Update of the environmental management module is the latest update. Calculation of NVOS in the environmental user module

“Nature User Module” is a special program for preparing and submitting reports to Rosprirodnadzor electronically through your personal account. The service is adapted to the specifics of working with the environmental sector; it allows you to fill out waste management reports, SME reports, and declarations for calculating environmental fees (pollution fees, environmental fees). “Nature user module” (latest version) contains up-to-date report forms.

The program allows you to create a local database that reflects a set of information:

    about the business entity on whose behalf the reporting forms must be drawn up;

    about contractors with whom the enterprise cooperates in resolving issues regarding the placement, neutralization or disposal of waste;

    on permitting documentation giving the right to a business representative to engage in specific activities;

    standards in the field of waste management, their relevance.

“Nature User Module” 2019 – operating rules

The program is available for download on ]]> website ]]> Rosprirodnadzor. The service is periodically updated - this is necessary to update the document forms that can be generated using this resource.

You can download the latest version of the “Nature User Module” ]]> ]]> . The module is available to all users free of charge.

To fill out reports, just download the module to your computer, install it and enter a set of necessary data into the program’s local directories:

    add payer;

    enter data about production facilities;

    characterize emission sources;

    designate waste disposal sites;

    provide information on permits for emissions, discharges, limits on waste disposal, licenses, acts, contractual documentation.

To download the “Nature User Module” (latest version), you must select the appropriate type of operating system. Next it loads:

    or a “Full Installer” file, which allows you to install the program on a computer without Internet access;

    or mark “Web installer” as the preferred option, in which case Internet access will be required for installation.

If the “Nature User Module” was previously installed on your computer, the version with outdated document formats is converted to the current one by sequentially downloading and installing all updates.

Reports in the program can be generated and immediately sent to the regulatory authority or downloaded to a computer. To certify the correctness and validity of the entered data in electronic reports, an electronic digital signature is used. Electronic signatures are issued only by accredited centers.

The “Nature User Module” can be downloaded for free without registration on the Rosprirodnadzor website. After installing and launching the program, a window with several tabs will appear on the start page:

    "Registry". This block provides information about payers, production facilities and emission sources, and basic documentation in the field of waste management.

    "Calculations". This tab allows users to create and fill out calculations for emissions and discharges, for the placement of waste raw materials. If all the necessary information is available in the program database, the service can be used to automatically create payment forms.

    "Reports". This section concentrates functions on creating technical, statistical reports, and EMS reporting.

A detailed user manual for the module with video tutorials on filling out reports is available on the Rosprirodnadzor website.

The latest version of the “Nature User Module” for 2019 (4.9.1 dated 01/08/2019) differs from the previous ones in that it corrects shortcomings that appeared when filling out the calculations of the ENVOS, and a number of reference books have been updated - a list of bodies of Rosprirodnadzor, FKKO, OKATO and rates for MSW 4 hazard classes.

Working with the program assumes that the user, after creating a document, begins to enter line by line the data reflected in the window that opens. If a cell is highlighted with a blue background, it is required. When a red cross appears next to the column with the entered data, you need to look for an error in this indicator. Before reporting, you must first enter all the data required for it. The entered information is not saved automatically; to enter data into the database, you must click the special “Save” icon. Previously entered information can be edited and deleted.

On the left side of the program there is a column with a navigation bar. In it, in the “Register” tab, all payers available in the directories and documents for each of them are displayed. The information is sorted alphabetically. In the “Calculations” section, payers are displayed in the navigation column; clicking on their names opens the contents of the calculations.

Good afternoon dear friends! Today I will tell you how to update the environmental management module. The procedure is not complicated, everything is done easily and quickly. The module must be updated constantly as soon as new versions are released. In new versions, report forms and requirements for them change. If you don’t want reports to create problems for you, update the program. Let's get started!

How to update the environmental user module

If you are unable to solve this problem yourself, then you can go to the section and our specialists will help you.

There are two update options. The first is to update the environmental management module using the program itself. To do this, launch the module, go to the “Help” menu section, select “Check for updates”.

I really love this method, because it almost always DOESN'T WORK! Thanks to the developers. Therefore, I will not even describe this method, just know that this update method is possible. Moreover, this button will simply download the update, and you will have to install everything manually. Therefore, straight to the second option. This is how I ended up clicking the “Check for Updates” button.

Now let's look at the normal method, which definitely works.

How to update the environmental management module. Working option

Download the update for the program, you can download the update here.

You need to download the update specifically for your operating system. Happens for 64 and 32 bit systems. Let's find out what bit depth you have.

Right-click on the “Computer” icon and select “Properties”.

The computer properties window will open, look at the bit depth.

I have a 32 bit version. This means I will download updates for a 32-bit system.

The updates have been downloaded, now we will update the program. Before updating, be sure to close the environmental management module! Do not update while the program is open, the database will break.

How to make a backup copy of the environmental management module program

Yes, dear friends, we will make a backup copy, otherwise we may lose everything. I recommend making backups regularly, but who cares about them until everything breaks. How to make a database backup, read here.

Installing with an update

The update has been downloaded, you need to unpack it, if you don’t know how, then read here.

Run the update file. Did you remember to close the program? Great! Let's move on.

You need to run this file.

Now the program asks us where to install updates.

Let's find out where our module is installed. To do this, right-click on the shortcut and click on “File Location”.

The folder in which the environmental management module is installed will open. Let's pay attention to top line where the path to dad is written k e with the program.

Let's indicate the same path in the update window, my update program itself determined the required path, but this may not always be the case, pay attention to this.

This completes the setup; to start the update process, click “Next”.

The update process is in progress.

The update is complete, click “Close”.

Now we launch the environmental management model. We will see this window: “The database version is lower than the module version. Do you want to update?”, click “Yes”.

We see the database update process, we are just waiting for this process to complete.

After the database is updated, click “Launch nature user module”.

1. Installation, launch of the module, EP.. 2

2. General questions about filling out the “Nature User Module”. 4

3. Calculation of fees for NVOS. 5

4. Reporting 2-TP (waste) and SMEs.. 9

5. Formation of an application for registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment on state registration.. 10

6. Declaration on the number of finished goods put into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation over the previous calendar year, Report on the facilities (capacities) of the main technological equipment for ensuring the disposal of waste from the use of goods, Report on the implementation of standards for the disposal of waste from the use of goods, Calculation of the environmental fee. 11

7. Web portal. 13

8. Other questions.. 15

1. Installation, launch of the module, electronic signature

Question:Where and how to get an electronic signature (ES)?

Answer: In the Certification Center of the FBU FCAO http://www. fcao. ru/udostoveryayushchij. html or the nearest Certification Center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. The list of accredited Certification Centers is published on the website http://minsvyaz. ru/ru/activity/govservices/2/

Question:Can I sign with any electronic signature?

Answer: The signature must contain the full name of the director and the TIN of the reporting organization. Otherwise, the report will not pass automatic verification.

Question:Why can't I sign?

Answer: Refer to instructions for installing certificates. Among the possible problems: the CRYPTO PRO CSP software is not installed, the certificate is not installed, the root certificate of the Certification Authority is not installed.

Question:Auto-update does not work, what should I do?

Answer: You can update the module manually. Download the required installation package from the Rosprirodnadzor website and run setup. exe

Question: The natural resource user module is not updated onWindows XP?

Answer: Windows XP is not supported.

Question:After installing the update, all data was lost, what should I do?

Answer: The updated version of the module is installed in a different folder from where the module was previously installed. Find the AdiPNV file in the old folder. sdf and transfer it to a new one. By default, the module is installed in C:\Program Files\Adicom\PNV\.

Question:Is it possible to transfer data from a completed Nature User Module? installed on one computer, on another computer where the Natural Resources User Module is installed without the entered information?

Answer: Yes, you need to copy the AdiPNV file. sdf (located in the C:\Program Files\Adicom\PNV\ folder by default) and paste and replace it on another computer in a similar folder. This is a database with all the information entered into the module. If the version of the Module on the new computer is higher than on the old one, the database will be updated automatically.

Question:When starting, an error occurs: "The requested item could not be found.data provider.Net Framework. Maybe He Not installed." or"Unable to find the Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed."

Answer: Download and install Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 from here: https://www. /ru-ru/download/details. aspx? id=30709 (select the item Fix if prompted).

Question:When starting, an error occurs: The operation is not supported on this platform.

Answer: You may have ViPNet CSP installed. If yes, then try in its settings on the “General” tab and uncheck the “Enable support for ViPNet CSP via MS Crypto API” checkbox. The changes will take full effect after restarting the computer.

2. General questions about filling out the “Nature User Module”

Question: How to enter information into the Natural Resources User Module?

Answer: See the User's Guide (in the Help menu – Help).

Question: Why is some data entered into the module missing in the Excel file?

Answer: When filling out information about the source of discharges, the production area was not indicated.

Question: Where can I get the coordinates of an object?

Answer: You can use https://yandex. ru/maps/. It is important to carefully rewrite the coordinates into the module, indicating them in 10th degree format (for example: 55.857214 – latitude, 37.844239 – longitude).

Question:An organization has branches, how to correctly enter branches into the Module?

Answer: If each branch is a separate legal entity, then you need to add each branch and parent organization in the “Register” as Payers (click on the House with a plus button). In the information about the branch, indicate the parent organization.

If the branches are not separate legal entities. persons, then they are entered under the Payer - the Parent Organization as production territories.

Question:How to introduce waste with the same FKKO?

Answer: In the “Register” on the “Polluting Substances” tab of the payer in the table with waste, you can enter a clarification of the name of the waste (Name), i.e. the waste can be with one FKKO code. There you can change the hazard class of the waste.

When a waste with the same FKKO code is added, you need to enter the code manually or select from the list (without calling the general directory!), and immediately, without going to another line, change the name and/or hazard class. Then you can save several rows with one FKKO.

Question:Howenter waste without a FKKO code (those that are not in the directory)?

Answer: If there is waste that is not in the directory, there are no required FKKO codes or waste without a code, then such waste can only be added in the “Register” on the “Pollutants” tab of the payer. To do this, you need to click on “Add a new line” in the waste table and enter the name of the waste in the “Name” field and immediately select the hazard class in the same line. Adding waste without FKKO codes is only possible in the payer’s card.

3. Calculation of fees for NVOS

All information about the declaration: http:///deklar

Question: How to generate a calculation (Declaration) in the Natural Resources User Module?


1. The Register is filled out:

1.1. A payer is created (your organization)

1.2. NVOS objects are being created!! It is necessary to indicate the production territory for sites, outlets and accommodation facilities, then information on the category of the object (which you enter in the production territory card) will be transferred to the calculation for these outlets/shops, etc.!!

1.3. Permits are being created (for emissions, discharge and waste limits). If the permit is for a production territory or for an object that belongs to this territory, then in the calculation based on this document information on the category and code of the object will be displayed.

1.4. A separate payer is created and under it a waste disposal facility (in a bin with a plus) for the organization to which the waste is transferred (Landfill). The object, after creation, is selected in the waste limit in your organization in the lower table “transfer for placement” and the year 2016

2. After filling out the Register, go to the Calculations/Declarations tab. In the top menu (where is the file, fee calculation, settings...) select Fee calculation - Create calculation/declaration. In the window that opens, indicate the year 2016, the period - year, select the Rosprirodnadzor body and click Create.

3. The calculation (declaration) will be created automatically based on the data entered in the Register.

Question: How to generate a calculation (Declaration) in the Natural Resources User Module (DETAILED)?

Answer: see Help in the Natural Resources User Module - section “Calculation of fees” or a guide with an example: https:///doc80517760_442946780?hash=a1f16dfbb4f9de9126&dl=c289d43e2d9ba65c65

Question: How to generate a calculation (Declaration) for SMEs (small and medium-sized businesses, as well as individual entrepreneurs)?

Answer: If you have a small business, then you need to do the calculation like this:

1. In the Register, in the payer, select “small” in the “Size and number” field (where you put down your TIN, KPP, etc.)

2. In the calculation itself, under your payer, under OKATO of the landfill, in the calculation for waste, on the waste itself, right-click and select Edit. In the editing window, fill in the fact for the quarter in the field “Educated in own. production" It will be five times the size - super limit. If you submitted SME reports for last year, then in the same editing form, write the fact number in the field “Established balance.” limit" and "Within the limit", then click Calculate and Ok.

Question:Procedure for calculating the fee (Declaration) (GENERAL)?


· Add your payer, fill out the information, and fill in the substances, such as emissions and discharges and waste that you transfer to the landfill.

· Add permits under your organization.

· Add a limit under your organization.

· Then add the payer - polygon, fill out the information.

· Add a waste disposal facility under it. At the waste disposal facility, fill out the OKATO of the Landfill.

· In the calculation tab under your payer, add the title of calculation (sheet with a plus) then the calculation for OKATO (land with a plus) OKATO Yours - for emissions and discharges, and then OKATO of the landfill (so that it coincides with the OKATO that was indicated in the register, in the card accommodation facility).

· Create a waste calculation under this OKATO.

· Indicate the transfer to placement.

· Select an object (should drop out).

· Click Substitute SV and everything should be transferred.

· Then enter the actual data for each waste in the table by right-clicking on the line with the waste - Edit. For waste that is transferred to the landfill, only ONE field is filled in, GENERATED IN OWN PRODUCTION - the actual figure for the quarter. Next, click Calculate and OK.

Question:In the calculation for waste disposal, the “Substitute pollutants” button does not enter the limit/permit, what should I do?


· Check the expiration dates of the limit

· In the waste limit (Register tab) in the “Transfer for disposal” table (below), the landfill must be selected and the year indicated (correct to 2016, if different)

· If the limit/permit is issued for a production territory, then this production territory must also be indicated in the calculation, and vice versa - if the limit/permit is for households. subject, then the production area should not be included in the calculation.

· If the limit was substituted into the calculation, but the established waste limit values ​​were not substituted, then you need to add a technical report (the “Reports” tab). In the report, a limit is selected from the list and the terms for its renewal are indicated - “extended from”, “extended to”. After that, in the calculation you need to click on the “Recalculate, update CV” button to substitute the limit values.

Question:Why is “Waste Disposal Facility” not selected in the fee calculation?

Answer: This means that you are making calculations for waste that is transferred to the wrong OKATO. That is, for their OKATO calculations are made on emissions, discharges and waste that are disposed of. Then you create an OKATO for the Landfill (click on the earth plus button) and under this OKATO you add a calculation for the waste that is transferred to this landfill. It will turn out that in your calculation for the NWOS there will be sections with your OKATO and OKATO of the waste disposal facility with waste calculations.

Question: Why was the limit inserted into the calculation, but the established values ​​of the waste limit were not inserted (they are zeros)?

Answer: If the limit was substituted into the calculation, but the established waste limit values ​​were not substituted (the values ​​are zeros), then you need to add a technical report (the “Reports” tab). In the report, a limit is selected from the list and the terms for its renewal are indicated - “extended from”, “extended to”. After that, in the calculation you need to click on the “Recalculate, update CV” button to substitute the limit values.

Question: How to correctly calculate fees for waste in the event of their disposal/neutralization/use (when no fee is charged for them)?

Answer: If there is waste that is disposed of or transferred for disposal and there is no disposal limit set for it, then there are two ways to show it in the fee calculation:

1. In the already generated calculation for waste disposal ("Transferred for placement" or "Placement at your own site"), in addition to the waste that was substituted from the limit using the "Substitute waste" button, you can add waste that is used and disposed of, simply by adding it manually into the table by selecting from the general list of waste. By double-clicking in the table, in the window that opens for editing the waste movement, the fact is indicated - “Generated in our own production” and the corresponding fields are filled in - “Used (disposed of)”, “Decontaminated”, etc. At the same time, the placement limit is calculated for them will be equal to 0, but since the waste is not mixed, the amount of the fee will be equal to 0.

2. You can also show this waste in a separate calculation for waste, under OKATO of the enterprise, by selecting “Use/disposal/transfer”. Then, “Substitute pollutants” will substitute waste for which only the generation standard in the limit is specified, i.e., only the “Information on waste” table is filled in.

Question:How is the established standard/limit/over-limit calculated in fee calculations??

Answer: In situations where the permit/limit is not valid for the entire calculation period, the module calculates the distribution of actual pollution data according to established standards automatically.

Rules for calculating fees for permits/limits using the example of waste disposal:

If the document is not valid for the entire billing period, then:

    Unauthorized placement is automatically detected and taken into account as an over-limit:
    Unauthorized placement = Posted Total * (Number of days without a document in the billing period / Number of days in the billing period)
    20/91 * 10 = 2.2 – over-limit placement The limit is recalculated taking into account the validity period of the document:
    Limit = Document limit * (Number of days the document is valid in the period for which the standard is set / Number of days in the period for which the limit is set)
    71/91 * 9 = 7.0 Remaining waste that can be distributed according to the limit = 10 – 2.2 = 7.8 tons, it follows that 0.8 (7.8 – 7.0) goes as over the limit

Thus, the total over-limit = 2.2 + 0.8 = 3 tons, and placement within the limit = 7 tons

4. Reporting 2-TP (waste) and SMEs

Question:The “Recipient” field in the waste transfer agreement is not filled in?

Answer: All waste recipient organizations must be entered in the Register as payers (click on the House with a Plus button) and fill in the required fields in their cards (name, tax identification number, legal address). Then they will be displayed in the Recipient field in your agreement.

Question:The license does not appear or the contract does not appear when filling out the SME report?

Answer: Check the completion of the “Register”. For SME reporting, you need to add a payer (using the House with a plus button) - your organization for which you will make a report. Add waste to the “Pollutants” tab. A “Waste Transfer Agreement” is added under your organization. And the Recipient of the agreement is added here to the “Register” as a payer (also by clicking on the button with the House). Already under the Payer, who is the recipient of the waste, a “License for activities with waste” is added.

Question:Did you get the error “The uniqueness of the report is broken...”?

Answer: If a uniqueness error is displayed, it means that you have already created such a report, look carefully at the tree-like list on the left, next to your company name there is a small square with a plus, it reveals the remaining lines under your payer. Most likely, there is already a previously created report there.

Question: Rounding the figures of the 2-TP report in the formatExcel?

Answer: Rounding of substances, starting from the 4th hazard class, occurs to the first decimal place, which is prescribed in the order of Rosprirodnadzor (ORDER dated January 28, 2011 N 17 “ON APPROVAL OF STATISTICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR ORGANIZING BY ROSPRIRODNADZOR FEDERAL STATISTICAL OBSERVATION OF PRODUCTION WASTE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION").

Question:How to get an electronic report ID and what is the report registration number?

Answer: The electronic identifier of the report is the application number (ticket), which is issued to you after sending this report through your personal account. Registration number of the report - when registering the report with Rosprirodnadzor in paper form.

5. Formation of an application for registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment on state registration

Question: Does my organization need to apply for state registration of facilities that have a negative impact on the environment?

Answer: Read the explanations on the Rosprirodnadzor website http:///node/28411

Question: How to submit an application for registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment with state registration through the Natural Resources User Module with an electronic signature?

Answer: See step-by-step instructions for submitting an application for state registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment http:///variant1

Question: How to submit an application for registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment with state registration through the Natural Resources User Module without an electronic signature?

Answer: See step-by-step instructions for submitting an application for state registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment http:///variant2

Question: How to submit an application for registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment with state registration, through your Personal Account with an electronic signature?

Answer: See step-by-step instructions for submitting an application for state registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment http:///variant3

Question:How long does it take to process an application?

Answer: 10 days

Question:How to submit a request to update information?

Answer: If the application is generated in the Personal Account, then in the Service Information section, indicate the Application Type - Updating object data. It is also necessary to indicate the previously assigned object number in the Negative Impact Object section.

If the application is generated in the Natural Resources User Module, then it is necessary to indicate the previously assigned object number in the Production Territory - Registration tab, and, by analogy with the previous application, upload and send.

6. Declaration on the number of finished goods released into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation for the previous calendar year, Report on the facilities (capacities) of the main technological equipment to ensure the disposal of waste from the use of goods, Report on the implementation of standards for the disposal of waste from the use of goods, Calculation of environmental fees .

Question: Who must submit a Declaration on the quantity of finished goods put into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation during the previous calendar year?

Answer: The declaration is submitted by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who are manufacturers or importers of goods that are subject to disposal after they have lost their consumer properties.

Question:Where and how to form a Declaration of Finished Goods?

Answer: In your personal account at https://lk. fsrpn. ru/#/report/goods/list . Detailed filling is described in the User Guide.

Question: Where and how to generate a Report on facilities (capacities)?

Answer: In your personal account at https://lk. fsrpn. ru/#/report/operator/list. Detailed filling is described in the User Guide.

Question: Who must submit a Report on compliance with waste disposal standards from the use of goods?

Answer: Reporting is submitted in relation to finished goods, including packaging, subject to disposal after they have lost their consumer properties, included in the list of finished goods, including packaging, subject to disposal after they have lost their consumer properties, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 24, 2015:

Manufacturers and importers of goods (clause 4 of Article 24.2 of the Federal Law “On Industrial and Consumption Waste”);

An association (union) of manufacturers and importers of goods (clause 5 of Article 24.2 of the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”).

Question: Where and how to generate a Report on compliance with recycling standards?

Answer: In your personal account at https://lk. fsrpn. ru/#/report/utilization/list. Detailed filling is described in the User Guide.

Question: Where and how to generate an Environmental Fee Calculation?

Answer: In your personal account at https://lk. fsrpn. ru/#/report/utilization/list. Based on the completed report on compliance with recycling standards. Using the automatic calculation button. Detailed formation is described in the User Manual.

7. Web portal

Question: Where and how to submit a report/application?

Answer: Sending reports/applications is carried out in your Personal Account at https://lk. fsrpn. ru/#/

To submit reports you will need:

1. Google Chrome browser, Yandex. Browser or Mozilla Firefox

2. Account in the unified identification and authentication system, obtained in accordance with the instructions

Question: How to generate a report/application using your Personal Account?


To generate reports you will need:

3. CryptoPro CSP 3.9R2 or later version installed on your computer

4. CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in installed on your computer

5. CryptoPro Extension for Cades Browser Plug-in installed in the browser for:

· Yandex. Browser;

· Google Chrome;

· Mozilla Firefox does not require an extension.

An electronic signature issued by an accredited certification center; it is important that the TIN in the certificate matches the TIN of the organization whose reports you will sign.

You should also read the instructions for filling out https://docs. fsrpn. ru/user_manual_full. html.

Question:Is it possible to create a printed report/application form in your Personal Account?

Answer: No.

Question:What fields are required?

Answer: Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

Question:How to receive a certificate if it does not arrive in the mail?

Answer: After approval and signing of the application, a link to the certificate will be in the comments to the application.

Question:How can I view a comment on a report/application?

Answer: In the Reporting section, in the list with report/application numbers, in the band with the number on the right there is a circle with i click on it and a status comment will open.

Question:If the report/application was sent from the old reporting portal https://pnv-rpn. ru/ ?

Answer: Viewing information about previously submitted reports will be available until June 30, 2017

Question:How to upload a file larger than 5 MB?

Answer: No way. It is necessary to reduce the size (remove attachments: contracts, limits, permissions)

Question: The application did not pass automatic validation?

Answer: You must read the comments to the application and correct any errors.

Question:What to do if the status says “ The report was rejected (contains errors)?

Answer: It is necessary to read the commentary on the report and correct any errors.

8. Other questions

Question:How to access the UONVOS VET system?

Answer: Access to the VET system UONVOS has ONLY employees of Rosprirodnazorov and employees of territorial bodies.

Question:Where to go if you have questions?

Answer: For questions regarding the operation of third-party applications, please contact their developers.

For questions regarding the operation of the “Personal Account” or the “Nature User Module”, please email portal. *****@***ru

Question:How else can I submit a report/application?

Through electronic document management operators (TAKSKOM, SKB Kontur, Tensor, Askom, Kaluga Astral, INFOTEKS)