Where is the system registry located? What is a registry and how to work with it

Many users come across the terms “clean registry”, “remove from registry”, “registry backup”, “system registry”, etc., but a significant part of them do not even know what this registry is. In this article we will look at what the system registry is, why it needs to be cleaned and how to work with it.

Windows Registry, what is it?

The registry, system registry, Windows registry is a huge and at the same time the main hierarchical database of operating systems of the Windows family, which first appeared back in 1992 in Windows 3.1. It consists of several files stored in system directories, such as ServiceProfiles, %USERPROFILE%, System32config. It arose as a replacement for ini files, which previously stored the system configuration. This significantly increased the speed of access to system data.

The database contains information about the computer's hardware and software, settings and operating modes of each system component, account settings, control panel settings, service configuration, file associations, and much more. A significant number of changes made by the user, applications, or the operating system itself on the computer are stored in the system registry.

Why clean the registry and optimize it?

As noted, the registry contains information about virtually all system components and their settings, and it consists of more than a dozen protected system files. Based on this, system database files, like any other, are subject to fragmentation (when sectors storing one document are scattered across the disk surface, instead of being nearby), which increases the time it takes to access the registry. Therefore, it needs periodic defragmentation. It’s just not possible to defragment system files in the usual way, since they are constantly used by Windows. For this purpose, a lot of special utilities have been developed - defragmenters and tweakers.

It is necessary to clean the system database from junk entries, which are information about remote applications, libraries, fonts, drivers and file associations with remote programs, etc. in order to reduce the volume of the registry and the time of access to registry entries.

Registry structure

The system database consists of several sections, each of which is stored in its own file. Some subsections that take up a huge amount of space, for example, information about installed applications, are also saved in separate files.

Windows Registry - branches

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (HKCR) – the branch stores data about all file extensions registered in the operating system, their associations with programs, as well as ActiveX and COM components.
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) – the current user’s account configuration is stored here.
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) – data about the computer’s hardware components, their drivers, operating modes and information about loading the Windows OS.
  • HKEY_USERS (HKU) – stores all data about all user accounts on this computer.
  • HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG (HKCC) – This contains information about the hardware used to turn on the computer.

How to run a program to work with the registry?

Windows is equipped with a simple and functional utility for the user to work with its registry. There are several ways to launch the Registry Editor, which manages all system database entries.

How to open the Windows registry?

1st method

  1. Call up the “Run” dialog box using the “Win ​​+ R” combination.
  2. We write “regedit” in the text form and click “OK”.

2nd method

  1. Call “Start” and enter the command to launch the registry editor “regedit” in the search bar.
  2. In the search results, click on “regedit.exe” to launch the system utility.

We work with system registry entries using a standard registry editor

After launching the Registry Editor, a window will appear in front of us displaying the hierarchical structure of the system database.

Each of its branches contains a large number of subsections, which are opened by clicking on the triangle, double-clicking on the name of the section/subsection, or clicking on the “®” button - the cursor to the right on the keyboard.

The user has the following options for working with the system registry:

  • export and import of both entire branches and their individual sections and records (keys);
  • transfer of any subsections of the register to paper in the form of text information;
  • creating, deleting, renaming keys and branches;
  • search for any information in the registry.

All actions are performed through two main menu items (“File” and “Edit”) of the registry editor after selecting the required key or subkey, as well as through their context menu, which is called by right-clicking on the object.

Working with the registry through a standard program is not much different from working with data from the file system of your hard drive, with a few exceptions, one of which is the inability to work with several objects at the same time. And the view of the system database in the form of a tree will be unusual for many users. The F2 button is also responsible for renaming, Delete – deleting branches and registry keys

Important! Before performing any actions with the registry, be sure to create a backup copy of the branch or section to which you intend to make changes.

Creating a backup copy of a section or branch:

Call the context menu of the branch being modified and select “Export” or select the branch, call the “File” menu item and click “Export...”.

Set the path and name of the output file.

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What is a registry and how to work with it?”, you can ask them in the comments

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The Windows Registry is one of the most mysterious parts of the operating system, allowing you to customize and modify almost every aspect of Windows. Some people work with the registry all the time, but most people have only a vague understanding of it and are not entirely sure how to create custom keys and settings. So, let's try to figure out what the Windows registry is.

What is the Windows Registry

The Windows registry is nothing more than a collection of various system configurations and settings.

It can be considered as a database that stores almost all the important information. This information includes everything related to the hardware system, application settings, installed programs, user profiles, etc. Windows accesses the registry constantly because, as already mentioned, it stores all the important information, and it is much faster and easier for the operating system to manage everything from one place than to fiddle with separate configuration files located in different places.

Windows Registry Components

The Windows 10 registry consists of three main components - root-level keys, keys, and settings.

Root level keys contain sections that have their own set of parameters.

There are five different root level keys, and they all have their own specific purposes. Here's their gist:

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (HKCR): this key is used for object linking and embedding (OLE) and file type association. This is the key where Windows associates files with their respective programs so the user can open and interact with them.
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER(HKCU): This Windows registry key stores all data, user-level settings, and configurations associated with the logged-in user. Not only Windows, but also other programs store data related to the current user here.
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM): Regardless of the user's status, this key contains all system partitions, including any hardware settings, software settings, etc. Because HKLM contains most of all system information, it is one of the most public Windows root keys.
  • HKEY_USERS (HKU): As the name suggests, this root key contains the settings of all users, including logged in and logged out users, so do not confuse this key with HKCU.
  • HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG (HKCC): Simply put, it is a pseudo root key because it is a direct link to the current hardware profile settings in the HKLM root key.

Partition options

Each of these root keys has its own sections, and each section has its own parameters. Each section can create 6 different types of parameters, and the values ​​of these parameters are entirely dependent on the target program and/or configuration requirements.

In general, there are four main types of data used in the Windows Registry Editor of any version - 7,8 or 10:

  • String parameter: consists of simple, readable text and is one of the most commonly used settings in the Windows Registry.
  • Binary parameter: As the name suggests, this parameter contains only binary data (0, 1). Often used to turn a specific feature on or off.
  • ParameterDWORD (32 bits): similar to a binary parameter, but capable of storing any integer in the range of 32 bits. Designed to work with 32-bit systems, but is also used on 64-bit systems for backward compatibility.
  • ParameterQWORD (64 bits): this parameter is almost like a DWORD, but is capable of carrying any integer in the range of 64 bits. We can say that QWORD is designed to work with 64-bit systems.

How to open Windows Registry Editor

This method of opening the registry will work regardless of the installed version of Windows - 7,8 or 10:

Press +R key to open the Run window. Type or and press Enter or OK. If the User Account Control (UAC) window appears, click Yes.

The main executable file of the registry editor is located in the directory C:\Windows. So you can open this folder and run regedit.exe directly, or you can simply create a shortcut to regedit.exe in a location convenient for you.

Registry Editor: for 64-bit and 32-bit Windows

The registry in 64-bit versions of Windows consists of 32-bit and 64-bit sections. Many of the 32-bit partitions have the same names as their 64-bit counterparts, and vice versa.

The default 64-bit version (regedit.exe) displays both 64-bit and 32-bit partitions. In the 64-bit version of Registry Editor, 32-bit keys appear in the following registry key:


You can view and edit 64-bit and 32-bit sections and settings using the 64-bit version of the editor. To view or edit 64-bit keys, you must use the 64-bit version of Registry Editor (regedit.exe). You can also edit and view 32-bit keys and values ​​using the 32-bit version (%systemroot\%Syswow64). To open the 32-bit version of Registry Editor, follow these steps:

  • Open the Run dialog.
  • Enter %systemroot%\syswow64\regedit and click OK.


You must close the 64-bit version of Registry Editor before opening the 32-bit version (and vice versa). However, you can open a second instance of Registry Editor. For example, if the 64-bit version of the editor is already running, enter the command %systemroot%\syswow64\regedit -m to launch the 32-bit version of the editor.

Creating new sections and parameters

Creating sections and parameters is very simple. But before you do anything, please create a backup of your Windows registry, as any incorrect settings or deletion of important items may cause critical errors.

To create a backup, in the editor window, click "File -> Export", enter a file name and save it in a safe place.

To create a new partition, right-click on the root-level key and select New -> Partition. The new partition will look like a folder, and by default it will be named something like "New Partition #1". Of course, the section can always be renamed. The same procedure is followed whenever a new subkey needs to be created.

To create a new parameter, right-click in an empty area of ​​the editor's right pane and select the desired parameter. The created parameter must be given a name; The name depends entirely on the specific requirements.

To assign a value to a parameter, double-click it and enter a value. Again, the value depends on the program or specific settings.

Access rights to registry keys

By analogy with rights and permissions for certain objects in the NTFS file system, the same protection is provided for registry keys.

Since Windows Vista, a large number of OS-specific registry keys that store Windows settings have been protected by Windows Resource Protection, so you can't just delete or change them. You cannot do this without becoming their owner and setting permissions (access rights) on them. Fortunately, the operating system allows this too, but the manual method is too tedious, so it is better to use a simple utility that automates this entire process.

That's all! I hope the above has helped you better understand the Windows Registry and its main components. Share your opinions and experiences in the comments below!

Have a great day!

So, today we will talk about a topic that seems to be not very important, but, in fact, very necessary for every Windows user (and there are the vast majority of them) - what is the registry, what does it consist of, why is it needed and how to save it in their bins. So what exactly is a registry? In essence, this is a huge, hierarchically structured database that operates based on user requests. This database is needed to systematize system data, as well as optimize access to it. The registry contains a lot of diverse information about both normal operating system settings and various fine-tuning settings, including security settings and working with low-level programs, as well as drivers.

The registry is not some external program, it is part of the operating system. Ntdetect searches for registry files when the system boots and loads the boot parameters from there. knowledge of the registry keys and knowledge of their significance is necessary for effective system management. And also at least for basic diagnostics “why it doesn’t work like that.” The registry is a tree-based system of value/key directories. Which are responsible for certain settings. Moreover, it should be taken into account that different keys can have different types - from logical to string.

Demonstrative anatomy.

So, it’s worth telling what the registry physically consists of and how it works. It’s worth making a reservation right away. That in the form in which the registry is presented to the user, it is not stored anywhere and special programs are needed to edit it - registry editors. The standard regedit.exe and regedit32.exe are fine. During the process of configuring and installing the system, some part of the registry data is generated, and another part is generated during system operation. As a result, when the system boots, a virtual object REGISTRY\ is formed, which is the registry. Registry branches are available for editing, viewing and studying the registry using standard Windows tools (regedit.exe and regedt32.exe programs). After editing the registry and/or making changes to it, these changes are immediately written to files that are part of the registry. These are, in Windows 95 and Windows 98 user.dat and system.dat; in Windows ME - user.dat, classes.dat and system.dat. In later versions of the system, a much larger number of necessary files appeared.

About the shortcomings and how scammers make money from these shortcomings.

In fact, the system is quite complex, but quite reliable. Due to excessive complexity, difficulties arise with the fragmentation of the registry, and therefore with the speed of its operation. Also, the registry tends to become excessively “fat” as a result of the accumulation of data over a long period of operation, which also complicates its functioning. This problem can be solved using special programs to optimize and clean the registry. When dealing with this issue on your own, you should remember that you should not delete something from the registry if you do not know its purpose - this can seriously damage the system, or even render it unusable. In addition, scammers are trying to make a big deal out of these problems - the network is full of offers to “download a program to optimize the registry, after installing which your computer will run 30% faster.” Typically, such an offer is followed by a form to send an SMS, which confirms previous suspicions. You should not pay attention to such things, much less believe them - then you will not lose either money or nerves.

The main branches of the registry, their meaning and purpose.

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is a link to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes section. The information stored here ensures that the required program starts when you open a file using Explorer. This section contains connections between applications and file types, as well as information about OLE.

HKEY_USERS - this section contains settings for all computer users.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER – this branch is a link to a specific internal subkey HKEY_USERS. All settings are set in accordance with which user is currently in the system (i.e. which session is active).

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Contains almost all the settings and parameters that belong to this computer, including hardware settings, hardware configuration and user profiles.

HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG is essentially just a link to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\ Hardware Profiles\Current. There are all the incoming hardware settings necessary to run the system.

The main standard sections written above cannot be deleted or renamed. Some registry keys are volatile and are not stored in any file. The OS creates and manages these partitions entirely in RAM, rather than saving them to the hard drive, so they are temporary in nature. The system creates volatile partitions every time it boots. For example, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE is a registry key that stores information about hardware devices and the resources assigned to them. Resource assignment and hardware detection occur every time the system boots, so it is logical and natural that this data does not require permanent storage on the hard drive.

How to save what you have already acquired.

Sometimes it is useful to make a backup copy of the system registry for fear of damaging it. This can happen as a result of unsuccessful experiments with the registry, incorrect installation of drivers, and dozens of other reasons. And it doesn’t hurt to have it “just in case.” In order not to do this manually every time, you can use one of the many auto-backup programs, for example, Comodo Backup.

Quite often, many users, especially beginners, come across the concept of the system registry. True, for many of them this is something from the realm of transcendental distances, incomprehensible and completely unknown. After all, they say from all sides that system failures are almost directly related to the registry. But let's still figure out what the registry on a computer is, why it is needed and what actions it is responsible for. You will see, there is nothing incomprehensible here.

What is a registry on a computer: a general concept

In general, every person who uses operating systems of the Windows family should clearly understand that the system registry, in essence, is not some kind of program; in fact, it is a huge database containing information about all system components and settings (system and custom).

Since the operating system itself acts, so to speak, as a kind of layer or intermediary between the user and executable programs (as well as hardware components), the registry can be considered such a component. The fact is that when calling a program, opening a file, or using a hardware device or its driver, the system accesses directly a specific key (record) or key system to activate a particular process. But first things first.

Registry Editor

First, let's look at where the registry is on the computer. Frankly, many people don’t even know its location. The fact is that on the system disk (meaning the partition with Windows installed), the registry folder itself (and its subfolders) is hidden from the user’s eyes. In other words, they have the corresponding attribute. This is the System Volume Information directory. You can see it only if you specify the “Show hidden files and folders” option in the settings for displaying files and folders.

Hiding registry data is done for obvious reasons, because you can completely accidentally delete some important component. Some users, out of curiosity, are wondering how to remove the registry from their computer. Firstly, it is not recommended to do this at all, since after this the system will simply crash, and no amount of resuscitation will help (provided that a backup copy was not previously created). And secondly, the system will not allow you to completely remove it, except perhaps some components. The basic information will still remain.

In order to see what the registry looks like with all its sections, you need to call the registry editor with the regedit command in the Run menu or on the command line.

Registry keys

So, the register is in front of us. Depending on the version of the operating system, some sections may differ, but the basic elements are the same in almost all systems. The differences may only be minor. So, for example, the user has Windows XP installed. Here the register has one type. The registry of another computer, say, with Windows 8 installed, may have a slightly different appearance.

However, note: there are four main branches that are present in all systems, each with a strictly ordered complex hierarchical structure. Moreover, each section contains information of a certain type.

Each branch in the title has an initial abbreviation HKEY, after which an abbreviation for the type of information present is added.

  • CLASSES_ROOT is a database containing information about all files, or rather their types, organized by extension, as well as information about COM type servers.
  • CURRENT_USER - a folder with personal data of each user currently using the system. Typically, the data of other users logged in to the system is not displayed in each local session. However, this does not mean at all that the computer, provided that only one operating system is installed, has several registries. This can only happen if two or more of them are installed at the same time.
  • USERS is a shared folder for all users. In other words, these are the parameters and settings that are used by all users without exception.
  • LOCAL_MACHINE is the most voluminous section, which contains information about absolutely all hardware and virtual device drivers, software components and applications, as well as about the settings of the operating system itself. By the way, it is this folder, or rather the key entry present in it, that the system refers to when calling a program or using the capabilities of some device.
  • CURRENT_CONFIG, as is already clear, is a database of the current configuration.

Registry optimization

Now, I think, it becomes more or less clear what a registry is on a computer. However, it also poses some problems. Just like the system as a whole, with a large number of unnecessary or unused files, the registry is also susceptible to contamination in the form of similar keys.

For example, they may remain after incorrect removal of programs and applications, unexpected failures, etc. In this case, optimization is required.

Unfortunately, there are no such tools in the Windows operating systems themselves. But using third-party software packages has a lot of possibilities. As a rule, almost all optimization utilities, even if they use Windows performance improvement, involve cleaning the registry of debris in one click. At the same time, programs scan it for incorrect (incorrect) keys, outdated entries, etc. by matching, say, file associations, links to programs and their components, changed settings, and much more.

What's most interesting: no user intervention is required here. Cleaning is carried out automatically. In addition, this approach also ensures security, because the user, unknowingly, can accidentally remove some important component, after which problems will begin with Windows. There is probably no need to explain that optimization requires a computer program. The registry, as is already clear, will remain in its normal working form - with the exception of deleted or corrected elements.

Registry defragmentation

As for defragmentation, it is similar to the process performed when working with hard drives and their partitions or removable devices such as USB, HDD.

As in the standard version, when you move frequently used files and folders to the fastest areas of the disk to speed up access to them, the same thing happens with the keys of files, programs and settings that are called up most often. After the registry of files on the computer is cleared of debris and defragmented, the entire system will begin to work much faster, because the time of accessing a specific key with its preliminary search will be minimized (and the registry itself becomes more compact).

Creating a registry backup and restoring the system

But if we talk about creating backup copies, not every user understands why they are needed.

The fact is that from such a copy you can quite simply restore the operation of the entire system as a whole. In principle, even when creating a recovery checkpoint, the Windows operating systems themselves create such copies and place them in special areas of the hard drive reserved for storing recovery data.

In principle, you can make a backup copy yourself. To do this, you can use your own Windows tools or third-party utilities (which, by the way, is much simpler and better). A copy is saved as a single file with the .reg extension in a location specified by the user. At the same time, you can restore the registry not only during a system crash, but also at any current moment if you need to roll back settings or restore some user programs.


As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in the question of what a registry is on a computer. Of course, it’s better not to do manual editing out of ignorance. For the average user, using specialized utilities is enough. Experienced users can use manual removal of registry keys, for example, in the case when some programs cannot be removed in the usual way, or they leave behind many uninstallable components, which can only be gotten rid of by deleting the corresponding keys and entries in the system registry.