General principles of creating a Web site. Blank Web Site Template

This section contains general information about nodes and their properties, administrator privileges, and administering nodes from remote computers. The section contains the following subsections:

Web and FTP sites

Multiple Web or FTP sites can be created on a single Windows 2000 computer while working on an intranet or the Internet in any of three ways:

  • Adding port numbers to an IP address.
  • Using multiple IP addresses, each of which corresponds to a network adapter card.
  • Assign multiple domain names and IP addresses to a single network adapter card using host header names.

The following example illustrates an intranet scenario in which an administrator has installed Windows 2000 Server with IIS on a company server, resulting in a single default Web site, http://CompanyServer. The administrator then created two additional website, one for each department: marketing group and human resources department.

Although CompanyServer, And Marketing, And HumanResources hosted on the same computer, each will appear as a separate website. These departmental nodes have the same security settings as if they were on separate computers because each node has its own access settings and administrative permissions. In addition, administrative tasks can be distributed among employees of each department. For more information about hosting multiple hosts, see Assigning host header names, addresses, and ports to Web hosts in the "About Determining Addresses by Names" section.

If you are creating a large number of nodes, be sure to consider hardware limitations and upgrade the hardware if necessary. For more details, see Vol. IIS Resource Guide Windows 2000 Resource Kit.

Properties and property inheritance on nodes

Properties are values ​​that can be set on a Web site. For example, you can use it to change the TCP port assigned to the default Web site from 80 to a different port number. Node properties are displayed in the properties window and are stored in a database called metabase.

During IIS installation, various properties are assigned default values ​​and displayed in the Properties window. You can use the default values ​​offered by IIS or customize these settings to suit your web publishing needs. Adjusting default settings can sometimes add new functionality, improve performance, and enhance security.

Properties can be set at the node level, at the directory level, or at the file level. Parameters set at the top level, such as the node level, are automatically used, i.e. are inherited at lower levels, such as the directory level. In addition, the values ​​of these parameters can be changed individually at a lower level. If you change a property for an individual node, directory, or file, changing the underlying properties setting will not automatically override the value of a property that was explicitly set at a lower level. Instead, a message appears asking you to confirm whether to change the individual node, directory, or file property to match the new primary property value.

The values ​​of some properties are in the form of a list. For example, the default document value could be a list of documents that will be downloaded if the user does not specify a file name in the URL. Other examples of properties stored in list format are special error messages, TCP/IP access control, script mappings, and MIME mappings. Although these lists typically contain multiple elements, IIS treats the entire list as a single property value. If a user modifies a directory-level list and then makes a global change to node-level properties, the directory-level list is completely replaced by the new node-level list; Lists are not merged. Additionally, list format property values ​​are displayed only at the primary property level and at the site or directory level where those properties were changed from their default value. Lists are not displayed if they represent inherited defaults.

The following illustration shows the properties window where you set properties for all Web sites.

You can press the button Reference in the Properties window for information about setting individual properties.

Website Operators

Site Operators are a special group of users who have limited administrative privileges for individual Web sites. Operators can administer properties that affect only the corresponding nodes. They do not have access to properties that affect IIS, the server computer, or the network.

For example, an Internet service provider that hosts many sites from different companies may appoint a company representative to operate the company's Web site. This method of distributed server administration has the following advantages:

  • Each operator can act as a site operator and can change the Web site configuration as needed. For example, an operator can set access permissions for a Web site, allow logins, change the default document and notes, set the expiration date for site content, and enable content ratings.
  • The site operator is not permitted to change the site ID, configure the anonymous user name and password, throttle bandwidth, create or change virtual directory paths, or change application sandboxing.
  • Because operators have more limited privileges than site administrators, they do not have the ability to remotely browse the file system and therefore cannot set directory or file properties (unless they use a path that follows the universal naming convention).

For instructions on specifying the Windows user accounts used by site operators, see Assigning site operators.

Remote node administration

Because it is not always convenient to perform administrative tasks on a computer running IIS, there are two options for remote administration. If you connect to the server over the Internet or through a proxy server, you can use the HTML version of Internet Service Manager to change the site properties. When working in intranet You can use either the HTML version of Internet Services Manager or the one located in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). Although the HTML version of Internet Services Manager offers many of the same capabilities as the Internet Information Services snap-in, property changes that require coordination with Windows utilities cannot be made using the HTML version of Internet Services Manager.

Note. In previous versions, the Internet Information Services snap-in was called Internet Services Manager.

The HTML version of Internet Services Manager uses a Web site that is listed in the Administrative Web Sites list to access IIS properties. After IIS is installed, a port number between 2000 and 9999 is randomly selected and assigned to this Web site. This host responds to web browser requests for the names of all domains installed on the computer, provided that a port number is appended to the address. If Basic authentication is used, you will be prompted for a username and password when accessing the site. Only members of the Windows Administrators group can use this node. Web site operators can administer Web sites remotely. For instructions on using the HTML version of Internet Services Manager and the Internet Information Services snap-in, see Remote Administration.

Note. Although the HTML version of Internet Services Manager has many of the same functional characteristics as the IIS snap-in, the HTML version is designed as a Web page. Right-click actions are not supported. Many familiar toolbar buttons or tab titles appear as links in the left frame. Because of these differences, many of the instructions in the documentation may not accurately describe the specific actions performed in the HTML version of Internet Service Manager.

Electronic documentation is also available when performing remote administration tasks. To obtain this documentation, launch your web browser and type http:// ServerName/webmast/iis/misc/default.asp, Where ServerName- the name of the computer on which IIS is running.

MIME mappings can be configured at the computer, Web site, virtual directory, directory, or file levels. To configure MIME mappings at the machine level, use the Internet Information Services Properties window. To configure MIME mappings at other levels, use the HTTP Headers properties window.

Note. MIME mappings configured at the computer level automatically override settings made at lower levels.

A website is a group of interconnected web pages hosted on an HTTP server on the Internet or intranet. Most websites have a home page that is linked to other pages using hyperlinks. You can use top-level sites and subsites to break content into individual, separately manageable sites. Top-level websites can have multiple subsites, each of which in turn can have subsites. This entire structure is called a site collection.

This hierarchy allows users to have one main work site for the entire team, sites for individual work, and shared sites for side projects. Top-level websites and subsites allow different levels of control over the site's capabilities and parameters. The website administrator controls the creation, modification of, and access to content on the site.

What is a workspace?

A workspace is a unique website that provides team members with tools and services for document collaboration and meeting-related resources. A workspace can contain lists of information such as related documents, team members, and links. To create a workspace site, you must have permission to create subsites for that SharePoint site. Windows SharePoint Services allows you to create the following workspace sites:

Workspace site


Workspace for documents

A template on the basis of which a site is created for team members to collaborate with documents. It contains a document library for storing the main document and supporting files, a list of tasks for assigning assignments, and a list of links to resources related to the document.

Basic meeting workspace

A template for creating a website that provides everything you need to plan, organize, and track meetings. It contains the following lists: "Objects", "Participants", "Agenda" and "Document Library".

Empty meeting workspace

A template for creating a blank meeting workspace site that you can customize to suit your needs.

Meeting Workspace - Solutions

A template for creating a meeting workspace that team members can use to view related documents and record decisions. It contains the following lists: Goals, Participants, Agenda, Document Library, Tasks, and Decisions.

Meeting Workspace - Social

A template for creating a site that provides an event planning tool that includes a discussion board and a drawing library. It contains the following lists and web parts: Members, Directions, Image/Logo, Items Required, Discussions, and Picture Library.

Multi-page meeting workspace

A multi-page template for creating a website that provides everything you need to plan, organize, and track meetings. It contains the following lists: Goals, Participants, and Agenda, as well as two blank pages that you can customize.

Website templates

Windows SharePoint Services has the following collaboration templates that you can use when creating sites:

Website template


Group website

This template creates a site that you can use to create, organize, and share data. It contains a document library and basic lists such as Announcements, Calendar, Contacts, and Links.

Empty site

A template for creating a site with a blank home page that you can customize using a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible browser or web page editor to add interactive lists and other features.

Wiki site

A template for creating a website where you can quickly and easily add, edit, and link web pages.

A template for creating a website where you can publish information and allow other users to comment on it.

Application Templates

These templates are designed to meet the requirements of specific business processes or task sets. They can be used in common situations such as managing a help desk or tracking a marketing campaign. To learn more and download templates, see the Application Templates for Windows SharePoint Services web page.

What is a page?

A web page is a part of a site that displays lists of information that allow team members to organize information exactly the way they need it, such as by topic, due date, or author. For example, you can:

    Filter content to see only the data you need.

    Hide information you are not interested in.

    Change the order in which information is displayed.

    Set up custom views that let team members quickly focus on important information.

How to create a website home page? Before you start training let's figure out what kind of page this is and why, in fact, it is the main one.

How to create the main page of a website using Frontpage

In fact, everything is simple here. E This is the very first page from which the creation of any website begins. It displays the name of the site in the browser and it contains the main idea.

This is a kind of entry point for visitors to the site. Only then do visitors move from it to other sections of the site and view secondary pages.

From the technical side, the main page is a file calledIndex.htm. This file is created automatically when the Web site is created.

To create a Web site, you must be proficient in the hypertext markup language HTML. If you don’t know him, then there’s nothing wrong with that. With the help of the Frontpage program, this problem can be solved very easily.

Remember how in the famous Russian fairy tale about Koshchei the Immortal: " ... there's a chest hanging on an oak tree, there's a duck in the chest, there's a hare in the duck, there's an egg in the hare, there's a needle in the egg...“So we will first create a folder for the site, in the folder we will create a website, and in it there will already be a file, which will be the main page of the site.

Frontpage Training

1. Create a folder for the site

Let's start creating our page. To do this, first create a regular folder on your computer. We call it "How to create a website from scratch" . Our website will be located inside this folder.

Create a folder for the site

2. Create a Web site in the Frontpage program

Open the Frontpage program (you can download it for free) and in the menu "File" press " Create"

In the right column select the line "Single Page Website" and double click on it

Select a folder on your computer

After we have selected the folder, click "Open"

Save the website to a folder

3. Creating the main page.

That's it, we can say that our site is ready! Subsequently, you will transfer it from your computer to the Internet. And now it is in a folder that looks like this:

If we open the folder, we will see that the site consists of two folders and a file

To folder _private don't pay attention. We won't do anything with her.

Folder Images. This is the folder in which pictures and photographs for the site will be stored.

File Index.htm- this is the very first one home page of the site. Now it is empty and if we put it on the Internet, we will see a blank white sheet

Frontpage training

You have learned how to create the main page of a website. Very interesting lessons await you ahead. This is to fill the page with pictures, text and post it on the Internet. And you will end up with a website. To do this, let's move on to the next lesson on creating a website and learn how to set the site language.

To speed up the completion of laboratory work, it is possible to copy data via the clipboard to create a page with frames clauses 2.3.1, 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 from a file with methodological instructions.

2.1.1 Create and design a website containing web pages. To do this you need to run the command File 4 Create 4 Single Page Web Site, select an option in the dialog box Single Page Web Site. Then switch to mode Transitions(tab at the bottom of the Front Page window ) , then double-click on the file name index.htm in the center of the screen. Then you should place the data shown in Figure 1 on the sheet: enter the text according to the sample, arrange the pictures. To create a logo for the name of the store, you can use the WordArt tool.

To customize the appearance of the home page, you need to use the command Format4Font, in which you need to select the font color and typeface. Next you need to save the page.

To create a page with frames shown in Figure 2, in the navigation area, select the index.htm file and run the command File 4 Create 4 Other page templates, in the dialog box that appears Page Templates select tab Frames page, then select a template Announcement and table of contents, and click on the button OK. After this, go to page editing mode, then you need to click on the button Create a page in every frame.

Figure 1 Home page example

To design the top frame page (Figure 2), insert a table of one row and three columns. Then place pictures in the columns of the table, then move the borders of the columns to the size of each of the pictures and align them to the center. Then right-click on the table and select the command in the context menu that appears Table properties.... In a group of elements Borders set the table border size to zero to make the border invisible.

To write menu items on the left side of a framed page, you should also use a table consisting of one column and four rows. Each menu item is recorded in a table row.

On the right side of the page with frames, you should enter text, formatting it accordingly.

After this you need to run the command File4Save,to save all new pages. Each page will be saved under its own name. The page being saved will be highlighted with a blue frame. For example, the top frame page should be named baner.htm, the left one should be mnu.htm, the right one should be text.htm, and the page with frames itself should be named start.htm. The result should be a page with frames, shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Example of creating a page with frames

After creating the page with the start.htm frames, you should begin creating other pages that will contain information on each of the menu items located in the left frame.

Note. The data contained on the created web pages can be transferred using commands for working with the clipboard from the electronic version of the FrontPage guidelines installed on computers.

Create a new page on which, in Constructor place the following information.