How to use inserting fields in text documents. Creating a form in Word

Create forms in Microsoft Word easily. The challenge starts when you decide to create fillable forms that you can send out to people to fill out. In this case, MS Word will help solve your problem: be it a form for collecting information about people or a survey to obtain feedback from users about software or about a new product.

Enable the “Developer” tab

To create fillable forms, you first need to activate the tab Developer(Developer). To do this, open the menu File(File) and click on the command Options(Options). In the dialog box that appears, open the tab Customize Ribbon(Customize Ribbon) and select Main Tabs(Main Tabs) from the drop-down list.

Check the box Developer(Developer) and click OK.

There is now a new tab on the ribbon.

To be or not to be a Pattern?

There are two options to start creating forms. The first one is easier, provided that you select a suitable template. To find templates, open the menu File(File) and click New(Create). You will see many templates ready for download. All you have to do is click on Forms(Forms) and find required template among those proposed.

Once you find a suitable template, download it and edit the form as you wish.

This is the easiest way, but it may happen that you do not find a suitable template among those proposed. In this case, you can create a form from a draft. First, open the template settings, but instead of a ready-made form, select My Templates(My templates).

Select Template(Template) and click on OK to create a clean template. Finally, click Ctrl+S to save the document. Let's call him Form Template 1.

Filling the form with elements

Now you have blank template, which means you can already add information to the form. The form we'll create in this example is a simple questionnaire to collect information about the people who will fill it out. First, insert the main questions. In our case, we will find out the following information:

  1. Name(Name) – plain text
  2. Age(Age) – drop-down list
  3. D.O.B.(Birthday) – date selection
  4. Sex(Gender) – checkbox
  5. Zip Code (Postal code) – plain text
  6. Phone Number(Phone number) – plain text
  7. Favorite Primary Color and why(What is your favorite color and why) – combo box
  8. Best Pizza Toppings(Favorite pizza topping) – checkbox and plain text
  9. What is your dream job and why? Limit your answer to 200 words(What is your dream job and why) – formatted text
  10. What type of vehicle do you drive?(What car do you have) – regular text

To start creating various options controls, open the tab Developer(Developer), which you added earlier, and in the section Controls(Controls) select Design Mode(Design mode).

Text blocks

For any questions that require an answer in text form, you can insert text blocks. This is done using:

  • Rich Text Content Control(Rich text content control) – user can customize formatting
  • Plain Text Content Control(Plain Text Content Control) – Only plain text is allowed without formatting.

Let's create a rich text answer box for question 9, and then a plain text answer box for questions 1, 5, 6, and 10.

Don't forget that you can change the text in the content control field to match the question. To do this, click on the field and enter the text. The result is shown in the image above.

Adding a date picker

If you need to add a date, you can insert Date Picker Content Control(Date picker content control). Let's use this element for question 3.

Inserting a drop-down list

For questions that require a single answer (for example, question 2), it is convenient to use the drop-down list. Let's insert a simple list and fill it with age ranges. Place a content control field, click on it right click mouse and select Properties(Properties). In the dialog box that appears Content Control Properties(Content Control Properties) click Add(Add) to add age ranges to the list.

When finished, you should have something similar to the image below. In this case, the design mode must be disabled!

You can also use Combo Box(Combo box) in which you can easily create a list of any necessary elements. If necessary, the user will be able to enter additional text. Let's insert a combo box for question 7. Since we'll be using this element, users will be able to select one of the given options and enter an answer as to why they like the color they chose.

Inserting check boxes

To answer the fourth question, let's insert check boxes. First you need to enter the answer options (male - man; female - woman). Then add a content control Check box(Checkbox) next to each answer option:

Repeat this step for any question that has one or more answer options. We will add a checkbox to the answer to question 8. In addition, to allow the user to specify a pizza topping option that is not listed, we will add a content control Plain Text(Plain text).

In conclusion

The finished empty form with design mode turned on and off should look like the pictures below.

Design mode enabled:

Design mode is disabled:

Congratulations! You've just learned the basic techniques for creating interactive forms. You can send a DOTX file to people and when they run it, it will automatically open as normal Word document, which you can fill out and send back.

A form is a structured document with blank areas (form fields) into which data is entered. Data can be entered directly from the keyboard or selected from drop-down lists. A user can create a form and have other users fill it out in Microsoft Word. You can then process the collected information.

For example, you can create an electronic application form for participation in a conference ( rice. 1.74).

enlarge imageRice. 1.74. Application for participation in the conference

To create and configure form parameters, it is convenient to use the Forms toolbar. When creating and working with forms, as a rule, a button must be pressed Shading form fields. Form field shading makes it easy to find the fields you want to fill out on the screen, but the shading does not appear when you print.

The form consists of a permanent part and fields.

The permanent part can contain text, tables, pictures and other objects. The constant part remains unchanged when filling out the form.

The fields are intended to be filled out by the user. You can use text fields, drop-down list fields, and checkboxes on your form.

Filling out the form is possible only after installing appropriate document protection.

Creating a permanent part of the form

The first stage of creating a form is the creation and design of a permanent part. To structure and organize data on a page, it is convenient to use tables and frames.

The document is created and executed in the usual manner. For example, for an electronic form presented on rice. 1.74, you can create a table, merge and split cells accordingly, set the required row height, and remove border frames. Set font options.

A sample document is shown at rice. 1.75.

enlarge imageRice. 1.75. A permanent part of the application form for participation in the conference

Inserting fields in a form Text fields

Text fields are designed for entering data into a form using the keyboard or pasting from the clipboard.

    Place the cursor at the insertion point.

    In the tab Developer in the group Controls click the button Legacy Tools and select the element Field(rice. 1.76).

enlarge imageRice. 1.76. Adding a field

    The field will appear as a gray rectangle ( rice. 1.77).

enlarge imageRice. 1.77. Field in document

To configure field parameters, click the button Properties in the tab Developer in the group Controls(cm. rice. 1.77) or double-click on it. In the window Text Field Options(rice. 1.78) set the required parameters.

Rice. 1.78. Setting parameters text field

In the dropdown list Type select the type of data to be entered in the field. A text field can contain different types of data. Selecting the correct data type, on the one hand, will facilitate subsequent filling out of the form, and on the other hand, will prevent incorrect filling out.

Type Plain text is intended for fields in which various information can be entered: text, numbers, dates, etc.

In the field Default text You can enter the text that will initially be displayed in the form field. For example, if you need to indicate the name of the city in the field and in most cases this will be Moscow, then this text can be set as default

In the counter Maximum length You can set a limit on the number of characters entered from 1 to without restrictions(actually the maximum number of characters is 32676).

In the dropdown list Text Format You can choose to force the case of the entered text to be set ( Capital letters,Lowercase letters,First capital,First capitals).

Type Number is intended for fields in which only numeric data can be entered. When filling out the form, you can enter text in the field, but when you move to the next field, the entered text is automatically deleted. If you enter a number and text in the field, only the entered number will remain. If you enter only text, the field will display 0 (zero) or the default number instead of text.

In the field Default number You can enter the number that will initially be displayed in the form field. For example, if you need to indicate the number of days of stay in the field and in most cases this will be 5 , then this number can be set as the default

In the counter Maximum length You can set a limit on the number of digits entered from 1 to without restrictions(actually the maximum number of digits is 32676).

In the dropdown list Number format You can select the numeric format of the displayed number. For example, when setting the format 0 number in the field, only the integer part of the number will be displayed, regardless of the entered number of decimal places. With format 0,00 the field will display a number with two decimal places, regardless of the entered number of decimal places; if there is no fractional part, zeros will be displayed.

Type Date is intended for fields in which only dates and/or times can be entered.

In the field Default date You can enter the date that will initially be displayed in the form field.

In the counter Maximum length You can set a limit on the number of characters entered from 1 to without restrictions(actually the maximum number of digits is 32676).

In the dropdown list Date Format You can select a numeric format for the displayed date/time that will be used regardless of the entered values ​​(as long as the information entered is correct). For example, if you set the format for a field dddd, d MMMM yyyy "g.", then when entering the date in short format 1.12.08 it will be displayed as Saturday, December 1, 2008

Type Current date is intended for fields in which the current date must be displayed. You cannot enter data into this field, but you can set the numeric format for the date displayed, including displaying the current time.

Type Current time intended for fields in which the current time should be displayed. You cannot enter data into this field, but you can set the numeric format for the displayed time, including displaying the current date.

Type Calculation uses the field = (Formula) and is intended for computing. You cannot fill in or change this field.

Target: Word 2010-2013. Developing skills in creating electronic forms, working with templates and fields. Strengthening skills in using the merger procedure.

Theory. IN everyday life We are faced with a situation where we are given a certain form of a document in which we must fill out certain areas manually. This could be an application form, receipt, application. After filling out, the information from the document forms will be re-entered into the computer and processed according to a given algorithm.Modern applications allow you to bypass the need to manually fill out document forms and re-enter completed information.

IN MS WORD It is possible to create an electronic form. Electronic form is a structured document containing completed columns (areas, fields) with constant information and some areas (form fields), in which the user will enter variable information.

Thus, the form consists of permanent areas and fields that must be filled out. In permanent areas, if necessary, you can place data in graphical, text, or tabular form. Usually the form itself looks like a table. The form can be created based on a previously developed template. In the template you can place fields for entering information, specify their type, select control , which will be used when entering. Variable scopes(fields) can be defined as text fields, drop-down list fields, checkboxes.

After creating the form: entering permanent information and selecting the location and type of fields, you need to set document protection to prevent the possibility of changing permanent information electronic document. Only after installing protection can you fill out the form fields.

Exercise: Create electronic form applications for participation in student scientific conference according to sample application.

Sample application for participation in a student scientific conference

To create a form, follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder on your desktop El_Forma Student_name .
  2. Run Microsoft Word.
  3. Create a template named Form, post it in a folder El_Form A Student_name . To do this:

5. Create a table consisting of 16 lines and 5 columns: go to the tab Insert, click on the button Table, select Insert table and indicate the appropriate number of rows and columns.

6. According to the given example, we merge and split the cells, set the required row height, remove the border frame, enter the text ( names of fields - permanent information), set the font parameters (at your discretion).

Please note: shaded areas are form fields where specific field values ​​will be entered - variable information (they should be placed opposite the names of the fields)!

7. In order for a table cell to be perceived as a form field, you must insert field controls. In this case, the fields can be different types. In our example, most of the fields are for text input (text fields). To enter a text field control:

  • place the cursor at the place where the text field will be inserted Surname,
  • go to the tab Developer in the group Controls find the button Tools from previous versions,

Attention! If there is no tab on the ribbon Developer , press the button OFFICE (or File tab) , chooseWORD parameters , in the window Word Options select a group Basic, check the box Show the Developer tab on the ribbon.

  • press the button and select the element Field,
  • the inserted text field appears as a shaded gray rectangle.

8. Set or change the parameters of the text field content controls. To do this:

  • right-click on the field and context menu choose Properties or double-click on the field,
  • in the window Text Field Options set the required parameters (in the drop-down list Type select the type Plain text).

9. Insert the field in the same way Name, Surname, City, Faculty, group, Topic of report, Section No. (name).

10. Double-click on the field City . A window will appear Text Field Options. Enter in the field Text defaultKhabarovsk.

11. Insert a combo box University In the window Optionscombo boxes enter - DVI branch RANEPA in the field List item and press the button Add, enter Pedagogical University - press the button Add , enter TOGU - press the button Add , We list a number of universities in the city of Khabarovsk.

12. Insert a text field Year of birth . Field properties: Type - number, Maximum length -4, Number format – 0 .

13. Insert a text field Arrival date (in the case of a non-resident conference participant). Opening the window Text Field Options (double click mouse across the field) and install Type – Date, Date format – dd.MM.yyyy. To enter explanatory text, press the button Help text , open the tab F1 key, click on the checkbox Help text and enter the text: Please indicate your expected date of arrival (now, when you press the F1 key, the entered explanatory text will appear.

14. Insert a field Date of application. In the window Text Field Options select in the field TypeCurrent date , in the field The date format is dd.MM.yyyy.

15. Insert a combo box Is a hotel required? In the window Combo Box Options in the field List item enter Yes and press the button Add, enter No in the field List item and press the button Add .

16. Fields inserted, properties defined. The next step is to install protection on various parts forms to prevent deletion or editing of certain control or groups of controls, or protection the entire form with a password.

17. To protect permanent information from editing, it is necessary to protect the electronic form. To do this:

  • in the tab Developer in the group Protect press the button Protect document and select a team
  • in the task area Limit formatting and editing in section Editing restrictions select a parameter Entering data into form fields and press the button Yes, enable protection

Attention! If the button Yes, enable protection will be inactive, which means you have it enabled Constructor mode. Click on the button Design Mode to exit the specified mode.

18 . The document now allows you to enter information into form fields, but does not allow you to directly change the rest of the text.

19. In the window Enable protection You can enter a password to protect the form (for educational purposes, entering a password is not necessary). To enter a password, fill in the field New Password and then repeat it in the box Password confirmation. Only users those who know the password, will be able to remove the protection and change shape.

20. Save the template Form,in which it is located structure of the form in the folder El_Form Student_name and close the template Form. Please note that the template icon is different from the document icon.

21. The next step is to fill out the form. Since the template is intended for repeated use, you must open Document based on the created template Form.Double click on the template to open Document.

22. Remove protection from Documenta. When protection is enabled, subsequent actions to fill out the fields will not be possible. Filling the form fields with arbitrary content .

When filling out the transition between the fields of the protected form is carried out using the cursor keys, the key Tab with a mouse click , keys PageDown and PageUp. When entering data into form fields, spelling is not checked, autotext doesn't work autocorrect possible. When you fill out a combo box, a drop-down icon appears on the right side of the combo box. Click the list arrow and select the desired value.

23. Save the completed form with the name My_Formin a folder El_Forma Student_name.

This is an option for individual (single) filling out the form, but you canautomate the process of filling out a form to obtain a group of documents by using a procedure Mergers.

24. To do this, create a table in word processor WORD of the following form:

25. Fill out the table with information about 4 participants in a student scientific conference from different universities in the city.

26. Save the file with the name List_Uch_Student_Conf in a folder El_Forma Student_name .

27. Open Document based on template Form(double click on the template).

28. Remove protection from Document.

29. We merge the file Document with file List_Uch_Student_Conf.

30. Insert merge fields Last name, First name, Patronymic Year of birth, University, Faculty, group.

31. Perform a merge in new document Form 1 , which we place in the folder El_Forma Student_name.

32. Fill in the empty fields in the form.

33. Save the changes made to the file Form 1 in a folder El_Forma Student_name.

34. We answer Answers and place them in the file Form1 . docx .

35. Save the folder El_Form Student_name on Yandex.Disk MS Word.

36. Delete a folder El_Forma Student_name from the Desktop.

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Field codes are useful as placeholders for data that may change in a document, and they can be used to automate certain aspects of the document. Field codes are inserted when using such Word functions, such as page numbers or a table of contents, but you can insert field codes manually for other tasks, such as performing calculations or populating document content from a data source.

These steps allow you to insert into Word any field code. For a list of field codes with details about each, see List of field codes in Word.

Inserting a field


    To in the dialog box Field field codes are displayed, click the button Field codes. For some fields, codes are displayed automatically.

    To nest one field within another, first insert the outer field (container) by following steps 1-4 above. Then, in your document, place the cursor in the field code where you want to insert the inner field and follow steps 2-4 above.

Change field

Safety Note: Because field codes are visible to everyone reading the document, you should not include sensitive information in them.

Displaying Field Codes

By default, field values ​​in Word do not differ from the rest of the document content, so when reading, the user does not notice that part of the document content is located in the field. However, fields can also be displayed with shading to make them stand out in the document.

Field update control

By default, fields in Microsoft Word are updated automatically when you open a document. This way the data remains up to date. However, there are situations where using this function is not desirable. For example, you might want the title to display when you open a document. specific date, not the current one.

You can also update a field by double-clicking it and choosing Update field or by selecting it and pressing F9

To manually update all fields in the body of the document, click CTRL keys+ A and then the F9 key. Fields in headers or headers must be updated individually. Click on the top or footer or text field, press CTRL+A and then F9.

To prevent fields from being updated automatically or unintentionally, you can lock them.

Lock or unlock a specific field

Do one of the following:

    To lock a field (prevent its value from being updated), select the field and press CTRL+F11.

    To unlock a field (allow its value to be updated), select it and press CTRL+SHIFT+F11.

Locking BOOKMARK, INCLUDETEXT, and REF field values

The value lock key (\!) prevents updating a field included in the value of a BOOKMARK, INCLUDETEXT, or REF field if the value of that field in the original location has not changed. Without this key, fields included in the value of a BOOKMARK, INCLUDETEXT, or REF field are automatically updated whenever that field is updated.

For example, field { INCLUDETEXT C:\\Sales\Sales_4_quarter.doc \! } inserts the contents of the document "Sales_4_quarter.doc" containing the DATE and EMBED fields. When updating an INCLUDETEXT field, the key "\!" will not allow the DATE and EMBED fields in the pasted text to be updated if they were not updated in original document("Sales_4_quarter.doc"). This key ensures that the text inserted using the INCLUDETEXT field fully matches the text in the source document.

To update the DATE and EMBED fields in both locations, update them in the source document (Sales_Q4.doc) and then update the INCLUDETEXT field.

I described the creation process simple template using function buttons toolbars FORMS.

I think it’s worth talking in more detail about this panel and the buttons on it. I will try to report only the most necessary information, without going into details.

Toolbar Forms(Forms) is hidden from the user by default, like many other panels. To call it, right-click on free space in the toolbar area and select from the list that appears Forms(Forms). There is another way: in the menu View(View) select command Toolbars(Toolbars) and in the drop-down list of available panels, find and click on the panel Forms(Forms).

In this screenshot I have indicated the buttons that will be discussed further.

1. Text field. This button is used to insert text fields into the document template various types. This can be the actual text itself, a number, date, time, or a formula (calculation) field.

By default, clicking this button will insert a text field like Plain text(Regular text), that is, any text data (text, numbers, spaces, symbols). In order to change the field type, you must either double-click on the field itself, or click on the button Form field options(Form Field Options). A dialog box will open, as in the screenshot:

In the field Default text(Default Text) you can enter sample text so that the user can immediately understand what exactly they should enter in this field.

Field Maximum length(Maximum length) allows you to limit the number of characters entered by the user.

Field Text Format(Text format) offers to set a specific formatting for the entered text.

It is very important not to forget to check the option allow changes(Fill-in Enabled) if you intend to enter or change data in this field.

And it would be nice if the user, when selecting or entering data into a text field, could receive a hint: what it is used for and what to enter in this field. Help for the text field partially solves this problem. True, the implementation of such a hint is quite inconvenient and not obvious to the user. Not everyone looks at the status bar (below) or thinks to press a key F1.

In the dialog box at the bottom you can see a button Help text(Add Help Text). By clicking on it, you will see another dialog box:

Here you can enter your help text, which will be displayed to the user in the status bar and/or on keystroke F1.

As I said above, you can choose another data type instead of text: number, date, time or formula. All this is available in the drop-down list Type(Type).

You may ask, how is the Plain Text field type different from the Numbers field type? After all, both types allow you to enter numbers.

That's true. But the Numbers field type allows only numbers to be entered. You can choose a special format for the number you enter, such as a currency format.

2. Checkbox. Element Checkbox(Check Box Form Field) is used mainly for all kinds of questionnaires and forms where you need to tick the appropriate options. Fields for this are also available various parameters by clicking a button Form field options(Form Field Options).

3. Combo box. Insert Combo boxes(Drop-Down Form Field) allows the user to select any data (pre-entered by you) from a drop-down list. To enter this data, you must either double-click the field or click the button Form field options(Form Field Options), which will open a dialog box with available options for this field.

4. Draw a table And Add table. These buttons are similar in purpose to the commands of the same name in the menu Table(Table). These buttons are located on the FORMS toolbar for the convenience of the user if it is necessary to insert form fields into table cells.

5. Add a frame. This button allows you to insert a frame into your document template. A frame usually appears as a separate block on the page. It can be wrapped around the text on all sides or placed to the side of the text. This is a kind of container for text or for the same fields.

6. Shading Form Fields. Shading form fields (with a light gray background) makes it easy to find the fields you want to fill out on the screen. It does not appear when printed.

7. Clear form field. When you click this button, all entered data in the form fields is cleared (deleted).

8. Form protection. Once you've created your document template, you need to protect immutable data in the document from random change or deletion and prevent the user from making any changes to the document other than inserting data into certain fields. This is what this is for. special button- Protect Form. Click on it. From now on, when creating a document based on this template, the user will only be able to enter data into shaded text fields.