Get likes without programs. How to get likes on a photo on VK without much effort

If you were looking for the most detailed information regarding likes on VKontakte, then you have come to the right place. In this big guide I will explain to you why people use them and how you can cheat them. As for the last point, the main ways to get likes will be discussed - online, free, paid, etc. It will be interesting.

What are likes

The social network VKontakte, as well as many other sites, has long implemented a system for evaluating user materials. How does this work? Where possible, you leave your vote or sympathy (see), simply by clicking on the heart icon. This means that you liked the published photo, video or recording. Or, to put it simply, you liked it!

We also say: like, heart, click “Like”, etc.

How to like?

On VKontakte you can put hearts on almost any type of posts and materials:

If you want to mark some material with your like, just left-click on the heart located under (or next to) it.

After you click on the heart, the like counter will update and your vote will be taken into account.

Cheating likes on VKontakte

This is probably the most interesting thing. Since the number of likes shows the quality of the material (indirectly), the more there are, the better.

Many users want to see a large number of hearts in their photos, posts, etc. What should I do?

Likes can be increased. And there are many ways to do this. Now I will show you the most common ones.

Cheating likes on VKontakte online

Let's start with the simplest option.

Getting likes for cool stuff

Everything here is extremely simple. You need to publish interesting materials, beautiful photographs, etc. At first, you can ask your friends and acquaintances to repost (see). You want as many users as possible to see your publication. Then everything is simple - if the material is really cool, people will mark it themselves by putting hearts.

I agree, it's corny. But it still works, and works great!

Quickly increase likes on VKontakte

If you urgently need to get hearts, then you need to buy them. There are a large number of exchanges online where you can buy likes. As for the price, the cheapest ones are bots. More expensive are real people. But essentially, if you only need a large number on the heart counter, then there is no need to overpay.

Let's look at this process using the bosslike service as an example.

Go to it.

Open the registration tab and enter your credentials.

When finished, press the button "Register".

Now we need to buy points - we will use them to order likes. Click on the button “Buy points”.

Specify the top-up amount, and then click the button "Top up balance".

You will be redirected to the payment system website. Make a payment.

Now we need to buy likes. But first, you need to receive a link to the post or photo that we will promote. As an example, I posted a photo on my wall. You need to click on the link inside the post that tells you how long ago it was published.

You will be taken to view the full version of the post. And in the address bar of the browser, the link we need will be displayed. Copy it.

We return to the service. We need to create a task to get likes. Go to the “Promotion” tab. Here we fill in all the fields.

  • Choosing the social network VKontakte
  • Type - “I like”
  • Insert a link to the material
  • We indicate the price for one like and the quantity we need

When everything is filled out, press the button "Create task".

Great, likes will be received soon.

Program for getting likes

We are called VKduty. The point is mutual assistance. Users add their pages to the program and also provide a link to the materials that need to be promoted. Then the program automatically exchanges likes between them. Everyone gets hearts, everyone is happy.

How to get likes on VK quickly and for free

To do this, I suggest you take the help of users like you. Or more precisely, those people who also need hearts. It’s enough just to help each other and like your posts.

How to implement this? Go to the group section and write in the search "Mutual likes". Select any open group.

We go into it and look at the wall. Requests for mutual likes are constantly published here. We just need to get in touch with such a person and get our heart.

The picture above is a suitable example. The girl asks to like her ava and promises to reciprocate. Let's go to her page and put a heart for her avatar. We write her a personal message (see). We say that the like was given and ask you to do the same. That's the whole process.

How to get likes on VK from your phone through the application

Look for a group where people exchange likes. Follow their requests, and in return, send links to your materials so that they also add hearts.

How to get likes on VK without programs

The method is based on the use of the same services. In Bosslike, you can complete simple tasks, get points for them, and use them to buy likes.

We return to the service and go to the “Earn” tab. Here, immediately click on the button with points opposite any task.

A pop-up window will appear. In it you need to link your VKontakte account.

Now complete simple tasks - like, repost, join groups. When the task is completed, click the “Check” button. If everything is correct, points will be credited to your account. And they can be spent on buying likes.

The method is simple, but you can get a lot of hearts. And no programs are needed.

How to see who you liked in contact

This is done using bookmarks. Go to your page and go to the “Bookmarks” section. Then open the “Photos” tab.

A list of all the photos you have marked with a heart will be displayed here.

In the same way, you can see your likes for videos, posts, people, links and products. Just go to the desired tab.

How to remove or delete a like on VKontakte

Let's say we found a photo in our bookmarks that we liked. How do we remove it?

Very simple. Let's open this photo. And click once on the “Like” counter.

So, today we will talk to you about how to get a lot of VK likes. The thing is that now this object is very important for modern users. That is why they begin to look for ways to help them get what they want. Let us quickly begin to consider our issue from all sides.

What is this?

But before you get a lot of “VK” likes, you should generally have an idea about this object. After all, it is always important to understand what we will be dealing with in the future.

The thing is that “like” translated from English means “to love”, “to like”. In social networks, this object represents something like an expression of sympathy or approval. This is a kind of indicator of popularity. That is, the more likes, the more popular and better the user. So most visitors to social networks think about how to get a lot of likes on VK. Let's help them figure out what's what.


Let's start with perhaps the most complex, but nevertheless very interesting approach. The point is that only your surroundings can help you answer the question of how to get a lot of VK likes. We have already realized that our current object is nothing more than a sign of approval.

In order to achieve popularity, you will have to try hard. The first thing you may need is to know the interests of your profile visitors. If you have the relevant data, then simply publish useful and interesting posts, pictures and photographs. They will definitely be appreciated.

If you are thinking about how to get a lot of “VK” likes on your ava, then you will have to turn to a good photographer. He will be able to take beautiful pictures that can be displayed as an avatar. Successful work will definitely bring you popularity.

Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends

Well, here’s another way that will help you figure out how to get a lot of VK likes. If you have a lot of people on your friends list, then you can simply ask them to rate your post/avatar/photo and so on. Everyone who just clicks on the “heart” will bring you one like.

In cases where the user’s friend list is not very large, you can turn to your friends’ friends for help. This is also far from the most successful and successful approach, but it is legal. You don't have to worry about the consequences. That's it. Now you know how to get a lot of likes on VK. But let's find out a couple more successful and popular approaches to solving the problem. Fortunately, there are a lot of them now. Any user can choose what suits his taste.


Now we will take you on higher quality and popular approaches. The thing is that if you are thinking about how to get a lot of likes on VK, then you can use the so-called cheating. This service is now offered by many sites that promote web resources.

You will have to find the artist and then contact him. Discuss all the nuances: the timing of the service, what exactly needs to be assessed, as well as payment. Give the artist the address of the photo or post you want to make popular, and then just wait.

In fact, cheating will happen in the following way: your performer places tasks on the topic of putting likes in specialized programs or on hosting services. There, users accept a task, complete it, and receive payment, albeit a small one. In truth, you can try to publish similar problems yourself. The main thing is to know where to do it. That's it. Now you know how to get a lot of VK likes.


True, there is one last scenario. It involves the use of specialized programs that help us gain popularity with literally one click on the appropriate button. Let's get to know them.

If you are thinking about how you can get a lot of likes on VK, then try using specialized programs. Find, download and install content, then get started. For example, you can use “VKontakte Likes”.

As soon as you install this content, you will have to log in to it. This is done by entering your username and password on the social network. Next, a menu will appear in front of you in which you can select the action to be performed. Click on “Get likes” and then select an object (or rather, insert the object’s address into the appropriate window) that you want to make popular. After you complete the task, you will have to click on “Crank” (or something like that) and wait for the results.

However, if you decide to try this method, then you should be prepared for the fact that your account may simply be hacked. Often, programs that offer to cheat votes, likes, and so on are nothing more than real viruses. After authorization, you will no longer be able to visit your VKontakte profile. So be careful when thinking about how to get a lot of likes on VK.

And today we will talk about how to get a lot of likes on VKontakte, as well as all the nuances and features of this process. It's no secret that likes are an important part of the promotion of any group or page, and have a direct impact on it. It’s trite to think about how often you pay attention to various types of content and publications with a large number of “likes”. The brain automatically reacts to this, and you start reading, watching, or simply clicking on the link. And this is not to mention the fact that thanks to a large number of likes, the page or community quickly moves forward in searches and comes out on top. Let's find out what a like is, how quickly you can get them and what methods exist for this.

How can you get likes on VKontakte?

Like is a special function that is a way of expressing approval or a positive attitude towards something, often a photograph, recording, publication, video, etc. Today it is an integral part of social networks, and every user would like to have a lot of likes on their page.

Many people, namely ordinary people, want more likes for self-affirmation and the associated pleasant feelings, they want to feel popular and in demand. However, there is a small percentage of users who need “likes” to promote pages, public pages and groups, to sell goods or services, attract subscribers and additional attention to a company or brand.

For example, when you create a new group, you will begin to attract people, but if there is minimal activity, users are unlikely to be interested in it. Therefore, you should not only create high-quality content, but also gain likes, which people will certainly pay attention to and start viewing the posted publications. The same can be said about product promotion, because social networks are considered a powerful and effective tool for popularizing and selling products.

Thus, by increasing likes, you can make the group more active and attract new subscribers and potential clients. Today, there are both paid and free methods for getting likes on VKontakte. We will talk about each of them, and focus on the most popular typing methods in our time.

Free ways to get likes on VK

The first and most obvious way is placement of interesting publications, quality content, bright and interesting photographs. No matter how trivial it may sound, if the quality of your posts is not high, then it is clear that no one will like them. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the publications that you post on a page or in a group. They should be interesting for users, exciting and a little funny, and then you will be able to quickly gain a lot of likes on VKontakte.

Another option - special groups by posting posts, photographs and publications on which all the likes placed on them will be displayed on your personal page. This way, many people will be able to learn about your community and you in particular, which will make your activities recognizable and more popular. In addition, users also use comments for this purpose, but you should be careful, because they can be marked as spam and blocked.

The next way to cheat is exchange of likes and reposts. Its essence is that you look for people like you and agree on a mutual exchange of likes. There are an incredible number of such people on the Internet, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties in finding them. Moreover, there are special VKontakte groups focused on this activity, by joining which you can also get likes.

The simplest, but not very effective option for getting a large number of likes on VKontakte is help from friends. Of course, if you have a large number of friends, you can use their help. To do this, you need to send them a corresponding request so that they like this or that publication. A large number of people may respond, but if the request is repeated, they are unlikely to be as willing to like.

Services for exchanging likes are an interesting method of cheating. Its essence is that you “like” other people and earn points for this, which can be exchanged for likes. There are incredibly many such services on the Internet, and one of them is Even an inexperienced user can cope with the tasks offered by the project, and its completion takes only a couple of seconds. In this case, rewards in the form of points are awarded instantly.

Paid ways to get likes

If you want to get a lot of likes on VK using a paid method, then there are also enough of them. To begin with, it should be said about special services to cheat them. Since there are a huge number of them on the Internet, we have chosen the three best ones especially for you. Let's take a closer look at each of them, its features, advantages and disadvantages.

On the ad-social service you can get likes and subscribers on VKontakte completely free of charge. To do this, you will need points - the internal currency of the service. Points can be earned by completing tasks of other users or winning in special games. Also, a service for promoting social accounts, ad-social provides daily bonuses to regular visitors.

Getting likes and subscribers on VKontakte is done by real users. Our special filters block approximately 97% of bots.

Creating a task to get likes

To create a task to increase likes, you will need to log in through one of the social networks or use your username and password. Next, go to the “Add task” section - “Vkontakte” and select “Like”. You will see a screen like the image below

Filling out the form is intuitive and should not cause difficulties. If you encounter any difficulty, please write to our caring support team and we will be happy to help solve your problem.

Carrying out tasks to increase likes and subscribers of other users

Since the ad-social service is designed for mutual completion of tasks, in order to earn points you may need to complete tasks of other users. It's very easy to do. To do this, you need to go to the “Earn” section and select “Vkontakte”. A screen will appear like the image below

You can select the task category you want to complete, such as "Like", "Tell Friends" or others. If you need to order a lot of tasks to complete, but you do not want to complete tasks from other users, then you can top up your balance using the “Buy points” section.

Almost every Internet user has his own page on a social network, where he shares personal photographs, recordings and any information that he wants to convey to the public with friends. Often, the circle of those who have become familiar with this material is limited only to those who are friends with the user. The desire to become popular is natural, and on social networks this popularity is expressed in the number of “likes” and “reposts”.

By the way, a post by an ordinary VK user gets about 50 “likes” from people who are friends. But what if you want to increase the number of treasured hearts under your new “avatar”? Of course, you can write to everyone separately asking them to rate the photo, but this is so inconvenient and unproductive that several more rational ways to do this have been invented. How to get likes on social networks will be discussed in the article.

What is a like?

Like is translated from English as “like”. This tool was invented so that there was no need to write to someone that his post was popular, but rather just click on a button, which is a counter for such clicks. The more times you click the button, the more likes you get.

How to increase the number of likes?

Increasing the number of likes through artificial stimulation is called cheating. For example, getting likes on VKontakte means motivating other users to rate your post. There are several ways to do this. Now almost everyone knows how to get likes, and many use these tools to become more popular among friends and acquaintances.

Cheating methods

Of course, likes are not that valuable among the VKontakte community, and it is unlikely that anyone will pay to increase their number. For this reason, there are many ways to get likes for free.

In general, cheating procedures can be divided into three large groups:

  • Automatic - they only require configuration, then the program will run.
  • Semi-automatic - combine both manual and automatic methods of cheating.
  • Manual - use completely manual labor to “earn” likes.

So, let's consider all three methods in order.

Programs for cheating

This method can be considered automated, since human participation in it is minimal and consists only of setting up the program itself. The principle of operation is as follows: the program, on behalf of your account, evaluates the posts of other users, adds them as friends, joins groups, in return for which it receives points that can be spent at your discretion, for example, on likes. The most popular such program can be considered Vtope. This is one of the very first combines that helps with promotion on social networks.

It should be noted that the program is safe to use, and the account will not be blocked, since the operating algorithm is designed in such a way that it imitates the actions of a real person. Therefore, using this program, you will get “live” users who will put “Like” under the specified entry. In addition to VK, the program allows you to get likes on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. As a minus, we can note the low speed of promotion - this is a fee for safe use.

Markup exchanges

Another answer to the question: “How to get likes?” can be considered the emergence of numerous markup exchanges. In fact, these are the same programs, only implemented in the form of websites. The principle of their operation is exactly the same as that of utilities, but the method of earning points is slightly different. Here you need to follow the links yourself and earn “points” for your own promotion. This method can be considered semi-automatic for the reason that the exchange itself regulates the accrual of points for actions and places tasks for promotion.

However, one of the obvious disadvantages of this method is the high probability of blocking. This is due to the fact that similar actions are performed at short intervals, which can be perceived by the system as spam. Among the most popular exchanges are Turboliker, Olike, VKTarget and many others. By the way, for Turboliker there is a bot - a program for automatic operation, which allows you to quickly score a large number of points for cheating.

Manual method

This option for getting likes is to post posts in special groups where similar users spend their time with a request to rate the post. By the way, this method is quite labor-intensive, but it still has an effect.


In general, there are a huge number of ways to get likes. The article discussed only the main and most popular cheating options. However, they can be considered the most reliable, because they are based on the very essence of social networks, which means that they will live as long as there are hundreds of millions of social media accounts around the world.