How to name a chart in Word. Percentage chart in Excel instructions for creating

In various financial documents or reports, coursework or diplomas, you may find data presented in table form. And in order to make them look more clearly, it is better to build a graph based on them. Since almost all the documentation that is presented in electronic form, is created in the MS Word editor, then in this article, we will learn how to create graphs in Word.

If you have a table with data in your document, then, of course, you can do everything yourself. To do this, turn on the visibility of the grid; using lines, draw the axes; sign them; and then, using the curve, draw.

But why such complexity if the editor already has built-in this function. We just need to enter the data correctly and everything will be ready.

But let's talk about everything in order.

How to build graphs

Let me take the following data as an example. There are employees, and the amount of goods they sold in a certain month. The graph will help you quickly understand which employee sold the most goods for a certain month, or for the entire period.

Place the cursor in in the right place document. Then go to the tab and in the “Illustrations” section, click on the button with the image of the diagram.

A window like the one in the screenshot below will appear. In it, select the type of chart that suits you best. Then click "OK". I will build with markers, but in in this case you could also make a histogram, or bar chart.

You need to transfer into it all the values ​​that you have indicated in the table in the Word document.

First you need to select the correct range of values ​​in Excel. I will have 5 lines ( top line and 4 employees), and 8 columns (employee names and months). Grab the lower right corner and select the number of rows and columns you need.

When you change them, please note that the schedule itself changes.

Once everything in Excel has been changed, close this window.

This is the result I got.

If you double-click with the left mouse button on the vertical (0, 10, 20, 30...), horizontal (Katya, Masha...) axis, legend (January, February...) or any of the data series (colored curves), a window with settings will open .

For example, click on the curve with values ​​for April, a window opens "Data Series Format". Here you can change the color, line type, etc.

If you click on the horizontal axis, a window will open. There you can select the necessary parameters.

If you click right click mouse according to the schedule, it will open context menu. In it you can "Change data"– will appear Excel sheet with the created table, which we closed, and more.

By clicking on the created graph, a tab will appear at the top. In it you will see three more additional tabs: “Designer”, “Layout” and “Format”. Click on them and see how else you can change the view. For example, add a title to your chart.

How to create a function graph

If you need to insert it into a document, then you can proceed as follows. First add a graph of functions in Excel, I described how to do this in a separate article, and then copy it and paste it into Word document. After this, you will still have the opportunity to edit it in Word, as described above: either click on the axes, or go to the tab.

You can also find on the Internet various programs, with which you can make a graph of a function in Word. I'll tell you about one of them - "Chart Builder 1.50".

This is a macro that needs to be installed on your computer. Then open Word and launch the program in “Add-ons”.

I downloaded the installation file from the Internet. Then I launched the installation wizard.

There is nothing special about the installation. Select language, accept terms and conditions license agreement, and press .

In order for the macro to work, you need to change a little Word settings. Go to the “File” tab and click on the item.

In the next window, go to the tab "Security Control Center" and click on the button.

On the tab "Macro Options" place a marker in the field "Enable all macros". Click "Ok" in this window and in the previous one.

If you do not plan to constantly use this macro, then after working with it, go back to Word and return everything back.

If you had a Word document open at the time of installing the program, then close it and open it again.

Then go to the tab. Should appear there new icon, corresponding to the macro. To run the macro, click on it.

The program interface is in Russian. Enter your values ​​and draw the desired function.

Hello again, my dear readers! Many novice users have great difficulty creating a simple chart in MS Word. This especially applies to those who previously worked on the old Office 2003, mainly in Excel, and after the appearance of new versions of Office, they experience difficulty in working with inserting objects and are wondering how to insert a diagram into Word.

Therefore, today we will talk about how to simply and quickly insert a diagram into MS Office 2010, and then work with it. We will also talk about what a diagram is and for what purposes it can be used.

What are diagrams in MS Word?

Charts in MS Word are used to present various digital data in the form of a diagram. This format allows you to greatly simplify the understanding of a significant amount of numerical data and their relationships.

You can use it in both Excel and Word large number diagrams different types. This allows you to make them as clear as possible for a particular audience. So, for example, it’s easy to select a circular one, or select a histogram. At the same time, you can combine them, creating a beautiful combined view of the diagram.

How to create a diagram in MS Word 2007 - 2013?

In order to add a diagram “MS Word 2007 – 2013” ​​you can use 2 types:

  1. Embed chart
  2. Insert a chart linked to all data and text from spreadsheets"Excel"

In order to insert a diagram in the first way, you need to click with the mouse where you want to place the diagram in the MS Word 2007 - 2013 program. Next, you should go to the “Insert” tab (“Illustrations”) and click on “OK”. After this, it will open e-book"Excel" (see example)

You can enter new data by clicking on the corresponding cells. It's so easy and simple to replace the legend and axis name. The next step is to click on the “ Microsoft Office"(on the 2007 version) and "File" - (on the 2010 - 2013 versions). In the “File name” field, enter the file name and click on “Save”. After this, it will appear on the desktop new document with a ready-made diagram in Word

Embedding a chart

Can be placed in Word chart, copied from Excel and paste it into a text editor. The linked chart data will automatically update if you change the Excel sheet.

So, click on the border of the already created Excel chart that you want to copy, and then click on “Cut” in the toolbar menu. Even though the chart is deleted, its numerical data will remain in Excel. Next, you need to click in the “Word” document where you want to place it and in the toolbar of the “Word” program click on the “Insert” button. The document is saved in the same way as in the first option. If necessary, you can create and graphic elements using "Smart Art".

This concludes my material on how to create a diagram in Word. If you liked my materials, then subscribe to my blog and invite your friends to do so. See you again on my blog page!

Laboratory work 2.

Create and edit diagrams in documentsWord

Word includes the Microsoft Graph charting program, which includes almost all the features of the most versatile spreadsheet program, Microsoft Excel. With Microsoft Graph, you can create high-quality, informative charts and include them in Word documents.

Creating a Chart

Charts are built based on data contained in a data table, which is also embedded in the Word document. The created chart is associated with a data table, so when the source data changes, the chart is automatically updated. You can create fourteen basic and twenty additional chart types. In addition, within each of the main types you can select a specific format (subtype).

For example, a table displaying data on office equipment sales volumes




If you need to create a chart based on data from a table, then you need to set the insertion point in one of the table cells and select the command Table, Select, Table. Select team Insert, Figure, Diagram. Then press OK.

If you want to create a chart based on data typed in a document and separated by tab characters, you need to select all of that data, including the titles that will be used as legend labels and category names.

Editing a Data Table

When working with a data table, you can move around, select cells, columns or rows, change the width, etc. When the source data changes, the diagram itself changes. To change the contents of a data table cell, you need to select the cell and enter new data. When you press Enter or move to another table cell, all existing data in that cell is replaced by the data you entered.

To edit cell contents, you need to select it, and then press the F2 key (switch to edit mode) or double-click on it. Changing the contents of a cell is no different from editing regular text. After the necessary corrections have been made, you need to press the Enter key.

You can also expand or narrow the data set, from which the chart is constructed, by adding or removing rows and columns from the data table. In this case, the diagram is automatically rebuilt taking into account changes made to the data table.

To insert rows or columns into a table, you need to select the required number of rows or columns and select the command Insert, Cells. To remove rows or columns from a table, you need to select them and then select the command Edit, Delete.

Chart type

Choosing the right chart type allows you to present your data in the most advantageous way. The chart type can be applied not only to the entire chart, but also to a single data series within it or to several series. Combining different chart types allows you to separate different types of data or highlight a certain series of data, for example, you can combine a graph with a histogram.

The easiest way to change the type of an entire chart or just one data series is to use the command Chart, Chart type. In the window that appears, you can select not only the type, but also the format of the selected chart type.

To change the chart type:

1. You need to select a team Chart, Chart type. A dialog box will appear Chart type

2. In this dialog box, expand the tab Standard to select one of the main chart types or tab Non-standard to select one of the additional chart types.

3. Listed Type highlight desired type diagrams.

4. If the tab is selected Standard, then in the format gallery View you need to select a chart subtype.

5. At the end you need to press the button OK to close the dialog box and apply the selected chart format.

To set up existing type diagrams:

1. You need to select a team Diagram. Chart options. A dialog box will appear Chart options, parameters in which can change in dependencies depending on the chart type.

2. Using the tabs in this dialog box, you can customize chart elements such as titles, axes, gridlines, data labels, etc.

3. After making the necessary changes, click OK.

Building Composite Charts

Composite charts are charts created using two or more chart types simultaneously. In such charts, some data series are represented using one type of chart, and others are represented using another. For example, you can plot one series in the form of a histogram, and the second in the form of a graph, which will make it easier to compare data series and search for their possible relationships.

The created chart can be made composite, or the type used to construct one or several data series can be changed. To do this:

1. Select the data series on the chart, the type should be changed, and select the command Chart, Chart Type

2. In a group Options dialog box that appears Chart type check the box Apply

3. Highlight the chart type for the selected data series and click the button OK.

Chart elements include bullets, legends, axes, labels, captions, etc. They can make a chart more impactful and informative.

The created diagram can also be formatted as needed by choosing the appropriate color scheme, font, and focusing on important elements, remove unnecessary details.

Formatting of any diagram object is carried out using the dialog box Format. To open this window:

1. Select desired object chart by clicking on it.

2. Select a team Format, Selected Object, or simply double-click on the object.

The tabs in the resulting dialog box contain many formatting options that you can use to customize the display of the selected Formatting item for any chart object.


Create a document called last name_group_lab 2 .doc ., in which you need to perform tasks 1-8.

Task 1 . Constructing diagrams.

Work progress: Call the program Microsoft Graph using the command Insert / Object / Microsoft Graph or Insert/Drawing/Diagram. If the clipboard did not contain a table, then the program inserts a demo example; the data in this example can be replaced with other source data. Familiarize yourself with the program's main menu commands Microsoft Graph.

Task 2. Using the table “Information on income and expenses of the company “Rhythm””, construct a diagram reflecting the dynamics of income and expenses of the company “Rhythm”.


on the income and expenses of the company "Rhythm" for January-March 1997.





Sales volume

Purchase costs

Shipping costs


To do this, copy the necessary rows of the source table with row and column headers to the clipboard and call the command Insert/Figure/Diagram.

Task 3. Build a volumetric pie chart to display the company’s income and expenses for the month of March (column “March”) in percentage terms.


Task 4. Construct a flat pie chart to display the firm's first quarter revenue (Revenue row) in value terms.

Task 5. Construct different types of charts (bar charts of various types, bar charts, graphs, radar charts, donut charts) from purchasing table data computer technology




Task 6 . Construct a three-dimensional diagram of the purchases of computers and printers in 2004 and 2005. For 3-D charts, explore changing the chart appearance.

Task 7. Master editing chart parameters (legends, chart titles, highlighting chart segments, entering segment names, changing the color of segments and other elements).

Construct a pie chart showing the purchase of computer equipment in 2002. The computers sector must be painted red, printers – blue, modems – green, photocopiers – brown. On the sectors, enter the value as a percentage.

Task 8. Using the menu command Insert/Title number the constructed diagrams as follows: Diagram 1., Diagram 2., etc. Master title editing.

Sometimes, when composing any documents in Word, you need to illustrate the data clearly. The question arises:? With it, your document will become visual, more understandable and take on a complete look. Moreover, there are many tools for building them in Word. The diagram can be made in any shape and any color.

Lesson - how to make a diagram in Word

Let's start by opening the “insert” tab and finding the “diagram” button. Go there. In the dialog box we are presented with a wide variety of its forms to choose from. They are presented: histograms, graphs, areas, circular, dot, stock and many others. Select any one that suits you, click on it and click “OK”.

Choosing a diagram design

Example chart

Two large windows pop up: our word remains on the left, and on the right Excel window. The diagram you selected appears on the left in our document, and conditional categories and series appear on the right in the Excel window. In the same window you set your data, activating the cells one by one. On the left you will substitute the data, and on the right you will observe how the diagram changes. If you need to insert additional data, the data area can be expanded. After you have entered all the data, the excel window can be closed.

How to make a diagram we have learned, and now we will learn how to change and format it.

Lesson - how to change a diagram

First, let’s give our chart a name; to do this, activate the words “chart name” and type what you need in this place. Next, activate the chart field again, and a panel for working with charts will appear at the top. We see three sections with which we can format and change the data in it. The panel is called “working with diagrams”,

there are many tabs in the panel, including which the entire panel changes. Here are some: designer, format, layout, settings and others. This panel will be visible until you start typing in the document, but as soon as you activate the chart field by left-clicking on it, a panel for working with it will immediately appear.

Pay attention to the "layout" tab. If you want a table of the data you made in the excel window to appear below the graph, go to “layout”, “data table”. A dialog box will appear and here you can choose to have the data table displayed anywhere.

Changing diagrams.

In order to learn the lesson well, how to make a diagram in Word, experiment with different data, shapes, colors and tables.

If you want to quickly make changes to a graphic, double-click on it with the right mouse button, a dialog box will appear in which you can make changes or formatting.

Microsoft Office has huge amount templates and tools for working with graphics. With their help, you can prepare a beautiful presentation or supplement a document with a visual application. To do this, figure out how to make a diagram in Word. It makes it easier to demonstrate information. If you display numbers and characteristics in the form of text, they will be scrolled through. To understand the essence of what is written, you will have to strain, read carefully and compare the data. But a correctly designed schedule will be immediately remembered.

In this article you will learn how to properly format graphs in Word.

Creating Charts

Finding the required add dialog is quite simple

This graphic can be inserted directly into a Word document. In this case, you must enter the data in Excel spreadsheet. It is not necessary to understand all the functions of this program to prepare a presentation. Everything is simple and clear. So, how to make a graph in Word:

  1. Open a blank document.
  2. Go to the menu Insert - Illustrations (or Insert - Drawing). There are all the tools for working with presentations and documents: images, WordArt shapes, multimedia. Find the "Create Chart" option.
  3. Select a visualization type. On the left are the categories: circular, point, exchange, petal, linear, bubble and so on. And on the right you can see what the figures look like. Click "OK" to build the graph.
  4. This will open an Excel window. The characteristics of the object are shown in the table. The values ​​in the cells correspond to the values ​​in the illustration. They present the diagram as text. When you type a character in Excel, it will immediately be reflected in Word. All names are default - rename them in the table. For example, instead of the word “Category” write “Indicators for the current year”, and instead of “Row” write the name of the department. And change the numbers to the ones you need. This way you can make a visual graph.
  5. If you lack characteristics, there is no need to insert a new illustration. This is also . The block with numbers, categories and rows in the table is surrounded by a frame. Pull it by the lower right corner - this will expand the diagram. IN empty cells enter the desired values.

When you insert an object into text editor table is loaded

To change already ready-made presentation, no need to create it again. It's better to do the following:

  1. Click on the object.
  2. New items will appear in the menu bar. This is a toolkit that allows you to customize your chart.
  3. Open the Design panel.
  4. To select a different illustration and still keep all the values ​​in it, click the Change Type button. It is located on the left side of the panel. This is how you can build new schedule, leaving in it the numbers and names from the old one.
  5. If you want to enter other numbers, then click “Change data”. An Excel table with categories and rows will open. They cannot be retyped directly into Word.

Basic tools for structured customization on the ribbon

In the “Layout” tab, you can set a name, make a signature, add a WordArt shape, and choose exactly where the categories and rows will be located. The “Format” section is intended for editing color palette, style, layout and placement in the text.

The next tab further expands your capabilities

Appearance of charts

There are many illustration templates in Microsoft Office. But if none of them suits you, you can read how to create a chart in Word and change its appearance.

Double-click on the graphic object - a settings window with several sections will appear. In Word 2007, it is called up through the context menu, the “Format” item. Each element can be edited separately. Simply select the part of the object you want to work on.

More information about the tabs in the menu:

  • Row parameters (or axis parameters). Here you can change the shape of the figures and their location relative to each other.
  • Filling. Choosing the color of the illustration. If you want to make a graph with your own pictures, then place a marker next to the “Drawing” item and click “Insert from file”. You can set textures, gradients, combinations of different shades, and so on.
  • Border styles. Settings for view, fill and frame width. To work with this menu, in the “Border Color” tab, select the “Solid” or “Gradient” line type.
  • Volumetric figure format. You can make the drawing three-dimensional and choose the type of surface it will resemble. But this doesn't work with all elements in Word. It does not apply, for example, to such “Bubble” objects - they are already voluminous.

In the “Glow” and “Shadow” tabs you can configure the corresponding effects. Experiment and try different settings. The changes will immediately appear in the document. To move text information about series and categories, click the "Legend" button in the "Layout" menu.

Beautiful presentation design makes its perception more effective

But you can figure out how to build a diagram in Word and change its appearance without searching for numerous functions. These shapes are similar to the shapes from WordArt. Their individual elements moved and stretched with the mouse. And the fill and style are in the “Format” menu. It appears at the top of the window when you select a chart.

This panel has settings for text wrapping. You can insert text into a picture from WordArt and add various effects. To create a unique and memorable diagram, you don’t need to use all the Word tools at once on a small piece of illustration.

Highlight an important fragment, giving it volume. Place the shadows wisely - this will give the feeling that the rows are at different levels. You can make an element glow to which you want to draw attention.

If you want to show your boss how much your sales have grown, demonstrate to investors the benefits of a project, or discuss your work plan with your colleagues, you need to create a beautiful and attractive diagram. Graphic objects are used not only for presentations. They are inserted into abstracts, diplomas, and various documents to visualize data. Information is easier to perceive when it is shown clearly. Therefore, it is useful to know how to create a graph in Word.