Download the corporate portal template on joomla. Ready-made solutions based on platforms

I wouldn’t be too far wrong if I said that every system administrator set up a web server. It could be IIS or Apache - in general it doesn't matter. Deploying all this stuff on Windows or Linux is a fairly standard task that does not cause difficulties. And even if such problems arise, solutions are not difficult to find on the Internet.

Today I want to talk about one particular case that happens in corporate network, where all computers and users are part of a domain Active Directory. We will make a corporate web portal on some simple engine like joomla. The portal will post various news, polls, forms feedback, forums, etc. One of the main features of such a portal is that all users must be automatically authenticated when entering the portal, and not register/log in manually. Thus, any actions on the portal will be automatically carried out on behalf of this domain user. This function is called SSO (Single Sing On). For more details, see wiki.

SSO will work if:

  • The portal engine (in our case Joomla) can authenticate users using LDAP
  • The web server passes the PHP handler the name of the user who opened the portal
  • The user must be authenticated at the web server level, however, the web server must check the user's validity somewhere, hence the next point
  • The operating system is integrated into Active Directory

Exactly at this point the question arises, on which web server to create the portal? Which OS to use as a basis: Linux or Windows?

Let's consider the options:

  1. Windows OS, IIS web server. At first glance it seems the most obvious option. There is already integration with AD at the operating system level. php and MySQL will not be difficult to install. However, IIS will only work fine on Windows Server, which costs a lot of money. If you take some Windows 7, then IIS in it has a serious limitation on the number of simultaneous sessions and, in fact, the combination of Windows 7 + IIS is not suitable.
  2. Linux OS, Apache web server. The main advantages are that it is free and fast. The main difficulty is to drive Linux machine to the Active Directory domain and configure Apache correctly.
  3. Windows 7 OS, Apache web server. Relatively inexpensive, suitable for those who are comfortable with Linux, integration with AD is already available, a little configuration of the web server will be required for our tasks.

To my surprise, for items 2 and 3, I did not find a complete manual on the Internet on how to do everything “from start to finish.” In this review I will focus on the 3rd option and try to tell you how it is done. And so, let's go...

We will need a computer or virtual machine with any Windows: XP, 7, 8 - anything will do. This computer must be part of an Active Directory domain.

The next step we need to install Apache, PHP, MySQL on our computer. You can install these components separately by downloading Windows assemblies of these programs, but I would recommend downloading one collection WAMP(Windows Apache MySQL PHP). At the time of writing this review current version WAMP 2.5. All components will be installed in a few clicks. Because This collection is compiled by MS compiler developers, then previously the package must be installed on your computer Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package of the same bit size as WAMP. If you downloaded WAMP 32-bit, and your OS is 64-bit, then VC2012 must be installed in both bit sizes. In general, for our tasks, 64 bits are pampering and I would recommend taking a 32 bit OS and 32 bit WAMP.

I highly recommend installing some normal text editor on your computer for editing configuration files WAMP servers. For example, bred. Built-in Windows Notepad does not recognize line breaks from Linux-like text files.

WAMP is usually installed in the C:wamp directory. During the installation process we will be asked to specify a default browser. I still don’t understand which browser they are asking: file or Internet, I indicated iexplore at C: Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe. After installation, an icon in the form of the letter W will appear in the tray. The color of the icon indicates the operation status: green - everything is working, orange - starting or stopping, red - not working.

Left-clicking on the icon opens the main WAMP menu.

By default, a freshly installed web server will only open from the computer where it is installed at http://localhost (top menu item). If we go there, we will see home page, where it will be described which extensions are installed, you can quickly look at phpinfo, etc.:

Because The WAMP project is constantly evolving, but it wouldn’t hurt to re-create everything relative links, the path of which changes from version to version. It does this with one click, you just need to click on the version number in the ApacheVersion menu x.x.x , where x.x.x is the Apache version:

If this is not done, then some of the PHP modules we need may not load, which will indicate a lot of entries in the logs:

Then we need to screw it to Apache module sspi of the same bit size as WAMP. .

In the archive you will find 2 folders, they need to be copied and replaced into the directory C: wampbinapacheapachex.x.x

After this, using text editor open the Apache config from the directory c:wampbinapacheapachex.x.x confhttpd.conf

Around the beginning of the config there will be a section where all loadable modules are registered. Add the sspi module there (LoadModule authnz_sspi_module modules/ and check that the authn_core_module and authz_core_module modules are not commented out with the # symbol:

OT Dulcet is a modern template made in light colors. This design work was developed by the famous web studio OmegaTheme. The template supports the Joomla 2.5 content management system. The design was developed taking into account correct display in all popular tablets and mobile devices. It was developed on the powerful and flexible OMG Responsive Framework. For a more flexible display of content on the site, the K2 component was integrated into the template. Also, the Hot Effects Rotator module is integrated into the OT Dulcet template, through which you can display the most important information in this module in an accessible form. The OT Dulcet template is modern work through which you can develop a high-quality corporate website or business card website.

We present to your attention new job called IT Corporate from the professional web studio IceTheme. All projects of this team are distinguished by quality, attractive external design and a wide variety of functions. IT Corporate stands out with its positive design and harmoniously chosen colors. The most important thing is that this template is universal. All you need to do is select the right one color scheme, which will allow you to pull it under almost any site. In general, the design of this work looks very restrained, the graphics are presented in minimum quantity. All this suggests that this template is more suitable for serious or business topics.

I wouldn’t be too far wrong if I said that every system administrator set up a web server. It could be IIS or Apache - in general it doesn't matter. Deploying all this stuff on Windows or Linux is a fairly standard task that does not cause difficulties. And even if such problems arise, solutions are not difficult to find on the Internet.

Today I want to talk about one particular case that happens on a corporate network, where all computers and users are part of an Active Directory domain. We will make a corporate web portal on some simple engine like joomla. The portal will host various news, surveys, feedback forms, forums, etc. One of the main features of such a portal is that all users must be automatically authenticated when entering the portal, and not register/log in manually. Thus, any actions on the portal will be automatically carried out on behalf of this domain user. This function is called SSO (Single Sing On). For more details, see wiki.

SSO will work if:

  • The portal engine (in our case Joomla) can authenticate users using LDAP
  • The web server passes the PHP handler the name of the user who opened the portal
  • The user must be authenticated at the web server level, however, the web server must check the user's validity somewhere, hence the next point
  • The operating system is integrated into Active Directory

Exactly at this point the question arises, on which web server to create the portal? Which OS to use as a basis: Linux or Windows?

Let's consider the options:

  1. Windows OS, IIS web server. At first glance it seems the most obvious option. There is already integration with AD at the operating system level. php and MySQL will not be difficult to install. However, IIS will only work fine on Windows Server, which costs a lot of money. If we take some Windows 7, then IIS in it has a serious limitation on the number of simultaneous sessions and, in fact, the combination of Windows 7 + IIS is not suitable.
  2. Linux OS, Apache web server. The main advantages are that it is free and fast. The main difficulty is to get the Linux machine into the Active Directory domain and configure Apache correctly.
  3. Windows 7 OS, Apache web server. Relatively inexpensive, suitable for those who are comfortable with Linux, integration with AD is already available, a little configuration of the web server will be required for our tasks.

To my surprise, for items 2 and 3, I did not find a complete manual on the Internet on how to do everything “from start to finish.” In this review I will focus on the 3rd option and try to tell you how it is done. And so, let's go...

We will need a computer or virtual machine with any Windows: XP, 7, 8 - anything will do. This computer must be part of an Active Directory domain.

The next step we need to install Apache, PHP, MySQL on our computer. You can install these components separately by downloading Windows assemblies of these programs, but I would recommend downloading one collection WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP). At the time of writing this review, the current version of WAMP 2.5. All components will be installed in a few clicks. Because This collection is compiled by MS compiler developers, then previously the package must be installed on your computer Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package of the same bit size as WAMP. If you downloaded WAMP 32-bit, and your OS is 64-bit, then VC2012 must be installed in both bit sizes. In general, for our tasks, 64 bits are pampering and I would recommend taking a 32 bit OS and 32 bit WAMP.

I highly recommend installing some normal text editor on your computer to edit WAMP server configuration files. For example, bred. The built-in Windows Notepad does not recognize line breaks from Linux-like text files.

WAMP is usually installed in the C:wamp directory. During the installation process we will be asked to specify a default browser. I still don’t understand which browser they are asking: file or Internet, I indicated iexplore at C: Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe. After installation, an icon in the form of the letter W will appear in the tray. The color of the icon indicates the operation status: green - everything is working, orange - starting or stopping, red - not working.

Left-clicking on the icon opens the main WAMP menu.

By default, a freshly installed web server will only open from the computer where it is installed at http://localhost (top menu item). If we go there, we will see the start page, where it will be listed what extensions are installed, you can quickly look at phpinfo etc:

Because The WAMP project is constantly evolving, but it would be a good idea to re-create all relative links, the path of which changes from version to version. It does this with one click, you just need to click on the version number in the ApacheVersion menu x.x.x , where x.x.x is the Apache version:

If this is not done, then some of the PHP modules we need may not load, which will indicate a lot of entries in the logs:

Then, we need to attach the sspi module of the same bit depth as WAMP to Apache. .

In the archive you will find 2 folders, they need to be copied and replaced into the directory C: wampbinapacheapachex.x.x

After that, using a text editor, open the Apache config from the directory c:wampbinapacheapachex.x.x confhttpd.conf

Around the beginning of the config there will be a section where all loadable modules are registered. Add the sspi module there (LoadModule authnz_sspi_module modules/ and check that the authn_core_module and authz_core_module modules are not commented out with the # symbol:

The presence of a website is a sign of the seriousness and reliability of the company for many clients. The development of corporate portals, especially high-load ones, often requires an advanced level of knowledge, backed by impressive experience. WordPress template Corporate websites act as an alternative to creating a website from scratch, as they are developed by specialists, are easily customized, and installed in 5 minutes. Their design reflects the professionalism of the company, attracts consumers and increases website conversion.

2. Jevelin

Jevelin - premium responsive theme, which can be used as a corporate WordPress website template, online portfolio or personal page. Thanks to optimized code and compatibility with most SEO plugins, a Jevelin site has a good chance of being ranked top lines issuance. The reposting functionality ensures an influx of new visitors from social networks.

Massive Dynamic is a popular visual website builder. Along with it, the buyer receives an impressive set of plugins and more than 60 professionally designed demo templates. Especially for corporate portals, the theme features stylish pop-up subscription forms, a mini-gallery of portfolio elements, pop-up videos, lists of services, and animated sliders.


TheGem is an SEO-optimized template for high-load projects. The improved functionality of the template allows you to create the best corporate website, landing page, business card or web resource entirely dedicated to the product being promoted. Impressive scrolling effects, premium typography, and a thoughtful interface ensure that the company’s website will be remembered by the visitor.

Selection on the topic:

5. Ronneby

Ronneby is a theme that provides high performance to the sites built on it. You can create hundreds of layouts on Ronneby without ever repeating a previous design - its Options Panel is a source of limitless customization options. A set of portfolio tools helps you effectively demonstrate your company's capabilities to potential clients.

6. Intact

Intact - premium WordPress theme with an expanded set of functions designed to meet the key needs of business projects. Based on it, interesting corporate websites and landing pages are obtained, the design of which contains parallax backgrounds, animated graphics, countdown counters, achievement graphs, lists of services, Google maps, sliders.

7. Jupiter

Jupiter is an advanced website builder, one of the fastest WordPress themes presented on the market. It contains 140 demo templates, some of which are suitable for business topics. Administrative panel Jupiter is easy to use due to high performance, automatic synchronization data in all open tabs, a change history that allows you to undo unnecessary actions.

Recently, Jupiter has moved, for many it is pleasant surprise, because Elementor is becoming increasingly popular.

8. The Ark

The choice of more than 11 thousand users is not accidental. The template offers:

  • basic plugins for online trading;
  • settings for online settings;
  • optimization for any device;
  • more than 300 ready-made designs.

According to the developer, the template will look great as a landing page or website for a small or medium-sized business of any kind.

Selection on the topic:

9. Folie

Folie is a universal theme equipped with a Live Visual Builder. It provides the ability to borrow blocks from different demo pages to create a unique design. The template has 2 premium plugins for sliders, various animated effects for loading page elements, and a panel with a subscribe button.


Betheme is a “responsive”, retina-ready template that, due to its versatility, is suitable for any project. Among the demo templates included with Betheme and ready for instant installation are corporate website templates. Each theme page can have a separate advanced menu.

Bridge is a template for the website of a design studio or other business in the creative field, a sales leader in its niche. Its demo templates for Business, Portfolio and Landing Page categories can be customized to corporate portal. A well-thought-out page layout helps to retain the visitor’s attention and helps increase the conversion of the web resource.

Selection on the topic:

12. Salient

Salient, being a universal theme, can be used as a corporate WordPress website template. Available within the theme: animated page changes, several portfolio types, stylish icons, premium fonts, numerous design options corporate blog, ajax search.

13. Brando

Brando is an adaptive template for one-page websites/landing pages with blog and portfolio elements, as well as duty pages. It uses components such as: parallax and video background, animated counters reflecting the company's achievements in numbers, stylized blocks for presenting employees, services, tariffs, reviews, and an ajax contact form.

The7 is a template that combines responsive layout, advanced customization tools and several premium plugins. In the design of business-themed demo sites made on a template, the following are used:

  • high-quality animation
  • sliders from reviews, work samples, employee cards
  • call to action blocks
  • lists of services provided, complemented by stylish icons


17. SEO

SEO is a flexible template designed for use by Internet marketing agencies, SMM specialists and SEO studios who need interesting corporate websites. Premium SEO plugin Rankie, built into the template, tracks positions in Google search for each keyword and generates lists of necessary queries.


Jobify is the most popular WordPress template for creating a web resource for finding employees and jobs. Theme is optimized for search engines and is suitable for high-load sites. Advanced search for vacancies and resumes using a geo filter improves the usability of the portal. Jobify offers functionality for organizing paid placements with a convenient system for tracking and approving applications.

20. Incubator

Incubator - bootstrap template for a corporate website or startup. With the help of Incubator, any novice webmaster can easily create a web resource with adaptive layout. Twelve demo theme templates are ready for installation in one click. The template code is optimized for fast loading and is also mobile-friendly, which has a positive effect on ranking in search results from a phone.