How to save data to Yandex disk. Cloud Yandex.Disk

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Modern technologies in the form of cloud storage make it possible to meet the ever-growing needs of users for reliable file storage, which includes Yandex Disk. Today we will look at the main options provided by this service.

The functionality of Yandex Disk is, in principle, available in the web interface, but in order to use all its capabilities, it is still recommended, which will be discussed in a separate article. I decided to divide the publication about Drive into two parts in order to familiarize you with this Yandex product in as much detail as possible and give you the opportunity to understand whether using the cloud interface is enough for you, or whether you need to install its additional application.

Before moving on to technical details, it is necessary to clarify what Yandex Disk is and why it is needed at all. Perhaps some readers will find this information useful. So, cloud technology (in our case, Yandex Disk) allows you not only to store important information, including your documents and files, but also to access them from almost any electronic device from anywhere in the world, as well as transfer them and determine to whom they will be available.

It should also be noted that storing files on Disk is not limited in time and is absolutely safe, since they are all scanned by an anti-virus program, safety is ensured by advanced modern technologies and data is transferred only over an encrypted connection.

How to create an account in Yandex Disk (registration and login)

So, as I said above, today we are getting acquainted with the web interface. If you already have your own mailbox on Yandex, then the task is simplified. Just log into your account and find the Yandex Disk tab. You can log into your cloud storage account by simply clicking on this tab:

Otherwise, you can register on the official page. But there is one nuance here. The fact is that by registering using a referral link, you have the opportunity to immediately receive an additional 1 GB of free space for storing your files in addition to the 10 GB already provided forever. There is a great opportunity in the future increase this space up to 20 GB for free(I will definitely write how to do this in the next article, don’t miss it). So, go to this page and register by clicking on the “Register” button:

Registration is extremely simple. Enter your first and last name, and come up with a more complex password. The only thing you will need to do is enter your mobile phone number, which is necessary to ensure modern security requirements, and click the “Get code” button. This code will be sent to your mobile phone. Next, follow the recommendations of the registration wizard. On the same page, you can also log in by entering your password and login if you already have an account, and also access Yandex Disk using social networks.

My Yandex Disk - working in the cloud storage interface

After logging into your account, you will see an interface that is intuitive and as easy to use as possible. To move the necessary files to Disk from your computer, just click the “Upload” button or use the “select” link. You can also use the “Drug and Drop” method by left-clicking the desired file and simply dragging it from the window with your folders on the computer to the area indicated by the dotted line.

In addition, it is possible to change the way folders and files are displayed: in the form of large or small icons, as well as in the form of a list, similar to how this is done, for example, in Windows. You can also organize their location by name, size, type, modification date; in ascending and descending order, that is, in alphabetical order, where the name is decisive.

To create a new folder, click on the plus sign icon, a block will instantly appear on the right where you need to enter its name in the corresponding column:

After you enter the name of the new object, to save the changes, simply press ENTER on the keyboard or left-click on the free space of the page. The new folder will take its place in the directory:

In order to carry out certain actions, you need to tick the desired object, and an editing block will immediately appear on the right side of the interface. To rename, move the cursor to the name of the folder, it will immediately change the font color to red, and an icon with a pencil image will appear on the right, by clicking on which you will be able to enter a new name.

This same option, along with a number of others, is also present in the main editing block, which appears just below:

Here at your service are almost all possible functions that you may need. For example, you can open a folder to access the files in it, download it from Yandex Disk to your computer, and delete it. By clicking on the button with three dots, you get additional options (copy, move), including the above-mentioned renaming.

Let's look at some options in more detail. Let's say you are quite capable of opening access to this or that folder to the users and exactly those you want. Depending on the settings, they will be able to simply view the content or perform all actions (delete, add, edit files, etc.). To do this, click “Make folder public”, in the window that appears, enter the e-mail of a certain person known to you, determine the access level and click “Invite”:

You can enter as many addresses as you need. The selected folder will appear on the Drive of each user you invite, which will be shared with you. By the way, for convenience, on Yandex Disk all shared folders are located in a separate section, which can be found in the top menu. Now all invitees for the selected folder will be listed in the access settings window:

By the way, you are free to send a repeat invitation for each of the participants. In this case, move the cursor to the desired line, immediately the circular update arrow icon will change to an invitation button, which you should click on:

By the way, if you have your own Facebook account, you can invite all your friends at once. To do this, click on the icon of this social network at the very bottom of the access settings window. However, to implement this idea you will have to give the Yandex application access to your Facebook account data:

I think Yandex can be trusted, which will not specifically disclose data, especially since most of it is not strictly confidential, so feel free to click OK. Unfortunately, this option currently only exists for Facebook. It is likely that other popular social networks will soon appear in this section on Yandex Disk. After all these movements, the entire list of participants who have access will appear on the right side of the shared folder:

In addition to setting up access for individual users, you can provide a link to public access to selected folders and individual files. For example, it is useful to do this on your website so that your readers, if necessary, can download the required file directly from Yandex Disk. Look at the screenshot four times above in the text. There is a button divided into two parts. Click on the left side, the inscription “ON” will appear. and a link to this file or folder will be available.

Copy and paste it anywhere, even on your website, or post it on social networks. By the way, if you immediately want to check how it works, copy the link, paste it into the address bar of your browser and press ENTER. Get a view that will be visible to everyone who clicks on this link.

I can’t help but mention the options for each individual file on Yandex Disk. For example, if you open a folder with images, then at your service, in addition to the functionality mentioned above, there will be a built-in photo editor, which is very rich in all sorts of useful things. To access this tool, click “Edit”, after which you will be transferred to a separate window where you can experiment a lot, showing your creativity.

In the photo editor, you can decorate a photo or picture beyond recognition by applying various effects, adding, for example, stickers or frames, changing the sharpness, brightness, contrast, color saturation, rotating or cropping. After all this bullying, click the “Done” button in the upper right corner of the editor and save the modified photo. Moreover, what is important, the original will remain in its original form:

In the same way, for each type or file format, you can perform certain actions. For example, listen to an audio recording or watch a video. To do this, open the desired folder and select the file, after which a tool for applying your intentions will appear in the right block of the interface.

Developed by Yandex. This service allows users to store their personal data in the cloud. At the moment, you can upload 10 GB of photos, videos or documents to the storage completely free of charge. If more space is required, it can be purchased for a small subscription fee, for example, an additional 10 GB can be purchased for 30 rubles per month or 300 rubles per year. A huge advantage of the service is that you can save photos not only from your computer, but also from social networks - VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram.

It should be noted that several years ago it was possible to use the Yandex.Disk cloud storage only by invitation. Now anyone can do this by registering a Yandex email. I know that many users are interested in various questions about using Yandex.Disk. Login to your page, how is it done? Or how to upload new files to the cloud (read about how to work with Yandex.Disk)? In this article I will talk about how you can log into your cloud storage profile from various devices.

From your computer

To log into Yandex.Disk from your computer, you will need:

Important! You can also log into your Yandex.Disk profile from the main page. To do this, you need to hover over your login in the upper left corner and click “My Drive”.

In order to log into Yandex.Disk from another computer, you need to do all the same steps. However, when you're done, you should log out of your email to prevent others from using your personal files. In order to log out of your personal account, you need to click on your login in the upper left corner, and then click on the “Log out” button.

Password recovery

Many users are interested in the question of whether it is possible to log into Yandex.Disk using a login if they have forgotten their password. Unfortunately, this is not possible, and you will need to reset your password to log in. To do this you will need:

If you don’t have a computer at hand at the moment, but you need to use files that are in cloud storage, you can log into Yandex.Disk from your phone using the official application. This requires:

  1. Install the official application on your smartphone, which can be downloaded from the store absolutely free.
  2. Wait for the installation to complete.
  3. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields and click on the “Login” button.

Important! Using the application, you can also register for the service or recover a lost password. You can install the application on smartphones with Windows, Android and iOS.

This concludes my article on how to log into Yandex.Disk from a computer or phone. I hope that you have found the answers to all your questions and that you do not have any difficulties.

Hello again everyone! Today I’ll tell you about what it is, I get asked this question quite often, and I myself use this service to store my files. So in this article you will learn all the main points about Yandex. Disk. I will say right away - this is a very useful and necessary thing.

What is Yandex Disk

Let's take a quick look first, what is Yandex Disk?. This is a special cloud service from the Yandex company, which allows us to store data using cloud technologies, more precisely on servers owned by Yandex. Previously, the service was available only by invitation, but now anyone can register.

Access to files on the disk is available from any device connected to the Internet. But you need to understand that all these devices must be synchronized. For example, you downloaded files via a laptop, and then wanted to use them from your desktop computer, in this case you need to wait for the files to synchronize. If the Internet connection is normal, then synchronization will take place quickly, but if your Internet is “dead,” it will take time.

In simple words, Yandex Disk is a free place to store your data and, moreover, you can share this data with other users or keep it locked and only you will have access. Quite convenient and very useful service.

How to use Yandex Disk

Now let's figure it out how to use the service and how to install the software.

To access, as for all Yandex services, you must have an account, i.e. create an email and you will be able to use all available Yandex services. You can create an account in Yandex.

Download the program and install Yandex. The drive is quite simple. Follow this link and create your virtual disk, download and install the program. Everything is as usual, launch and install the program, as shown in the figure.

And as they say, we follow the instructions of the system, everything is quite simple. After installation, you will have a shortcut on your desktop that will lead to the folder with your Yandex files. Disk.

The news will be here

Also, a disk shortcut will appear in your mail, and you can manage files not only through your computer, but also through the mailbox interface.

By clicking on this shortcut, you can manage files, download, delete, share with other users, and so on. For any file, you can open access and receive a public link, which you can share with friends or with your clients.

For example, you need to give access to a private course that the client paid for. You upload files to Yandex. Disk, then copy the public link and paste this link into the letter that the client receives after payment. You can also share photos and various files with friends, and so on.

In the figure below, you will see how to get a public link and thus open access to the file.

Right-click on the file, select “Copy public link”, the link is saved to the clipboard and then you can paste it wherever you need. The same option is available in the mail interface itself. Just select the desired file or folder and at the bottom right you can open access to the file.

That's how simple and convenient it is. And yet, after installing the program, it will appear in your startup. When synchronization occurs, the blue wheel will spin and if you hover your mouse, you can see how many percent have already been completed; if the disk is synchronized, then a green checkmark will be displayed, as shown in the picture.

There is plenty of disk space. You will immediately get 10GB, it's not difficult. I now have 51 GB on Yandex. Disk. You can invite friends using your link, you can get additional space by downloading the Yandex browser or connecting a camera.

Some promotions are limited and valid until a certain time, but the fact that you will have more than 10 GB is for sure. 32 GB is given temporarily for 6 months to download files from a camera or camera. Attention, trick! In order not to fill up disk space, you can connect the camera and immediately turn off synchronization. This way you will get 32 ​​GB of free space :)

And of course, you can always buy additional space for money, as much as you need.

But for normal work there is enough free space, since 10-30 or even more GB can always be obtained completely free of charge. But on the other hand, if you need more storage, then the price is quite reasonable, only 1,500 rubles per year for as much as 100 GB.

I hope that I introduced you to Yandex in sufficient detail. Disc and now you know how to use Yandex Disk, you can figure out the rest of the points yourself while using the service. More detailed information and help on the service. Use and store your files in a safe and free place on a cloud service from Yandex.

I will be glad to answer your questions and comments, I hope that this article will be useful to you. I wish you good luck!

Yandex.Disk is a cloud service designed for storing user files. It is developed and supported by the Yandex search engine. If necessary, the user can open public access to their files, which is especially convenient if you need to send large documents and/or provide access to them to a significant number of people. It is possible to structure files (creating folders and collections, placement hierarchy) in the same way as on a regular computer. The maximum size of uploaded files is 10 GB, storage time is unlimited. All files are scanned by an antivirus, and their transfer is carried out over an encrypted connection.

Unlike file sharing services, Yandex.Disk provides cloud storage, i.e. files are located on different servers, and not on one. This ensures high reliability: you don’t have to worry about data being lost due to physical damage or hacking of the servers. Direct analogues of Yandex.Disk are Google Drive, Cloud Mail.Ru, Dropbox.

How to upload files to Yandex.Disk

Via the service web interface. To do this, go to Yandex.Disk using the link and register there or create an email account on Yandex. If you are already a registered user, simply log in. After this, you will have access to cloud storage and you will be able to upload your files to Yandex.Disk. Using the web interface is convenient because you can log into your account from any PC without installing any programs.

Using the program. If you wish, you can install Yandex.Disk on your computer. To do this, download the installer from the link and install the appropriate program. Pay attention to additional settings, for example, the offer to make “Yandex” the home page. If you do not need additional options, uncheck the corresponding boxes. As a result of installation, a system folder is created on the computer’s hard drive, fully synchronized with your account in the Yandex.Disk service. All actions performed with files in this folder will be duplicated on cloud storage servers. In other words, if you copy a file to this folder, it will appear on the server. Using the Yandex.Disk program on a PC is especially convenient if you need to work with a large number of files and/or with data that changes frequently. New versions of this program (from the second and higher) also eliminate the need to store copies of files on your hard drive.

Via a smartphone application. Users of mobile devices on Android, iOS and Windows Phone can download an application that will allow you to store photos and videos, as well as other documents and open them from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access.

Features of the Yandex.Disk service

Yandex.Disk is not only a convenient free file storage, but also provides ample opportunities for editing them. It is easier to upload data to cloud storage, exchange it with other users, etc. The service provides the following features:

  • auto-uploading videos and photos from phones and smartphones. This allows you to save memory on mobile devices. All content is downloaded in original quality, thanks to the large amount of allocated space, an impressive number of photos and videos can be placed on the “Disk”;
  • Convenient file sharing up to 50 GB. The service allows you to create short links to such files, which ensures quick exchange of data with other users. Files via links can be viewed directly in the browser, saved to your “Disk” or downloaded to your PC;
  • several versions of the Yandex.Disk program for computers. Versions 3.0 are available for Windows and macOS operating systems. The programs allow you to work with files on Yandex.Disk as conveniently and quickly as if they were stored on your PC’s hard drive;
  • free access to the online version of Microsoft Office. This allows users to work with Excel, Word, PowerPoint directly in the browser, without installing programs, which is especially convenient when you need to quickly edit files and/or work from mobile devices.

The service also provides a screenshot editor and a number of other useful options. The functionality of Yandex.Disk is constantly being developed and updated with new features.

Features of Yandex.Disk 3.0

Selective synchronization. The user can choose which files he will store exclusively on Disk, and which ones it would be advisable to duplicate on a PC.

Cloud sorting. To manage files, they do not need to be downloaded to your hard drive. Right in the cloud storage, you can sort data, collect it into albums, share links with friends, etc.

Work with files without Internet access. If the user makes changes to files when there is no access to the Network, Disk remembers such actions and, when the Internet appears, automatically updates the versions of the files stored on the cloud server.

Notes (available for Windows version). This is a beta version that appeared only in the Yandex.Disk 3.0 program, but it already contains everything you need to work with notes. Users can leave not only printed but also spoken notes on files. Based on SpeechKit technology from Yandex, the program automatically translates dictated information into text.

Clear identification. The developers have updated the file icons, making them clearer and brighter. Thanks to this, users are given the opportunity to clearly identify where the file is stored - only on disk or on the cloud, and whether its download is completed. This innovation reduces the likelihood that a user, for example, will delete a file from the hard drive, mistakenly believing that there is a copy on Disk.

Simplified interface. In the computer program and the web version of Yandex.Disk, the interfaces became similar and were simplified. For example, users have access to a context menu, all the usual tools and methods for managing files.

The program version 3.0 is completely free. To get it, you need to log into Yandex.Disk and download it by clicking on the appropriate link. This page also provides instructions for upgrading the old version and the ability to download previous versions.

Hello Friends! Finally, almost a year later (Yandex disk was launched in the spring of 2012) I managed to get to this miracle of engineering. To be honest, I bought it with 10 GB of free space. Since Yandex already had mail, there were no more obstacles left. Whatever you have (obstacles), we will sort it out. And so 10 GB or more of free space for your files + functionality from Dropbox + everything in our language = a convenient and reliable place to store your information.

Yandex disk is your virtual disk on the Yandex server that is synchronized with your folder on your computer. All information in this folder will be synchronized automatically with all your devices. Various devices and operating systems are supported. By downloading a file from any device, you can work with it on any other device and access it from anyone, even someone else’s computer, via the web interface.

Before you start using the information storage service, you must have mail from Yandex. If for some reason you don’t have one yet, then it’s time to get one.

The Yandex Disk data storage service, like Dropbox, uses a referral system. That is. If you just connect to the service you can upgrade your account to 10 GB. If you use a referral link and follow it, then you will no longer have 10 but 11 GB. In turn, I suggest you follow my link

You will find yourself in your mail on the Files tab. The underlined inscription indicates that you received a gift in the video of an additional gigabyte of free space. 3 GB is immediately available to you. To increase it and receive a gift, you need to follow a few simple steps. Click on +3 GB to install the Yandex disk software on your computer

The YandexDiskSetup.exe file will download. Let's launch it. The installer will download the Yandex disk and perform the installation. After the installation is complete, Yandex will not intrusively offer to install its Elements. I suggest unchecking all the boxes and not checking anything unnecessary. Otherwise, your computer may start to slow down. Click the Finish button

In Settings, on the Basic tab, you need to specify the location of the Yandex disk folder. To do this, create any folder on drive D or E and use the Edit button to set the path to it. I find it convenient not to change the folder name.

To further pump up your free space, you need to download several files using the Yandex disk program.

Open the disk folder and copy any file there. This way we will get an additional +2 GB of free space.

Then we return to the site and click Tell a friend. Choose any social network and share positive things with friends.

Method No. 2 How to get a public link. Call the context menu on the Yandex disk icon in the notification area. Select “Sharing > Select file and get public link...”

A window opens where you can select any file on your computer and more. If the file is not in the Yandex disk folder, the program will copy it there and give you a public link.

If you have recorded your email, this person will receive a letter in which he will be asked to log into his Yandex disk. If he does not have an account, he will be asked to register. After deleting, all files are placed in the trash, which must be emptied periodically.

The remaining functions are intuitive.

It is possible to view pictures, PDF documents and listen to sound files without downloading them from the Yandex Disk service


Yandex disk - as an information storage service, it shows its best side. The initial volume of synchronized files is from 10-11 GB, which is much more than Dropbox (2-2.5 GB) and twice as much as Google Drive (5 GB). Your virtual hard disk can be expanded by inviting friends up to 20 GB, which puts your competitors to shame. However, in Dropbox it is possible to share an entire folder with an unregistered user. This function is not available to Yandex disk. Let's hope it's only in beta.

Question from the comment

Why can’t I upload a 16 GB file to Yandex disk??? free 127 GB

The maximum file size on Disk is 10 GB.

Video in which we will look how to use Yandex Disk?