How to attract subscribers to a YouTube gaming channel. How to attract a YouTube audience? Over the past three months

One of the most famous and necessary conditions for the popularity of a video is to increase subscribers on your YouTube channel.

    • Subscribers are the golden asset of your channel
    • Getting subscribers

Subscribers are the golden asset of your channel

7 secrets of teaser advertising

In order for your previously created channel, on which you posted a lot of videos that are necessary to convey information to people, advertise your own service or product, to become popular, you need subscribers. They make it possible to constantly watch videos with your friends, relatives or acquaintances.

Don't underestimate the value of subscribers as they provide important access to your video. They allow you to view your advertisement a huge number of times every day.

To get a large number of subscribers, you need to constantly use additional resources:

  1. All kinds of advertising sites.
  2. Social media.
  3. Own Internet resources.
  4. Search engines.

Each of them will bring a certain number of people who, of their own free will or for money, will subscribe to your channel.

Subscribers on YouTube need to be constantly updated. Their number should not decrease, but grow every day. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand the importance of creating an optimal and high-quality video.

You can create a video yourself, but it is best to entrust this painstaking work to the professionals of our company, who will be able to create interesting and high-quality material in a matter of hours.

Watch a video from Andrey Merkulov about creating a high-quality video:

Of course, a person who knows absolutely nothing about videography will have a rather difficult time getting started. You need to know the public's mood, their interests and what they want to see.

Our professional's job is to provide the user with a subscription to a video that carries certain advertisements. But, at the same time, decorate it in such a way that interest in this site does not disappear, and maybe even carries hidden information that will encourage the user to use the services (products) of this site.

Getting subscribers

Grow your YouTube channel wisely: Check out the complete guide to making money on YouTube

Getting subscribers on YouTube is very important for any project. The more rumors there are about your website (service, product), the greater the likelihood that it will be used. There are several ways to get fans of your videos.

You should know that subscribers are people who are interested in the channels created by the user. They remain for a long time and add more rating to the video and the user.

One of the most famous video hosting sites in the world, YouTube, is visited by many people every day, uploading new videos and watching existing ones. Therefore, it is no coincidence that this website is used by most marketers. Surely, you yourself have seen more than once how on the first page of a search engine, especially in the Google search engine, videos were displayed instead of text results. Google loves YouTube, and you can’t argue with that; this Internet service can be a great way to attract your target audience.

Why do you need a product video review?

For your online store, this means providing your business with a new marketing tool that can remotely influence consumer choice.

What is video editing?

Video editing is the process of processing footage, giving it a certain look as a result of combining or removing individual fragments of the original recordings. If you need, welcome to our studio!

  1. Create a video channel on YouTube so that viewers can watch your videos regularly.
  2. Have fun and enjoy the shooting process!
  3. Familiarize yourself with the rules for tagging and use them.
  4. Be honest with yourself and your viewers, don't try to deceive them. The deception will soon be revealed, and you will not be patted on the head.
  5. Your video should be exciting, funny, intriguing and such that viewers want to watch it to the end.
  6. Don't make overtly flashy ads, be subtle in your marketing campaign.
  7. The video must contain only reliable information; lies are not welcome.
  8. Make the video start or end with your logo to create recognition.
  9. Practice in front of a mirror, friends and family. Gain experience, and your videos will get better every time.
  10. Always thank those who showed you respect and sympathy.
  11. The duration of one average video should be no more than 3 minutes. During this time, you must manage to reveal the topic and hook the viewer.
  12. If people leave negative comments on your videos, ignore them or try to respond rationally, without using insults or getting personal.
  13. Feel free to delete openly rude and obscene comments, criticism is good, but it should be constructive. There is no point in littering your vlog with garbage.
  14. When setting up a channel, indicate its type so that viewers immediately understand what they are encountering.
  15. You can upload multiple videos at once, so go ahead!
  16. Attract search engines by using a keyword in the video title.
  17. Occasionally invite new characters to appear in the video. This will somewhat dilute and update your videos.
  18. The shooting process should be lively, interesting, exciting. Don't be boring, but be active!
  19. Create a bright beginning in each of your videos so that your viewer will remember you.
  20. Maintain the same style and color scheme in all videos.
  21. Use YouTube analytics tools to track your subscriber activity.
  22. The sound quality in the video should also be high, make sure that the voice in the video sounds loud and clear.
  23. You can use comment moderation and only post reviews that you like, but having bad reviews is also a good thing.
  24. The video resolution should be as high as possible.
  25. Use various sites like Yahoo Video to maximize your audience.
  26. Post the video on your official website, or create a short announcement post on your blog with a link to YouTube.
  27. The video must contain your website logo in one of the corners. Some kind of marking won't hurt him.
  28. Make a bright, catchy title for the user for each video.
  29. Do not use music in your videos that you do not have the right to use. This may result in your video being blocked soon.
  30. Be sure to professionally process the video using high-quality editing.
  31. Focus on the result, on meeting the needs of your viewers, and not just to shoot and post a video.
  32. Try to stick to a schedule when publishing videos, this is necessary so that viewers follow the updates and don’t miss anything.
  33. Periodically use new props when shooting videos, interesting costumes, accessories and various funny things.
  34. Always inform your subscribers about the arrival of new videos, both on the channel itself and on the website and pages on social networks.
  35. Write several scripts in advance, you should have plenty of time so that you don’t have to hastily come up with a script or even improvise
  36. Set a specific goal for yourself: what you want to achieve from users by creating and posting videos.
  37. Correctly select the central picture that will reflect the content of the video, the so-called thumbnail. Of course, you can choose a still frame, or you can create such a picture separately using some special effects and inserts.
  38. Sometimes you can upload video in real time using a webcam, this is how unique webinars are created.
  39. When creating videos, you should definitely use a good camera and other quality equipment.
  40. Ask your followers to leave reviews and comments. Reviews will attract new subscribers and have a positive impact on search results.
  41. Don't worry if all your videos don't become popular instantly. Everything will happen! Just be patient.
  42. Distribute your videos on other people's pages and communities on social networks.
  43. Make a series of videos about a common theme and analyze how viewers react to them.
  44. When filming a video, don’t be constrained and tense, your task is to interest and be convincing, your lack of self-confidence will only harm you.
  45. Follow the preferences of your target audience, do not try to chase a new hare without finally getting the first one.
  46. Create viral, catchy videos, and notify about their publication on the channel on social networks: Twitter, VKontakte, Google Plus, Facebook, Digg, etc.
  47. Try to use the word “video” in the title of the video, since this is the word that users most often “drive” into the search engine.
  48. In addition to your company logo, attach a contact method to the video, for example, a link to email and Skype.
  49. Frequently watch the video releases of your competitors, learn the best, and weed out the bad.
  50. Make jokes, but behave with dignity! Profanity is the lot of illiteracy.

YouTube is one of the most visited sites, and if you use it wisely, you will soon gain new subscribers. The main thing here is to create a high-quality viral video. By the way, you can order such a video and many other videos of various types from our company! If you are wondering: "

Today we will talk about how to attract subscribers to your YouTube channel:

When there are no views, then there are no subscribers.- this is completely predictable, natural and logical. In this case, you should focus on creating content that will be potentially interesting to viewers. However, more details on this topic can be found in the link at the beginning of the article.

What if there are views, but no one subscribes to you?

Why might this be:

  • You are working for the wrong target audience, in the wrong niche, or doing something wrong.
  • The videos are scattered and do not follow any specific and understandable content strategy.

It could also be that some video became popular, but you didn’t pay attention to it and didn’t start releasing such videos on a systematic basis, missing out on the audience.

This leads to the following advice:

Create content that fits into a specific serial format.

We remind you: using it is throwing money away. And you’ll be lucky if YouTube doesn’t ban you for this later. Instead of promotion, it is better to invest money in building a content strategy and improving the quality of content (and its design).

Don’t forget also about calls to action and do them correctly, logically arguing the need to subscribe to the channel. Motivation can be continuation of the topic, answers to questions, an invitation to a stream, a challenge.

Feedback from your viewers is important for the development of your channel. After all, it is from the audience that you can find out what interests them. Don't let your viewers get bored, don't drag out your videos, shoot interesting and useful content - and they will be grateful to you.

By following these simple tips, you can improve your conversion (the transition of channel guests from ordinary viewers to subscribers).

Trying to keep up with the likes and number of comments under videos, immersing ourselves more and more in SEO and promotion methods, we sometimes completely forget about the individuality and desires of our subscribers. But you need to start from them!

Especially for you, I have made a selection of the most effective ways to attract attention. YouTube audience.

1. Interactive videos

Have you ever gotten stuck on a video? Have you ever come across a toy so unique that you completely forgot that it was just a video on YouTube, maybe even an advertisement for some online store? No? Then watch!

If you have been with me for a long time, you have probably heard about this video more than once :). Here you are invited to dress up the girl Masha and send her on a date. You choose jeans - Masha puts on jeans, you like a jacket, Masha tries on a jacket... And so on until the girl is completely ready for a date. At the end, you are shown the result of your work - the guy with whom Masha will go on a date, and the place where this same guy will take her. After this, the girl is asked to choose an outfit again.

Agree, the toy is enticing! And after watching something like this, a person will not only be more likely to subscribe to your updates, but will also send a link to the video to a couple of friends.

2. Trends and viral videos

I'm not talking about creating something similar to the "Gangnam Style" that blew up the world, no. To create your own trend, you need a lot of time, money, luck and an absolutely brilliant idea!

I'm talking about taking advantage of the masterpieces that others have already created. Find out what's trending now, what YouTube audience searches in search engines to see what people share with friends - and benefit from it!

For example:

I think you recognize the character. Homer Simpson dousing himself with water collected 23 million views in just one (!) month. Moreover, this is NOT the official Simpsons channel, where new episodes are regularly posted and to which millions of people are subscribed (otherwise the figure would be completely justified). It's just a volunteer idea! And this idea brought the channel thousands of new subscribers.

3. Communication, communication and more communication

Nobody likes a one-goal game - giving back is a must! So viewers watch your videos, rate them, comment on them, perhaps share them with someone... And what do they get in return? That's the same!

Communicate with your subscribers, read and respond to comments, react to them in videos (“I was recently asked...” or “I’m answering Lyudmila’s question asked in one of the comments...”). Lyudmila will be pleased, she will tell and show it to her friends, and you will get new views and expand your audience.

A great move is to conduct a survey. One day, Iggy Pop asked his YouTube audience to help him remake the hit “Passenger” and acquired not only a Cannes Lion, but also thousands of new fans.

So this opportunity cannot be neglected!

4. Giveaways, competitions, promotions, discounts...

Think for yourself - who doesn’t like contests or sweepstakes? And if you also make a colorful video, God himself ordered it! Believe me, the information will spread by itself, your channel will have many new subscribers (especially if this is a prerequisite for participation), your store will have more customers, and specifically you will have the respect of the crowd :).

More ideas about how to attract an audience on YouTube and keep it, you can find it in my webinar “Branding and working with the target audience.” And in Lawrence's secret method In addition, you will find a mountain of useful information! Download and develop!

According to statistics, subscribers watch more content than other viewers. Find out how to turn a casual viewer into a devoted fan.

Who are the channel's most loyal fans? Of course, your subscribers. They watch more videos than other viewers and are always ready to give you new ideas. That is why every effort must be made to ensure that their number constantly grows. The best way to achieve this is to invite them to communicate. Tag your favorite comments, respond to criticism and suggestions from viewers, add calls to action to your videos. And, of course, check whether you are effectively communicating with your audience. In this lesson, you'll learn how YouTube Analytics can help you determine if you're doing a good job attracting new subscribers and growing your channel.

Who subscribes to my channel?

You can find out the approximate age of your viewers, as well as other useful information, such as in which countries you are more popular and who watches you more - male or female - from the Demographic Data report. Statistics in it are given for users with and without a subscription, as well as for all viewers. Of course, the main attention should be paid to information about those who follow you. Once you have an understanding of this audience, you'll know what videos to add to keep them interested in your channel. Treasure your subscribers: keeping the viewers you already have is easier than finding new ones.

What to pay attention to:

  • From the report Demographics you can find out who your subscribers are and in what regions they are located. Consider this information as you plan your next growth strategy to attract and retain your most loyal fans.
  • If you have many viewers around the world, it may make sense to add subtitles in other languages.
    To prevent subscribers from leaving your channel, remember what they are interested in and take this into account when creating new videos.

This report shows that the channel's audience is 75% male and 25% female, and a significant portion of the audience is between 35 and 54 years old.

If you look at the data of subscribers of the same channel, the picture will be slightly different. 80% of them are men and only 20% are women, and most subscribers are between 18 and 34 years old. We would recommend this channel to add more videos aimed at a young and predominantly male audience.

How effectively am I growing my channel's subscriber base?

If you want to increase your subscriber count, you first need to understand why viewers subscribe to your channel and what content interests them most. To do this, compare the data from the “Subscribers” and “Unsubscribed” reports.

What to pay attention to:

  • See what caused the sharp increase and decrease in the number of subscribers. This way you will determine what attracts them to your channel - videos on a certain topic, advertising campaigns, collaboration projects with other channels, or something else.
  • To find out which videos caused your subscriber numbers to spike or drop, select a narrower date range.

Strategies for effectively attracting subscribers:

  • Collaborate with similar channels. This will help potential subscribers find you on YouTube.
    Determine which videos increase your subscriber base. You can find this out in YouTube Analytics. Create relatable content that is also likely to attract new fans.
  • Sometimes subscribers may leave because they are disappointed with a new video. To understand the reason, read the comments to this video. Try to correct the situation - respond to commentators, take into account the experience gained when creating the next video, or simply delete the problematic video.


This graph shows that the number of subscribers first rose sharply and then fell. By selecting the range from April 3 to June 8, 2013, you will find out which videos caused users to unsubscribe from your channel. Think about how to fix the situation. It might be better to delete these videos.

Where do my subscribers come from?

By determining where your subscribers come from, you will understand where and how best to promote your videos. Open the report Subscribers in the Interaction Reports section. Click the “Multiple Lines” button, filter the indicators by source and see on which pages viewers subscribe to your channel. To find out which videos are attracting the most new subscribers, select "Video" in the "Source" column. Try to find patterns in the behavior of viewers.

What to pay attention to:

  • Click "Video Source" to see how many viewers subscribed to your channel when they watched a particular video and which of your videos attracted the most new subscribers. What is the secret of such popularity?
  • Which videos caused the most subscribers to leave your channel? What do these videos have in common?

Strategies for effectively attracting subscribers:

  • Think about what videos got you your subscribers and add more similar content.
  • Viewers will be more likely to subscribe to your channel page if you create an attractive design for it and add a meaningful description.
    To make your videos attract more subscribers, add an annotation to them asking you to subscribe. You can even say the same thing right in the video.


The graph shows that from about June 24, 2013, the number of subscribers who came from another channel (green curve) began to increase sharply. You see, collaborating with other authors helps attract new subscribers. And viewers often subscribe directly to the channel page, because it gives an idea of ​​​​what kind of content you publish.

What percentage of my video views come from subscribers?

To find out, in the report Watch time Click Metrics Comparison and select Followers. A graph will appear showing the total viewing time (blue curve) and the viewing time of subscribers (orange line). From it you can derive patterns. In general, if your subscribers' watch time makes up the majority of your total watch time, it means fans are actively following your channel.

What to pay attention to:

  • To find out what percentage of your watch time is from subscribers, divide the Subscribers value by your total watch time. The higher the value, the more popular your videos are among subscribers.

Strategies for effectively attracting subscribers:

  • Try to organize the content on your channel, start promoting it on Google+ and communicate with viewers - this way you can increase the number of subscribers.

In this example, subscribers account for approximately half of daily views. Moreover, they watch new videos every time (look at the orange curve in the graph - the number of views by subscribers increases sharply every week after adding new videos). To find out the percentage of views received by subscribers, divide the number of views by subscribers by the total number of views and multiply by 100.