaries and paying their users interest for clicking on advertising by subscribers. If you are interested in learning how to make money on YouTube, then following information it will be useful to you. Owners can make money easily popular channels, where there are a lot of subscribers. So, how much can you earn on YouTube?

By creating another video and posting it on the YouTube website, you can receive a small percentage of advertising, which in total can turn into a real figure for your additional income. Only your video should collect not 10 or even 100 runs, but on the order of several tens of thousands, or even better, millions. So how much do they pay for 1000 views on YouTube?

YouTube Affiliate Program

To monetize your channel and start earning even a little money at first, you need to register in the affiliate program. This will help you generate income, as well as quickly learn about all the updates and allow your online business to develop. The YouTube affiliate program is relevant for 60 countries around the world, and only the authors of those channels that fully meet all requirements become participants. Those who can receive a “second salary” from a video channel:

  • live in one of the countries from the list;
  • publish only high-quality and original content;
  • agree to all terms and conditions of the monetization program and are familiar with copyright law.

How much do they pay for views on YouTube?

If you have started a channel, then do not rush to make money on it. First, you should promote it, gain more subscribers who will regularly watch your videos. If there are only 30-40 video runs per day, then this is not enough yet. Be patient. When the number increases to several hundred, you can start earning money to understand for yourself how much YouTube pays for views.

How much do YouTubers earn per view?

Calculating how much 1 view costs on YouTube is almost impossible, because each advertiser pays a different amount for their advertising. In some cases, the price can be equal to 0.1 dollars, and sometimes the fee reaches as much as 2 (approximately 125 rubles at the current rate). In addition, it is not a fact that a person will be interested commercial and will not let it through - in this case, the money will not get into your wallet. So, it’s only possible to really make money on your channel if you have a huge flow of subscribers who follow the advertiser’s link.

How much does YouTube pay for 1000 views?

In the best case scenario, out of 1000 runs of the video, 10-15 people will follow the link to the advertiser’s website, and only for them you will receive your long-awaited payment. So, how much does 1000 views on YouTube cost (approximate calculation):

  • 0,5$ - approximate cost one click on the link;
  • 10*0.5=$5 is your earnings, which you will receive for 1000 runs of the video by your subscribers.

How much can you earn from You Tube videos? How much does YouTube pay for views? You will be surprised, it doesn’t pay anything! Why? Read all the details in this article!

Hi all!
Today's article will be about You Tube.
YouTube is on at the moment most popular video hosting in the world.
In general, this is not surprising, since YouTube is owned by a global giant Google search engine.
Filming videos has become much easier than, say, 10 years ago.
Guess what). Now even mobile phones are equipped with video cameras, i.e. the first videos can be shot from your phone.
I covered this topic in detail,

It is not surprising that every year there are more and more people who want to make money on YouTube.
Of course, no one wants to work for free and no one will - this is logical).
The first question that comes to mind...
How much does YouTube pay for views?
You Tube does not pay anything for views of the videos you make.
It pays for people to watch ads on your channel.
For recent years incomes dropped significantly.

In general, the life of a blogger (I’m a blogger) and a video blogger are very similar, we’re all the same. Although I know YouTube firsthand, the payments you’re expecting are not the same, your video is blocked in some countries, background music turns out to be someone's... =).

(In the future in this article I will refer to video bloggers as bloggers for brevity.)

Let's look at how much You Tube pays, what you can earn from and how many views you need to earn more or less decent money, say 30 thousand rubles.

How much does YouTube pay for ad views on your channel?

Starting to make money on You Tube is not at all difficult.
To do this you need to shoot video around the clock
so that your channel has at least 10 videos.
Do not violate the rules of copyright holders (the video must be filmed by you).
Good viewability of your videos.

Everything seems simple, but another question.

Let's immediately make it clear that you can make money on you tube in essentially only 2 ways.
1. Advertising in Google AdSense (ad clicks and views).
2. Affiliate programs(you will be paid a certain % of purchases)

Yes, there are many more ways to make money on your YouTube channel, for example, you may be offered to make a video where you talk about some product or service, but for this your channel must be popular, have large number views or you have a narrow topic, say you are a fisherman, you are making a video about fishing, you may be offered, say, to advertise spinning.

Most often, a video is monetized (earning money from it) using Google advertising AdSense.
What is the essence of this income?
An advertisement from Google (at the beginning or end of the video) or a banner is usually inserted into the video at the bottom, right side of the video.
You will be paid for clicks on the banner, but only if the visitor follows the link and spends some time on the site, otherwise the transition will not be counted.

In addition, the topic of your channel is important; let’s say porn will collect hundreds of thousands, or even millions of views, but this does not mean that you will be allowed to make money on such a channel.

The business topic is in great demand, and the cost of clicking on an advertisement is very high.
True, it will be troublesome to bring such a channel to a decent number of views.
Where would it go better? entertainment theme, say jokes or reviews of videos or online games.

Guys, you will be surprised). everything sucks

How much do bloggers earn on YouTube, top average earnings

How much do views on YouTube ads cost?
In general, the cost of a click depends very much on the subject of the channel - it can be 1 cent, 10 cents or 1 dollar per 1 ad view.
In addition, it affects how many people watch ads on your channel.
For example.
You have 100 thousand views and 1000 ad clicks, and someone has 50 thousand views and 2000 ad views.

How much can you earn on YouTube?
I must say, I noticed in lately YouTube bloggers' earnings have dropped dramatically.
What is this connected with?
There are a lot of reasons.
Competition, crisis in the country (affects the solvency of advertisers and the amount of advertising).
In addition, the cost per click on advertising in different countries will be different, In Russia the cost of clicking on advertising is not quite high.
Which countries are in the top by cost per click for advertising on YouTube?
USA, Great Britain, as well as many non-rich countries.

Now many even top bloggers cannot earn a decent income.
Experienced producers stand behind young, well-promoted channels.
Nowadays it’s very difficult to get to the top.
In order for the video channel to key queries reached the top, you need to shoot videos every day.

So how much does 1000 views cost? youtube advertising?
On average this is 20 cents, at the current exchange rate 66 rubles per buck = 13 rubles.
How much does 1,000,000 views on a YouTube ad cost?
200 dollars = 13 thousand rubles.
Accordingly, in order to earn 30 thousand rubles per month, your channel must be viewed by more than 2 million people per month.
These are the numbers).


It's possible, it really is pitfalls, in particular.
YouTube will keep half of the money you earn.
Advertising is ordered only on promoted videos, with a large number views or on a channel with a large number of subscribers.
How much do popular YouTubers earn in Russia?
On average, about 100 thousand rubles.

Making money on your YouTube channel is real!
To do this, you need to come up with something new that doesn’t exist yet. You need to get into this trend, for example, if you had made a video about the game Pokemon a few months ago, it would have been very popular, now, I’m sure thousands of videos have already been made on this game.
Finally, a video from a popular You Tube blogger about how much he earns.
Take a look, you won't regret it).

That's all for today, good luck to everyone!