PR program my world. VK PR groups: programs and bots


Social networks have long been a good basis for making this or that product popular and relevant. And, perhaps, you very often heard such a word as group PR or VK PR, but you probably didn’t really understand what they mean, right?

What is PR?

PR stands for Public Relations, which means public relations. When it comes to social networks, then PR is the promotion of a page, that is, an account on this network. The term PR also includes promotion of communities, groups, attracting users for various purposes, and much more. And of course, since PR on social networks has become so relevant, this process cannot do without possible programs that make it easier and faster to achieve results.

PR programs

This can be summed up. Now you are well informed in terms of PR and can not only independently promote a project on a social network, but also help other people who also need help. If earlier you were “puzzled” over how to raise your group, which for some reason you could not promote, now you can make your group popular in every sense of the word. These ten programs can help you with this. It is not necessary to use them, it’s enough just to install one or more, and the most important thing is to understand how it works, because, as already described above, each program has hidden potential. All of them show themselves very well in terms of work, but everyone will choose their own, which is convenient for them.

Now organizing any PR project will not be difficult, the main thing is to believe in yourself and you can do absolutely anything.

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Video: VK PR groups: programs and bots

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For proper optimization, you need to select the most frequent keyword on your topic and add it to the name of your community. For example, if you are selling an iPhone, then you need to name the community according to the key query “Buy an iPhone”.

As you can see, a large number of competitors are promoting this request, which means the method works.

SEO – search engine optimization

Many administrators very often forget about optimizing their public pages for the search engines Yandex and Google. The social network VKontakte is a very trusted site in the eyes of the PS and for this reason it can very often be found in the search results of these systems.

For proper optimization, you need to choose a keyword by which the community will be promoted. After that, add it to the group name and description. The main thing is to fit the key organically so that it does not look like a foreign body. The result of the work done will be free advertising from search engines. An example of how not to insert a keyword:

The request “buy iPhoneMoscow” looks as unnatural as possible and search engines have learned to identify such requests. Pages with unnatural occurrences of keys may fall under sanctions from the PS and then you should not even think about any traffic from Yandex or Google.

Creating quality content

The foundation of any community is content.

The goal is free PR with real people.

By creating interesting posts, you increase audience engagement. Users begin to actively share your posts with their friends, after which the viral effect of promotion begins.

Of course, there is no specific recipe for creating viral content. It often happens that a post that at first glance seems ordinary becomes very popular, and vice versa. Publish interesting thematic materials - this is the best way to promote your VK public page.

Inviting friends

At first glance, this method may seem very banal. But in reality everything is a little different. On VKontakte you can add thousands of friends to your pages. Take advantage of this opportunity.

Add your target audience as a friend and then invite them to join the group. Create several fake accounts for this to avoid blocking the main one.

Of course, these actions can be fully automated using software. But they are all paid and therefore are not suitable for us at this stage.

Conducting competitions

One of the oldest ways of how you can In most competitions, administrators give out some kind of material prizes for performing simple actions:

  • group subscription;
  • repost the entry.

Thus, not only the number of new participants increases, but also the coverage of the competition entry.

It is not necessary to give away a car for people to actively share the competition. Any reward, even the smallest one, is enough, because the main thing in this method is that the prize is given to users absolutely free.

Mutual PR of VKontakte groups

On VKontakte, in addition to your public page, there are thousands of competitors with similar topics. Contact their owners and offer the opportunity.

The principle of mutual PR is simple - you, together with the owner of another community, post advertising posts in your groups with a call to subscribe. Thus, a kind of exchange of subscribers occurs.

You can use this method once you reach at least 1,000 subscribers.

Online services

In addition to these methods, you can attract new members to the group using special online services. This method allows you to promote a VK group for free. These include:

Possible problems during promotion

Any administrator may have difficulties promoting a community. To avoid them, you need to consider possible problems with free PR for VK groups:

  1. Blocking accounts when adding a large number of users as friends. To solve the problem, try to stick to limits. Do not add more than 200 people per day from one page. If possible, use a proxy to change IP addresses.
  2. Low conversion rate for people joining the group. Look for problems within the public. Perhaps users come to your site and are put off by your content or design. Very often, changing the design increases the conversion rate of the entry.

Bottom line

In this article, we looked at the most popular and effective ways to promote a VK group without financial investment.. Using at least a small part of the listed methods, you can attract new participants to your site without any problems.

Every user of the VK social network is well aware of the number of applications created for it by developers who wanted to make people’s stay on its pages not only interesting, but also extremely long-lasting. However, most often, from a large number of options, users decide to download the VKontakte PR program in addition to the already installed functionality improvement plugins. Initially, the main purpose of the application, as is quite clear from the name, is to promote communities and groups within the most popular social network among Russian users.

So, if you want to really improve your convenience on the portal, you simply must download the VKontakte PR program, after launch, which will significantly increase your capabilities. Of course, the advantage of this PR program that deserves the most attention is that it guarantees mutually beneficial satisfaction for entire groups of users of the VKontakte social network, who download it in the distribution package via downstream links. By taking advantage of the decision to download the application in the installation file, you are guaranteed to expand the range of possibilities for mutually beneficial text PR, and spending a minimum of precious time on it.

Download the VKontakte PR program for free and without registration

Another undoubted advantage of the program, which was originally created for PR within the VKontakte social network, is the option of connecting audio and video materials to the advertising campaign you organize, which do not require downloading, but are absolutely free to view online. The only, but minor, difficulty in working with this program is the need to make a number of settings, which, as I said above, none of the users pay much attention to..

Among other things, this program has support for working with audio recordings, up to sending audio with an attachment to the wall of a friend or relative who is subscribed to your group and prefers to track all the changes that occur. It should be emphasized that for mutual benefit, the promotion requires the organizer to have group administrator rights.

You can also download other programs for the Russian social network VK to your computer via downstream mirror links in a mirror image, which, thanks to the site, ensures maximum speed and a complete absence of advertising with registration. Believe me, you simply cannot find a better application for promoting a group on the vastness of this social network.

The community on the largest social network on the Runet will become a source of traffic and will allow you to earn money only in one case - if there is a large (more than 10,000 participants) audience. “Natural” methods of promoting and attracting people to a group have two serious drawbacks: labor-intensive and time-consuming.

An alternative to manual labor is to promote a VKontakte public page using special programs or SaaS services. This way, you can focus on preparing quality content and marketing, and robots will make friends, communicate, publish posts, “walk” on other public pages and like you.

List of programs for promoting a VKontakte group

The process of promoting a VKontakte group consists of parallel execution of two tasks:

  1. Filling the community with content, regularly publishing new posts. You can prepare publications that the program will gradually post in the group, or use software that automatically finds thematic content and copies it to the wall of your community (in this case, there may be problems with copyright holders).
  2. Attracting subscribers (and boosting them). This is a complex task that can be solved in several ways, mass following, mass liking, or creating several dozen accounts that will join the group, make friends, and then invite them to your public (this is important, since according to VK rules, you can invite only friends and not others to the group). more than 40 for one profile).

In addition, during the process of promotion, the group will accumulate members with blocked accounts; they need to be regularly deleted, since a large number of such “dogs” attracts the attention of the VK administration and can lead to punishment for cheating.

SMM masters use the following programs to promote a VKontakte group:

  • Quick Sender. The cost for one computer is 990 rubles, there is a demo version, which is very limited in capabilities. The program supports multi-threaded work, multiple accounts and proxies. Contains five blocks of functions:
    • The parser searches for the target audience using specified parameters and the grabber receives information from other sites and updates it in the group;
    • Block for mass mailing of messages to a list of users;
    • Putting likes on a list of users, members of a specified group or friends. In the same module there is a “Page Promotion” tab, here the program will automatically perform all promotion actions (join groups, like, repost, add friends);
    • The “Inviter” module adds friends en masse and sends out invitations to the group;
    • The assistant automatically removes blocked and fake accounts from the public.
  • ViKing Botovod, cost 3200 rubles, there is a Lite version. Sending personal messages, increasing friends (by group, ID list, by user criteria, friends of a different profile), likes, subscribers. “Chatterbox” is a unique module with artificial intelligence, capable of independently and very realistically maintaining a conversation with live users. There is also automatic posting to your own profile or to the community wall, proxies are supported, and you can connect the Antigate service.
  • Viking Inviter Plus. Costs 2700 rubles. There is a free Lite version. Recruitment of friends according to various criteria, mass invitation of friends to a group or application.
  • Group Builder. A program for automatically searching for materials in other groups according to specified criteria and posting them to your own public page. Cost 3490 rubles.
  • VkDog— grabber of other groups with automatic posting to your community on a schedule. Flexible settings allow you to customize the program so that the group will be filled completely without your participation. The program is available by subscription starting from RUB 2,899. for 1 month, up to 299 rub. per month when paid annually.
  • Brobot. The program is considered one of the most powerful tools for automating the promotion of VK communities. Unique features are a trained bot for communication and an “Anti-ban” system, which evaluates the likelihood of a public or profile being banned based on many criteria and suspends activity. All functionality is available for free when working with one profile; the version for 10 profiles costs 599 rubles. per month, unlimited - 1799 rubles per month. Brobot can:
    • Automatically post, including with photos and videos, comment on posts, repost, post from a file.
    • Like an avatar, random photos, posts or comments.
    • Set up targeting actions by group, gender, age, geography. Receive a list of users from a file on disk or via a link.
    • Visit pages, invite members of a given group.
    • Invite friends, process applications (accept or cancel according to criteria), invite friends to the group.
    • Intelligent correspondence with specified messages, an answering machine or using a trained bot.
    • Use multiple proxies distributed among accounts, set limits for all actions, connect Antigate, Anticaptcha, and Rukapcha services.
  • Sobot. A program for performing mass actions on behalf of many downloaded profiles: joining groups, publishing messages, reposting, liking, conducting dialogues, visiting other pages, joining groups, friend requests, invitations to your public. The cost for working with one profile is 30 rubles. per month. With 10 accounts - 300 rubles per month, version without restrictions 750 rubles. per month.
  • Friends— a program for automatically making friends with flexible settings for the target audience or a loaded list, automatic processing of friend requests, support for RuCaptcha and Anti-Captcha services.
  • AutoVK is a free program for automating basic actions to promote a community on VK. Performs mass adding as friends and deleting blocked users, liking members of a specified group or a list of users, reading and downloading messages and multimedia files, clearing walls and individual posts of likes, parsing users by GEO, age, community, friends. The program supports working with proxies, changing user-agent, and setting delays in task execution.
  • BotsApp. The program is available in versions for Windows and Mac. Functions: liking posts, avatars, replying to likes, sending personal messages and publications to the walls of other groups, inviting friends, inviting friends to a group, clearing profile friends and group subscribers. Supports working with multiple profiles. BotsApp is free to use, but has performance limits (for example, no more than 150 likes or 100 invites per day), and there are also two paid plans. In one you choose the desired set of functions (for example, inviting only costs 230 rubles per month), the second - full functionality for 760 rubles per month.
  • SpotLight for VKontakte from Sociotex. The program can invite friends from communities, from a list or from a search using various parameters (age, GEO, gender, university and other criteria). Spotlight can invite you to a group or event, promote the community through likes, post messages and photos on the wall, join other groups, correspond with subscribers selected by a search based on parameters, members of specified communities, friends or from an uploaded list. Tariffs from 390 rubles per month for working with 25 accounts, up to 990 for the unlimited version. There is a free trial mode with 5 accounts for 5 days.

How to choose a program for promoting a VK group

Software for promoting the VKontakte public must be able to imitate all human actions, simultaneously, across multiple profiles and without arousing suspicion among robots and VK administrators. You should understand that in addition to the promotion tools themselves, you will need high-quality accounts and many unique and fast proxies.

Software for promoting a VKontakte group should have the following functions:

  • Ability to work with a large number of profiles.
  • Substitution of the user agent when performing actions on VK.
  • Parsing the target audience according to several parameters: gender, age, geography, interests, social activity, participation in communities.
  • Collection of communities by topic, number of participants, their activity (number of messages, intensity of messages, number of comments).
  • Performing all actions of a “live” user: posting messages, liking, subscribe/unsubscribe, inviting friends, downloading videos and images.
  • Conducting dialogues, correspondence in personal messages.
  • Processing friend requests with confirmation or rejection according to specified rules.
  • Proxy support linked to user profiles.
  • Ability to configure general limits on actions and timeouts between each operation.
  • Support for captcha recognition services.

Many programs have a similar set of functions. The difference, as a rule, lies in the convenience of the interface and flexibility of settings. Therefore, before paying for full access to one of these tools, we recommend trying demo versions and reading reviews online from other SMM specialists.

Services for promoting public VKontakte

In addition to programs installed on a computer, there are a number of online services that offer the same set of functions for promoting a VKontakte group. Considering that most powerful software is also available via subscription, it makes sense to go with SaaS (service as a service). In this case, you will be able to set up tasks for collecting an audience, likes, subscriptions, sending messages, and they will be performed on the cloud infrastructure, which is more reliable than a local computer.

All services for promoting a VKontakte group can be divided into three groups:

  • Services for increasing likes and subscribers to a specified profile or community (,, A risky option, especially for a new community. This way you can quickly get both a lot of participants and a lot of bots and “dogs” (accounts blocked by the VK administration for mass joining groups or mass liking). A large share or a sharp increase in the number of such users will lead to the ban of the group.
  • Services for automating actions for searching for an audience, liking, adding friends, invitations to groups with support for proxies and multiple accounts. These are high-quality services for promotion, the advantage of which is that all the work takes place in the browser and on powerful servers, without downloading and installing programs on the computer. For example, Postio ensures that the VKontakte group is filled with content according to the rules and schedule.
  • Turnkey VK community promotion services. For example, PREMIUM VKONTAKTE PROMOTION from SMOSERVICE.

SocialHammer is a powerful service with a wide range of functions. Here you can post to the group on a schedule, including reposting from other communities, liking the list, members of the specified publics, users from search, friend requests, inviting friends to the public.

Prices for promoting a VK public page using services

The cost of online services depends on the complexity of the task and the type of service. For example, in SocialHammer, working with two profiles and running 3 tasks costs 719 rubles per month, and a tariff with unlimited accounts and 12 simultaneously running tasks costs 1,679 rubles per month.

A comprehensive turnkey group or public promotion service from SMOSERVICE costs RUB 49,999. per month. You can also order likes or subscribers separately, for example, the SMMlaba service offers likes for 40-50 kopecks, real subscribers to the community from 79 kopecks to 1.19 rubles for subscribers according to criteria, friends for 79 rubles per 100.

It is not recommended to contact services for free exchange of likes and subscribers or sellers of offer subscribers (who join a group for a reward). The fact is that such users, who en masse join all public pages in order to earn money, are blocked for suspicious activity. And when there are too many of these blocked people among the subscribers of your group, the community may also receive sanctions.

The most active part of the Internet is VKontakte, where users from 13 to 35 years old are registered. A free program for VKontakte PR will ensure that visitors go to the page of your resource, you can significantly increase traffic, however, creating VKontakte PR and promoting groups manually is a very slow and painstaking process; you will need a Lite version that will take care of all the routine.

If you are promoting VKontakte groups or have opened your personal page and want to promote it by inviting a lot of friends and increase the number of subscribers, then this can be achieved with the Viking Botovod program.

The VKontakte PR program allows you to:

  • . Massively invite people to become your friend and join the group;
  • . Automatically maintain a dialogue with the user;
  • . Increase the number of friends and subscribers;
  • . Increase the number of likes;
  • . Add posting on a schedule.

There are two types of bot driver: paid Pro and free Lite. It immediately becomes clear that their effectiveness is almost the same, but the free version is slightly reduced. What are the advantages of the Pro version?

Getting subscribers in the paid version is much faster;

There are additional functions for cheating;


You can, of course, first use the free Lite version, and then, when you receive the first money you earn, buy Viking botovod Pro.

So, what is Viking Botovod? As mentioned above, the program is needed in order to conduct a PR campaign to increase popularity and add fame to the group. The program has an “exchange” tab, with the help of which the number of “likes” in the group increases. Promotion is carried out by exchanging account actions. For example: you have 10 accounts that have joined 100 other groups, while 1000 third-party accounts join your group. This increase in numbers gives a powerful impetus to the development of the group.

Viking Botovod allows you to configure the placement of information on the wall, which will occur automatically at a programmed time. This contact PR program can subscribe to RSS, post new images and messages on a schedule, which increases and maintains interest in the group. The VKontakte social network makes it possible for all subscribed participants to see new posts, thus, 70% of the material is provided for entertainment purposes, and 30% is advertising.

If you specify the group address in the exchanger and activate the exchange of likes, then the post on the wall will receive hearts, which will increase the interest of real visitors. Viking botovod has many settings for inviting friends. The program can work completely autonomously and if you check the “Run when Windows starts” checkbox, it will automatically perform its promotion functions without requiring any additional actions.