Are there any problems with gmail com today. In Russia they complain about problems with YouTube, Google Play, Gmail and other Google services

Hello! Today I would like to talk about postal service Gmail(email from Google). Surely, you are already familiar with him; I personally met him relatively recently, about 4 months ago. Before that, I used, but after switching to Gmail, I realized that the latter is truly the best in the world. Why? I'll tell you more about this below.

What made me switch to another email service? This is beautiful, that is, now my mail looks like this: petr@site. Not bad, right? Yes, of course, this can be done in Yandex, but for some reason I settled on Gmail and I don’t regret it at all. Registering on is not difficult, but I still recommend that you instead regular registration do it right away beautiful mail with your own domain name(I told you how to do this).

How I use Gmail email

1. I empty my inbox.

In the “Inbox” folder I have only relevant letters that require some action: reply, follow up on some actions, etc. When a certain letter becomes irrelevant, I just I'm sending it to the archives. What is an archive? These are emails that are not visible in your inbox but are searchable. Here is the “Archive” button:

Also, letters that are sent to the “Archive” are available through the “All Mail” folder. This way, my inbox is always clean. If you are sure that you will definitely never need a particular letter, then instead of “Archive” you can safely click on the “Delete” button.

2. I mark important emails.

Some letters require an urgent response or are extremely important to me. And while I’m sorting out my mail, the first thing I do is go to the “Tagged” folder:

Marking a letter is very simple: just in the right top corner click on the “star”:

If one star is not enough for you, you can use a bunch of marks. To enable them, you need to go to Settings -> General -> Stars:

3. I use “Shortcuts”.

For example, in at the moment passes and it is very convenient for me to collect letters from each participant in separate folder. What did I do for this?

This way you can filter letters by mailbox, subject, etc.

Assign a specific color to each label, thereby increasing visibility significantly:

4. I mark automated emails as read.

Letters often come from exchanges such as Rotapost and others. I need them, but I don't like them to be “unread emails.” For such letters from exchanges, I also create filters, just in step 4 of the previous paragraph (see above), I check the box next to “Mark as read” (I do not create labels for these letters):

You can also “skip” some letters past the “Inbox” folder or delete them altogether.

Advice: Necessarily learn to use filters, thereby you will greatly simplify your life when parsing your mailbox.

5. In the “Inbox” folder, I first display unread letters.

By default, Gmail sorts all emails by date. It's much more convenient for me when unread letters located at the very top. To do this, you just need to click on the arrow to the right of the “Inbox” folder and check the box next to “Unread first”:

6. I actively use search.

Do you need to collect all correspondence with a specific recipient? No problem! This is very easy to do in Gmail. Just enter the mailbox address of the person you need and voila! , all the letters from him are before your eyes:

It really helps when the person you are corresponding with does not use the message history in their email. Then they wonder why I don’t answer their letters? And sometimes I don’t even remember what I talked about with this person. Honestly, the search is very useful. I'm also looking for all sorts of keywords and I actually find the letters I need.

Also, what’s great about Gmail is that all emails that are replies are collected in email chains(saving space in the list of letters and making it easier to track history).

7. It is very convenient to use Gmail email through your mobile phone.

You can easily find an application for almost any phone here Or you can use the browser version of the Gmail website, which is still very convenient (mail is “narrowed” to fit the screen size). There are also a lot of applications released third party developers. For example, on my beloved iPhone I use the Sparrow app, which is really very convenient. On the iPad, I use mail in the browser, everything works great.

8. I open all attached files directly in Gmail.

Attached to the letter Word document? What I usually did: downloaded the file to my computer, opened it, and after reviewing it, most often deleted it. In Gmail, everything is very simple: you open the document directly in the browser, saving yourself from unnecessary movements:

9. I use ready-made answers.

It often happens that letters of the same type arrive and you have to respond in the same way. For such letters, “Ready replies” were invented. That is, having received a letter, you simply select the desired response from the templates:

This is an experimental feature to enable this opportunity you need to go to mail settings -> Laboratory -> Response templates -> Enable:

In general, in this “Laboratory” you can include a lot different functions. Look through them, perhaps you will find something suitable and interesting for yourself.

10. Hot keys.

It is very convenient, as in any program, to use “hot keys”. To enable them, go to mail settings -> General -> Shortcuts -> Enable:

  • C – New message.
  • O – Open message.
  • E – Archive.
  • R – Reply.
  • F – Forward.
  • Tab+Enter – Send.
  • ? – Calling help using “hot keys”.

I think these 10 tips are enough to understand that electronic Gmail really the best, and these tips, I hope, will make your life easier.


I would be very grateful for the retweet, all the best!

But how much do you know and use the opportunities postal service? Rusbase publishes 25 tips that will be useful for both beginners and experienced users Gmail.

Customize your appearance

Instead of staring at the bland default design, add a pop of color by incorporating one of the themes. To do this, in the settings menu in the upper right corner, select the Themes section and enable any you like or upload your own.

Additionally, you can choose from three interface size options. Normal mode leaves a lot free space on the screen, and Compact is suitable for those who are used to opening many windows at the same time.

Add friends and other email accounts

If you're just starting out using Gmail or have created a second Gmail account and want to add your contacts and old mail, then go to Settings> Accounts and Import. You can import your data and emails from Yandex,, Hotmail and others. To do this, you will need to follow several simple procedures. But remember that after this the signal will be turned off forever Gmail alerts about receipt of the letter.

Make Gmail Similar to Outlook

In Settings > Lab, check the Viewing Area checkbox. Now the entire email will be displayed to the right (or bottom) of the inbox list, just like in Outlook. Habit is second nature, so if you've spent half your life working with... corporate mail in Outlook, and now decide to switch to Gmail, then this feature will help you survive the breakup familiar interface. Once you turn on the Viewport once, the next time you can find this button in the drop-down window of the settings menu on home page.

Screenshot: Rusbase

Choose what's important

Gmail has a smart filter feature important messages. In the Settings > Inbox section, check the “Track my email activity...” option. Now the service will sort your emails by importance. Then you can select “Enable markers”, “Ignore filters”, and at the top of the section change the “Inbox” folder type to “Important first”. Then go to Settings > General, and in the “Desktop Notifications” section, select “Enable notifications for important emails.”

Get rid of chain letters

All people are divided into two large groups: those who love chain letters, and those who hate them with every fiber of their soul. If you belong to the second type of people, then this function can be easily disabled. In the Settings > General section, find and disable the “Email threads” option. Next time you open last letter in correspondence with the addressee, you will see a pleasant-looking field for the text of the letter, and not a list of all letters. In the Inbox folder, all letters will also be displayed as separate clickable lines.

Archive me completely...

Gmail has a feature to archive emails instead of deleting them. It is assumed that there will be enough in your mail free space for storing many large emails without periodically cleaning out your inbox. And since there is enough space, you don’t have to delete read letters forever, but send them to the archive just in case. To do this, having selected a letter, at the top of the list of letters you need to click on the second button on the left (square with a down arrow). And if you suddenly need an old letter, you can find it by selecting the “All mail” section in the menu on the left.

...but don't forget to clean

No matter how generous in volumes free storage There wasn't Gmail, but it's 2016 and emails are getting bigger and bigger. So one day you will run out of storage space, and then you will have to empty the archive of the heaviest messages. To do this, click the small arrow at the right end of the search line. In the window that pops up, select and check the “Have attached files” checkbox. In the Size line, enter the value “10” and click the blue search button. The search will give you all emails with attachments larger than 10 megabytes. Mark those letters that you definitely will not need, and click on the “trash” icon at the top of the list of letters.

Answer and forget

After reading and replying to an email, do you really need it to still remain in your inbox? Try using the Send and Archive feature to immediately remove emails from your inbox after you reply to them. You will find the corresponding item in the Settings > General section. By checking the appropriate box, you will add a “Send and Archive” button to the response window. Now, every time you reply to an email, you can choose to leave the email hanging out in your inbox or send it straight to the archive.

Organize your email with labels and filters

Not enough memory - buy

If you're really tired of cramming letters into your mailbox and constantly worrying about storage memory, then you can fork out for paid space. Scroll to the very bottom of the letters. In the lower left corner, under the list of emails, you will see memory usage statistics and a “Manage” button. If you're close to 100%, follow this link to see options for paying for additional memory. There are several tariff plans, starting from 140 rubles per month. Additional memory will apply not only to mail, but also to other services like Google Drive and Google Photos if you use them.

Take a look around the post office

If you want to view as many emails as possible at once, change maximum size pages. To do this, go to Settings > General and select the third item from the top. You can set one of the suggested values ​​ranging from 10 to 100 letters.

Colors of importance

Marking an important letter with an asterisk means to indicate its importance. But the importance also varies. To select a special star for each important letter, go to Settings > General and in the Stars subsection, select the All option. The next time you star an email, click the star again and choose one of the star options you want different colors, as well as exclamation and question marks and other icons.

Make a task out of a letter

You can make a list of important things from your mailbox. To do this, click the More button above the list of emails and select “Add to tasks.” The letter will automatically become a task in the corresponding Google service. A link to this letter will be attached to the task.

Keep track of unread

In Settings > Lab, enable the Icon unread messages" If Gmail tab you have it open all the time, like anyone else normal person, then now by looking at the tab icon you can see how many unread emails you have. This is in case you need a little relief during a busy day at work.

Go offline

If you have a Chrome browser, you can try using offline mail mode. Gmail will be available to you even without an Internet connection. No, without the Internet you will not be able to send or receive letters. But you can, for example, view your inbox, sort letters, or continue writing a reply until you return to civilization. To enable offline mode, go to Settings > Offline.

Give away the mail

If you are completely exhausted trying to bring order to your mailbox and have time to respond to all letters, you can entrust this work to one of your subordinates. To do this, go to Settings > Accounts and Import. In the “Give access to your account” subsection, you can add another Google user and thus give him access to your mail. It won't be able to change your password or other settings, but it will be able to read, archive, and respond to your emails. Such letters will be signed with your name and trustee, which will be indicated in brackets.

Block intrusive interlocutors

Some people don't take hints. For these, there is a block button. When you receive an email from a sender you no longer want to hear from, open the email and click the down arrow in the top right corner. Select "Block Sender" from the drop-down list. Now all letters from this address will go straight to the Spam folder.

Re-read old letters

If you need to quickly find an email your friend sent you years ago, simply hover over the sender's name in the email list or reading window. A window will appear business card contact. There is a “Correspondence” button, by clicking on which you will see all the letters that you exchanged with this recipient.

Not there!

We've all had a situation where a letter went to another by mistake instead of one recipient. Now you can protect yourself from such trouble by enabling the email cancellation function. Go to Settings > General and check the “Cancel sending” option. You can also select the delay time for sending the letter from 5 to 30 seconds. The next time you send an email, you will see an "Unsend" button.

Leave in English

Tired of the group conversations you've been included in? You can slowly leave them. To do this, select the email chain and in the More section, click the Ignore button. After this, all letters in this chain will bypass you only if you are not the only recipient of the letter. If you want to return to the conversation, find the corresponding thread in your inbox and unblock it.

Create new Gmail addresses easily

Let's say you don't want to bother with filters or you want to create additional Gmail account. In this case, you can create a virtual Gmail address by simply adding + something between @ and This is how you can create an address [email protected] to participate in auctions or you [email protected] for sales accounts, etc. Now everything that comes to these addresses will fall into your mail.

Send letters even in your sleep

Let your clients and partners think that you are a workaholic maniac who works even at night. Install the Boomerang extensions, which can be used to schedule emails to be sent at a future time. The extension is valid in Chrome browsers, Safari and Firefox. Free version allows you to schedule up to 10 emails per month. The same extension can be used as a reminder of emails that you need to finish working on later.

Automate replies to identical emails

You may have to review and respond to dozens of identical emails every day. To avoid having to write your answers anew each time, use the “Answer Templates” button in the Settings > Laboratory section. Next time you write a template reply, mark it accordingly and you can send the same reply over and over again.

Screenshot: Rusbase

Don't torture the mouse

Give your mouse a rest - use the keys quick access. Some of them are active by default. If you want to learn more about them, take a look at Settings > General and turn on “Shortcut Keys”. Then press the "?" on the keyboard. A table of all combinations will appear on the screen shortcut keys for working with mail.

Stop monitoring other email services

In Settings > Accounts & Import, select Add your POP3 email account. After this, Gmail will automatically receive emails from your other accounts. Use the Send Email As feature to send an email from one of your addresses.

Gmail has a ton of tricks, tips, and extensions that make the experience of using this mailer unique. new level. Deleting misdirected mail, hotkeys, transferring money through an email account - knowledge of such techniques will turn you into one of the most advanced users of the service.

Canceling an erroneous email sending

Sending a letter to the wrong address can have serious consequences. Luckily, you can now fix this error in Gmail. First, enable the Undo Send feature. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner of your email account. Then, under the “Undo Send” section, check the “Enable Undo Send” checkbox. Specify the time period during which you want to have this option in the “Time period for canceling sending” drop-down list. The most important thing is to remember to click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.

It turns out that to work with letters in Gmail inbox, you don't have to be online. Browser extension“Gmail Offline” for Chrome allows you to read and respond to messages, search and archive the necessary correspondence without access to the Internet.

However, to take advantage of “Gmail Offline”, the extension must be installed with an active Internet connection. Go to the already familiar “Settings” menu, select the “Offline” tab there and make the installation. In a few minutes, the extension will synchronize and download your emails so that the lack of Internet does not interfere with working with your email.

Using Hot Keys

To save time, use hotkeys. Again, go to “Settings” and in the “General” tab enable this function. Now you can rummage through your drawer without touching the “mouse”. Here are the most necessary and most often used combinations:

  • “J”—go to older messages
  • “K”—go to new messages
  • “E” - archive
  • “Shift”+3 — delete
  • “A” - answer everyone
  • “R”—reply personally

Scheduler for sending emails

Perhaps you don't want to send an email late at night or are afraid that you'll forget to do it in the morning. The Boomerang extension for Chrome will help you schedule a pre-prepared email to be sent and remind you about pending mail.

Deleting emails that take up a lot of space

Gmail gives each user free 15 GB for storing mail, photos for Google+ and files on Google Drive. But sooner or later this luxury ends. Instead of going through your mailbox and Google Drive looking for old unnecessary letters and documents for the sake of free 5-6 MB, go through the letters that take up the most space.

Type “size:[X]m” into the Gmail search bar, specifying the size of the message in megabytes instead of [X], and you will get a list of all your messages that exceed set value. Be careful - search query must be entered together with quotes.

Unsubscribe from mailing lists

Tired of mailing lists, which were subscribed to in the last century? There is a simple and quick way unsubscribe from mailings that have become useless garbage in the mail. In the header of one of these emails, click “Unsubscribe from messages from this sender.” Now this author will not bother you with his messages.

To prevent important emails from going unread, do a little reorganization of your inbox. Go to “Settings” to the “Inbox” tab, then from the “Inbox type” drop-down menu, select “Unread first”. This way you will see incoming unread emails first.

Setting up filters

If you receive a lot of emails from online stores or mailing services and don’t want to miss great deals, There is good way filter necessary messages. Click on the small arrow on the right in the search bar. A window will appear in which you need to enter conditions for filtering letters (by subject, sender, recipient, etc.).

Having specified the necessary parameters, click on “Create a filter according to this request” in the lower right corner of the window. You will have many options like “Never send to spam”, “Always mark as important” and so on. By checking the “Apply filter to matching email threads” checkbox at the bottom, you will apply these actions to all messages that meet the specified parameters.

Sending emails from different addresses

Did you know you can send emails with different addresses without leaving your Gmail account? To do this, go to the “Settings” menu, go to the “Accounts and Import” tab and in the “Send emails as” section, click on “Add another address” email" A new window will open allowing you to connect a different email address to your Gmail account.

Personal letter icons

To find out if the letter was addressed only to you or mass mailing on the list of mailboxes, enable the “Personal mail icons” function. To do this, in the “Settings” menu, select the “General” tab, then in the “Personal email icons” section, select “Enable”.

Now in your inbox you will see an arrow next to messages sent with you to other recipients, and a double arrow next to messages that are addressed only to you. There are no arrows at all near mailing letters.

If you don’t want to respond to an email right away, but are afraid that you will forget to write a response later, use the “Tasks” list. To add a letter reminder to “Tasks”, select incoming message, which you need to answer, then click the “More” button above it and select “Add to tasks”. To check if this task has appeared in the list, go to the drop-down menu in the upper left corner above your inbox. When you select “Tasks” you will see a list of current tasks.

Import from other email accounts

There is a very simple way to collect all letters and contacts in one mail account. Go to the already familiar “Settings” menu and select the “Accounts and Import” tab there. In the “Import mail and accounts” section, click on “Import mail and contacts”. A new window will open with instructions that will help you collect all your mail and contacts in one Gmail account in a matter of minutes.

Pre-prepared messages

If you often have to respond to emails with the same phrases, the “Response Templates” function will come in handy. It allows you to add message templates to your personal library and send them to recipients with one click. To configure the function, go to the “Lab” tab of the “Settings” menu, then in the search bar experimental function search for “Templates”. Enable the found function and do not forget to save your changes.

Now create a response template. In the lower right corner of the window with a new message, click on the arrow, select “Reply templates” and “Create a ready-made response” from the drop-down menu. Enter the name of the ready answer in the window that appears. Now, when replying to any email, you can choose ready template reply from the More menu in the lower right corner of the message window.

Money transfer

If you're in the US or UK, you can send money with Google. Wallet directly from your Gmail account. Compose a message addressed to your recipient, then click the dollar sign at the bottom of the window. A Google Wallet service window will open in which you need to indicate the amount to be sent. In order not to send, but to request remittance, instead of the “Send funds” tab, select “Submit a transfer request”.

If you don't have Google Wallet, the first time you transfer funds you will be prompted to set it up. Of course, your recipient or sender must also have this service configured.

Automatic archiving of sent emails

If you want to keep your inbox organized without deleting old messages, use the message archiving feature. Sent emails can be archived automatically using the “Send and Archive” function. It is enabled on the “General” tab in the “Settings” menu, in the “Sending and Archiving” section

Archived emails are stored in the All Mail folder, but if someone replies to you from an archived email, it will appear in your inbox again.

Backing up emails

If you are afraid of accidentally losing important letters, attached files and images, Google allows you to create archives of data from any services that are associated with your account. You can archive all mail or select letters with specific labels. For those who do not believe in absolute reliability Google servers, the extension is suitable for backup Gmvault mail.

If you do not want to see a certain email chain, check the “Ignore” checkbox. To do this, go to the “More” drop-down menu at the top of the window and click the corresponding button there. You will no longer see the flagged email thread unless you search for it through the search bar.

Using emoticons in letters

Emoticons can be added not only to SMS messages. If you want to spice up your chat conversations or make your emails less formal, select the smiley face icon in the chat or new message window. Please note that this feature is only available for the web version of the service.

Extension CheckerPlus for Gmail for the Chrome browser will send notifications of new emails, and will also allow you to read and delete incoming messages without opening the Gmail page.

Unauthorized actions on your account

In a world where online profiles are constantly at risk of being hacked, you need to make sure your account is safe. To make sure that no one but you is messing with your inbox, check your “ Latest actions in the account." This text, in small letters, along with the time when some actions were performed on the account, is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. By clicking on the link “ Additional information”, you will open a new window with data about all activities in the current account and active sessions associated with it.

Hopefully, with these tips, you'll be able to use Gmail much more effectively than before.

It became clear that the matter would not end with restricting access to messenger servers. The subnets of Amazon and Google were included in the upload of IP addresses. Moreover, the latter, despite the requirement Russian authorities, “continues to provide Telegram with its addresses for carrying out activities in Russia.” In this regard, Roskomnadzor has actively taken up the matter. According to unofficial data, on current moment 118 IP addresses have already been blocked.
Just yesterday, many users noted problems with access to the main page of the search giant and several of its services, and today there are malfunctions YouTube video hosting, Gmail mailer, application store Google Play and a number of other services.

The first complaints about YouTube not working began to appear on the evening of April 22. This morning, users were mostly unable to access the video hosting site in Chrome and Opera browsers. According to the Downdetecor website, problems arose in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Volgograd and several others Russian cities.

In addition, numerous messages on Twitter indicate that Gmail, the store Google applications Play cloud service Google Drive, Google Analitycs, Google Adwords, Google Trends and even a reCaptcha verification system.

Roskomnadzor has already published a refutation on this matter.
“Specialists from Roskomnadzor verified information that, as part of measures to restrict access to the Telegram messenger in Russia, Google resources responsible for the operation of the “Are you a robot?” verification system were allegedly blocked. (Captcha). It has been established that this information not true.

In connection with the publication of messages about restricting access to network resources We inform Google that the IP addresses of Gmail and YouTube were not included in the register of prohibited information and were not sent to telecom operators for blocking. […] IP addresses of the web versions of Google Play and Google Drive were not included in the register of prohibited information and were not sent to telecom operators for blocking. Mobile applications are also available,” the press service of Roskomnadzor reported.

In turn Google company also gave an official comment:
“We are aware of reports from Russia that users are unable to access some of our services. We are looking into these allegations."