Find out the owner by phone. Program for searching a person by phone number

You can try using search engines or special sites with telephone directories. However, the effectiveness of this method is currently extremely low due to the abundance of all kinds of fraudulent resources. Your success in finding the owner increases if you are interested in a short code. Such numbers are usually registered privately to provide SMS newsletters and various mobile services, and information about the owners is most often indicated on the Internet. If you constantly receive messages or calls from a short number, and at the same time a certain amount of funds is withdrawn from your account, you could have become a victim of scammers. Most likely, information about the owner of this number is already available online or on the website of your mobile operator.

Contact your local police department.

It is necessary to file a complaint against the telephone hooligan. In the statement, it is advisable to consistently indicate all the facts of hooliganism and your response actions. The application must be drawn up in two copies, the second one must be signed by the employee who accepted your application. You must then receive written confirmation of the actions taken by the police and the decision made on the fact of telephone hooliganism.

Please note

Having established the information of a telephone hooligan, the telephone exchange dispatcher does not have the right to communicate this information to you. But he is obliged to transfer information to law enforcement agencies if you write a corresponding statement.

Useful advice

It is possible to determine the owner by phone number using the Internet. But remember that the telephone databases offered on the network, as a rule, are of illegal origin. Therefore, contacting them very often ends in receiving unreliable or simply outdated information. Use legal ways to identify the annoying subscriber, and you can punish him for telephone hooliganism.

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  • how to find out the owner by number

Do you get pestered with nightly calls on your cell phone and hang up? Do you often receive SMS from unfamiliar numbers, and when you call back and try to find out who the author is, you hear silence on your phone? To stop this kind of antics you need to find out owner hated phone and have an explanatory conversation with him.


The easiest way to find out owner, from which boorish calls and SMS, if they contain a threat in their context. You don't even have to do anything. Just go to the police and write a statement. Law enforcement agencies will figure out who the owner is. phone, from which you received insolent calls and will take appropriate measures against him.

Check the number owner which you need to determine from the cellular operator's database. You can buy such a base either or in markets where various kinds are sold. Although the database may not contain the information you are looking for, there is still a chance that you will find owner necessary phone, there is and it is quite large.

Contact a private investigation agency. This is the most expensive method, but it is the most reliable. As a rule, detectives have connections in law enforcement agencies and will find owner what you need phone as soon as possible.

Try using online search services. Remember that in addition to paid ones, there are also free search engines. It's better to start with them. If your attempts are unsuccessful, move on to paid search. But remember that the relevance of information obtained in this way is quite low and there will be no one to file a claim after payment.

Try to find out owner what you need phone at a cellular service point. The fact is that when you pay for a mobile phone, when you call your number, the manager receives all the information about the subscriber. Using a little trick and having previously come up with a legend, you can try to find out in this way owner what you need phone. Everything will depend on how skillfully you bluff. But if you get figured out, don't be upset. Remember that now there are cell phone shops on every corner. Face the brick and move on to the next place.

Video on the topic

In the era of information, situations often arise when it is necessary to collect data about a person, knowing only his mobile number phone. If you start searching for information with a clear algorithm and structured possible methods, you will undoubtedly speed up your search.

Intrusive calls from unknown callers often become annoying and interfere with normal life. Many people try to find out about a person by contacting the contact shops of their telecom operator. But attempts fail, since employees do not have the right to disclose such information. The article will discuss how to dial a phone number and find out its owner who is bothering you with calls.

Internet search

Many people resort to the need to publish their advertisements on electronic boards. This could be a text about the sale of a car, apartment, cottage, equipment, furniture, personal belongings. When submitting an ad, they fill out information about themselves: first name, last name, city of residence, phone number, and sometimes date of birth.

Those who sell real estate register personal addresses. Search services index the information provided. As a result, they can be used.

If you need to find out information about the owner using mobile phone numbers, enter it into the search bar in any system.

Checking your office number using Google

If you can’t find it in Google, you can try searching through Yandex and other systems.

Search for owner using database with numbers

How to find out the owner of any phone number using the Internet? Is it really possible to do this? On the World Wide Web, there are a significant number of services that provide online access to databases for landline and cell phones.

But they have a number of disadvantages:

  • Difficult navigation - difficult to work normally;
  • lack of complete information, you will need to pay for it;
  • such systems are losing their relevance and popularity.

List of free databases

There are services with “complex” sites where it is difficult to navigate and search for information. A person visiting such a page wants to close it quickly.

Attention! Some sites offer to pay money in exchange for the information provided. Services are paid for as follows: an SMS is sent to a short number. But it is often associated with fraud.

The databases may not be updated at the time of contact, and the information will be incorrect.

How to enter a number into the database?

Most services ask you to enter your phone number in free form. The system itself will automatically detect it. You can enter with separators in the form (+7***) or (8***).

There are services that require installation on your computer to use; they cannot be used over the Internet. But they are unlikely to be able to help, there are a lot of outdated programs that have not been updated.

Other search options

Is it possible to determine the owner of a phone using city information organizations? No, employees do not provide such information. You can call the service, dictate your name and address, then the specialist will provide a phone number. That is, only a reverse search is possible.

You can also file a complaint with the police about telephone hooliganism. Employees will quickly find the caller, who may subsequently be punished.

The chance of identifying a person by cell phone number increases significantly when you get tired of a short number. They are often registered privately and are intended to send messages and offers about different types of mobile services. Therefore, information about the owner can be easily found on the Internet.

When messages are sent to your phone from a short number, and at the same time your balance gradually decreases, a person becomes a victim of cunning scammers. Most likely, information about the owner of the number is presented in networks or on the mobile operator’s page.

Look at the first digits of the phone. It is possible to find out the region of the caller. There is a list of areas on the operator's website. Perhaps you received a call from some village where distant relatives or forgotten friends live.

If the numbers belong to the same region, you can inquire at the communication store. Idle curiosity is unlikely to be satisfied, but when a person is threatened, you can find out his owner’s phone number for free.

If suddenly the situation is very serious, then you need to contact the police. File a complaint about the offense and indicate the number from which the calls came. Staff will help you track down the caller.

Try calling this number back from another SIM card or home phone. You can call yourself an employee of a cellular company and ask the person something. This way you can find out the last name.

A great option to check a person is to dial him through Skype. This way you can talk to the owner and even record the conversation if necessary.

There is a little-known way to dial the caller's number. It's legal, fast and as reliable as possible. You will need to enter a specialized request, which should be formatted as follows:

(phone | fax | call | “t” | “f” | “tel”;) & (“983-41-91” | “983-4191” | “9834191” | “983-4-191” | “98341 -91" | "98-34-191" | "9-8-3-4-1-9-1" |

The input is shown graphically in the figure.

Specialized number entry to find the owner

It can be seen that the search began to provide specific information. This method consists of entering all spellings of the phone number into the line.

The second secret is that to establish the identity of the annoying person, you can download special applications “2GIS Dialer” and “Phone” from Google Inc. Programs are installed on smartphones.

A program that can find the owner of a phone

Both services use their own database of company clients and businessmen. Therefore, they can easily establish the identity of the owner of the office phone.

When you need to find out the owner's last name in as much detail as possible, this method may come in handy. If the phone book in your phone and even a specially installed program did not help, you can try to look for a person through Viber.

Identification via Viber

You will need to copy the number, click on “add subscriber” in Viber, and transfer the numbers to the line. Ready. The system will not find it in your contacts, but will offer to add it to the list. Now we need to agree. A number with a photo and data will pop up from the message.

The program is not the only one of its kind. You can find out a person's identity through Facebook. It uses phone number identification. To do this, in the top right corner you need to click “forgot your account?” and dial the combination. Everything is shown in the pictures.

How to find the owner of a phone via Facebook

And then you can view what kind of person this is.

You can also transfer money through Sberbank to the number of the caller. If the subscriber has a card, then the user’s first name, patronymic and the first letter of the user’s last name will be written in the field.

All the information is easy to find out, you just need to be patient and read the article.

In some situations, a person needs to obtain information about the owner of a mobile phone number. You can use several different methods to solve the problem. Let's look at step-by-step methods for obtaining data about the full name of the owner of an unfamiliar subscriber.

How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 1

This method is considered classic and official, but the process of obtaining the necessary information can take quite a long time.

  • Contact the mobile operator company office.
  • Write a statement. It must indicate the question on the basis of which the user makes such a request to the office. The reason why you need to find out information about the owner of a particular number must also be stated.
  • Consultants must review the written application and decide whether or not to provide the requested personal information.

How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 2

The method described below is also the official one.

  • Contact one of the law enforcement agencies.
  • Write a statement. It must indicate the reasons for the appeal and complaints against the owner of the number.
  • After reviewing the application, the issue of initiating a criminal case will be decided. In most situations, such cases are still initiated.
  • In this case, the operator company consultant must provide all available data about the owner of a particular number.
  • A special investigation will begin, within the framework of which the party that asked for help from law enforcement agencies will receive information about the person who owns the corresponding phone number.

How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 3

It is possible to access databases, but this method will not be legal.

  • Visit the subscriber's mobile operator and ask to top up your balance by calling the mobile number whose owner you want to know.
  • When making such payments, the operator on the monitor can view all the data about the owner of the number.
  • Ask the operator to name the name of the person whose balance will be topped up. This is usually done to prevent errors when making such payments.
  • If the operator in the branch refused to provide such data, then you can try to do the same in another office.

How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 4

This method is also unofficial, but it is also the most unsafe.

  • It is possible to use telephone number databases. In most cases, you will have to pay to use this service.
  • However, today such directories may contain incorrect information or malicious software. For this reason, it is not recommended to use this method without trying the others.
  • In some cases, criminal proceedings may be opened for the illegal use of such information.
  • Using this method, you will probably be able to find out where the number is registered. Other information can be obtained using special paid forms.

The broker needs the client's telephone number and address for two reasons. Firstly, the bank will refuse to issue a loan if the telephone number specified in the application form is registered to another person or an invalid address is indicated. Secondly, if problems arise with the payment of the commission, any contact information of the client will be useful to you. In this article we will tell you about several ways to get through a phone number and about one reliable way to get through an address.

How to punch a phone number to find out the owner

In fact, the phone number may not belong to the person to whom it is registered. To eliminate this possibility, try two official and unofficial methods.

Official. The real owner of the number can be determined using an official statement to the mobile operator. Please indicate the reason for your interest in your application. If the management considers the arguments convincing, then you will be provided with the full name of the SIM card owner. But this process takes a lot of time.

Unofficial: communication shops, databases, search engines, etc.

Ways to break through the phone

Via a call center You can find out the owner of the number you are interested in. It is enough to top up the subscriber's account with a small amount. The employee has access to information about the owner of the number on the computer. Ask for the last name to ensure the number is entered correctly. Usually this method works. If it doesn't work, try your luck at another salon or try other methods.

Dial your phone number online. Many social network users indicate contacts on personal pages or on advertising sites, for example, Avito. This is open information that can be found using search engines.

Enter the client's phone number into the Google or Yandex search bar.

Find out the owner's full name

Checking your phone number using Google

If you can't find the owner of the number in one search engine, try another. They have different search algorithms, so results may vary.

If search engines do not help, try searching the number in databases.

How to get a phone number through a database

Checking a client's phone number using a database is a quick alternative to the official method. Let's look at several services that allow you to look up a phone number in a database:, and the Truecaller phone program. The service interface is quite simple. The main advantage of the portal is that it updates data once a month. To work with the service, follow these steps:

Enter the prefix (the first three digits after the +7 phone number) and click search

Enter the subscriber number you are interested in by clicking the find button

Get the result:

The result showed only the operator and the location of the subscriber. determines the mobile operator and region of the subscriber. After typing the number into the search bar, click the check number button.

Search for a subscriber in the system

Unlike search engines, this service did not show the full name of the owner of the phone.

Truecaller phone app allows you to break through a person’s number. The program retrieves all the data from the phone book and processes it through its own channels. Functionality allows you to calculate and find a subscriber by number. There are 2 versions of the application: paid and free. The advantage of a paid version is the ability to disable advertising and find out who viewed information about you. A screenshot of the program is presented below.

Thus, there are many ways to get through a client’s number with their own advantages and disadvantages. By following the instructions received, the risks of ineffective cooperation with the client are minimized.

How to get through a client's address

A simple and reliable way to find out the client’s address is to look at the credit history. Addresses are included in the credit history from the questionnaires that the borrower fills out to obtain a loan. These are both registration addresses and residential addresses. The data is updated with each new questionnaire.

Look for the client's addresses in the front section of the credit history:

Fragment of NBKI credit history

The only official way to find out who owns a phone number is to write a statement to the mobile operator. If the reason for the request is considered convincing, the information will be provided.

The easiest way to enter a telephone number is in the search bar. Yandex or Google will find sites where the number is indicated. Perhaps this will help you identify the owner.

If search engines are powerless, turn to telephone number databases.

To find out the client’s registration and residence addresses, request his credit history.

The modern rhythm of life is inextricably linked with numerous connections, contacts, and communication. In the process of work or in everyday life, we are faced with the need to establish the owner of a particular phone number. There are several options for answering the question of how you can find out the owner of a phone by MTS number.

You can find information about the owner, establish his name, surname, place of residence, using the official databases of the cellular operator. In this case, you can be guaranteed to receive reliable information from an official source. You can also access public databases of telephone numbers posted on the Internet. This method cannot be called official, since the origin and veracity of the information they provide

How to find out the owner by MTS number in an official way?

To establish the identity of the owner of the phone number, you need to contact the MTS cellular company directly. Fill out an application clearly stating the circumstances and reasons for your application. Your request for information will only be satisfied if it is appropriate and sufficiently justified.

If a crime has been committed against you, the owner of the phone, you have the right to contact government law enforcement agencies. For example, write a statement to the police. State in it all your complaints and claims to the subscriber. After considering the application, law enforcement officers may decide to send an official request to the cellular company MTS.

In this case, according to federal laws, the operator cannot refuse to provide information.

How to find out the owner of a phone by MTS operator number without official requests?

If you don’t like the official approach or you don’t have time for it, then you should use other ways to find out the owner of a phone by MTS number.

Contact the communication center with a request to top up your account. Dictate the combination of numbers you are interested in. Ask the operator to dictate the owner's name. Tell them that you are topping up a friend or godmother’s account and want to make sure the number is correct.

This little trick may not be successful the first time, but don’t despair, there are many communication shops.

Using MTS telephone databases from Internet resources

Do not try to find data using telephone databases that are replete with Internet sites. Since they will not help you find out the owner of the phone by MTS number. Moreover, they can harm your computer’s operating system, withdraw money from your mobile account, and not provide the necessary data. Do not send any SMS messages to the specified numbers to receive a registration code. All these are tricks to lure money for a non-existent service.

Use only those databases that offer a free determination of the subscriber's region of registration. These databases are publicly available and do not require additional payment.

Other ways to search for data about the owner of an MTS phone number

If all of the above methods do not suit you, then you should try your luck and use the simplest method. Enter the phone number into the search engines you know. Maybe your subscriber recently purchased or sold something over the Internet and his phone number and personal data may have been saved.

To summarize, it is worth saying that only representatives of the cellular company and employees of the relevant government services clearly know how to find out the owner of a phone by MTS number. Alternative attempts to search for data may result in fraud and loss of your funds.