Change home page. How to change the home (start) page of the browser? Setting up a home page in Mozilla Firefox

Hello. To view pages on the Internet, we use special programs - browsers. There are several of them today. But the main and popular ones are Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser, Microsoft Edge. Due to the nature of our activities, the first thing we do when entering the Internet is to open a specific site on our topic. A politician - news, a financier - opens a portal with the latest data on the financial market, a lawyer - monitors the latest innovations in the legislative framework, an athlete - monitors sports news. Most young people immediately go to social networks. In a word, everyone starts the day by receiving useful information for themselves.

Over time, everyone determines for themselves one resource that is most useful for them, which they constantly visit. Most people, when they first launch their browser, enter the address of a site that contains useful information for them.

Today we will set the most useful site as the home page. That is, when you open the browser, a site with useful content will automatically load. How to do it? Now we’ll tell you for beginners.

How to set the home page in the browser? So, let's start, as always, with the most popular today - Google Chrome.

Setting the start page or pages in Google Chrome

Let's take as an example the website of the Vesti program ( with the latest news in various areas of activity.

Open our browser, go to the Main Menu and select Settings.

On the new Settings tab, select the group of settings “ Open at startup»

The default was set to "New Tab" as visual bookmarks. Read how to install them in our article “”. We need to choose the third option - Specified Pages. Select this item and click on the link Add.

In the pop-up window in the field, enter our website address for the Vesti program. The address is immediately added and a new field for entering the address appears at the bottom. This way, you can add several of your most visited sites, which will automatically open when you launch your browser.

If you want to add all open tabs while you are in Settings to start-up, press .

To remove a page from the list, select it and click on the cross. After all pages have been added, click OK.

That's it, the start pages have been added successfully. To check, close the browser and launch it again. The browser automatically opens the specified pages upon startup.

Setting up a home page in Mozilla Firefox

In a similar way, you can set the home page in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Let's go to Main menu and press the item "Settings".

On the settings tab "Basic" indicate the address we need

And although additional fields for entering pages do not appear here, you can still add several pages. How to do it? To do this, first open the necessary pages that you want to open when you start the browser in different tabs, then go here to Settings and click " Use current pages».

You can also add a page from your browser bookmarks to the start page. To do this, just click Use bookmark. Next, in the bookmarks window, select the desired bookmark.

Restart the browser.

Home pages in Opera

Setting up a home page or pages in the Opera browser is almost the same as in Google Chrome. Let's go to Main menu, select the item Settings

To quickly access Settings, you can use the keyboard shortcut Alt + P.

Everything else is familiar to us. In the “At startup” settings group, set the “Open a specific page or several pages” item, then click “Set page” and in the pop-up window indicate the address of the desired page or pages. Exactly the same as in Google Chrome. After adding pages, click OK. Restart the Opera browser.

Start page in Yandex Browser

Yandex Browser is different from all of the above. It is not possible to install any other page except the main Yandex page. You can verify this by going to Settings.

Here they only offer to open the quick access page or open those tabs that were open when the browser was last closed. If there is nothing to restore (there will be no tabs), then the browser will open the default start page -

Launching home pages in the Microsoft Edge browser

With the release of the new version of Windows 10, a new Microsoft Edge browser has appeared, included in this version of the operating system. This browser also has the ability to add pages for the first time you launch the browser. To do this, open the menu “ Additionally", then the item " Options»

In the “Open with” parameter group, set the “Specific page” parameter, indicate the page to be added in the empty input field and press plus. After clicking on the “+”, the page is added and a new input field opens. This way, you can add as many pages as you need to start the browser.

That's all for today. We looked at how to set the home page in various browsers. Thank you for your attention. Until next time.

Life is what happens to us while we are making plans for the future.

We visit some sites much more often than others, and it would be very convenient to make them open automatically or faster. To do this, you can change the start or home page to your favorite ones. On browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex Browser and Microsoft Edge (new Internet Explorer), changing these pages is quite simple and even inexperienced users will not have any problems.

The difference between the start page and the home page

First, let’s clarify the concepts of what start and home pages are:

  • the start page opens automatically when you start the browser;
  • home - only when you click on the corresponding icon in the toolbar.

There is nothing stopping you from making your start and home pages point to the same address.

Initially, the start page was conceived as an opportunity for accelerated access to your favorite site. But usually this only causes a novice user unnecessary hassle when using the Internet. By default, the official website of the developer or the address of a search engine is indicated as the start page. It also happens that when you launch the browser, a “wrong” site opens, which is completely uninteresting to the user. This can all be solved by changing the settings so that the address you need or an empty tab opens.

Some browsers use "start" and "home" instead of "start" and "home".

How to customize the start or home page: install, change or remove

For almost all browsers, these steps are approximately the same, but we will look at everything in order.

Google Chrome ("Google Chrome")

  1. Launch the browser and go to settings by selecting the appropriate item in the main menu.
  2. To assign a home page, in the Appearance category, check the box next to Show Home Button. In the submenu that appears, click "Edit".
  3. After these steps, an icon with a house will appear to the left of the browser’s address bar. Through it you can quickly get to the home page.
  4. Assign the desired home page by selecting Next Page. Enter the desired address and click OK.
  5. To change the start page, go to the “Open at startup” category in your browser settings. Select "Specified Pages" and click "Add".
  6. Enter the address of the desired start page in the window that appears.

You can use open pages as start pages by selecting the appropriate item in the window for adding start pages.

Video: how to change the start page in Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox (“Mozilla” or “Firefox”)


  1. Launch the browser and open the main menu by clicking on the corresponding icon in the upper left corner of the screen. Select "Settings".
  2. In the "On startup" category, select "Open a specific page or multiple pages." Then click Set Pages.
  3. In the window that appears, sequentially add and enter the addresses of the desired pages, then click “OK”.

The “Home Page” function is not provided in the Opera browser. The developers thought that the express panel would be sufficient.

Yandex browser

  1. Open the main menu by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner of the browser window, then select “Settings”.
  2. To change the start page, select “Tableboard with favorite sites” in the “Open on startup” category.
  3. Now, when you start the browser, the so-called “Zen” window will be displayed with your set of sites.

In Yandex Browser, there is no selection of the start page in the usual sense. The home page invariably remains the address of the Yandex search engine. You can go to it by clicking on the icon with the letter “I” to the left of the address bar.

Microsoft Edge ("New Explorer")

  1. Open your browser's main menu and go to settings.
  2. After scrolling to the bottom of the list of options, click on the “View advanced options” button.
  3. In the Show Home Button category, move the slider to the right until it changes to On. Then select a specific page and enter the desired address. Don't forget to save by clicking on the floppy disk icon.
  4. To change your start page, go back to Settings and in the Open Microsoft Edge With category, select Specific Page or Pages. Then enter the desired address and click on the floppy disk icon to save the changes.

If the page does not want to change and nothing helps

If you still get the same unwanted page, even after changing the settings, the problem is a virus.

If you have an antivirus installed, use it to scan your computer and remove all suspicious programs, after updating the virus signature database.

If you do not have an antivirus or it did not detect malicious code, you can use a program from Malwarebytes. It is designed to remove unwanted software.

Users are not always satisfied with the standard options for the browser's home and start pages. This often happens when the browser comes with the or Yandex home page preinstalled. In addition, the start page may change after installing various programs or browser add-ons. Once you understand how to configure these functions, you can easily change them at any time.

Hello, dear readers of the computer help site. In today's article, we'll look at how to change the browser's start page, or in other words, the "home" page that is loaded when it starts, using the example of all known Internet browsers.

Users are not always satisfied with the standard home or start page of the browser; this happens when, for example, the browser comes with the home page installed, but Yandex or Google is required. There is also a situation when the start page changes on its own, after installing any programs or add-ons for the browser, viruses and others are usually to blame for this, I advise you to read the article. Well, if it’s not a virus, but you need to change this page of your own free will, just because you don’t like it or aren’t happy with it, then in this article we’ll figure out how to change the quick access page in your browser.

How to change the browser start page.

Let's look at the example of all the major browsers, starting with the leader of browsers - Google Chrome (Google Chrome).

How to change the start page in Google Chrome.

And so, to change the home page in Google Chrome, you need to click on the settings icon in the upper right corner under the cross, then select “Settings”. In the window that opens, in the “Open at startup” item, opposite “Specified pages”, click on “Add” and enter the address of the desired site there.

If you look a little lower, there will be an item “Appearance” and opposite “Show Home Page button”, you can enter the address that will open when you click on the “Home Page” button:

You can also open the home page using the Alt+Home combination; you can see the full list of Google Chrome hotkey combinations.

How to change the start page in the Opera browser.

To change the home (start) page in the Opera browser, you need to click on the "Opera" icon, then "Settings" - "General settings", or use the hotkey combination Ctrl +.

In the “General” settings window, in the “Home” item, you need to enter the address of the desired site and click “Ok”.

How to change the start page in Mozilla Firefox.

In Mozilla Firefox this is done like this: “Tools - Settings - General” and opposite “Home Page”, you need to enter the site address. Just above, in the line “When you start Firefox”, you can also select the option to open the page when you start Mozilla Firefox; in the drop-down menu you can choose from three options: “Show home page” (the site address specified below will open), “Show blank page" (a blank Mozilla Firefox tab will open) and "Show windows and tabs opened last time" (tabs that were last viewed, i.e., that were not closed, will be restored). In general, if you want the desired site to load at startup, then you need to select the first option “Home Page”, and below enter the desired address and whenever Mozilla Firefox is launched, this site will load.

How to change the home page in Internet Explorer.

"Tools - Internet Options - General", enter the address in the "Home Page" window, then click the "Apply" and "Ok" button. In new versions of Internet Explorer, for example in Windows 8, you just need to click on the settings icon in the upper corner, and in the drop-down menu select “Browser Options”, on the “General” tab in the Home page line, enter the desired address.

How to change your home page in Safari.

In the Apple Safari browser, changing the start page is as easy as in the examples above. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu, then “General”, in the “Home page” item enter the address.

Yandex browser.

Sometimes, users have a question: how to change the start page of Yandex.Browser? The fact is that in this way, as in the examples above, it is not possible to change the page in the browser from Yandex, there is no such option, i.e. it is there, but you can’t set another site to load; the choice only falls on either loading the site, or the quick launch page, or restoring the last open tabs. But you can put another site on the quick access page in another way. To do this, you need to right-click on the Yandex Browser shortcut, select "Properties", on the "Shortcut" tab, in the "Object" line, enter the address of the desired site, thus: - enter the site you need.

After this, you need to go to the Yandex Browser settings and select the download method, in the “Where to start” line, select “Open quick access page”.

Now the Yandex Browser has a quick access page installed and when it starts, the site that you specified in the properties will load.

This is probably where the article on changing the quick launch page in the browser ends. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments.

The home page is also called the start page, because it is a tab that opens immediately when the browser starts, unless you have previously set the saving of open tabs - in this case, those pages that were in the browser before it was closed are launched.

This is also the main page that you go to when you click on the Home button. Users are often not satisfied with the start tab, so the question arises of how to change the home page in Internet Explorer. Fortunately, it is changing. This is quite easy to do. Now we'll tell you how.

Why does the start page change?

We all download and install certain programs on our PC. Some of them can change browser settings, in particular, change the start page. This does not mean that the program must necessarily be infected with a virus, but nevertheless, changes have been made. The user may categorically disagree with them, especially if he was not informed about this.

Home tabs can also change due to viruses. If you have not installed any programs, run an antivirus scan of your system. It is likely that you will have at least one. After removing the virus, you can safely change the changed start tab (usually some kind of advertising) to your old one.

As a rule, the starting site is Yandex or any other search engine. This is convenient - you can immediately enter a request without unnecessary clicks.

Windows 8 has two versions of IE. One of them has a classic look, and the second opens from the start screen. The start page changes in two browsers at once. A kind of synchronization.

Method No. 1

We make changes through the settings of the browser itself.

Let's launch IE. Click on the gear icon. Next, there is a choice in favor of the penultimate item “Internet Options”.

Go to the “General” block. In the first section, change the default link to the address of the future start tab. We recommend that you copy it in advance. For example, enter the address of the Yandex or Google search engine.

Click "Apply" and then OK.

Restart your browser. The page will be changed immediately.

The next time you open a new browsing session or a new window (or click the house-style Home button), the home tabs will load automatically.

There may be several starting sites. In this case, you need to place them each time on a new line in the same field.

If you currently have a tab open with the site that you want to make home, click on the “Current” button.

To restore the default home tab, click on the “Original” button.

If after all the procedures the browser somehow starts to work incorrectly, restore it to default settings. To do this, go to the “Internet Options” window and click on the “Reset” button. Next, check the box next to “Delete personal settings” and click on the “Reset” button again. The ability to roll back to the original version of the browser saves you in case of any incorrectly changed settings.

Method number 2

You can also set up your Internet Explorer home page using another method.

  • Go to the Control Panel via Start.
  • We need the “Configuring computer settings” section. Click on the “Internet Options” object. Since IE is a standard browser, it is its settings that can be changed.
  • Go to the “General” block and enter the page url, as in the previous method. The change will also take effect after restarting the browser.

Setting up the start tab in IE will not take much of your time. You can immediately open it in the browser and then just click on the “Current” button so as not to write manually or copy the address from the navigation bar.

The start tab allows you to go straight to the site you want when you launch your browser. There is also an option to install multiple sites. If you press the Home button, several of them will open at once.

The start site is the one that opens first by default when the search engine starts, or when you press “Home” or a certain key combination. This function is needed for ease of use and quick start in the browser. As a rule, the start page is set by the program manufacturer - this is a common search or messaging system, the manufacturer's website, or a panel that gives quick access to several resources.

We will tell you how to install, change or delete the home page in different browsers

In almost all browsers you can edit the start bar or page. The user does this for himself to make it more convenient to work. For example, he can set another search engine, email service, news or weather site, etc. to launch by default. In this case, the procedure for changing the starting resource depends on the specific program.

In addition, when downloading files, the user often forgets to uncheck the boxes in which the program offers to set its resource as default. Often these services have poor functionality or even harm the computer, and it is impossible to get rid of them in the usual way. There is a universal way to remove an intrusive start tab.

Google Chrome is the most popular search engine in most countries of the world, however, not all users know how to change its initial resource. This is done through the browser settings - you can change the settings so that Google launches a specific tab (possibly several) when you start working.

Setting up a home resource through a search engine:

  1. Click on the Chrome menu, go to “Settings” - a new tab will open in the browser.
  2. Select the Show Home Button option found in the Appearance menu.
  3. On the left side relative to the search bar there will now be a button with a house symbol, which is needed to quickly return to the “Home Page”.
  4. Click “Change”, set the start page with which it is convenient for you to start working in the browser.
  5. A window will open where the current page is entered, which is launched by default, and you need to indicate the desired site in the field.
  6. Insert the website address into the box so that it is counted as the starting website.
  7. You can also click on the “Quick Access Page” option, which is needed to use Google search and access several favorite sites.
  8. Save your progress, then check the functionality - the resource specified earlier should start.

Setting up is very easy

Configuration via startup actions. Unlike the previous method, this one will help you open not only the default resource when you launch Google Chrome, but also one or more specially designated ones. Setting algorithm:

  1. Click "Menu" in Chrome, go to "Settings".
  2. In the “Open at startup” item, activate one of the options: “Open a new tab” (search bar and bookmarks), “Open previously opened tabs” (closed when the last work session ended, including accidentally) or “Open specified pages” ( you can specify one or more).
  3. When selecting the latter, click “Add”, then enter or copy links to resources in the window (it is not recommended to add a lot if you are using a weak computer, and also to use the function for someone else - this will violate confidentiality).
  4. It is possible to open current tabs at startup - this way you won’t have to copy links to resources.
  5. Save the changes by clicking “OK” and check if everything works.

You can choose which pages the browser will load on startup

Unlike other browsers, in the version of Google Chrome for mobile devices you cannot set a default resource or assign tabs that will open at startup. However, if you do not close certain sites, they will appear the next time you use the search engine. In addition, if you close all tabs before turning off the program, then when you start it again, the main window will open with a search bar and a panel of frequently used resources.


The process of setting up a home page in Opera is almost no different from Google:

  1. Click “Menu”, then select “Settings”, then “General settings”.
  2. Click on the “Basic” tab.
  3. In the On Startup option, click Start from Home Page.
  4. In order to install the starting resource itself, enter the site address or click “Current page” if the desired one is already open.
  5. Save your settings.

When you launch Opera Mini, a panel appears by default, displaying bookmarks that are popular with the user.

The procedure is similar to the previous viewer


The Yandex browser is made on the same engine as Google Chrome, so they are similar in many ways. The same goes for the controls - the developers have made some differences, but it is still similar.

In Yandex, it is not possible to set an arbitrary site as your home site. Perhaps this was done to ensure that users used only services from this developer, and did not set other search engines and resources as their start page. However, Yandex offers 3 convenient options:

  • “Open quick access page” - when you start the browser, a tab will appear with a search bar and a resource panel, the location of which depends on how often the user opens them. You can remove unnecessary ones and add desired ones, as well as move cells.
  • "Restore tabs opened last time" - this will restore the last working session. Convenient for those who always leave the same resources open, for example, mail, weather forecast or news.
  • “Open Yandex if there are no tabs” - an option that will send the user to the main resource of the search engine if all resources were closed before turning it off. In this case, Yandex itself will act as home.

In this case there is less variability


Changing the start page in this browser is no more difficult than in others:

  1. Open the site you want to see as default on startup.
  2. Click on Safari Menu.
  3. In the drop-down menu, click “Settings”, then “General”.
  4. To set an open resource as the starting resource, click “Set current page”.
  5. If you want to make another resource home, then enter or copy its address in the box.
  6. Save the settings and check if they work.

The Apple browser has similar functionality

Mozilla Firefox

The procedure for installing the start page through a browser on a computer:

  1. Open the site that should become the starting site.
  2. Click “Menu” - “Settings”.
  3. In the “General” section, find the item “When Firefox starts” - “Show home page”.
  4. Click “Use current page” or paste the link to the desired site into the special field if you have not opened the resource.
  5. You can also click on “Use bookmark” - a window will appear in which you can specify one of the desired resources.

The configuration will not cause any difficulties for the user

Installation on phone:

  1. By default, on mobile devices, the starting tab is the tab with the panel of the most popular resources. To open the start page, click “Menu”, then “Bookmarks” - “Home Page”.
  2. Pin your site to it. To do this, you need to press and hold it. In the menu that opens, select “Pin site” - now it will always be displayed on the main page.
  3. To add a new bookmark to the panel, click and hold one of the unnecessary ones - a menu will appear in which you can select “Edit”, then set a new address (enter it or select from bookmarks).
  4. Close your browser. Now if you switch to another program, it will be active in the background. To see the panel docked the next time you start, click “Menu” - “Exit”.

Internet Explorer

How to install the start page:

  1. Launch the resource that should be the starting resource or paste its address into the search bar.
  2. Click “Tools” - “Internet Options” (gear icon in the upper right corner).
  3. Click "Current" to make the currently running tab the starting tab.
  4. To make Explorer open several sites when starting, enter links to them in the appropriate box (you need to make sure that each is written on a separate line).
  5. To open a simple Explorer tab on startup, select Blank.

On mobile devices there is a bookmarks bar where you can add the sites you want.

What to do if you can’t install the start page

Some users have a question about how to change the start page in Google Chrome or another browser if the usual setting does not help - nothing happens or the intrusive tab returns to its place (after restarting the browser or computer).

Most often, the cause is services like Webalta or Amigo, which end up on the computer as a virus. The PC may also be infected with malicious code, or a program may have been installed on it that forcibly changes the home page.

First of all, you can reset your browser version or settings. This will save all passwords and bookmarks, but apps and extensions will be removed.

You can also selectively remove add-ons that may be viral. These include Babylon - a translation program that changes the resource that opens by default, as well as some other settings, and then does not allow them to be edited. To uninstall Babylon in Windows, click “Control Panel” - “Uninstall a Program”. Find this application and click "Uninstall". Do the same with Babylon add-ons, such as Toolbar, Browser Protection and others. To uninstall an application on Mac OS, find it in Applications. Place it in the “Trash” and then empty the latter.

If this does not help, then download a virus removal program, for example, AdwCleaner and activate it. In some cases, the reason why a tab doesn't change is deep in the system.

Sometimes only special cleaning utilities can help

Methods that only work on Windows with any browser

Editing properties:

  1. Right-click on the search engine shortcut and select “Properties”.
  2. In the “Shortcut” tab, find “Object”.
  3. Remove the quotes and website address if there are any, and leave the rest.
  4. Do this for all browser shortcuts on the system.
  5. When you continue to use the browser, respond more carefully to notifications during installation and do not skip the points where they suggest installing a search engine or start page - click “No”.

Editing hosts

  1. Find the file C: - Windows - System32 - drivers - ets - hosts.
  2. Open it as a text document, click “edit” and delete all the contents of the file.
  3. Remove all old browser shortcuts and install new ones.

The specified file should be opened in a text editor to edit

Bottom line

The starting resource is needed to make it more convenient to start working with the browser. Different search engines offer different solutions for this.

Note. If you're using someone else's account, you probably won't be able to get rid of the intrusive tab. This procedure requires full rights to use the computer, which students or company employees usually do not have.