How to install your template on wordpress. Installing a wordpress template via ftp

Greetings to you, dear readers of the blog site. In this article, I will show you how to install a theme, or as it is also called a template for the WordPress engine in four different ways, for your taste, and I will also introduce you to its very structure in case you want to tweak something in the files of your site in the future.

To begin with, the selection of a theme is a very important event at the initial stage, because the theme (template) should not only correspond to your theme, but also not be too colorful, colorful and crooked. I recommend that you choose a design theme that is mostly one in which the color structure is very harmoniously observed. That is, the background of the publication itself should be white, and the text should be black. But to be honest, this is not so important if you know at least the basics or have been poking around with templates once like I did ^ _ ^.

If you have had this experience, then it will not be difficult for you to tweak the color component in your WordPress theme template. , which you liked. So I'm digressing, let's continue ... In addition to all this, you need to take into account not only the style of the topic, but also its structure, which may turn out to be too confusing for a novice webmaster. Basically, they are all similar in design and differ only in the location of the sidebars (columns), which most often stand on the left or right, or on both sides at the same time. By the way, there are also topics that have two sidebars on the same side, such as, for example, in Mikhail Shakin.

There are also themes with and without spoilers. This is a slider that shows publications or just pictures, flipping through them under the menu. Ok, let's say that you have already found the theme that you like, if not, just type in Yandex: download translated themes (templates) for WordPress. I recommend downloading from those sites that allow you to preview how the theme looks in full size. Also, when choosing a topic, consider its translation into Russian. In this case, it will be much easier for you to understand the structure of your site and the ability to change various elements in it.

By the way, I totally forgot to tell you something. Here's a gift from me, a selection of good themes (templates) that I have prepared for my projects. You can download them. The themes are quite beautiful and high-quality, since I once killed three whole days of searching on them. By the way, with these templates, I once had a pretty funny story.

A long time ago I collected them and threw them into the C drive to the service folders. Since then, I have been denied access to them, despite the fact that I read a mountain of articles on how to remove this bug (error), all this did not help. And now it's time to write an article on installing a theme (template) on WordPress and it would be a great sin on my part not to take these templates from my insidious computer, which appropriated them for a whole six months. Here's a story.

So, how to download the template you need, first check it with any antivirus program on your computer for every fireman, then unpack the archive, one folder with the name of the topic should appear. If there are any other files, I recommend deleting them, as they often contain. If you open such a file through any html editor, then at the very end you can see a very strange code in the whole kilometer, while being on only one line. This is the virus.

Ok, now open your theme folder, only the following files should be there: header.php, sidebar.php, footer.php, index.php, comments.php, functions.php, page.php, single.php, archive. php, searchform.php, search.php, 404.php style.css, as well as folders with design pictures. If there are other auxiliary files, such as, for example, fgrs.php, serc.php, etc., then it is better to abandon this topic for two very serious reasons.

Most often, such topics are crooked and very difficult to understand, since what should have been in one file was stuffed into another. All this creates confusion, which makes it very difficult later to fix those parts of the site that you do not like or do not need. By the way, such files are not easy to create. When translating a template into Russian, the programmer inserts a link, most often in the file footer.php (bottom of the blog), to his site in an encoded form, which, when deleted, stops the entire site from working.

This is due to the fact that this code is associated with those files on the left, which contain an important function for the blog, which will not work without finding this link. All this was done so that the webmaster could not even remove the link without breaking the entire site. Of course, this is not always the case and auxiliary files, but often they are not needed at all. So, let's proceed with the installation.

How to automatically install a theme (template) on WordPress?

1 ) To do this, you need to go to your blog administration panel (admin panel) and click on the "appearance" of the "theme" in the left column. At the top, click on "add new" then "download". Here you will need to select the theme archive, which should be on your computer in zip format. If anything, in rar format WordPress does not download themes and gives an error. After uploading the theme, go to the "look" of the "theme" again and activate your theme. If something is not clear - look at the pictures below.

2 ) Ok, as you already noticed, the theme does not have to be downloaded from your computer, you can also find it through the "feature filter" that is built into WordPress. Here you can specify by what criteria and keywords to search for a theme (template). By the way, since the themes are created mainly by Europeans, and ours simply translate them, then in the search it is necessary to enter keywords in English, and not in Russian. In my case it would be,. Also, I do not recommend that you set too strict requirements, otherwise you may not find topics at all, despite the fact that there are already more than a thousand of them at the moment.

How to manually install a theme (template) on WordPress?

3 ) For a long time, back in 2007, the WordPress engine did not yet have an autoloader for themes, plugins, and all this had to be downloaded manually through a special FTP client, which, by the way, is still used by many experienced webmasters, ignoring the ability to upload files through the admin panel of the blog.

To upload a theme, you need to open enter your data, such as: host, username, password and connect to your site. After that, you need to upload the unpacked theme to the themes folder at the following address: httpdocs (or public_html, www, domains) / wp-content / themes, where all blog themes are stored. After that, you need to activate it in the admin panel, as in the first example.

4 ) Here we come to the very last way to install a theme (template) on WordPress. You can upload it through your hosting site. I will show my example on, which I have been using for quite some time. By the way, I haven't seen better hosting with cheap prices yet. So, there is nothing difficult here, the whole procedure is similar, as with an FTP client. In the right column of "service management", click on "sites" and then "file manager", open the themes folder and upload the unpacked theme to it. Then go to the blog and activate it.

What files in the theme (template) are responsible for what in the structure of WordPress?

I think after installing the theme, you will definitely not like something in it, and you will want to fix it, but just how do you do it, not knowing which files are responsible for what? As I wrote above, a design theme consists of only a few files that, like a Lego (constructor), brings your entire site together. So, here's a good example and a description of their functions.

header.php- is responsible for creating the top part of the site (header), which contains the logo (title) of the blog, the menu and sometimes the spoiler.

sidebar.php- is responsible for the formation of the sidebar (column), which is located on the left or right, depending on the theme.

footer.php- is responsible for the formation of the bottom of the blog (footer). Left links are often hidden in it and various counters are installed.

index.php- is responsible for the formation and display of content (articles, pages).

comments.php- is responsible for the formation and work

Somewhere, on the Internet, we found an interesting, at first glance, theme (aka a template), now it's time to install it.

But first, the required minimum, the requirement:

  • Your WordPress works fine on standard or old themes. But I wanted a little more beauty, functionality, novelty ... In general, if everything works fine, try not to touch anything, from personal experience I will say that subsequent finishing touches can ruin everything. Be careful with new templates, even if you purchase them from trusted sources. And if from not reliable…. Therefore, the second condition is
  • Install the plugin TAC... Condition: if links to other sources can be easily corrected - leave the template, if not, the template contains Encrypted Code Found! - forget about the topic. Yes, you can "treat" everything, but it's not worth it ...

How to install a new template on WordPress

I use two installation methods:

  • Through the admin panel of the VP itself: Appearance -> Themes -> Add New -> Add Themes - Download ...,
  • Through Hosting:(File manager I click to / domain s / your_site / wp-content / themes. (Or FTP manager).
The first method is the easiest, but not always working, because by default, some hosting services (especially free ones) impose a limit of 6 MB (or 2, 4, 10 MB). If the file exceeds these values, an error is displayed that it is impossible to upload, access is denied. Can't install the theme.

Then I already use the hosting file manager itself (or FTP, the essence is the same - click pens to the WP theme storage, and the corresponding actions).

In theory, everything is very simple. For demonstration example in pictures:

Procedure for installing a template on WP (option 1)

1 From the section of the site of this blog downloaded, of course, on your PC; 2 We go to the admin. part of WP: Appearance -> Themes -> Add New -> Add Themes - Download ...

First option: theme is loaded

After messages like:

Extracting files ...

Installing a theme ...

The theme has been successfully installed.

Second option: Archive failed to install

Message like:

Extracting files ...

Installing a theme ...

The archive could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

Theme installation failed.

Open the downloadable archive with the template, and there we find something like this (striking is the name of the theme):

But it is necessary that it was:

Those. it should contain special "template" files, for example: … and others.

The WP engine does not want to search for the corresponding installation folder on its own.

We do it instead of him. We take out the folder (in my case, striking) from the archive. And we repeat the download procedure ... (but the template should be in zip, ie in my case we archive it. But usually, the archive contains another archive - with the same name of the WordPress template).

Third option: upload_max_filesize

Message like:

The uploaded file is larger than the upload_max_filesize set in the php.ini file.

Three possibilities to choose from:

  • If hosting is not against, in the "highest" folder: php-bin / php.ini find string upload_max_filesize = 2M, and set the desired size exceeding the weight of the archive with the theme ( upload_max_filesize = 124M) .
  • Or it can be configured separately, for example, on Gino's hosting: Home / Management / Web server settings / PHP settings, max_file_uploads - set a value larger than the uploaded file.
  • Or via FTP or file hosting manager: your_site / wp-content / themes upload the archive and unpack it immediately.

Procedure for installing a WordPress template (option 2)

Actually, I just described it: via FTP or file hosting manager: your_site / wp-content / themes upload the archive and unpack it immediately. But just make sure that the archive contains files of the form, if not Fig. 2 ( index.php, footer.php, header.php...), not another folder ...

Installing a template on WordPress is one of the very first steps when creating your own resource. For beginners, this stage may seem difficult. Sometimes people who have already bought a template and ordered hotsing do not know where to add a theme and give up the idea of ​​creating a personal website. But once you figure it out, it becomes clear that setting up a theme is not so difficult.

It is much more difficult to pre-select it. After all, a lot depends on the template that will decorate your pages.

The first impression of a resource can either turn a visitor into a "regular", or scare him away forever. And in order not to play the lottery with the fate of your site, do not rush to choose the first design theme.

Prepare in advance: think about what the site will be, what is the plan for writing articles, and what style is suitable for this topic. Only then go to the catalog with ready-made themes, and choose the one that suits your needs.

2 ways to add a template to WordPress

The first way. First, you need to download the page template of your choice. Please note that it must be in zip format. Sometimes the sites post themes in rar format. Don't worry if you downloaded such a file - unzip it and re-zip it, only in a zip archive. The next step is to log in to the WordPress admin panel. To customize the theme, find the Design (or Appearance) tab on the left side of the admin area. In this section, you will find several items, among which there will be a phrase with the word "Install". Select it and go to the template installation page.

Click to download the theme. WordPress will require a zip file from you. And since you have already prepared it, then click "Install zip format theme". Next, through the "Browse" find the location of the file on your computer, and click "Download" (or "Open"). Then click "Install". Once it happened, you can see how your site has changed.

Second way. Installing a WordPress theme using this method is much more difficult and inconvenient than the previous method, since you still need to go to the hosting. If you don't like digging through folders, and generally open hosting once again, then try to get by with the first option to install the page template. The only advantage of this method is that the theme does not need to be translated into a zip archive format.

The essence of the second option for customizing the page template is that you need to pre-upload the theme to the hosting. To do this, go to your server and log in. Next, unzip the template (it is unlikely that you downloaded an already unzipped theme). Then you need to get into the hosting section with the site directories. Find the "wp-content" folder. It should contain a directory with themes, usually called "themes". Upload the folder with the page template files to this directory. And then go back to the WordPress admin area and activate the downloaded template through the appropriate section.

Each has its own method of activating the page theme. Someone finds it easier to go to the hosting, others do not like working with directories on the server, and prefer to immediately add the theme to the WordPress engine. Over time, you will figure out how to install a WordPress template the fastest. And now let's analyze the next equally important point - setting up an html theme for WordPress.

How to pull an html theme on WordPress

This also happens. Sometimes a webmaster has a ready-made website layout that he already wants to upload to hosting. But the point is that "naked" html will not work with the Worpdress engine. You need to make some adjustments to the html layout before trying to integrate it. And first of all, this is the creation of php-sections, which are necessary to combine the html template with the engine's admin panel. To do this, you have to gradually edit each important layout file by adding WordPress opcodes.

You can start by modifying the style.css file. It is from this file that the engine will start identifying your html theme. You need to add the template information at the beginning of the code, namely:

  1. Theme Name.
  2. Theme URL.
  3. Description.
  4. Author.
  5. Author URL.

Next, you need to create a "header.php" file. It will consist of code snippets for the "index" page, which is the basis of the html page template. "Header" is responsible for displaying the header on the main page. You have to copy the entire piece of code that was intended in html to define the style of the upper part of the site - these are the Title parameters, information about the applied style (the "link" section of the code), and everything between the tags

By analogy with "header", the "index.php" file is also created. He will be responsible for the content that appears on the home page of the site. To create it, you need to copy part of the html file "index" and slightly correct it. You will need to add php markup for WordPress to treat this code as commands. The same applies to other functions of the engine - you have to configure the sidebar (sidebar.php), display of archived posts on the main page (archive.php), search the site through the main page (Search.php), parameters for displaying a single post (Single. php) and single page (Page.php), comment output (Comments.php) and other functions.

These actions are enough to pull the html onto the engine, but various nuances may arise. Therefore, in order to do everything as efficiently as possible, you have to find information on each item, and do everything according to the instructions. Although it is much easier to download a ready-made layout that can be applied to WordPress, and install it on the site within 10 minutes. Only edit the html template if it suits your purposes perfectly and is very different from the competitors' sites. If this is not something grandiose, it is better not to waste your energy on it.

How to manage an installed template

Now that the theme is already installed on the site, it's worth examining the ways to manage it. If you are not familiar with codes, then most of the above methods will not work for you:

  1. Through the admin panel, you can manually customize the theme by changing the code. The engine will provide you with an editor for this with the code already divided into functional parts.
  2. Configuration using a file manager via hosting.
  3. Editing via ftp client.
  4. Amateur setting through the "admin panel" in the section "Appearance" - "Customize". This method is ideal for a beginner.

Hey! I returned to St. Petersburg from sunny Anapa. I brought cherries, strawberries and medlar with me, so as not to be sad. Behind almost a month and a half of rest and relaxation. It's time to get down to business, there are a lot of them. In particular, there are plans to improve the blog. Today I will write a simple little article for beginners.

We have already disassembled. But those who come across for the first time may wonder how to install a WordPress template. It is about this simple operation that will be discussed in today's review.

Installing a WordPress template

For a more complete understanding of working with the WordPress engine, I recommend reading my article about. Depending on what stage of creating a blog you are at, the files of your resource will be located on Denver, or on hosting. That is, if you have already selected a domain name and, through the file manager (,), upload the files of the engine itself, as well as the previously downloaded new WordPress theme, to the server. But, be that as it may, initially it is better to check the functionality and appearance of the template through, i.e. within your own computer.

Therefore, first, let's take a look at installing a WordPress template on denwer.

Installing a WordPress theme on denwer

For example, select the TwentyFifteen theme from the official website:

Go to the management console, select "Appearance" - "Themes". If everything is done correctly, then the new Twenty Fifteen template will appear in this section. You just have to click the "Activate" button. After installing the WordPress theme, your blog will look like it should be. In the same way, you can add not one, but several folders at once with the selected themes to Denver.

By alternately replacing and testing them, you can quickly decide which one to transfer to hosting for further use.

How to install a WordPress template on a hosting?

Once you have hosted your WordPress CMS, there are two options for installing a WordPress template.

The first is to install a new WordPress theme directly from your blog admin area. Go to "Appearance" - "Themes", select "Add new".

From the list that appears, you can view and select the appropriate templates.

Click "Install" and wait until the following result appears:

In order for this topic to appear on the blog, it remains only to activate it. This option for installing a WordPress template is also suitable for Denver.

If you have any difficulties with this installation method, you can install a WordPress template by analogy with the process that was described at the beginning of the article for Denver.

Only now, to copy the theme files to a remote server, you need to use an ftp client. We connect to the server and transfer the unpacked archive with the template files to the folder /www/

Now let's activate the new theme in the blog admin area. And we look at the result:

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in installing a WordPress theme on hosting or denwer. Experiment for your own pleasure.

P.S. Before leaving Anapa, we managed to go on a one-day horse trekking - my birthday present. It was a very busy route, the three of us rode horses through the Cossack villages, forests, fields, dismounted in an impassable thicket, wade rivers and even fell from our horses! For lunch, we stopped in the former Cossack camp, cooked in the oven and enjoyed complete unity with nature. I will attach a photo a little later.

For the design of the site on the CMS, the themes are responsible, for which a huge number has been written.

Templates can be paid and free, and the latter are not always inferior in quality to the first, but paid themes are definitely installed on fewer sites, because people are willing to pay less often than download for free.

Some of the themes can be installed from the administration panel, some can be found and downloaded from third-party resources. Let's consider the order of actions in both cases.

Installing themes from the admin panel

1. Go to the section Appearance -> Themes.

2. On the page that opens, you will see the already installed themes. To add a new template, click the corresponding button (WordPress offers two of them).

3. The themes of the category will open in front of you Favorites... Go to the tab Popular or Fresh, and there will be many more templates.

4. If you have an idea of ​​what template you are looking for, use the characteristics filter to filter out topics that do not suit you. After setting, click Apply Filters.

5. You can familiarize yourself with the selected template closer by clicking the button View located under his picture. To install the theme, click the button Install and wait for the process to complete.

6. To start using the design right away, follow the link Activate.

7. Typically, skins have their own settings. A separate section of the admin panel can be created for them, but most often, to go to the template settings, just click the button Tune in its block (section Appearance -> Themes).

Installing templates from the archive

Themes that are not found in the WordPress dashboard search are usually distributed as ZIP archives.

To install such a template after downloading (or uploading to the server), it must be unpacked into a folder like wordpress_blog_address / wp-content / themes / so that the theme will end up in the directory wordpress_blog_address / wp-content / themes / theme_name.

For example, we downloaded the flat-whait theme, unpacked it into a folder, and now the template files are located at

The selected template appeared in the list of installed themes and it will be possible to activate it as usual from the admin panel. The result of installation from the control panel and manual unpacking is the same, because in fact, when you select and install a design in the engine, the CMS performs the same actions as you do with the manual method - downloads and unpacks the archive with the theme to the desired folder.