Why the seller on Aliexpress asks to cancel the dispute: how to identify an unscrupulous seller. Aliexpress close the dispute

The Aliexpress website is a large online trading platform that combines hundreds of stores and their representatives from China. It is not uncommon for buyers to receive defective or broken items instead of the desired new thing. You can solve the problem through a system of disputes between the user and the seller. As a result, the store owner and the customer usually come to a mutual agreement. In such cases, the buyer needs to know how to cancel the dispute on Aliexpress.

When should a dispute not be closed?

The user may encounter a situation where the order is supposedly sent, but the store owner did not provide a postal identifier. It is recommended to open a dispute and observe the seller's reaction. You can’t trust the store owner if he tries to verbally convince the buyer that the order has been sent and goes to the user. Can I cancel the dispute on Aliexpress after the seller offers the correct postal ID? In this case, the dispute should be closed.

If the contents of the received parcel do not correspond to the order, the user is entitled to a full refund of the amount paid. For a partially damaged product, the buyer can only receive a partial refund. To get the full amount back, you will have to send the package back.

You should not cancel the dispute as soon as the seller offers to send another product for replacement. The buyer will no longer be able to open the dispute again if the product turns out to be defective, or even not sent at all. The user needs to wait for the arrival of the goods in the proper form. Up to this point, it is not recommended to close the dispute.

When can a dispute be cancelled?

There are situations when everything is in order with the mail identifier, but the order protection period is coming to an end. The buyer has to open a dispute. Is it possible to cancel the dispute on Aliexpress if the seller asks for it? The dispute should be closed only when the store owner extends the order protection period.

If the parcel contains a defective product, the buyer opens a dispute. You can cancel it if the user is completely satisfied with the conditions of the seller.

Unscrupulous sellers

Sometimes dishonest store owners ask to close the dispute. You can perform this procedure, but only if the protection of the order has not yet ended. If the deadline has expired, the dispute will be closed automatically and the store owner will receive the money. The seller may ask the buyer many times to cancel the dispute. You can not close the dispute if the delivery time of the order has already passed.

Promises of store owners to send a different product

What should I do if the seller asks to cancel the dispute on Aliexpress, undertaking to send another product? Upon receipt of a defective product, the store owner's request to close the dispute should be ignored. Otherwise, the buyer may be left without money. It is worth remembering that sellers want to receive payment for goods as quickly as possible. So they need the dispute to be cancelled.

For low-quality goods, the seller is punished by the administration of the Aliexpress trading platform. If disputes over a defective product open frequently, then the store may close. To avoid such problems, sellers from China are deceiving.

There are times when store owners ask to cancel the dispute on Aliexpress, promising to return the money to users through PayPal. Unscrupulous sellers turn to buyers with such offers. In such cases, the site administration does not guarantee the security of the transaction. Sellers can receive funds and disappear immediately after the dispute is cancelled. An open dispute should be closed only after the refund.

Asking sellers to confirm receipt of goods in advance

There are situations when the buyer places an order, and then receives a message from the seller. The store owner asks to confirm receipt of the package in advance. The seller explains that he urgently needed money. The reasons may be different: the treatment of a close relative, the purchase of food for children, tuition fees.

The user sees that the postal ID is perfectly tracked and confirms the receipt of the package. The buyer then discovers that the order has been shipped to a different address. Therefore, you cannot confirm receipt of the parcel until it arrives and has been checked.

How to recognize unscrupulous sellers?

The buyer can guess the intentions of the store owner by the following signs. The seller sends messages asking to close the dispute, offers to return the funds using PayPal. He can also start playing for time, repeatedly extending the order protection period. What should I do if the seller canceled the dispute on Aliexpress or wrote that the buyer was trying to deceive him? In such cases, you need to edit the information, add new evidence and convert the dispute into a claim.

At this point, the administration of the Aliexpress website should come to the rescue. When the dispute is over, the order will be closed. The further outcome of events depends on site administrators. If the buyer loses the dispute, he will lose his money.

How to cancel a dispute on Aliexpress?

First you need to log into your personal account. Then you should go to the order page. The user will see that the dispute is open. How to cancel a dispute on Aliexpress? To do this, click on the Cancel dispute button.

A window will appear with a drop-down list and a field for comments. You must select the reason for canceling the dispute from the list, add a description and click on the "confirm" button. In this case, all problems with the seller must be resolved.

Self-closing of the dispute cannot be a guarantee of a refund or replacement of goods. Unscrupulous sellers can be found everywhere. When closing a dispute, you must be careful not to be left without an order and the funds spent on it.

Is it possible to open a dispute on Aliexpress after its cancellation?

Every situation has its own rules. You must carefully monitor the order protection timer and your actions. If there is still time, the buyer can reopen the dispute after canceling it. Problems can arise at any stage of the parcel delivery. If disputes over postal identifiers are successfully resolved, then this is not yet a guarantee that orders will arrive safe and sound.

Therefore, the system has the option of opening a dispute for the second time. If necessary, you can ask the store owner to extend the time. After the expiration of the order protection period, it will not be possible to open the dispute again. It is necessary to distinguish between the icons "accept" and "cancel" the dispute. If the buyer clicks on the first button, this will mean that he agrees with all the conditions of the store owner and closes the dispute.

After the expiration of the order protection period, the user will not be able to open a dispute again. If the terms of the seller are accepted by the buyer, then the dispute is considered closed. Therefore, you should not click on the "accept" icon until the order has been received and carefully checked.

Closing an aggravated dispute

How to cancel a dispute on Aliexpress if it was transferred by the user to a claim? To do this, open the dispute page. Then you need to click on the link "complaint processing center". After that, you need to click on the "cancel claim" button. A window will open with a list of circumstances that prompted you to perform this procedure.

The list contains the following lines: compromise, refund to the user, receipt of the goods by the buyer, other. From this list, you must select the reason for canceling the aggravated dispute. A brief description should be entered in the "message" field. Next, you need to click on the "confirm" button. After sending the refusal, a window will pop up in which you need to mark the line "yes, I want to cancel the claim."

By clicking on this button, the user will close the complaint. The dispute will be terminated. It should be borne in mind that the return of money to the buyer is carried out not by the seller, but by the administration of the Aliexpress website. The funds will be transferred to the user's account within a few days.


Administrators are not responsible for the promises of sellers. Therefore, customers cannot be 100% sure that store owners are telling them the truth. In an uncertain situation, the dispute should be left open. Should I cancel the dispute on Aliexpress? It is not recommended to do this until the order arrives.

Otherwise, the buyer may be deceived. It is worth noting that the dispute is an excellent mechanism for dealing with unscrupulous store owners. However, you need to know how to use it correctly. Before canceling the dispute, you need to demand reliable guarantees from the seller.

How to dispute on Aliexpress

4.5 (90%) 8 ratings.

Negotiations with the seller when conducting a dispute on Aliexpress do not always lead to the desired result. It often happens that sellers underestimate the amount of compensation or refuse to return money at all. The Aliexpress administration helps to resolve such a conflict. The terms for considering a claim are not regulated and may be delayed indefinitely, depending on the complexity of the situation.

How to turn a dispute into a claim on Aliexpress

An aggravated dispute is the transfer of a dispute to the Aliexpress court under the control of an intermediary. The decision made by the Aliexpress mediator is final and not subject to further consideration.

In order to convert the dispute into a claim, you need to click the "Escalate Dispute" button. It becomes available if the seller has rejected the buyer's demands. If within 15 days the conflicting parties could not reach a mutual agreement, the dispute automatically goes to the mediators. After you have converted the dispute into a claim, you will have to be patient. answer all questions of the mediator and, if necessary, provide the required evidence. The process of considering an aggravated dispute takes place according to the principle: “Only the mediator asks questions!”. The parties only answer when asked.

Statuses of an aggravated dispute

An aggravated dispute can have several statuses:

  • Initial acquaintance or clarification of the decision (Processing);
  • The seller's response is expected (Waiting for other party`s response);
  • Waiting my response;
  • Waiting for both party`s response.

During the initial acquaintance or clarification, the terms may be delayed from one to several weeks. The response time of the seller and the buyer is limited, as a rule, to 7 business days. Although Aliexpress notifies both parties of the status of the escalated dispute by email, the buyer is advised to monitor the status of the claim on their own. In this case, ignoring cannot be allowed, because if the buyer does not respond within the prescribed period or does not provide the required evidence, the dispute will be closed in favor of the seller.

Monetary compensation is discussed in several stages. At the first stage, the buyer will have to consider once again the offer of the seller. To get acquainted with the proposed amount of compensation, you need to click the "View seller solution" button.

You can refuse the offer by clicking the "No Thanks" button. This action will not be reflected in the dispute history. In this case, you will again have to wait for the decision of the Aliexpress mediator. When answering the next question of the mediator, the buyer can provide additional evidence by clicking the "Respond Now" button.

If you accept the seller's decision, the dispute and the order will automatically close, and the agreed amount will be paid to the buyer within the specified time frame.

You can view all the actions of both parties in the history of the dispute.

How to cancel an aggravated dispute?

If you decide to cancel the aggravated dispute, click the "CANCEL ARBITRATION" button. After this action, the order will automatically close, and the money will be transferred to the seller in full. Please note that the re-sending of the goods by the seller is not a basis for closing an aggravated dispute, because the final result will be known only after receiving the parcel. The dispute is closed only if the problem is resolved in your favor. For example, you received a parcel delayed in transit, the received goods fully comply with the characteristics declared by the seller. Re-shipment of the goods is expected without closing the aggravated dispute.

Claim decision

A decision in favor of the buyer in case of escalation of the dispute can be made in the following cases:

  • The seller agreed with the buyer's demand;
  • The decision on the claim was made by the Aliexpress mediator.

And in the first. and in the second case, the buyer will receive a corresponding notification by e-mail. In your personal account in the "Operations" section, opposite the corresponding order, information about the closed dispute and the amount of compensation will appear. Details of a closed dispute can be viewed by clicking on the "View data" link.

The status of your order will also change. If until now the status was “Awaiting confirmation”, then after the dispute is closed in favor of the buyer with a refund, the status will be “Payment processing”.

You can find out at what stage the refund processing is in the "Payment" tab on the order page. The Refund Information section will indicate whether a refund is being made and the status of that refund. According to the Aliexpress regulations, a refund is made within 7-10 business days.

All people at some point in their lives have been involved in a heated argument: both are convinced that the other is wrong and no one wants to retreat a single step. You have tried everything: iron logic, tearful manipulation, and louder and louder screams than the interlocutor's - and neither side has given up. So what do you do to resolve the dispute? It's simple: calm down and start listening.


    Take it easy. When people experience intense anger, their ability to reason is lost. If both of you or one of you is in a fit of anger, pause for a few minutes to breathe a little - half an hour or more if necessary.

    Listen. Figure out exactly what the other person wants you to hear. You don't have to agree with everything. Many fights go on ad infinitum just because both sides are trying to be heard, but neither is listening. When you start listening, you break the vicious circle.

    Confirm your understanding. Summarize the other person's position you heard by paraphrasing it in your own words and ask if you understood it correctly. "Let's see if I understand you correctly. You want to say…?" By shifting your focus from finding out who is right to getting the other side right, you stop fighting for the right to "make your own verdict." Thus, you create an opportunity to correct any misunderstanding, and if you understood the other person's point of view correctly, he can now be convinced of this.

    • An honest attempt to understand the other person demonstrates good intentions. Often at the root of a quarrel lies a mutual doubt about the good intentions of the interlocutor.
  1. Make sure you understand too. Ask a second person, if they don't mind, to summarize your position. If he can't do this or still hasn't heard you, ask if he wants to hear what you're trying to get across now.

    • Formulate your request without blaming or blaming the other person for misunderstanding you. This is possible by clearly articulating your responsibility to get your point across, rather than the other person's responsibility to understand you. For example, say "I'd like to make sure I got my point across" rather than "I'd like to make sure you get me right."
  2. Find common ground. After a person has been listened to and understanding of his point of view has been confirmed, many disputes subside by themselves: this means that there was no real disagreement from the very beginning. If disagreement remains, take a pause to list the points on which you agree with each other. For example, if it's an argument over which one of you gets to take out the trash, take a moment to see if you both agree that you both want the house to be clean and that household chores be shared fairly. You will not quarrel if you see that the subject of the dispute is based on a position shared by both of you.

    • If part of what the other person said prompted you to change your mind, now is the time to say so. If you have been helped to realize something important or correct any mistake, thank you.
    • Don't use agreement on other points as a tactic to logically back the other person into a corner and force them to admit they're wrong. It is this tactic that throws fuel on the fire. Real agreement will come only when the time comes for it. It's impossible to force you to agree.
  3. Formulate controversial points. Now that you have a clear idea of ​​each other's positions and understand exactly where you agree with each other, take the time to verbalize the points of disagreement. Very often, quarrels drag on and do not bring any result just because neither of the parties fully understands what, in fact, the dispute is about!

    • Putting the disagreement into words, either you will very quickly come to a common opinion about the subject of the disagreement, or not. In the latter case, you will give yourself and each other the opportunity to hear something important that you have not heard yet. Or you may find that there is really no disagreement between you.
  4. Think about what options you have. What can you "do" to resolve the dispute? Here are some of the more practical options:

    Decide how you will make decisions. By this point, you may have already resolved all your differences. If not, come up with a plan for how to resolve them. Perhaps you decide to contact a third party, cast lots, meet for discussion in a day or two, or check some facts that may be relevant to the issue. At this point, you can agree on exactly which approach to resolving this disagreement you both share.

  5. Celebrate your victory! You started by experiencing an outburst of anger about what seemed to you a dead end, then you heard each other and together found a way out of this dead end. It begs the tradition to celebrate the common success: a kind joke and laughter, if the reason was just a stupid misunderstanding, or perhaps a handshake or a couple of glasses for mutual understanding.

    • Give up trying to be "right." The desire to always be right in an argument is a sure way to provoke it forever. People argue for years about who is right and who is wrong, unless they find another way to spend their energy. This is a situation where there are no winners. There is an old saying: "Do you want to be right or happy?" Learn humility.
    • Farewell. If the person has done something that upsets or hurts you, openly forgive him, even if he did not ask for forgiveness. For example, “Listen, I'm really upset that you came without telling me because I think it's rude. But I believe you didn't mean to be rude, maybe you just forgot to call, so I'll just count on you calling next time. Good?"
    • Develop the skill of non-violent communication. Be empathic with the other person's feelings and share your own, openly define the hidden needs each of you is trying to fulfill, and then express what you would like the other person to "do". This shifts the conversation from asking who is right and who is wrong, or demanding the other to give in, to the level of each acquiring what they really want.
    • If the other person raises their voice, it's best to ask directly, "Why are you yelling?" This may cause him to pause and switch to self-perception, perhaps even wondering, “Why am I really screaming?” And the conversation can continue in a calmer way.
    • Apologize. If there is something you really need to apologize for, do it. Even if you didn't do anything wrong, you can apologize for the negative impact your words and actions had on another person. Sometimes an apology is enough to completely disarm the other person and calm their anxieties and hurt ego. Sometimes it's exactly what the other person was waiting for. Often the quarrel is exhausted as soon as one of the parties apologizes.
    • Read about dispute resolution tactics in the wikiHow How to End an Argument in 30 Seconds and try to resolve the dispute as quickly as possible.
    • Focus the conversation on something positive. Offer to do something that you both enjoy. It may look unnatural at first, but it reduces the level of anger...try it. Cheer yourself up and do not have time to look back, like a quarrel as it happened.


    • Avoid extremes in words so as not to set rigid boundaries and not use unreasonable generalizations. Words such as "always" and "never" usually do not reflect the true state of affairs and only provoke anger and worsen the situation.
    • Some people may just enjoy arguing and getting involved in arguments. If this is the case, learn to recognize such situations and simply step back from the argument.
    • The fastest way to end an argument is to agree with the second person, even if you don't really agree with them. If you do not want to continue a relationship with this person, this is completely justified. However, false consent does not reflect good intentions. In a relationship, false agreement is an avoidance tactic, especially when it comes to an issue that is significant to the relationship. This is disrespectful, and it sows the seeds of alienation - your own alienation, because your needs are not being met. If you are stuck, one way to get out of it is to say, “This is how I feel about this situation. You can accept it or be upset, but I don't want to fight about it anymore."
    • Do not humiliate the other person and do not make fun of his opinion. Taunting is not constructive, most people will eventually just use the same weapon against you!

Consider the most common situations when canceling a dispute on Aliexpress, which lead to a loss of money.

The protection timer in the order ends, but the goods have not arrived. The buyer, of course, opens the dispute for a full refund for the appropriate reason.
In response, the seller puts forward a zero return decision (“No return and no refund”), with a convincing request to wait another week. And if the goods do not arrive, then he will definitely return all the money.

The first mistake is the wrong cancellation of the dispute.
The buyer agrees with the seller's arguments, but instead of the "cancel" button, he clicks on the "accept" button. Thus, he thinks that he accepts the seller's request to wait a little more.
But in reality, the buyer decides on a zero return. It is this parameter that is important. As a result, the dispute is closed and the buyer does not receive anything. There will no longer be an additional opportunity to open a dispute on this order. Then it remains to wait and hope that the package was still sent and that it will eventually reach.

The second error of incorrect cancellation of the dispute
The buyer agrees to wait for the parcel and, without checking whether the protection timer has been extended, cancels the dispute. If the time on the buyer protection timer is over, then along with the cancellation of the dispute, the buyer will no longer be able to open the dispute again. The result corresponds to the first situation.

How to cancel a dispute on Aliexpress?

To cancel the dispute, and at the same time retain the ability to reopen the dispute, you need to:
1) Check if the buyer protection timer has been extended. If extended for a sufficient number of days, then you can cancel the dispute. If not, then you need to ask the seller to first extend the protection timer.
2) Cancel the dispute by clicking on the "Cancel dispute" button

Dispute Aliexpress is one of the forms of dispute resolution between the buyer and the seller. According to the Aliexpress policy, each buyer can open a dispute if he is dissatisfied with the quality of the goods, did not receive the order on time or at all, the seller sent the wrong color or size, etc. In this case, the buyer can count on a full or partial refund of the cost of the goods. According to the rules of the site, the seller cannot ask to close the order until it is received or not open a dispute in case of poor quality service. To resolve disputed orders, the seller and the buyer are required to discuss a further solution to the problem, but if the seller does not agree to the terms of the refund, then the buyer is obliged to open a dispute in order to officially return the money. If the seller asks to cancel the dispute, then the buyer will not receive his money back. There are several ways to act in this situation: accept the conditions of the seller or wait for the intervention of the site administration. The correct solution to the problem depends on the situation. We will talk about this further on what to do if the seller asks to close the dispute and how to identify an unscrupulous seller.

Dispute - a form of appealing an order for Aliexpress. Any user who is not satisfied with the seller's product can open a dispute. An order can only be disputed when the goods have been received and confirmed to have arrived, or if the delivery period has expired and the goods have not been received. You should not close the dispute if the goods have not yet arrived. The seller may ask to close the dispute, but if you have not come to a unanimous decision, then you should wait for the dispute to escalate. If the order has not arrived, although the delivery time has expired, the buyer can request a full refund of the purchase price, and the seller is obliged to accept the terms and return the money. You can close the dispute only if the seller accepts the conditions specified in the dispute parameters. If the dispute is closed, then the order, respectively. If the seller is acting dishonestly and does not want to return the money, you can appeal the dispute within a certain time. For each order, there is a certain period for appealing the dispute. You should not close the dispute in several cases:

  • after opening the dispute, the seller did not respond to the dispute;
  • the seller asks to close the dispute without compensation;
  • the seller offers to return the money without a dispute;
  • the seller offers an alternative solution that is detrimental to the buyer;
  • the seller provided false information about the track;
  • the order was not received in a timely manner and the seller blames the transport company without the possibility of a refund;
  • there is no information about the order, the seller himself extended the protection period for the buyer;
  • the seller did not send the order before the end of the processing time;
  • the product does not match the description, the seller refuses to compensate the cost;
  • the seller sent the wrong product, and does not admit his guilt.

Any situation related to poor-quality service or goods requires a solution through a dispute. The seller does not have the right to demand the closure of the dispute until the situation is resolved and the buyer has received compensation. In any situation that contradicts the terms of the dispute, you do not need to close it. If the dispute is not resolved between the parties, then the site administration will intervene and, based on the order history, will decide what decision the seller should make.

When can a dispute be cancelled?

If the dispute is open, but the situation has been resolved, then it can be closed until a final decision is made. That is, if the dispute is opened on the basis of the absence of the parcel on time, and then it arrives with a delay, then in fact the seller is not to blame, respectively, the dispute must be withdrawn. Also, the dispute must be closed if the order parameters selected by the buyer do not meet his expectations. When choosing a size or color, you can always contact the seller. Also, a dimensional grid is provided to help in choosing parameters. If you did not ask for help and, guided by the information on the site, you chose a thing that is small for you or has a slightly wrong shade, in fact, the seller is not to blame. It is noteworthy that if the actual measurements of clothes do not match the description, then this is still the fault of the seller and you can demand a refund.

Cancellation of the dispute is possible at the initial stage of its opening. That is, if you just started a dispute, you have 7 days to resolve the problem with the seller, after which the Aliexpress administration will intervene and decide on the outcome of the dispute on its own. If during this time, the order has arrived or the seller has offered another solution that suits you, then you can cancel the dispute. A completed dispute by the buyer can be appealed. If the dispute escalates, then after reviewing the order history, it will be closed automatically. In other cases, when the order does not match the description, the seller sent the wrong thing or the package was lost, and there is no tracking information, you need to end the dispute only after it is resolved.

Unscrupulous sellers

Promises of store owners to send a different product

If the product arrived with a defect or the seller sent the wrong product that was placed in the order, a situation may arise when the seller promises to send a new product. Firstly, if you need to exchange goods, you still have to open a dispute. For this, the form "Only return" is provided. The buyer returns the goods to the seller, and after receiving it, he sends a new one. This is a lengthy procedure, and sellers want to get money as soon as possible, so they can offer the option that the buyer closes the dispute, and the seller simply sends a new product. Secondly, in this situation, the seller is at a loss, since he will receive money for only one product, and will be forced to send two. Accordingly, it is a scam. Promises of store owners to send other goods should be accepted only if a dispute has been opened and this decision has been discussed between the buyer and the seller. In this case, the order history is fixed and it will not be closed during the exchange. Also, if an exchange of goods is provided, the buyer will have to send the received item and inform the seller of the track number, and when the seller receives the first item, he will send a new product. The procedure will take several months. If you ordered one, and the seller sent another, it is better to open a dispute for a full or partial refund, keep the item and re-order. It will be easier and more reliable, because in any case, through a dispute, you will be refunded the money.

Asking sellers to confirm receipt of goods in advance

Sellers do not have the right to ask buyers to confirm receipt of the goods before the parcel arrived. This violates site policy. If the order is still in transit, the buyer must wait until it has been received or the delivery time has expired before acknowledging receipt. If the buyer confirms receipt in advance, and the goods arrive defective, then a dispute can be opened within a certain period. After its expiration, the dispute cannot be opened. Sellers' requests to confirm receipt of goods in advance are due to the seller's desire to quickly receive money for the goods. You should not confirm receipt until the order has actually arrived, since the site has certain regulations. First, the package arrives, then the buyer confirms receipt, writes a review, etc. If the goods are in poor condition or did not arrive, then you need to open a dispute. If you close the order in advance, then the buyer protection will be completed. Conscientious and honest sellers do not ask buyers to confirm receipt before the parcel arrives.

How to recognize unscrupulous sellers?

The main advantage of the Aliexpress website is that each user can leave feedback and their opinion about the product and cooperation with the seller in general. You can recognize unscrupulous sellers by looking at the rating and the number of orders. It is rare on the site that the store has no orders at all, and the rating is not available for viewing. If the store was created relatively recently, then the rating might not have formed yet, but if the store is a year or more old, then the lack of a rating is a serious reason to doubt the seller's integrity. Another indicator of reliability is reviews. If there are no reviews, then it is impossible to determine the reliability of the seller. Some sellers use bots to generate reviews, and then they contain the same message repeated several times, supposedly from different users, which in reality is not. If the store has no reviews, no rating and ratings, then it is better to look for another store.

But if you have already become a victim of a scammer, and he does not send the order for a long time, then you can cancel it before sending it in the order management. If the seller sent you the wrong track number, write him a private message. He could do it by mistake, then he will give a new one. If this is a scammer, then wait until the buyer protection period expires and open a dispute. In the case of an order from an unscrupulous seller, you can count on a full refund.

How to cancel a dispute on Aliexpress?

If you have already opened a dispute, and then decided to cancel it, then this must be done before the dispute escalates. To do this, go to your personal account and open the "Returns and disputes" section. It contains information about all the disputes that are ongoing at the moment. Until the dispute is closed, select "Cancel dispute". Then confirm the cancellation again. After that, the status of the dispute will change to "Dispute closed". Make sure that you really want to cancel the dispute, because once it is over, it will be impossible to appeal.

Is it possible to open a dispute on Aliexpress after its cancellation?

After the dispute is over, it can be resumed, but a limited amount of time is given for this. You can appeal the decision of the dispute within 7 days from the date of the end of the dispute. As soon as you confirm receipt or close the dispute, the seller receives money for the goods. After the dispute is canceled, it closes, so it cannot be resumed, but you can appeal and try to return some of the money. This is possible if, for example, the goods went for a long time, there is no information about the track, you opened a dispute and at that moment the package arrived. You have examined it and are satisfied with the product. Accordingly, there is no point in the dispute now, and you cancel the dispute. But after the first use, the product breaks down. You can quickly appeal the dispute and provide evidence, then you can return at least part of the money, but after the expiration of the dispute appeal period after the exchange, it is not subject to appeal.

Closing an aggravated dispute

An aggravated dispute is a dispute in which a third party intervened, that is, the site administration. In this case, the closure of the dispute occurs if the buyer and the seller do not come to a unified agreement, or if the seller does not agree with the claims specified in the dispute. Closing an aggravated dispute is carried out by the site administration. After she analyzes the terms of the dispute, she will make the final decision. Aggravated disputes are closed automatically and can be appealed within a week after the decision is made.


Any desire of the seller to bypass the Aliexpress system is suspicious, so if the seller asks to confirm receipt of the order in advance, close the dispute or return money for the goods bypassing the payment system, do not agree to these conditions. What to do in a situation if the seller turned out to be dishonest:

Situation Her decision
The seller asks to confirm receipt of an order that has not yet arrived Do not agree to these terms, wait for the package to be received or the end of the buyer protection period
The seller asks to cancel the dispute Do not accept the conditions, ignore the messages and wait for the dispute to escalate
The seller does not send the goods for a long time and extends the processing time himself Cancel an order before it ships
The seller sent the old track number, and the parcel is not tracked Ask the seller to send the correct tracking number, wait until the end of the delivery period and open a dispute
The seller asks to give 5 stars for a bad product Based on the ratings, a rating is formed, therefore, by agreeing to deception, you let other buyers down
The seller asks to write a good review Write reviews that match your impression of the order
The seller offers to close the dispute and return the money in another way You will not receive your money, wait for the dispute to end after the escalation

Video: why does the seller ask to cancel the dispute?

Aliexpress has its own rules that both the seller and the buyer must comply with. The site provides seller guarantees that in case of exceeding the delivery time or poor quality of the goods, the seller will return the money. All questions about the return of money are resolved only through a dispute. If you doubt the integrity of the seller, do not take his word for it. Learn more about why the seller asks to cancel the dispute from the video: