How to use a computer via remote access. How to set up remote access to a computer via the Internet using TeamViewer

In our time, in the "age computer technology", computers are everywhere and cover almost all areas of human life, which creates a lot for us positive points– automation of mechanical processes, accessibility and long-term storage of information, etc. However, here, as elsewhere, there is reverse side a medal that should not be forgotten and taken into account.
Modern technologies allow us to transfer huge amounts of information in a device three times smaller in size. matchbox, have a recording and reading device with you, and much more. However, some “force majeure” situations are still possible - and this is one of the decisive incentives to further development technologies. A striking example Such a force majeure circumstance occurs when we forget, say, to copy data from a home PC to a work laptop. And, as luck would have it, they are needed today! What to do with such forgetfulness? Or you went on a business trip, and one of your relatives urgently needs your help setting up a browser or finding a folder with documents. And you won’t come back, and you need help. What to do?
You can implement the appropriate solution by providing remote access to the necessary computers. True, before you set up and allow remote access, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Advantages of remote access

The first and most important thing is access to data at any time. In this case, the data can be viewed directly remotely or simply copied from the desktop of a remote computer to your nearby PC. You can access all the settings of the remote computer, which is extremely necessary in case of assistance technical support to its user. All actions performed by both you and the user sitting at the remote computer are visible to both, so you can even train a new user if he is not very experienced in computer intricacies.
Remote access is used in various areas, not only in “household matters”. Often this technology turns out to be useful when maintaining software or organizing a workflow.
With remote access, you can see full display computer resource, up to color schemes And sound effects. If necessary, remote access can be obtained from any computer with the correct settings of the program or service. As a rule, access is one-way, so worry about integrity own computer when “remote communication” with an inexperienced user is not worth it.

Disadvantages of Remote Access

For all its advantages and convenience, remote access is not full access to a resource. The reason for this is multiple restrictions. The first limitation is the requirement for the speed of the Internet connection, since low speed causes distortion in images, sounds, etc.
When you open remote access, you expose your PC to some danger, since, in fact, you “upload” all the materials to global network, however, this can also be easily resolved with the help of proper configuration of program settings.
All actions you perform are visible on the resource computer, which is not always acceptable. There’s nothing you can do about this, except kick everyone out of the room or force them to turn off the monitor. You have to rely on the honesty of that same user. On the other side of the connection.
I would like to tell the readers of MirSovetov about one more disadvantage of remote access: if the connection is lost, data may be lost or all unfinished actions may be reset. This also does not depend on you or even on the user (although the human factor still should not be excluded) - it depends on the provider and the stability of the network.

Remote access to a computer with a static IP address

Under static condition, i.e. permanent IP address resource computer and client computer, resolving the issue of remote access is not a problem, since you know exactly where and where you need to “reach” and who to allow to use the resource. This means that there will be a minimum of settings and only 1 condition: allow access to only one computer, deny access to the rest. This is usually considered to be the safest and easiest way, but this is not the case.
Implement remote access via static IP address possible using special programs like TeamViewer, Radmin or Ammyy Admin or using standard Windows tools. Setting up a program or service occurs once - during installation. To configure, you need to specify the IP addresses of the resource (i.e., the remote PC) and the client (the PC you are working on) and, if necessary, an access code - a password that provides increased security in case the address is adjusted by a third party who also wants to read your documents.
So, to set up a remote desktop using standard means Windows, you need to go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “System” and find the “Remote Sessions” tab there.

In the window found, you must check the “Allow remote access” checkbox. On the same tab, you can select users who can remotely “reach” the computer (the “Select remote users” button). However, before this, you must fulfill the first condition - log in to the system with administrator rights, and specifically an administrator, and not a user belonging to the “Administrators” group. You can view this by clicking right click mouse on “My Computer”, and then following the path: “Management” - “ Utilities» – « Local users" - "Users". If the “Administrator” user login is closed, then you can open it by right-clicking on it and selecting “Properties”, and in the window that opens, unchecking “Disable account”. That's basically it: you know the name and/or and have allowed access to it. Then from another computer through “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Remote Desktop Connection” you can log into your remote computer by entering the unique computer name or its address and the username/password of the specified user.
However, it happens that this sequence of actions does not lead to the desired result and remote access cannot be established. This means that certain OS components may not be installed, which, by the way, are not included in every installation kit. Windows disk. For the average user this can be a problem. And a seemingly secure system can suddenly open up to anyone who knows the address or name of the computer.
When setting up a remote desktop using special programs, the sequence of steps is not much longer, if at all. Let's look at this process using the example of the TeamViewer program, which is distributed free of charge (with the condition of non-commercial use).
Any will suit you system rights, allowing software installation. The first thing you need to do is download installation program and copy it to both computers. When installed on one machine it is installed server part(computer-resource), and on the other the client (computer-client), however, the difference in the installation lies in one movement of the hand: in the first case, to the question “Do you want to have remote access to this computer in the future?” You answer “Yes”, in the second “No”.

After both computers have received their version of the program, you can test remote access - in the window that opens on your computer (client computer) after launching the program, you must enter the necessary data (id and password of the remote resource computer) and press Enter.

The program provides maximum security, since without data that is visible only on remote computer– id and password – you will not get access to it. After connecting, you will be able to see the desktop of the remote computer, at the top of which there will be function panel, which allows you to regulate the operation of the application - “Actions”, “View”, etc.

Remote access to a computer with a dynamic IP address

It is believed that with a dynamic IP address everything is much more complicated, because, wanting to connect to your home PC after the next connection reset (and therefore changing the address), you simply do not know who and where to connect. In this case, you either need to find out the IP address (or code, as in the TeamViewer program) each time, which is in principle possible even in automated mode, or make the program also work dynamically - not by the IP address, say, but by a constant unique code or computer name. We won’t consider how this is done automatically - I’ll just say that you can’t do it without programming, but we’ll talk about how the developers have already solved this problem - below, using the example of the AnyPlace Control program.
The program is shareware and very convenient. It is installed similarly to the program already discussed, indicating whether it is a client or a server (“Admin Module” for next standing computer and “Host Module” – for a remote PC).

During the installation process, the program will prompt you to register an account in its system, for which you need to specify email and come up with a password. When the installation is complete, you will be informed by letter to the specified email that your computer is available for remote access via an IP address or from account.

Since your address is dynamic, the second block of information is more interesting. By the way, I would like to draw the attention of MirSovetov readers that the “Automatically configure Windows firewall» It’s better not to remove it - this will allow you to avoid huge amount additional actions related to the lifting of “bans” standard settings Windows Firewall.
Access from an account is also possible in the already discussed TeamViewer program.

To register in the system, you also need to provide an email address and password. After this, each computer that you access will be automatically added to the “My Computers” list and the connection to it will occur automatically (without entering an identifier and code). In general, the latter should be considered not so much a convenience as an omission, because by hacking your account you can “get through” everywhere you have been!
The result of any of the above scenarios will be a complete display of the remote desktop on your computer, providing all the capabilities and having all the disadvantages already mentioned earlier.

Security when organizing remote access

The more closed your computer is, the more secure it is, so it is worth understanding that by allowing access from outside the local computing system, you remove all the locks and provide automated opening of doors to the first person you meet. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that doors do not open to everyone.
As for the security of the already discussed options for setting up remote access, the minimum is provided by the first method of solving the issue - once visiting your home (office, your laptop), a person can obtain all the necessary data to provide himself with access. Is it true, latest versions Windows OS allows remote access and dynamic IP – thanks to unique name A PC that can be changed at any time convenient for you. However, even if this adds confidence to us, it is not much - changing the PC name after each guest arrives is extremely inconvenient, isn’t it?
Opening an independent account on the network and access through it will provide a somewhat more secure environment for “communication” between local and remote computers, because passwords can change, and you won’t ask anyone known mail, You can be completely calm!
The only open issue remains the transfer of data in unencrypted form through the network, but this can be solved by organizing a dedicated VPN channel, which, by the way, is available in one of the previously mentioned programs or correct setting firewall, antivirus, etc.
Safe access for you!

Remote access is a computer function that allows you to connect to your computer via an Internet connection from another computer. To use remote access, the computer must be turned on and the access feature must be installed and activated. Only then can you access and work remotely with your computer from another device.

In addition to the fact that you can use the computer remotely, there are some other functions, namely:

  1. Transferring a file– allows you to copy files from a remote computer or vice versa.
  2. Guest access– allows your friends to access your computer, for example, to help solve a problem.

Communications during remote access are encrypted and contain digital signature, which serves to prevent third parties from accessing your computer.

So, how to set up remote access on your computer? There are several ways, namely using Windows tools and using auxiliary programs.

To begin, let's go to "Control Panel". You can do this from the menu "Start - Control Panel".
In the window that opens, browsing by category is usually selected by default, we need to switch to « Small icons» or "Large icons"(it all depends on your preferences).

In the system properties on the left panel, select « Additional options systems".

In the window that opens, select the item "Remote access":

Place a check mark next to the item "Allow connections remote assistant to this computer".

Choose "Additionally". At this point, you can configure whether or not to allow remote control of the computer and set the length of time during which session connections will be maintained.

In the section "Remote Desktop" choose "Allow connections from a computer running any version of Remote Desktop".

Click on the button "Select users" and add users who will have remote access to the computer.

Click "OK" to complete the settings.

To connect to a computer with remote access enabled, you need to know Computer IP address. In order to find out the IP address you need to run the command line. It is necessary to enter "ipconfig". In the list that appears, look for your connection (usually “connection via local network" or " wireless connection") and let's see IPv4 address- this will be the set of numbers we need.

Launch the program on the computer from which you want to gain remote access "Remote Desktop Connection". To do this, go to the menu "Start" - "Standard".

In the window that opens, set the address of the computer to which we are connecting (IP address or name) and click "Connect" to check connection.

As a result, you will see a window asking you to enter your username and password to connect to the computer.

Connecting to a remote computer using TeamViewer

TeamViewer- software package for remote control computers. The program allows you to gain control over another user's computer, for example, to help him remotely configure programs on a remote computer.

First you need to download and install TeamViewer. To download TeamViewer for free from the official developer website, follow this direct link.

When installing the program, select the option "Install". It is also necessary to note the point “personal/non-commercial use”.

After selecting settings TeamViewer installations, press the button "Accept - complete".

We are waiting for the program installation to complete. Then we launch the program and begin setting it up.

In order to remotely connect to another computer, you need to enter the details of the computer that we are going to manage in the “Manage Computer” panel.

In the field "Partner ID" enter the partner ID. This data (ID and password) must first be obtained from the user of the remote computer that we will remotely control.

After this, click on the button "Connect to partner".

In the window that opens, in the field "Password" you need to enter the received password and then click on the button "Login".

So, the connection was successful, the desktop of the partner’s remote computer is displayed on the monitor screen. By default, the display of wallpaper will be disabled on the Desktop.

That's all, I hope this article helped you understand the process of connecting to a remote computer.


To get started, activate required parameters operating system on the computer to which the connection will be made. In Windows XP, to do this, open the “Start” menu and right-click on the “My Computer” icon. Select Properties. All described operations must be performed using an administrator account.

Open the tab " Remote use" Enable the "Allow remote access to this" feature. computer" To do this, check the box next to the item of the same name.

Now create a list of accounts with which remote users will be able to access this computer. Click the Select Users button. Go to "Add".

Enter the names of the accounts that will be able to use remote access computer. Please remember that these accounts must be present in the system you are using. operating system. Create new accounts if you don't have them.

To set up a connection to computer V Windows Seven use the “Remote Access” item located in the “System” menu. It can be accessed through the control panel.

Connect to your computer. In Windows XP, open the Start menu and navigate to the list of utilities located in the Accessories directory. Click on the icon with the title “Remote Desktop Connection”.

Please enter an IP address the desired computer. If your PC accesses the Internet through a VPN connection, enter the external IP address. Click the "Connect" button. Wait for the username and password entry menu to appear. Fill out the available forms and click the “Next” button.

When using Windows Seven, you can send an invitation to a specific user in advance. Use this feature if you want to connect to your PC without using an existing account.


  • how to remotely access a computer
  • St dvr 1604 how to set up remote access

Probably everyone who has at least once had to travel across the entire city just to press a few keys on a computer (in order to help inexperienced user or run long process) was thinking about how convenient it would be to set up remote access - the ability to control a computer via the Internet as if it were nearby.

Fortunately, this is not difficult, as with the help of a variety of specialized programs(for example, the popular RAdmin), and using built-in Windows tools, which appeared in desktop versions starting with XP.

Let's look at setting up a remote worker step by step

  1. First of all remote desk must be enabled as this feature is disabled by default for security reasons. To do this, you must log in with administrator rights.

  2. Right-click on the "My" icon and context menu select Properties. In Windows XP, you need to go to the “Remote Use” tab, and in Windows 7, click the “Remote Access Settings” link on the left side of the window that opens.

  3. Select the "Allow remote access to this" option.

  4. Only those users who have permission to do so can access the remote desktop. In order to grant a user permission to connect to a remote desktop, you must click the “Select Users” button in the same settings window. A list of users with access will open; initially there will be no entries in it. Click Add, which will open a window where you can select or enter remote desktop usernames.

  5. Left

Remote control of your computer will help solve many problems. Setting up Skype for a grandmother who is in another city, or opening a report at home from her work PC - for this you will need remote access to another computer via the Internet. To get it, install one of the programs discussed below - we have collected the best means from simple to sophisticated administration solutions.

Windows 10 has a built-in " Quick help", intended for remote control second computer via the Internet. It is located in the section " Standard Windows» Start menu. In Windows 7 and other versions the utility was called Microsoft Remote Desktop, solutions of the same name have been released for Android and iOS devices. But you can only connect with it to a PC or laptop running Windows OS.

How to connect a remote desktop in Quick Help:

  1. On the first device, open the utility, click on “Give help”. When starting for the first time, you will need to enter the password for .
  2. You will receive a security code.
  3. On the second computer, click “Get Help” and enter the code you received in step 2. Please note that the code is only valid for 10 minutes.
  4. Confirm access with the “Allow” button.
  5. The desktop image of the second PC will appear on the screen of the first device.

You can remotely launch and configure applications, copy files between devices, and draw on the desktop. Without advanced settings, such a connection is only available on a local network and with a static IP.

If you're using a Google browser, you don't have to search. third party programs for remote access to a computer. Install Chrome utility, which will work on any device with a web browser. In the settings, launch the Store Google applications, find and install Chrome Remote Desktop.

The program has 2 modes:

  1. Remote support - for another person to access, upon activation, a PIN code is generated, which must be entered on the second device.
  2. My Computers - You create a PIN, which you then point to on another PC. At the same time, both computers had to be logged into a single Google account in Chrome.


Well-known program for remote access to to a third party computer, almost everyone's tool system administrators. For personal use, it is distributed free of charge, the interface is in Russian, multifunctional and easy to learn. Can operate without installation; there are applications for Android, iOS and an extension for Google Chrome.

List of TeamViewer features:

  • Organizes remote access for sending files.
  • Creates a VPN connection.
  • Allows you to organize conferences with up to 25 participants.
  • Integrated text and voice chat.
  • File sharing.
  • Remote printing to a printer.
  • Record your desktop and take screenshots.

How to turn on your computer remotely: activate the Wake-on-LAN option in TeamViewer. High level security allows you to safely use the program not only at home, but also for work purposes in large companies.

The application is distinguished by the clearest image of the desktop when connected remotely - the effect is achieved by using own method graphics transmission, which provides high quality pictures even on slow connection. This allows you not only to control another PC, but also to work remotely on it in graphics programs.

How to connect to a remote desktop in AnyDesk:

  • Download the program and run it.
  • On the second device, copy digital code access.
  • Enter the code in the “Other” field workplace"on the first computer.
  • Allow the connection.

The free version does not boast a lot of functions - there is encryption, file transfer and high-quality access to the desktop, and each of them can be displayed on separate tab. IN paid version you can block the keyboard and mouse, receive full control PC.

Ammyy Admin

The functionality of Ammyy Admin is quite good - there is a voice chat, high speed work on any channels, data encryption, connection via an HTTPs proxy, transfer of folders up to 140 TB in size with the ability to resume downloading. The program is compatible with Windows 7, 10 and even XP. For free version There is a limit of 15 session hours per month.

How to set up remote access to a computer in Ammyy Admin: run the application on both devices. Enter the ID code from the “Client” part in the “Operator” field of the PC from which administration will be carried out. Click on “Connect” and allow access in the client part by checking the required parameters. The operator will see a second desktop, additional features located on top panel tools.


Not bad free tool for connecting to a remote desktop in Windows 10, 7 or 8. AeroAdmin highlights the connection speed - less than 20 seconds. The program runs without installation, can create several parallel sessions and bypass the Firewall, transmit key combinations, there are file manager with continued downloading and sending text messages.

How to connect to a remote desktop in AeroAdmin: run the program on both computers. On the first one, generate an ID, enter the received code on the second one and click on “Connect”. On the first PC, you should allow the connection by checking the available options in the settings.

Remote Utilities

The Russian version of the program is called, it is completely free for a group of up to 10 PCs and is multifunctional. It consists of a control module “Client” and remote stations “Host” to which the client part will connect.

Among the functions implemented:

  • Remote installation of applications.
  • Remotely turn on your computer.
  • Registry editing, management command line and task manager.
  • Text, audio and video chat.
  • Setting up access rights.
  • Remote connection to a webcam.

How to connect to another computer via the Internet in RMS: install the “Host” module, set your login and password at startup. Enter the received ID in the “Client” by clicking “Add connection”.


We have reviewed best apps for remote computer control. To avoid downloading new utilities, you can use the built-in tools of Windows or Google Chrome. For simple tasks AeroAdmin and Ammyy Admin are suitable - they are the easiest to open a desktop via the Internet. TeamViewer will provide more features, AnyDesk – excellent quality pictures. Remote Utilities is a tool for professionals that will help not only connect remotely to another computer, but also flexibly manage it.

There are often situations when there is a need to gain access to a remote computer - to its desktop. Most often this happens when you need to help one of your relatives or friends in mastering all sorts of computer tricks. For example, your mother calls you and says: “Listen, why is there some kind of scary message on my computer that I can’t read? They ask you to press some button - should I press it?” In this case, of course, it’s best for you to see with your own eyes what exactly is asked there and what buttons are offered to choose from, otherwise you never know... In addition, remote access can be very useful when you need to install or configure some software. Yes, and sometimes you need access to your computer from a distance - all sorts of cases happen. How and with what help is this all done? In the operating room Windows system Remote access can be accomplished using the system itself. Open "Control Panel - System - Remote Access". There you need to enable the option to allow Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop connections.

Remote access settings in Windows 7

If Windows 7 is installed on your and the remote computer, then among the remote desktop options, select the third option - connect to a remote desktop with network level authentication. If you plan to connect to Windows XP, then you need to select the second option.

Enable Remote Assistance in Windows XP

Windows 7 supports two different modes:

    connecting a remote assistant; remote desktop control.
Remote Assistance works in all Windows versions from XP to Windows 7. In this case, you will see the desktop of your subscriber and will be able to exchange messages with him in a chat (you never know, maybe you don’t have the opportunity to talk to him on the phone at the same time), he can also give you access to control the computer : You will be able to use your mouse and keyboard to perform various actions on his computer. Remote desktop control is only supported in Windows 7, except for the Starter, Home Basic or Home Premium versions. With remote control, your subscriber will see the lock screen, and you will be able to log into his computer as a specific user and work in the same way as if you were sitting at this computer. Connecting Remote Assistance On both computers, run Windows Remote Assistance. On the computer you're calling, click "Invite someone you trust to help." Next, there may be three options: save the invitation to as a file, send an invitation by email, use Easy Connect.

Type of invitation

The first option is created special file invitations, after which it must be somehow transferred to the subscriber - for example, through a messenger. The second option is practically the same, only this file is sent to the subscriber via email. The third option, which may not be available, is sending an invitation through a special Easy Connect service. After you select any of the options, a password will appear on your screen, which your subscriber will have to enter to access your computer.


If the subscriber has received an invitation file, he must launch it - a password request will appear. When using Easy Connect, it will have this prompt without any files. After entering the password, the computers will try to establish a connection and, if everything works, you will be asked to confirm the connection of the remote assistant. After confirmation, your desktop will appear on the subscriber’s computer.

Remote Desktop

In the Remote Assistance window caller There is an option "Request control". If he clicks it, you will be asked to allow Remote Assistance to control your desktop. Once confirmed, Remote Assistance will be able to perform actions on your computer. It must be said that not in all cases it is possible to set the remote assistant connection mode. This connection may be blocked by firewalls (aka firewalls, aka firewalls), comprehensive protection tools (for example, Kaspersky Internet Security). For Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 router (router) must support network technology UPnP. Also, the home networks of both computers in Windows Vista or Windows 7 must be in " Home network" or "Enterprise Network", but not "Community Network".

Network settings

Remote desktop control Launch the Remote Desktop Connection program. There you make the settings you need (screen parameters, sound, etc.), enter the computer name and the user name under which you should log in.

Connection settings

Click the "Connect" button, after which, if the computer is found and connection is possible, you will be asked for the user password. You can save this information so you can connect without entering a password the next time. Once the connection is established, the desktop of the remote computer will appear in front of you, on which you can work as if you were sitting right behind it. At this moment, the work session on the remote computer itself will end and the user selection screen will appear. If the user of the remote computer logs in again, your remote desktop connection session will end.

The remote computer's desktop is on top of the regular desktop

Safety For security reasons, it is recommended that you enable remote access only immediately before a scheduled session. After everything is done, the possibility of remote access (either assistant or desktop control) should be disabled. Other ways There are other ways remote connection. There are dozens of relevant programs that implement this feature.
These programs can be both complex and advanced like RAdmin, and simple ones that require virtually no settings. From simple and effective I can recommend free utility Ammyy Admin (download). It is extremely simple and convenient. Download the program and run it on your and the remote computer. On the remote computer, select the “Client” tab and click the “Run” button. The program will report its identification number- ID.

Running client

On your computer, you need to open the “Operator” tab, enter the client ID there (the numbers will be remembered for the future) and click the “Connect” button.

Running statement

This will launch the remote desktop, which you can control using your mouse and keyboard.

Remote Desktop

As you can see, everything is extremely simple and clear. True, unlike the basic Windows 7 tools, remote desktop control is noticeably slower, but usually this type of access is needed in order to perform a few simple actions or even just see what’s happening on the screen, so this method quite usable.