Cost and operating principle of a breathalyzer. Analysis of the degree of alcohol intoxication: what is a breathalyzer and how to use it

13.02.2018 Narcologist Mikhail Konstantinovich Transition 0

Working principle of the breathalyzer

In the modern world, it is useful for motorists, professional drivers and their employers, and ordinary employees of transport companies to know the principle of operation of a breathalyzer - a device that the traffic police uses to measure the concentration of alcohol in the blood. This information will help you avoid getting into trouble not only on the road, but also in other unusual situations. Because even a person who does not abuse alcoholic beverages may face the need for testing. And in this case, it is better not to be lost in guesswork, but to have all available knowledge about the upcoming test.

A breathalyzer is a device for determining the amount of ethanol in a person’s blood or exhaled air by analyzing this air, which makes it possible to determine the degree of intoxication of the person being tested, whether he drank shortly before the test, and what concentration of alcohol remained in the body.

As you know, even a small dose of alcohol can affect the speed of reactions and concentration, causing inhibition, apathy, and drowsiness. Or, on the contrary, provoke aggressiveness, worsening the performance of the brain as a whole. In certain situations, such a state can be dangerous not only for the person who drank, but also for those around him. It’s so easy when you’re depressed not to see a road sign or a hurrying passerby on the road, and how difficult it is to accept the fatal consequences later.

Scope of application

Using a breathalyzer, a test can be carried out in the following cases:

  • identifying violators among drivers checked by traffic police officers on the roads and in police stations;
  • before leaving for the route for drivers who work in motor transport services;
  • to resolve legal disputes and problems;
  • to test the condition of employees of public and private enterprises working with substances hazardous to health, with complex mechanisms or in extreme working conditions;
  • monitoring problem children;
  • preventive examination of their own body by conscious drivers.

Who needs the device?

A breathalyzer may well be needed:

  • state traffic inspectorates and other organizations that maintain law and order in the country;
  • managers of large enterprises, individual branches and workshops;
  • heads of transport companies;
  • conscious drivers;
  • parents of troubled teenagers;
  • doctors of drug treatment clinics and dispensaries.

What does the breathalyzer react to?

Once in the body, ethanol is almost immediately transported by the bloodstream to all tissues and organs. Some of the substance enters the lungs, from where it is released along with exhalation. The breathalyzer analyzes the exhaled air and records the alcohol concentration. But it happens that it shows the presence of alcohol in the air exhaled by a person, but did not drink the day before. The reason is the device’s reaction to the following products and substances:

  • non-alcoholic wine, beer, kvass;
  • pharmaceutical alcohol tinctures and medications consumed shortly before the test;
  • alcoholic filling of chocolates (4 pieces eaten in a row will leave a mark that will disappear no earlier than in an hour);
  • a large amount of kefir or yogurt (up to 6 liters, especially fermented ones);
  • grapes and raisins, which give a fermentation reaction and an intoxicating effect;
  • other foods such as oranges, overripe bananas, brown bread, desserts;
  • regular use of the inhaler may cause an undesirable reaction;
  • Smoking a cigarette gives a reading of up to 0.2 ppm.

Additionally, some people naturally have slightly elevated alcohol levels from carbohydrate foods. Knowing these features and the principle of operation of the breathalyzer, it is quite possible to avoid unpleasant moments, fines and more serious consequences.

Types of breathalyzers and their classification

There are several classification criteria by which breathalyzers can be divided. But first of all, when choosing them, pay attention to the functionality of the devices:

  • Breathalyzers related to professional equipment can be used up to 150-300 times a day, have additional equipment, and are used by large organizations and traffic police officers. Among them are Drager brand testers, which have high-quality sensors and high measurement accuracy;
  • special testers can be used 5-30 times a day in medical practice, in small enterprises, in traffic police;
  • club - are stationary devices with replaceable mouthpieces, their quality is average between the first two types, they are used in nightclubs, bars, restaurants, casinos and other recreational places;
  • individual - designed for self-monitoring, and can withstand about 1-4 tests per day and short-term switching on. An example is Dingo devices that run on batteries or rechargeable batteries.

Depending on the sensor used, breathalyzers are:

  • semiconductor (with minimal accuracy);
  • electrochemical (highest reliability of indicators);
  • infrared and photometric (maintain quality over time, unlike the former).

Based on the presence of a plastic tube into which to blow, a distinction is made between breathalyzers with and without a mouthpiece. The latter are less accurate (a plastic air duct allows air to be sucked in with less loss).

In addition, devices may have different displays, design styles, and measurement ranges. For example, the Ritmix rat 301 breathalyzer, being a personal device, has visual and audio identification, measurement capabilities in the range of 0-1.9 ppm and a semiconductor sensor. This is reflected in the cost and makes it an affordable option for individual use.

Operating principle of the device

The instructions for using the breathalyzer dictate the specifics of its use. Air analysis by the instrument consists of the following steps:

  • switch on by pressing a button;
  • connecting the mouthpiece;
  • exhalation of the person being tested into the tube until a double signal;
  • calculation of ethanol content and displaying the result on the display.

The air entering the tester sends an electrical signal to the microprocessor, which, depending on the type of sensor, distinguishes it in different ways:

  • in electrochemical alcohol meters, the emphasis is on the reaction of ethanol with reagents;
  • semiconductor - designed to heat the sensor as a result of a chemical reaction;
  • infrared - analyze the presence of ethyl vapors.

After reading, the measurement results are converted by the breathalyzer and displayed on the screen.

A device from the professional Jupiter line operates on a similar principle, having a touch screen, the ability to adapt certain functions and record the most complete measurement results.


The test results are recorded by breathalyzers in various units of measurement - mg/l, ppm, fractions of percent, BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration). The most common indicators are in ppm, which means a thousandth part of a substance in the blood.

Before testing, you should know the existing standards:

  • in Russia the permissible dose is 0.365 ppm or 0.16 ml/l of exhaled air;
  • according to the Vienna International Convention on Road Traffic, this figure is 0.8 ppm.

For the average person, 3.5 ppm is considered a lethal dose, so for a household appliance this may be the limit. But the requirements for testing with professional breathalyzers are higher, so their range should reach 0-5 ppm.

What is the accuracy of the study?

The errors of different testers will not exceed the following marks:

  • for electrochemical sensors up to 0.01 ppm, or no more than 10% of the result;
  • for infrared – up to 10%;
  • semiconductor ones can produce the largest error of up to 20%.

Therefore, the latter type is not used in court, by traffic police officers, when resolving serious disputes.

Nuances of operation

Breathalyzers are easy to use and have a display (often touch-sensitive), buttons for turning on and changing settings, and a port for a mouthpiece. Depending on the type of charge, there may be a USB port or a slot for alkaline batteries.

Sound accompaniment helps to understand when the device has taken a sufficient amount of air for analysis, charge level, etc. In addition, the device can turn itself off if it has not been used for 30 seconds.

What factors can affect the performance of a breathalyzer?

During testing, you should consider a number of factors that may change the instrument readings:

  • increased body temperature can increase the concentration of alcohol in the blood;
  • the natural composition of the blood may have hereditary abnormalities;
  • alcohol-containing substances that are in the oral cavity (aerosols, menthol candies, kvass, and many other products) affect the concentration of alcohol;
  • evaporation of varnishes, paints, glues and other chemicals;
  • ambient temperature;
  • physiology and the presence of certain diseases (for example, in patients with diabetes, the concentration of acetone in the exhalation may increase);
  • untimely calibration of the tester, which should be carried out by the manufacturer every 200-250 test checks.

Myths about cheating on a breathalyzer

Many people are familiar with a breathalyzer, and most drivers are familiar with it firsthand. Therefore, recently more and more absurd myths have appeared about how he can be deceived. Let's refute some of them:

  • eating large amounts of food does not neutralize the alcohol that spreads through the blood, even if it improves your physical well-being;
  • it doesn’t matter what kind of drinks were drunk, the main thing is the presence of ethanol in them;
  • belching will not change the ethanol content in the lungs;

  • mouth rinses, chewing gums, aerosols and other products can only mask the smell of alcohol; moreover, some of them contain alcohol;
  • holding your breath will only increase the test results by up to 20%;
  • Copper coins or a battery in the mouth do not help reduce alcohol content, but only attract unnecessary attention.

Of course, in order not to get into an unpleasant situation and avoid problems, it is best to drink in moderation, do not drive while intoxicated, and do not show up to work while intoxicated. Otherwise, the results of the test are difficult to predict, even if it seems to you that nothing terrible has happened, and the presence of alcohol in the blood does not affect your appearance in any way.

Today, these devices can be used not only by traffic inspectors, but also by ordinary citizens. After all, modern life places strict demands on us to comply with safety standards. Therefore, it is worth learning how breathalyzers work - special devices designed to measure the concentration of alcohol in the blood. So, let's get acquainted with the operating principle and types of such devices.

Briefly about the breathalyzer

They appeared in the early 30s of the last century in the USA. Since then, the devices have gone through many stages of improvement. The advantage of a breathalyzer is that a person does not need to take a blood test. After all, the principle of its action is to select alcohol-containing elements from the air exhaled by a man or woman.

Device readings very often become the basis for resolving legal disputes, so breathalyzers must be subject to metrological testing (calibration).

There is an established opinion in society that only traffic inspectors can use such devices. But today they are actively used in companies where management takes industrial safety seriously. The device can also help parents of troubled teenagers. It helps to determine, without the help of strangers, whether a young man or girl has drunk alcohol. As we see, electronic controllers are becoming more and more in demand in modern life.

Types of breathalyzers

The range of devices is divided into groups depending on technical capabilities and tasks:

  1. Alcometers. These are professional devices designed for use up to 300 times a day. They are equipped with additional devices, including printers for displaying test results on paper. Breathalyzers are most often used in large enterprises and traffic police. The devices are characterized by high measurement accuracy. Errors may be within 0.01 ppm.
  2. Special breathalyzers intended for rare use (up to 30 times daily). Such devices are used in medical institutions, industrial enterprises, and traffic police departments.
  3. Club. They combine the properties of special and professional devices and are used in bars, clubs, restaurants, and other entertainment venues.
  4. Individual devices. With their help, testing can be carried out no more than twice a day.

Based on the type of sensor used, breathalyzers are divided into infrared, electrochemical and semiconductor.

Features of different types of devices

Visually, the operation of any device looks like a vigorous exhalation of air, tested with a demonstration of the result of the amount of alcohol in the blood on the display. This is how all breathalyzers function. The air that a person exhales from the lungs comes into contact with a special sensor in the device. An electrical signal is induced. It is sent to a microprocessor to process and display a digital indicator of blood alcohol concentration.

Different devices generate an electrical signal in different ways. This depends on the type of sensor in the breathalyzer. So, in the presence of an electrochemical sensor, alcohol particles from the air combine with the reagents that are in the device. Then the chemical reaction is transformed into an electrical impulse. It determines the display readings. Professional devices are usually equipped with electrochemical sensors.

Semiconductor sensors are more often used in individual devices. Photometric or infrared sensors extract a spectrum of ethyl alcohol from the air exhaled by a person; they send a diagram to the display that corresponds to the amount of alcohol in the body.

The readings of any type of breathalyzer can be affected by the body temperature of the person being tested. The device will give the most accurate readings at a body temperature of 36.6ºC. Also, the accuracy of the indicators depends on the air temperature and the presence of chemicals in it. For example, vapors of varnishes or paints in the air can distort the measurement results. They can also be overestimated in the presence of acetone in the exhaled air, that is, in diabetics.

The accuracy of measurements is also affected by the calibration of the device. It must be carried out at least every 200 uses of the device.

A breathalyzer is a device designed to determine the concentration of alcohol in a person’s blood through the air they exhale. Usually it is resorted to in cases of crime to determine the degree of guilt of a person who has broken the law. However, this device is useful for all housewives to have at home to control their family members who like to cover up the smell of alcohol with various means.

As Comrade Einstein said: “Everything is relative.” The time for complete elimination of alcohol from the body is also relative, even in almost identical people. In reality, everyone is different)

Types of breathalyzers and how they work

Types of breathalyzers vary in application. Professional devices are called breathalyzers; they have high measurement accuracy and are used for mass, repeated measurements. In particular, traffic police officers use breathalyzers rather than breathalyzers when checking drivers for alcohol intoxication. The difference between these two types is the design of the sensitive sensor, which is located inside the device. Therefore, first of all, both breathalyzers and breathalyzers differ in the type of sensitive element of the sensor and the principle of operation of the breathalyzer depends on it.

1. Semiconductor

The most typical type of electronic breathalyzer with a semiconductor sensor, mouthpiece and backlight

The sensitive element of the sensor is a semiconductor crystal, when heated, alcohol vapor is burned and the released energy is converted into an electrical signal.

Features of semiconductor breathalyzers:

  • fast response – time for taking readings 2-5s;
  • ease of use;
  • the need for preliminary calibration;
  • can also react to natural alcohol compounds contained in the body, the so-called “physiological background”.
  • Over time, the accuracy of measurements decreases.

2. Electrochemical testers

It looks the same as an electronic breathalyzer. The difference is that there is an electrochemical sensor

The sensitive element of this type of breathalyzer is a reagent that reacts with alcohol vapor in the exhaled air and performs a chemical analysis of it. The amount of substance obtained as a result of the reaction is converted by the sensor into an electrical signal. Breathalyzers with electrochemical sensors are used by traffic police officers during inspections.

Features of electrochemical sensors:

  • high selectivity of alcohol, reacts only to ethyl alcohol molecules;
  • high accuracy and reliability of readings;
  • high performance;
  • external factors influence less;
  • require calibration every six months to a year;
  • high cost.


And this device is more serious, which is even evident from its appearance. It is also the most accurate of the three.

The sensitive element is a miniature infrared transceiver, which measures the intensity of absorption of infrared waves in the exhaled air by alcohol vapor. Features of spectrophotometric sensors are:

  • high accuracy of readings;
  • does not require maintenance or calibration;
  • high productivity;
  • high selectivity of alcohol;
  • the accuracy of measurements does not decrease over time.

Comparative characteristics of devices depending on the type of sensor

The most popular device among the population is the semiconductor breathalyzer. Compactness, mobility, convenience, cost and ease of use attract buyers for home use. It is available to everyone and can be used for self-control purposes.

The readings of a chemical tester are more reliable than those of an electronic device, since it is selective for. Although verification takes a little longer, it is useful for those who want to get behind the wheel in the morning after an evening of alcoholic “discharge.” A breathalyzer will help such a driver regarding his capabilities.

The spectrophotometric tester is used in highly specialized healthcare institutions and is not suitable for personal use.

Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer? Personally, I think not. Who doesn't believe, watch and comment on the video

How to use a breathalyzer

Before inhaling air, you need to take a deep breath so that the exhalation can continue for the required 4-6 seconds. The air into the breathalyzer is inhaled into the tube for 3-5 seconds, until there is a click, which warns that the inhalation can be completed. The recommended volume of blown air should be about 1 liter. Then the incoming air is analyzed and the results are displayed on the screen. Repeated blowing should only be done 10 minutes after the previous unsuccessful attempt

Reliable readings and measurement accuracy of the device depend on the correct use of the tester. The process of assimilation of alcohol by the body occurs gradually over a certain period of time. Therefore, the device should not be used immediately after, but after 20-30 minutes. During this time, the concentration of alcohol in the oral cavity will return to normal.

Do not exhale into the pipe air containing cigarette smoke or spicy vinegar-based seasonings, or after taking alcohol-containing medications with a strong odor. Increased atmospheric humidity during measurement (rain or fog) can also have an undesirable effect on the instrument readings. Discharged batteries increase measurement error. All these factors must be excluded to obtain reliable information about blood alcohol concentration.

Each type of device contains its own operating features, information about which is contained in detailed instructions for using the breathalyzer. It comes with the product when you purchase it.

It must be remembered that violation of the requirements specified in the instructions for use of specific types of breathalyzers significantly reduces the service life of the device and can quickly damage it, as well as lead to distorted measurement results.

When choosing a breathalyzer, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. How often should I use it? For personal use no more than 2-3 times a week, inexpensive, non-certified home breathalyzers are suitable. The error of such devices may be more than 10%, but they are relatively cheap and are well suited for individual home use or for a driver. For frequent inspections at the enterprise, you need to buy certified devices.
  2. Price. Cheap breathalyzers from China are too inaccurate and short-lived. Good breathalyzers are produced by DRIVESAFE, Dingo and Drager Alcotest.
  3. After-sales service. The sensor is the weak point of any breathalyzer. To replace it, sooner or later, you will need a repair organization, and it is better if it is located in your city.

Testers should be stored in sealed packages and secluded places so that their performance cannot be affected by sudden changes in temperature and humidity, dust and soot deposited on open surfaces. You need to know that personal portable blood alcohol meters do not have such measurement accuracy that their readings can be used as a solid argument in legal proceedings. For this purpose, special devices are used that have the appropriate certificate and are approved for practical use by the metrological service.

Breathalyzer online

To use a breathalyzer, you need to enter: gender, weight, height of the person, degree of stomach fullness, strength and amount of alcohol consumed. Then click on the “Calculate withdrawal time” button. The calculator will calculate the maximum concentration of ethyl alcohol, the degree of intoxication and the time until alcohol is completely eliminated from the body.

The government of the Russian Federation regularly tightens penalties for driving a car, motorcycle and other vehicles while intoxicated. In addition to the potential punishment, it is worth noting the trend towards lowering the established threshold for alcohol content in ppm. Thus, in 2013, persons whose blood alcohol content did not exceed 0.3 ppm were allowed to drive a car, and in 2016 – 0.16.

It is important to understand that it is almost impossible to fool a modern breathalyzer, since it has special sensors that allow police officers to determine whether the suspected driver exhaled into a special tube or not (some models even display the amount of air in ml on the display). Previously, this method was quite popular among drunk drivers: it was enough to just close the hole with your tongue and be able to simultaneously puff out your cheeks; Now it will not be possible to pull off such a cunning trick.

Important: every police officer should know how to deceive a breathalyzer in order to prevent a caught drunk driver from further driving a particular vehicle.

There are quite a lot of methods, all of them use certain shortcomings of the measuring device, for example, the increased sensitivity of sensors installed on the isthmus between the body and the receiving tube. However, modern electronic breathalyzers do not have such disadvantages, therefore it is strictly not recommended to drive a car while intoxicated, relying on their action.

This article describes several ways to deceive a breathalyzer, which have different operating principles:

  1. The first are based on taking any products or drugs that slow down the absorption of alcohol and, as a result, the process of intoxication as a whole.
  2. The latter have the opposite effect, trying to remove alcohol from the body as quickly as possible.
  3. The latter have the best effect, but are very short-lived.

Taking foods and medications that slow down the absorption of alcohol

What stands out in this group of products is lean vegetable oil, which will help fool the breathalyzer, but only during the first half hour after alcohol enters the body. The fact is that the oil particles, being in a very close connection with each other, so firmly envelop the walls of the esophagus, intestines, as well as the oral cavity and the surface of the tongue on both sides, as if wrapped in a plastic bag, that alcohol particles literally cannot penetrate inside and simply go further into the stomach, where in the mentioned half hour they will dissolve and decompose.

By the way, there is a fairly widespread myth that if you drink a little vegetable oil after drinking alcoholic beverages, this will facilitate the rapid removal of alcohol from the body naturally, and the breathalyzer readings will also be close to their normal values. This opinion is fundamentally incorrect, since the breathalyzer samples the air that is exhaled from the lungs, which after a hangover will still contain alcohol vapor for about 10 hours. So, it will no longer be possible to fool a breathalyzer after a hangover using this method.

Advice: since vegetable oil has a fairly strong laxative effect, after drinking a relatively small amount of alcoholic beverages, you can use it only to quickly remove harmful substances from the body.

A more advanced way to cheat the breathalyzer is to eat fatty foods in significantly larger quantities than on a normal day: for example, if you eat several hamburgers from McDonald's, KFC or Burger King or slices of pizza, the process of intoxication will take a much longer time. time than in a normal situation. The abundance of complex fats, which the body must break down and store within a limited amount of time, forces it to literally “postpone” the process of absorbing alcohol until later. Therefore, it is obvious that after every milliliter of alcoholic beverage you drink, you must immediately eat something fatty.

The use of methods that accelerate the removal of alcohol from the body

The dietary supplements of the “Antipolice” series, which act on the principle of a classic laxative, have received a fairly wide advertising campaign, but with the only difference that these supplements act more selectively, exposing the molecules necessary for excretion. According to numerous reviews on various RuNet forums, both tablets and sprays in the series can reduce the time it takes to remove alcohol from the body by several hours. In addition, the drug “Antipolitsay” is capable of almost completely eliminating hangover syndrome, therefore taking it together with various headache medications is highly not recommended - it is fraught with the appearance of even stronger unpleasant sensations.

One of the most effective ways to quickly remove alcohol from the body is to visit a bathhouse, sauna or steam room. It is important that it be very warmed up, and it was simply impossible to stay inside it for more than 5-7 minutes. This method works with all people without exception, since it does not depend on the individual characteristics of the body, forcing it to get rid of moisture and other harmful substances as soon as possible.

Important: it has one minus, although it is quite significant: the process is quite lengthy. So, to remove all the substances read by the device contained in one liter of low-alcohol drink, you will need at least 2.5-3 hours in the bathhouse.

However, if it is necessary to go, for example, in the morning, and in the evening to “drink for company,” then this method has a right to life. Obviously, it will not be possible to remove the substances from stronger alcoholic drinks in such a short period of time.

Part of the way to get rid of a hangover and remove alcohol from the body is to do some physical exercise that makes you sweat profusely. These include, first of all, cardio exercises (especially running and swimming), as well as classic push-ups, pull-ups, and so on. Again, this method is suitable in case of mild intoxication.

Activated carbon can also help remove excess substances from the body, alcohol and its decomposition products, which literally forces the body to get rid of toxic elements by any means. Taking activated carbon has one side effect: increased gas formation, which will continue for 5-6 hours after taking the tablets orally.

Advice: it is recommended to take one tablet per kilogram of body weight, but if you need to “sober up” for a breathalyzer as quickly as possible, you can take two. However, resorting to this emergency method more than once a year is not recommended.

Short term methods

The most effective method of fully deceiving a breathalyzer is to carry out a preliminary procedure for checking the alcohol content of the lung ventilation by performing several quick but deep cycles of inhalation and exhalation of air. In this way, you can achieve a decrease in indicators by almost half, which means that it will work with a blood alcohol content of 0.32-0.38 ppm, that is, with mild intoxication.

Drinking a cup of coffee or strong tea right before the test will help change the readings of the device. The effect of these drinks will last for a maximum of one and a half minutes, so you need to figure out exactly how to manage to drink a few hundred milliliters in front of the inspector in advance.

If the facial muscles allow, then you can fool the breathalyzer using an intermittent breathing technique, which involves partially taking in air from the outside. Obviously, you still have to blow into the device in order for certain motion sensors to work. The main difficulty in using this method is that the described procedures will have to be carried out under the supervision of a traffic police officer.

Methods by which it is impossible to fool a breathalyzer

Tightening penalties for drunk driving and lowering the permissible alcohol content inevitably entails the emergence of a huge number of “miracle” drugs, supposedly capable of removing alcohol in 2-3 hours without side effects. Therefore, it is important to always get acquainted with the composition of certain products before purchasing them, and also understand which elements do not contribute to the removal of toxins from the body.

  1. Alcohol inhibits the removal of sugar from the body, therefore, after consuming any alcoholic beverages and subsequent sweets, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system are likely to occur, and in the future, the development of glypoglycemia.
  2. The content of plant herbs and their elements cannot in any way “dilute” the air in the lungs, saturated with alcohol vapors, therefore their effect on the elimination of alcohol can be equated to zero.
  3. The use of menthol deodorants only leads to an increase in indicators, since in the vast majority of cases they contain ethyl alcohol.

Modern breathalyzers calculate all readings based on certain chemical reactions, so changing the readings of the device simply by removing the smell with the help of herbs and deodorants will not work.

Also, holding your breath or covering the hole with your tongue only aggravates the situation: modern breathalyzers are able to take a sample even from a relatively small amount of air, because all those alcohol vapors that are deposited on the inside of the tongue will get to the reading elements. If the amount of air taken in is still not enough, the device signals this using a special display on the screen.

The secret to passing any breathalyzer is that:

  1. You should always drink alcoholic beverages only in quantities permitted by the laws of the Russian Federation.
  2. It is necessary to sober up well after drinking large quantities of alcohol before driving a car.

Every driver must remember that on the road he must control himself 100% in order to react in time to every movement of nearby vehicles. When driving onto the road, and especially the highway, the driver takes responsibility not only for the people traveling in his own car, but also indirectly for all those moving on the roadway.

Video: how to fool a breathalyzer

Many consumers believe that a device such as a breathalyzer is not useful in everyday life. However, this device will help control teenagers in order to protect them from early alcoholism. Having your own device, it is easy to determine whether you can drive. How to choose a breathalyzer? What do you need to know and remember when purchasing and using? This article will talk about this.

A little history

The first devices for determining the presence of alcohol in a subject’s blood appeared back in the thirties of the twentieth century. However, these were still very primitive devices; they could not determine the degree of intoxication. It was not until 1953 that the first breathalyzer capable of providing a quantitative assessment was produced. Since then, devices of this type have been used in those industries that require sobriety testing.

What is it?

A breathalyzer is a device that allows you to quickly determine the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood by exhaling from the lungs. The result is usually displayed in ppm, a unit that means one thousandth of a part.

How to choose a breathalyzer? There are professional devices that are commonly called breathalyzers. They are slightly higher than those of conventional “home” breathalyzers. Professional devices can carry out up to seventy thousand measurements per year; they are equipped with special drives and printers for storing results in memory and printing them. Breathalyzers are used during inspections by traffic police officers. The readings of only these devices, which have passed special certification, are accepted by the court - all drivers should remember and know this.

In ordinary life, such complex devices are not needed. Buy a regular breathalyzer, the price of which is reasonable. Sophisticated breathalyzers are very expensive and take up a lot of space. Probably for this reason, most users opt for compact “home” units. Today, many drivers are trying to purchase such a device for themselves. There are especially many users among beginners who have recently become motorists. They do not yet have enough experience in driving their car and communicating with traffic police officers. Of course, police inspectors have their own professional breathalyzers. However, the readings of individual devices should not differ significantly from those presented to you by the traffic police. The permissible error is up to twenty percent.

Are you interested in how to choose a breathalyzer yourself? First, let's try to figure out how it works.

Operating principle

How to use such a device? If you purchased a breathalyzer in a store, instructions should be included with the device. Typically, the device should be used like this: for five to six seconds, a person exhales air through a special tube. Having collected enough material for analysis, the device makes a click, indicating that it is time to stop inhaling. After this, the collected air is analyzed and the measurement results are displayed on the screen.


The model for individual use is usually very compact and can be put in your pocket. This small breathalyzer, whose customer reviews are mostly positive, looks a little like a mobile phone, only the device has only one button. Depending on the chosen brand, the device can be red, gray, black, silver, etc. Similar devices are produced in factories in Russia, Canada, and Germany.

Which breathalyzer should you choose? Customer reviews say that it is advisable to purchase products from official representatives. The fact is that today “gray” models have appeared on the market, outwardly practically indistinguishable from the originals produced under the brands of well-known and trusted companies. Typically, such “left-handed” devices have a significantly lower price. An experienced buyer should think about why the cost of the device is so different from the price of a similar model offered by an official representative? Of course, no one will guarantee the normal operation and accuracy of the readings of such a device. In addition, breathalyzers purchased from dubious places are usually not repairable, i.e. they are disposable. It turns out that purchasing cheap devices is actually not that profitable.

Types of breathalyzers

On today's market of personal breathalyzers, there are two types of models: with electrochemical or semiconductor sensors. The latter are somewhat cheaper, but they need to be changed periodically (on average once every three to four months). If you choose an electrochemical sensor, you will initially pay a little more (up to 8.5 thousand rubles). However, subsequently you will not have to contact a service center to replace the part - it will only be enough to periodically adjust it to reduce the possibility of operation. Breathalyzers can operate on batteries. Depending on the model, you may need two or three pieces. It is advisable to purchase them - they last longer, and a device operating on such power supply will give more accurate readings. Professional breathalyzers are usually large in size, so they are powered by mains power or a special battery.

Budget models

How often can a personal breathalyzer be used? User reviews indicate that it is advisable to use cheap models (costing up to 1000 rubles) for their intended purpose once or twice a week. What devices belong to this product line?

For example, this is the popular Dingo breathalyzer. It can withstand up to 400 tests. After the sensor fails (usually this happens once every three to four months), you simply need to purchase a new one and insert it into the device. For individual use, such a device is quite suitable, you just need to remember that the permissible error of this model is up to twenty percent. Although for home use this is a completely acceptable result. Among budget models, the Alco Stop breathalyzer is also very popular.

Professional devices

If you need to take daily measurements, choose devices that cost more - up to ten thousand rubles. Haven't decided which breathalyzer to buy yet? Customer reviews will provide more information about a particular device, so do not neglect to read opinions and statements.

To check a large number of people, you should buy a high-quality professional device. For example, if you purchase a device from the German company Drager, the breathalyzer will last much longer. Such a device can test up to seventy thousand people a year. If necessary, you can equip this device with a printer on which research results will be printed. Sometimes a company does not want to spend significant funds on checking the condition of its employees, but the need for this remains. What to do in this case? We can advise you to pay attention to such models as “Dingo”, Drivesafe. They can conduct fairly accurate tests on a large number of people, and their cost is significantly lower than that of professional breathalyzers.

Now the industry produces breathalyzers not only for drivers, but also, for example, for checking visitors to nightclubs. Often such devices are purchased by enterprises for inspection of their employees before flights. Therefore, when choosing a device, you should take into account the specifics of use.


Many breathalyzer models come with a mouthpiece. Some devices may include several such accessories at once. In addition to the hygienic component, the purpose of such a device is to take measurements with greater accuracy. When you exhale, the entire volume of air enters the device through the mouthpiece. Without this auxiliary device, some of the air will go “to the side,” which reduces the accuracy of the measurement.

In conclusion

Now, after reading this article, you know exactly how to choose a breathalyzer, all that remains is to make a purchase. Let the money not be wasted, and the new device will help prevent accidents on the road and save you money on traffic police fines. It is possible that you are a strict parent who wants to control your teenage child, in which case you can choose any, even the simplest, breathalyzer model. Buy, for example, a device shaped like a keychain.