How to find interesting people or equally interesting topics? The almighty Search comes to our aid! Search filters for the necessary information on Twitter.

Luckily, there are a number of ways you can find people on Twitter. Here are ten sites you can use to find "Twitters." Let us know in the comments if you know of any others that weren't included in this list.

Search people

1. Twitter People Search- built in Twitter search people are not the most best way find people on Twitter, but that's probably where you should start. Twitter looks for the "real names" of the people they entered into their "bio" field, and because there isn't a lot of accompanying biological information and because Twitter doesn't have any requirements for using your actual name, everything this makes finding people a little difficult, especially with simple names. It's also sometimes difficult to verify that the people you find are actually the ones you're looking for. However, this good place to start searching.

2. Tweepz – Since the biographical data that Twitter collects is minimal, search engine Twitter can't significantly improve finding the people you want. However, Tweepz does a wonderful job here. Tweepz allows you to limit searches to specific parts of a user's Twitter information (such as name, bio, and location), filter results by number of followers (who follows you) or followers (who you follow), location, and other conditions, and significantly improves search results.

3. TweepSearch - allows you to search by Twitter name or location, or search for a specific username to get a list of all friends and followers. However, although the "indexed" number shown on home page is accurate, TweepSearch crawls 600,000 fewer Twitter user profiles than Tweepz.

4. TwitDir is another one search engine, but if its crawl statistics are accurate, the downside is that the system finds 3 million fewer users than Tweepz. However, this is not bad system search people, and has some useful "top" lists if you're interested in who the most popular and prolific people on Twitter are.


5. Twellow is yours best choice to find like-minded people among Twitter users, and Twellow certainly has one of the most comprehensive catalogs. Almost 6 million Twitter user profiles are indexed by Twellow and placed in a huge number of directories. You can find many profiles or limit your search to one directory. Twellow also works with local directory, called "Twellowhood".

6. WeFollow - Created by Digg founder Kevin Rose, WeFollow is a Twitter user directory that organizes people through Hashtags. WeFollow is user-generated and anyone can add themselves Tweeting @wefollow with three #Hashtags to be able to describe them.

7. Just Tweet It is another Twitter user-created directory. It's not as well organized or as easy to use as Twellow or WeFollow, but it's certainly big enough that you'll want to give it a search option when you're trying to find people in your area of ​​interest.

8. Twubble - Recommends people to follow those you already follow on the web principle and recommends users to follow you. The idea is that the people you follow are interesting to you, and so if more than one of them also follows another person, that person may also be interesting to you. Of course, this means that Twubble shouldn't be your first stop when you've found people to follow—you should have a couple of followers in reserve to get the app's service up and running.

  1. Go to the tab search.
  2. Enter your search term in search field at the top of the page and click Search.
  3. Popular, Latest, Users, Photos, Video, News or Broadcasts
  4. Click the icon filter All people or Users you follow And Everywhere or Close to you. You can also disable quality filter

Note: Settings safe search allow you to filter search results to exclude potentially sensitive material and/or accounts, which you have added to the ignore list or blacklist in search results. To change this setting, sign in to your account and follow the instructions in the section above. Search the website. The settings apply to search results on the website, Twitter for iOS app, and Twitter for Android app.

Search in the Twitter for Android app

  1. Go to the tab search
  2. Enter your search term in search field and press Search.
  3. Search results show tweets, photos, accounts, and more.
  4. Filter results using tabs Popular, Latest, People, Photos, Video, News or Periscope(tabs are located above the search results).
  5. Click the icon filter in the search field to limit the display to categories Any users or Users you follow And Everywhere or Close to you. You can also disable quality filter, which raises in search results high quality content.
  6. Click the icon overflow to access search settings. Safe Search allows you to filter your search results based on two criteria.
    1. Excluding potentially sensitive content from search results. To disable this setting, uncheck the box next to Hide sensitive materials.
    2. Exclude accounts from your blacklist or ignore list from search results. To disable this setting, uncheck the box next to the item.

Search the website

  1. Enter your search term in search field at the top of the page.
  2. Search results show tweets, photos, accounts, and more.
  3. Filter results using tabs Popular, Latest, People, Photos, Videos, News or Broadcasts(tabs are located above the search results).
  4. Click dropdown Search filters to limit display to categories From any users or Users you follow And Everywhere or Nearby. You can also disable quality filter, which brings up high-quality content in search results. You can also choose a different language or perform an advanced search.
  5. Click the icon overflow on the right side of the search results page to view more options.
    1. Click Search settings to disable (or enable) Safe Search to filter results.
    2. Safe Search Options: Hide sensitive content And Remove accounts that you have blacklisted or ignored. Clear the checkbox to disable any of these options. It can be turned back on at any time. Note. It may take several minutes before this setting will take effect.
    3. Click Save search options to save your search.
    4. Click Post this search to create a search widget for your website. To receive additional information check out our

Let's start traditionally with a challenge: can you find original eyewitness accounts of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 tragedy on Twitter?

To quickly and effectively search for such information, selecting keywords alone will not be enough. Need help search operators, which Twitter suggests to narrow your search as much as possible. Today we will list the main ones.

The most simple operators AND And OR allow you to start your search with various combinations keywords. For example, search query Peremoga OR Zrada will find tweets that use one of these words. Peremoga AND Zrada will narrow the search results to tweets that mention both of these words. To exclude a certain word from the search, you need to add a minus to it: Peremoga-Zrada.

Often, to verify information, we have to search for a tweet from a specific user. For this purpose, Twitter developers came up with special operator from. By adding it along with the user's username to keyword, you can quickly find the tweets you need. For example, we are interested in Poroshenko’s tweets about past or future victories. We are recruiting from:poroshenko victory.

At the same time, it is possible to search for messages sent specific user. For example, search query to:poroshenko zrada will show us less optimistic comments addressed to the President. Using @poroshenko in the search query, we will find all tweets that mention Poroshenko’s account.

Another little known one, since not even Twitter itself mentions it, but quite quick way clear search results from not necessary information, – set parameters for the number of retweets and additions to Favorites. For example, request zrada min_retweets:10 OR min_faves:10 will only show tweets with the keyword that have been retweeted or favorited at least 10 times.

By placing a keyword or phrase in brackets, the Twitter algorithm will find messages that mention the search term exactly as it appears in parentheses. For example, request "kick in the forehead" will show only those tweets in which this phrase is written with spaces, excluding continuous spelling or hyphenation.

To search for messages from a specific location, you can use the operator along with a keyword near. Adding a Radius within: 4km narrows the search diameter. It is important to remember that the operator and value are written without spaces between them.

For example, we are interested in tweets about the new police on the streets of Kyiv. If we enter just the word for search police or police, then in the search results only single tweets will concern the topic of interest to us. If you add the operator to the keyword police near:Kyiv within:4km, then the feed will mainly contain tweets and photographs from Kyiv that mention the police.

But sometimes this may not be enough for us. Media news also occupies a significant part of the search results. These messages may complicate the search if we are only interested in messages from ordinary users, not from the news media. The operator will help us a lot here filter:links. Using it with a minus sign - police near:Kyiv within:4km -filter:links, – we will exclude all messages with links from search results. This will significantly reduce the number of tweets from news accounts.

For even more detailed search can be used geographical coordinates geocode:. To determine the latitude and longitude of the location you need, use itouchmap. Just put a mark on the map and the service will calculate the corresponding coordinates. In the search query after the operator geocode Without spaces and separated by commas, you need to indicate latitude, longitude and radius in kilometers.

Among other things, Twitter also offers search by photos or videos (the corresponding bookmarks in the search or filter:images, filter:videos). But in certain cases For this we can use the operator source. It can be used to search for tweets posted from via sms or Twitter clients and other services (tweet_button, instagram, txt). For example, a search query will show us police photos imported from Instagram.

Another important operator is the date limit, which can be configured using the operators since(from) and until(to). The date must be indicated starting with the year and separated by a hyphen. For example, search query Harlem Shake until:2010-01-01 will show those tweets that have not yet been associated with the popular video meme.

But the operators that Twitter offers allow you to search not only interesting facts about the life of memes or trends. This is also powerful tool extraction and verification of information about events. The more successfully we can combine multiple operators in a single search query, the more information we can extract from multimillion-dollar message streams. For example, if you add the geographic coordinates of the city of Torez with a radius of 40 kilometers to the keyword “airplane” and set the time period between July 17 and 18, 2014 -

then even a year later we can easily find a photo of a user posted a few minutes after the Malaysian Airlines plane was shot down.

Most of the above operators work with a minus sign. This way you can exclude a certain word, user location or, as already mentioned, links from the search.

Twitter also analyzes the nature of messages based on the emoji or question marks used. By adding to a search query 🙂 , 🙁 or question mark, search algorithm will give the corresponding results.

No less important function at frequent use search is the ability to save search queries with all parameters. This is very convenient if we systematically check tweets for the same search query with several operators. To do this you need on the results page search query Click on “Other settings” and select “ Save search options" The next time we click on the search box, a drop-down menu will show our saved searches.


If you have recently created profiles on Twitter, then most likely, among the millions of people who are there, you will want to find your friends and also collect large number readers.

Searching for people on Twitter can be done in a few minutes. Today we will show you how you can do this.

How to find someone on Twitter

The lightest and fast way find a person on Twitter– and enter your first and last name into the search bar.

1) Go to Twitter

2) In the top right corner, find the field where it says “search”

3) Enter the name or nickname of your friend whom you want to find and click “enter”

If you don't remember the name or nickname of the person you want to find, but you can guess what he writes about most often and what tweets he posts, and you also know his location, then you can use the advanced search on Twitter. To get into the advanced search, Yandex or Google will help you.

1) Enter the words “advanced search on Twitter” into the Yandex search

2) You will immediately see the right resource. Go to it and indicate everything you remember or know about the page of the person you are looking for: what tweets he posts, what he is interested in, where he may live now, what places he goes to

3) Click on the “Search” button. The information you are looking for will appear in front of you.

The quickest and easiest way for the service to find those people whose records are being typed. And if you dream of other people finding your profile among the first, then you should take care of promoting and promoting your profile on Twitter.

In the case when you have mail in google, Yandex, or actively use Outlook, find friends in this social network possible thanks to advanced profile settings.

To accomplish this:

1) Open your profile settings. In the top right corner, click on the small picture that appears between the search bar and the blue “tweet” button.

2) Go to your settings. On the left, select “Search for friends”

3) Import contacts from your address book to Twitter.

4) Then, you will be asked to start reading those people whose contacts are in address book. From them, choose the one you need.

People who actively maintain their page most often post materials about their tweets on other networks, for example, on VKontakte or Facebook. Go to them through your Facebook or VKontakte account and scroll through their wall, most likely you will find what nickname this person has.

If you were a participant in the event and want to find like-minded people, as well as see photos, then a special tag will help you find people on Twitter - a hashtag. Type the hashtag icon into the search field and write the name of the activity or event in which you participated. After this, tweets will appear in front of you, as well as profiles of people with the specified parameters.

Find people on Twitter without registration

If you don't want to create a profile, you can always find people on Twitter without registration. To do this, you need to enter the first name, last name, or nickname of the person you are looking for in a regular search engine, Yandex or Google.

Many people often wonder, “How to find someone on Twitter?” After all, as soon as you get to the site, you immediately start looking for your friends, and someone will look for people they barely know. It’s so interesting how a former neighbor lives now, what a childhood friend looks like. Finding a person on Twitter is easy and logical, even a child can figure it out, the main thing is to understand how.

Let's look at a few ways to find people on Twitter. The main search condition is that you need to be a registered user. It will be impossible to find a person on Twitter without registration. Therefore, the first thing we do is register ourselves (read how to do this).

Like any social network, Twitter has a search, this field located in the upper right corner, we find it. Next, enter the first or last name of the person you want to find. Twitter will give you all the people with those names, you just have to choose the one you needed. The people Twitter finds appear on your screen along with their photos, making it easier for you to identify someone you know. You will learn how to add a found person as a friend from this articles.

Twitter People Finder has filters to make your search easier. You need to choose what you are looking for: photos, news, person or event. Searching for a person on Twitter is the “People” category, which is exactly what we need. If this doesn't work for you, don't panic, Twitter still has an "Advanced Search". Here you can search for a person using the parameters that you know. Such as: city, date of birth, Twitter nickname (if you know it), after you have entered all the information you know, press Enter and select a person from the drop-down list, the search engine will give you quite a lot of options. Want to write a message to a person?

If you haven’t achieved anything yet, but you are sure that this person registered on Twitter, you can try searching through systems such as Yandex or Google, but the information in such search engines is not updated immediately. If your friend registered only today, then for the next few days you will not find him this way. Boost Twitter - follow the link.

So we looked at several options for how to find a person on Twitter, and which one you will use is up to you.

Articles on the topic.