The most popular communities in contact. The largest public pages on VKontakte

VKontakte more 54 million groups And public pages. Of course, many have already been blocked or have not been active for a long time. Today I want to present you with statistical data from more than 3 thousand groups in this post, which, in principle, captured most of VKontakte traffic.

  • 3361 groups and public pages with open statistics.
  • 862 603 881 — people who joined them, including millions of bots =)
  • Coverage per day - 124 613 285 people. The daily audience of VKontakte is 48 million people, respectively, each VKontakte user saw at least any news from these groups 2.5 times a day.
  • 25 887 467 — unique users in these groups (daily). More than half of social network enters these groups.

The most interesting things are yet to come. Often companies buy advertising in one group or another. The most popular for advertisers are millionaire groups. In my statistics there are 189 .

But everywhere and always there is pitfalls. An inexperienced advertiser can quickly buy a post in a million dollars, with the hope of reaching a huge number of people. Bought it and is watching. Almost no reaction.

Many VKontakte groups are “concerned” with best case scenario half, at worst - 99%.

Let's look at some “interesting” VKontakte millionaire groups:

Secrets of female beauty
Design it! - decorate your world
Cook it! - delicious recipes
Secrets of success of great people

Took five groups in total 6,300,000 participants. Daily coverage 284 396 , and only unique users 16 299 per day.

Now let's take one group:

Gambling addiction - 560,000 members, 294,000 coverage And 164,000 unique users per day.

Do you see the difference?

I'll show you an interesting graph:

The higher, the worse.

Of the 100 millionaire groups, only 5 have the best efficiency in terms of user coverage and unique visitors. They are highlighted in red. Certainly MDK tears everyone up. This group receives 1,000,000 likes on posts per day, about 120,000 reposts, and 80,000 comments. Closer to her is only the group " Institute of Noble Maidens“, also with 1 like, but there are significantly fewer reposts and comments.

And here is another graph, the ratio of unique visitors to the number of participants in TOP VKontakte groups.

The higher the orange bar, the worse it is.

This proves the saying - "Don't believe your eyes." Don't pay attention to the number of participants in groups.

In groups with millions of people - 2,7% is the average ratio of unique users to the number of participants.

For example, if you have a group of 1,000,000 participants, no less than 27,000 people should visit you per day,

The average for VKontakte is - 3,5%

For my 500 selected groups, this figure is - 10,34%

And in my TOP100 groups - 18,43%

Ratio of participants to coverage in groups with millions of people:

This is where the coverage goes down - a bad millionaire. All this data is from the statistics table.

You know what’s most interesting is that it’s not always a metric “ coverage» is a decisive factor in choosing a group for advertising.

Let's take 100 groups.

Total subscriber reach - 380 000 person per day

Unique users - 780 000 person per day.

How so?! It's simple, you looked at the statistics of groups with erotic content. People directly enter the URL of the group, do not join or like it, but watch it in a cute and playful way.

Because of these cunning tricks, different metrics and different influences on conversion, I created my own small group effectiveness rating.

I won’t talk about formulas, they are elementary. I present to your attention my little work in open access for everyone. Maybe it will help someone find it necessary groups at an ideal price/quality ratio. I won’t reveal all the secrets of the tables, I hope you can figure out how to use it yourself.

And, if it is useful to you, “pour in” as much as you see fit:

  • Ya.Money - 41001631150653
  • WMZ - Z236183456552
  • WMR - R694147193667
  • WMU - U322866130020

Yes, and regular ones thanks, likes and retweets They will suit me too.

Download -

Thank you for your attention, I was with you, lazy Staurus.

1. Collections of movies, films

A public page with the same “save it on your wall so you don’t forget to look.” For convenience, publications contain the videos themselves along with the lists of films. Lifehacker does not call for piracy: the collections can also be used to watch movies legally.

2. KinoPoisk

Representative office of the largest Russian portal about cinema. Trailers, rumors and news from the world of cinema and, of course, live discussions - all this in the KinoPoisk community.

3. Let's take a look at home

A public website that recommends movies for home viewing- films that are no longer shown in cinemas, but which are always nice to revisit.

4. LostFilm.TV

A public site administrated by some of the most popular voice-over authors of modern TV series. In a convenient navigation menu you can find information about dozens, and interesting news is published on the wall.


5. movie.soundtracks

For those who love soundtracks as much as the films themselves. Other public sites also publish music from popular films, but movie.soundtracks will also delight you with selections of compositions from old or little-known films.

6. New Albums

Not a single, even more or less noticeable, worthy release will pass by this public page. For supporters of legal listening, the selections are provided with links to Apple Music.

7. Perception of music

Musical selections of different genres. There are only two unifying criteria: quality and beauty. For convenience, the community has a search by genre, as well as a schedule according to which thematic collections are published.

8. Native sound

A public page for fans eager for new discoveries. “Native Sound” publishes both selections of fairly well-known performers (Tesla Boy, Pompeya) and little-known ones, but tested by very picky administrators.

9. History of music

In this group, multi-genre selections are accompanied by generous interesting facts certificates For example, “Day in Music History” posts are published daily, reporting on events in the world of music that happened many years ago.


10. Books & Audiobooks

This community publishes both book selections and individual works. Great option for those who like to listen to VKontakte audio while on the go: most of the posts on the wall are accompanied by audiobooks.

11. A thousand devils, what a book!

A public page telling about worthy writers and their works. In addition to collections, audiobooks and reference information, TCKK has another important advantage - the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people. The works are actively discussed in the comments, and the administration publishes a daily evening entry “What book do you read at night?”


12. Museum of Cosmonautics

The official public page of the Museum of Cosmonautics, founded in Moscow in 1981. Not only news from the life of the institution, but also interesting facts about the history of space exploration are published on the wall.

13. N+1

Representation of the popular science publication N+1 “VKontakte”. Articles are published on the latest technological developments, news from the world of physics, biology, astronautics and robotics.

14. Arzamas

“The history of culture in video, texts and photographs” is a description that fully corresponds to the content published by the Arzamas publication. In the community you can learn a lot about interesting things, which are not taught in history and literature lessons, for example, about vegetarianism in pre-revolutionary Russia and secret signs in “Oblomov” by Ivan Goncharov.

15. History elective

Texts in which the character and individuality of the author are felt are sometimes much more exciting to read than the usual articles written in an informational style. The author of the public is Olya Andreeva, a columnist for the Diletant publication, who delights subscribers with weekly articles on history.

Business and motivation

16. Startups and business

Public publication of, which writes about startups, growing businesses and new earning models. No useless quotes or general motivational advice - just facts, news and interviews with entrepreneurs.

17. IQ Blog - Business secrets

For those who need motivation and support with advice on , this public page will help. Posted on the wall different entries: quotes and facts from the lives of historical figures, useful articles and thematic book selections.

Sports and fitness

18. Sports Articles | Body-building

In this public, it is not catchy quotes that are intended to motivate, but detailed useful texts, recommendations from which can be applied in practice. Articles from this community will help you not only give your body the desired shape, but also do it competently, without harming your health.

19. Personal trainer

Another public page for those for whom improving the body is not just another hobby, but one of the prevailing goals in life. Many posts are supported by videos.

20. Body fitness, fitness bikini, fitness

In this community you can find everything necessary information to keep your body in shape: motivational quotes, funny pictures, exercise instructions, nutrition tips and even diet recipes.


21. PP. Healthy lifestyle Recipes

Continuing the previous category: a public page with recipes for dishes that will not harm your figure. The administrators assure that all recipes are original, and the photographs of the dishes are real.

22. Cook it! - delicious recipes

A public page with regular recipes, not just for those losing weight. Its audience is more than two million people, and the number of entries is approaching 60 thousand, which allows us to talk about Cook it! as one of the most popular and complete recipe books on VKontakte. For convenience, the “Information” block contains a special “Search for recipes” item.


23. Freakbook

Every day Freakbook collects interesting articles from the Russian-language Internet and offers them to the reader with a note about the time it will take to read.

24. New about

Another public broadcasting best materials Internet, this time - foreign. Administrators invite subscribers to vote in a poll for the article in English that they would like to read. After some time, a translation of the article is published.

25. Lifehacker

And finally, we couldn’t help but mention our public page. The community broadcasts articles from the site to different topics, united by a common goal - to make the reader's life better.

Any social network (social network) consists of users, like you and me, and various kinds of publics (groups). They can be in the form of online stores, flea markets, or simply an informative page for a specific catering establishment, a creative association, or a “skillful hands” circle.

Human psychology is such that in any community - real or virtual - he tries to find his place and his group (the effect of the so-called grouping). It is this feature that marketers use to attract customers to a particular area.

Selecting public sites according to personal preferences

Whatever one may say, someone who loves to draw will still subscribe to art supply stores, pages of artists or galleries, communities dedicated to the history of art, etc. A musician will probably look for flea markets with instruments, video tutorials and performers with whom he I would like to play together or from whom I would like to learn.

"VK" provides such an opportunity for more high level than any other social network available. Surely you can easily select the best VKontakte groups just for yourself, based on your hobbies. But is this where all the possibilities end? Where are the great advantages of this social network?

Why VKontakte?

Let's look at how VK can especially attract users.

  1. Russian speakers all over the world, unite! The ru domain is accessible from anywhere globe. Therefore, its capabilities are much wider than those of
  2. Simple interface.
  3. Access to music. The second and third points may seem surprising at first glance, but the first time you test such options in other social networks, everything will fall into place, and it will become obvious to you that was simply created for this.
  4. What to see in the feed and what to turn off is decided by you, not the statistical module.

List of groups everyone should join

The best VKontakte groups are publics with millions of people. Although groups breed like Australian rabbits, sometimes large group- for 20 thousand subscribers or more - it can simply collapse out of the blue. For a millionaire, this is almost impossible. A main secret of these publics is that they are created for women. Because regular readers of VK are representatives of the fairer sex.

Many so-called boy groups have target audience- girls. Just ask yourself how many men will subscribe to a public page where clothes and outfits, even male ones, are discussed? How many women will choose a group where breasts and butts are constantly flashing?

We offer only some of the best VKontakte groups. Their list is constantly updated, but for the last year and a half they continue to hold their leading positions:

  • (life hack and everything connected with it);
  • (RIA Novosti, news in Russia and the world);
  • (good news, stories from the lives of those who were helped and those who helped);
  • (humor).

Men's choice

The best VKontakte groups for guys, to which 99% of men and only rare women subscribe, generally do not carry highly intellectual information for the most part, but among their posts there are purely masculine topics.

All this is just cunning marketing ploy, because the majority of men are also not particularly distracted by the naked butt flashing in the feed, but news about his online game will only be in such groups.

A striking example of this is, because there are not many girl gamers among us. And even those public pages where the description contains the word “male” may not be interesting to this entire contingent, for example: - dedicated to fashion men's group on VKontakte.

5 best examples See these groups below:

  • - "Quoter Cynic";
  • — “The boys will understand”;
  • - "Academy of Decent Guys";
  • - a men's group for Ukrainian boys, if you speak the language, you can subscribe - the posts are relevant in every country;
  • - this page was not put here in vain - it is with its help that you can monitor the emergence of new official pages of public people dedicated to cinema, music, cuisine, etc.

The last public is not so much included in the list of the best as it keeps track of which are the best VKontakte groups. Its beauty is that it contains dry facts, strict censorship and, of course, news. If you don't already know movie news, you can easily track it, because before the premiere of a new film, it appears in theaters. official page"VKontakte".

Deep dive into the network

Do you make money online, do you have your own store or do you freelance? Then you need to keep an eye on a huge amount news. Remember that not all publications are displayed in the feed, because the Internet is very oversaturated. And the further it goes, the more and the more expensive its use on the part of both the user and advertisers. And if the first one does not think about the fact that he is being “heated up” for 6 rubles, then the second one spends 10 thousand to “heat him up” for 6 rubles.

So, you've decided to take a deep dive and start promoting. Then the best VKontakte groups for you are official:

  • - VKontakte team. All legal and controversial issues Publications can be found here. This is where the initial publication takes place. updated instructions and rules. So you need to study it inside and out before you start creating any VK element.
  • - the first sign of the appearance of a new online game is sent here.
  • - all VK applications for Android. Information, bugs, features, etc.

Advertising on VKontakte

Every VK user cannot complain about blatant advertising on the network. But about her complete absence there is no question. Advertising - publications on your favorite public pages, which somehow force the reader to subscribe to another group where the product is already being sold. Such indirect and unobtrusive persuasion is very pleasant, because everyone believes that they are making an independent choice.

If you want to buy a publication, remember that there is such a resource on the network as - a group of reviews about public advertising sites. Check reviews here to avoid any trouble. From time to time it’s a good idea to look for reviews about yourself. If you find a negative one, that’s also good, because you’ll know what else to work on. And of course, to develop the resource, you should leave your comment, good or bad - it’s up to you to decide.

Online store or business page

Did you want to make your own website to promote products and services? Can be used for testing free platform"VKontakte". In order for a search engine to find it, you need money, but from the very beginning, so that everyone around you knows about your products, this is the most best option. Over time, many people do not switch to other resources because of convenience and cheapness.

Fast and a lot

In conclusion, we suggest paying attention to promising pages where they talk about making money with minimal investment. You remember, as mentioned earlier about an overabundance of information? This is the reason why you won’t be able to promote your page honestly and quickly.

Today, people quickly gain subscriptions with the help of promotions: “Publish, like, and “random” will choose a winner.” But among such promotions there are thousands of pages that do not give anything for free. They don't give anything at all. And shares are often with fake photographs from various kinds of flea markets (like OLX or Avito). Their goal is to get as many publications and subscriptions as possible. After 20 thousand they sell the page for further promotion of another topic by completely different people.

So, you choose the best VKontakte groups yourself. No one will forbid you to unsubscribe if the further material is completely uninteresting to you personally. And after reading the article and searching necessary information you will already see an impressive list of publics of several dozen. Only over time will you be able to understand the productivity of each of them.

That's all. Have a good time and inspiration from VKontakte!

VKontakte groups have become an integral part of the lives of many users. social network. Every day millions of people scroll through their news feed, like and repost. Sometimes the information contained in records affects us more than the people around us. It shapes our needs and opinions, our style of communication and behavior in society, and sometimes even influences our worldview.

Everyone wants to see only high-quality and interesting content on their feed. We have tried to compile for you a list of the most popular and interesting communities VKontakte.

Below is the TOP of the 15 best and popular groups on various topics.

Participants: 14,309,028.

The largest community in VK.
Love good music? Do you want to keep up to date with all the new music? Then this blog will suit you. Musical content for every taste. Only the best and freshest songs.

Interesting planet – travel, tourism

Participants: 3,102,011

Public for those who love the beauty of our planet. The most wonderful and beautiful places. Here you can build a route for your future travels and share your vacation experiences in certain places.

Beautifully said...

Participants: 6,400,426

The name of the group speaks for itself. Good community where collected best quotes and phrases in Russian. There is something for everyone here.

Did you know?

Participants: 5,641,240

Want to know a little more? Then this community is for you. We are sure that everyone will find something new for themselves here. a public page that contains only the most interesting facts about a wide variety of things.

Participants: 5,283,275

A popular community for girls and women who want to look their best. Cool ideas, beauty secrets, tips and a lot of other interesting content are published here every day. Take care of yourself? Want to look better? Come here.

Vine Video

Participants: 5,242,237

The guys created a public page where only videos are published. A cool idea that was appreciated by millions of VK users. Now this is the most popular video public. All videos that spread virally across all VK groups are first published here. Do you want to be the first? Come in.

The best poems of great poets | Literature

Participants: 5,162,818.


English. English language for everyone

Participants: 4,228,586.

Do you dream of speaking English perfectly? Or at least understand and speak English? Then join this group. Collected here best information for learning English.

Interior Design Ideas

Participants: 4,571,686.

For all of us, the things around us matter, especially the house (apartment) in which we live. This publication contains best ideas design. If you are looking for a change of scenery, you definitely need to come here.

Real football

Participants: 2,098,877.

Community of football fans. The guys tried to create a really good group with quality content. All the news from the world of football, results and reviews of matches, live broadcasts - it's all here.

To sum up this list, we can say that there are many more interesting bands. After all, their creators are the same people as you and me (same needs, values). They simply create what they like, and we appreciate it. And only the best of the best gain such popularity as the groups from the list above.

We have selected the most popular and interesting groups on different topics (for men, for women, for art lovers and much more). This is not our personal opinion, this is what VKontakte users appreciated by subscribing to them. All these groups have stood the test of time, which means that you will like what they do.

Which groups do you consider the most useful and popular?

Hello everyone! We present to you the seventh episode of the DevShow, which is dedicated to public groups on the social network VKontakte. Almost each of us has an account in it, so why not combine business with pleasure! Add the following public pages to VK and learn programming continuously.

1. Programmer's library

Programmer's library- this is the most great resource on VKontakte, where there are many good selections video tutorials and conferences, literature and articles devoted to some technologies or recommendations for future programmers. In the public “Programmer's Library” there is a section "Discussions", where you can ask questions and get a lot of useful information.

2. Typical programmer

Public "Typical programmer" is the largest resource on VKontakte for people who are interested in programming and everything connected with it. Here you will find many educational articles, video tutorials, the latest news from the IT world, including a lot of humor.

The “typical programmer” always tries to make his materials very high quality and well-developed. We advise you to subscribe!

3. | Training in modern professions

Public on teaching modern professions contains video courses on web design and web development, as well as many lessons on various CMS. The head of the project is Vlad Gritsenko, a very talented young man with a wonderful voice. Vlad explains all aspects of the technologies discussed in a very clear and accessible manner.

4. Best video lectures

Here you will find collections of video lectures not only on programming, but also related industries. For example, you can listen to a very interesting discussion about the existence of Nothingness or a lecture about modern understanding schizophrenia. One of the latest additions was the famous Harvard University course on the basics of programming CS50. The content of the “Best Video Lectures” public is very useful and entertaining, so feel free to subscribe and develop yourself!

5. AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!

Public AngularJS is dedicated to the HTML extension for AngularJS web applications, and is also the largest community in Russian for AngularJS. It is noteworthy that in the section "Discussions" There are vacancies for employment.

6. Programming

Another interesting resource "Programming" offers you lectures and books on programming, video tutorials and reports from IT conferences. Here you can learn how to work with databases, understand hashing, or read the book “Language Java programming SE 8. Detailed guide"James Gosling and Bill Joy. Take a look at the “Programming” public, you will definitely like it there!

7. Programming ITmozg

Another resource discussed in our program is a public page from the company ITmozg "ITmozg Programming", where many articles, video tutorials on web development and more are posted, interesting news from the IT field, interesting puzzles and vacancies. For each vacancy in the “ITmozg Programming” public you can find detailed information. If you're a sociopath and a bore, this is definitely the place for you!:=)

8. Find IT

"Find IT" is a forum for students and graduates of IT specialties, where they post information about ongoing events with representatives of various IT companies. During the forum, participants will be able to listen to interesting lectures from various companies, play with robots, solve problems and receive prizes for this. Subscribe to “Find IT” and look forward to the next meeting!