How to find out where a person is by mobile phone number? How to determine a person’s location using a phone number via the Internet or computer with or without the consent of the subscriber? How to find a person's name if you know your home phone number. How to find out where a person is

Find a person by phone number very simple. But only if he gave you consent to determine his location. In other cases, don't even try to track the phone's location. All those sites that supposedly find a person by phone number are actually engaged in deceiving gullible and inattentive users and are unlikely to ever provide you with reliable information. In this article you will learn how to find the location of your loved ones and friends by their phone numbers.

New operator service cellular communication A megaphone called "Navigator" makes it easy to find a person by phone number.

The navigator will find you a person if only his phone is turned on and is within the coverage area of ​​the Megafon or MTS network. Moreover, than better signal network, the more accurately a person’s location will be found.

After checking the service, I received the following results: the Navigator found my location with an error of about 200 meters, and the phone of my wife (MTS), located two kilometers from me, found it with an error of 500-1000 meters.

In order to start using the service, you need to connect it using the USSD command *140#. You will receive a password and use it to log into the website

After you log in to the site, you will need to add subscribers whose location you plan to determine. The added phone will receive a request to track its location. Immediately after confirmation of the request, it will be possible find your phone's location on the map.

In addition to searching through the web version of the site, there are several other ways available from your phone to find the location of Megafon and MTS subscribers. You can search using SMS commands or via mobile version Navigator. But it will be most convenient to use the Megafon - Yandex.Maps application (with free traffic) for searching.

In addition to searching for a person by phone number, the Navigator has many other features - drawing up routes, notifications about a subscriber entering/exiting a given area, scheduling a search, as well as searching for ATMs, pharmacies, cinemas, cafes, etc.

Within two weeks from the moment you activate the service, you will be able to find out location for free the person you need by phone number. After this period has expired, it turns on

Today, almost every person has a mobile phone, and sometimes several at once. The telephone is a means of communication and entertainment. Using our device, we can fully use cellular services - call loved ones, send messages, use the Internet, etc. It's hard to imagine life without all this modern man. Meanwhile, using their smartphone or tablet every day, most people don’t even think about the fact that their gadget is a kind of “beacon” by which they can be found. Moreover, we are not talking about the capabilities of special services. Today even the most ordinary users can find out how to find a person by phone number, and it is not at all necessary to have any special knowledge to carry out their plans.

There are many reasons why a user may be puzzled by searching for a person by phone number. For example, someone wants to find phone hooligan, some people need to find a missing relative, for others this is a way. The site's editors have figured out how to find a person by number mobile phone and in this article we will share with you the information received.

How to find a person by phone number - 4 ways

It should be said right away that within the framework of this article we will not consider various dubious methods. Now the Internet is full of advertisements that suggest the ability to find any person by mobile number; of course, you need to pay for such services. Of course, some of these services actually work, but most often they are a scam. Before considering ways to determine a person’s location by phone number, it should also be noted that a separate method is effective for certain cases. That is, if you need to find a stolen phone, then most likely the attacker has already gotten rid of the SIM card and then you should use the IMEI and the phone number. So, below we will look at all the methods that work today, all you have to do is familiarize yourself with them and choose the most convenient option for yourself.

1. Special services. As mentioned earlier, now on the Internet you can find many sites offering to find a person by phone number. Some of them really work and are even free. You can search the Internet for reviews about similar services and try to use them. An example is the site http://mobile The resource is available completely free of charge and does not require registration, but you can get exact location phone using this service will not work. It should be said that any other similar site will only give you approximate coordinates. To obtain more accurate data about a person’s location, you will have to contact the police, or use one of the methods that requires pre-connection special services and installations certain applications. As for contacting the police, this requires weighty arguments and we will not consider this option, but software and operator services mobile communications we'll look into it.

2. Search by IMEI. Each phone has an individual IMEI number Many users mistakenly believe that knowing this number can easily determine the location of the phone. In reality, it's not that simple. To search by IMEI, you first need to have access to special equipment and databases of operators in the country where the search is being performed. As you yourself understand, regular user does not have access to such information. As for the software for finding a phone by IMEI, there are no problems with searching and installing it, and most of these utilities are distributed free of charge. Even paid programs have a text period during which you can evaluate the benefits of the software and decide whether to purchase a license. Given software really works and allows you to determine the location of a person by phone number, but there is one significant drawback - they require pre-installation to the phone. Agree, the drawback is quite significant. In principle, most of the methods given in this article for searching for a person by phone number require preliminary installation special software or connections certain services from mobile operators. You may be upset by this news, but the fact remains, and telling “fairy tales” is not our specialty.

3. Operator tracking services. Finding a person by phone number is not difficult if the number you are looking for is connected to a service for finding the location of subscribers. Almost all cellular operators have similar options today. Let's consider similar services based on the operators MTS and Megafon.

  • Locator from MTS. If the subscriber you are looking for is connected to this service, you can find out information about his location in the following way: send your friend's name and number via SMS request to 667. There is one caveat here - you will not be able to receive the subscriber’s coordinates if he does not give his consent.
  • The child is under the supervision of MTS. Another very interesting service from MTS, in which caring parents can determine the location of their children using GPS. You can find out more about the service on the operator’s official website or.
  • Navigator from Megafon. This service is primarily intended for navigation, but it can also be used to determine the location of loved ones. You can get acquainted with the features of the service on the Megafon website.

4. Special programs and services. Speaking about how to find a person by phone number, you should also pay special attention special offers, available for smartphone and tablet holders. For example, if you need to find another Apple phone, the “Find my friends” application can help you. With this utility you can find not only apple phones, but also other models running on the Android platform. If you are using a device with operating Android system, then it makes sense to consider the Talklog application. With this program you can not only locate your phone, but also track it. The disadvantage of this method is that location determination is only possible if the application is first installed on the phone. Usually similar programs installed immediately after purchasing a phone in order to find it if it goes missing. The location of the device is determined via GPS with an accuracy of one meter. There are also many others similar applications, however, they are all similar and require prior installation.

This is where we will end this article. Now you know how to find a person by phone number. As you can see, this is not so easy to do, but it’s still worth a try.

A functional gadget with a SIM card has long become a mandatory and necessary attribute everyday life. Smartphones and tablets help in work, create conditions for exciting leisure time, allow you to always be in touch, provide quick access to the Internet and... act as a reliable “beacon” for determining a person’s location. Search by phone number the right people available to every cellular subscriber. The need for such a service may arise in a situation with a child being late home, an annoying prankster, a stolen gadget, etc.

In the article:

It is important to know and understand what geolocation is. This term is familiar to everyone, but few can constructively explain its technical meaning, which literally means precise definition geographic location (geoposition) of the user online thanks to the stream of data generated non-stop by the device.

Not only the SIM card, but also the device itself can serve as a source of information for precise positioning. mobile device, connected to the Internet.

When trying to effectively answer the question of how to find a person by mobile phone number, you should pay attention to 4 tested methods that completely or sufficiently solve the problem raised.

Methods for finding people using a phone number

The ability of a phone to send a identifying signal is not something seditious or special, if we remember one of the “duties” of the device to lay out the shortest routes for the owner desired point. In addition, manufacturers, trying to protect their products from intruders, make it easier to find stolen gadgets by special firmware, which has unique code for each individual device.

To be sure to find a person by phone number, you should not trust the first method that comes up on the Internet, especially a paid one. Deception on this topic is a kind of business for many Internet scammers. Also important role plays the ultimate goal of a person’s search, which determines the choice of method, since universally effective technologies simply do not exist. Among the available and proven methods, the following should be highlighted:

Geolocation services from mobile operators

Providers will tell you how to find a person by phone number. For this they offer special paid services, based on Cell ID technology. Each base station The operator serves certain geographical sectors, which are assigned a unique two-byte identifier - Cell ID.

Knowing in which sector and which tower the phone is served in at the moment time, you can determine its location on the map with an accuracy of 100 meters.

If the question is how to find a person by phone number far from big city, the error may increase to 800-1000 meters.

Popular mobile operators offer to connect tracking services using short USSD commands, SMS or special menu. It should be taken into account that if there is a need to discreetly monitor a person’s location, you will have to use the “target’s” phone without his knowledge in order to activate or confirm the service.

In order for a child, colleague or subordinate who is in an unknown location to “clarify” his location, you can use:

  • "Geosearch" from TELE2. The service is activated by USSD request * 119 * 01 # , may not be available in some regions of the Russian Federation and costs from 60 rubles per month. To activate tracking, use a combination of the USSD command and the desired phone number, for example * 119 * 1 * 79025555555 # . To quickly obtain the coordinates of the location of the SIM card, a request is generated * 119 * 2 * 79025555555 # .
  • "Locator" from Beeline. Suitable for smartphones under Android control and is a separate mobile application that is installed in the gadget’s memory. Allows you to track up to 5 numbers various providers. Monthly fee from 90 rubles. To activate the service, send empty message on service number 5166 .
  • "Locator" from MTS. Works with the consent of the owner of the MTS or Megafon SIM card that will be monitored. The monthly service fee is 100 rubles. To connect, first dial the USSD command * 111 * 788 # , then sent by message to number 6677, which indicates whose number is added for tracking, for example, DOB Husband 8916 6666666.
  • "Navigator" from Megafon. Allows you to track Megafon and MTS subscribers. The cost is 3 rubles per day. You can activate the service and track your phone on the Megafon website, Navigator section. If you have access to the gadget you are looking for, sometimes it is more convenient to dial the USSD command * 140 # on it . To determine a person's location, a combination of a service request and a SIM card number is formed, for example * 140 * 79251811111.

As part of such services, the “Child under supervision” option from MTS is also useful. Track Locations baby phone possible in personal account, using the appropriate mobile applications or via SMS to number 7788 with the text WHERE THE CHILDREN are.

Tracking a gadget by IMEI

This is a unique digital identifier of mobile equipment, which is unique to each device. Access to ready-made customer bases and services are limited, but with the help special programs to search for devices by IMEI that are pre-installed in the memory of the desired gadget, you can successfully determine the location of the desired person.
Special Internet services. They don't allow high accuracy determine the subscriber's geoposition, but are sometimes very useful. A striking example The resource is used, which is available for free and does not require any registration steps from the user. Just enter telephone number the desired subscriber and confirm the code from the picture to receive up-to-date information about a person's location.

Mobile applications

For modern devices communications managed operating systems iOS and Android, a number of phantom programs have been developed to control their movements. Applications are installed in the device’s memory, do not reveal themselves in any way, and constantly collect information about the subscriber’s location. Programs such as Phone Tracker, Talklog, Hellospy become especially invaluable if an expensive iPhone or Galaxy goes missing. Application in combination with GPS module allow you to calculate the location of the gadget with an accuracy of up to a meter.

In conclusion

It is important to understand that it is unlikely to be possible to monitor a person’s movements in real time, since coordinates are determined no more than once every 5 minutes. Most methods of calculating a person's geoposition require that the phone be turned on and actively interact with nearby operator towers.

Also, you should not use the services of sites that provide any kind of payment using an SMS request. This sure sign fraud.

Information service for obtaining subscriber data by landline or mobile phone number.
(!) The search form does not collect or sell phone numbers.

How to use the search form - by entering the phone number in the form, click on the yandex button and the Yandex search engine window will open. Your number will be entered in the search field in different wordings with a generated script. No need to edit it! Just search in Yandex for the information you need about the number, visually filtering out the wrong sites. If the search contains only wrong sites, then the number was not indexed by the search engine, in the sense that the number was not displayed. Using the same method, use the google button.
This method is the most optimal - whether the telephone number on the Internet has been burned or not.

Enter your phone number

How else can you find out about a phone number? free and paid methods

All services presented below are free and paid methods obtaining information about the subscriber by mobile or landline phone number, were verified for performance and functionality. If you have other sources of obtaining information about a mobile phone number, please write in the feedback form. Let's add it to the table if it really works.

table updated 01.2019

Greetings, friends! In one of the previous articles we looked at, it’s time to talk about how to find out VK page by phone number. Let's begin...

How to find a VK person by phone number

If previously it was possible to find a person on VKontakte by phone number by restoring access to the page, now the developers social network complicated this procedure and this method is no longer working. However, you can always find another way out.

So, to find out a contact page by phone number, we need a phone on the platform Android.

  1. We write down the phone number in the directory of our smartphone;
  2. Install official application"VKontakte" from the page or through special service"Play Market";
  3. Log in to the VKontakte application (no matter what login);
  4. Go to the “Friends” menu;
  5. There will be a + (plus) icon in the upper right corner, click on it;
  6. We will immediately see the “Contacts” option. Find friends in your notebook";
  7. A confirmation question will pop up - click “Yes”
  8. In a few minutes we will see all VK network users among those listed in our directory.

This method will 100% work if you have not yet installed the application on your phone. And if not, then it all depends on how often you use the search through the application. New contacts may not immediately appear if you perform this procedure on an ongoing basis.

Today we looked at one of the options for How to find out VKontakte page by phone number. Who knows, maybe tomorrow it will be covered, and if not, then so much the better. I hope I helped you.