Posts from VK to telegram. How to format posts

Telegram messenger has great functionality that does not end with sending messages from user to user. Expand the capabilities of the application, including bots that can automate certain functions. Bots can be both extremely simple and complex and multifunctional. In this article, we will consider how to create a bot in Telegram.

Table of contents:

What are bots in Telegram

Telegram bot is automated program, embedded directly into a channel, group or messenger chat. The bot can perform the most different functions, for example:

  • Send announcements of articles from the site after they are published;
  • Collect orders;
  • Provide information that is embedded in it, for example, answer some questions.

The functionality of Telegram bots is extensive, and every year they become more and more “smart”. For example, through some bots, you can order food, call a taxi, find out how to get to a particular place, get advice on certain issue and so on. At the same time, bots work instantly, that is, by sending them a message, you almost immediately receive a response, which is extremely important in a number of situations.

How to create a bot in Telegram

There are several ways to create your own Telegram bot. The first involves the use of built-in messenger services that allow you to create bots that are simple in functionality by sending commands to a chat. The second way is complicated - it involves interacting with the Telegram API by self-creation scenarios, in other words, this way requires considerable knowledge in programming, but at the same time it is possible to create a functional solution.

Consider how to create a bot in Telegram using third party service, that is, in a simple way:

Everything, on this bot is created. manybot after successful creation the bot will offer to send a link to it so that Telegram users can subscribe.

How to set up auto-posting to Telegram from VKontakte, from the site and other services

By creating a bot according to the instructions described above, you can configure it to automatically publish information that appeared on your (or someone else's) site, in a VKontakte group, on a Youtube channel or a page in Twitter. Setting up the bot is quite simple, for this it is enough:

It is worth noting that you can connect cross-posting information from several sources to one bot. In this way, you can conveniently create an RSS feed for yourself, where messages from sites of interest to you will be poured.

This article is for those who are already addicted to Telegram messenger and checks it dozens of times a day.

The number of messenger fans is growing every day. After all, Telegram is not only for communication, the main features of Telegram are channels with interesting news and useful bots. Let's talk about the coolest of them.

It's about the IFTTT bot. With it, you can transfer information from hundreds of channels/groups to Telegram various web services, as well as manage them using commands sent to the bot. Let us examine in detail what is behind these words.

What is IFTTT?

IFTTT is a web service that allows you to link nearly four hundred other web services. With it, you can make it so that in the event of an event in one service, an action in another will be automatically performed.


  • IF a new photo is posted on Instagram, THEN save it to Dropbox;
  • IF a new letter with an “important” mark has arrived in the mail THEN change the color of the light bulbs in the bedroom;
  • IF you don't hit your daily step limit on Fitbit THEN send a reminder to iOS.

Such rules are called applets (previously called "recipes"). On the IFTTT website, you can choose from tens of thousands of ready-made applets or create your own.

Categories of services for which you can create applets: blogging platforms, social networks, cloud storage, smart home appliances and cars, note-taking and to-do list services, fitness trackers, survey and mass mailing platforms. Full list.

Now let's return to the topic of the article and see how IFTTT can be useful for Telegram users.

How to use #1. We unite social networks and Telegram

The IFTTT bot can automatically publish new posts from your social media profiles (including Facebook, Foursquare, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter) to a Telegram channel or group. Or, on the contrary, you can repost messages from the Telegram channel on the social network.

Method of application #2. Building our own news channel

With IFTTT, you can broadcast information from different sources: weather service, Wikipedia, New York Times, Apple App Store, Github, Medium and many others.

How to use #3. We organize our work more efficiently

The IFTTT bot allows you to organize a system of reminders about letters and tasks in the Telegram channel. And also access various time management services (for example, Rescue Time or Todoist) without leaving Telegram.

How to use #4. We connect Telegram and smart home

The most connected to IFTTT different types"techniques of the future": light bulbs, thermostats, switches, air conditioners, automatic doors, egg cartons, coffee makers, dishwashers and dozens of other things. As well as BMW and Tesla cars. Can be received at Telegram messages from his washing machine, or, on the contrary, you can send her orders using the IFTTT bot.

How to use #5. Letting your family know where you are

IFTTT can track your location if you install their app on your smartphone or use the Whistle GPS pet tracker.

Method of application #6. Connecting your smartphone to Telegram

IFTTT bot allows you to send to Telegram new photos from the smartphone camera, location data, new reminders, calendar events, etc.

How to use #7. Archive posts from Telegram

Photos, videos, music and messages from Telegram channels/groups can be automatically saved to cloud storage.

And now let's figure out how to implement all the features described above in your Telegram. To follow the instructions below, you need to register on the IFTTT website.

How to connect IFTTT to a Telegram channel/group?

1. We go to the IFTTT website in the Telegram section and click Connect to install the IFTTT bot. We agree to the browser's offer to go to Telegram.
2. Don't forget to click on start.
3. Enter the command /connect_channel.
4. Add the IFTTT bot to the channel / group administrators.
5. Send the IFTTT bot a message with the name of the channel/group. In my case, @ifttt_test.

How to set up an IFTTT applet?

Applets can now be connected to the channel. Let's consider how this happens using the example of an applet for broadcasting posts from an RSS feed to a Telegram channel.

1. Open the IFTTT bot and click on the button Authorize IFTTT.
2. As a result, a page for selecting applets will open. Select Send new Feed Items to a Telegram chat .
3. Go to the applet page and move the slider above the Turn on label to the right.
4. Insert a link to the RSS feed (for example, and select one of the connected channels or a group from the list.
6. The activated applet is now displayed on top of other applets on the Telegram page on the IFTTT website. It can be turned on and off as desired.
7. We wait until a new post appears in the feed and rejoice at its appearance in the Telegram channel.

Developed from 1,000 subscribers to 8,000. Since then, I realized what mistakes I made in the early stages of promoting my channel and how newbies can avoid them. Many of the aspiring creators on Telegram ask me what advice I can give. So I decided to update my old article and make the advice more relevant and correct.

This is an update to the October 2016 article.

What to post?

In Telegram, like in any other social network First of all, what matters is what you write about. It is worth considering one important point. Here, people do not want to read reposts, copy-pastes and other types of content that everyone has. Subscribers choose channels where there is an author's opinion, a unique look at popular news or niche topics. However, the topic may be popular, but it’s still worth writing about your own.

Long posts are better not to publish. Even in ordinary social networks, rarely anyone reads beyond the headline. Personally, I tend to write in the "Twitter" format. A short post with a picture and a link indicating the source. My channel feed looks like a catalog useful services and programs. Therefore, I created a list of tags that subscribers can easily find desired program. It looks like this:

When is the best time to post on Telegram

Choose right time publishing for a post is the main task in any social network. It seems to me that this does not matter for Telegram and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Your followers are in different time zones. Want to post at 3am? Please.
  2. Some subscribers have their notifications muted for your channel.
  3. Subscribers already have a whole bunch of channels.

One simple conclusion can be drawn from these three points. Telegram is like an RSS feed. Your post will be read when it is convenient for the subscriber. Therefore, do not publish too much information in a day. No one will read a “sheet” of 10,500 posts. Which I personally don't do. And on this moment I'm thinking about solving the problem - so that the feed is updated often, but subscribers do not suffer from the number of posts.

Most Russian-speaking Telegram users are Moscow and St. Petersburg. So if you want to choose the most optimal time then choose Moscow.

There is another trick. Posts can be sent without notifying users. To do this, just switch the "bell" icon and the message will go to the channel without notifications.

delayed posting

To even less think about filling the channel with content during the day, use the tools for scheduling posts. For example, KUKU.

With post scheduling, you can pre-determine posts for your feed so you can do what you love throughout the day.

How to format posts

The messenger itself does not support any formatting. Links look like http:// links . fatty text as bold, and so on. This is where bots like @markdownrobot come to the rescue. With this bot you can format your posts in Markdown markup.

With a good ability to handle bots, you can create posts with almost any design. For example, in the aggregator channel of various products from Aliexpress @aliexpressall, buttons are added to the posts:

It is important to remember here that not all Telegram clients support such markup. Therefore, some subscribers may not see the message at all. In addition, you can add votes, likes, polls and much more to posts.

How to keep channel statistics

To maintain channel statistics, it was again invented useful bot@ControllerBot. After connecting to your channel, you can request statistics from it for last month. The bot will provide you with text data in response and nice graph growth.

Mutual PR

As I wrote at the very beginning, it is difficult to reach your audience in Telegram. Therefore, one of the tools for finding two "lonely hearts" will be mutual PR. Find channels that are similar in subject matter, preferably with the same number of readers as yours. Then feel free to write to the admins with a proposal for mutual PR. Many gladly agree.

What does such a PR look like? You publish a post in your channel advertising someone else's channel. The admin will publish your ad in response. It is worth remembering that you can not overdo it with such posts. Otherwise, all existing readers will run away from spam. I post one advertising post in a day.

Key points to know:

  • VP - mutual PR;
  • "Mega" - very similar to VP. In this case, all channels wishing to participate are gathered in common list, and advertising goes simultaneously in all;
  • An hour or other time in the top - after the publication of an advertising post, at least an hour must pass before the next publication;
  • 24 hours in the feed - the advertising post is not removed from the feed during the day. Yes, the ad post can be removed.
  • Views. Some admins leave a post until it gets the right amount of views.

Prepare in advance short description channel, picture and private link. When clicking on such a link, the visitor automatically becomes a subscriber. You can get the link in the channel settings > set the channel type to "Private". Then you will receive a private link. Don't forget to change the channel status back to "public".

It’s important to start tracking conversions from VUs and ads for your channel right away. It will be difficult to do this due to the lack of tools for collecting and analyzing statistics. But it must be done, and the sooner the better. So you will immediately know which channels you need to cooperate with in the future.

I use a spreadsheet in Google Docs for this:

Channel directories

Channel directories - one more great way Express yourself. It is partly similar to mutual PR. Because you will most likely be asked to publish a catalog advertisement on your site. Someone will publish your channel for money, and someone "for thanks." In any case, getting into the catalog is much easier than agreeing on mutual PR. There are a lot of directories in Telegram and it is not difficult to find them.

For example, here is a list of useful directories from @tginfo to start your search with:

  • @CatalogTelegram - structured catalog of chats, channels and bots.
  • - channel directory with advanced statistics and repost tracking.
  • - real-time indexing of chats, channels and bots.
  • - site with channels sorted by category.
  • is the oldest channel directory.
  • - chats, channels and bots.
  • - chats, channels and bots.
  • - bots and channels with a rating.
  • - rating of channels and bots.
  • - channels of Uzbekistan.

If you want to promote your bot, then you will need bot directories:

  • @Obzorchik - bots every day, as well as sites with bots;

Of course, we didn't forget about the group directories. For example, @groupsguide and , where the most popular groups according to @comstatbot statistics.

Of course, if you don’t want to and don’t have time to delve into it yourself, then you can order a telegram promotion service on this site, where for a small percentage they will do everything for you.

In addition to catalogs, there are also author's channels aimed at publishing everything related to Telegram. With the help of such channels, you can also “reach out” to your audience. For example, the channel Your Telegram publishes news about the messenger and tips on its use. Therefore, advertising in such a channel will be of interest to its subscribers. They originally came here looking for interesting channels and news about Telegram.

The main thing is to consider the audience of the channels with which you plan to cooperate.

Buying Subscribers

The most costly, but also the easiest way to attract readers is to "drive" them for money. There are people in Telegram who will gladly attract live subscribers to your channel for money. Usually it is a few rubles per head.

You can order this type of promotion from some directory administrators. You should start with @User_Administration , which will help spread the word about you to more than 30 Telegram channels. In this case, the coverage radius will have a versatile direction and will affect most audience.

Tell about yourself on other social networks

The main location of my posts is my blog. Then there are social networks and mailing list. You probably do the same. So don't neglect your Twitter or website followers. Tell about your channel in your social groups and people will reach out to you.


I told only about the main tricks of channel promotion in Telegram. Thanks to them, I can easily retain the existing audience of my channel and attract new subscribers.

Don't just stop at these tips. Always look for new techniques to attract subscribers. To stay “in the know” of marketing in Telegram, and in other networks, I subscribed to several channels.

Automatic transmission of messages between sites, blogs and social networks can be carried out using separate software, but most often this function is implemented directly on the site servers. Autoposting to Telegram is performed using robotic accounts (bots), which are designed to simplify the user's interaction with the messenger, instantly sending commands to the server to perform a particular operation.

Auto-posting to Telegram is performed using robotic accounts

Why you need automatic publication of records from other resources

Leading in itself specific page in a social network imposes some obligations on its owner. In order for the number of subscribers to consistently grow or at least remain at the same level, it is necessary to constantly update the content, providing information that may be of interest to visitors. The work of a content manager is quite laborious, and if you need to maintain not one, but several pages from different social networks, the complexity of the task increases many times over.
The presence of the auto-posting function in Telegram allows you to connect channels and groups with external sources. That is, when information is updated, for example, on Twitter or VKontakte, it will immediately appear in Telegram. What is it for?

Publication of records from other resources occurs automatically

First, the application automatic publishing contributes more fast promotion community, as his feed will be constantly updated with new content. Secondly, in this case, it takes an order of magnitude less time to post posts, in addition, a larger audience can be covered with one entry.

Auto-posting to Telegram from Twitter, RSS, VK, YouTube

Let's go directly to one of the methods for implementing autoposting in this messenger. To do this, we will use the "services" of the chat bot. Instructions for setting up automatic broadcasting using this robot are as follows:

Implementation of auto-posting in the messenger from other social networks
      1. We find a bot in the search, click on its name and start a dialogue with it.
      2. To implement the function of automatic translation of records, the user will be asked to create his own bot. To do this, enter the /addbot command or select the "Add a new bot" item from the menu located at the bottom of the screen.
      3. In the dialog box, instructions for creating a bot will appear, according to which you must perform the following steps:
        1. start a dialogue with the bot;
        2. enter the /newbot command;
        3. come up with a name (in any language) and a link (in English), which must necessarily have the ending “bot”, for example (we will use this name in the future as an example);
        4. get a token (key) from the API and copy it;
        5. go back to the dialogue with and paste the key into the message entry field.
      4. After entering the key correctly, a message will appear stating that your token has been accepted, and the bot has been created and configured. Further work is carried out with the newly created bot.
      5. Create a dialog with , for which we press its name.
      6. We send the /autoposting command to the bot.
      7. A menu opens from which you can select the broadcast source. Available following services: Twitter, YouTube, VK, RSS.
      8. After selecting a service, it is proposed to provide a link to own account in him.
      9. We make the administrator of the channel or group for which the autobroadcast is created.

After completing all the points of this instruction, the bot will automatically update the content of a particular channel/group with new entries from the specified sources.

A simple method for implementing auto-posting from pages and groups on VKontakte

There is another robot that allows you to automate the publication of posts. His name - . Despite the fact that it is adapted exclusively for broadcasting from VKontakte, this is quite enough for many Russian-speaking users of the messenger. Moreover, the setup takes no more than 5 minutes. For this you need:

  1. Find in the search, click on his name and start a dialogue with him.
  2. To set up autoposting, the user will be prompted to follow the link and follow the instructions.
  3. When you click on the link, a page will open in the browser, where the code, for example /startL5D69NPu0KJaqybR, will be indicated, which you need to copy.
  4. You need to go back to the messenger and send a message with the code to the robot.
  5. If the code is entered correctly, the user will receive a notification about successful authorization and will be asked to return to the browser page.
  6. Upon returning to the browser, a dialog box will appear in which you need to:
    1. in the appropriate fields indicate the name of the VKontakte group and the Telegram channel;
    2. click the "Save" button.
  7. The last step is adding the channel to the administrators (otherwise the robot will not be able to send entries there).

Implementation of this function from the social network VKontakte

For auto-posting to work, the VK group / page must be open to all Internet users. The robot monitors the content of the VKontakte group every 10 minutes and immediately sends them to Telegram when new posts appear.
The methods for setting up an automated broadcast, mentioned above, are among the simplest and are available to any Telegram user. The main thing is that they allow you to implement this function fast enough and without a single line of code, so programming knowledge is not required.

The price of 1 quart includes:


I will write and set up a script for automatically reposting messages from the VKontakte community to a Telegram channel.

The auto-posting script will work through the Telegram chatbot API.

The script will regularly check posts on the community wall, and send a notification to Telegram when new posts appear.

See the attached screenshots for examples.

The price of 1 quart includes:

Setting automatic sending links to posts from the same VKontakte community.

In order to send the message itself (text, photo) - order additional option.

If any errors are found within 7 days after the setup, I will correct them.


Due to technical limitations, VKontakte and Telegram will not be reposted:

Messages with large files

The script will require hosting with PHP 5.6+. The server must be located outside of Russia (due to Telegram blocking) or you will have to use a proxy (I do it through a public proxy, but at some point sending may stop working and you will need to change the proxy to another one yourself).

If you don't have hosting, I can place it on my own (see additional options).


Service access key ( access token) VKontakte (if you don't know, I'll tell you how to get it)

Login Telegram bot and token (if you don't know, I'll tell you how to get it)