Login to icloud com mail. Create an iCloud account

If you have switched to Android, but want to use your Apple mail and don't know how to do it, then our instructions were created especially for you. In this article, we will tell you how to log in to iCloud from an android and set up mail from an iPhone on a new device.

Many Apple funds operate exclusively on native software. For example, you won't be able to use iMessage on Android. Fortunately, such problems do not arise with iCloud.

First of all, you will need the application password

V currently Apple uses two-factor authentication by default on iPads, iPhones, and Mac computers OS. Thus, the first thing you need to do is to set an application password. Don't worry, it's very easy to do, but without such an operation you will be bombarded with notifications of incorrect actions (either the e-mail address or the password is entered incorrectly).

You will need to go from the browser to the official Apple website. For you, this is already a familiar and familiar login form, where an account and an account were previously created. Apple entry ID. Here you can work with your Apple ID. Log in to your account (an iPhone or other gadget will come in handy for passing two-factor authentication) and study the security section.

The title will read "APP-SPECIFIC PASSWORDS". You will also see a link to generate a password.

Type in a password name. ‘Android Email’ will do. You will be able to identify which third party applications You are working to access your Apple ID.

Click Create. After that you will see generated in automatic mode password. You'll need it in a minute.

How to access iCloud mail from android through settings

to install account icloud email on an android device, open the “Settings” section on your smartphone. Everything will depend on the model of your gadget. In most cases, for this purpose, you just need to scroll down to the icon you need. It is possible that you will have to scroll again, because the first time there will only be certain labels.

Now you should find the accounts menu. On the Smartphone Pixel 2 (Android 8) this menu is called “Users & Accounts” (Users & accounts).

Scroll down until you see "Add account" (+Add account).

Then you should click on the “Personal (IMAP)” option. Nearby is the Gmail icon. Enter your email.

In theory, adding “@me” or “@icloud.com” is not necessary. However, if nothing works without them, add this part as well.

The server settings should be automatically identified. In the left upper corner enter the previously generated application password.

Your email should start syncing and showing up in the Gmail app along with your other email accounts. To switch between accounts, tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines in the upper left corner) and then click on the shown email address, or round labels (required to display other accounts).

To see your email, click on @me or @icloud.

Manually configure iCloud IMAP if the previous steps did not help

If you need manual installation you can always use the following information:

If you are required to enter an email or username for outgoing server, bet on the full email address. If you're having security issues, opt for TSL instead of SSL.


To enter iCloud iPhone Android phone does not require special skills and knowledge. To do this, it is enough to generate personal password on the official site Apple and enter it in the appropriate field when adding a new account in the settings of the android device.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments to this guide.

Details Benks Created: January 20, 2018 Updated: January 20, 2018

Friends, hello everyone! You may call me paranoid, but I have always said, I do, and I will continue to talk about data security, backups on Mac and iPhone, and everything that can keep you calm and nervous. I already wrote about the creation backups, and . I hope that you follow my advice and try to make your life calmer and safer! Today I want to tell you a horror story that potentially applies to ALL iCloud users whose addresses end in @mail.ru. Already many times I notice that iCloud is registered through mailing address like “[email protected]”, is hacked extremely simply, and then the user gets a bunch of problems on his head. I will tell you how to change your Apple ID, as well as add a backup email address to secure your iPhone, iPad, Mac, as well as your data!

So, let's start from the very beginning. When registering an account in iCloud, at one of the first stages the question is asked: create an account on existing mail or create free address on the . And now at this stage, you have the opportunity to avoid problems if you choose this option.

Previously, if you chose mail to @gmail.com, @yandex.ru, etc. as your account name, there was no normal synchronization of notes, reminders, and something else (I don’t remember anymore). Today, while writing articles, I created test accounts on mail.ru and e1.ru, and assigned them names to iCloud. And how surprised I was to learn that now there is no difference between the name [email protected] and [email protected]! That is what is happening now full synchronization data between iOS, OS X and iCloud server Well, except for mail, which is logical. So on this moment you can use any mail as a name for iCloud!

Now go guessing, which may not be far from the truth. If suddenly, among my readers there will be someone who is somehow connected with the Mail.ru service, you should know that I have nothing against the company! Possible attacks on my part are directed against possible employees of the company or former employees, as well as password crackers .

V Lately there is a tendency that boxes on mail.ru are merged in one way or another, to one character or another, and for simplicity we will call them malefactors. These are not hackers (in the literal sense of the word), they can be characters from the very structure of the company (perhaps) who in one way or another have (and still can) access the addresses and passwords of mail users. Theoretically, it could look like this: an attacker from the mail.ru customer base selects those addresses where letters from certain recipients are found, in our case it is apple.com and related ones, such as [email protected], [email protected] etc. Realizing that this mail is used for authorization on icloud.com, the attackers block all incoming emails from Apple and hack into the iCloud account itself. And then they block all devices associated with this account and send a letter with a proposal to return access to their devices by sending a letter there, and then they demand money for unlocking. Just the other day, I saw a similar “request” on the phone of a friend:

Almost always, with such a hack, the mail.ru box itself undergoes changes: or password changes(less often, since the user should not immediately guess that there are some problems with the mail), or addresses from Apple are added to the stop list(so that messages do not fall on the box, when changing the password, there was a visibility that this is how it should be).

By the way, here's another a little advice when creating an account iCloud entries: if you still decide to link your new account to an existing mail, AVOID mailboxes like @e1.ru, @66.ru, @planet-a.ru, @qip.ru and similar local (outdated) servers. And even more so, do not use corporate mail (@ugmk.com, @myfirm.ru), gmail.com or icloud.com is better. The bottom line is that the probability of closing a local (provider / corporate) server is much higher than a large Russian or international server! Or, if you leave the provider and, accordingly, the provider box will be unavailable for you (@sky.ru, @planet-a.ru, etc.) And if the mail service is closed, your recovery data will be gone to an already non-existent mailbox and you will not be able to revive your account if something happens!

So, if you still linked your iCloud account to your existing mailbox (mail, yandex, gmail ...), then there is an opportunity to redo something and increase the reliability of the account!

Add a backup email

This item is important for absolutely everyone, regardless of which email address was chosen for the Apple ID - @icloud.com, @gmail.com, @mail.ru, etc.! If you did not specify a backup address when creating Email then now is the time to do it. If you don't remember if you created it, then you should definitely check it out! Why is the backup address so important? In case of any problems with your main account, you can always restore access to the iCloud service through the address you specified. The fallback address will only be used for messages related to the security of your account - nothing else will be sent to it from Apple.

So, in order to enter a backup email address, you need to go to the site and there click on the Manage Apple ID button:

In the window that appears again, you will need to pay attention to the item Additional addresses e-mail. If yours is empty, then we have come to the address, and you need to add backup mail:

Click on the blue Add e-mail field and enter an existing mail that is not associated with an Apple ID. As you can see, in the example, I entered the mail [email protected] , which has already been tied to iCloud, and therefore cannot be used:

You need to use the backup mail that you use (real mail, not fictitious), and not just take one of your existing ones, since in case of problems with the main iCloud box, you will need to have access to the backup. You can use the husband/wife box or loved one. But it's better, still your own ...

After entering the existing email address, click on Save and we get the following message:

By the way, if you have already entered an email address as a backup, but did not confirm it in right time, then now is the time to check the spelling of the address, and if everything is correct, then you need to click on Resend. Next, follow the same mail that was indicated as a backup. (By the way, my letter, after entering the address, did not come to the mail, and therefore I had to click on the resend button - this may be a glitch, but be careful: if the letter did not come the first time, repeat sending)

In the mail you should expect a fresh letter from Apple asking you to confirm the current mailbox as a backup for Apple ID, in which you need to click on the blue line Confirm now >:

After clicking, you will be taken to the My Apple ID page, which will prompt you to enter your Apple ID and password. Please note that here you need to enter the same Apple ID that we registered and to which this backup box was tied:

If you entered the address and password correctly, then fanfare, applause and solemn music of congratulations from Apple await you, that the box has been successfully confirmed, as a backup:

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this action no, but it will greatly increase the security of your account! In case an attacker breaks into your mail, changes your password and changes the main iCloud address, you will receive all notifications on your backup box and will be able to restore everything!

Why do you need to rename an account if you already entered a backup email address? And then, that even linking a backup mail will not save you from deleting your provider mail (@planet-a.ru, @sky.ru, if you assigned exactly such an address to your Apple ID) or leaving the company (for example, if you linked mail to @ugmk.com or another corporate mail). It is better, in my opinion, to keep mail on Russian or international servers. So, we figured out why you need to change the email address for Apple ID, now let's move on to practice.

First, you will need to log out of your account on all devices that use given by Apple ID for iMessage, FaceTime, App Store, iCloud . Simply put, you just need to sign out of iCloud and the App Store on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. When you log out of your account, the phone will ask you a question - what to do with contacts, calendars, notes, etc. - leave everything on the phone, and if it still deletes something, then there will be nothing to worry about - all data is saved in iCloud and after renaming the account, everything will return to the devices! Next, you need to go to the site and there click on the Manage Apple ID button, enter your current Apple ID and password, and after successfully entering the data, see the already familiar picture:

And if you have gone through the process of adding backup mail, you will see the changes - under your backup address there is a green inscription Confirmed! If not, then it's time to scroll this instruction up and double-check everything. To rename your account, you will need to click on the Change button, to the right of your Apple mail ID:

After that, a small field will open in which you can enter another mail. I decided to check what will happen if I specify as new mail, the backup mail that you linked in the previous step? And I got the answer:

If for some reason you want to use the same box that you used as a backup, then first delete it from the Additional e-mail addresses, by clicking on the delete button, to the right of the email address:

Then confirm your action by clicking "Delete" again in the window that appears. Further, if all actions are successfully completed, then the field with the backup box will be empty, but it will be possible to specify this address as a new one:

I’ll make a reservation again: it’s not at all necessary to delete the backup address and / or use it instead of the main one - I just gave an example of how you can do it if you really want to 🙂

After that, click on the Save button. Immediately after that, a message will be sent to your mail, which you indicated as new (as well as backup, if you did not change it), confirming your account as the main one for Apple ID:

Also, in the received letter, we pass the link Confirm now > and enter the NEW address and the OLD (CURRENT) password (well, if you used the password qwerty123, for example, then you must enter it), and then click on Confirm address:

Again, if everything is entered correctly, then we receive congratulations from Apple, and you can safely enter your new address as iCloud and App Store and continue to use all your data, as if nothing had happened 🙂

Friends, that seems to be it! We have successfully added backup/additional mail to Apple ID, and we were able to change Apple ID to save ourselves from problems in the future!

I hope that this article, despite its considerable volume, was understandable to you and you were able to do everything 🙂 If you liked this information please share it with your friends and family through your favorite social network! You can also join my groups

iCloud - cloud storage with many useful features. Together with iTunes and others Apple services is a rich user toolkit for owners of "apple" gadgets of all generations - iPad, iTunes, iPod.

The power of iCloud is hard to overestimate. This and remote access to stored data under a single account, and the creation of backup copies, and automatic synchronization, and comfortable work with media content.
And everything would be fine. However, users during the operation of the service may be overcome characteristic problems, which often arise through their own fault: email is not confirmed, the application is not logged in correctly, on the site, due to non-compliance with security rules, it becomes necessary to unblock your account, etc.

This article is designed to help you quickly deal with these and other annoyances in iCloud service in order to enjoy its technologies in full force in your account, as before.

Let's take a closer look at each issue separately.


It would seem that what can be difficult in typing a login and password? But some beginners still manage to fall into a stupor even at this initial stage of use.

Icloud login is carried out by a single identifier Apple systems. That is, if you signed up for iTunes, the same account can be used to log in to iCloud.com.

To enter the service:

On the site

1. On home page iCloud site, in the first line, enter the login (email address) specified in the account, and in the second - the password.

2. Press the "Login" button (right arrow).

4. Optionally, you can activate any subsection in your account, as well as go to the profile settings.

In an application on a computer

1. If you do not have the iCloud client installed on your PC yet, go to https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204283 and click the "Download" button.

2. Install the downloaded distribution into the system:

  • during installation under the text license agreement click the radio button "I accept the terms ...";
  • optionally connect the update module: with a mouse click, check the box "Automatically update ...";
  • click the "Install" button.

3. Launch the application. In the panel that opens, enter your Apple ID (email) and password. Click "Login".

On phone/tablet

To change the storage synchronization settings in the gadget:

1. Open: Settings → iCloud.

2. Move the on/off sliders. in the appropriate options (Mail, Contacts, Calendars, etc.).

What to do if the message "Account not verified" appears when logging in

Close the service settings panel, and then open it again and try to authorize.

Go to your email and check your spam folder. Maybe Post service I mistakenly blocked an email with a link to activate my profile.

If for some reason the message for verification did not arrive by email, click the "Resend confirmation" button in the service settings panel.

How to change the settings and data in the profile?

1. On site cloud storage data, go to the "Settings" section.

3. In the tab that opens, on the site https://appleid.apple.com/ru-ru (Apple's official web resource), enter your Apple ID and password.

4. Make changes to the relevant data sections (primary and backup email, password, device information, payment details).

To activate edit mode in the field, use the appropriate links (Add…, Edit…, More…).

How to unlock an account?

  • "...disabled for security reasons";
  • "Failed to login...";
  • "Blocked ...".

You need to restore access to your account, that is, unblock it, as follows:
1. Go to iforgot.apple.com/en.

2. Type your Apple ID in the field.

4. Select the method of verifying the rights to the account (via email or security questions): click the button next to the appropriate option.

5. To unlock the profile, provide an existing password, or reset it and enter new key(About, ).

Attention! After several unsuccessful attempts to restore the identifier, the unlock service for the specified ID becomes unavailable. They can be used again after 24 hours. If the account has been activated two-factor authentication, to unlock you will additionally need a mobile number or a trusted device.

How to delete a profile in iCloud?

On an iOS device

1. Tap the "Settings" section.

2. Open the "iCloud" subsection.

3. Touch your finger to activate the "Logout" function.

Attention! If your device has iOS 7 installed, click on "Delete account".

4. Run the "Exit" command again, and then select "Delete from ...".

5. Type your password to sign in to your Apple system profile.

If there is no iOS device

Method number 1

  1. Sign in with your Apple ID to icloud.com/find.
  2. Go to the device panel.
  3. Tap "Erase".
  4. After destroying the data, run the "Delete from account" command.

Method number 2

If it is not possible to restore access to content management (perform Method # 1), you need to create New password for id. Thus, in case of sale, loss of the device, its owner will no longer be able to delete the content stored in your iCloud account.

Successful service setup!

For modern users Internet, e-mail is not just a means of instant sending letters and communication, but also a means of active life on the net. This is a data warehouse, and registration on sites, and a means of doing business on the Internet, etc. Therefore, today, people are looking for such an Internet resource for e-mail registration, which can offer them maximum functionality and ease of use. In 2012, such a service called iCloud was offered by Apple.

It is available to everyone iPad owners, iPhone, iPod and computers under operating Mac system. It allows you to register iCloud mail in the domain zone of the same name and use it on a par with all other cloud storage features. How to do it?

How to become the owner of e-mail from Apple?

Becoming the owner of a smartphone or tablet trading Apple brands, the owner registers the device in iCloud cloud storage. After the procedure, the phone is assigned a personal Apple ID number, which will later act as a login for everyone cloud services. The registration process guarantees automatic creation iCloud mail, if you do not skip the menu item "Get free e-mail in iCloud. In this case, the email address will end with @icloud.com, @mac.com, @me.com (depending on which device the account was created on).

If at getting Apple ID was used "current email address", then the user will have to go through an additional simple procedure for activating the box on the cloud. Proceed as follows:

  • Go to the "Settings" of the gadget. If you are logging in for the first time, then you will need to enter the received ID number.
  • Select "iCloud" from the menu list.
  • In a new window, find the "Mail" menu.
  • Move the slider to the right of the "Mail" icon to the active position.
  • Come up with beautiful name for an email address.

Private mailbox registered. The password from it will be an alphanumeric cipher invented by a person when registering a device in the cloud storage. It should also be noted that the procedure creating an e-mail available only on Apple devices with operating system iOS system 5.0 and up, OS X Lion 10.7.4 and up. Therefore, before starting the procedure, Apple support specialists recommend updating the software. You can sign in to iCloud mail from a computer running OS X Lion and Windows, from a smartphone and tablet.

Important! You cannot create an email on computers running the Windows operating system. But you can access mail created on iOS and OS X Lion without any problems.

How to access from a Windows PC?

Many owners of tablets and smartphones Apple personal computer uses operating system Windows. Consider how to enter your email box from a PC. The action algorithm is as follows:

  • Follow the link
  • Fill in the requested forms - Apple ID (aka e-mail) and Password.
  • Click on the arrow on the right in the "Password" field.

If you used a free address (with the ending @me.com, @mac.com) when registering an e-mail, then there will be no problems. If not, then the service will require installation special application Mail. To avoid misunderstandings, you can immediately download the client for Windows on the official website. Activate iCloud drawer from a computer using the application is also easy. The main thing is to follow the instructions of the “assistant” of the client settings.

Why is Apple's e-mail so good?

The fact that Apple has provided for the possibility of increasing storage up to 1 TB. Initially, up to 5 GB is allocated for the needs of the user free space. To increase the volume, you will need to pay a nominal fee. Hacking iCloud mail with an 8-character password and ID confirmation is much more difficult than an account on mail.ru, yandex.ru and other domains.

In addition, the Internet service provides other advantages:

  • 100% no ads. Only Gmail.com can compete with the service from the Cupertinos. There is not much of it here, but still advertising brings certain inconveniences to the work.
  • Easy application operation, friendly interface and settings. Even if the user has never dealt with Apple services, there will be no problems with logging in to the mail, password recovery and settings for its operation.
  • Full integration with devices.
  • Use of push notification technology.

Box password recovery

If the user has forgotten the password for e-mail box It won't be hard to restore it. The service offers two ways - the answer to Security Question or via other mail. You must fill in the field with identification number device and click "Forgot your password?". Next choose suitable option resetting the old access code - a question or through another account. It should be borne in mind here that when choosing recovery by box, it should have been specified by the user during device registration in the cloud. The same goes for the control question.

Important! Problems can arise if the owner has forgotten the password for the backup e-mail or does not remember what answers to the questions he entered when creating the account. Therefore, service staff Apple support recommend using valid email addresses, correct personal data and, as a control, leaving questions whose answers cannot change over time.

Can I delete an email account?

The service allows you to delete mail and account on the cloud. But before deleting, you should think about all the data stored in the cloud. Pressing the "Delete" button will result in their complete loss. And there will be no more access to other services (purchases, online registration, games, etc.). Consider how to delete a user account on the cloud. You need to do the following:

  • Enter the "Settings" of the device.
  • Select "Accounts" from the "Mail" menu.
  • Select an alias you no longer need.
  • Select "Delete" from the menu list.
  • Press "OK".

Removal completed. In order not to lose data, you must first either save it to your PC or use iTunes. Before clicking "OK", it is worth checking whether everything you need is saved and will not be affected. Recovering information (photos, videos, documents) will not work.


The article revealed in detail the question of how to quickly and without confusion create a mailbox for an iPhone or iPad. For those who are familiar with American smartphones, there will be no difficulties for sure, the procedures are logical and easy to perform. For owners of other brands smart phones, a video instruction with clear instructions on what and where to press will be placed just below. Enjoy your viewing and see you on the pages of the site!

Video instruction

I categorically welcome! Today we will talk about this important service Apple like iCloud mail. The @iCloud.com domain began its operation in 2012, and from that moment on, every owner of an iPhone, iPad or iPod can “charge” their email inbox on the server of the apple company. Cool? Not that word!

But the question immediately arises - why is this actually needed? And what exactly can this mail service boast of in comparison with others? In fact, iCloud mail has a lot of advantages - it will be very difficult to list them all. Yes, and probably not necessary. I will only focus on those positive moments that immediately come to my mind.

  1. There is no advertising at all.
  2. Integration with Apple devices at the maximum level.
  3. It is possible to create virtual mailboxes (aliases).

Also, in small pluses you can add unusual name(if gmail and other ramblers are tired). And of course, the idleness of the login, since iCloud is not wildly popular in Russia, it increases the likelihood of making the “name part of the address” beautiful.

By the way, for those who use the "cloud", iCloud mail registration allows you to synchronize notes.

How to create iCloud mail?

To get started we need:

  • (Don't know what it is? We read).
  • One of iPad devices, iPhone, iPod. The fact is that the creation of e-mail comes from the settings menu of your gadget. Even with an Apple ID, going to the management site cloud storage at www.icloud.com, when you click on the “mail” icon, we see a sign:

Which says that you need to proceed to the device settings. That's where we're going. Choose desired item menu. If this is your first time here, enter your Apple ID. If not, then move the slider opposite the mail menu. In the window that appears, click create.

It remains to come up with a beautiful name, and that's it - the email address is registered! The password is your iCloud password. Now you can check, receive, send letters using:

  1. Sign in from a computer with an iCloud com email address.
  2. Mobile device. To do this, click on the standard Mail app() and ... you can start working with electronic correspondence!

Now let's look at a few questions that will probably arise in the process of using it.

How do I rename (change) an iCloud mailbox?

No way :) Because the address is tied to your Apple ID account. And to change it, you need to create new account. However, there is still a way out if the login [email protected](given as an example) You are tired. For this, there are so-called aliases, you can create them in the amount of three pieces. And already these pseudonyms should be indicated as your email address on forums, websites - yes, anywhere!

All letters that will be sent to them will go to your main mail. By the way, great way fight against spam. At in large numbers of this, it is enough to erase the pseudonym.

How to delete iCloud mail address?

But there’s no way either :) The only option is to simply stop using it (here it’s also all about the notorious binding to Apple ID).

For this, in iCloud settings move the slider to the inactive position. Now the mail will not be synchronized with the storage, but you can continue to use it email address. It turns out that it is impossible to get rid of it completely.

As you can see, iCloud com mail besides obvious merits, is not without less obvious shortcomings. Whether to use it or not is up to you. By the way, if you get yourself an icloud box, then why? For what? Share in the comments!

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