Image in html table cell. Almost standard mode

Thanks to the versatility of tables, a large number parameters that control their appearance, tables have long become a definite standard for the layout of web pages. Table with invisible border represents as if modular grid, in the blocks of which it is convenient to place web page elements. However, this is not entirely the right approach, because each HTML object is defined for its own purposes and if it is not used for its intended purpose, and everywhere, this means that there are no alternatives. That's how it was for a long time until layers replaced tables in website layout. This does not mean that layers are now used all the time, but the trend has already clearly emerged - tables are used to place tabular data, and layers are used for layout and design.

Creating a table

A table consists of rows and columns of cells that can contain text and pictures. Tables are typically used to organize and present data, but tables are not limited to that. Using tables, it is convenient to layout page layouts by arranging fragments of text and images in the desired way.

To add a table to a web page, use the tag

. This element serves as a container for elements that define the contents of the table. Any table consists of rows and cells, which are specified respectively using tags And
. The table must contain at least one cell (example 12.1). Allowed instead of tag use tag. Text in a cell styled with the tag is displayed by the browser in a bold font and aligned to the center of the cell. Otherwise, the differences between cells created through tags and no.

Example 12.1. Creating a table


Cell 1 Cell 2
Cell 3 Cell 4

The order of the cells and their appearance is shown in Fig. 12.1.

Then the tables play very important role in creating an invisible frame for a web page. And this will help to arrange text, menus, pictures, etc. evenly and beautifully.
To better understand what I'm trying to tell you, take a look at this example web page wireframe:

So, how to make a simple table in HTML?
To build a table you need to use three tags:

TABLE – this tag is needed to open a table. It is a kind of container that contains other elements. It's bent in such a way that you can't figure it out without a donut. It’s okay, you’ll figure it out when you see an example.
Closing tag


The table consists of a row

row 1 row 1
row 2 row 2
row 3 row 3
cell 1 cell 2
cell 1 cell 2
cell 1 cell 2

TR – creates new row tables. Closing tag required.

TD – creates a new cell in a row. Closing tag required.

Let's look at an example to better understand all of the above:

Tables in HTML

row 1 cell 1 row1 cell2
row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2
row 3 cell 1 row 3 cell 2

Here is the result:

row 1 cell 1 row1 cell2
row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2
row 3 cell 1 row 3 cell 2

Let me explain everything.
Before every creation new table tag opens

Next, place it in the middle of the container
tag , which indicates the beginning of a new series.
In this row we insert two cells with content using the tag

Closing the row with a tag .
Open another row with a tag
Closing the row with a tag .
Open the third row with the tag and insert two cells into it again.
Closing the row with a tag .
Closing the table with a tag
row 1 cell 1 row1 cell2

I think you figured it out? If someone has forgotten what an attribute is border which I use along with the tag

, I remind you that this is the thickness of the frame. If in border will be set to “0”, then the table borders will be invisible.

Look at a couple of examples of created tables and you can move on:

Tables in HTML

row 1 cell 1
row 2 cell 1


In order to insert a picture into a table, you need to know basic basic knowledge about how to insert an image into HTML file. I talk about this in. Now that you know the basics about images in HTML, you can try inserting an image into a table. This can be done as follows:

in line between tags insert image.

Tables in HTML

row 1 cell 1 row 1 cell 2


row 1 cell 1 row 1 cell 2
How to merge cells in a table?

To merge cells in a table, you need to use the following attributes:
COLSPAN – defines the number of columns.
Default value is 1.
ROWSPAN – determines the number of rows.
Default value is 1.

merge cells into top row using attribute colspan :

Tables in HTML

row 1 cell 1+2
row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2


How to set table size?

To set the height and width of the table, use the following attributes:

WIDTH – table width. The size is specified in pixels or percentages.
HEIGHT – table height. The size is specified in pixels or percentages.

Tables in HTML

row 1 cell 1row1 cell2
row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2


Aligning content in a table

To align content (text, pictures) inside a table, you can use the following attributes:

ALIGN – horizontal alignment contents in the table.
To attribute ALIGN assigned values: left (default), center,right.
left - push the content to the left side;
center – set to the center;
right - push content to the right side

VALIGN – vertical alignment contents in the table.
To attribute VALIGN assigned values: top, bottom, middle.
top – push content to the top;
bottom – push content to the bottom;
middle – set the content in the middle

Tables in HTML

row 1 cell 1 row1 cell2
row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2


How to make a table background?

You can also set the table background for all its cells together, as well as for each cell individually. You can set the background with a color, or with a picture. There are two attributes for the background:

BGCOLOR – background color for the entire table or for each cell individually. The color is specified by code or word.
BACKGROUND – the background in the table is filled with a picture.

Attention: if you want to set the background color or background image the entire table, attributes need to be set in the tag

. And if only to a specific cell, then to the tag

For better understanding, see the example:

Tables in HTML

row 1 cell 1 row1 cell2
row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2


Attention: if the picture is smaller in size per cell, then it will be repeated until it fills the cell to the end. If the picture is larger than the cell, then the background of the picture will be cropped to fit the cell.

And finally, I’ll tell you about two more useful attributes.

In case you suddenly want to increase the distance between all cells, the following attributes will help:

CELLPADDING – the distance between the frames of each html cells table and the material it contains.

Tables in HTML

row 1 cell 1 row1 cell2
row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2


row 1 cell 1 row1 cell2
row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2

CELLSPACING – the distance between the borders of adjacent cells.

Tables in HTML

row 1 cell 1 row1 cell2
row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2


row 1 cell 1 row1 cell2
row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2

Phew, I told you!
I hope I coped with the task and clearly explained everything I knew about html tables. I recommend that you secure the material well.
Try creating your own table, or better yet, a whole framework for a web page from an html table.
All the best to you!
Thanks for visiting my blog


The first step is to create a table if it doesn't already exist. This action is performed in the attribute. Tags are used for this (closing tag is required):

- table;
- line;
- column.

Main additional attributes:
Border – border;

Bordercolor – border color;
Width – width;
Height – height.

The syntax for a 2X2 table without a border and left/right aligned content is:

Contents of the 1st cell Contents of the 2nd cell
Contents of the 3rd cell Contents of the 4th cell

The image must be placed after the tag

. If you insert an image into the first cell of the table presented above, you will get:

Contents of the 2nd cell
Contents of the 3rd cell Contents of the 4th cell

Additional attributes:
Width – width;
Height – height;
Alt - alternative text that will be displayed to the user if the image viewing function is disabled;
Align – horizontal alignment;
Valign – vertical alignment;
Title – caption for the image.

You can use the image as a link. To do this, just put it in the appropriate tag:
In table context it would look like this:

Contents of the 2nd cell
Contents of the 3rd cell Contents of the 4th cell

Additional features images.

1. Changing the picture to color when you hover over it with the mouse and after changing the cursor location:
onMouseOver=""#color number"" onMouseOut=""#color number""

2. Changing the picture to another image when hovering the mouse:
onmouseover="this.src="images/1.gif"" onmouseout="this.src="images/2.gif""

3. Inserting a rotating carousel of pictures into a table cell (values ​​can be changed):

// 7 variables to control behavior
var Car_Image_Width=100;
var Car_Image_Height=100;
var Car_Border=true; // true or false
var Car_Border_Color="000000"; Border="0"
var Car_Speed=5;
var Car_Direction=true; // true or false
var Car_NoOfSides=6; // must be 4, 6, 8 or 12

/* array to specify images and optional links.
For 4 sided carousel specify at least 2 images
For 6 sided carousel specify at least 3
For 8 sided carousel specify at least 4
For 12 sided carousel specify at least 6
If Link is not needed keep it ""
Car_Image_Sources=new Array(

// NOTE No comma after last line

/***************** DO NOT EDIT BELOW **************************** ******/
CW_I=new Array(Car_NoOfSides/2+1);C_ClcW=new Array(Car_NoOfSides/2);
C_Coef=new Array(
3*Math.PI/2,0,3*Math.PI/2,11*Math.PI/6,Math.PI/6,3*Math.PI/2,7*Math.PI/4, 0,
var C_CoefOf=Car_NoOfSides==4?0:Car_NoOfSides==6?2:Car_NoOfSides==8?5:9;
C_Pre_Img=new Array(Car_Image_Sources.length);
var C_Angle=Car_Direction?Math.PI/(Car_NoOfSides/2):0,C_CrImg=Car_NoOfSides,C_MaxW,C_TotalW,

Function Carousel()

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