How to promote your YouTube channel from scratch. How to Promote a YouTube Channel: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Question from Andrey Sveridov:

Hello. I read your article a few months ago about how to make money on YouTube. After that, I started a channel on YouTube, but it is growing somewhat slowly and weakly. Please tell me how to promote a channel on YouTube? Does the speed of promotion depend on the topic? Thanks for your site!

Today, Internet business brings in really good income, and many optimizers understand that targeted traffic can be obtained not only from search engines, but also through social networks and other sites. In addition, such traffic will be even higher quality and effective than that received from search engines, and this is especially true for commercial topics. A YouTube channel is a great way to generate traffic and attract attention to your product, so its promotion plays a very important role.

Basic principles of promotion

Before we talk about how to promote a YouTube channel, you need to understand the essence of working with this site and the reasons why videos become or do not become popular.

Honesty comes first

The popularity of a channel on the Youtube website depends, first of all, on the reaction of viewers to its content. If the video is initially an obvious deception or clearly demonstrates the goal of profiting from visitors, then turning off comments or anything else will not save the situation. Only sincerity and at least some kind of return to the viewer can protect against a negative reaction, even if the author initially pursues commercial, even selfish goals. For example, a person selling travel packages or providing booking services should post travel-related videos on his channel. In this case, people who are interested will still visit the channel and watch the video, despite the purpose of such a video blog.

Money is not the main thing!

Nowadays, for certain amounts you can get almost everything: from beautiful photographs and suitable content to laudatory comments and reviews written by fake people. For money, any site can be promoted to the top and advertised well, even if it contains advertising for a product of poor quality at an unreasonably high price. In most cases, visitors will believe the beautiful cover and will not realize that it is all a hoax, but in the case of YouTube videos, this tactic will not work. Even if comments are closed, users can always express their attitude towards an uninteresting video or a bad product through the dislike button or a complaint to the site’s technical support service. The minimum damage that the author of the video will receive in this case is the loss of subscribers and popularity, and the maximum is the blocking of the channel on the site.

Interesting and useful material is the key to success

Despite the fact that YouTube is becoming more and more popular, including as a commercial platform, the principle is still relevant here: an interesting channel will become popular in any case. It is not necessary to deeply understand promotion methods or pay to promote a channel on YouTube - it is enough to simply fill it with truly unique, interesting and useful content. In this case, subscribers will appear on their own, and popularity will grow.

10 ways to promote your YouTube channel

Share videos on social networks and forums

Most often, users associate direct links with spam, so as an alternative, you can directly insert the code into the video in your message. This, firstly, will increase the views themselves, and secondly, it will not be perceived as annoying spam. The main thing is to insert your videos appropriately and not be too intrusive.

Write a description and tag each video

As you know, the title, tags and category determine how many people and by what queries they will find the video through a search on the channel. These aspects need to be given a lot of attention: make both the title and description as informative as possible, and also include the maximum number of keywords in the text. The mechanical part of popularizing the video and the channel as a whole will depend on this work on promoting the channel on YouTube.

Leave links wherever possible

As mentioned above, most often users will mistake direct links for spam, so this method of promotion is slightly less effective than inserting videos. However, this technique is perfect for complex promotion of a channel or a separate video. The main goal of this method is to acquire visitors not only directly through the site, but also through search engines such as Yandex and Google. Please remember that manually supplied links are less effective than purchased links.

Add as many videos as possible

The large number of videos is directly related to the popularity of the channel on Youtube. Obviously, a channel with a thousand videos will grow faster than one with ten or a hundred. That is why, when promoting a channel, it is necessary to update it as often as possible, not forgetting that the videos should be interesting and useful to visitors. Of course, these don’t have to be long videos; they can be diluted with short, but succinct and relevant videos. This approach will satisfy a variety of tastes and attract more visitors.

Make video responses to other videos

Promotion of a channel on YouTube can also be done through other, more popular videos. By filming video responses to them, you can attract attention to your channel and gain additional subscribers. The main thing is to create such answers competently and thoughtfully and remember that praise or continuation of the author’s thoughts is preferable to scolding and provoking conflict.

Create viral videos

There are well-known cases when accidentally filmed videos spread throughout the network like a virus in a matter of hours and gained enormous popularity. This method is still very, very effective, but to create a competent viral video, you will most likely need the help of a professional.

Encourage viewers to take action

According to statistics, those video bloggers who directly ask for it at the end of their videos receive more likes and subscribers. It may seem surprising, but simple phrases like “thumbs up and subscribe to my channel” have an almost magical effect. In practice, it almost always turns out that it is not at all difficult for a visitor to like and even subscribe.

Make friends with other video bloggers

Connections always play a decisive role in any business, real or virtual. You can attract additional attention by mentioning other video bloggers in your videos. Most likely, reciprocal mentions and links to the channel will not be long in coming, provided that the author’s videos are really interesting.

Answer questions and communicate with subscribers

Contact with subscribers is another important part of promoting a channel on Youtube. The more a video blogger is open to communication, the more popular his channel will become. You can not only communicate with visitors in the comments, but also create a separate section for answering questions asked in the comments or on social networks. Such videos not only increase the popularity of the author, but also do not require much preparation, writing a script, etc.

Go with the times

Last but not least, the rule for promoting a channel on YouTube is to always be up to date with the latest events and create truly unique videos. A channel that reviews the Iphone 4 when the Iphone 6 is already out, or posts a blog about the hottest sales of last summer at the end of November will never become popular. An author who follows the news and chooses topics for videos in a timely manner will certainly succeed in promoting his channel.

If you want to become popular and make money from it, then you need to start promoting a YouTube channel now. YouTube is the most popular video hosting service, which has become a constant source of income for many famous bloggers, streamers and other interesting and enterprising people. But as you know, popularity does not come on its own, it has to be earned.

Preparing the channel for promotion

To quickly promote a YouTube channel from scratch, you need to use paid and free promotion methods in combination. But before you start optimizing and advertising your channel, you need to create and design it correctly.

To create a promising channel you need:

  • Decide on the topic and niche that the channel will occupy on YouTube. Choosing a topic is a very important step. The fact is that in popular and profitable niches it is much more difficult to promote a channel. But if you still manage to do this, then the earnings there will be appropriate. It's best to do what you really understand. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s entertainment, children’s, gaming or scientific content. Passion and dedication always attracts viewers.
  • Watch videos from popular bloggers and come up with your own personal trick. Every popular blogger on YouTube has their own “trick”. This makes the person memorable, which prevents him from being confused with anyone else.
  • Create a memorable image. Creating an image should be focused on the target audience. The closer the presenter is to the viewer, the more attractive he will seem.
  • Shoot several videos using high-quality equipment. Good video quality in 2017 is an integral part of a popular channel. Therefore, light, equipment, and sound must be of not ideal quality, but not worse than standard.
  • Before publishing, find out the opinions of friends and acquaintances and bring the image to perfection. The help of friends and acquaintances at first will help to identify all the shortcomings and work on all the weak points. Therefore, you need to try to connect as many people as possible, because in return you can get really valuable advice.

Types of promotion

When the user already has his own account with a small collection of videos, it is not clear what to do next. Wastefully leaking videos that no one watches is a very dubious activity. Therefore, you need to put the camera aside and get busy promoting.

There are two types of channel promotion:

  • paid;
  • free.

The issue of money is always relevant, but to achieve the goal you need to be guided by other characteristics of the available promotion methods, namely their effectiveness. Otherwise, instead of quickly gaining subscribers, time will be spent on meaningless and useless activities.

Channel promotion – do you need to pay?

Some people sincerely believe that to become popular on YouTube, it is enough to make a spectacular video, post it online, and a new trend is ready. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Even the most charismatic and ambitious blogger can remain unnoticed.

Advantages of paid channel promotion:

  • quick recruitment of “live” subscribers;
  • minimal investment of time and effort;
  • guarantee of results.

Most of the sites and applications that offer free money lie. After all, their main contingent are bots. They, in turn, are of no value to the owner of the YouTube channel.

Proper promotion can be much cheaper if you first take a short course on the basics of Internet marketing. But this takes time. Training includes working with Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords, the basics of SEO optimization, viral marketing and much more. If you plan to make working on the Internet your main field of activity, then such skills and knowledge will not hurt.

Paid promotion methods

If at the start you have at least a small budget that can be spent on promotion, then the chances of professionally promoting your YouTube channel are significantly higher than without it. But you need to invest money wisely, so first you need to familiarize yourself with the existing methods of paid channel promotion.

Paid methods include:

  • purchasing subscribers on specialized exchanges;
  • services of freelancers and professional promotion agencies;
  • purchase of advertising.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. But in general, their effectiveness has long been confirmed in practice. Many, without understanding the essence of each of these methods, hastily give money to just anyone, and receive nothing in return. Therefore, it is worth considering them in more detail.

Services for buying subscribers, likes and comments

Buying subscribers is in demand among “newbies” on video hosting. Some sincerely hope that after acquiring a couple of thousand subscribers, the channel will immediately get to the TOP and advertising prices will rise to exorbitant amounts. It should be said right away that this is not so.

No matter how many users are attracted through the exchange, they will not be able to make the channel popular. The fact is that the goal of such subscribers is to get money. They are not interested in the published content, therefore, there is little value from such viewers.

But for a developing channel, a large number of subscribers makes it more attractive to “live” users. It has been noticed that before people start watching a video, they look at how many users are interested in it and how many liked it. And only then do they decide whether it’s worth spending their time watching. Therefore, the larger the channel’s purchased audience, the more “live” users it will attract.

On specialized services you can buy:

  • subscribers;
  • comments.

To promote a channel on YouTube, subscribers alone will not be enough. The number of views and likes are the main parameters for raising a channel to the TOP. And for the video hosting administration, it will be obvious that a large number of subscribers without activity on the channel is the result of cheating. And this, in turn, can lead to their mass write-off and account blocking. Therefore, to create the appearance of real promotion, you will need to not only gain subscribers, but also create imaginary user activity.

You can also see a selection of YouTube promotion services divided into categories on the blog of the service for working with bloggers EPICSTARS.

All operations for purchasing spectators are carried out remotely. The channel owner simply selects the desired package of subscribers (500, 1000, 5000 or more people) and pays for it with a bank card or e-wallet. There are no and cannot be any guarantees other than reviews from previous customers. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant so as not to run into scammers.

To do this, you need to follow some rules:

  • The official website may contain fake reviews, so before purchasing you need to study the site’s reputation on third-party resources.
  • Before purchasing, you need to analyze sellers' prices.
  • The first costs should be minimal to ensure the quality of the services provided. It is better to buy packages of 100 or 500 subscribers.
  • Exchanges and services that promise to gain subscribers in a couple of hours should be treated with distrust. After all, a sharp increase in subscribers can be a reason to block a YouTube channel.
  • After purchasing, you need to carefully monitor the activity on the channel.

User activity shows the number of subscriptions, unsubscribes, likes and comments left over a certain period of time. If, after purchasing subscribers, the number of subscriptions increased sharply, and a week later gradually decreased by the same number, and during this time not a single like or comment was made, then you should no longer return to the services of the exchange that cheated them.

Professional channel promotion

The services of professionals in the field of Internet promotion can completely save the owner of a YouTube channel from any hassle. You can order full channel promotion either from a special agency or from a freelancer. However, the cost of such services is, to put it mildly, rather high.

The secret of specialists in the field of Internet marketing is a proven and tested promotion strategy, using techniques, competent SEO optimization and the correct setup of advertising campaigns. To master all these skills, the average user will need more than one month. Therefore, the price for specialist services is appropriate.

When choosing a suitable specialist to whom you can entrust your channel, you should make sure that he uses only “white hat” promotion methods in his work. Otherwise, published videos may be banned, views written off, and the channel even blocked.

YouTube channel advertising

  • On forums and social networks. Of course, you can post videos on forums and social networks for free. Only the owners of communities and forums will remove such “advertising” within a few minutes, so there will be little benefit from this. You can officially promote a channel either through advertising exchanges in social media, or directly through the administrators of the sites of interest.
  • Using Google AdWords. Google AdWords is a powerful advertising tool that allows you to publish video ads on YouTube. Advertisements placed in this way are published either on video hosting pages or broadcast during video playback. All the advertiser needs to do is shoot a commercial, determine the budget for the advertising campaign and set the parameters of the target audience.
  • On video blogs of other authors. Many of the popular bloggers themselves offer their PR services for developing YouTube channels. When choosing a suitable person, you need to look at how many subscribers he has, whether there are fake accounts among them, and how many there are. If the majority of the audience of a supposedly popular blogger was recruited by a cheap program, investing in such advertising will be pointless. Bloggers set prices themselves and, as a rule, they depend on the advertising format. This could be adding an advertiser’s video to your favorites, holding a joint competition, a promotional video at the end of a video, or a joint release that is published simultaneously on two channels.

Paid promotion of a channel on YouTube will not necessarily extract the last money from its owner. If you analyze all the available paid methods and combine them with free ones, you can inexpensively and at the same time quickly gain the coveted popularity. Therefore, you should not stop halfway and give up on your intended goal. The sooner you start work, the faster this goal will be achieved.

Hello, dear friends and blog guests! Today we'll talk about how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch and is this even possible? I say it's possible! And now I’ll tell you about a method that will help, and you will learn the secret of promoting and promoting your channel on YouTube.

By the way, if you don’t have enough time to study promotion and promotion methods, and you need views right now, they will definitely help you. This is a powerful and, most importantly, effective promotion tool on Youtube. Views, likes, subscribers and even comments under the video on quite affordable terms. Let's use it!

There are a lot of materials on the Internet regarding the promotion and promotion of a YouTube channel, some useful and some not so useful. But I still decided to write more about this and I think my article will be useful to you. Why? Because mine YouTube channel I promote and promote this way! And if you follow the link to it, you can make sure that there are already more than 1,000 subscribers and more than 30,000 views. And this helps me make money on my YouTube channel. So let's get involved too!

What does it take for people to start visiting your channel, watching videos and subscribing to it? There is nothing complicated about it! You just need a little patience and attention to your YouTube channel. How to organize this? Now I'll tell you...

YouTube channel design

If you are a complete beginner and are just taking your first steps on YouTube, then you first need to properly organize your YouTube channel. Create your own logo and design a beautiful header for it. About how beautiful it is for your channel YouTube I already wrote in my material that you can watch and make your own beautiful and unique hat for him. There’s nothing complicated there; even the most novice YouTuber can figure it out. Did I figure it out?! And at that time I was just starting to use YouTube.

Believe me, the design of a YouTube channel plays a huge role in its promotion and promotion. After all, if your channel is without a beautifully designed header, without its own unique logo, then who will notice it, and if by chance someone comes to it, they will immediately leave it. That's for sure! So, pay special attention to the design of your channel!!!

Then, after the channel header and logo are ready, select keywords for it. Use the service I previously described to select keywords - ! I hope it helps you.

After all these steps, you need to upload several videos to your channel. It’s better to let them be thematic and necessarily unique, so that you can monetize them in the future.

Now that your channel is more or less designed and has a video for viewing, you need to start promoting it...

First steps or how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch

To promote and promote a channel on YouTube, there are many methods and services that offer their services for various amounts. Basically, these are tidy sums and a beginner is practically unable to handle them. What to do? Is there a way out of this situation? Of course there is!

This solution is a unique service for promoting and promoting not only your newly created YouTube channel, but also all kinds of other pages on social networks and public pages, etc.

I’ve been using this resource myself for a long time to promote and promote my YouTube channel, and I can tell you with confidence that there is no better option for a beginner!

To begin with register on the channel promotion service Profi-Like and then start choosing a way to promote and promote your channel. And for one thing, you can promote the rest of your social networks if you need it!

Here's a screenshot of what the prices are for promoting and promoting your channel on YouTube:

And that's not all that this service has to offer. Take a look for yourself and choose the most suitable option for yourself to start promoting your channel.

Don’t even worry about the fact that your channel will be banned! Everything has already been checked personally and no bans or anything like that have ever been observed! All views are counted and not removed by YouTube, as well as subscribers - all real people, not bots!

In general, I won’t try to persuade you any more. If you need this, then I think you will use this service.

Let me finish my material here and say goodbye.

Goodbye! See you again! Good luck to everyone in promotion and promotion!

Vlogging is one of the most popular and profitable hobbies nowadays. Do you agree that you have at least once dreamed of a million subscribers, fame, recognition and huge earnings from advertising? Unfortunately, the time when a YouTube channel was something new, unusual and extremely profitable is over. Now there is huge competition on this site, and it has become very difficult to come up with a unique idea.

Now let’s assume that you have the desire, capabilities and an interesting idea for a video blog. But how to promote a channel on YouTube? How to attract subscribers and achieve recognition? In this article you will find a lot of information on how to take your first steps and how to promote a channel on YouTube.

First Steps: Content for Your Channel

The main thing for a good video blogger is high-quality, unique, interesting and - most importantly - regular updating of his channel. After all, if you make good videos, subscribers will definitely appear to expect updates from you. And if they don’t exist, then people will unsubscribe accordingly. You may not do optimization or advertising, but if your videos are interesting, the channel will definitely start to grow.

The concept of regularity

For each person, the concept of “regularity” means a different period of time. For some it is a day, but for others it is a whole week. As for regularly filling your channel with content, it is recommended to “upload” new videos at least twice a week. Of course, if you made a series of videos and then forgot about your hobby, subscribers will still appear. But since you are reading this article, it means you are wondering how to promote a YouTube channel as quickly as possible! And to do this, you should post your videos as often as possible.

For example, by adding 50 videos to your channel, you can get about 3,000 subscribers (assuming you forget about your hobby). However, with regular release of stories, the increase in subscribers will be about 10,000 per month. Significant difference! Therefore, if you already have a couple of good videos, then it is better to post them gradually, and not “all at once.”

Pay and promote

Many novice bloggers ask the same question: is it possible to promote your channel without much effort, just by paying a certain amount? But do not confuse the concepts of “promotion of a YouTube channel” and “promotion of a website or project.” Absolutely any website can be developed with the help of advertising and SEO. This won't work with a blog. After all, the main criterion for the correct promotion of a website is its place in the Google search engine and the number of unique visitors. And the main criterion for promoting a video blog is people’s interest. If a person easily enters and leaves the site, leaving his mark in the statistics, then he needs to watch at least one video on your channel in order to whet his interest and subscribe to updates. Therefore, you will not be able to properly promote your channel using spam or advertising. A person is not a robot, and it is quite difficult to deceive him.

Is there really no point in advertising?

Of course there is. Advertising will to some extent help you get promoted, at least at the initial stage. For example, thanks to advertising messages, random visitors will learn about your channel and visit it. And here your main task is to retain these visitors, and for this you need to shoot really interesting videos.

The more views the better

Of course, no one can argue with this golden rule of YouTube. And its essence is this: by subscribing to the channel, the user receives automatic notifications about all new videos. This is very convenient for him, because he doesn’t have to “comb” all of YouTube, but can only watch what is truly interesting. This is doubly beneficial for you as a video blogger, because the more views your video gets, the higher its position in the search will be - and this is a direct road to even more views and subscribers.

Subscribers vs views

But don’t rack your brain over the question of what is more important: subscribers or views. Of course, the second option, because it is subscribers who influence the position of your videos and channel in search. And views will only raise one single video to the top. Therefore, your main task is to get as many followers as possible, not views.

Channel link

Don't forget about such an important point as the link to the YouTube channel. This is your best assistant in promoting your channel. After all, every video has an annotation line, which means you can place any entry there. And here you should leave a link to your channel, adding a positive encouraging text, like: “All the cool guys are clicking here!” or “Stay up to date with all my new videos!”

After all, people themselves are quite lazy (and the Internet also contributes to this laziness). Therefore, it is unlikely that they will remember your channel or want to search for it again. Nudge them the link so they sign up! Of course, this is not the most effective method, but without leaving a link, you will not gain a single new follower at all.

And one more important point: leave various tags in the annotation. For example, to other videos (can be your own or someone else’s). This technique will keep the viewer on your channel. Let's say you made a video with tips on how to do a better standing barbell bench press. Great, the user watched your video to the end. But what he will do next - whether he will sign or simply leave - is unknown. Therefore, one or several minutes before the end of the video, place an annotation for a new video - about bench press of the same barbell, but in a lying position. This will increase the level of interest in the channel.

Voice prompt

Another option for inviting people to subscribe is a voice call. This means that in your video you should ask viewers to subscribe. Classic trick: “Subscribe to my videos, like them, tell your friends!” You can also point your hand at the subscribe button or add an interesting visual effect. From a technical standpoint, this is the most effective method to attract people to your channel.

The main rule

Remember: none of the above methods will work if the videos on your channel are dull and boring. To prevent this from happening, think about each video, create a plot, and make high-quality editing. Give people such useful and interesting information that they don’t even have a choice whether to subscribe or not. Convince users that they can't do without your channel! Work on it constantly, and after a while you will gain many subscribers!

Creation process

Promotion is not so bad. But how to make a channel on YouTube? Let's try to figure it out.

You already know at the entry level. But first you need to create your own account on the site and log in to it. By the way, if you have a mailbox or an account on the Google network, you can log in using it. Enter your details using the instructions, come up with an original and interesting name (remember that your name is the name of your channel), and - voila - you have your own YouTube channel. Don't forget to set it to privacy.


Now let's talk about the design of your channel. To do this, click on the “Add channel design” button. First, you need to choose a background for your YouTube channel. This can be an image suggested by the site or a picture from your computer. Of course, it is preferable to upload images for a YouTube channel yourself or even use your own ones - this way your channel will receive more attention from users. In the “Settings” section you can change and design your channel the way you want. The main thing is to remember to press the “Save” button in time.

Photo for YouTube channel

Never forget about design! Of course, the question on YouTube?" is very important. Moreover, this is your key to success! But this is not the only thing you need to know. A photo for a YouTube channel is not just a cover, because if you add a high-quality starting image to your video, loyalty and the interest of subscribers will increase. And if you don’t know where to find a photo for the background or video, then you can easily download high-quality and interesting collections of covers.

Top YouTube Channels

Don't forget about important things like reviews on your blog! Users can leave them in the comments to the video or even promote you on their blogs. Also, every novice video blogger needs to know and, if possible, follow the most popular channels on YouTube, and take them as a basis. People respond very positively to such channels, and this will serve as excellent motivation for you (after all, every blogger with a million subscribers once had none). And if inspiration decides to run away, then you can always find a couple of interesting ideas from the “masters”. So, here are the best channels on YouTube - those that collect the best user reviews.

- Adamthomasmoran. He is +100500, or Maxim Golopolosov. The channel is focused on reviews and trolling funny videos found on the Internet. Max has more than five million subscribers and almost a billion views. His channel can easily be called one of the most popular on YouTube in Russian, and the number of enthusiastic reviews about him is simply off the charts. However, as well as negative ones: many users are not satisfied with the abundance in the video, and therefore they express their dissatisfaction through reviews.

- Comedoz. The channel talks about the funny adventures of drug addict Pavlik, who indulges in drugs and uses profanity. The author of the project, Pavel Radontsev, managed to attract more than a million followers to his sketches and was even featured in the popular TV show “Let Them Talk.” "Shoot some more!" - this is what users say about his video. However, people of the older generation are not satisfied with these videos due to their senselessness, and at the first opportunity they write angry reviews.

- Maddyblog. Video game reviewer Ilya Maddison quickly gained popularity on YouTube. Perhaps because he was to some extent an innovator in the field of reviews. One way or another, more than 500 thousand YouTube users enjoy heartfelt and obscene game reviews. "Upload new videos, more of them!" - viewers respond to his videos. Judging by the reviews, behind the abundance of swear words lies an interesting and extraordinary opinion about gaming innovations, and this is what attracts viewers.

- StopXAM. A project of Russians who pasted the inscription: “I don’t care about anyone! I park where I want!” on illegally parked cars has gained enormous popularity. Each of their “showdowns” with the owner of a comical sticker earns at least one million views and a sea of ​​positive reviews. In their reviews, people often write that they just like to look at the negativity of others. One way or another, I want to believe that the project has a positive meaning.

- TheKateClapp. Katya Klap is the most popular in RuNet. She makes videos on topics that get the best reviews from girls: what cosmetics to choose, how to find a guy, where to order clothes from, what movie to watch, etc. She has been making videos for more than 5 years (2 million subscribers), but her popularity has increased sharply after the shooting “ vlogs" (blogs about life). Guess what reviews girls write to the channel? Of course, only enthusiastic ones and full of sweet, truly girlish expressions.

- BadComedian. The owner of this channel (and with it 600,000 subscribers) became famous for his extraordinary ability to subtly ridicule the worst representatives of cinema, such as “Divergent” or “Corporate Party”. Everyone laughs at his hilarious analyzes of films, and in reviews you can often find gratitude from those who want to watch the film “Saw”: the channel made this horror film completely unscary.

- This Is Good. Despite the fact that Stas Davydov is an “older” version of Max +100500, the popularity of the show “This is good” is somewhat inferior to “+100500”. Stas has about five million followers, but has a little more releases. On his channel, Stas also talks about various videos that users send him and makes fun of them. But users complain that the humor is too peculiar. Perhaps this was the reason for the lower popularity.


Now you know how to create a YouTube channel, how to promote a YouTube channel and where to look for inspiration. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and remember: interesting videos will always find their subscribers!

Currently, YouTube is becoming more and more popular; for many it is replacing television. There you can find almost everything, from entertaining videos to videos with useful information. More and more people are becoming video bloggers and regularly uploading videos to the channel. Many vloggers have become so popular that YouTube has become a job and a good source of income for them.

If, watching other video bloggers, you are increasingly thinking about creating your own channel on YouTube, then I will give you a number of advantages for which it is worth taking up video blogging:

  1. You will become more self-confident, since constantly filming on camera and communicating with subscribers will constantly contribute to this.
  2. You will become a creative person and be able to show your creative potential.
  3. Find like-minded people and new friends.
  4. You will constantly develop in your chosen topic.
  5. You can earn income from your YouTube channel.
  6. If you have your own business, then with the help of your channel you will receive new customers and make your business even more famous.

However, despite all the benefits, you must understand that blogging is quite a lot of work that requires your time. If you want to make your channel popular, then you must work on it regularly.

But if you have made a firm decision to create your own video blog, then read this article to the end. From it you will learn how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch and get your first 1000 subscribers.


The most important factor that determines the popularity of your channel is content. After all, any channel is created for people, and it is important that the videos are useful and solve people’s problems or entertain them. In general, there are 3 types of channels:

  • Entertaining;
  • Educational;
  • Reviews.

It is important that your channel meets the needs of your viewers, otherwise no one will want to subscribe to you. That's why, Firstly, your channel should be on a specific topic. Making videos on various topics is now ineffective, because recently the number of channels has grown greatly, and the wider your topic, the more competitors you have and the more difficult it is, accordingly, to promote your channel. And people are better off subscribing to channels with a narrow topic, because they satisfy their needs as accurately as possible.

Secondly, The topic you choose should be something you like. If you shoot on a topic that is not interesting to you, you will quickly get bored with it and you will not be able to make your channel successful. And even if there are a lot of competitors in your favorite topic, you shouldn’t pay attention to it. And to make your journey easier, you can add uniqueness to your videos and narrow your topic as much as possible, which will set you apart from your competitors .

Thirdly, Make videos on popular topics in your niche. This is very important at the first stage, because... No one knows you yet, you have few views, and you must first of all focus on the topics that people are looking for in search. This way, they will find your videos, and some of these people will undoubtedly subscribe to your channel. For example, a video titled “My collection of house plants” is unlikely to get many views. But a video with the title “How to properly transplant a violet” will be much more popular. Because people are looking for such videos themselves, they need to solve their problem. So make a list of popular topics and make videos on them. And the service will help you find popular topics, as well as video analysis of your competitors. See which videos have the most views and make videos on similar topics.

Correct channel design

Make a beautiful header for your channel, write what it’s about, select colorful pictures with titles for each video, divide all your videos into playlists that are dedicated to a specific subtopic. People most often go to the main page of the channel first and only then decide to subscribe.

Take as many videos as possible

The more videos you have on your channel, the more likely people are to find them and learn about your channel. Accordingly, you will have more subscribers.

Maximum PR video

After uploading each video, do your best to make it known to as many people as possible. Post the video on all your social networks. If you have a subscriber base, send it a link to this video. If you have money, publish this video in someone else's popular group on social networks.

The thing is that within two days YouTube analyzes your video and tries to understand whether people are interested in it. And the more views it gets, the longer the total viewing time, the more likes and comments, the higher YouTube will rank this video in search and show similar videos more often. Therefore, the first two days are of greatest importance for video promotion.

Intro at the end of the video

At the end of each video, make a splash screen and include links to your other videos. They can be designed in the form of pictures with captions or an excerpt from a video. This will make it clear to new viewers that you do not have just one video, but a lot of useful content on this topic. It will also increase the number of views on your videos.

Besides this, do "Subscribe" button at the end of each video, say a call to subscribe to your channel, otherwise a person may simply forget to do it.

Following these simple rules will allow you to quickly gain your first thousand subscribers. I can say this from my own experience. When I first started my channel, I didn't use many of these rules, and the number of subscribers grew very slowly. But as soon as I started doing what I told you about today, the number of subscribers and views per month tripled.

Training program

If you want me to personally help you gain your first thousand subscribers, then I have prepared a special training course for this, thanks to which you:

  1. You will choose a topic for your channel if you don’t yet know what topic to shoot on (for this I will send you a list of the most popular and in-demand topics, and this will help you choose the most interesting topic).
  2. I will help you narrow down the topic and bring your uniqueness to it.
  3. I will help you create a list of popular topics for your channel.
  4. You will design your channel according to all the rules.
  5. You will learn how to properly optimize your videos.
  6. I will talk about paid advertising, where and how best to advertise your channel.

Go to where you can get acquainted with the course program in more detail, and you can also sign up for it there.

Still have questions? Write them in the comments.

I wish you success in developing your channel!