Vivaldi translation of pages. Vivaldi - a browser with a human face

June 17, 2016 at 01:05 AM

10 life hacks for the Vivaldi browser

  • Vivaldi Technologies AS blog,
  • Browsers

Hello everyone!

When creating the Vivaldi browser, we strive to follow our usual philosophy: to provide users with the maximum possible browser experience. To do this, we are constantly adding new interesting features and also expand the number available settings in almost every browser version.

And, as far as we know from your feedback, you really like our approach to the development of Vivaldi. Of course, this complicates the browser and sometimes leads to errors in the operation of functions, but, in full accordance with the laws of dialectics, such a quantitative variety of settings and features inevitably turns into quality - new possibilities for working with the browser appear that you don't even know about. And today we want to introduce you to a small list of such "life hacks" that will make your work in Vivaldi a little more comfortable.

1. "Boss Button"

It is no secret that many in work time love to look at sites not related to work, especially during sports championships, for example. But a rare boss can get into a position and forgive a subordinate for such liberties. So you have to invent different ways, allowing you to quickly hide from the unexpectedly invading bosses what is displayed on the monitor screen. There is similar function and in the Vivaldi browser.

In fact, the function is even more perfect than you might imagine, because there is no button at all! To activate this mode you just need to enable the blur filter in the "Page Effects". Now just move your mouse cursor to the edge of the screen - the page image will automatically dissolve!

2. Sort bookmarks

We love bookmarks. As a rule, each of us has a lot of "back-breaking" baggage over many years of work in the network. One problem: from time to time they have to be sorted so that the search time desired bookmark remained within reasonable limits. Unfortunately, vertical dimension displays cannot accommodate the entire list of folders and bookmark files, which can make sorting difficult. Luckily you have the Vivaldi browser! Just open your bookmarks in the sidebar and in the tab, and then simply drag the ones you want from one folder to another.

3. Create a bookmark

Yes, this feature is very simple and available to browser users in a variety of ways. But in Vivaldi there is another one, quite convenient. Just open the bookmarks sidebar and drag the page shortcut to the folder you want.

4. Changing the start-up Express panel

In the Vivaldi browser, we have provided the ability to create several Express panels, each of which can contain bookmarks on a specific topic. Unfortunately, we have not yet provided a way to sort these Quick Panels in order to set one of them as the default. But there is a way to solve the problem, and it is quite simple. Just open the sidebar of the bookmarks and arrange the Express panels in the order that suits you, at the same time you can change the Express panel that opens by default.

5. View saved passwords

Today, each of us has several dozen (at least) accounts on a wide variety of sites, and if you do not use the same password for all cases, there will inevitably be a moment when you need to remember it for one of the websites. How do I do this in the Vivaldi browser? Very simple. As you know, our browser is built on the Chromium core, so many functions have come down to us by inheritance. Enter the address in the address bar:

chrome: // settings / passwords

Now you can find the password, even if it was saved a long time ago.

6. YouTube channels in the sidebar

In order to keep the YouTube channel you subscribed to at all times and receive all the latest videos in a timely manner, simply post the channel as a web panel - now new videos will be just a click away.

7. Fast cloning tabs

If you have to clone tabs quite often, then one will help you helpful advice: create a combination for this function shortcuts(if desired, even one-button), after that you no longer have to use the context menu of the tab for these purposes. Try it, it's really handy!

8. Settings like home page

Do you like experimenting with browser settings and want to have them always at hand? Designate as home inner page vivaldi: // settings- now the settings will open when you click on the "Home" button in address bar browser.

9. Quick search tabs

If you have many tabs open, especially from the same website, and you find it difficult to find the one you need, just use the F2 key and start typing the page name or address - in the filtered list you can easily find desired page... Highlight it and press Enter - it's done.

10. Snake gesture

Mouse gestures have already become familiar function in many browsers. They are also in Vivaldi. Moreover, in the test build of the browser, we added the ability to create new gestures for the most different actions... One problem: over time, the number of available comfortable movement the mouse cursor inevitably comes to an end. For such an occasion, Vivaldi has a hidden talent: try zigzag as a gesture.

That's all for now. We remind you to download stable version Vivaldi browser is possible with

The extension you create can be embedded into the browser interface (not like additional extension, but as part of the browser). Sorry for the tautology.

You will need:

  • Knowledge CSS basics, HTML, JS and working with the DOM.
  • If it's scary - you can get by with online directories (like me).
  • Code editor. Whatever your heart desires, preferably with Javasvript highlighting. I am using Sublime Text 3.
  • At least half an hour of free time

Step zero. Cheating

Create a file MyLinks.user.js (be sure to add .user., Otherwise the browser will not understand that this is an extension) in any convenient directory. We open it.

In order to shorten the code, I used a function that simplifies html creation elements from js (link to the source is attached):

Function create (name, attributes) (
var el = document.createElement (name);
if (typeof attributes == "object") (
for (var i in attributes) (
el.setAttribute (i, attributes [i]);
for (var i = 2; i< arguments.length; i++) {
var val = arguments [i];
if (typeof val == "string") (val = document.createTextNode (val));
el.appendChild (val);
return el;

Step one. And the second ... and the third ...
First, we need to create a container (box) in which our links will be stored:

var linkBox = create ("div", (id: "linkBox"));

You can immediately set styles for it, for convenience. I used the method style.cssText: = "width: 180px; position: fixed; top: 100px; right: 0px; z-index: 999; background: #fff; padding: 10px; box-shadow: 0 0 20px 0px # 999; display : flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; text-align: left; ";
var linkVivaldi = create ("a", (href: " B8% D0% B9 "),
"Vivaldi RU Forum");
var habr = create ("a", (href: ""), "Habrahabr");
var vk = create ("a", (href: ""), "Vkontakte")

LinkBox.appendChild (linkVivaldi);
linkBox.appendChild (habr);
linkBox.appendChild (vk);

We put our box, in fact, on the page:

Document.body.appendChild (linkBox);

Add auto-hide of our box by timeout:

LinkBox.onmouseover = function () (
if (document.querySelector ("# linkBox"). style.right == "-180px") (
document.getElementById ("linkBox"). style.right = "0";
setTimeout (5000);
setTimeout (function () (document.getElementById ("linkBox"). style.right = "-180px";), 5000);

Oh yeah, we forgot. Add a blue stripe to the left. Initially, it was conceived as a button, and then it remained just for beauty:

var toggler = create ("span", (id: "boxToggler"), "");
// immediately add it to our box
linkBox.appendChild (toggler);

Styles can be written not only by explicit indication through js (as above).
Many forums say that you can connect your css file from the browser is not possible. Therefore, we will create our file already inside the document. With flexbox and margins.

// Create our own CSS style
var style = document.createElement ("style");

We add styles with the usual innerHTML (do not forget to set += , otherwise each record will erase the previous one):

// decorate the stripe on the left. You can add it via: before
style.innerHTML = "#boxToggler (content:" "; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: -10px; width: 14px; background: cornflowerblue;)";

// decor itself
style.innerHTML + = "#linkBox a (padding: 5px 0 0 5px; line-height: 8px; height: 16px; font-size: 14px;)";
style.innerHTML + = "# linkBox a: hover (background: #ddd; text-decoration: none;)";
style.innerHTML + = "# linkBox span (text-align: center;)";

We have created a file with styles, it remains only to put it in our document, traditionally in<head>:

Document.head.appendChild (style);

Now we save our file. Open the extensions page vivaldi: // extensions /, mark Developer Mode and drag our file directly into the window. A dialog box with permission to install should appear. We agree. We open any site. We enjoy. To add an extension to the main browser functionality, put our file in root directory browser and write the path to it in the browser.html file.

Vivaldi developed by a large development team led by Jon S. von Tetzchner, one of the co-authors old version Opera web browser.

The main idea when creating a new Vivaldi project is to provide fast web browser which will work on weak gland and take into account the individual requirements and desires of Internet users.

The browser is built on Chromium base but it does offer an interface, features and functionality familiar from older versions of the Opera web browser. Among them: when previewing a site when you hover the mouse over a tab; traditional express panel (Speed ​​Dial) with switching between bookmarks and history; download manager as in the old Opera; left panel and notes, as well as many settings to configure the web browser to suit your preferences.

Main features of the Vivaldi browser


You can now securely access data on any computer using account Vivaldi. You can independently choose what data you want to sync: bookmarks, Express panel, saved passwords and autofill data, history, extensions and notes. All synced data, including your passwords, is protected using end-to-end encryption and are never transferred by Vivaldi to third parties. Source designed from the ground up and used for synchronization needs own servers companies.

Quick commands

Making the most of your keyboard? Then you're in luck. Quick Commands allow you to instantly use required settings, history, open tabs, bookmarks and more with one keyboard shortcut. The developers strive to make the Quick Commands customizable, allowing you to add your own commands and run them quickly.


Vivaldi provides the ability to take notes while surfing the web and add screenshots directly to the Notes sidebar. Notes will automatically remember which site you are viewing at that time, allow you to add tags to easily organize your notes, and easy search further.

Express panel

Easy access to all your favorite sites from one express panel window. You can also create multiple shortcuts. Organize your sites based on interests such as sports, news and technology, or in another context such as work, school, etc. You can also add folders to fast access... This is a pretty powerful feature.

Grouping tabs

Too much disorganized open tabs can make it difficult to find the web page you are looking for. Organize your tabs in Vivaldi web browser by grouping multiple tabs under one. Just drag a tab to another for easy grouping.

Modern web technologies

Vivaldi not only has a powerful feature set, but is also built on modern web technologies. The engine is Chromium. Used by JavaScript and React for user interface, with Node.js, Browserify and lots of NPM modules.

Bookmarks bar

Added the ability to change the placement of the panel at the discretion of the user - in the upper or lower part of the browser window. On this moment on the panel, you can spread the contents of any folder from the list of bookmarks, but in the future the possibilities of working with the bookmarks panel will be greatly expanded.

Controlling the display of pictures

The ability to turn off the display of images in whole or in part (leaving the browser the ability to load only images saved in the cache) is still a very fashionable feature of the browser. V this case- the Vivaldi browser, in which we are trying to return users to all their usual features.

Extended support for interface languages

Today, the Vivaldi browser can speak over 35 languages, including even exotic ones like Ido. It is also worth noting that the number available languages includes those that are not supported in other browsers. This, for example, Belarusian, Galician, Armenian, Macedonian, Icelandic - in total so far we offer 8 languages ​​only available in Vivaldi.

What program is the main working tool of a translator? Perhaps it's not a "cat" after all, but a browser. Professional translations can be done without a CAT-environment (although it is inconvenient), but it is difficult to work without a browser. Today I want to talk about a new, increasingly popular browser.

Someone may ask why change the browser at all, because Chrome / Firefox / Internet Explorer are already working well. Alas, all browsers sooner or later “grow fat” and become slow and inconvenient: this was the case with Firefox and Opera. In 2015, Jon von Tetzner, one of the founders of Opera, along with some of the developers left the company and founded Vivaldi Technologies. A year later, they released Vivaldi, marketed as Browser for our friends: in contrast to mainstream browsers, Vivaldi aims to give users the most ample opportunities settings.

The developers do not reinvent the entire bike from scratch: Vivaldi is based on the Chromium (Blink) engine used in Google chrome, Yandex Browser and other compatible browsers. This is perfectly reasonable: Blink now is probably best engine and a small development team can concentrate on the interface without worrying about page rendering. It also makes Vivaldi compatible with most Chrome extensions.

Since the interface is declared as main feature Vivaldi, let's take a closer look at it. Many chrome-like browsers have a similar interface, while Vivaldi has a fundamentally different one, written from scratch in HTML: the Blink engine is used not only for web pages, but also for displaying the browser itself. This means that the user can apply own style CSS or JavaScript for any interface element. Want to make your address bar purple? Want to display panels only when you hover over them? Do you want the window close button to look like a zero, not a cross? All this is possible.

The most noticeable (and very important for me personally) feature is a separate search bar to the right of address bar... It is very convenient to separate address entry and search: none of the "chrome-like" browsers I know of has this.

Some of the elements are borrowed from the old "Opera", including the sidebar and the status bar. Side panel worthy detailed description: it contains the bookmark and download manager by default, and the user can attach any site to it (the width of the panel is configured for each site separately). You can, for example, watch Youtube with a peripheral vision, and it is extremely convenient to keep open dictionaries in the sidebar:

Vivaldi has built-in support for notes. On any page, you can select text, click on it right click mouse and select Add selection as new note... You can also create notes manually in the note manager, and later the text of any note can be inserted into any field that supports text insertion.

I like to open many tabs so that the page titles are no longer visible on them. To show all tabs in a list, you need to install the extension in Chrome, and in Vivaldi there is a separate menu item and a convenient F2 key for this. There is also built-in session management: you can save the list of open tabs as a session, and then quickly restore one of the previous sessions - again, in other browsers this requires extensions.

Finally, one more little thing - not critical for work, but showing the attitude of developers to users. The Blink engine supports unloading tabs from memory. In "Vivaldi" for this you need to click on the tab and in context menu select Hibernate Background Tabs: the browser will free up a little (or a lot) random access memory... For comparison, try to find this function in Chrome, because the engine is the same.

Of course, I have listed far from all the functions and not all that distinguish Vivaldi from competitors. These are just examples showing the philosophy of the developers: do not "simplify" and "modernize" the program, but leave its customization at the mercy of users.

Summary: promising browser for those who care what to use. Try it too!

A plugin is a kind of module that is installed to the main application. Its role in the network can hardly be overestimated.

Thanks to him, the application acquires additional options and features that make work easier, safer, or more flexible.

Even if you do not understand what the word "plugin" means when working with computer devices, you still have at least one add-on in use. But usually there are many more of them in devices.

Plugins can be both useful and unnecessary. Among them there are even those who can become potential threat not only for your Vivaldi browser, but for your computer in general. These are viral add-ons.

Do I need and how to load plugins in Vivaldi?

To make it easier for their users to work with the browser, the developers have built several plugins themselves, which will make your work faster and expand your capabilities.

If you wish, it is possible and self-installation plugins. To do this, you need to go to "Settings", find the "Add-ons" or "Extensions" section, after which a list of plugins that need to be downloaded to work will appear.

One of the most useful plugins for Vivaldi, Edblock is a program to get rid of advertisements and spam. You can also download other similar extensions that are capable of working in browsers with the Chromium engine.

Why do you need browser plugins at all?

Vivaldi is one of the most modern browsers... Despite his youth, the quality of his work never ceases to amaze.

This is justified by the developers. After all, the developers of the famous Opera are engaged in the creation and development of the application.

Latest features, convenient settings, parameters and possibilities for working in the network, fast loading pages, adding bookmarks, importing all data from one browser to another - all this and much more is possible with Vivaldi. However, only these qualities and settings are not enough for convenient use of the application. It's not just Vivaldi himself, all browsers need help additional programs and plugins.

The browser itself cannot contain at once everything that is needed for a comfortable fast work what users would like to have in their application. This is not required of him.

Why Vivaldi and other browsers do not release products with all the necessary options, so that users do not need to install additional plugins:

  • Creation price and further development such an application would be too high, so that purchase would be unavailable for regular customers.
  • The larger the size of the program, the more bugs it will contain. Conduct full check and testing such a product would take too long or even fail. So working with the browser would show a lot of errors.
  • If the program is too a large number of icons and settings, it will be extremely difficult to understand how the application works. Search desired function or customization will take a long time.

These points have caused the need for plugins and extensions.