Mts mobile employees windows application. Service Mobile employees from MTS: description and benefits

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    How geolocation services from MTS help large companies manage a staff of 1000+ field employees, as well as MTS M2M expert Dmitry Korovin will talk about unique geolocation cases for oil workers and railway workers.

    Hello! I'll start with a brief introduction to the topic. We have a large portal “MTS Search”, which presents geolocation services from MTS. The portal is functionally divided into three large blocks.

    1. Monitoring the location of employees using operator base stations.
    The company's dispatcher can use the SIM cards of their smartphones to determine the location of their field employees.

    2. “MTS Tracker” and “MTS Coordinator”.
    The company's dispatcher can use SIM cards, GPS/GLONASS or Wi-Fi smartphones to determine the location of his field employees, and also interact with them (in the case of MTS Coordinator).

    3. "MTS Transport"
    The company's dispatcher determines the location of mobile vehicles using signals from GPS/GLONASS terminals installed in vehicles. Determination accuracy is 3-5 meters.

    I’ll briefly tell you the history of the development of MTS geolocation services, and below I’ll show you how they work from the inside. Initially, we provided the ability to determine the location of an employee using cellular base stations. However, over time, customer tasks required greater geopositioning accuracy. Determining geoposition in large agglomerations with an error of 300 meters is not always enough to solve business problems. For example, there are two points in one house. Which of them the courier visited was not always clear. When calculating KPIs, we had to make certain allowances. For example, if the courier stayed in the building for 30 minutes rather than 15, then most likely he visited both points.

    We analyzed all iOS and Android apps available at that time, looking for the app that most accurately determines location. As a result, we released the MTS Tracker application to the market in 2011, which, using the built-in GPS/GLONASS chip or Wi-Fi module, writes a track itself and sends coordinates to our server.
    With the development of smartphones, we realized that a phone can become a full-fledged tool for setting tasks and monitoring their implementation - no need to purchase any additional equipment. This is how our MTS Coordinator application appeared. It incorporates all the functionality of MTS Tracker, as well as the ability to set tasks online, receive reports on them and communicate with an employee.

    Our service has also been equipped with a functional API. This made it possible to integrate customer information systems directly into our service (for example, the Sberbank-service system, which processes 3.5 thousand tasks per day). Thus, the client does not have to set tasks in two systems (his and ours), which makes it possible to effectively work with a staff of 1000+ traveling employees.

    The MTS Coordinator service is connected as an additional service to a corporate communications contract. In order to use the service, the client only needs to have, in addition to the contract, several smartphones and SIM cards connected to the “Mobile Employees” service. The application is downloaded from the App Store and Play Market, installed on the phone and logged in. And that's it, the work begins.

    How everything works

    Some statistics. Today our service processes more than 1.5 million requests per day. About 7 thousand companies are connected to the service. This is over 1.5 million subscribers. We have clients whose 5+ thousand employees use this service. In order for the service to cope with such a load, we have done a lot of work to develop our data center.

    The platform includes 100+ servers, 400 software components and services, 100+ databases with a total volume of more than 100+ terabytes. The platform processes 60 million GPS locations from 1.5 million subscribers per day.

    We develop components according to a template that provides a certain “gentleman’s set”: a host application with infrastructure libraries, a set of basic configurations and plugin interfaces that need to be implemented for your case. Thus, we have greatly simplified the debugging and optimization process.

    Our vehicle location monitoring equipment collects accelerometer data 100 times per second and location and speed data once per second across several hundred thousand terminals. So the amount of data is decent.

    In the early days of the project, we used the database as an interprocess communication tool, creating tables for message queues and tracking the status of records. Very soon it became difficult for the base to cope with its direct responsibilities, so we removed some of the tasks from it. This is how the project appeared:

    RabbitMQ routed queues: to replace database polling with pipelined processing of data and event generation;

    Redis state store: for static data that rarely changes but is requested frequently, or for operational data required for the operation of several components;

    Cassandra DBMS: as a tool for storing a growing amount of data in NO SQL format with the ability to quickly scale.

    What does the work of an MTS Coordinator look like?

    The dispatcher, being in his back office, starts a task. The task can be multi-component and consist of a different number of fields, depending on the client’s needs. For example, some people need the performer to simply tick the required fields as the task is completed, while others need the performer to enter, for example, the serial number of the ATM that they just serviced in the required field. All this can be done thanks to the wide configuration functionality.

    The dispatcher on the MTS Search portal sees online the location of all employees (which metro station they are at, etc.). An employee who is either located closest to the place where the task is performed or has greater competence to resolve this issue is assigned to the task. The assigned task is displayed as a push notification in the application to the field employee. Online, he can view it, accept/reject, comment, discuss it with the dispatcher in the chat and begin to implement it. The dispatcher sees the process of the employee accepting the request, the status of its execution, the report, and the trajectory of the employee’s movement.

    The portal also generates statistics on task completion. It is worth noting that there are several types of reports: by task status, by statistical calculations, by the number of tasks completed by one or another department, by the amount of time spent, meters traveled, and so on.

    Energy consumption

    Since 2011, we have been constantly working to ensure that the application consumes as little smartphone and tablet resources as possible - both memory and battery. Now we give the client quite rich settings in order to save energy. If he does not need a detailed track, then you can change the settings so that the track is rough - the location will be sent once every 5 minutes. In addition, you can configure the application so that if external power is available, accurate track recording will automatically turn on, and if there is no external power, it will turn off. As a result, the power consumption of the application in the 2012 version and the latest version has decreased significantly. I know from myself: my iPhone5 charge lasts for a day today. Previously, of course, there was not enough.

    Photo report

    At customer request, we have added the ability for employees to upload a photo report. You can attach any number of photos to a task. If you are a manager, you can take a picture of a shelf with a display, report and leave. If you are a courier, you can immediately scan signed documents and send them to the office. It is noteworthy that the application takes geo-targeted photos. This ensures that the photo was taken in the specified place at the specified time.


    As already mentioned, we have a unique opportunity to determine the location of field employees using three parameters: GPS/GLONASS chip, Wi-Fi module and base stations. Competitors either do not have this detection capability or do not have such a service.
    If an employee is in a building where satellites do not “finish off”, then the search for him is carried out through base stations. We have learned to measure the signal level and determine how far a person is from a particular base station. Thanks to this, we have increased the accuracy of detection by BS from 2 km to hundreds of meters, and in the city within 100 m.

    In addition, the employee’s location in the building is also determined via Wi-Fi networks. It's no secret that Google collects data from all smartphones based on Wi-Fi hotspots and their location. The accuracy of Wi-Fi location is 10-20 meters. By the way, if a smartphone sees 3-5 satellites, then the accuracy of detection is 3-5 meters.

    There are clients who are interested in whether it is possible to find out not only in which building an employee is located, but also on which floor. To be honest, there is no such option yet. Technically, there are several options for solving this problem. The first option is quite complicated: the smartphone has a device that measures the magnetic field. Using this sensor, the number of floors can be determined. The second option: creating artificial markers for indoor orientation, for example, Bluetooth markers. The smartphone, “passing” along the markers, determines its location. As soon as there is not just interest, but an order, we will be able to implement this solution.

    Some time ago, we proposed implementing the technology to railway workers. They wanted to see online how trains moved in a huge depot. Equipping cars with GPS modules would be too expensive and energy-consuming. Therefore, we proposed as a solution to attach a passive tag to the car and install a “reader” on the switches. The car rolls past the marks, and we understand where it is. The project has not yet been implemented.

    I’ll tell you about another case when we “finished” an application for a client. Thus, one of the companies that owns a network of gas stations needed to monitor the work of service engineers checking the operation of the gas station. Engineers visited all gas stations and checked whether the prices were set correctly, whether all the lights were on, whether the goods were laid out correctly, etc. The client demanded to record not just the passage of engineers along the highway past the gas station, but also the fact that the employee stopped at the gas station, entered it and stayed there for some time. The difficulty was that the service engineers were equipped with Apple tablets. And the iPad has very strict requirements for writing software, plus they do not provide the ability to manage energy consumption. This was a huge problem, because if the engineer did not use the tablet for some time, then our application would unload and might not “capture” the fact of visiting the site. As a result, we have significantly improved the iOS application in terms of energy consumption and GPS/GLONASS control. The application now consumes half as much battery power and allows you to strike a balance between accuracy and power consumption. It took about two months to finalize. In addition, we developed a unique report for this client, which reflected not only the fact of visiting the gas station, but also the time spent at the site. Based on this, the company is now evaluating the work of service engineers.

    Can employees cheat the system?

    Theoretically, yes. You can edit the report photo by changing its location and time, and upload it to the application as a file. But it will already be clear that the photo is not from a camera, but from a file. In principle, we can connect an additional module and detect facts of photo editing. But so far none of the clients have expressed a desire to implement such a module.

    It is theoretically also possible to fake an employee’s geoposition, but it is expensive. A special system for replacing coordinates is needed. Recently, social networks have been discussing how a similar system allegedly works near the Kremlin. The drivers noticed that when approaching the Kremlin, they suddenly, according to the navigator, found themselves in Vnukovo. Our service has protection against incorrect coordinates. If suddenly a person, according to GPS coordinates, moves too great a distance at some prohibitive speed, then these coordinates will be eliminated as incorrect.

    Is everything under cover?

    Obviously, someone in your organization may have a negative attitude towards the introduction of this type of service. They say that total control is established over employees. But from my experience I can say that the staff positively perceives the implementation of MTS Coordinator. Because in addition to the “stick” in the form of determining the exact geoposition of each employee, there is also a “carrot” among the functionality. Now the field employee does not need to come to the office to pick up orders, write a report by hand or enter numbers into Excel - the application does this for you. That is, we give people a tool that makes their work more efficient and convenient, and allows them to complete more requests. Conventionally, in one day it is possible to fulfill not one request, but five.

    Our plans for the future

    In the future, we plan to introduce a full-fledged API. More extensive messaging, machine analysis, and forecasting will appear. We will also create for clients a designer of reports and tasks to suit any tastes and production requirements. Currently, report templates are created based on the focus query. We want to make our platform as flexible as possible.

    Also in the future, we will introduce artificial intelligence, which will recommend to the dispatcher certain employees to complete each task. For example, it is necessary to repair a fiber optic line in the area of ​​Domodedovo Airport. The dispatcher needs to quickly find an employee who has the competence and can arrive there as soon as possible. The system will give recommendations on which employees have the minimum arrival time, required experience and zips.

    The development of cellular communication services has led to the emergence of services related to geopositioning of subscribers. One of these services was MTS Search package. We can say that this is a whole range of services designed for a wide variety of subscribers. The coordinates are determined here by calculating the location of subscribers at base stations. In dense urban areas, positioning accuracy may be higher than outside the city - this is due to the large number of base stations. But errors are also possible.

    However, given the number of base stations, the MTS operator allows you to fairly accurately determine the location of another subscriber. In this case, it does not matter at all what phone this subscriber uses. Today included in the package "MTS Search" includes four services:

    • Locator;
    • The child is under supervision;
    • My city;
    • Mobile employees.

    The latest service is aimed at entrepreneurs and various enterprises. There are similar services from other cellular operators. So, for example, Megafon’s subscriber tracking service is called “Megafon-Navigator”, and Beeline’s is called “Beeline-Coordinates” - you can also find out about them from our resource.

    How to determine the location of your friends? For this you need connect to the MTS Locator service. It allows you to obtain information about the location of another subscriber from any mobile phone. Geopositioning is determined using cellular base stations. This service allows determine the location of MTS, MegaFon and Beeline subscribers– for this, each subscriber must give consent.

    How to connect MTS locator

    To connect to the MTS Locator service you need send SMS with the subscriber's name and number to number 6677. As soon as the other subscriber agrees, an SMS with his location will be sent to the phone. From this moment on, the service is considered connected, and the other subscriber will be added to the friends list. The subscription fee is 100 rubles per month, and it already includes 100 requests. If you are unable to send SMS from your phone, check that the settings of your MTS SMS center are correct. The command syntax for connecting the service and adding a friend is: “IRA 9161234567” (the command is sent without quotes). You can determine the location of your friends using several tools:

    • By using SMS commands: GDE NAME or WHERE NAME;
    • By using MTS Search website;
    • By using applications for mobile operating systems iOS and Android OS.

    The last two options are the most convenient.

    How to disable MTS locator

    Shutdown"Locator" service is performed using SMS commands with the text OFF, sent to number 6677. Simultaneously with disabling the service, the list of friends is deleted. If you want to save your list of friends, you can suspend the service by sending an SMS with the text PACKAGE STOP to 6677.

    Child care service MTS

    The “Child under supervision” service works in exactly the same way as the “Locator” service. However, there are still differences between them. In particular, the “Child under supervision” service implies the creation of a “family” to which parents, children and relatives are connected. To connect this service is necessary send SMS with text MOM or DAD to short number 7788. The response SMS will contain a code assigned to the family. Using this code, you can add up to nine relatives and an unlimited number of children to one family. For example, by sending the command PAPA LEONID CODE, you can add a father named Leonid to the family. Registration of children produced by the team CHILD NAME CODE. For locating children The following commands are provided:

    • WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN– to obtain the coordinates of all registered children;
    • WHERE IS THE NAME– to obtain the coordinates of a specific child.

    All commands for the “Child under supervision” service are sent to number 7788. Shutdown services are provided SMS command DELETE, suspense– using the command STOP(with the preservation of the whole family). You can also determine the location of children using a mobile application or on the MTS Search website. Also, as part of this service, it is possible to organize control over the movement of registered children.

    Using the “Children’s Smartphone” application, you can not only control the child’s location, but also control his phone - the amount of funds in the accounts, the presence of charge in the battery, application control.

    MTS My City service

    The "My City" service is information and reference. You can use it on any phone connected to the MTS network. She allows find interesting and necessary objects in the city location of the subscriber by sending SMS with the text WHERE to number 6677. In the menu that opens, you can select the appropriate category and get information about all objects located nearby.

    Information about the cost of requests and a more detailed list of SMS commands can be obtained on the MTS Search website.

    Mobile employees

    The Mobile Employees service is an excellent solution for entrepreneurs and large companies. It can be connected to any of the MTS corporate tariffs. She allows track employee location, monitor movements and visits, monitor certain areas, generate employee reports on the completion of a particular task. If fulfilled vehicle tracking, then here you can get information about route tracking, perform fuel control, and monitor the driver’s accuracy on the route.

    The functionality of the service is so huge that a description would take quite a lot of time. In this regard, to obtain detailed information about the service you need to go to MTS Search website. Here you can see the presentation of the service, connect the company and calculate the estimated cost of the service.

    The website of the MTS Search service package is located at

    The “Mobile Employee” service from MTS is designed specifically for organizations whose personnel spend the majority of their working time outside the office. These are drivers, forwarders, sales representatives, couriers, service workers and other professionals working on the road. Using the service, you can not only determine the location of a person by phone number, but also track the movement of the company’s transport, and for this, the operator offers its clients several options for solving business problems: monitoring the movements of personnel, managing traveling employees and monitoring transport.

    Service "Employees" from the service "Mobile Employee"

    In order to effectively control the location and movement of your employees during the working day, you need to use the “Employees” business service from the MTS “Mobile Employee” service. For this purpose, convenient rules of use are provided, the ability to exchange messages and coordinate actions, and provide the manager with a detailed report by e-mail on the movement of tracked numbers for a certain calendar period.

    The cost of using the service is daily from 3.70 rubles and monthly from 110 rubles for one tracked employee number. To activate the service and determine the location of a person by phone number, you need to submit an application, for which you can contact the nearest MTS office or go to the page and then follow the instructions. If the user of the MTS service is a corporate client, then the fee for using the service is included in the total invoice for the service.

    “Coordinator” service from the “Mobile Employee” service

    An equally useful service for companies whose activities are carried out outside is the “Coordinator”, which not only helps to determine the location of a person by phone number, but also allows you to take advantage of many convenient functions.

    The daily cost of the “Coordinator” service is from 10.40 rubles per number of one employee.

    In addition to tracking the numbers of its employees, the service offers company management the opportunity to effectively manage personnel by planning and coordinating actions, as well as monitoring the execution of assigned tasks. To do this, using the “Coordinator” service, you can make the following bindings:

    To a map on which ongoing and planned tasks are displayed in the form of objects;

    To specific performers, which allows you to instantly determine the location of a particular employee and direct the nearest one to the object;

    To geographical zones in order to optimize and coordinate employee routes as much as possible;

    To objects and deadlines, which will allow you to promptly and promptly respond to urgent customer requests and carry out planned tasks for servicing them.

    Each employee sees all the tasks set by management on his map, and any changes are sent to his phone in the form of a message. The simple and accessible interface of the Coordinator service provides the employee with detailed information to be able to complete an order: a detailed list of tasks with a description of detailed object data. Convenient functions allow you to notify management of your arrival at the site, report on the completion of tasks, and leave appropriate comments at the touch of a button.

    "Transport" service from the "Mobile Employee" service

    The “Mobile Employee” service offers large companies and small firms not only to determine the location of a person by phone number, but also to track the movement of their vehicles. This will allow for operational control to avoid misuse of vehicles and, accordingly, reduce fuel costs.

    The interface of the “Transport” service allows you to see the location of all the company’s cars on a map, and even if at a certain moment it is not possible to conduct surveillance, you can later view a detailed report.

    To activate the service, it is necessary to equip your existing vehicle with GPS/GLONASS equipment, while the company can perform the standard installation itself. If there is a need for a hidden system, then you need to contact the MTS service center or a car service center that services cars.

    The cost of the “Transport” service is from 8.30 rubles per day for determining the location of one unit of transport.

    The “Mobile Employee” service operates throughout Russia and, within cities, is able to determine the location of a person or car, down to the street name and house number. In places far from cell towers, you can determine the location of a person by phone number within the nearest populated area.

    MTS is one of the leading mobile operators in Russia. Mobile and fixed-line communications, Internet, television, digital services - this is just an incomplete list of services available to individuals and corporate clients. For business, the operator offers both ready-made solutions - service packages, and individual ones. The MTS corporate personal account, available on the company’s official website, will help you take advantage of all the benefits of a corporate contract.

    Personal account features

    The MTS corporate personal account or the “Virtual Manager” service allows you to manage a general online connection using one account and provides access to the following services:

    • View information about the active connection (tariff plan, additional services and options, funds limits for each subscriber).
    • Familiarization with the company's current offers and additional services.
    • Connection management - forwarding, changing the tariff plan, connecting and disabling additional services and options.
    • View the data of each subscriber connected to the corporate network, assign access rights, replace SIM cards.
    • Cost control and payment for communication services.
    • View the history of completed transactions and their status.
    • Creating and tracking the status of requests and complaints.
    • Familiarization with reference information.
    • Generation and ordering of various reporting documentation, receiving it in electronic form.

    Registration and login to your personal account

    Representatives of companies with a valid corporate contract have access to the MTS corporate personal account. To obtain authorization data, registration as such is not required: the login and password from the “Virtual Manager” are provided after filling out an application (the form can be downloaded on the website) and transmitting it in any convenient way:

    • Through an employee of any MTS communication salon.
    • Through a personal manager.
    • By sending by email [email protected].

    The received data should be entered into the appropriate fields on the main login page for the account for corporate clients and click the “Login” button, after which the use of the “Virtual Manager” service becomes available.

    MTS Locator is a service that allows you to monitor your friends and loved ones in real time. Convenient, because with its help you can find out with a simple short request where your husband, child, friend you were going to meet with, but she never came, and so on, is currently located. It is somewhat similar to the already familiar “child under supervision” service, but here you can no longer use this opportunity without the subscriber’s consent. You can enter it in several ways, which we will discuss in today’s article. You can also disable and connect MTS Locator (aka MTS Radar, as it is unofficially called) in various ways, plus we will look at how to use this service.

    Important: using this service you can monitor not only MTS subscribers, but also users of other mobile networks - Beeline and Megafon. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to track subscribers of Tele2 and Yota, which just appeared with us.

    MTS Locator service - description

    Before you figure out how to connect Radar, you should know one important thing - this service is paid and not to say cheap. If you are willing to pay this price to monitor other subscribers, connect and use.

    Cost of MTS Locator service - 100 rubles per month.

    At the same time, during the same calendar month, you will be able to make 100 requests to find the person you need, having previously received his consent - permission to track his location. At the same time, you do not need Internet access, just as those you are tracking do not need it, since the subscriber’s location is determined by registration on the network - that is, if there is a network, the person can also be tracked.

    Important: despite 100 requests, you can send no more than 5 per person per day.

    One more point - if some request was unsuccessful, for example, it was not possible to determine the location because the subscriber’s phone was turned off and not registered on the network, or consent was not received, then such requests are not taken into account and are not charged in any way. But if you have not used all 100 requests, they are also not transferred to the next period, and if you disable this option before the end of the month, but the subscription fee you have already paid for the entire period is also not refundable. So, if you plan to follow many people, it is better to make a choice and spend requests sparingly. It's best to choose no more than five people whose location you plan to track.

    Important: The first 14 days of the MTS Radar service are provided free of charge - a test period so that you can get acquainted with it. And after the end of the test period - 100 rubles per month, written off in one amount every 30 days.

    To work with this option, you can use not only smartphones, but also regular phones, but in this case you will not see a map, but will only receive a text message with the address where the person is located, like " Moscow on the corner of Ashcheulov Lane" or " St. Petersburg, at the intersection of the Fontanka River embankment and Nevsky Prospekt"You can also use this service through a computer - through your personal account. There will already be a full-fledged map on which there will be dots with the names of people (the error is no more than 10-15 meters).

    MTS locator without subscriber consent

    People often ask if it is possible use MTS locator without the consent of the subscriber, which you want to track, so it’s worth dealing with this issue right away. No, you can't. Since when requesting a location, a person must give permission - only in this case will you see his coordinates on the map or receive a message with the address where he is currently located. The only option is to borrow the phone number of someone you want to monitor, for example, your husband, while you connect and get permission. But remember that this is illegal.

    How to connect MTS Locator

    Activating the MTS Locator option is very simple. There are several ways, we will get to know them all, and you choose which one is more convenient for you to use.

    SMS message

    Just send it to a short number 6677 the desired message containing the subscriber's name and number (format " SASHA 89109036732"). After this, “Sasha” will have to request to determine his location - he must give consent. If consent is received, you will receive in a response message the coordinates and a link to a map or a piece of a map with a dot - a person.

    Via call

    You can call a short number 0890 and wait for the operator to answer you. Just tell him that you want to connect MTS Radar. He will ask whose location you are interested in - here you will give the name and number of the subscriber. The operator will send him a request for tracking permission, and if it is received, the service is activated, and you can use and monitor this subscriber. This takes a long time, so it is better to choose an alternative method.

    Personal account MTS Radar

    Go to the MTS website.Search (, go to your personal account there, go to add-ons, which you can connect, and there you just find and activate MTS Radar. After that, you simply log into MTS Locator every time - into your personal account, and there you can add new subscribers whom you want to monitor and monitor their location on the map. Convenient, simple, visual, but requires access to a computer.

    Important: if you are not registered there yet, but send the word “LOGIN” from your phone to the short number 7888 - in response you will receive an SMS message with data for authorization on MTS.Search.

    By the way, there you can monitor your child using the “Child in Supervision” service or coordinate the work of your traveling employees using the “Mobile Employees” service - in general, this site contains all the possibilities for using search from this mobile operator.

    MTS "Locator" application

    If you are going to use this service often and you have a normal modern smartphone, then you can simply install mobile application "MTS Locator" and connect to this service with its help, and in it - add subscribers and monitor on the map where they are. True, this application is not available for Windows Phone, but you can download Locator for iPhone (iOs) and Android smartphones and tablets - do not forget that you will need Internet access to download the map. Although this is not a problem now, everyone has unlimited tariffs. The most convenient and practical option, since you can access the location of the person you need at any time. This is what it looks like:

    How to disable MTS Radar

    To disable Latitude on your phone, we will need the same short number 6677 , which we have already used to connect. There are two ways - simply pause Rudar and completely turn it off. To suspend, send an SMS message " PACKAGE STOP"to this number (to resume work again later, send an SMS like " WHERE IS SASHA"to find the location of the person you need again). If you want to turn off MTS Radar completely, feel free to send SMS " OFF"all to the same number - in this case the service will be completely disabled, the subscription fee will no longer be charged, and the entire list of subscribers will be cleared.

    Important: Please note that all letters in the SMS message for pausing, resuming and permanently disabling the option must be capitalized, otherwise the request will not go through.

    MTS Locator - login to the service

    You can log into the Locator both in your personal account on the MTS.Search website, and in the mobile application, if you have previously installed it on your computer. You can also use regular SMS messages, but in this case you will receive in response only the coordinates (address) of the location of the person you need and a link to the map, and not the map itself. But from the link - you can open it, so if you are not a fan of unnecessary applications and you don’t have a computer at hand - use the easiest way to log in - via SMS.

    Above we described the most popular registration methods; they are also used to log into MTS Radar.

    How to use: MTS Locator commands

    The commands of this service are simple and not difficult to remember. To find a person for the first time, write to the number 6677 SMS " SASHA 89109053823"(use your unique name and subscriber number). Afterwards, you can simply send the command “WHERE IS SASHA” to the same short number - in response you will receive coordinates to a point on the map.

    Important: MTS Locator determines the location quite accurately, but an error of about 10-15 meters is still possible, take this into account when searching.

    As you can see, enabling this option is not difficult, using it is also no problem, you just need to learn a couple of simple commands. The only minutes that are paid. But if anything happens, you can turn it off at any time.