Automatically connect to the Internet when you turn on the computer. Automatic Internet connection on Windows

Connecting to the network manually every time you log in is tedious and quickly becomes boring. Therefore, it is important for the user to know that in all versions of Windows there are methods that allow you to configure your computer so that it automatically connects to the Internet.

Why activate auto-connection

The only reason why you should activate an automatic connection to the Internet is to speed up the process of transitioning to working with the network. It's possible that some programs you use start when you turn on your computer and require an Internet connection to continue working. Auto-connection will allow them to immediately access the network rather than waiting for it to be activated manually.

Please note that if your traffic is limited, then automatic connection may negatively affect its consumption. For example, if you turn on your computer, a connection is established, and some program starts downloading the components it needs without notifying you about it.

Activating automatic connection

There are several ways to force the system to establish a connection automatically every time it starts. The instructions below will apply to both Windows 7 and Windows 10 users. Some steps may vary, but any differences will be noted.

Using task scheduling

  1. Expand Task Scheduler. You can find it through the system search bar.

    Find and open the task scheduler to begin activation

  2. Proceed to create a simple task by selecting the appropriate item in the list of actions.

    Click on the “Create a simple task...” button to start the process of the same name

  3. Write any name in the appropriate box. It will be better if it describes the action that is performed by this task.

    Set the task name (it is better if it describes the action that is performed by this task)

  4. In the "Task Trigger" stage, select the start time "When you log on to Windows."

    We indicate that the task is executed when Windows starts by checking the appropriate box

  5. At the action selection step, select “Run program”.

    We indicate that the task launches the program by selecting the item of the same name

  6. In the script name line, write rasdial. In the argument field, enter the sequence as follows: “Network name” login password. The name must be enclosed in quotation marks, all values ​​separated by spaces.

    In the script field we enter the string rasdial, and in the arguments we indicate the network name, login and password

  7. Check that all data has been entered correctly and complete the procedure. Done, you can restart your computer, and when you log in, the Internet will connect automatically.

    We check whether the data is specified correctly and complete the creation of the task

Creating a bat file

In any folder, create a regular text document and write the following lines into it:

  • cd %systemroot%\system32;
  • start rasdial *connection_name* *username* *password.

Create a text file and enter the command to convert it into a bat file

The network name, login and password are written without quotes, but with spaces.

Change the name of the resulting file to “Network name_autostart”, but it must end in .bat. That is, you should change the file format from txt to bat. After that, copy it to the final StartUp subfolder using the following path:

  • C:\ProgramData;
  • Microsoft;
  • Windows;
  • Start Menu;
  • Programs;
  • StartUp.

Move the bat file with the command to the StartUp folder to activate automatic connection

Changing the registry

Video: activating auto-connection in Windows 7, 10

Starting the service

  1. Using the system search, find the command line, right-click on it to open the context menu, and select run as administrator.

    By calling the context menu with the right mouse button, open a command prompt with administrator rights

  2. Run the command: sc create startVPN start= auto binPath= “rasdial *connection_name* *username* *password*” DisplayName= “StartVPN” depend= lanmanworkstation obj= “NT AUTHORITY\LocalService”. All values ​​are indicated without asterisks, separated by spaces.

    Execute the command sc create startVPN start= auto binPath= “rasdial *connection_name* *user_name* *password*” DisplayName= “StartVPN” depend= lanmanworkstation obj= “NT AUTHORITY\LocalService”

  3. Expand the “Run” window by holding down the Win+R combination, and then enter the service.msc command in it.

    Run the command service.msc to open the list of services

  4. A list of available services will open. Find the process you created and go into its properties. Set the startup type to Automatic.

    In the “Startup type” column, select the value “Automatic”

  5. In the “Recovery” tab, for all cases of failure, specify the “Restart service” function. Done, after restarting your computer, you will see that the system automatically connects to the Internet if the network you specified is available.

    We indicate that in case of any failure it is necessary to restart the service

Setting up a password-protected network and using the Startup folder

If you are using a PPPoE, L2TP or any other connection that requires you to enter a password every time you try to connect, you can use the following method:

  • C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp - Windows 10;
  • C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup - Windows 7.

Done, the shortcut is responsible for connecting to the Internet, and since it was moved to the Startup folder, the task launched by it will begin to run immediately after the user logs in.

What to do if a password-protected network does not work

If, after following the above steps, you are faced with the fact that the network is not working, that is, there is no Internet connection, you need to re-configure:

You can force your computer to connect to the network yourself in several ways: through a bat file, the registry, network management, creating a service or task. The only thing you need for this is knowledge of the connection name, as well as the login and password for the account that allows you to log in to the network.

  1. You can add a task to the Task Scheduler.
    Open the back planner
    Open menu Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Task Scheduler or in the Start menu search bar, type taskschd.msc and press Enter.
  2. Click Create a task ...
  3. On the tab General enter in the field Name- Connection name
  4. Go to the tab Triggers and press the button Create...
  5. Start a task: meaning When you log in and press OK.
  6. Go to the tab Actions and press the button Create...
  7. Select from the drop-down list opposite the item Action : meaning Starting the program .
  8. Enter in the field Program or script: rasdial command "connection name" login assword
    instead of " connection name" - indicate the name of your Internet connection
    instead of login - indicate your login (username) to connect to the Internet
    instead of assword - enter your password to connect to the Internet
  9. Click the button OK.
  10. Go to the tab Options
  11. Check the boxes opposite:
    Run a task immediately if a scheduled run is missed
    If execution fails, restart via 1 min.
    Number of restart attempts 99.
  12. Clear the Stop a task that takes longer to complete checkbox and click OK.

Option 2

  1. Download and unzip the connect.zi file to any folder, containing the script for connecting to the Internet.
  2. Right click on the file connect.bat and press Change
  3. Change the connection name, login (username) and password in accordance with your settings and save the file.
  4. Download the archive with the hidden launch script: hs_exec.zi - to use the command bat file containing the launch script hide_rogramm.zi - to use the Java script containing the launch script
  5. Unpack the archive into the same folder where you have the connect.bat file
  6. Add to startup folder ( ) shortcut (not the script file itself) for hide_rogramm.js in the case of using a Java script, or for load.bat in the case of using a command bat file.

Option 3

  1. Create a team bat file(For example: Connect.bat) with the following content:

    < class="p">@echo off set conn="connection name"

  2. set login="login"

  3. set ass="assword"

  4. set ause=10

  5. rasdial %conn% %login% %ass% exit

  6. Instead of " connection name " - enter the name of your Internet connection in the location
  7. login- indicate your login (username) to connect to the Internet in the place
  8. assword- enter your password to connect to the Internet
  1. Add a shortcut (not the script file itself) to the file

    Attention: the “connection name” must be in English, otherwise there may be an error 623.

Option 4

1. Open the launch line ( Win+R) and launch the automatic task manager: taskschd.msc /s

2. Create a simple task

3. We call it whatever you want, just to know what is hidden under the name. You can add a description for this in the note.

5. What program? And here it is: C:\Windows\system32\rasdial.exe
And in the line with arguments we enter: connection_name login password

Option 5

Automatic connection - via shortcut.

1. Create a VPN connection shortcut on your desktop.

2. Fill in all the details for this connection (they are probably already filled in).

3. Uncheck the box “Ask for login and password every time you connect.”

4. Open the startup folder for all users and put the shortcut there.

Option 6

Create a small bat file (like Connect.bat) with the following content, place it on your desktop and run through it if it is accidentally disconnected (the connection name must be in English, otherwise there may be an error 623):

@echo off
set conn=”Golden Telecom”
:: name of your internet connection
set login=” [email protected]
:: your Internet connection login
set pass=”12345678″
:: your Internet connection password
set pause=10
:: pause in seconds between checking the connection; if the connection is lost, a connection will be made
rasdial %conn% %login% %pass%

Option 7 (for those who use IE):

Its essence is that we will use a standard dialing system, a connection with which is present (or at least should be present) in every developed and modern browser installed by default. I deliberately highlight key words - you need to pay attention to them. Yes, the settings must be made in the default browser - it is the one that affects the system connection to the Internet. I will post all the screenshots describing the setup specifically for the Internet Explorer browser.

And the settings turned out to be extremely simple. There are as many actions as there are arrows in the screenshot (three simple steps).

1. Open Internet properties and select automatic dialing with an established and configured connection under any conditions (if it exists, it will be visible - see the screenshot).

2. After that, open its settings and enter your login (in full) and password.

3. Don’t forget to uncheck the disconnect item if not in demand. This item is responsible for disconnecting when idle, and we do not need to disconnect when the session ends (assuming that the traffic is unlimited or not very limited).

4. Consistently apply and save the settings you have made. To check the functionality, reboot and try to open any default program that requires Internet access - a connection window will appear. For the first time, the automatic connection checkbox will not be checked - that’s all the fuss for the sake of this checkbox. Check it - and now the first time you try to access the Internet via VPN/PPPoE, automatic dialing will start with the parameters of the specified connection.

The disadvantages of this method are that a connection to the Internet will not be established until some program requests it.

The advantages of this method are that a connection to the Internet will not be established until some program requests it.

In different situations, a minus can become a plus, and vice versa. On the one hand, the computer itself will not access the Internet, which may affect other computers on the network that access the Internet through this one, and for which access will be required.

On the other hand, why not just throw a shortcut to some site into startup - when you open this site immediately after the system starts, the computer itself will automatically connect to the Internet.

This feature can be either an additional barrier to unauthorized access to the Internet from other computers, or a convenient mechanism that flexibly regulates access to the Internet.

Option 8

To automatically connect all users to VPN, you need to make changes in the registry. Start - Run and enter regedit. Finding the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and create a string parameter with any name and value, where we write the name of your connection (which you specified in the settings when connecting to the desktop), username and password. For example like this: rasdial "VPN connection" Login Password

If the connection is required only for the current user, then we find the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and sets the same parameter as for all users.

The widespread Internet connection technology PPPOE requires user authorization when connecting to the provider. Using a router makes this procedure invisible. Once configured, the connection occurs without user intervention. With a direct connection, you have to perform the operation yourself. You can bypass this procedure by setting up automatic Internet connection in Windows.

High-speed connections, which include PPPOE, are made in Windows from the Network and Sharing Center. In different versions it has minor differences in the design of the interface, but the configuration procedure has not changed.

Universal method

This method is suitable for all versions of Windows. Call up the “Run” dialog box and enter the command shown in the screenshot into it.

The classic control panel opens. Find and open Network and Sharing Center.

A menu of connection options opens. Select the top item and click the “Next” button to continue.

In the next window, we are immediately prompted to configure the desired connection type. If you put a check mark in the place marked with an arrow, all available options will open.

Filling in the parameters is the most important step when creating a new connection. Enter the name and password received from the provider. Place a checkmark in the save box. We set a short name for the connection in Latin. We will need this in the future when we set up an automatic connection to the Internet. In the fifth paragraph, check the box if desired. If there is only one user on the PC, it is not needed. When you decide to create separate profiles for yourself, your wife and children, it is necessary. We complete the work by clicking on the “Connect” button.

Using the entered parameters, the system establishes a connection with the provider’s server.

The connection is complete, you can go online.

The next time you turn on your PC, the connection can be activated from the system tray.

On Windows 10, the operation will take longer. You need to call up the notification menu. Select a network connection.

In the expanded menu, open the created PPPOE connection.

Activate the connection in the system settings area.

In Windows 10, the main disadvantage of this type of connection is revealed in all its glory. The Internet does not connect automatically, and the number of steps required to enable the connection has increased.


As we can see, users of new OS versions experience the most inconvenience. Therefore, as an example, we will consider auto-connecting the Internet in Windows 10.

The simplest option is to use a BAT batch file that controls the OS shell. To create it, we need the Notepad text editor, which is included with all versions of Windows. Opening a new document, copy the following lines into it:

cd %systemroot%\system32


For 64-bit versions, replace “system32” with “sysWOW64”. In the second line we enter the data of the connection used, separating them with spaces:


The result should be the text shown in the following screenshot.

Open the “File” menu and select the marked item.

Save the file with the BAT extension to your desktop so that it is at hand.

Open the system startup folder by copying the following path to the “Run” menu:

%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Move the created BAT file from the desktop to the folder that opens. The system will ask you to confirm your authority to perform this operation.

The created batch file will be processed at the time the OS boots, starting an automatic PPPOE connection.

Task Scheduler

Using the Windows system scheduler allows you to create a rule in the system for processing recurring events. We use it to automatically turn on the Internet when the PC starts.

We activate the scheduler with the command entered in the “Run” dialog box.

In the window that opens, select the Simple Task Creation Wizard and follow its instructions.

Set the process name, optionally filling in the description.

Select start when you turn on the computer.

As an action, mark the launch of the program.

Using the button indicated by the arrow, select the file “rasdial.exe”. The location directory is determined by the OS bit depth, as when creating a BAT file. In the arguments field we indicate the connection name, login and password separated by a space.

Let's look at the summary. At this point, you can go back to change the settings. We complete the work by clicking on the “Finish” button.

In the above configuration, autostart of the high-speed connection will be performed for the current user. You can adjust additional task parameters by opening the scheduler library.

Creating an Additional Service

Using the command line interface, you can create your own service, which will start when the PC boots, along with the system ones. Launch the CMD shell with administrator rights and enter into it:

sc create Skynet start= auto binPath= “rasdial skynet ivanov password” DisplayName= “Skynet” depend= lanmanworkstation obj= “NT AUTHORITY\LocalService”

Having received a notification about the successful creation of a new service, open the service console.

We look for the created service by the given name. Call the context menu to manually edit parameters.

On the first tab, change the startup type as shown in the screenshot and activate the service.

On the “Recovery” tab, we change the parameters of actions in case of failure, switching them to restart mode. Apply the changes made and close the parameters window by clicking on the “OK” button.

When the created service is no longer needed, you can delete it using the command "sc delete Skynet".

Windows 10 users who use PowerShell by default will also have to use the Command Prompt to avoid problems with command syntax.

Registry Editor

Direct changes to the system registry can also achieve the desired effect. To set up an automatic connection to the Internet, you will need to create an additional key yourself. Open the registry editor using the command shown in the screenshot.

In order for the created key to work for any PC user, open the HKLM branch and follow the designated path to the “Run” section. Call the context menu, expand it and select creating a string parameter. Give it the name “Skynet”.

Open the key for editing. Enter the connection name, login and password in the “Value” field. Enter the data in a continuous line without spaces.

As a result, the key should take on the following form.

The created settings will take effect after the computer is restarted. Log in to your account and make sure there is a working network.

In conclusion

By choosing the appropriate method, you can implement automatic Internet connection in Windows 7 and higher without resorting to the help of third-party programs.

Many providers around the world offer their Internet services through the so-called high-speed PPPoE connection (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet). To connect to the Internet via PPPoE, ISPs usually give their customers a unique username and password, which are required to connect to their networks.

The disadvantage of PPPoE is that you have to manually start the connection every time you turn on the computer. This is an annoying inconvenience that many users would like to forget about once and for all. In this article, I will talk about the settings with which a computer with such a connection will connect to the Internet automatically during startup.

1. Launch the task scheduler

First of all, we need to launch the regular task scheduler. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to use the system search window. Enter the first few letters of your keyword and then click on “Task Scheduler” in the search results.

In Windows 10, Task Scheduler can also be launched from the Start menu: All Applications\Administration ToolsWindows.

In the control panel it is located at the following path: Control Panel\System and Security\Administration.

Regardless of the chosen method, you will see the following window as a result:

2. Schedule automatic connection upon login

Now we need to schedule an automatic connection to the Internet every time we log in.

In the task scheduler window on the right, click “Create a simple task.”

In the task creation wizard window, enter a name for the task, for example, “Auto dial”. You can also enter a description, but this is not necessary. Click “Next”.

Next, we need to choose when exactly our task should be performed. Since our goal is for the PPPoE connection to automatically connect to the Internet every time we log in, we select “When I log on to Windows.” Click “Next”.

The penultimate stage of creating a task is choosing an action. We need the PPPoE connection to start automatically with Windows. Accordingly, select “Run program”. Click “Next”.

Now the most important part of the process is setting up a script that will be executed automatically.

In order for the system to automatically connect to the Internet via PPPoE, you must enter the following information:

  • In the Program or Script field, enter the command rasdial.
  • The "Add arguments (optional)" field must contain the connection name (in quotes) and the username and password preceded by a hyphen. For example, let's say your PPPoE connection is called WWW, and to connect to it you use the username Ivan and password 123456 . In this case, you need to add the following arguments: " WWW"Ivan 123456.

Leave the “Working Folder” field empty.

At the final stage, you will see a brief description of the created task. Click “Finish”.

After closing the wizard, you will be returned to the main Task Scheduler window, where you will see that your task has been added to the list of other scheduled tasks.

3. Restart the computer and check

Finally, restart your computer to check the results of your actions. If all steps were completed correctly, the system should connect to the Internet automatically after rebooting. Please note that from now on, each time you log in, a console window will briefly appear on the screen, signaling that the connection process has started.

Have a great day!

Today we will deal with the question, how to set up internet on a computer or laptop. As a rule, the Internet is set up by an employee of the provider at the moment when you enter into an agreement with him for the provision of services - after all, correct access to the World Wide Web is an indicator of the completion of this service. However, later, when you reinstall Windows or purchase new computer Internet settings may go wrong, and here we will be faced with a dilemma - call technical support or do everything ourselves. In fact, this task is not at all difficult, so by reading this article to the end, you can save money more than once.

The most common type of connection is cable - they extend a wire into your apartment with a special LAN connector at the end, which is inserted into the network card in the PC case. However, depending on the provider, there are several types of network connections. How to properly set up the Internet and how the connection to the World Wide Web occurs should be specified in the contract papers that were given to you when the employee initially set up the Internet. There are several of them - automatic IP, static IP, PPPoE, L2TP, with filtering by MAC address. Let's look at them in order.

Internet setup automatically

I called this type automatic, because if your provider connects you using this type, then you are lucky - you don’t have to configure anything at all. With it, the computer obtains an IP address on the network “by itself” - that is, we simply plug in an Ethernet cable and use the Internet. If it doesn’t work, then make sure that all configurations are reset - to do this, go to “Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Manage network connections > Change adapter settings”, right-click on “ Local Area Connection” and go to “Properties > Internet Protocol version TCP/IP v.4”. Here all values ​​should be set to “Automatic”, as in the picture

Connecting to the Internet on a computer with authorization

In this fairly common type, or rather types, because there are two of them, you will have to work a little and manually create a connection and enter your username and password to set up an Internet connection. If every time you access the Internet, you click on the desktop icon, a connection window opens in which you click on a button - this is your case.


PPPoE - connection to the provider’s servers occurs only using a login and password. If you suddenly reinstalled Windows, then to restore the ability to log out, do the following:

  1. Go to “Start > Control Panel”

  2. further in “Networks and Internet”

  3. and in the “Network and Sharing Center”

  4. Here somewhere on the page (in the left column for Windows 7 or in the main window in Windows 8 and 10) we see the menu item “Set up a connection or network” - click on it

  5. Here we select “Connect to the Internet” and click “Next”

  6. Select “High-speed (PPPoE)” and move on

  7. We enter the login and password issued by the provider - they are usually specified in the contract.

  8. After this, we return to the “Network Center” and find the “Change adapter settings” link in the menu - click on it.

  9. We find “High-speed connection” - now it is in the “Disabled” state.

  10. Double-click on it and a login window will open. Click the “Connect” button and rejoice! For convenience, this “High-speed connection” can be dragged with the mouse to the “Desktop”, creating an icon with a quick link.


L2TP is another type of Internet setup with authorization. To activate it, we do everything the same as in the previous method, up to and including step No. 4.

Connecting a laptop to the Internet with a static IP

The next type will not ask you to enter a login and password and click on the icons to connect each time, but it does require manual entry of IP address settings to connect to the provider’s equipment. For settings, we go through the chain “Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Manage network connections > Change adapter settings”, right-click on “Local Area Connection” and go to “Properties > Protocol” Internet version TCP/IP v.4".

And enter into the IP address and DNS server fields the values ​​provided by the provider.

Filtering by MAC address

And finally, the provider can apply filtering by MAC address to any of the above types. This means that you can connect to the Internet only on the computer that is registered with the provider. Insert the cable into another one and the Internet will disappear. This problem usually appears at the moment when you bought a new computer (or network card), brought it home, but the Internet does not work. To be honest, I don’t even understand why some of our “friends” do such garbage, but if this is the case, then you can only activate network access by calling the support service and saying that you bought a new PC.

That’s all for today - I’m sure that you now know exactly how to connect the Internet to your computer and can 100% do it yourself!