Yandex browser does not install flash player. Enabling and disabling flash player in Yandex.Browser, Google Chrome and other browsers

From this article you can learn how to update Flash Player in Yandex Browser, how to enable or disable it in this browser. In addition, we will try to figure out the problem when Flash Player does not work. We will sort all this out piece by piece in our instructions.

Before we begin, I would like to say a few explanatory words about the Flash plugin, explain what it is and why it is needed in the browser. And so, this is an extremely necessary component, which is special software for the normal operation of videos, flash games and a bunch of applications on the Internet. That is, without it, these functions cannot be performed. Therefore, you will not be able to watch videos or play online games.

Update Flash Player for Yandex Browser

In general, unlike Mozilla or Opera, the Yandex browser automatically installs this plugin when installing the browser program itself. Consequently, the update is carried out automatically with each new update of the Yandex browser itself. However, there are cases when you need to disable the stock plugin and install it externally. Now we will try to figure this out.

Option 1. Updating the browser itself.

In this case, all that is needed to update Flash Player in Yandex Browser is to update the program itself. It's done like this:

Option 2. Manual update of external plugin.

This method is intended for manually updating external Adobe Flash Player software. That is, if the built-in plugin fails and does not work, you can use an external one to work in Yandex Browser. Let's see how to update it if the version is outdated.

First of all, you need to remove the old version.

By the way, all browsers must be turned off in order to reinstall Adobe Flash Player properly.

Now you can install the latest version.

That's it, the plugin is updated.

Adobe Flash Player does not work in Ya Browser

In such a situation, you need to figure out what caused the malfunction. We have several options to resolve the problem.

Conflict between built-in and external plugin. In this case, you need to disable one of the Flash plugins in your browser. To do this, type the command in the address bar.

After that, click on the link “ More details” on the right. After this, extensive settings for all plugins will open. Find the item “ Adobe Flash Player (2 files)” and disable 1 of the plugins by clicking on the link “ Disable" We advise you to turn off the built-in one, because it fails most often.

After that, restart your browser and check if videos or flash files are launched on any site.

Outdated version. Also a common problem. The solution is very simple - just update to the latest version. We wrote about this above.

Nothing helped? Go here - there we have described in detail many options for solving this error, if you can call it that. We can also recommend reading the article - perhaps you can find a solution there.

The Flash Player plugin is already built into the Yandex web browser, which means you do not need to download it separately - you can immediately proceed to setting it up.

  • Allow Flash to run on all sites. This item means that all sites that have Flash content will automatically launch this content. Today, web browser developers do not recommend checking this box, as this makes the program vulnerable.
  • Find and run only important Flash content. This item is installed by default in Yandex Browser. This means that the web browser itself makes the decision to launch the player and display content on the site. The risk is that the browser may not display the content you want to see.
  • Block Flash on all sites. A complete ban on the operation of the Flash Player plugin. This step will significantly secure your browser, but you will also have to sacrifice the fact that some audio or video content on the Internet will not be displayed.

  • Whichever item you choose, you have the opportunity to create a personal list of exceptions, where you can independently set the action of Flash Player for a specific site.

    For example, for security reasons you want to disable Flash Player, but, for example, you prefer to listen to music on the VKontakte social network, which requires a well-known player to play. In this case, you will need to click on the button "Exception Management".

  • A ready-made list of exceptions compiled by the Yandex Browser developers will be displayed on the screen. To add your own website and assign an action to it, select any existing web resource with one click, and then enter the URL of the site you are interested in (in our example it is
  • Having specified the site, all you have to do is assign an action to it - to do this, click on the button on the right to display a pop-up list. You also have three actions available to you: allow, find content, and block. In our example, we check the parameter "Allow", then save the changes by clicking the button "Ready" and close the window.
  • Today, these are all the options for setting up the Flash Player plugin in the Yandex browser. It is possible that this opportunity will soon disappear, since all the developers of popular web browsers have long been planning to abandon support for this technology in favor of strengthening browser security.

    Unity and Windows XP

    About the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, still required for some websites, will no longer be available for installation or updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about the plans of Yandex.Browser.

    And then came the era of the mobile Internet. A phone with Internet access appeared in everyone’s pocket, and new requirements began to be placed on websites. And they not only had to be easy to view on a small screen, but also light and fast enough not to drain the phone's battery in a matter of minutes. And here Flash was a bad fit. It is not surprising that support for the plugin for Android devices was discontinued rather quickly, and it was not initially available on iOS. As a result, the mobile Internet became the main stimulus for the development of web technologies that did not require heavy plugins.

    Now HTML5 and WebGL technologies have almost completely replaced Flash on all devices and platforms. Although they are not fully capable of recreating the capabilities of the plugin, their cross-platform, speed and cost-effectiveness turned out to be more important. And now it is difficult to find a modern website that would not work without Flash Player installed in the browser.

    Unity and Windows XP), so we do not plan to force blocking of the plugin in Yandex Browser. Flash Player will continue to be supported in Yandex Browser according to capabilities and demand.


    About the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, still required for some websites, will no longer be available for installation or updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about the plans of Yandex.Browser.

    Flash technology played an important role in the development of the Internet. With its help, millions of users around the world could watch videos or run games directly in the browser, and developers could create interactive sites with complex animation. People were only required to download and install a special plugin, which over time began to be built directly into computer browsers.

    And then came the era of the mobile Internet. A phone with Internet access appeared in everyone’s pocket, and new requirements began to be placed on websites. And they not only had to be easy to view on a small screen, but also light and fast enough not to drain the phone's battery in a matter of minutes. And here Flash was a bad fit. It is not surprising that support for the plugin for Android devices was discontinued rather quickly, and it was not initially available on iOS. As a result, the mobile Internet became the main stimulus for the development of web technologies that did not require heavy plugins.

    Now HTML5 and WebGL technologies have almost completely replaced Flash on all devices and platforms. Although they are not fully capable of recreating the capabilities of the plugin, their cross-platform, speed and cost-effectiveness turned out to be more important. And now it is difficult to find a modern website that would not work without Flash Player installed in the browser.

    Last year, we abandoned the practice of embedding a plugin in Yandex.Browser - now Flash is offered for installation regardless of the browser. Although the complete disappearance of this technology from all sites is inevitable, we want to give users and developers time to migrate to alternative solutions (as was the case with Unity and Windows XP), so we do not plan to force the blocking of the plugin in Yandex Browser. Flash Player will continue to be supported in Yandex Browser according to capabilities and demand.

    About the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, still required for some websites, will no longer be available for installation or updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about the plans of Yandex.Browser.

    Flash technology played an important role in the development of the Internet. With its help, millions of users around the world could watch videos or run games directly in the browser, and developers could create interactive sites with complex animation. People were only required to download and install a special plugin, which over time began to be built directly into computer browsers.

    And then came the era of the mobile Internet. A phone with Internet access appeared in everyone’s pocket, and new requirements began to be placed on websites. And they not only had to be easy to view on a small screen, but also light and fast enough not to drain the phone's battery in a matter of minutes. And here Flash was a bad fit. It is not surprising that support for the plugin for Android devices was discontinued rather quickly, and it was not initially available on iOS. As a result, the mobile Internet became the main stimulus for the development of web technologies that did not require heavy plugins.

    Now HTML5 and WebGL technologies have almost completely replaced Flash on all devices and platforms. Although they are not fully capable of recreating the capabilities of the plugin, their cross-platform, speed and cost-effectiveness turned out to be more important. And now it is difficult to find a modern website that would not work without Flash Player installed in the browser.

    Last year, we abandoned the practice of embedding a plugin in Yandex.Browser - now Flash is offered for installation regardless of the browser. Although the complete disappearance of this technology from all sites is inevitable, we want to give users and developers time to migrate to alternative solutions (as was the case with Unity and Windows XP), so we do not plan to force the blocking of the plugin in Yandex Browser. Flash Player will continue to be supported in Yandex Browser according to capabilities and demand.


    About the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, still required for some websites, will no longer be available for installation or updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about the plans of Yandex.Browser.

    Flash technology played an important role in the development of the Internet. With its help, millions of users around the world could watch videos or run games directly in the browser, and developers could create interactive websites with complex animation. People were only required to download and install a special plugin, which over time began to be built directly into computer browsers.

    And then came the era of the mobile Internet. A phone with Internet access appeared in everyone’s pocket, and new requirements began to be placed on websites. And they not only had to be easy to view on a small screen, but also light and fast enough not to drain the phone's battery in a matter of minutes. And here Flash was a bad fit. It is not surprising that support for the plugin for Android devices was discontinued rather quickly, and it was not initially available on iOS. As a result, the mobile Internet became the main stimulus for the development of web technologies that did not require heavy plugins.

    Now HTML5 and WebGL technologies have almost completely replaced Flash on all devices and platforms. Although they are not fully capable of recreating the capabilities of the plugin, their cross-platform, speed and cost-effectiveness turned out to be more important. And now it is difficult to find a modern website that would not work without Flash Player installed in the browser.

    Last year, we abandoned the practice of embedding a plugin in Yandex Browser - now Flash is offered for installation regardless of the browser. Although the complete disappearance of this technology from all sites is inevitable, we want to give users and developers time to migrate to alternative solutions (as was the case with Unity and Windows XP), so we do not plan to force the blocking of the plugin in Yandex Browser. Flash Player will continue to be supported in Yandex Browser according to capabilities and demand.

    About the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, still required for some websites, will no longer be available for installation or updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about the plans of Yandex.Browser.

    Flash technology played an important role in the development of the Internet. With its help, millions of users around the world could watch videos or run games directly in the browser, and developers could create interactive sites with complex animation. People were only required to download and install a special plugin, which over time began to be built directly into computer browsers.

    And then came the era of the mobile Internet. A phone with Internet access appeared in everyone’s pocket, and new requirements began to be placed on websites. And they not only had to be easy to view on a small screen, but also light and fast enough not to drain the phone's battery in a matter of minutes. And here Flash was a bad fit. It is not surprising that support for the plugin for Android devices was discontinued rather quickly, and it was not initially available on iOS. As a result, the mobile Internet became the main stimulus for the development of web technologies that did not require heavy plugins.

    Now HTML5 and WebGL technologies have almost completely replaced Flash on all devices and platforms. Although they are not fully capable of recreating the capabilities of the plugin, their cross-platform, speed and cost-effectiveness turned out to be more important. And now it is difficult to find a modern website that would not work without Flash Player installed in the browser.

    Last year, we abandoned the practice of embedding a plugin in Yandex.Browser - now Flash is offered for installation regardless of the browser. Although the complete disappearance of this technology from all sites is inevitable, we want to give users and developers time to migrate to alternative solutions (as was the case with Unity and Windows XP), so we do not plan to force the blocking of the plugin in Yandex Browser. Flash Player will continue to be supported in Yandex Browser according to capabilities and demand.

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    Adobe has announced that it will end support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, still required for some websites, will no longer be available for installation or updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about the plans of Yandex.Browser.


    Adobe has announced that it will end support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, still required for some websites, will no longer be available for installation or updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about the plans of Yandex.Browser.

    Adobe has announced that it will end support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, still required for some websites, will no longer be available for installation or updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about the plans of Yandex.Browser.

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    Flash Player support in Yandex Browser

    And then came the era of the mobile Internet. A phone with Internet access appeared in everyone’s pocket, and new requirements began to be placed on websites. And they not only had to be easy to view on a small screen, but also light and fast enough not to drain the phone's battery in a matter of minutes. And here Flash was a bad fit. It is not surprising that support for the plugin for Android devices was discontinued rather quickly, and it was not initially available on iOS. As a result, the mobile Internet became the main stimulus for the development of web technologies that did not require heavy plugins.

    Now HTML5 and WebGL technologies have almost completely replaced Flash on all devices and platforms. Although they are not fully capable of recreating the capabilities of the plugin, their cross-platform, speed and cost-effectiveness turned out to be more important. And now it is difficult to find a modern website that would not work without Flash Player installed in the browser.

    Last year, we abandoned the practice of embedding a plugin in Yandex.Browser - now Flash is offered for installation regardless of the browser. Although the complete disappearance of this technology from all sites is inevitable, we want to give users and developers time to migrate to alternative solutions (as was the case with and ), so we do not plan to force the blocking of the plugin in Yandex Browser. Flash Player will continue to be supported in Yandex Browser according to capabilities and demand.

    Despite the fact that HTML5 is rapidly gaining popularity and access to audio and video playback, Flash Player is still used quite often. Browser games, as well as video players and webcam broadcasts - all this can be done using Adobe Flash. Here we will talk about how to configure Flash Player for correct user experience in the Yandex browser.

    Player Settings Basics

    The parameters can be divided into two main parts: global and fine adjustments for the user. Global ones are already configured by default in Yandex, so there is no serious need to configure them. Fine-tuning allows you to specify which sites can play content, play audio or video, or use a webcam.

    Global is designed to eliminate conflicts between Flash player versions. In many cases, the operating system and the Yandex browser have different Flash modules. Therefore, when two versions work, a conflict occurs when used in audio or video, or in browser games.

    Troubleshooting Flash Player

    To resolve the conflict, the user must go to the advanced browser settings. To ensure the process is safe, it cannot be carried out through the Control Panel. The following steps should be followed:

    Now the problem of conflict must be resolved.

    Flash Player Settings

    Settings can be changed for one site or for all at the same time. Basic plugin adjustments are performed through Adobe in the control panel

    This is where the main parameters of the plugin are located.

    Here it is divided into 4 tabs:

    Drop-down context menu

    You can also select the settings window in the Yandex browser. To use Flash Player, you need to right-click on the object that uses the plugin.

    In this menu you need to select the Settings item, where there will be five control tabs:

    1. Display section – enable or disable browser acceleration.
    2. Confidentiality – allowing or blocking a microphone or webcam on a given resource.
    3. Local storage. This sets the amount of memory the application will use.
    4. Microphone. Selecting a microphone and adjusting its parameters.
    5. Camera. Webcam options and settings.

    Flash Player is a special program that allows your browser to work with elements created using the Flash platform. By default, it is preinstalled in the Yandex browser and is ready to use. However, as a result of various blocks set by the office system administrator, firewall, firewall and antivirus programs, the process of timely updating of the plugin may stall. This article provides detailed instructions on what to do if Flash Player is not updated in the Yandex browser and does not work.

    If you have any problems with playing media content and various Internet applications, the first thing you need to check is the activation of Flash Player in the browser. It is possible that you already have the current version installed, which is working properly, but as a result of some failure, this plugin was disabled in the Yandex browser.

    You can read about how to enable Flash player in your browser in this article.

    Removing an extension

    If the application stops updating automatically, it is possible that some of its modules have been damaged as a result of malware, viruses, or system failures. In this case, you can try downloading the new version and installing it manually, but it is best to first remove Flash Player from your computer.

    Installing the plugin

    Now you will need the Flash Player installation file. It can be downloaded for free from the official Abode website. To do this, go to and click on the “Download system module” hyperlink.

    The site will automatically detect the bitness of your operating system and the web browser you are using. All you need to do is click on the “Install Now” button. Please note that the resource offers to download and install an additional free program, for example, McAfee antivirus or Google Chrome. If you do not need the proposed software, simply uncheck the box next to its name.

    When the installation file is downloaded, you need to run it. The installation process is standard - just follow the prompts of the Windows Install Wizard. After completing the procedure, it is recommended to restart the computer so that new entries are saved in the system registry.

    Reinstalling the browser

    If after the above steps the module does not work, it means that your Yandex browser has most likely been damaged. It also needs to be reinstalled. First, uninstall the application in the same way as the Adobe Flash plugin. During the process, the system will ask you whether you also want to erase saved bookmarks, settings, and browsing and download history. Uncheck all checkboxes if you need this information.