protect technology Protected mode - what is it and what is it for?

What should be modern browser? Speed ​​and safety are the main requirements. The developers of Yandex Browser understand this, so the browser, in recent updates, has been supplemented with unique technology active protection Protect.

Security Guarantee

Malware can be picked up on many websites. This is especially true when the device is connected to a public unsecured network. Even in private network the threat of catching the virus remains relevant. In this regard, browser creators are actively developing new tools to prevent threats.

Protect technology boasts several protective mechanisms that will protect:

  1. From theft of passwords and other confidential information.
  2. Dangerous Wi-Fi connections.
  3. Viruses contained in downloaded files.
  4. Launching infected and phishing pages.

Cloud antivirus technologies are used for scanning.

Where to download Yandex Browser?

You can download Yandex for free on the official resource at the link:

1.Click on the “Download” button and then open the downloaded file.

2. We agree to the terms and, if desired, leave a checkmark next to the inscription “Set as default browser”. This means that when opening links, Yandex Browser will be launched. Click on “Start using”.

3.After the installation is complete, you can already use all the features of the browser.

Installing Yandex Browser on Android

In the case of Android mobile OS, there are two download options: from the official website and through the store Google applications Play Market. The latter involves following the link: You can also go to the store app on your smartphone and enter the name of the browser in the search. Click on the green “Install” button. You only need to confirm the installation. Next, the program itself will install the program.

How to enable and disable?

In what cases can you disable browser protection? Thanks to this feature, the user is protected from going to dangerous sites, so it is logical that the option is turned off only in special cases when the user is confident that the security of the resource from which he downloads a file or which he simply wants to visit is at a high level.

Let's look at how to disable Protect in Yandex Browser. Previously, protection could be turned off through a special item in Settings:

1.Click on the “Settings” item in the browser menu.

2.We reach the “Show” button additional settings", which is located at the very end of the page.

3. We need a “Personal Information” section. We find in it the fifth item “Enable protection against malicious sites and programs.” We remove the check mark from it.

4.Restart the program. The protection is now disabled.

Now allocated for protection separate tab under the same name Protect.

2.Uncheck the box to the left of “Enable protection against malicious sites and programs.” Restart the browser.

What do the reviews say? Ordinary users are happy about this additional opportunity. Especially when it comes to payment transactions. Some experts, however, doubt the effectiveness this method protection. In any case, you should not resort to disabling this function.

If Yandex Browser Protect technology prevents you from downloading secure file, uncheck the settings to cancel the protection. Then it is highly recommended to put it back.

The company continues to claim that Protect technology is designed to provide timely protection for PC systems against viruses. It is better to prevent than to eliminate the consequences later, and the latter can be serious. The creators of Yandex Browser do not plan to stop there. In the future, it is expected that this technology will be supplemented with new mechanisms.

Yandex Browser is equipped with a protected mode that protects the user when he performs certain actions and operations. This helps not only to secure your computer, but also to avoid the loss of personal data. This mode is extremely useful, since the network is quite large number dangerous sites and scammers who seek to gain profit and monetary gain at the expense of users who are not well acquainted with all the intricacies of staying safe online.

Protected mode in Yandex Browser is called Protect. It will turn on when you open pages with web banking and payment systems. You can understand that the mode has turned on by visual differences: The browser tabs and bar change from light gray to dark gray, and address bar A green icon with a shield and a corresponding inscription appear. Below are two screenshots of pages opened in normal and protected mode:

Normal mode

Protected Mode

What happens when you enable Protected Mode

All browser add-ons are disabled. This is necessary to ensure that no unverified extension can track sensitive user data. This security measure is necessary because some of the add-ons may have malware built into them, and payment information could be stolen or spoofed. Those additions that Yandex personally checked remain enabled.

The second thing it does Protect mode— strictly checks HTTPS certificates. If the bank certificate is outdated or not trusted, then this mode won't start.

Is it possible to enable protected mode myself?

As mentioned earlier, Protect starts on its own, but the user can easily enable protected mode on any page that uses the https protocol (rather than http). After manually enabling the mode, the site is added to the list of protected sites. You can do it like this:

1. Go to the desired site with the https protocol, and click on the padlock icon in the address bar.

The Internet has long been part of everyday life, and almost all phenomena of the surrounding world are present in it in one way or another. Including not the most pleasant ones. Fraudsters also use the network: they steal other people’s passwords and cash, lure personal data from users, send spam from other people's addresses and accounts.

A browser is the main program for connecting to the Internet. In such conditions, it is not enough for him to be convenient, fast and reliable. Safety becomes one of the most important requirements. The browser must prevent threats proactively, before any damage is done to your data or device. To do this, Yandex Browser uses Protect active protection technology, which combines several protection mechanisms.

Password Theft Protection

Everything important on the Internet is protected with passwords. They provide access to correspondence, files in cloud storage, funds in a bank account. To steal passwords, attackers also use phishing sites. The victim receives a letter supposedly from the support service of some popular site and follows a link to a page that looks exactly like this site. Often the letter scares you with account blocking or freezing of funds in the account - out of excitement, the user loses his vigilance and enters his password, which goes to the owner of the clone site.

Yandex Browser warns users when they start entering their password on suspicious pages. The Browser has a list of important sites for which passwords need to be protected: postal services, social media, websites of banks and payment systems. It also includes services for which the user saved the passwords himself. The browser also stores password hashes for these sites. A hash is a kind of password fingerprint, a fixed-length string of numbers and Latin letters, obtained during cryptographic transformation.

As soon as the user places the mouse cursor in the password field on any site that is not in the list, the security system is activated. When the password is typed to the end, Yandex.Browser calculates its hash and temporarily blocks sending data to the network. If the resulting hash matches one of the fingerprints stored in the browser - that is, the user enters the password for an important site on another page - a warning is displayed:

If the user is familiar with this resource and trusts it, then the already entered password is transmitted to the site and authorization occurs. If you refuse to log in, the filled field is cleared, so your password cannot be intercepted.

Protection on a public Wi-Fi network

Public Wi-Fi networks- For example, free internet in restaurants, shopping centers, airports and other public places - are often completely open and do not require a password to connect or are protected by extremely weak WEP encryption.

By connecting to such Wi-Fi, the user shares the network with everyone around him. A stranger at the next table in a cafe can run a special sniffer program on his computer, tablet or even phone; it intercepts all data transmitted by other network participants. Or he can use his device in access point mode, deploying a network with a common name - for example, FREE_WiFi_Guest. Anyone who has previously used a real network with that name, even in another location, will connect to the fake Wi-Fi automatically, simply by being within its range. Unsuspecting people's data will be passed through the attacker's device.

Today, most large sites (Yandex, Google, Mail.Ru, Facebook, VKontakte) use secure HTTPS protocol with encryption that prevents such interference. But many resources on the Internet still use the standard HTTP protocol without any protection. By logging into such sites via public Wi-Fi, the user actually sends his login and password to open form, and intercepting them is not difficult. With them, attackers can often penetrate into the main mailbox victim, to which all important accounts are registered, because many people use it for convenience same passwords on different sites.

In Yandex.Browser for computer and mobile devices There is protective function called " Secure Wi-Fi" It uses the same technology as Turbo mode. When "Safe Wi-Fi" is activated, traffic from all sites where it is used regular HTTP, passes through the Yandex server, but is not processed or compressed in any way. In fact, the server acts as a gateway - Yandex.Browser connects to it via a secure HTTPS protocol, and the exchange of information between the user’s device and the site occurs through this securely encrypted connection.

Data from sites that support HTTPS is transmitted directly - it is already encrypted, so an additional gateway is not required for secure transmission. The "Wi-Fi Safe" mode is turned on automatically as soon as the user is in wireless network without a password or with weak encryption.

Blocking dangerous and fraudulent sites

Yandex checks tens of millions of pages every day for the presence of malicious code - this happens simultaneously with indexing the Internet. In addition to sites specially created for spreading viruses, respectable resources can also pose a danger: from time to time, attackers manage to hack even very popular and highly rated sites and distribute malicious programs through them. Besides, search robot Yandex can identify pages associated with SMS fraud. A special algorithm has been developed for this, which is kept secret - so that scammers cannot figure out a way to bypass it.

Addresses of infected and fraudulent sites are included in special base data, which is updated several times a day and includes hundreds of thousands of links. When trying to open any of them through the Browser, the site is blocked from loading, and the user sees a warning:

This is a universal technology that is used not only in Yandex.Browser, but also in search results, Yandex Elements, and the Yandex.DNS service. Moreover, the creator of any website or application can display such warnings for its users - access to the technology is open to everyone.

Checking downloaded files

Any file downloaded from the Internet may contain malicious code. Therefore, Protect technology includes scanning of all downloaded files. The antivirus runs in the cloud on Yandex servers and performs analysis based on multiple criteria.

File verification begins during the download process. Yandex.Browser highlights some of its characteristics and sends them to the anti-virus cloud for verification. In most cases, this information is enough to determine the presence of malicious content. The entire file is not transferred, so the verification takes place as quickly as possible. In more complex cases, the antivirus itself asks the browser additional information about the file or its fragments for thorough analysis.

If the file is dangerous, Yandex Browser displays a warning. At the same time, the file extension is changed to render it harmless while the user decides its future fate. Conventional antivirus programs operate in a similar way, placing infected files found on a computer in “quarantine.”

These measures allow Yandex Browser to warn the user before something unpleasant happens. Protect is the first comprehensive protection technology among browsers, which immediately protects against most troubles: losing your accounts due to a stolen password, infecting your computer on malicious page, interference from outsiders when working on a public network. In addition, Protect is actively developing, and in future versions of Yandex.Browser its protection will be supplemented with new mechanisms to prevent other threats.

The Internet has long become a part of everyday life, and almost all phenomena of the surrounding world are present in it in one way or another. Including not the most pleasant ones. Fraudsters also use the network: they steal other people’s passwords and money, defraud users of personal data, and send spam from other people’s addresses and accounts.

A browser is the main program for connecting to the Internet. In such conditions, it is not enough for him to be convenient, fast and reliable. Safety becomes one of the most important requirements. The browser must prevent threats proactively, before any damage is done to your data or device. To do this, Yandex Browser uses Protect active protection technology, which combines several protection mechanisms.

Everything important on the Internet is protected with passwords. They provide access to correspondence, social media accounts, files in cloud storage, funds in a bank account, and so on. Naturally, the attackers in different ways they try to extract their passwords from people, including using “phishing” sites. The victim receives a letter supposedly from the support service of some popular site and follows a link to a page that looks exactly like this site. Often the letter scares you with account blocking or freezing of funds in the account - out of excitement, the user loses his vigilance and enters his password, which goes to the owner of the clone site.

Yandex Browser warns users when they start entering their password on suspicious pages. The Browser has a list of important sites from which passwords need to be protected: email services, social networks, banking sites and payment systems. It also includes services for which the user saved the passwords himself. The browser also stores passwords for these sites. As soon as the user places the mouse cursor in the password field on any site that is not in the list, the security system is activated. When the password is typed to the end, Yandex.Browser calculates its hash and temporarily blocks sending data to the network. If the resulting hash matches one of the fingerprints stored in the browser - that is, the user enters the password for an important site on another page - a warning is displayed:

If the user is familiar with this resource and trusts it, then the already entered password is transmitted to the site and authorization occurs. If you refuse to log in, the filled field is cleared, so your password cannot be intercepted. Sites that Yandex has caught using phishing are entered into a special database. If you try to open such a page in Yandex.Browser, it will advise you not to go to it.

Protection on a public Wi-Fi network

Public Wi-Fi networks - for example, free Internet in restaurants, shopping centers, airports and other public places - are often completely open and do not require a password to connect or are protected by extremely insecure

By connecting to such Wi-Fi, a person uses the same network with everyone around him.

A stranger at the next table in a cafe can run a special sniffer program on his computer, tablet or even phone - it intercepts all data transmitted by other network participants. Or he can use his device in access point mode, deploying a network with a common name - for example, FREE_WiFi_Guest. Anyone who has previously used a real network with that name, even in another location, will connect to the fake Wi-Fi automatically, simply by being within its range. Unsuspecting people's data will be passed through the attacker's device.

Today, most large sites (Yandex, Google, Mail.Ru, Facebook, VKontakte) use a secure HTTPS protocol with encryption, which eliminates such interference. But many resources on the Internet still use the standard HTTP protocol without any protection. By logging into such sites via public Wi-Fi, the user actually sends his login and password in clear text, and it is not difficult to intercept them. With them, attackers can often penetrate the victim’s main mailbox, to which all important accounts are registered, because many people, for the sake of convenience, use the same passwords on different sites.

Yandex Browser for computers and mobile devices has a security feature called “Secure Wi-Fi.” It uses the same technology as the mode. When “Secure Wi-Fi” is activated, traffic from all sites that use regular HTTP passes through the Yandex server, but is not processed or compressed in any way. In fact, the server acts as a gateway - Yandex.Browser connects to it via a secure HTTPS protocol, and the exchange of information between the user’s device and the site occurs through this securely encrypted connection.

Data from sites that support HTTPS is transmitted directly - it is already encrypted, so an additional gateway is not required for secure transmission. The “Wi-Fi Secure” mode is activated automatically as soon as the user finds himself on a wireless network without a password or with weak encryption.

Blocking dangerous and fraudulent sites

Yandex checks tens of millions of pages every day for malicious code. Not only sites specifically created for spreading viruses can pose a danger: from time to time, attackers manage to hack other people's sites - even very popular and highly rated ones - and distribute malicious programs through them. In addition, Yandex can identify pages associated with SMS fraud.

Disabling Protect protection in Yandex Browser

For this purpose, special algorithms have been developed, information about which is not disclosed - so that scammers cannot figure out a way to bypass them.

Addresses of infected and fraudulent sites end up in a special database, which is updated several times a day and includes millions of links. When trying to open any of them through the Browser, the site is blocked from loading, and the user sees a warning:

This is a universal technology that is used not only in Yandex.Browser, but also in search results, Yandex Elements, and the Yandex.DNS service. Moreover, the creator of any website or application can display such warnings for its users - access to the technology is open to everyone.

Checking downloaded files

Any file downloaded from the Internet may contain malicious code. Therefore, Protect technology includes scanning of all downloaded files. The antivirus runs in the cloud on Yandex servers and performs analysis based on multiple criteria.

File verification begins during the download process. Yandex.Browser highlights some of its characteristics and sends them to the anti-virus cloud for verification. In most cases, this information is enough to determine the presence of malicious content.

The file itself is not transferred to Yandex, so the verification takes place as quickly as possible.

If the file is dangerous, Yandex Browser displays a warning. At the same time, the file extension is changed to render it harmless while the user decides its future fate. Conventional antivirus programs operate in a similar way, placing infected files found on a computer in “quarantine.”

Hi all. In today's article, we'll talk about how to disable Protect in the Yandex browser on Windows computer 7, 8, 10, as well as on Android phones and tablets.

Not so long ago, Protect technology was built into the Yandex browser, thanks to which the user became protected: from password theft, when working in public networks Wi-Fi, from dangerous and fraudulent sites, as well as virus files.

All this is, of course, very good, but many people categorically did not like the fact that Protect blocks a number of sites. This is where questions started pouring in on how to disable, remove or remove Protect.

How to disable Protect in the new Yandex browser 2017

I’ll say right away that in older versions of the Yandex browser, it was possible to control Protect technology, through additional settings.

In order to disable Protect, you had to go to “Advanced settings” and in the “Personal data” section, uncheck the “Enable protection against malicious sites and programs” option.

Unfortunately in new version Yandex browser 2017, the developers removed this feature. And if we open the “Personal Data” section, we will see that this Protect item is not there.

In order to change general settings Protect security, you need to click on the connection icon in the address bar on the right.

How to disable Protect in Yandex browser on your computer and phone

In the window that appears, make settings.

However, you will not be able to disable Protect as before.

If Protect has blocked access to a site, and you are sure that the site does not pose a threat, you have the option to “Ignore this warning.”

How to disable Protect in the Yandex browser on an Android phone or tablet

Just like on a computer, in mobile Yandex You won't be able to completely disable Protect in your browser. For management Protect settings, you need to click on the “Connection Status” icon. Make the necessary settings.

The Yandex.Browser team introduced several new features that are aimed at protecting users. For example, now you don’t have to be afraid of public WiFi networks—the browser will encrypt the transmitted data. And when entering a password on a fake site, the user will be warned about the risk.

You may already know that if a WiFi point does not require entering a password in the system when connecting, this indicates the absence of any encryption. Those. all HTTP traffic can be intercepted by a fraudster who will extract passwords, logins and even your intimate photos from it. It is clear that the HTTPS protocol protects against this. But the bright future has not yet arrived, and even such a well-known payment system, like WebMoney, gives home page in HTTP, as if inviting all scammers to take the remainder from your wallet. In general, because of this problem, I personally try not to connect to free internet. I’d rather use up my 3G/LTE limit.

What does Yandex.Browser do with this now? If the connection to the network occurs through an open WiFi hotspot(or even closed, but with weak WEP protection), then all HTTP traffic is encrypted and transmitted via HTTP/2 through a proxy server to the final site. By the way, Turbo mode now also encrypts traffic. To do this, we had to completely rewrite it, abandoning the old Opera code.

How to disable Protect protection in Yandex browser

In other words, WiFi protection(encryption) and Turbo mode (encryption + compression) are two sides of the same new technology. It works on Windows, OS X and Android.

Password protection is a completely different threat. If some bad site disguises itself as Google or VKontakte, then an inattentive user can easily enter his password there. You understand that the password will be stolen. Therefore, you should always check the address in the omnibox.

Yandex.Browser now compares hashes of your passwords from popular and important sites with the ones you enter. And if the browser sees that you are entering a password, for example, from Google on a site that is not one, then the following warning will appear (the connection to the site will be blocked until confirmation):

Works on Windows and OS X.

In addition to these two new technologies, they also announced the use of updated virus scanning of downloaded files. Plus, protection through the SafeBrowsing API (blocking known bad pages) continues to work in the browser.

Download Yandex.Browser for Windows and OS X

How to disable Yandex Protect

“The site may threaten the security of your computer” - when you try to access the site, you are given the Protect active protection technology built into Yandex.Browser. When you try to access a website, the browser checks it against its database of malicious sites and, if it finds a match, access to it is blocked and a warning is shown to the user.

This technology protects not only from accessing malicious sites, but also from downloading infected files, connecting to public networks, and passwords.

How to disable Protect

The whole problem is that you can ignore the message displayed (of course, I do not recommend doing this) only once, i.e. the next time you try to access the site, the warning and red screen will appear again.

Now let's look at how to disable Protect in Yandex Browser. On the right top corner Click on the icon in the form of three stripes and select “Settings”.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “Show additional settings” button. Next, go to the “Personal Data Protection” settings block and uncheck the “Enable protection against malicious sites and programs” option.

That's all, the protection will be disabled.

Every day there are more and more new ways to attack multimedia devices and gadgets by writing malicious codes and programs. How can you protect yourself and not become a victim of criminals pursuing different goals?

It would seem that everything is quite simple, you set yourself antivirus program, and voila - the protection is ready! However, unfortunately, everything is not always as simple as we would like. First of all, it affects huge amount antivirus technologies and programs entering the market. Competition, of course, is great - it, as a rule, gives rise to an increase in the quality of service, a reduction, at the same time, in the cost of the product, and, as a rule, the most loyal and friendly attitude towards potential client. In this regard, we can observe, today, both free and paid anti-virus and anti-spyware software. Free versions, of course, a little “cut down”, and, according to by and large are aimed at proving themselves to the user in certain aspects of their work. However, for ordinary use and usually surfing the Internet, they are often quite sufficient.

Whether to pay for a license and expand the capabilities of your antivirus or not is an individual matter, and should always be decided at your discretion. It is recommended to do this if the data you enter into the computer has material or high moral value. Those. - when, for example, you periodically pay for something within your means online services, You become a much more attractive target for attackers.

Download Yandex browser with protection

And, unlike a user who uses a computer only for entertainment purposes, hacking or infection with any malware Your computer makes much more sense. Therefore, attackers are ready to add to this more effort and time. Also, anti-virus licensing software should be installed on mobile equipment, because, in terms of financial waste, it is the most vulnerable, due to the fact that all its work is directly tied to money in the form of own balance. For example, one could recall games or applications that independently send SMS messages to short numbers, for which a fee is charged.

How to protect yourself from attackers who create malicious codes, programs, websites, and so on? Well, today it's not that difficult. First of all, of course, all your devices must have anti-virus software! Paid or at least free - here, as mentioned, at the discretion of the user. Well, and, most importantly, never neglect the advice and warnings of antiviruses and similar programs. Well, if you neglect it, then do it only if your device does not contain data that could be used for for selfish purposes and be prepared to reinstall your software and loss of stored files.

As a rule, the majority of cases are when the user, contrary to the warning of the antivirus or other software protecting his gadget, performs one or another action. Whether it's going to a suspicious site, or installing or unpacking suspicious file- all this happens when the attackers were able to arouse the user’s interest, greater than the interest in the safety of existing data. Basically, this is achieved through promises that cannot be fulfilled in the future. If you decide to let into your computer what has been determined antivirus software, as undesirable for use - think over this step several times. And, even if, as a result of the compromised action you performed, nothing visible happened, there is no guarantee that malware is not roaming in the area you have already entrusted, and, hidden, does not carry out the tasks assigned to it by the “owner” tasks..

Today the Internet has become an integral part of human life. More often we use the Internet for work, searching for the information we need, communicating, watching movies, listening to music and other entertainment. But there are people who use the Internet as efficiently as possible. For example, they make purchases in online stores, pay bills and loans, and transfer funds. All this is associated with certain risks, as it requires the use of confidential data. Therefore, there is a need to protect personal data.

Possible threats on the Internet

Let us give an example showing the importance of such protection. Let's say you connected to an open wireless Wi-Fi network, which is available in shopping centers, bars, cafes and other public establishments. In such places, attackers often intercept the traffic of ordinary visitors and then analyze it to identify personal data: passwords, logins, and so on. In other words, in such places you can be easily hacked, so it is necessary to protect your personal data.

The most common threats are:

  • fake sites;
  • sites that distribute viruses;
  • sites that intercept confidential information(logins, passwords, card numbers, PIN codes, etc.).

About Protect protection technology

One of latest versions Yandex browser has introduced a new and very important function, such as protection Protect. This feature is aimed at making it safe to use the Internet. The peculiarity is that it determines the danger before it begins to act.

The Protect mechanism is as follows. It sends all your data and information through special secure servers, where all data will be carefully processed and verified. At potential dangers the browser will immediately warn you. Another feature is that all downloaded files will also be checked on Yandex servers by analyzing data in the cloud, and if there is a threat, the system will let you know about it.

How to enable and disable Protect in Yandex Browser

Many users wanted to know how to enable and disable Protect in the Yandex browser.

Most browsers have auto-updates, so after updating this protection technology will appear on its own. There is no need to turn it on.

Let's figure out how to disable protection. This is necessary because in some cases Protect mistakes a real site for a fake one and blocks it. And when the number of fake sites increases, the need to disable Protect becomes almost mandatory.

So, first let's go to the browser settings:

At the very bottom of the list of settings there will be an “Advanced” line. It opens additional settings. Let's open them. In the personal data protection section, uncheck “Enable protection against malicious sites and programs.” This settings item is responsible for Protect:

Protect is enabled in the Yandex browser in the same way. As you have seen, there is nothing complicated about this; although this protection is enabled by default, it can be easily disabled by unchecking the box. However, it is not recommended to disable this protection without compelling reasons.

This protection technology is very useful. After all, every day the number network attacks increases and your data must be reliably protected. Now you can manage Protect yourself. But remember that you do this at your own peril and risk. In the future, the technology will be improved and supplemented with new functions.