Play market error upon receipt. Error when receiving data from the Play Market server

Error RH-01 that occurs when you try to install or update an application from Google Play Market, a fairly common occurrence - many owners of Android smartphones complain about this problem. This problem is most often encountered by users who have installed custom firmware on their device. A message appears on the screen: “ Error when receiving data from server RH-01" There is a way to overcome the problem, but first let's look at what causes it. It turns out that despite the fact that the error message directly indicates problems with the server, the reason lies not in it, but in the Android device on which they are trying to install from Google Play new software or update an already installed application.

Found to date four solutions, allowing you to cope with the error RH-01 in Google Play.

Method 1: Set the correct date and time.

The inability to install and update applications is often misunderstood set date and time. We won’t go into details, but the failure is explained by a mismatch between dates and license expiration dates. If this is the only reason, then the error when receiving data from the RH-01 server is removed very simple:

Most likely, this solution will help solve your problem. If not, then you should use the methods described below.

Method 2: Reboot your Android device.

One of the simplest and quick ways Many errors can be resolved by simply rebooting the Android device. Try restarting your smartphone and try updating or downloading again the right application.

Method 3: Clear cache and Google Play data.

An equally common way to get rid of errors is to clear the cache and Google data Play. It also works in the case of error RH-01. Execute next steps:

Still seeing an error when trying to update or install from Google Play? There is another solution.

Method 4: Re-add your Google account.

If none of the previous methods worked, the only option left is to add again Google account- perhaps this will help you get rid of the RH-01 error in Google Play." Run next steps:

Perhaps this is all we can help you with today. We hope that the error when receiving data from the RH-01 server will no longer bother you. If you have own way get rid of this problem, share it with our visitors - we will be very grateful to you.

Sometimes on Google Play Market Some kind of glitch occurs due to which the user cannot log into his account, download the application or update it. What is the cause of the server error, and how to fix it; how to prevent? Let's try to understand the main problems and find their solution!

Why there may be a problem with the Play Market

Google Play Market is a voluminous application that integrates almost all programs installed on an Android device. The main function of the Market is timely update these programs. Thus, the user does not need to waste time visiting developer sites to get the “latest” version of their product. You just need to configure automatic update.

Google Play Market application

Of course, this level of integration requires an account to store data about installed applications. Since the Play Market belongs to Google, the account is linked to it, and accordingly, Google. And if any problems arise with it, then they are transferred to the “Market”, and therefore to installed applications. Conversely, malfunctions in the Market can lead to errors in the entire account. However, don't panic right away. Perhaps in your case everything can be solved “in two clicks”.

What could be the reasons malfunction Google Play Market? Below is a list of the most common ones.

  • Error operating system;
  • Large amount of residual data, cache;
  • Error Play settings Market;
  • Disabling the "Download Manager";
  • Google account error;
  • Incompatible applications;
  • Incorrect date and time on the device.
  • This list lists problems in order of decreasing likelihood of occurrence. Before we jump straight into solutions, let's look at what types of errors may appear.

    Types of errors

    Error Play servers Market

    There may be several Play Market errors. Although each is technically different in nature, the reasons are usually similar for all. This article is intended to help solve only those errors that are listed below.

  • Error code 491/481. Applications are not downloaded and/or updated.
  • 919. The program is downloaded, but it cannot be launched.
  • 403/413/504. Applications are not installed or updated.
  • 923. Your Google account is not syncing or your cache is full.
  • 921/. Applications are not downloaded.
  • 492. Cache problem.
  • 911/919. Applications are not downloaded.
  • //. Receiving information from the server is impossible.
  • Invalid batch file. There is a file or cache problem.
  • The occurrence of any of the presented errors is the result of failures of the Google account or the entire system. Some of them may appear when installing applications, others when updating them. Whenever they arise, a set of actions must be carried out to solve them. It is impossible to single out a specific method for solving this or that error, since they all manifest themselves in different cases and for various reasons.

    So, if you receive a message about any of the presented errors, check out the solutions to solve them.

    How to fix server errors in the Play Store

    As already indicated, the root cause of a particular error is difficult, almost impossible, to identify. Therefore, to solve any problem you need to take several mutually exclusive steps. They are presented below in order of execution.

    Checking some parameters

    Before you begin the following steps, make sure that:

  • The date and time on the device are correct;
  • There is an Internet connection;
  • Google accounts included.
  • Despite the ridiculous banality, it is often the restoration of these simple factors that helps restore normal work Play Market. If everything is in order here, go to “Step 1”.

    As simple as it may sound, sometimes a simple reboot really helps. The fact is that when you turn off the device, part of the cache is automatically deleted. So, by rebooting your phone or tablet, you can get rid of erroneous files or data.

    To reboot, hold down the device unlock key. In the window that appears, select “Restart”. If you don’t have it, click “Turn off power”, and then turn on the device manually by holding down the same key.

    Reboot your device

    Reset settings and clear cache files

  • Go to the “Settings” of the device;
  • Find the “Program Manager” or “Applications” menu item;
  • In the list that appears, find Google Play Market;
  • Open it and press the “Erase data” and “Clear cache” buttons in turn.
  • Erase residual data and clear the cache

    In most cases, these actions are quite sufficient. If they didn't help, move on to the next step.

    Uninstalling all Play Market updates

    Play Market updates can sometimes bring disruption to the system, especially if you have relatively new model devices. Removing them can help deal with the problem of errors. However, please note that in this case, the settings of the Play Market itself will be reset to their original settings.

    To remove updates, go to the Google Play Market application settings, as we did in “Step 2”. Now click the “Uninstall updates” button.

    Delete Play updates Market

    Clearing data from Google Play Services

    This application is responsible for correct work basic Play Market functions, such as updating or installing programs. Sometimes clearing the cache and contents of “Services...” helps to fix the mentioned errors. To carry out “Step 4”, find “Google Play Services” in the list of programs installed on your device (as we did with the Play Market). Then click “Erase data” and “Clear cache” in sequence.

    Cleaning up Google Play Services

    Activating the Download Manager program

    The Download Manager application is responsible for the device’s hardware ability to download programs from the network and install them. Sometimes the “Manager...” functions may be disabled. To enable them, do the following:

  • Find the Download Manager app among installed programs(as in steps 2 and 4).
  • Go into it and click on the “Enable” button.
  • Reboot your device (see “Step 1”).
  • If the “Download Manager” was indeed disabled, you must enable it, even if this did not help fix the errors. Otherwise, you will not be able to download programs at all.

    Enable the “Download Manager” functions

    Deleting your entire Google account

    Often errors occur due to problems synchronizing your Google account with the Play Market. To fix this problem, you will have to delete your account.

    Deleting your account without first synchronizing will result in the loss of personal data. To avoid this, you must use the data backup function.

    Backup is carried out as follows. Go to the “Settings” of the device and find the “Accounts” item. Then select your Google account by clicking on it.

    Find "Accounts" in "Settings"

    Click on your name mailbox to enter the synchronization (backup) menu.

    Click on your Google account name

    In the menu that opens, you will see several items and sliders next to them. When the slider is enabled, the relevant data will be backed up. We recommend leaving all sliders turned on. Now press the Options hard key on your phone or tablet (usually touch button to the left of the Home button). In the window that appears, click “Synchronize”.

    Click "Sync"

    After synchronization is complete, you can delete your Google account with peace of mind. The delete button, as you probably noticed, is located in the same place as the “Synchronize” button.

    Reboot your device and sign in to your Google account again (just go to Play Market or Gmail). The device will prompt you to restore your account data from Google servers. Now all applications from the Play Market installed on your device are normalized and synchronized. But if this step did not help you, move on.

    Removing incompatible programs

    If you have previously installed any programs not from the Play Market, there is a high probability that they are harming your account. It is especially worth highlighting applications for working with the functions of the Market itself. For example, those used for free receipt paid bonuses from games.

    Job malicious applications breaks data synchronization across the entire device and can lead to serious problems. Often such programs are equated to viruses. Therefore, they must be removed immediately. If you did not install them yourself, we recommend using an antivirus, for example, “Dr. Web". Install it and scan and then clean the device.

    Install antivirus "Dr. Web"

    Reset Android OS settings

    This step is, of course, quite radical. Resetting the OS settings will result in loss of application data and will also restore the phone (tablet) to factory settings. However, quite often this method allows you to get rid of all potential problems. Perhaps even from those you didn’t even know existed. You can also perform a factory reset if you don't want to go through the steps above.

    Eliminating errors through software intervention

    This method can be very effective, however, it requires minimal knowledge of the Android OS, as well as some IT skills.

    We do not recommend that you attempt the following unless you are confident in your abilities. Responsibility for implementing the proposed actions will remain with you, because, as a result, the device may completely break down.

    So, first, download a file manager for Android devices. A good example V in this case is " Root Explorer" After downloading, follow these steps:

  • Open the Root Explorer program.
  • Go to: /data/data/
  • Delete all data from the specified folder.
  • Without closing the program, go to “Options” -> “Permissions” and check the boxes exactly as shown in the screenshot.
  • Using "Root Explorer"

    Now you just need to restart your device and try to go to the Play Market.

    Correct Google work Play Market, in essence, means the normal operation of the entire operating system. Therefore, even if you do not need to download or install applications from the Market in the near future, but any of specified errors occurs, it needs to be corrected urgently. This will help nip potential problems in the bud, and therefore save both your personal data and the device itself.

    Most of our gadgets run on complex Android system. It is convenient to download and install applications when Help Play Market, but when working with this program, when receiving data from the server and quite often you have to deal with this error. Let's try to figure it out what does it mean this error and what ways are there to get rid of it.

    Error while receiving data from server rh 01

    When receiving data from the LSI server, an error does not allow you to enter the market and install the selected application from it. The reason is notserver error as reported in the notification,namely problems with the Android device.

    Method 1

    After the appearance of this ailment, the question arises: “how to fix error rh 01 in play markete? " To do this, you need to do a number of actions:

    • Reboot your device - often this simple action helps fix the error. It’s better not to just reboot, but to completely turn off the device for a few minutes, and then turn it on again.
    • Make sure the date and time are set correctly. A mismatch between the date, time, or network time zone and real time often results in an error. Correcting these settings will often help resolve this error.
    • Remove and re-add your account Google entry– in the device settings you need to delete your Google account, restart the device and enter your account information again. This procedure can help get rid of the unfortunate error.

    Method 2

    If the first method did not help to fix the problem, and the error appears in the play market rh 01 again. What to do in this case? To solve the disease, you need to perform a few more simple steps:

    1. Go to the device settings, and from the Google application Services Framework we delete all data.
    2. We go to the Google Play Market and delete the cache and all data from it.
    3. We delete data and clear the cache in Services Google Play and Download Manager.
    4. We return to the desktop and reboot the device.
    5. After the device is turned on again, the Play Market works without errors.

    Bottom line

    In order to fix the error rh 01 in the play market on a phone or other device running the Android operating system, you need to perform a number of simple steps that were described above. After this, the Play Market will continue to function and allow users to download the necessary games and programs without this unfortunate error appearing. We hope you found our material useful and interesting.

    Majority modern smartphones runs on the Android operating system. All applications in it are installed using the built-in Play Store Market. It's very convenient - just choose the desired program from the thousands presented in the catalog, and it is immediately downloaded and installed. However, it happens that error RH-01 occurs when you try to open the Play Market. When this happens, the app store becomes unavailable and you won't be able to download anything from it. This confuses many users, but everything is not as scary as it seems. The problem can usually be solved on your own.

    Fixing error RH-01 in the Play Market.

    Error RH-01 appears when there is a problem receiving data from the server where the store is located. This means that the smartphone or tablet cannot communicate with it and download it home page. There are several reasons why the Play Market displays an error such as RH-01:

    • Failures in the operating system or its incorrect setting.
    • Problems with the Play Market program itself.
    • Use of root access on the device, due to which some programs or services could be mistakenly removed or disabled.
    • Incorrect Google account settings on the device.
    • Usage third party programs, to buy game currency for free using fictitious data. Most common Freedom program. It makes changes to the system hosts file, and because of this they appear different problems when connecting to the server. It must be removed.

    All this is not scary and can be completely solved on your own. A screwdriver and soldering iron are not required for this.

    How can I fix error RH-01

    In each situation you need to act differently. But usually the reason is unclear, and it happens unexpectedly, literally “everything worked yesterday, but today it doesn’t.” That's why we have to try different ways solve the problem until it goes away. It’s better to start with the simplest ones, which, by the way, usually help solve the problem of eliminating RH-01.

    Setting the correct date and time

    The first thing you must do when error RH-01 appears in the Play Market is to check the date and time. They may be correct at first glance, but the time zone may be incorrect. To do this, you need to go to “Settings” - “Date and Time”, and check there and, if necessary, set the correct parameters. Also pay attention to the time zone. Sometimes like this simple steps help and the problem is solved. But if the Play Market still reports a problem, then try the following methods.

    When error RH-01 occurs on your phone when you try to access the Play Market, and previous method didn't help, you can just try rebooting it. When this is not done for a long time, errors accumulate in the operating system, some background services may not work properly or turn off completely. In addition, during operation, the system creates many different temporary files that slow down its operation. As a result, different error codes appear, including RH-01 in the Play Market. Normal reboot A smartphone can solve a huge number of problems, including this one. The newly started operating system clears the garbage accumulated in the previous session and restarts all necessary services. Therefore, the error may disappear by itself, since program reasons for her it’s just not.

    Clearing temporary Play Market files

    Sometimes the Play Market displays error RH-01 if the application has accumulated too many “junk”, that is, temporary files. They are created during the operation of almost any program, and upon completion they remain on a flash drive or in the built-in memory. When a lot of this garbage accumulates, it greatly slows down the operation of the system as a whole, and the application may not work correctly or may not start at all. Therefore, it is useful to periodically delete these temporary files. To clear the temporary folder Play files Market, you need to go to “Settings” - “Applications” and select “Google Play Market”. This screen has a prominent Clear Cache button, which is what you need. If there are a lot of temporary files accumulated, cleaning will take some time, so you will have to wait. Also use the “Erase data” button.

    Perform the same operation to clear temporary files for “ Google Services Play" and " Google Services Framework". IN different versions operating system and different phones Some of them may not be in the list of applications, so clear out those that are named. Restart your smartphone and see if error RH-01 disappears. This method often helps.

    Error in Google account

    Sometimes connection failure in the Play Market with error RH-01 occurs due to an incorrectly configured Google account. For example, you could change the password for it on your computer, but on your smartphone it remains the same, so the application cannot access the store. To get to your account settings, go to “Settings” and at the very bottom there find the “Accounts” section - you are interested in “Google”, tap on this item and it will open. You will see your Google account by email name gmail mailbox. Tap on the name of the mailbox and go to the settings of this account. Sometimes enabling synchronization in your account settings helps, but not always. It’s safer to delete the account completely from the device - use the “Delete account” menu item to do this.

    Now, if you launch the Play Market, you will be asked to enter your Google account username and password. Enter them correctly and see if the RH-01 error disappears.

    Reinstalling Google Play Market

    A Google Play Market failure may also be accompanied by error RH-01. If the previous methods did not help, you can try reinstalling the store application itself. To do this, you must first stop it and then remove it. Go to “Settings” - “Applications” - “Google Play Market”. Next, use the “Stop” and “Disable” buttons. You will see a warning that disabling Play Market may interfere with the operation of other programs. However, be persistent and the program will be stopped. After that, use the “Uninstall updates” button. That's it, the application is disabled and deleted.

    To install the store again, you need to go to Applications again and find it in the list, and then simply enable it. The application will be installed from copies of Android, which was installed on the smartphone by the manufacturer, therefore Play version Market will be the same as it was originally. When connected Internet Play Market will be updated to latest version. Usually reinstalling the Play Market helps solve the problem with RH-01, if others, more simple ways don't help. The above methods for solving the problem are usually sufficient. All of them are quite simple and do not require qualifications. But if all else fails, you may need to update the firmware of your smartphone or tablet, and this is best left to a specialist.

    Tell us in the comments if you have encountered the RH-01 error and what method of solving it helped. Any advice you have will help our readers in a similar situation.

    Some of Android users, trying to update another application through the Google Play Market, may encounter an error when receiving data from the RH-01 server, associated with a problem in obtaining server data. IN this material I will analyze what this error RH-01 is, when it occurs, and also explain how to fix the error in the Play Market.

    Error in Play Market

    Despite the mention in the text of an error when receiving data from the server, I would not blame the latter. In most cases, it is not the server that is to blame for a problem in the Play Market RH-01, but mobile device user whose functionality has been modified. In particular, the cause of this problem is incorrect settings of Google Play Market or manual suspension (disabling, deleting) the operation of one of the important system services.

    This dysfunction is often found in various custom firmware and rooted phones, in which the “playful hands” of some users managed to remove a number of programs necessary for the OS to work (in particular, the Google Services Framework).

    The RH-01 server error can also be caused by incorrectly set date and time on the phone. As mentioned above, the user encounters this error when you try to go to the Play Market, download or update any application there. Also the mentioned error manifests itself during synchronization user account Google, when a person encounters a message about a malfunction of his gadget. Instructions on how to use the Play Market on a laptop.

    Method 1. How to fix the error

    At the moment, there are several options for solving the problem in the Play Market. I will list them all, starting with the simplest.

    Method 2. What to do with the error

    Method 3. Play Market gives server error RH-01

    • Checking file permissions. If you have root rights on your device, then go to the /System/App section and check the permissions of the GoogleServicesFramework.apk and Phonesky.apk files (they need to be rw-r-r).
    • Reset the device. If all else fails, then save the necessary data from the device to your PC, and do full reset your gadget to factory settings (I do this through “Settings” - “Backup” - “Data reset”);

    How some of the tips I listed for correcting error RH-01 of receiving data from the Play Market server look visually can be seen in the video:


    As you can see, there are many tools to combat the RH-01 error in the Play Market. In most cases, clearing the cache and data of the above-mentioned applications, as well as deleting the Google account and then re-creating it, is enough. If all else fails, then you can try resetting your phone to factory settings - this usually helps solve most problems with Google Play Market errors.