Ranking of salaries in the Russian IT segment. Who is the best programmer in the world? The best programmer in the world

Many might assume that in the United States. After all, the US is home to such programming luminaries as Bill Gates, Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and Donald Knuth. But India is famous for its universities, for example, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), and hackers from Russia are considered very effective. Is there a way to determine which country has better programmers?

HackerRank's research helped answer this question.

HackerRank regularly hosts tens of thousands of programming competitions for developers to improve their coding skills. Hundreds of thousands of developers from around the world compete in a variety of programming languages ​​and areas, from Python to security algorithms to distributed systems. Developers are evaluated and placed on a leaderboard based on speed and accuracy in completing tasks.

According to HackerRank, the most talented programmers live in Russia and China. Chinese programmers outperform all other countries in mathematics, functional programming, and data structure problems, while Russians dominate algorithms, the most popular and most competitive field. Although the United States and India provide the largest number of participants in the competition, they are ranked only 28th and 31st, respectively.

Which areas are most popular?

HackerRank offers 15 competitions for developers to take part in, covering a variety of industries, but some are more popular than others. The table below shows the percentage of competitions completed for each programming area.

The most popular area of ​​programming today is algorithms. About 40% of all developers compete in it. This area includes complex data sorting, dynamic programming, keyword searching, and other logic-based tasks. Developers can use any language to participate in these competitions, but their choice may partly explain why a particular language is so popular. (Algorithms are also critical for technical interviews that can lead to hiring programmers.) By a large margin in percentage terms, the second and third places are occupied by Java tasks and data structures, which account for approximately 10% of the participants each. Distributed systems and security are the least popular areas.

So, based on the results of these competitions, which countries' programmers showed the best results?

To answer this question, the average score of each country in all areas was taken. Before finding the mean, the scores were standardized for each area (by subtracting the mean from each score and then dividing by the standard deviation), resulting in what is known as the Z score, or standard score. This made it possible to compare similar characteristics of individual indicators across different programming areas, even though some areas are more complex than others. Z-scores were then tabulated from 1 to 100 for easy interpretation.

The table below shows data for the 50 countries with the largest number of developers on HackerRank. People from these countries have taken part in thousands of competitions (at least 2000).

Since China scored the highest, Chinese developers occupy the top position of the list with a score of 100. But China won by a slim margin. Russia scored 99.9 out of 100, while Poland and Switzerland rounded out the top ranking with scores around 98. Pakistan, in 50th place, scored just 57.4 points out of 100.

The two countries with the largest number of developers participating in the competition, India and the USA, are not even in the top half of the list. India is ranked 31st with a total score of 76, while the United States is ranked 28th with a score of 78.

Which country has the best developers in specific areas?

Although China has outperformed other countries on average, it does not dominate across the board. Which country represents the best developers in specific areas of programming? Let's look at the leading countries for each area.

It's no surprise that China outperforms other countries in some areas. Chinese developers are unrivaled in the fields of data structures, mathematics and functional programming.

On the other hand, Russia dominates algorithms, the most popular field. Here China and Poland occupy second and third places, respectively.

What explains different countries' success levels in different areas? One possible explanation is that, for example, Russian programmers are more likely to participate in competitions related to algorithms and therefore practice more in this area, while Chinese developers are more likely to solve data structure problems.

A comparison was also made of how developers from each country divide their time between different types of tasks, and then which areas of programming the average HackerRank member prefers. This made it possible to find out which countries are more likely than others to pass the test in a particular area.

Countries and their likelihood of passing the test in a particular area. Countries with a significantly high or low percentage of completion of targets in a particular area. Columns from left to right: programming area; high probability; low probability.

The table above shows that Chinese programmers participated in mathematics competitions much more often than would be expected given the preferences of the average developer. This helps explain how they achieved the number one ranking in this area. And, for example, Czech developers show great interest in Shell competitions, an area in which they occupy first place.

But beyond these two examples, the table seems to show little resemblance between a country's choice of a particular type of competition and its performance in that area.

It is also interesting to know if certain countries have preferences in programming languages? Is it true that C++ is the most popular language in India? Or that most Mexicans choose Ruby?

The following chart shows the share of competitions in each language by country.

In general, developers of different nationalities participate in Java competitions more often than in any other programming language (with some exceptions, such as Malaysia and Pakistan, where C++ is preferred, and Taiwan, where Python dominates). Sri Lanka ranks first among countries that prefer Java. India, which has the largest number of developers on HackerRank, ranks 8th.

Which country never loses?

When a developer enters a HackerRank competition, they have a score of 0 before showing any progress. Switzerland has the lowest percentage of zero developers, making Swiss coders the hardest working programmers in the world.

Which country will win the programming Olympics?

Every day, developers around the world compete with each other to become the next Gates or Knuth. If we hold the Olympics among developers, based on the data discussed above, we can assume that China will take gold, Russia will take silver, and Poland will take bronze. Although they certainly deserve praise for the results they are showing now, while the USA and India are not even in the top 25.

Any potential coder who already knows what a programming language is sooner or later begins to ask the question: “What is the best language to write programs in?” This problem is relevant for both beginners and experienced IT specialists, because with the development of information technology, the priorities of programmers also change. Many codes that were popular 10 years ago are now hopelessly outdated. Therefore, you need to choose the best programming language based not only on its current demand, but also on its future prospects.

The “Young Soldier Course”, which is offered by the ProgStudy IT Academy, will help you navigate the differences between different languages ​​and understand which direction will be the most interesting, promising and profitable for you.

First, let's figure out what a programming language is. It is a set of commands with which a person gives a computer a specific task. Today, more than 8 thousand sign systems have been invented that allow you to communicate with a PC. Many of them are known only to a narrow circle of developers, while others are used by programmers all over the world. Good specialists can know more than 10 programming languages ​​and successfully use them to solve various problems.

The choice of programming language depends on the problems you are going to solve. Thus, HTML and CSS are great for creating static web pages, while knowledge of JavaScript is required for developing interactive resources. Creating full-fledged websites is impossible without learning PHP, Python or Ruby, and mobile applications are developed by coders who know Objective C (for iOS), as well as Java and C++ (for Android).

Which language is the best?

The same problem can be solved using different tools. In one language the program is the shortest, in the second it is most readable, in the third it is fast and productive.

Experienced coders choose a programming language based on the following criteria:

  • expected code size and execution time;
  • program speed;
  • opportunities to expand functionality in the future;
  • compatibility with the platforms on which the program will run;
  • community support for the language.

The last factor is extremely important when writing any program. Even the most experienced coder encounters difficulties in the process of work, which can be solved through a mountain of literature or simply by asking a question on a thematic forum. Learning a language that most of your colleagues know is much easier than understanding the intricacies of rare codes.

The easiest programming language

Many beginning programmers choose a language to learn based on its simplicity. This greatly saves time and resources spent on studying, and among employers, easy languages ​​are sometimes no less in demand than complex ones. Having mastered simple codes, in the future it will be easier for you to understand the technical nuances of more advanced language constructs.

To the status " the easiest programming language» today they claim:

  • PHP– compatible with all servers and platforms, supports many types of databases, has high performance and is used in 65% of the most popular sites;
  • Python– an extremely simple and functional language that is offered today by almost any IT academy: it allows you to create software, games, websites, as well as work with graphics and databases;
  • Javascript– provides programmatic access to interactive applications of web pages, making sites more functional and brighter.

Ease of learning is a relative concept, so each coder must choose the easiest programming language for himself.

Highest paid programming language

According to the website rabota.yandex.ru, salary level of Russian programmers in the most popular specialties distributed as follows.

Coders who know the main types of programming languages ​​that are intended for developing mobile applications for iOS can count on a good salary: Objective-C and C++ in Russia and Swift in the West. Traditionally, high salaries are paid to specialists who customize 1C accounting to the needs of enterprises, Java programmers who develop Android applications, as well as SQL experts who work with databases.

The most popular programming language

The popularity of the chosen language among employers will allow you not only to quickly find a high-paying job, but also not to worry about your financial future for at least another 5 years. According to research from github.com, popularity of programming languages distributed in the world as follows.

In Russia the situation is somewhat different. The title of “The most popular programming language” is shared by:

  • Javascript is a scripting language built into all major browsers and designed for creating multimedia effects, pop-ups and even games;
  • PHP – allows you to work with databases, as well as create complex content for web pages;
  • 1C is the main programming tool when working with the 1C:Enterprise accounting program.

Types of programming languages

Successful selection of tools is the key to the success of any job. This is also true for coders: by choosing the right language to complete a task, a specialist can save a lot of working time and get the optimal result.

The classification of programming languages ​​is quite complex, and the most popular today are object-oriented areas.

There is another classification that divides languages ​​into groups, depending on:

  • language level: low (Assembler), medium (C, C++) and high (Haskell);
  • type of information processed: computational (Haskell, Python) and symbolic (C, C++, Perl);
  • purposes: for administration (Perl), server (PHP), client (Javascript), declarative (HTML), universal (Algol, Fortran);
  • language generations: machine (binary languages ​​of IBM-PC and ARM processors), system (Assembler), high-level languages ​​(BASIC, FORTRAN, PHP), visual (FoxPro) and intellectual (C++).

The classification of programming languages ​​allows you to understand their purpose and functionality, but does not help novice coders choose the best programming language for themselves. The only way to do this is in practice, by trying to work in different systems and choosing the area that is suitable specifically for your goals, objectives and expectations. The ProgStudy IT Academy provides this opportunity to everyone.

After completing the “Young Soldier Course”, you will be able to understand in which area you want to develop and finally decide on the choice of programming language.

The number of vacancies in IT shows incredible dynamics. According to the HeadHunter portal, from January to August last year, demand was rather negative. But, gradually increasing, IT vacancies by April 2016 amounted to 40% of the total for Moscow and more than 50% for St. Petersburg. Continuing the topic of professions of the future, we talked with experts about how the IT sector is developing and the requirements for specialists are changing.

Station wagons in the past

The idea of ​​an IT specialist as an untidy system administrator setting up computers in the office is far in the past. The market requires team players, high-quality automation and data security specialists, application developers and other code geniuses. The top 5 promising and increasingly popular professions in IT, according to HeadHunter research, are led in descending order by: Big Data specialists, web analysts, developers of mobile games, cloud solutions and infographic designers.

Market experts are confident that universal fighters will have a difficult time in the future. Employers need masters of their craft, endowed with in-depth knowledge in a narrow field.

There is a huge gap between the universal IT specialist from the past and the IT specialist in demand on the market today, believes Ilya Vislotsky, head of the client solutions architecture center at Stack Group.

“Modern technologies have become so developed and complex that one person is no longer enough to master them, so professionals in certain IT areas are appearing. At the same time, an ordinary employee must understand IT no worse than that universal IT specialist from the past. Today everyone should be “a bit of a programmer,” the expert emphasizes.

The demand for sysadmins will not go away, but people who dream of serious income, according to Andrey Tushev, executive director of Document Designer FreshDoc.ru, should pay attention to the web development industry. “It is in the web that there is now a real shortage of personnel, this market is overheated, it is growing at a gigantic pace. As a result, there is a high demand for qualified workers, high wages and good prospects for professional growth,” the expert sums up.

Who is the market waiting for?

Representatives of the IT sector are literally bursting with ideas on the issue of professions of the future and remind you that you should take a closer look at the list from the “Atlas of New Professions” - this is already the foreseeable future. IT ceases to be a closed, independent system: harmonious fusion with other areas is a more pressing issue today.

“We live in an era of convergence of everything: technology, knowledge, different subject areas,” emphasizes Yuri Kim, director of the ANO Center for Assessment and Development of Project Management. - The most sought-after specialists are not just coders, system administrators or other technical professionals. Top-class specialists are those who, in addition to the technical side of the issue, also know the subject matter and content.”

Top-class specialists are those who, in addition to the technical side of the issue, also know the subject and content.

According to Yuri, these are people who understand not only how to create a program and set up a system, but also the conditions in which the product will be used: who the client is, why he came, what he wants. The ability to take this into account at every step, to quickly change the product or work result to suit the customer’s tasks - this is what is expected from highly qualified specialists.

If we consider the issue more specifically, then Deputy Director for Science and Development of the IVK company Valery Andreev suggests paying attention to the market need for programmers who have the ability and desire to create products that act as an alternative to existing ones. “Specialists who understand network services and work with network equipment are in demand. There is a steady demand for information security specialists. It has become more difficult for vendors to work, but it is assumed that this is temporary. But for developers, now is the time, in a broad sense. Modern universities do not produce such people; they take a long time to educate and are expensive,” the expert argues.

Experian Marketing Director (Russia and CIS) Natalia Frolova, based on a study conducted by her company in 2015, notes the formation of a new profession due to the growing volume of accumulated data. “Until recently, the bulk of the work to centralize the data management strategy fell on the shoulders of the CIO. However, companies are already beginning to introduce a new position - chief data officer. This is not so much about a specialist of a “different profile”, but about a new huge front of work for an IT specialist.”

The development helps to check how correctly a person has chosen a field in IT, whether he really likes it.

But there is no better way to get acquainted with the IT field than development, says Pavel Rytsev, IT Director of the IT Outsourcing Department, Head of the Competence Center for Import Substitution and Open Source at ALP Group. “You can try yourself in developing a mobile or web application, or you can take part in finalizing an OpenSource solution, while at the same time mastering the skills of jointly solving complex problems in a team. The development helps to check whether a person has chosen the right field in IT and whether he really likes it.”

There's enough room in the sun for everyone

To get into IT, there is no need to become a software developer or information security specialist. The experts are more than cordial on this issue - there are enough interesting tasks for everyone.

Working in IT has ceased to be a place of employment only for representatives of technical specialties, confirms Konstantin Chervyakov, commercial director of Ringostat. “In Russia there are more and more startups, SaaS services, product technology companies that need sales managers, customer service specialists, designers, content marketers, etc.

d. That is, the IT sector now fully employs a large number of people in a wide variety of professions.”

Working in IT has ceased to be a place of employment only for representatives of technical specialties.

And there will be more. One way or another, all high technologies find application in the consumer segment, and this again expands the boundaries of the profession and the sphere as a whole.

“Marketers will come up with new concepts like “Big Data”, “cloud services”, “Internet of things” and others. This leads to the emergence of new segments, technologies, solutions that will need to be “maintained” (in the broad sense of the word), and which will require resources,” argues Timur Vekilov.

My world - my rules

The “expectation-reality” conflict in the process of recruiting employees for technology companies is, as expected, escalating.

This is partly why, according to Timur Vekilov, talented guys are selected in advance.

The next ranking of the most popular programming languages ​​for March 2018 has been published

“These include physics and mathematics classes, specialized schools at physics, technology and technical universities, preparatory courses, and elective studios. In higher educational institutions there are also “clubs of interest”, where promising students are patronized by major players in the IT market and invited to practice.”

The market is responding adequately to the growing popularity of the IT field among women. If earlier meeting a girl programmer or tester was something unusual, now the ratio of specialists in many startups reaches 50/50,” notes Dmitry Grigoriev.

It won't be like before

Each of the experts confirmed the departure from the universal model of industry development. The only thing that many people warn against is not to cut from the shoulder.

Pavel Rytsev categorically does not recommend going into IT just because it is right, promising, there is more money, etc. “IT is a constant readiness to solve a large number of both standard and extremely non-standard problems. This is a constant search for a delicate balance between the client’s needs and the company’s resource costs to provide them. The choice must be made very carefully and must be tested with practice,” sums up Pavel.


The most popular programming languages ​​in 2016

The Coding Dojo programming school analyzed advertisements on the world's largest job aggregator indeed.com, compiling the top of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world in 2016.

Topping the list is SQL, a “structured query language” used to create, modify, and manipulate data in an arbitrary relational database managed by an appropriate DBMS. Database technologies (MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server) are used by international corporations, small businesses and government agencies. In fact, almost every computer and person with access to technology eventually comes into contact with SQL. For example, all Android smartphones and iPhones have access to the SQLite database, and many of the most popular mobile applications developed by Google, Skype or Dropbox use it.

The global technology community recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of the object-oriented programming language Java.

The most popular coding languages ​​2018

It is one of the most widely used languages, used by 9 million developers and 7 billion devices.

With Java and its frameworks, developers can create scalable web applications for a wide range of users. Java is also the main language used to develop native Android applications for smartphones and tablets.

The popularity of Java among developers is due to the simplicity and reliability of the language, which ensures long-term compatibility of products written in it. In the coming years, we should not expect the end of the Java era, on which the sites of IT giants LinkedIn.com, Netflix.com and Amazon.com are built.

3. JavaScript

Almost any modern website uses elements of JavaScript - this prototype-oriented scripting programming language. It is most widely used in browsers as a scripting language for adding interactivity to web pages, as well as when building user interfaces with one of a dozen popular JavaScript frameworks. For example, in recent years JavaScript has gained widespread use as the basis for Node.js, a server-side technology that, among other things, enables real-time communication.

C# is a relatively new object-oriented programming language that dates back to 2000 and is the main language for development on Microsoft platforms and services. Be it developing modern web applications using Azure and .NET, applications for Windows devices, or powerful desktop applications for business. C# is the evolution of its predecessors, C and C++, and is the fastest way to take advantage of everything Microsoft has to offer. In addition, it is one of the main languages ​​for developing games using the Unity engine.


Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language aimed at improving developer productivity and code readability. Web applications, user interfaces, data analysis, statistics - whatever problem you need to find a solution for, Python will most likely have a suitable framework.

This is an excellent choice of language for both beginners and experienced programmers. Python has recently supplanted Java as the primary entry-level programming language for initiating students into the world of computer science. Thus, 8 out of 10 computer science departments in the United States and 27 out of 39 top universities use Python to teach students programming.

Academic popularity has led to the fact that in recent years Python has been increasingly used as the main tool for processing huge amounts of data in almost any industry.

NASA and Reddit sites are written in Python.

The successor to the “ancient” C, C++ is the ideal choice for developing powerful desktop software, hardware-accelerated games, as well as applications for PCs, consoles and mobile devices that require a large amount of memory to run. The creator of C++, Björn Stroustrup, has been keeping track of applications written in this language since 1983. These include Adobe and Microsoft applications, MongoDB databases, and a significant part of Mac OS/X.

The brainchild of Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP was created as a set of tools needed to save the creator's Personal Home Page. Today, PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that, along with databases (for example, MySQL), is intensively used for developing web applications.

Most websites focused on large amounts of data are developed in PHP. It is also the underlying technology of powerful content management systems like WordPress.

8. Ruby on Rails

Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language with an emphasis on simplicity and productivity. Its main area of ​​application is the development of web applications. Ruby on Rails is a framework written in Ruby that provides integration of web applications with a web server and a database server.

Among the advantages that make Ruby on Rails popular among small startups and global corporations is the speed of development (code capacity and a wide selection of third-party libraries).

Ruby on Rails was used to create such popular sites as Twitter, SoundCloud, Airbnb, Basecamp, GitHub, Hulu.

9. Swift

In the summer of 2014, at the WWDC conference, Apple introduced its own Swift programming language as a replacement for the long-standing Objective C. Swift earns points from developers for its security (it is difficult to accidentally introduce critical bugs) and modernity. Another key factor is the “expressiveness” of the language, where to get the same result in Swift you need far fewer lines of code than in Objective-C.

Analysts predict continued growth for Swift in the coming years. This technology is currently used by LinkedIn, Lyft, Vimeo, Pixelmator and other companies. There are even rumors that Google is considering the possibility of switching from Java to Apple's programming language when developing applications for Android.

Such a variety of high-level programming languages ​​has appeared relatively recently. Back in the fifties of the twentieth century, machine code (a set of ones and zeros) was used directly to program computers. The key disadvantage of this approach to programming was the difference in the coding of different computers, introducing the need to re-write the same program for a computer from another manufacturer.

The next level of programming development was the emergence of assembly languages, where mnemonic expressions began to be used instead of machine code.

The most popular programming languages ​​2018 in the world

The code written in assembler was translated into machine code by a special program, also called an assembler. Macro commands were not executed in the first versions of assembly languages. And the written programs still worked on computers from one manufacturer.

The emergence of high-level programming languages ​​radically changed the situation. The use of a translator, which translates the source code written by the programmer into a set of symbols that can be understood by the processor of a particular type of computer, made it possible to use the same program on different types of computers.

Modern programming languages ​​are very different from those used by programmers in the fifties. All these years, developing and improving programming principles has been considered a priority for many companies.

Therefore, the ideas that arose in the 50s, supplemented and developed in the 60s-90s of the last century, have now been embodied in beautifully implemented high-level programming languages.

Vigorous competition in the information technology market allows only the most productive and easy-to-use languages ​​to stay in trend.

In the twenty-first century, programming is needed everywhere: from setting up a coffee maker to modeling the most complex rocket blocks. And modern programming languages ​​allow you to cope with all the tasks.

Which programming language should I choose to learn?

The idea that a good programmer should know several programming languages, and, if necessary, quickly learn other languages, is not the first time that it has been voiced. By delving into the principles of, say, object-oriented programming, you can really quickly master several programming languages. But where to start?

Front-end development

This is one of the simplest solutions. The number of vacancies for qualified front-end developers traditionally exceeds the number of applicants. Additionally, JavaScript, which front-end developers must master, is much easier to learn than most programming languages.

Popularity of a programming language

In terms of the number of open vacancies, the most popular languages ​​are Java and C (in different variations). Traditionally, it is recommended to start learning with C. Since studying this language gives an understanding of the syntax and semantics of all languages ​​of the C group. Having studied the basics of C, it is quite easy to switch to C# C++ or Java.

Eyes on the future

Here analysts' opinions differ. Many studies suggest that the future belongs to machine learning, Python and its derivatives. Others talk about the benefits of web development languages, where caching and compiling plugins ahead of time leads to significant reductions in program response time (PHP). Still others insist that Java and its derivatives will remain the most popular language for a long time.

One thing is obvious - in our age of smart things and interactive entertainment, programmers who master any programming language will always be in value.

Learn, improve, become highly qualified professionals! Know that your knowledge and skills will always be adequately appreciated.

The most widely used programming language in the world

Computer technologies elevate scientific and technological progress, continue to develop and offer modern programmers improved ways to work with databases. The most common programming language is SQL, which allows you to find the required information without much time.

By examining common programming languages, it becomes clear that PHP and SQL are leading the race. In the first case, open source code allows you to use the HTML scripting language, which is especially relevant for web development. As for SQL, this programming language allows you to quickly work with any database size.

General information about the programming language

People first started talking about this programming language back in 1970, but at that time it was only a component of the DBMS. Over 14 years of practice, the SQL programming language was defined as a separate category and expanded its capabilities. Working with countless storage media, working with SQL allows you to conveniently format tables, control and edit records as part of your database exploration.

Over time, the capabilities of this information-logical language only expanded, and the acquisition of new properties allowed SQL to become an independent unit of computer technology. At universities, students study this programming language and create trial databases. Essentially, it is a set of computational functions, instructions, and operators. The study of DBMS has become part of the university curriculum, and therefore students of higher educational institutions had to deal with the capabilities of SQL in practice.

Key Features

The basis of SQL are queries that are directed to the database in each line of the programming language. In turn, this is necessary to change its parameters, request valuable information, and make adjustments to existing “repositories”. To understand how this programming language works, you need to pay attention to the following types of queries addressed to the database. This:

— request to receive the required package of information;

— a request to make adjustments to an existing database;

— request to delete information;

— requests to add new information to already recorded data;

— access to the DBMS.

Rating of programming languages

Since all the information of this programming language is enclosed in tables, the correction occurs in the table values. Thus, if you know SQL, you can correct the operation of not only tables as a whole, but also its individual segments - rows or columns. When storing a large amount of information, this is very convenient, since access is available on an ongoing basis when entering the required queries.

In one line you can write from one to three operations (queries), which significantly facilitates the user’s work with a specific database.

It only remains to add that in a world of fierce competition, the most common programming languages ​​have not lost their powerful positions and are still actively studied by programmers. When working with databases, SQL is an integral part of successfully entering, updating or deleting information.

The annual study TIOBE Index for January 2018 has been released, which identifies the most popular programming languages ​​of 2018. We tell you which languages ​​are in the top 10, in what area they are used and what tasks they perform. Let's figure out which programming language to learn in 2018. Go for it!

You can code everything in Perl - from desktop programs and servers in telecoms to antediluvian websites. The open source language even appears in router firmware and many commercial products. Often used in web development and bioinformatics. But Perl is losing ground - Python has come to bioinformatics, and websites are written more in Java. In general, not the most promising language to learn.


PHP is widely used thanks to WordPress. 80% of sites with more than 10 million users use PHP. PHP does not have strict rules in writing code, and it is also flexible in solving problems. PHP is a great choice for web developers as it is a server-side scripting language for WordPress.

Knowledge of PHP for a web developer is a big plus on a resume because it allows you to create beautiful dynamic websites. You can use PHP for various web projects. It is a fairly simple, open source language with good support for many databases, as well as numerous tools and different areas to use.

8. R

First of all, R is a programming language for statistical data processing and working with graphics, but at the same time it is a free software environment with open source code that can be found in any Linux distribution.

R is used wherever you need to work with data: in statistics, “primary” analysis (graphs, contingency tables) and mathematical modeling.

// Index of popularity of programming languages ​​according to TIOBE research

7. Visual Basic.NET

Just imagine, they even write something on it. It is considered a copy of C/C# - it solves the same problems, the syntax is a little simpler. Nobody recommends studying it if you want to develop in the direction of software or application development. But apparently, the age of fintech and all these “blockchains” has made itself felt, because in the banking industry VBN is a real musthave.

6. JavaScript

According to statistics from Stackoverflow (Stack Overflow Developer Survey), JavaScript has become the most used programming language in the world. It provides the ability to create interactive websites and is one of the core web technologies along with HTML and CSS, since most browsers use JS.

JavaScript is a great language to start your web development journey with. Suitable for creating interactive websites on the Internet. Recently, JavaScript has expanded and can now be used to write mobile applications, games, and desktop applications. This definitely influenced the popularity of the language.

5. C#

A multi-paradigm general-purpose programming language developed by Microsoft for creating applications on the company's own platform. C# is object-oriented and is used to develop applications using the .NET frameworks. If you are planning to develop in creating native applications for MS, C# will help you.

And in developing games in Unity you can’t do without C#, that’s a lot of information.

The cool thing about the language is its simplicity, it is more similar to English than others. C# allows you to focus on the algorithm rather than on implementation details because it wraps complex constructs in abstractions.

You can write anything in C#: web services, mobile software, server applications, and so on. And while experts claim that demand for C# is falling, Xamarin refutes these claims, it turns out that the platform makes it easier to create applications for Android and iOS.

A great language for beginners - easy to understand and use. Schools with an emphasis on programming for children have long introduced Python into the curriculum instead of the outdated Pascal.

Python has several applications: statistical computing, neural networks and machine learning, and even web development (Django). This language has acquired a sufficient number of libraries focused on neural networks, unlike Ruby.

High-quality frameworks, a lot of educational materials, a friendly community, ease of coding: all this makes Python a promising and competitive language.

Invented in 1983 as an alternative to C, it became popular. Its main feature is the predefined classes. Microsoft Windows, Google Chrome, Adobe, Amazon are familiar projects created in C++. This language is still in demand by employers because it has powerful tools and can be adapted in various fields.

Finance, games, communications, electronic payment systems, retail - knowledge of C++ allows you to write games and complex commercial systems along with simple applications.

TOP 10 most popular programming languages ​​in the world

Created in 1972 to allow programmers to write on the UNIX operating system, it is still alive and popular. C is a low-level language and works at the “machine level,” which speeds up the process of information processing and allows you to write code for hardware (microcontrollers, processors). It runs on almost all computing platforms. Dropbox, eBay and Spotify use C programming, and the entire Linux OS is written entirely in C.

1. Java

A practical and promising programming language to learn. 90% of Fortune companies use Java to develop backend and desktop applications. Valued for its cross-platform compatibility thanks to the JVM.

Java works on the principles of object-oriented programming and is used to create server applications and mobile software. It is also actively used for writing native applications for Android. Java is popular among developers, although there is a possibility that mobile applications will become more written in Kotlin.

Together with the TIOBE Index for January 2018, the GitHub PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language study was released. According to GitHub, the top five included Java, Python, PHP, JS and C#. The results of the two studies differ greatly, but at least they agreed on one thing - Java topped the top ten most popular languages. Yuhuh!

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It is no secret that the profession of a programmer today attracts young people not only with technology and the opportunity to always be at the forefront of progress, but also with high salaries. Any Russian or foreign salary ranking in the top 20 necessarily contains several positions for programmers or developers. But it would be nice to know the specific figure at the moment, and for each profession. We decided to conduct our own subjective investigation: we took the database of three leading HR aggregators (trud.com, superjob.ru and hh.ru), extracted our IT professions from it and looked at how much the employer is now willing to pay these specialists. The sample was the first 25 vacancies provided with salary information. The maximum specified limit was taken into account. Let's get down to the numbers.

Web Developer

Web developer is a very general name for a wide range of different professions. This includes both simple layout designers who have barely completed courses in HTML/CSS, and full stack developers who know a bunch of tools and languages. Our calculation method ignores these differences, eliminating only duplications and part-time vacancies:

As can be seen from the graphs, different resources offer different salary levels for the same vacancy: hh.ru has the most advantageous offers, trud.com has worse offers in the top. Another confirmation that you need to look for a job on several resources simultaneously.

As for the average salary of a web developer, the arithmetic mean is slightly less than 103 thousand rubles.

Python programmer

Let's take a look at a similar picture in the spread of salaries among “snake charmers”:

The salary of this type of specialist periodically reaches impressive values ​​for a free exchange. The explanation is simple: quite a lot of python workers are required for full-time or part-time work in Europe. There the salary is in foreign currency, but the expenses are corresponding. One way or another, the average salary of a Python programmer was 129.6 thousand rubles.

Ruby programmer

For some reason, it is believed that programmers who write in Ruby earn slightly less compared to Python developers. Like, the scope of activity is narrower, and there are fewer tools. Let's check it out:

The graph shows a very even spread of offers around the common median on all three resources. This means that the resulting figure of 127.7 thousand rubles is close to the actual average salary on the market.

PHP Programmer

If you look at search engine query statistics, you will see that the “PHP” trend has been going through hard times in recent years. However, this does not affect the labor market at all. Let me prove this once again with numbers:

Yes, there are “regional” offers to work for 15-30 thousand rubles per month, but even taking them into account, the average profit of a PHP specialist in Russia is 109.2 thousand rubles.

Frontend developer

Frontend specialists, as a rule, are subject to strict requirements in terms of skills and the number of tools used. However, turning to the labor exchange, we see that layout designers or completely beginner front-end developers are sometimes included in this category. As a result, there are several salary offers below 50 thousand rubles per month:

However, this injustice is covered by foreign exchange offers equivalent to 250-300 thousand, as a result, the median brings the “pretty” average to 137.3 thousand rubles.

iOS Programmer

Apple's financial reports can mislead undecided geeks into believing that there is no more lucrative and interesting job on the planet than an iOS programmer. According to our figures, the profit here is not much different from the general market:

The final 124 thousand rubles (most likely net) is a very good figure even by European standards, but not so outstanding as to make a choice for mercantile reasons.

Android Programmer

If we talked about Apple programmers, we need to consider the level of earnings of competitors. Application development on the Android platform has a number of its own difficulties, in particular, chaos in target devices and design rules, so a high-quality specialist is valued even a little higher here:

Weighted pros and cons give an average salary, which correlates with most of today's figures - 134.4 thousand rubles.

Java Programmer

Several “cosmic” proposals raise the average profit of Java programmers to the highest level of today’s rating – 152.2 thousand rubles.

Game developer

What's really interesting, at least on paper, is creating your own games. This industry is actively developing, company budgets are growing, and employees with knowledge of almost all popular programming languages ​​are being hired. Let's see how things stand with salaries now:

In this case, hh.ru brought up the not so happy statistics of game developers’ salaries to a good level of 129 thousand rubles. In general, in this industry there are many startups with modest offers and simply employers who are willing to save money on the programmers’ love for games.

C# Developer

Programmers writing in C# have a stable demand in the market and a decent salary. In my opinion, this is one of the best options if you want to work in several directions without wasting time learning a huge number of tools and languages. By the way, about salary:

Similar figures - 127 thousand rubles. The graph also clearly shows the dynamics of salary growth from junior (around 35 thousand) to team lead (over 260). There is also a plus for globalists - there are quite a lot of vacancies that require relocation or business trips to Europe and the USA.

Software Tester

A profession that is gradually gaining popularity and becoming a must-have in any IT company. Let's see how the work of testers is valued on the stock exchange:

Quite modest numbers in comparison with other IT specialists - only 87.5 thousand rubles. On the other hand, this is an opportunity to jump on the train of a profession that has definitely not yet passed its peak in demand. When this moment comes, it’s better to already have experience and knowledge, and you won’t have to worry about decent pay.

SEO specialist

In this case, it turned out to be almost impossible to separate an SEO specialist from an SMM or simply a content manager. These vacancies come in droves, so the result obtained below can be considered average for all marketing professions related to the web and the IT world in general.

A worthy 79.6 thousand rubles. It’s not entirely appropriate to compare it with classic IT professions; after all, it depends much more on experience and talent than on the number of books read.

System administrator

In the case of system administrators, the overall picture is greatly spoiled by vague requirements for the profession. Since vacancies were taken from all regions and different areas, we came across both small companies where they only need to service local computers (accordingly, the salary is 18 thousand), and large corporations where they need to monitor cyber threats and network quality. The picture turned out as follows:

Hence, a rather modest 68 thousand rubles, although in reality a tough system administrator, not even in a leadership position, can receive 150 thousand or more. It’s just that so far the demand for specialists of this level is relatively small, as is the list of requirements.


Well, let's hope that the figures provided by hh.ru, trud.com and superjob.ru correspond to the truth, confound skeptics and inspire young minds. But it is always important to remember something else: no matter how much money flows into the profession, without love and respect for it you will always be located somewhere in the basement of statistics.

Among ordinary people, programmers are now a respected profession. After all, without them there would be no iPhones and Facebook, they create cool companies and they are among the few in Ukraine pegged to the dollar. Who is popular directly among IT specialists? VentureBeat is a list of legendary programmers who enjoy the greatest authority in the global IT community.

Linus Torvalds created Linux, a free operating system, in his dorm room at the University of Helsinki. Today, data centers and supercomputers run on Linux, and it is developed by a horde of freeware fans around the world.

Torvalds is known, in particular, for the fact that he does not mince words and does not try to please the public. At one of his recent talks, when he was asked from the audience if he was scaring off members of the Linux community with his manner of communication, he replied: “I don’t give a damn about you.” There are the same jokes about Torvalds among developers as there are among ordinary people about Chuck Norris. For example, Torvalds can divide by zero and play 3D games by executing their source code in his mind in real time.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee- the only one on this list who managed to earn a knighthood - he was knighted by the British Queen Elizabeth II. He is the creator of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the technology on which the entire Internet is built.

He now heads the Alliance for Affordable Internet, a public organization backed by Google, Facebook and Microsoft that aims to make broadband Internet accessible to people around the world.

Donald Knuth. His academic work in computer science earned him the title "Father of Algorithm Analysis". Everything on the web, from the algorithm for selecting Facebook feeds to the algorithm for selecting similar products on Amazon, owes something to it. He is already 77, but he still works. He is currently writing a book called The Art of Computer Programming. He is also a professor emeritus at Stanford.

Brendan Ike, creator of the JavaScript programming language, which is in fact the standard for web programming. Participated in the creation of Mozilla, the company that develops the Firefox browser. He resigned as CEO when his financial support for a project to ban gay marriage in California became known.

Solomon Hikes, creator of Docker, a technology beloved by developers because it packages code into containers and delivers it to servers. Works like a virtual machine, but much faster. Docker began as a side-project at dotCloud, but when the product turned out to be popular, the company experienced a pivot and soon became a unicorn.

Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook. that the smaller and more flexible the team, the more successful it will be. The billion-dollar social network is served by “only” 10,000 people around the world.

David Heinemeier Hansson, known as DHH. Creator of Ruby on Rails, a super popular framework that earned him the title and Google Hacker of the Year award in 2005.

Richard Stallman, known primarily for his fight for free software, founder of GNU, author of the idea of ​​“copyleft” - as opposed to copyright. Very principled, does not use any proprietary developments.

Bram Cohen, the creator of the BitTorrent protocol, which gave users the ability to download files super fast. BitTorrent is incredibly popular, with a conservative estimate of its total user base of 250 million people worldwide. Last year, Thom Yorke tried distributing the album exclusively via BitTorrent. And yet, the capabilities of BitTorrent were primarily appreciated by Internet pirates.

James Gosling, creator of the Java programming language. But you already know that. What you may not know is that James is a famous Ukrainian startup Jelastic as an independent director.

Bjarne Stroustrup, Danish programmer. In 1978, he created the C++ programming language, improving C. He is still active: he teaches at the University of Texas A&M, Columbia University, and is also employed at Morgan Stanley.

John Carmack, co-founder of id Software. He is known all over the world as the creator of Doom. By the way, the idea for the game itself was born during a game of D&D, which the team held regularly at id Software headquarters for several years. Moreover, John was always the game master. He was the first to try out 3D graphics tricks that are still used today.

He's currently working for the $2 billion company Oculus VR.

Among ordinary people, programmers are now a respected profession. After all, without them there would be no iPhones and Facebook, they create cool companies and they are among the few in Ukraine pegged to the dollar. Who is popular directly among IT specialists? VentureBeat is a list of legendary programmers who enjoy the greatest authority in the global IT community.

Linus Torvalds created Linux, a free operating system, in his dorm room at the University of Helsinki. Today, data centers and supercomputers run on Linux, and it is developed by a horde of freeware fans around the world.

Torvalds is known, in particular, for the fact that he does not mince words and does not try to please the public. At one of his recent talks, when he was asked from the audience if he was scaring off members of the Linux community with his manner of communication, he replied: “I don’t give a damn about you.” There are the same jokes about Torvalds among developers as there are among ordinary people about Chuck Norris. For example, Torvalds can divide by zero and play 3D games by executing their source code in his mind in real time.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee- the only one on this list who managed to earn a knighthood - he was knighted by the British Queen Elizabeth II. He is the creator of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the technology on which the entire Internet is built.

He now heads the Alliance for Affordable Internet, a public organization backed by Google, Facebook and Microsoft that aims to make broadband Internet accessible to people around the world.

Donald Knuth. His academic work in computer science earned him the title "Father of Algorithm Analysis". Everything on the web, from the algorithm for selecting Facebook feeds to the algorithm for selecting similar products on Amazon, owes something to it. He is already 77, but he still works. He is currently writing a book called The Art of Computer Programming. He is also a professor emeritus at Stanford.

Brendan Ike, creator of the JavaScript programming language, which is in fact the standard for web programming. Participated in the creation of Mozilla, the company that develops the Firefox browser. He resigned as CEO when his financial support for a project to ban gay marriage in California became known.

Solomon Hikes, creator of Docker, a technology beloved by developers because it packages code into containers and delivers it to servers. Works like a virtual machine, but much faster. Docker began as a side-project at dotCloud, but when the product turned out to be popular, the company experienced a pivot and soon became a unicorn.

Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook. that the smaller and more flexible the team, the more successful it will be. The billion-dollar social network is served by “only” 10,000 people around the world.

David Heinemeier Hansson, known as DHH. Creator of Ruby on Rails, a super popular framework that earned him the title and Google Hacker of the Year award in 2005.

Richard Stallman, known primarily for his fight for free software, founder of GNU, author of the idea of ​​“copyleft” - as opposed to copyright. Very principled, does not use any proprietary developments.

Bram Cohen, the creator of the BitTorrent protocol, which gave users the ability to download files super fast. BitTorrent is incredibly popular, with a conservative estimate of its total user base of 250 million people worldwide. Last year, Thom Yorke tried distributing the album exclusively via BitTorrent. And yet, the capabilities of BitTorrent were primarily appreciated by Internet pirates.

James Gosling, creator of the Java programming language. But you already know that. What you may not know is that James is a famous Ukrainian startup Jelastic as an independent director.

Bjarne Stroustrup, Danish programmer. In 1978, he created the C++ programming language, improving C. He is still active: he teaches at the University of Texas A&M, Columbia University, and is also employed at Morgan Stanley.

John Carmack, co-founder of id Software. He is known all over the world as the creator of Doom. By the way, the idea for the game itself was born during a game of D&D, which the team held regularly at id Software headquarters for several years. Moreover, John was always the game master. He was the first to try out 3D graphics tricks that are still used today.

He's currently working for the $2 billion company Oculus VR.